
# inspired by
# many changes

Function Convert-ARGBToHex {
    Converts an ARGB color string to hex equivalent
    Converts an ARGB color string to hex equivalent. Input should be in the form 'A,R,G,B'
    An ARGB color string in the form '#,#,#,#' where each number is between 0 and 255.
.PARAMETER IncludeHash
    A switch indicating whether hex string should be preceded by a hash symbol #.
.PARAMETER IncludeOriginal
    A switch indicating whether to include the original decimal ARGB input in the output
    Part of the ISEColorThemeCmdlets.ps1 Script by Jeff Pollock
    a) Changed name of parameter to ARGB
    b) Added -IncludeHash parameter to make # optional.
    c) Minor tweaking so that it passes Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer
    d) Added parameter validation on ARGB.
    e) Added .LINK entries for related items
    Convert-ARGBToHex -ARGB '255,128,64,32'
    Would return
    Convert-ARGBToHex -ARGB '255,255,0,0' -IncludeHash
    Would return
    convert-argbtohex '255,64,128,255' -IncludeHash
    Would return
    '255,128,128,92' | convert-argbtohex
    Would return
    Convert-ARGBToHex -ARGB @('255,0,0','255,128,80,80') -IncludeHash -IncludeOriginal
    Would return
    DecimalARGB HexARGB
    ----------- -------
    0,255,0,0 #00FF0000
    255,128,80,80 #FF805050

    #region Parameters
    [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'None')]
        [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [string[]] $ARGB,

        [switch] $IncludeHash,

        [switch] $IncludeOriginal
    #endregion Parameters

    begin {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Starting $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"

    process {
        foreach ($currentARGB in $ARGB) {
            Write-Verbose -Message "`$ARGB = [$currentARGB]"
            $currentARGB = $currentARGB -replace ' ', ''
            if ( $currentARGB -match '^\d{1,3}\,\d{1,3}\,\d{1,3}\,\d{1,3}$') {
            } else {
                if ( $currentARGB -match '^\d{1,3}\,\d{1,3}\,\d{1,3}$') {
                    $currentARGB = "0,$currentARGB"
                } else {
                    throw "You must provide an ARGB string value in the form '#,#,#,#' where each number is between 0 and 255"
            Write-Verbose -Message "`$ARGB = [$currentARGB]"
            #-separate the ARGB values
            $var_ARGB = $currentARGB.split(',')

            #-Convert values to Hex
            $var_A = '{0:X2}' -f ([int] $var_ARGB[0])
            $var_R = '{0:X2}' -f ([int] $var_ARGB[1])
            $var_G = '{0:X2}' -f ([int] $var_ARGB[2])
            $var_B = '{0:X2}' -f ([int] $var_ARGB[3])

            #-Output concatenated hex value
            if ($IncludeHash) {
                $ReturnVal = "#$var_A$var_R$var_G$var_B"
            } else {
                $ReturnVal = "$var_A$var_R$var_G$var_B"

            if ($IncludeOriginal) {
                New-Object -TypeName 'psobject' -Property @{
                    DecimalARGB = $currentARGB
                    HexARGB     = $ReturnVal
            } else {

    end {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Ending $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"

} #EndFunction Convert-ARGBToHex