
function Expand-Tab {
        To expand tab characters to spaces
        To expand tab characters to spaces. Default TabWidth is 8
        Get-Content t1.ps1 | Expand-Tab | Out-File t2.ps1
        This command will get the contents of the t1.ps1 file, expand each tab to eight
        spaces, and save the "de-tabbed" contents in a file named t2.ps1. If the default
        tab width of eight spaces is too wide, you can specify a different tab width.
        Get-Content t1.txt | Expand-Tab 2 | Out-File t2.txt
        To expand tabs at a width of 2 characters.
        Inspired by:
        * cleaned up formatting
        * added parameter flags
        * added cmdletbinding to make advanced function
        * added begin and end blocks
        * added foreach in process block
        * added write-verbose statements
        From the blog post:
        The tab character has a long history in computing. Tabs were introduced in
        typewriters, where typists could specify one or more tab stops on the page.
        Pressing the Tab key would advance the carriage to the next tab stop. In ASCII
        code on computers, character 9 is designated as the tab. When displaying a tab
        character in a teletype-like display (e.g., UNIX terminal, Windows console
        program), the computer will advance the cursor to the next column that's a
        multiple of eight, where the count starts at column 0. For example, if the
        cursor is in any column from column 0 through column 7, a tab will advance the
        cursor to column 8 (which is really the ninth column because the computer is
        counting from column 0).
        Tab characters are also used in other ways in computers. For example, various
        database and spreadsheet tools let you output data in tab-separated values (TSV)
        format, where tab characters separate the data items in each row. In addition,
        scripters and programmers have long debated amongst themselves about whether
        they should indent code using tabs or spaces. Both techniques have their
        advantages, but one thing is for sure: You can't tell whether a file contains
        spaces or tab characters using the Cmd.exe Type command, the Windows PowerShell
        Get-Content cmdlet, or Notepad because the tabs will appear as spaces.
        To prevent confusion, it's often helpful to "de-tab" the contents of a file-that
        is, expand the tabs to the correct number of spaces. I like to do this for text
        files in which the tab characters are used for indenting, such as scripts, XML
        files, and HTML files. Although the program in Windows can expand tabs
        to spaces, I created a native PowerShell function named Expand-Tab to perform
        this task so that I could take better advantage of PowerShell's pipeline.
        For each line of input it receives, the function uses a regular expression to
        output the line with the tab characters replaced by the appropriate number of
        spaces. You can even specify the number of spaces you want to use for each
        indent (8 by default) or 0 if you want to remove the tab characters altogether.
        Let's take a look at how this works.
        The Expand-Tab function uses a process script block to do something to each line
        of input it receives. First, the function assigns the variable $line to each
        input line (i.e., $_). Then, it uses a while loop that repeats until the input
        line doesn't contain any tab characters. The $i variable contains the position
        in the string where the tab character occurs. If $i is -1 (i.e., no tab
        character), the function uses the break statement to exit from the while loop.
        Next, the function checks whether $TabWidth is greater than 0. If it is, the
        function creates a string, $pad, that contains the needed number of spaces using
        PowerShell's * operator. In PowerShell, string * n means "output string
        concatenated n times," so $pad will contain $TabWidth - ($i % $TabWidth) spaces.
        If $TabWidth is 0, $pad is set to "" (i.e., an empty string).
        Finally, the function uses the -replace operator, which uses a regular
        expression to output a copy of $line with the tab characters replaced by $pad
        (i.e., the calculated number of spaces). Table 1 explains the components of the
        regular expression.
        Pattern Meaning
        ^ Find beginning of string
        ([^\t]{$i}) Not a tab character, $i times; ( ) = first group (i.e., $1 in the
                    replacement string)
        \t A tab character
        (.*) Any character, 0 or more times; ( ) = second group (i.e., $2 in the
                    replacement string)
        $ Find end of string
        `$1 Replace with first group*
        $pad Replace with calculated number of spaces
        `$2 Replace with second group*
        * The backtick (`) character is needed in the replacement expression to prevent
        PowerShell from interpreting $1 or $2 as a variable name.

        [UInt32] $TabWidth = 8,

        [string[]] $InputString

    begin {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Starting $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"
        Write-Verbose -Message "TabWidth is [$TabWidth]"

    process {
        foreach ($line in $InputString) {
            # $line = $_
            while ( $TRUE ) {
                $i = $line.IndexOf([Char] 9)
                if ( $i -eq -1 ) {
                if ( $TabWidth -gt 0 ) {
                    $pad = " " * ($TabWidth - ($i % $TabWidth))
                } else {
                    $pad = ""
                $line = $line -replace "^([^\t]{$i})\t(.*)$", "`$1$pad`$2"


    end {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Ending $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"