
# inspired by
# changed logic for testing if file exists

Function Test-IsFileLocked {
    Determine if a file is locked.
    Determine if a file is locked. Wildcards are acceptable in the path and are
    resolved to all files that match the pattern.
    A string or array of strings representing a path to a file. Can accept from the pipeline.
    Test-IsFileLocked -Path c:\temp\*.csv
    File IsLocked
    ---- --------
    C:\temp\Encoding Time.csv False
    C:\temp\Test.csv False
    Test-IsFileLocked -Path .
    Test-IsFileLocked : ERROR: Path [.] is a folder
    Test-IsFileLocked -Path .\FileDoesNotExist
    Test-IsFileLocked : ERROR: Path [.\FileDoesNotExist] does not exist

    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Please enter a path to a file',ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

    Process {
        ForEach ($Item in $Path) {
            if (Test-Path $Item) {
                if (Test-Path $Item -Pathtype Container) {
                    Write-Error "ERROR: Path [$Item] is a folder"
                } else {
                    $Files = Convert-Path -Path $Item
                    foreach ($File in $Files) {
                        Try {
                            $FileStream = [System.IO.File]::Open($File,'Open','Write')
                            $IsLocked = $False
                        } Catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] {
                            $IsLocked = 'AccessDenied'
                        } Catch {
                            $IsLocked = $True
                            File = $File
                            IsLocked = $IsLocked
            } else {
                Write-Error -Message "ERROR: Path [$Item] does not exist"