
function Get-InvalidFileCharacter {
    Gets invalid filename characters
    Gets invalid filename characters. Function aliased to 'Show-InvalidFileCharacter'
    for backward compatibility.
.PARAMETER IncludeValues
    Switch indicating that decimal and hexadecimal representations of characters are to be included in output
.PARAMETER Printable
    Switch indicating that only printable characters are to be in the output
    Get-InvalidFileCharacter -Printable
    Would return
    Get-InvalidFileCharacter -Printable -IncludeValues
    Would return
    Char Dec Hex
    ---- --- ---
       " 34 22
       < 60 3c
       > 62 3e
       | 124 7c
       : 58 3a
       * 42 2a
       ? 63 3f
       \ 92 5c
       / 47 2f

    Param (
        [switch] $IncludeValues,

        [switch] $Printable

    begin {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Starting [$($MyInvocation.Mycommand)]"

    process {
        $Invalid = [System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars() | Select-Object @{Name='Char';Expr={$_.ToString()}},
            @{Name='Dec';Expr={[int][char] $_}},
            @{Name='Hex';Expr={'{0:x}' -f ([int][char] $_)}}
        if ($Printable) {
            $Invalid = $Invalid | Where-Object {$_.Dec -gt 32}
        if ($IncludeValues) {
            Write-Output -InputObject $Invalid
        } else {
            Write-Output -InputObject $Invalid.Char

    end {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Ending [$($MyInvocation.Mycommand)]"

# for backward compatibility
Set-Alias -Name 'Show-InvalidFileCharacter' -Value 'Get-InvalidFileCharacter' -Description 'Alias for Get-InvalidFileCharacter for backward compatibility'