
### 2.2.2
* Changed to SemVer versioning, 3 positions Major#.Minor#.Build#
* added Convert-Int32ToUint32 to aid in converting 32 bitmasks which are interpreted as negative int32 numbers, returned from things like (Get-Acl -Path $pwd).Access.FileSystemRights
* added Format-ReverseToken to take a tokenized string like '' and convert it to ''
* added Invoke-CountdownTimer to implement a count down timer. Accurate to within 1-2 seconds
* added New-InputBoxSecureString which will prompt for value and return a secure string. Can optionally verify input, and specify labels for input box(es)
* renamed Get-FolderName from Get-Folder to not conflict with Vmware module. Aliased to Get-Folder for backward compatibility
* renamed Get-SaveFileName from Get-SaveFile to be more consistent across file/folder functions. Aliased to Get-SaveFile for backward compatibility
* updated Convert-RGBToHex to better handle color specifications
* updated ConvertTo-DateTime because of logic error in handling Unix datetime strings
* updated Get-BashPath to include switch so as to not resolve path to existing path on the system
* updated Get-FileWithLeadingSpace to just produce the fullname of the files
* updated Get-Fortune and added -Speak switch
* updated Get-NTFSPermission to use Convert-Int32ToUint32 for certain filesystem rights, like -1610612736 corresponds to GenericExecute,GenericRead and previously the negative number would throw an error as it is really a 32 bitmask and not an int32
* updated Test-Port so that the results are given in the Process block and not wait until the End block
* updated PoshFunctions.psd1 to explicitly enumerate AliasesToExport
* tested all functions work properly in both PowerShell 5.1 and 7.1.2
* updated all *.ps* to pass Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer without throwing RuleViolation. The only one I could NOT fix is function Union-Object. If you wish this error to not affect you then I would suggest that when you import the module you include the -DisableNameChecking parameter
* updated scripts to attempt to explicit and fully name all parameters and all functions and parameters match the case as found in official Microsoft documentation
* made GitHub repository viewable to the public and updated PoshFunctions.psd1 to reflect the GitHub repository
* added Convert-HexToRGB - accepts HEX strings with or without # prefix, has -IncludeInput parameter which will list not only the RGBString but also Red, Green, Blue values, changed to allow for pipeline input and multiple hex strings
* added Convert-RGBToHex - can either accept RGB strings or explicitly specified -Red -Green -Blue parameters, has -IncludeInput and -Prefix parameters
* added ConvertFrom-Binary
* added ConvertFrom-Hex
* added ConvertTo-Binary
* added ConvertTo-Hex
* added Format-TitleCase - which will capitalize the first letter of each word in a string. Optionally can convert to lowercase first, then title case it.
* added Get-Address - will get address given specified latitude and longitude coordinates. Requires active internet connection. External site is throttled so don't make too many calls in short period of time.
* added Get-GeoCode - will get latitude and longitude coordinates for specified address. Requires active internet connection. External site is throttled so don't make too many calls in short period of time.
* added Get-LastDayInMonth
* added Get-LongName - get the longname of a passed shortname (8.3) of a file/folder. Will expand relatively named files to explicitly defined files '.\test.txt' to 'c:\temp\test.txt'
* added Get-ShortName - get the shortname (8.3) of the passed file/folder. Will expand relatively named files to explicitly defined files '.\test.txt' to 'c:\temp\test.txt'
* added New-RandomPassword - can specify minimum and maximum password lengths, whether to avoid similar characters or limit the alphabetic characters to short English words
* added Out-PrinterPDF - prints specified PDF files to the current default printer
* added Test-Network - wrapper for Get-IpRange, Test-ConnectionAsync, and Get-DNSHostEntryAsync to give summary table of ip addresses that either resolve to a host name or respond to a ping
* added Test-Password - can either check against local computer or domain. can pass either credential or username / password (as securestring)
* removed Convert-ARGBToHex - I didn't use any colors with the A attribute, and the function didn't provide flexibility in output
* removed Convert-HexToARGB - I didn't use any colors with the A attribute, and the function didn't provide flexibility in output
* removed ConvertTo-Markdown - does not function as expected and I never use this function
* removed ConvertTo-PlainText - better to use Convert-SecureStringToString
* removed ConvertTo-SecureText
* removed Get-OperatingSystemSKU - never use this function
* removed Get-PoshFunctionsPrivateData - can get the same information by: (Get-Module PoshFunctions).PrivateData
* removed Get-Share - use the Get-SMBShare command from SmbShare module
* removed Get-SharePermission - use GetSMBShareAccess command from SmbShare module
* removed Get-ShareStat
* removed Help - relied on external tool less.exe which is a port of a Linux tool that is a paginated where you can go forward or backward
* removed Remove-BOMFromFile - can get functionality by using Notepad++
* removed Remove-InvalidFileNameChar - not needed can code around it with Get-InvalidFileCharacter
* removed Search-Method - really didn't work
* renamed Get-InvalidFileCharacter from Show-InvalidFileCharacter - added -IncludeValues where decimal and hexadecimal values are included in output, added -Printable where only printable characters (> 32) are in the output, added examples, added alias for function 'Show-InvalidFileCharacter', changed datatype of 'Char' from [char] to [string]
* renamed Get-SpecialFolder from Show-SpecialFolder - reworked Show-SpecialFolder, added -Name parameter with ValidateSet against it for valid SpecialFolder names and if not specified returns all SpecialFolders, added -IncludeInput to be consistent with other functions, aliased function to 'Show-SpecialFolder' for backward compatibility
* renamed Get-TypeAccelerator from Show-TypeAccelerator - added -MatchString string parameter to show only those that match, here string entries for some type accelerators that don't show up automatically, added $split delimiter depending on Powershell major version number
* renamed Get-ComputerUptime from Get-LastReboot - made function more closely mimic Get-Uptime from PowerShell 6 and 7, aliased to Get-LastReboot
* udpated Set-Type - added begin, process, end blocks, updated logic to properly accept input from pipeline and to be handled by both pwsh and Powershell
* updated Compare-ObjectProperty - updated comment help to give better .EXAMPLE
* updated Convert-ARGBToHex - changed -IncludeOriginal to -IncludeInput to be consistent
* updated Convert-ROT13 - added -IncludeInput parameter, added examples
* updated Convert-UserFlag - changed -UserFlag to [int[]], added -IncludeInput to be consistent
* updated ConvertFrom-Base64 - added -IncludeInput
* updated ConvertFrom-DateTime - changed -DateTime parameter to -Date to be more PowerShell-y
* updated ConvertFrom-UTC - added -IncludeInput
* updated ConvertFrom-UrlEncode - changed -IncludeOriginal to -IncludeInput to be consistent aliased to 'IncludeOriginal', fixed minor logic error
* updated ConvertTo-Base64 - added -IncludeInput
* updated ConvertTo-BinaryIPv4 - changed -IncludeOriginal to -IncludeInput to be consistent
* updated ConvertTo-Bool - changed -IncludeOriginal to -IncludeInput to be consistent
* updated ConvertTo-DateTime - changed -IncludeOriginal to -IncludeInput for consistency, aliased to 'IncludeOriginal'
* updated ConvertTo-DecimalIPv4 - added code to handle multiple addresses to be converted, added -IncludeInput, added example
* updated ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIPv4 - added code to handle multiple addresses to be converted, added -IncludeInput, added example
* updated ConvertTo-UncPath - added -IncludeInput, additional example
* updated ConvertTo-UrlEncode - changed -IncludeOriginal to -IncludeInput to be consistent and aliased to 'IncludeOriginal'
* updated Expand-IPv6 - added code to handle multiple addresses to be expanded, added -IncludeInput
* updated Expand-String - changed -IncludeOriginal to -IncludeInput to be consistent aliased to 'IncludeOriginal', added to comment help
* updated Format-MacAddress - change $prop from [hashtable] to ([ordered] [hashtable]) so behavior is consistent between PowerShell.exe and pwsh.exe
* updated Format-RandomCase - added -IncludeInput, renamed some variables inside of function, added example
* updated Get-BashPath - added example in comment help, changed New-Object parameter to match form "-Propery ([ordered] @{...})" so that output matches between PowerShell and pwsh, changed -IncludeOriginal to -IncludeInput to be consistent
* updated Get-ComputerSite - change -IncludeComputerName to -IncludeInput to be consistent
* updated Get-Enum - changed -IncludeType to -IncludeInput aliased to 'IncludeType' fixed minor logic error
* updated Get-Filename - added begin, process, end blocks, added Write-Verbose
* updated Get-Folder - added begin, process, end blocks, added Write-Verbose
* updated Get-Font - added begin, process, end blocks. tightened up code in process block and slightly changed internal variable name
* updated Get-Fortune - added Wisdom.txt to module and default -Path to this file
* updated Get-IpRange - changed -Subnets to -Subnet to conform to Powershell standards, aliased to 'Subnets'
* updated Get-MacVendor - added write-verbose, updated comment help, removed redundant portion of regex
* updated Get-MachineType - added example, changed -ComputerName to [string[]] and added code to handle multiple
* updated Get-Md5Sum - changed -IncludeFile to -IncludeInput to be consistent and aliased to 'IncludeFile', changed -File to -Path to be more Powershell-y and aliased to 'File', 'FileName'
* updated Get-NTFSPermission - changed $Path from [string] to [string[]] and function can now handle multiple paths
* updated Get-Power - added -IncludeInput
* updated Get-RandomDate - added some examples in comment help, -IncludeInput parameter
* updated Get-RandomHexDigit - added begin, process, end blocks, updated comment help
* updated Get-SID - changed -IncludeOriginal to -IncludeInput to be consistent and aliased to 'IncludeOriginal'
* updated Get-SaveFile - changed -InitialDirectory to -Path and aliased to 'InitialDirectory'
* updated Get-SubnetMaskIPv4 - changed -NetworkLength to -Length and aliased to old name, changed -IncludeCIDR to -IncludeInput to be more consistent, changed field name with -IncludeInput
* updated Get-TruncatedDate - changed -IncludeOriginal to -IncludeInput and aliased to 'IncludeOriginal'
* updated Get-Type - added begin, process, end blocks and write-verbose
* updated Get-WordCount - updated comment help to more accurately reflect function
* updated New-InputBox - added write-verbose statements
* updated New-Popup - added example in help
* updated New-Screenshot - added begin, process, end blocks, added write-verbose
* updated New-Shortcut - fixed logic errors that prevented proper functioning
* updated Resolve-FQDN - added -IncludeInput, changed -ComputerName to [string[]]
* updated Resolve-HostName - changed -HostName to [string[]], added -IncludeInput, added example
* updated Set-Display - corrected example in comment help, corrected example works flawlessly
* updated Show-FileAttribute - added examples
* updated Test-IsDate - changed New-Object parameter to match form "-Propery ([ordered] @{...})" so that output matches between PowerShell and pwsh
* updated Test-IsHexString - added .PARAMETER statements to comment help
* updated Test-IsNumeric - changed New-Object parameter to match form "-Propery ([ordered] @{...})" so that output matches between PowerShell and pwsh
* updated Test-NTPDateVsNow - added -IncludeInput parameter, -ComputerName no longer mandatory and if left blank uses Get-ADDomainController to determine name of DC, added example
* updated sed - added process blocks and Write-Verbose
* added Release Notes
* added Get-DiceRoll
* added Get-NetworkCredential
* added New-Credential
* added PoshFunctions.png
* added PoshFunctions.xcf
* added ReadMe.html
* added Test-IsNull
* updated Format-RandomCase
* updated Get-PoshFunctionsPrivateData
* updated PoshFunctions.psd1
* updated
### - Published 9 February 2021
* added Compare-PSGalleryObject
* added Get-PoshFunctionsPrivateData
* added Get-WordList
* added Start-ADReplication
* added Write-StringArray
* added Write-TextMenu - copied from my PSGallery script New-TextMenu
* renamed Words.txt to WordList.txt
* updated Convert-ROT13
* updated ConvertFrom-DateTime
* updated ConvertTo-DateTime
* updated Format-WrapText
* updated Get-DNSHostEntryAsync
* updated Resolve-FQDN
* updated Test-ConnectionAsync
### - Published 16 December 2020
* added Words.txt - list of English words
* added Expand-IPv6
* added Format-RandomCase
* added Get-PrintableAscii
* added Invoke-Beep
* added Measure-Char
* added Test-IsValidIPv6
* updated Convert-ROT13
* updated ConvertTo-DecimalIPv4
* updated ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIPv4
* updated ConvertTo-SecureText
* updated Get-DNSHostEntryAsync
* updated Get-SubnetMaskIPv4
* updated Set-PrivateProfileComment
* updated Show-SubnetMaskIPv4
* updated Test-IsValidIPv4
* added Docs folder filled with .md files
* added Docs\HTML folder
* updated PSGetModuleInfo.xml
* updated PoshFunctions.psd1
* updated
* added Compare-ObjectProperty, Convert-ARGBToHex, Convert-HexToARGB,
    Convert-ObjectToHashtable, Convert-ROT13, Convert-SecureStringToString,
    Convert-UserFlag, ConvertFrom-Base64, ConvertFrom-DateTime,
    ConvertFrom-FsRight, ConvertFrom-UrlEncode, ConvertFrom-UTC,
    ConvertFrom-Xml, ConvertTo-Base64, ConvertTo-BinaryIPv4, ConvertTo-Bool,
    ConvertTo-DateTime, ConvertTo-DecimalIPv4, ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIPv4,
    ConvertTo-Markdown, ConvertTo-OrderedDictionary, ConvertTo-PlainText,
    ConvertTo-SecureText, ConvertTo-UncPath, ConvertTo-UrlEncode, ConvertTo-UTC,
    Copy-Object, Eexit, Expand-String, Expand-Tab, Export-CSVSortedColumn,
    FileSizeAbove, FileSizeBelow, Format-MacAddress, Format-ReverseString,
    Format-SortedList, Format-WrapText, Get-BashPath, Get-BinaryType,
    Get-ComputerSite, Get-DNSHostEntryAsync, Get-DriveStat, Get-Enum,
    Get-ExecutableForFile, Get-FileEncoding, Get-FileName,
    Get-FileWithLeadingSpace, Get-Folder, Get-Font, Get-Fortune,
    Get-InstalledModuleVersion, Get-IpRange, Get-LastReboot, Get-MachineType,
    Get-MacVendor, Get-Magic8Ball, Get-Md5Sum, Get-NTFSPermission, Get-NtpDate,
    Get-OperatingSystemSKU, Get-Power, Get-PrivateProfileComment,
    Get-PrivateProfileSection, Get-PrivateProfileSectionNames,
    Get-PrivateProfileString, Get-PSWho, Get-RandomDate, Get-RandomHexDigit,
    Get-RandomMacAddress, Get-RegExpandString, Get-RegistryValue, Get-Round,
    Get-SaveFile, Get-Share, Get-SharePermission, Get-ShareStat, Get-Shortcut,
    Get-SID, Get-StaticProperty, Get-SubnetMaskIPv4, Get-TruncatedDate, Get-Type,
    Get-UrlContent, Get-WordCount, grep, Help, Invoke-Speak, Join-Object,
    Lock-Workstation, mklink, Move-ToRecycleBin, New-InputBox, New-Popup,
    New-QR, New-Screenshot, New-Shortcut, Read-HostWithDefault,
    Remove-BlankOrComment, Remove-BOMFromFile, Remove-EmptyProperty,
    Remove-InvalidFileNameChar, Remove-QuotesFromCsv, Remove-Trailing,
    Reset-Desktop, Resolve-FQDN, Resolve-HostName, Search-Method, sed,
    Set-Capslock, Set-Display, Set-Numlock, Set-PrivateProfileComment,
    Set-PrivateProfileString, Set-Scrolllock, Set-Speaker, Set-Type,
    Set-WindowStyle, Show-AllColor, Show-Calendar, Show-Color,
    Show-ColorsWithBackground, Show-DaysOfWeek, Show-FileAttribute,
    Show-FsRight, Show-InvalidFileCharacter, Show-Month, Show-NamedColor,
    Show-Object, Show-Progress, Show-ShortDaysOfWeek, Show-ShortMonth,
    Show-SpecialFolder, Show-SubnetMaskIPv4, Show-Timezone, Show-TypeAccelerator,
    Start-RecordSession, Stop-RecordSession, Switch-Mute, Test-ConnectionAsync,
    Test-IsAdmin, Test-IsCapsLock, Test-IsDate, Test-IsFileLocked,
    Test-IsHexString, Test-IsNumeric, Test-IsNumLock, Test-IsScrollLock,
    Test-IsValidEmailAddress, Test-IsValidIPv4, Test-NtpDateVsNow, Test-Port,
    Union-Object, Update-ExplorerIcon