
function Get-WordList {
    Returns a list of over 38,000 words.
    Returns a list of over 38,000 words.
    Originally taken from a Linux distribution and original file name was linuxwords
    Over 38,000 words appear in the file WordList.txt found in the installation folder of this module.
    # Desire to get a list the First 2 palindromes
    Get-WordList | Where-Object { $_ -eq (format-reversestring $_)} | Select-Object -First 2 | Tee-Object -Variable Palindrome
    Would return
    # Desire to get the longest word in the wordlist
    Get-WordList | Select-Object @{Name='Word';Expr={$_}}, @{Name='WordLength';Expr={$_.Length}} | Sort WordLength -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
    Word WordLength
    ---- ----------
    antidisestablishmentarianism 28
    # Desire to get a count of words by length
    Get-WordList | Select-Object @{Name='Word';Expr={$_}}, @{Name='Len';Expr={$_.Length}} | Group-Object Len |
        Select-Object Name, Count | Select-Object @{Name='WordLength';Expr={([int] $_.Name)}}, Count | Sort-Object WordLength
    WordLength Count
    ---------- -----
             2 39
             3 437
             4 1785
             5 3264
             6 4962
             7 6126
             8 6020
             9 5287
            10 4115
            11 2826
            12 1759
            13 1070
            14 507
            15 251
            16 88
            17 53
            18 21
            19 3
            20 2
            21 1
            22 1
            28 1

    #region Parameter
    #endregion Parameter

    begin {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Starting [$($MyInvocation.Mycommand)]"

    process {

    end {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Ending [$($MyInvocation.Mycommand)]"