
Function Get-GmapPlaceNearby
        This function finds places that are nearby the specified $Latitude and $Longitude within the search $Radius
        This function finds places that are nearby the specified $Latitude and $Longitude within the search $Radius.
        Uses the Google API Places API.
        Get-GmapGeoCode -Address "123 Main St, New York, NY" | Get-GmapPlaceNearby -Radius 15
        This first runs the Get-GmapGeoCode on an address and the object returned will have a Latitude and Longitude property.
        That object is then piped to this function, which finds places within 15 meters.
        $CruiseNearby = Get-GmapGeoCode -Address "123 Main St, New York, NY" | Get-GmapPlaceNearby -Radius 100 -options '{"keyword":"cruise"}' -Verbose
        This first runs the Get-GmapGeoCode on an address and the object returned will have a Latitude and Longitude property.
        That object is then piped to this function, which finds places within 100 meters that match the keyword cruise.
        Requires an active Google Place API Key. This key should be set to the moduel variable `$GPlacesApiKey.
        Refer to

        $Location = "$($Latitude),$($Longitude)"
        Write-Verbose "Using location of $Location"
            $url = $BaseUri + 'place/nearbysearch/json?location=' + $Location + '&' + 'radius=' + $Radius + '&' + $(New-GmapQuery -ApiKey $GPlacesApiKey -options $options)
            $url = $BaseUri + 'place/nearbysearch/json?location=' + $Location + '&' + 'radius=' + $Radius + $(New-GmapQuery -ApiKey $GPlacesApiKey)
        Write-Verbose "Sending Url of $url"        
        $Results = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url # Refer to here for more info about returned properties
        If($Results.status -eq 'OK')
            $Results = $Results.results # get the results from json data returned from Google API
            $Results | Format-GmapPlaceNearby  # send it to function which adds ScriptProperties and ScriptMethods, sets Default Display Set
            Write-Warning "Did not get succcessful return from Google API"