
Function Get-GmapReverseGeoCode
        This function gets address information from either $Latitude and $Longitude or froma $place_id.
        This function gets address information from either $Latitude and $Longitude or froma $place_id.
        Uses the Google Places API.
        Get-GmapReverseGeoCode -place_id 'ChIJbb_okw9gwokRIboIwTqNnj4'
        This will get address information from the place_id ChIJbb_okw9gwokRIboIwTqNnj4 which is the Location
        found in the example for Get-GmapPlaceNearby using the keyword cruise.
        Get-GmapReverseGeoCode -Latitude '-33.8670522' -Longitude '151.1957362'
        This will get address information about a point in Syndey, Australia.
        Requires an active Google Place API Key. This key should be set to the moduel variable `$GPlacesApiKey.
        Refer to

        ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName="Location")]            
        ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName="Location")]            
        ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName="PlaceID")]            
        If($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Location")
            $Location = "$($Latitude),$($Longitude)"
                $url = $BaseUri + 'geocode/json?latlng=' + $Location + '&' + $(New-GmapQuery -ApiKey $GGeoCodeApiKey -options $options)
                $url = $BaseUri + 'geocode/json?latlng=' + $Location + $(New-GmapQuery -ApiKey $GGeoCodeApiKey)
            Write-Verbose "Sending Url of $url"        
            $Results = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url # Refer to for info about properties returned
            If($Results.status -eq 'OK')
                $Results = $Results.results # get the results from json data returned from Google API
                $Results | Format-GmapGeoResult # send it to function which adds ScriptProperties and ScriptMethods, sets Default Display Set
                Write-Warning "Did not get succcessful return from Google Geocode API endpoint" 
        elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "PlaceID") 
                $url = $BaseUri + 'geocode/json?place_id=' + $place_id + '&' + $(New-GmapQuery -ApiKey $GGeoCodeApiKey -options $options)
                $url = $BaseUri + 'geocode/json?place_id=' + $place_id + $(New-GmapQuery -ApiKey $GGeoCodeApiKey)
            Write-Verbose "Sending Url of $url"        
            $Results = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url # Refer to for info about properties returned
            If($Results.status -eq 'OK')
                $Results = $Results.results # get the results from json data returned from Google API
                # $Results
                $Results | Format-GmapGeoResult # send it to function which adds ScriptProperties and ScriptMethods, sets Default Display Set
                Write-Warning "Did not get succcessful return from Google Geocode API endpoint" 