
   Short description
   Long description
   Example of how to use this cmdlet
   Another example of how to use this cmdlet

function Start-HuBot
        # Path to the PoshHuBot Configuration File
        if(Test-Path -Path $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
            return $true
            throw "$($_) is not a valid path."

    $Config = Import-HuBotConfiguration -ConfigPath $ConfigPath

    function Test-HubotRunning
            # Path to the PoshHuBot Configuration File
            if(Test-Path -Path $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
                return $true
                throw "$($_) is not a valid path."
        # Check if bot is already running, otherwise don't start it again
        if (Test-Path -Path $Config.PidPath)
            $pidOfHubot = Get-Content -Path $Config.PidPath

            # if it exists, get the id from it and make sure that exists too
                $huproc = Get-Process -Id $pidOfHubot -ErrorAction Stop

                Write-Verbose "Hubot process path: $($huproc.Path)"
                Write-Verbose "Hubot process pid: $($huproc.Id)"

                return $true
                Write-Verbose "No process for bot found. Will bring one up"
                return $false
            return $false

    if (Test-HubotRunning -ConfigPath $ConfigPath)
        return "Your bot $($Config.BotName) is already running."
    # If the bot is not running
        # create log folder
        if (-not(Test-Path -Path $Config.LogPath))
            New-Item -Path $Config.LogPath -ItemType directory | Out-Null

        # Do an npm install incase there are any new modules
        Write-Verbose -Message "Running npm install"
        Start-Process -FilePath npm -ArgumentList "install" -Wait -NoNewWindow -WorkingDirectory $Config.BotPath

        # Add the environment variables from the config
        ForEach ($envVar in $Config.EnvironmentVariables.psobject.Properties)
            Write-Verbose "Setting Environment Variable $($envVar.Name)"
            New-Item -Path Env:\ -Name $envVar.Name -Value $envVar.Value -Force | Out-Null

        $fileDate = Get-Date -format yyyy-M-ddTHHmmss

        $processParams = @{
            FilePath = 'cmd'
            ArgumentList = "/c forever start --uid ""$($Config.BotName)"" --pidFile ""$($Config.PidPath)"" --verbose --append -l ""$($Config.LogPath)\$($fileDate)_$($Config.BotName).log"" --sourceDir ""$($Config.BotPath)"" --workingDir ""$($Config.BotPath)"" --minUptime 100 --spinSleepTime 100 .\node_modules\coffee-script\bin\coffee .\node_modules\hubot\bin\hubot $($Config.ArgumentList)"
            NoNewWindow = $true
            WorkingDirectory = $Config.BotPath
            PassThru = $true

        Write-Verbose "Start Command:"
        Write-Verbose $processParams.ArgumentList

        # Start Hubot
        $proc = Start-Process @processParams

        # Wait for the command prompt to close

        # Wait a few seconds for pid to be created
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 2

        # Verify bot started ok by checking if the pid file exists
        if (Test-HubotRunning -ConfigPath $ConfigPath)
            return "Your bot $($Config.BotName) is running."
            throw "Could not find pid file at $($Config.PidPath). Check $($Config.LogPath) for logs."