
    Gets open system handles.
   Gets open system handles. This cmdlet can filter by process and handle name.
   Get-Process Notepad | Get-Handle
   Get-Handle -Name "*myfile.txt"

function Get-Handle
    # A process to return open handles for.
    # The name of the handle
    [String]$Name = $null,
    [ValidateSet("File", "Directory")]
    [String]$Type = $null


    Begin {
        #$Handles =

    Process {

        #if ($Process -ne $Null)
        # $Handles | Where-Object { $_.ProcessId -eq $Process.Id -and $_.Name -match $Name}
        #elseif ($Name -ne $null)
        # $Handles | Where-Object { $_.Name -like $Name}
        # $Handles

    Closes open system handles.
   Closes open system handles. This cmdlet can cause system instability.
   Get-Process Notepad | Get-Handle | Close-Handle
   Get-Handle -Name "*myfile.txt" | Close-Handle

function Close-Handle

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Handle.Name,"Closing a handle can cause system instability. Close handle?"))

Converts a DOS-style file name into a regular Windows file name.
This function can convert a DOS-style (\Device\HarddiskVolume1\MyFile.txt) file name into a regular Windows (C:\MyFile.txt)
file name.
The DOS-style file name.
ConvertTo-RegularFileName -RawFileName "\Device\HarddiskVolume1\MyFile.txt"

function ConvertTo-RegularFileName

    foreach ($logicalDrive in [Environment]::GetLogicalDrives())
        $targetPath = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder 256
        if ([PoshInternals.Kernel32]::QueryDosDevice($logicalDrive.Substring(0, 2), $targetPath, 256) -eq 0)
            return $targetPath
        $targetPathString = $targetPath.ToString()
        if ($RawFileName.StartsWith($targetPathString))
            $RawFileName = $RawFileName.Replace($targetPathString, $logicalDrive.Substring(0, 2))

Converts a SystemHandleEntry into a PSCustomObject.
This function is intended to convert a SystemHandleEntry returned by
Get-FileHandle into a PSCustomObject that exposes a Process property and a
file name.
.PARAMETER HandleEntry
The SystemHandleEntry as returned by Get-FileHandle
Get-FileHandle | ConvertTo-HandleHashTable

function ConvertTo-HandleHashTable
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

        if ($HandleEntry.GrantedAccess -eq 0x0012019f -or $HandleEntry.GrantedAccess -eq 0x00120189 -or $HandleEntry.GrantedAccess -eq 0x120089)

        $HandleType = Find-HandleType -HandleEntry $HandleEntry -ProcessHandle $ProcessHandle

        $length = 0
        $Result = [PoshInternals.NtDll]::NtQueryObject($ProcessHandle, 'ObjectNameInformation', [IntPtr]::Zero, 0, [ref]$length) 
        $ptr = [IntPtr]::Zero

        if ($Result -ne [PoshInternals.NT_STATUS]::STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH)

            $ptr = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($length)
            if ([PoshInternals.NtDll]::NtQueryObject($ProcessHandle, 'ObjectNameInformation', $ptr, $length, [ref]$length) -ne [PoshInternals.NT_STATUS]::STATUS_SUCCESS)

            $Path = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni([IntPtr]([long]$ptr + 2 * [IntPtr]::Size))

            if ($HandleType -eq "File" -or $HandleType -eq "Directory")
                $Path = ConvertTo-RegularFileName $Path

            $PsObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
            return $PsObject
            Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message

$HandleTypeCache = @{}

function Find-HandleType {

    if ($HandleTypeCache.ContainsKey($HandleEntry.ObjectTypeNumber))
        return $HandleTypeCache[$HandleEntry.ObjectTypeNumber]

    $length = 0
    $Result = [PoshInternals.NtDll]::NtQueryObject($ProcessHandle, 'ObjectTypeInformation', [IntPtr]::Zero, 0, [ref] $length)
    $ptr = [IntPtr]::Zero

    if ($Result -ne [PoshInternals.NT_STATUS]::STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH)

        $ptr = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($length)
        if ([PoshInternals.NtDll]::NtQueryObject($ProcessHandle, 'ObjectTypeInformation', $ptr, $length, [ref] $length) -ne [PoshInternals.NT_STATUS]::STATUS_SUCCESS)
        $typeStr = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni([IntPtr]([long]$ptr + 0x58 + 2 * [IntPtr]::Size))
        $HandleTypeCache[$HandleEntry.ObjectTypeNumber] = $typeStr 

        Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message

Returns open file handles found on the system.
This function returns all open file handles found on the system. In its current state
this cmdlet will only work on a Windows 8 machine.

function Get-AllHandles

    $length = 0x10000
    $ptr = [IntPtr]::Zero
        while ($true)
            $ptr = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($length)
            $wantedLength = 0
            [PoshInternals.SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS]$HandleInfo = 'SystemHandleInformation'
            $result = [PoshInternals.NtDll]::NtQuerySystemInformation($HandleInfo, $ptr, $length, [ref] $wantedLength)
            if ($result -eq [PoshInternals.NT_STATUS]::STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH)
                $length = [Math]::Max($length, $wantedLength)
                $ptr = [IntPtr]::Zero
            elseif ($result -eq [PoshInternals.NT_STATUS]::STATUS_SUCCESS)
                throw (New-Object System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception)

        if ([IntPtr]::Size -eq 4)
            $handleCount = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadInt32($ptr)
            $handleCount = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadInt64($ptr)

        if ($handleCount -gt [Int32]::MaxValue)
            Write-Error "Handle count too large!"

        $She = New-Object -TypeName PoshInternals.SystemHandleEntry
        $size = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf($She)

        $CurrentProcessHandle = (Get-Process -Id $Pid).Handle

        $ClassName = "StructArray$(Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 10000)"
        $StructName = "Struct$(Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 10000)"

        Add-Type -TypeDefinition "
            using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
            public struct $StructName
                public int OwnerProcessId;
                public byte ObjectTypeNumber;
                public byte Flags;
                public ushort Handle;
                public System.IntPtr Object;
                public int GrantedAccess;
            public struct $ClassName
                [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = $HandleCount, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.Struct)]
                public $StructName [] Entries;

        $HandleArray = New-Object -TypeName $ClassName
        $HandleArray = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure([IntPtr]([long]$ptr + [IntPtr]::Size), [Type]$HandleArray.GetType())

        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $handleCount; $i++)
            $HandleEntry = $HandleArray.Entries[$i]

            $sourceProcessHandle = [IntPtr]::Zero
            $handleDuplicate = [IntPtr]::Zero
            $sourceProcessHandle = [PoshInternals.Kernel32]::OpenProcess(0x40, $true, $HandleEntry.OwnerProcessId)
            if ($sourceProcessHandle -eq [IntPtr]::Zero)

            if (-not [PoshInternals.Kernel32]::DuplicateHandle($sourceProcessHandle, [IntPtr]$HandleEntry.Handle, $CurrentProcessHandle, [ref]$handleDuplicate, 0, $false, 2))

            $HandleEntry | ConvertTo-HandleHashTable -ProcessHandle $handleDuplicate
        if ($ptr -ne [IntPtr]::Zero)