
enum IssueFixStatus {

enum IssueCheckStatus {

Creates a new IssueFix object with the passed parameters
Creates a new IssueFix object with the passed parameters, using defaults as needed.
A ScriptBlock to be added to that fix that will be executed to fix the issue.
.PARAMETER FixCommandString
A String that can be converted to a ScriptBlock to be added to that fix that will be executed to fix the issue.
.PARAMETER FixDescription
A user friendly description of what the fix does, prefereble specific to this instance.
Name of the issue check that generated this fix.
The status of this fix. See IssueFixStatus enum. Default is Ready.
.PARAMETER NotificationCount
Set the number of times notices is sent about this fix. Usefull for scheduled notifications of pending fixes. Each time a notificaton is sent for a fix the notificationCount is decremented by one. By default, only fixes with a notification count greater then 0 are sent. This allows for control over how often a fix is notified about. Default is 10000.
.PARAMETER SequenceNumber
Fix sort order. Default is 1.
ScriptBlock representing the script that will be invoked by the fix
String representing the script that will be invoked by the fix
IssueFix The fix object(s) created by the cmdlet

function New-IssueFix {
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$false, ParameterSetName="Block")]
                [ScriptBlock] $FixCommand,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$false, ParameterSetName="String")]
                [String] $FixCommandString,
                [String] $FixDescription = "",
                [String] $CheckName = "",
                [IssueFixStatus] $Status = 0,
                [System.Int64] $NotificationCount = 10000,
                [System.Int64] $SequenceNumber = 1
    Process {
                $_return = New-Object -TypeName PSObject

                If ($FixCommandString) {
                        $FixCommand = [scriptblock]::Create($FixCommandString)

                Add-Member -InputObject $_return -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "fixCommand" -Value $FixCommand
                Add-Member -InputObject $_return -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "fixDescription" -Value $FixDescription
                Add-Member -InputObject $_return -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "checkName" -Value $CheckName
                Add-Member -InputObject $_return -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "_status" -Value ([Int64] $Status)
                Add-Member -InputObject $_return -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "notificationCount" -Value ([Int64] $NotificationCount)
                Add-Member -InputObject $_return -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "sequenceNumber" -Value ([Int64] $SequenceNumber)
                Add-Member -InputObject $_return -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "creationDateTime" -Value ([DateTime] (Get-Date))
                Add-Member -InputObject $_return -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "statusDateTime" -Value ([DateTime] (Get-Date))

                #Calculate iD
                $StringBuilder = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder 
                [System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create('MD5').ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($FixCommand.ToString())) | ForEach-Object{ 
                Add-Member -InputObject $_return -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "iD" -Value $StringBuilder.ToString()

                Add-Member -InputObject $_return -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name "status" -Value `
                { #Get
                        return [IssueFixStatus]::([enum]::getValues([IssueFixStatus]) | Where-Object value__ -eq $this._status)
                } `
                { #Set
                        param (
                        [IssueFixStatus] $status
                        $this._status = ([IssueFixStatus]::$Status).value__

                Write-Output $_return

Writes (saves) an IssueFix object to the file system as a JSON file.
Writes (saves) an IssueFix object to the file system as a JSON file. Supports saving to a specific Path or to a Database folder structure.
IssueFix object(s), typically passed via the pipeline, to be written to the file system as a JSON object.
.PARAMETER DatabasePath
A string path representing the folder to use as a simple database. The IssueFix files will be saved as JSON files using their iD value into a Fixes folder. Folders will be created as needed. If the IssueFix has already been saved once, the cmdlet can get the value from the pipeline object.
A string path representing the path and file name to save the JSON content as. If the IssueFix has already been saved once, the cmdlet can get the value from the pipeline object.
Switch to prevent an existing file from being overwritten, otherwise by default, the existing file is overwritten.
IssueFix The fix object(s) passed through the cmdlet

function Write-IssueFix {
                [PSObject] $Fix,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1,ValueFromPipeline=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName="DatabasePath")]
                [String] $DatabasePath,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1,ValueFromPipeline=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName="Path")]
                [String] $Path,
                [Switch] $NoClobber
    Process {
                #Create an object to save as JSON
                $_fix = @{
                        "id" = $Fix.id;
                        "sequenceNumber" = $Fix.sequenceNumber;
                        "checkName" = $Fix.checkName;
                        "fixCommandBase64" = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($Fix.fixCommand));
                        "fixDescription" = $Fix.fixDescription;
                        "fixResults" = $Fix.fixResults;
                        "statusInt" = $Fix._status;
                        "notificationCount" = $Fix.notificationCount;
                        "creationDateTime" = $Fix.creationDateTime;
                        "statusDateTime" = $Fix.statusDateTime
                $_path = ""
                If ($DatabasePath) {
                        #Save to database path, overwriting only if Force
                        $_fix.Add("databasePath", $DatabasePath)
                        Add-Member -InputObject $Fix -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "databasePath" -Value $DatabasePath -Force
                        if (!(Test-Path $DatabasePath)) {
                                New-Item $DatabasePath -ItemType Directory
                        if (!(Test-Path "$($DatabasePath)\Fixes")) {
                                New-Item "$($DatabasePath)\Fixes" -ItemType Directory
                        $_path = "$($DatabasePath)\Fixes\$($Fix.id).json"
                 } else {
                        #Save to path, overwriting only if Force
                        $_fix.Add("path", $Path)
                        Add-Member -InputObject $Fix -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "path" -Value $Path -Force
                        $_path = $Path

                #If the file exists AND NoClobber is true not write the file
                if ((Test-Path $_path) -and ($NoClobber)) {
                        Write-Verbose "JSON file already exists at '$_path' and NoClobber is set."
                } else {
                        $_json = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $_fix
                        Out-File -FilePath $_path -Force:$true -InputObject $_json
                        Write-Verbose "JSON saved to '$_path'."

                Write-Output $Fix

Removes (deletes) an IssueFix object from the file system.
Removes (deletes) an IssueFix object from the file system. Can use the path information from the fix if present and passed through pipeline. Just performs a remove-item.
IssueFix object(s), typically passed via the pipeline, to be removed from the file system.
.PARAMETER DatabasePath
A string path representing the folder to use as a simple database. The IssueFix files will be remvoed using their iD value from a Fixes folder. Folders will be created as needed. If the IssueFix has already been saved once, the cmdlet can get the value from the pipeline object.
A string path representing the path and file name to remove. If the IssueFix has already been saved once, the cmdlet can get the value from the pipeline object.
IssueFix The fix object(s) passed through the cmdlet

function Remove-IssueFix {
                [PSObject] $Fix,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1,ValueFromPipeline=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName="DatabasePath")]
                [String] $DatabasePath,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1,ValueFromPipeline=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName="Path")]
                [String] $Path
    Process {
                $_path = ""
                #Calculate path
                If ($DatabasePath) {
                        $_path = "$($DatabasePath)\Fixes\$($Fix.id).json"
                 } else {
                        $_path = $Path
                if ($_path -eq "") {
                        Write-Error "Unable to determine path to saved Fix"
                } else {
                        if (Test-Path $_path) {
                                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove $($Fix.fixDescription) from file/database?")) {
                                        #Delete the JSON file
                                        Write-Verbose "Removed $_path"
                                        Remove-Item $_path
                        } else {
                                Write-Warning "Saved Fix JSON file not found at $_path"

                Write-Output $Fix

Archives (moves) an IssueFix object in the file system.
Archives (moves) an IssueFix object in the file system. File must have previousely been written to file system. Can use the path information from the fix if present and passed through pipeline. Just performas a move-item.
IssueFix object(s), typically passed via the pipeline, to be moved to archive location.
.PARAMETER DatabasePath
A string path representing the folder to use as a simple database. The IssueFix files will be moved to an Archive folder under the Fixes folder and the filename will be appended with the current datatime. Folders will be created as needed. If the IssueFix has already been saved once, the cmdlet can get the value from the pipeline object.
A string path representing the path and file name to current JSON file. If the IssueFix has already been saved once, the cmdlet can get the value from the pipeline object.
A string path representing the path and file name to move the file to.
Switch to force overwritting any existing file.
IssueFix The fix object(s) passed through the cmdlet

function Archive-IssueFix {
                [PSObject] $Fix,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1,ValueFromPipeline=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName="DatabasePath")]
                [String] $DatabasePath,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1,ValueFromPipeline=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName="Path")]
                [String] $Path,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=2,ValueFromPipeline=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName="Path")]
                [String] $ArchivePath,
                [Switch] $Force
    Process {
                $_path = ""
                $_destinationPath = ""
                #Calculate path
                If ($DatabasePath) {
                        $_path = "$($DatabasePath)\Fixes\$($Fix.id).json"
                        $_destinationPath = "$($DatabasePath)\Fixes\Archive\$($Fix.id)_$(Get-Date -Format yyyyMMddHHmmss).json"
                        if (!(Test-Path $DatabasePath)) {
                                New-Item $DatabasePath -ItemType Directory
                        if (!(Test-Path "$($DatabasePath)\Fixes")) {
                                New-Item "$($DatabasePath)\Fixes" -ItemType Directory
                        if (!(Test-Path "$($DatabasePath)\Fixes\Archive")) {
                                New-Item "$($DatabasePath)\Fixes\Archive" -ItemType Directory
                 } else {
                        $_path = $Path
                        $_destinationPath = $ArchivePath
                if ($_path -eq "") {
                        Write-Error "Unable to determine path to saved Fix"
                } else {
                        if (Test-Path $_path) {
                                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Move $($Fix.fixDescription) to $_destinationPath?")) {
                                        #Move the JSON file
                                        Write-Verbose "Moved $_path to $_destinationPath"
                                        Move-Item -Path $_path -Destination $_destinationPath -Force:$Force
                        } else {
                                Write-Warning "Saved Fix JSON file not found at $_path"

                Write-Output $Fix

function Read-IssueFix {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1,ValueFromPipeline=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName="DatabasePath")]
                [String] $DatabasePath,
                [Switch] $IncludeArchive,
                [Switch] $OnlyArchive,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1,ValueFromPipeline=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName="Path")]
                [String] $Path
    Process {
                $items = @()
                if ($Path) {
                        $items = Get-Item $Path
                } elseif ($DatabasePath) {
                        $_folder = "$($DatabasePath)\Fixes"
                        if ($OnlyArchive) {
                                $_folder = "$($_folder)\Archive"
                        if ($IncludeArchive) {
                                $_recurse = $true
                        } else {
                                $_recurse = $false
                        $items = Get-ChildItem -Path $_folder -Recurse:$_recurse -Filter "*.json"
                $items | Get-Content -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object {
                        #Take the object from the JSON import and build a fix object
                        $_fix = $_
                        $_return = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
                        [ScriptBlock] $_script = [ScriptBlock]::Create([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($_fix.fixCommandBase64)))
                        Add-Member -InputObject $_return -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "fixCommand" -Value $_script
                        Add-Member -InputObject $_return -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "fixDescription" -Value $_fix.fixDescription
                        Add-Member -InputObject $_return -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "checkName" -Value $_fix.checkName
                        Add-Member -InputObject $_return -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "_status" -Value ([Int64] $_fix.statusInt)
                        Add-Member -InputObject $_return -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "notificationCount" -Value ([Int64] $_fix.notificationCount)
                        Add-Member -InputObject $_return -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "sequenceNumber" -Value ([Int64] $_fix.sequenceNumber)
                        Add-Member -InputObject $_return -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "iD" -Value $_fix.id
                        Add-Member -InputObject $_return -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "databasePath" -Value $DatabasePath -Force
                        Add-Member -InputObject $_return -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "creationDateTime" -Value ([DateTime] $_fix.creationDateTime) -Force
                        Add-Member -InputObject $_return -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "statusDateTime" -Value ([DateTime] $_fix.creationDateTime) -Force

                        if ("fixResults" -in $_fix.PSobject.Properties.Name) {
                                Add-Member -InputObject $_return -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "fixResults" -Value $_fix.fixResults -Force

                        Add-Member -InputObject $_return -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name "status" -Value `
                        { #Get
                                return [IssueFixStatus]::([enum]::getValues([IssueFixStatus]) | Where-Object value__ -eq $this._status)
                        } `
                        { #Set
                                param (
                                [IssueFixStatus] $status
                                $this._status = ([IssueFixStatus]::$Status).value__
                        Write-Output $_return
                } | Write-Output

function Set-IssueFix {
                [PSObject] $Fix,
                [String] $FixDescription,
                [IssueFixStatus] $Status,
                [System.Int64] $NotificationCount,
                [System.Int64] $SequenceNumber
    Begin {
        #Put begining stuff here
    Process {
                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Change $($Fix.fixDescription)?")) {
                        if ($FixDescription) {
                                $Fix.fixDescription = $FixDescription
                        if ($Status) {
                                if (($Status -ge 0) -and ($Status -le 4)) {
                                        $Fix._status = $Status
                                        $Fix.statusDateTime = Get-Date
                                } else {
                                        Write-Warning "Invalid status value"
                        If ($NotificationCount) {
                                $Fix.notificationCount = $NotificationCount
                        if ($SequenceNumber) {
                                $Fix.sequenceNumber = $SequenceNumber
                Write-Output $Fix
    End {
        #Put end here

function Approve-IssueFix {
        [PSObject] $Fix
    Process {
                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Change $($Fix.fixDescription) from $($Fix.status) to Complete?")) {
                        $Fix._status = 0
                        $Fix.statusDateTime = Get-Date
                Write-Output $Fix

function Deny-IssueFix {
        [PSObject] $Fix
    Process {
                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Change $($Fix.fixDescription) from $($Fix.status) to Complete?")) {
                        $Fix._status = 4
                        $Fix.statusDateTime = Get-Date
                Write-Output $Fix

function Invoke-IssueFix {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
                [PSObject] $Fix,
                [Switch] $Force,
                [Switch] $NoNewScope
    Process {
                if (($Fix.status -eq 0) -or $Force) {
                        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Invoke $($Fix.fixDescription) from $($Fix.checkName) by running $($Fix.fixCommand)?")) {
                                Add-Member -InputObject $Fix -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "fixResults" -Value "" -Force
                                try {
                                        $Fix.fixResults = [String] (Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $fix.fixCommand -NoNewScope:$NoNewScope)
                                        $Fix.status = 2 #Complete
                                        Write-Verbose "$($Fix.checkName): $($Fix.fixDescription) complete with following results: $($Fix.fixResults)"
                                } catch {
                                        $Fix.fixResults = [String] $_.Exception.Message
                                        $Fix.status = 3 #Error
                                        Write-Verbose "$($Fix.checkName): $($Fix.fixDescription) errored with following error: $($Fix.fixResults)"
                                } finally {
                                        $Fix.statusDateTime = Get-Date
                Write-Output $Fix

function Limit-IssueFix {
        [PSObject] $Fix
        End {
                $_fixes = $input
                #Sort the fixes by iD and creationDateTime
                $_fixes = $_fixes | Sort-Object -Property @("iD", "creationDateTime") -Descending
                #Iterate resutls of sort writing out the first instance of each iD
                $_iD = ""
                forEach ($_fix in $_fixes) {
                        if ($_fix.iD -ne $_iD) {
                                $_iD = $_fix.iD
                                Write-Output $_fix
                        } else {
                                Write-Verbose "Removed from pipelin fix with iD: $($_fix.iD) and creation date/time of $($_fix.creationDateTime)"
