
Update-TypeData -TypeName PoshNmapHost -DefaultDisplayPropertySet IPv4,FQDN,Status,OpenPorts -Force

function FormatNmapXml {
Takes the raw formatting from ConvertFrom-NmapXML and makes a useful Powershell Object out of the output. Meant to be called from ConvertFrom-NmapXml
The raw formatting is still available as the nmaprun property on the object, to maintain compatibility

    param (
        #Nmaprun output from ConvertFrom-NmapXml. We use hashtable because it's the easiest to manipulate quickly
        #Return a summary of the scan rather than individual hosts

    if (-not $inputNmapXml.nmaprun) {throwUser "This is not a valid Hashtable output from Convert-NmapXML"}

    $nmaprun = $inputNmapXml.nmaprun

    #Only return a summary if that was requested
    if ($summary) {return (FormatNmapXmlSummary $nmapRun)}

    #Generate nicer host entries
    $itotal = $ | measure | % count
    foreach ($hostnode in $ {
        write-progress -Activity "Parsing NMAP Result" -Status "Processing Scan Entries" -CurrentOperation "Processing $i of $itotal" -PercentComplete (($i/$itotal)*100)

        # Init variables, with $entry being the custom object for each <host>.
        $service = $null
        $entry = [ordered]@{
            PSTypeName = 'PoshNmapHost'
            Hostname = $null
            Status = ($hostnode.status.state.Trim() | where length -ge 2)
            FQDNs = $ | select -Unique
            FDQN = $null
            IPv4 = $null
            IPv6 = $null
            MAC = $null
            #Arraylist used for performance as this can get large quickly
            Ports = New-Object Collections.ArrayList
            OpenPorts = $hostnode.ports | measure | % count
        $entry.FQDN = $entry.FQDNs | select -first 1
        $entry.Hostname = $entry.FQDN -replace '^(\w+)\..*$','$1'
        FormatStringOut -InputObject $entry.Ports {$this.ports | measure | % count}

        # Process each of the supplied address properties, extracting by type.
        foreach ($addressItem in $hostnode.address) {
            switch ($addressItem.addrtype) {
                "ipv4" { $entry.IPv4 += $addressItem.addr}
                "ipv6" { $entry.IPv6 += $addressItem.addr}
                "mac" { $entry.MAC += $addressItem.addr}

        $hostnode.ports.port | foreach-object {
            $portResult = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
                ScriptResult = @{}
            $portResult | FormatStringOut -scriptblock {$this.protocol,$this.port -join ':'}
            $portResult.state | FormatStringOut -scriptblock {$this.state}
            $portResult.Services | FormatStringOut -scriptblock {($,$this.product -join ':') + " ($($this.conf * 10)%)"}

            #TODO: Refactor this now that I'm better at Powershell :)
            # Build Services property. What a mess...but exclude non-open/non-open|filtered ports and blank service info, and exclude servicefp too for the sake of tidiness.
            if ($_.state.state -like "open*" -and ($_.service.tunnel.length -gt 2 -or $_.service.product.length -gt 2 -or $_.service.proto.length -gt 2)) {

                $entry.Services += ($_.protocol,$_.portid,$service -join ':')+
                    ($_.service.product,$_.service.version,$_.service.tunnel,$_.service.proto,$_.service.rpcnum -join " ").Trim() +
                    " <" +
                    ([Int] $_.service.conf * 10) + "%-confidence>$OutputDelimiter"

            #Port Script Result Processing
            foreach ($scriptItem in $_.script) {
                $scriptResultEntry = [ordered]@{
                    PSTypeName = 'PoshNmapScriptResult'
                    id = $
                    output = $ScriptItem.output
                    table = [Collections.Arraylist]@()

                #Loop through the script elements and create a hashtable for them
                foreach ($tableitem in $scriptItem.table) {
                    $scriptTable = @{
                        PSTypeName = 'PoshNmapScriptTable'
                    foreach ($elemItem in $tableitem.elem) {
                        $scriptTable[$elemItem.key] = $elemItem.'#text'
                    $scriptResultEntry.table += [PSCustomObject]$scriptTable

                $portResult.scriptResult[$] = [pscustomobject]$scriptResultEntry

            $entry.Ports.Add($portResult) > $null

        # If there is 100% Accuracy OS, show it
        $CertainOS = $hostnode.os.osmatch | where {$_.accuracy -eq 100} | select -first 1
        if ($CertainOS) {$Entry.OS = $; $Entry.OSDetail = $certainOS} else {$Entry.OS=$null}
        $entry.BestGuessOS = ($hostnode.os.osmatch | select -first 1).name
        $entry.BestGuessOSPercent = ($hostnode.os.osmatch | select -first 1).accuracy
        $entry.OSGuesses = $hostnode.os.osmatch
        if (@($entry.OSGuesses).count -lt 1) { $entry.OS = $null }

        if ($hostnode.hostscript -ne $null) {
            $hostnode.hostscript.script | foreach-object {
                $entry.Script += '<HostScript id="' + $ + '">' + $OutputDelimiter + ($_.output.replace("`n","$OutputDelimiter")) + "$OutputDelimiter</HostScript> $OutputDelimiter $OutputDelimiter"
        $i++  #Progress counter...

        #Add raw host reference
        $entry.nmapResult = $hostnode
