
using namespace newtonsoft.json
using namespace
function ConvertFrom-NmapXml {
Converts NmapXML into various formats. Currently supported are JSON, PSObject, NmapReport
Only supports nmap reports piped from nmap directly. In the future will support existing full nmap reports
nmap localhost -oX - | ConvertFrom-NmapXML -OutFormat JSON
Takes an NMAP run output and converts it into JSON

    param (
        #Reads XML "Strings" one by one

        #Choose the format that you want to convert the NMAPXML to. Valid options are: JSON or HashTable
        $OutFormat = 'PoshNmap'

    begin {
        $xmlDocument = [Collections.ArrayList]@()
        $hostEntry = [Collections.ArrayList]@()

    process {
        #Unwrap $InputObject if it was passed as an array
        foreach ($nmapLineItem in $inputObject) {
            #If the output format is not PoshNmap, we will coalesce into a single document and process at the end, otherwise we will do it in real time for the pipeline
            if ($OutFormat -ne 'PoshNmap') {
                $xmlDocument += $nmapLineItem
            #If this is a host entry, start capturing a host buffer
            } elseif ($nmapLineItem -match '^<host ') {
                $hostEntry += $nmapLineItem
            } elseif ($hostentry.count -ge 1) {
                if ($nmapLineItem -match '^</host>$') {
                    $hostEntry += $nmapLineItem
                    try {
                        (ConvertFromXml ([xml]$hostEntry).host).host | FormatPoshNmapHost
                    } finally {
                        $hostEntry = [Collections.ArrayList]@()
                } else {
                    $hostEntry += $nmapLineItem

            #If we are making a host entry, keep adding lines until we hit a </host> entry and then process it


    end {
        #If we don't have any post-processing, don't worry about it
        if (-not $xmlDocument) {continue}

        if ($xmlDocument -isnot [xml]) {
            try {
                $xmlDocument = [XML]$xmlDocument
            } catch [InvalidCastException] {
                $exception = [System.Management.Automation.PSInvalidCastException]::New("The input provided is not valid XML. If you are piping from nmap, did you use 'nmap -oX -'?")
                throwUser $exception

        if (-not $xmlDocument.nmaprun) {
            throwUser "The provided document is not a valid NMAP XML document (doesn't have an nmaprun element)"

        $nmapRun = $xmlDocument.selectSingleNode('nmaprun')

        switch ($OutFormat) {
            'JSON' {
                ConvertFromXml $nmapRun -AsJSON
            'PSObject' {
                (ConvertFromXml $nmapRun).nmaprun
            'Summary' {
                FormatNmapOutputSummary -nmaprun (ConvertFromXml $nmapRun).nmaprun
            'HashTable' {
                (ConvertFromXml $nmapRun).nmaprun | ConvertPSObjectToHashtable
            Default {
                throwUser "Outformat $Outformat is not valid. This should not happen, file as an issue if you see this"