
function New-PercentBar
        Creates a new Percentage Bar.
        The New-PercentBar cmdlet creates a new Percentage Bar, a visual representation of an quanity out of 100.
        The percentage bar is returned as a string with a border. The borderer can be excluded if desired.
        New-PercentBar -Percent 0.5
        This example generates a Percentage Bar that is 50% filled, with a default square bracket border:
        New-PercentBar -Percent 0.3 -Border '||'
        This example generates a Percentage Bar that is 30% filled, with a border constructed out of pipe (|) characters:
        0.8 | New-PercentBar -NoBorder
        This example takes a decimal value from the pipeline and generates a Percentage Bar that is 80% filled and doesn't have a border:

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 0,
                   ValueFromPipeline = $True,
                   ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True,
                   HelpMessage = 'Enter the percentage in the form of a decimal value between 0 and 1.')]
        [decimal] $Percentage,

                   Position = 1,
        [ValidateSet('[]', '{}', '()', '||', '/\', '--')]
        [string] $Border = '[]',

                   Position = 1,
        [switch] $NoBorder

            $PercentBar = 'x' * ([System.Math]::Round(( $Percentage )*100)/10) + '.' * (10-([System.Math]::Round(( $Percentage )*100)/10))

            if (!$NoBorder)
                $PercentBar = $Border[0] + $PercentBar + $Border[1]

            Throw $_.Exception