
    PoshPrivilege provides a simple way to add/remove privileges to an account/group on a
    local machine as well as enabling or disabling existing privileges which are applied
    to a current user's process token.
    PoshPrivilege provides a simple way to add/remove privileges to an account/group on a
    local machine as well as enabling or disabling existing privileges which are applied
    to a current user's process token.
    You can also view the privileges which have been applied to users/groups via policy
    or find out what the current user's available privileges are.
    Enable/Disable Privileges
    You can only enable or disable privileges where they are currently available on the current
    process. This means that when you run Get-Privilege -CurrentUser, only the privileges that
    show up are the privileges that can be enabled or disabled.
    For instance, if SeDebugPrivilege is not available to enable/disable, when you run Enable-Privilege
    to enable and make use of this privilege, nothing will happen as it is not actively available. Same
    goes for Disable-Privilege. If you want to use a particular privilege that is not available, then you
    must use the Add-Privilege function instead.
    Add/Remove Privileges
    If there are privileges missing from your current process or you want to ensure another group has access
    to a privilege, you must use Add/Remove-Privilege to add or remove a privilege to a specific account or group.
    It is important to note that if a Group Policy Object (GPO) is applying restrictions to the user rights assignments,
    any change that you make to add or remove a privilege could potentially be overwritten once the policy refreshes.
    When you add a privilege using Add-Privilege, it is automatically enabled for use. It will not appear when you use
    Get-Privilege -CurrentUser until you open up a new process and run the command again.
    PoshPrivilege has been tested on PowerShell V3 and above version.