
Function Get-RSJob {
            Gets runspace jobs that are currently available in the session.

            Get-RSJob will display all jobs that are currently available to include completed and currently running jobs.
            If no parameters are given, all jobs are displayed to view.

        .PARAMETER Name
            The name of the jobs to query for.

            The ID of the jobs that you want to display.

        .PARAMETER InstanceID
            The GUID of the jobs that you want to display.

        .PARAMETER State
            The State of the job that you want to display. Accepted values are:


        .PARAMETER Batch
            Name of the set of jobs

        .PARAMETER HasMoreData
            Displays jobs that have data being outputted. You can specify -HasMoreData:$False to display jobs
            that have no data to output.

            Name: Get-RSJob
            Author: Boe Prox

            Get-RSJob -State Completed

            Displays a list of jobs which have completed.

            Get-RSJob -ID 1,5,78

            Id Name State HasMoreData HasErrors Command
            -- ---- ----- ----------- --------- -------
            1 Test_1 Completed True False ...
            5 Test_5 Completed True False ...
            78 Test_78 Completed True False ...

            Displays list of jobs with IDs 1,5,78.

    Param (
    Begin {
        If ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) {
            $DebugPreference = 'Continue'
        Write-Debug "ParameterSet: $($PSCmdlet.parametersetname)"
        $List = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
        $WhereList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
        #Take care of bound parameters
        If ($PSBoundParameters['Name']) {
            $Bound = $True
        If ($PSBoundParameters['Batch']) {
            $Bound = $True
        If ($PSBoundParameters['Id']) {
            $Bound = $True
        If ($PSBoundParameters['InstanceId']) {
            $Bound = $True
        If ($PSBoundParameters['Job']){
            $Bound = $True
    Process {
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'All' -AND -NOT $Bound) {
            Write-Verbose "Adding $($_)"
    End {        
        Switch ($PSCmdlet.parametersetname) {
            'Name' {
                $Items = '"{0}"' -f (($list | ForEach {"^{0}$" -f $_}) -join '|') -replace '\*','.*'
                [void]$WhereList.Add("`$_.Name -match $Items")                    
            'Id' {
                $Items = '"{0}"' -f (($list | ForEach {"^{0}$" -f $_}) -join '|')
                [void]$WhereList.Add("`$_.Id -match $Items")                
            'Guid' {
                $Items = '"{0}"' -f (($list | ForEach {"^{0}$" -f $_}) -join '|')
                [void]$WhereList.Add("`$_.InstanceId -match $Items")  
            'Job' {
                $Items = '"{0}"' -f (($list | ForEach {"^{0}$" -f $_.Id}) -join '|')
                [void]$WhereList.Add("`$ -match $Items")
            'Batch' {
                $Items = '"{0}"' -f (($list | ForEach {"^{0}$" -f $_}) -join '|')
                [void]$WhereList.Add("`$_.batch -match $Items")
        If ($PSBoundParameters['State']) {
            [void]$WhereList.Add("`$_.State -match `"$($State -join '|')`"")
        If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('HasMoreData')) {
            [void]$WhereList.Add("`$_.HasMoreData -eq `$$HasMoreData")
        Write-Debug "WhereListCount: $($WhereList.count)"
        If ($WhereList.count -gt 0) {
            $WhereString = $WhereList -join ' -AND '
            $WhereBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($WhereString)
        If ($WhereBlock) {
            Write-Debug "WhereString: $($WhereString)" 
            Write-Verbose "Using scriptblock"
            $PoshRS_Jobs | Where $WhereBlock 
        Else {