
using Namespace Lextm.SharpSnmpLib
using Namespace Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Messaging

function Invoke-SnmpGet {
    Performs an SNMPv2 GET query against the target device.
    This cmdlet uses the SharpSNMP library to perform direct SNMP GET queries against the target device and OID using the provided community string. It is configured with sensible defaults. This will test against the local computer by default, so specify a remote host with ComputerName if you wish.
    Invoke-SnmpGet -ComputerName -Community public -ObjectIdentifier
    Invoke-SnmpGet public
    Invoke-SnmpGet -ObjectIdentifier
    Queries the system uptime on the local computer using defaults

    Param (
        #The IP or DNS Hostname of the target device. Defaults to "localhost" if not specified
        [string]$ComputerName = "localhost",

        #Specify the SNMP version to use
        [ValidateSet('V1','V2','V3')][string]$Version = 'V1',

        #SNMP community string to use to query the target device. Defaults to "public" if not specified
        [string]$Community = 'public',

        #SNMP OID(s) to query on the target device. For Invoke-SnmpGet, this can be a single OID (string value) or an array of OIDs (string values)
        [string[]]$ObjectIdentifier = '.',

        #UDP Port to use to perform SNMP queries.
            [int]$Port = 161,

        #Time to wait before expiring SNMP call handles.
            [int]$Timeout = 3000,

        #Resolve SNMP OID names using Resolve-SNMPObjectIdentifier

    #Validate the ComputerName
    $IPAddress = try {[Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($ComputerName)[0]} catch {throw}

    # Create endpoint for SNMP server
    $TargetIPEndPoint = New-Object System.Net.IpEndPoint ($IPAddress, $Port)

    # Create a generic list to be the payload
    $DataPayload = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Variable]'

    # Convert each OID to the proper object type and add to the list
    foreach ($OIDString in $ObjectIdentifier) {
        $OIDObject = New-Object Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.ObjectIdentifier ($OIDString)

    # Use SNMP v2 by default
    $SnmpVersion = [VersionCode]::$Version

    # Perform SNMP Get
    try {
    } catch [Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Messaging.TimeoutException] {
        write-error "SNMP Get on $ComputerName timed-out"
        return $null
    } catch {
        write-error "SNMP Get error: $_"
        return $null