
function Compare-SemanticVersion {
        Compares two semantic version numbers.
        The Test-SemanticVersion function compares two semantic version numbers and returns an object that contains the
        results of the comparison.
        Compare-SemanticVersion -ReferenceVersion '1.1.1' -DifferenceVersion '1.2.0'
        ReferenceVersion Precedence DifferenceVersion IsCompatible
        ---------------- ---------- ----------------- ------------
        1.1.1 < 1.2.0 True
        This command show sthe results of compare two semantic version numbers that are not equal in precedence but are
        Compare-SemanticVersion -ReferenceVersion '0.1.1' -DifferenceVersion '0.1.0'
        ReferenceVersion Precedence DifferenceVersion IsCompatible
        ---------------- ---------- ----------------- ------------
        0.1.1 > 0.1.0 False
        This command shows the results of comparing two semantic version numbers that are are not equal in precedence
        and are not compatible.
        Compare-SemanticVersion -ReferenceVersion '1.2.3' -DifferenceVersion '1.2.3-0'
        ReferenceVersion Precedence DifferenceVersion IsCompatible
        ---------------- ---------- ----------------- ------------
        1.2.3 > 1.2.3-0 False
        This command shows the results of comparing two semantic version numbers that are are not equal in precedence
        and are not compatible.
        Compare-SemanticVersion -ReferenceVersion '1.2.3-4+5' -DifferenceVersion '1.2.3-4+5'
        ReferenceVersion Precedence DifferenceVersion IsCompatible
        ---------------- ---------- ----------------- ------------
        1.2.3-4+5 = 1.2.3-4+5 True
        This command shows the results of comparing two semantic version numbers that are exactly equal in precedence.
        Compare-SemanticVersion -ReferenceVersion '1.2.3-4+5' -DifferenceVersion '1.2.3-4+6789'
        ReferenceVersion Precedence DifferenceVersion IsCompatible
        ---------------- ---------- ----------------- ------------
        1.2.3-4+5 = 1.2.3-4+6789 True
        This command shows the results of comparing two semantic version numbers that are exactly equal in precedence,
        even if they have different build numbers.
            Any objects you pipe into this function are converted into strings then are evaluated as Semantic Versions.
            The output objects are custom psobject with detail of how the ReferenceVersion compares with the
        To sort a collection of Semantic Version numbers based on the precedence rules
            Sort-Object -Property Major,Minor,Patch,@{e = {$_.PreRelease -eq ''}; Ascending = $true},PreRelease,Build

    param (
        # Specifies the version used as a reference for comparison.
                   ParameterSetName='Parameter Set 1',
            if (Test-SemanticVersion -InputObject $_) {
                return $true
            else {
                $erHash = Debug-SemanticVersion -InputObject $_ -ParameterName ReferenceVersion
                $er = Write-Error @erHash 2>&1
                throw $er

        # Specifies the version that is compared to the reference version.
                   ParameterSetName='Parameter Set 1',
            if (Test-SemanticVersion -InputObject $_) {
                return $true
            else {
                $erHash = Debug-SemanticVersion -InputObject $_ -ParameterName DifferenceVersion
                $er = Write-Error @erHash 2>&1
                throw ($er)
        [Alias('d', 'InputObject')]

    begin {
        $refVer = New-SemanticVersion -InputObject $ReferenceVersion.ToString()

    process {
        foreach ($item in $DifferenceVersion) {
            $difVer = New-SemanticVersion -InputObject $item.ToString()

            [int] $precedence = $refVer.CompareTo($difVer)

            $result = [Activator]::CreateInstance([psobject])
            $result.psobject.Members.Add([Activator]::CreateInstance([System.Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty], @(
            $result.psobject.Members.Add([Activator]::CreateInstance([System.Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty], @(
                    if ($precedence -eq 0) {
                    elseif ($precedence -gt 0) {
                    else {
            $result.psobject.Members.Add([Activator]::CreateInstance([System.Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty], @(
            $result.psobject.Members.Add([Activator]::CreateInstance([System.Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty], @(
            $result.psobject.Members.Add([Activator]::CreateInstance([System.Management.Automation.PSAliasProperty], @(
                #TODO: Deprecate: This should read "IsCompatible", not "AreCompatible".

            $result.pstypenames.Insert(0, 'PoshSemanticVersionComparison')


Export-ModuleMember -Function Compare-SemanticVersion -Alias crsemver