
Short description
    Describes basics of PoshSvn usage.
Long description
    PoshSvn provides the following features:
    - Tab tab-completion (tab-expansion) for commands and parameters.
    - Typed output of cmdlets.
    - Formatted output to repeat the Subversion command line interface user
    The PoshSvn concept was to repeat the Subversion command line interface user
    experience, including parameters, output, and other behavior.
    The following command checks out the repository using Subverison CLI:
    svn checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/serf/trunk serf-trunk
    A serf-trunk\test
    A serf-trunk\test\MockHTTPinC
    A serf-trunk\test\certs
    A serf-trunk\test\certs\private
    A serf-trunk\test\certs\serfserver_san_nocn_cert.pem
     U serf-trunk
    Checked out revision 1916201.
    While PoshSvn requires:
    svn-checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/serf/trunk serf-trunk
    A serf-trunk\test
    A serf-trunk\test\MockHTTPinC
    A serf-trunk\test\certs
    A serf-trunk\test\certs\private
    A serf-trunk\test\certs\serfserver_san_nocn_cert.pem
    U serf-trunk
    Checked out revision 1916201.
    Also you can write the names of the parameters (better for scripting):
    svn-checkout -Url https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/serf/trunk -Path serf-trunk
    As you can see, there are very little differences between Subversion CLI and
    PoshSvn cmdlets, but PoshSvn also adds some PowerShell features such as
    progress, typed output, and other.