
    GUID                   = "{49B991B6-D257-4122-AEDA-0C317118596A}"
    Author                 = "Timofei Zhakov"
    CompanyName            = "Rinrab"
    Copyright              = "(c) Timofei Zhakov. All rights reserved."
    ModuleVersion          = "0.6.2"
    PowerShellVersion      = "3.0"
    CLRVersion             = "4.0"
    Description            = "Apache Subversion client for PowerShell
Project website: https://www.poshsvn.com"

    ProcessorArchitecture  = "Amd64"
    RootModule             = "PoshSvn.dll"
    DotNetFrameworkVersion = "4.7.2"
    CmdletsToExport        = @(
    AliasesToExport        = @(
    FunctionsToExport      = @()
    FormatsToProcess       = @(
    PrivateData            = @{
        PSData = @{
            Tags                     = @("svn", "subversion")
            ReleaseNotes             = "# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
## [0.6.2]
- Build and publish improvements.
## [0.6.1]
- Add build for x86 platform.
- Build and publish improvements.

## [0.6.0]

- Implement `svn-lock` cmdlet.
- Implement `svn-unlock` cmdlet.
- Implement `svn-merge` cmdlet.
- Compile SharpSvn myself instead of using its NuGet package.
  - All Subversion binaries are now in theirs DLLs (originaly SharpSvn compiles them into one DLL).
  - Many other improvements.
  - Use vcpkg to build dependecies.
- Add French-localized documentation.
- Add MSI installer for PoshSvn and Subversion command-line tools.
- Minor fixes and improvement.

## [0.5.0]

- Implement `svn-cat` cmdlet.
- Implement `svn-diff` cmdlet.
- Implement `svn-blame` cmdlet.
- Some fixes in commit output.
- Minor fixes and improvement.

## [0.4.0]

- Added vscode extension.
- Minor fixes and improvement.

## [0.3.0]

- Add `-Revision` parameter to `svn-log` cmdlet.
- Implement `svn-import` and `svn-export` cmdlets.
- Minor fixes and improvement.

## [0.2.0]

- Rework targets of cmdlets.
- Implement `svn-switch`.
- Minor fixes and improvement.

## [0.1.3]

- Minor fixes and improvement.
- Implement `svn-copy`.

## [0.1.2]

- Add documentation.
- Some fixes in metadata.

## [0.1.1]

- Include CRT to package
- Minor fixes in module manifest

## [0.1.0]

- Initial release

            # LicenseUri = "https://aka.ms/azps-license"
            ProjectUri = "https://www.poshsvn.com"
            IconUri = "https://www.poshsvn.com/icon.svg"
            RequireLicenseAcceptance = $false
            # ExternalModuleDependencies = @()