
Creates a TaskbarItem.
Creates a new TaskbarItem that can be shown later by Show-TaskbarItem.
Window title of the TaskbarItem.
.PARAMETER IconResourcePath
File path to the icon resource that is used for the window icon. Note that this is not for the application icon on the taskbar.
.PARAMETER IconResourceIndex
Index of the icon resource that is used in case the icon resource has multiple icon files.
ScriptBlock that is executed when the taskbar icon is clicked. The script block is called in the UI thread.
PSCustomObject. An object that represents a TaskbarItem.
New-TaskbarItem -Title "Window Title" -OnClicked {Write-Host "Hello."}
New-TaskbarItem -IconResourcePath imageres.dll -IconResourceIndex 8
New-TaskbarItem -IconResourcePath .\icon.png

function New-TaskbarItem
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]


        [Int]$IconResourceIndex = 0,


        $xamlPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "..\Private\Window.xaml"
        $xaml = [Xml](Get-Content $xamlPath)
        $nodeReader = (New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $xaml)
        $window = [System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load($nodeReader)

        if ($Title)
            $window.Title = $Title

        if ($IconResourcePath)
            $window.Icon = GetImageSource $IconResourcePath $IconResourceIndex

        $jumpList = New-Object System.Windows.Shell.JumpList

        $taskbarItem = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Window = $window
            MainWindowHandle = 0
            SkipOnClicked = $false
            OnClicked = $OnClicked
            OnLoadedForOverlayBadge = $null
            Timer = $null
            JumpList = $jumpList

            $taskbarItem.MainWindowHandle = (New-Object System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper($window)).Handle
            if ($taskbarItem.OnLoadedForOverlayBadge)

            # Immediately minimize the window after the thumbnail is rendered.
            $window.WindowState = [System.Windows.WindowState]::Minimized

            if ($window.WindowState -eq [System.Windows.WindowState]::Minimized)

            if ($taskbarItem.SkipOnClicked)
                $taskbarItem.SkipOnClicked = $false
            elseif ($taskbarItem.OnClicked)

            $window.WindowState = [System.Windows.WindowState]::Minimized
