
function Get-PoshWSUSUpdateSummary {
        Retrieves summary of the given update.
        Retrieves summary of the given update.
    .PARAMETER Update
        Name of the update to collect data on.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        Update object used to collect data on.
    .PARAMETER ComputerScope
        Computer scope object required to collect update summary data.
        Name: Get-PoshWSUSUpdateSummary
        Author: Boe Prox
        DateCreated: 22NOV2011
        $Computerscope = New-PoshWSUSComputerScope -FromLastSyncTime "05/05/2010" -ToLastSyncTime "11/01/2011"
        Get-PoshWSUSUpdateSummary -Update 938759 -ComputerScope $ComputerScope
        UpdateTitle UpdateKB InstalledC NotInstalledCount NotApplicableCount FailedCount
        ----------- -------- ---------- ----------------- ------------------ -----------
        Update for Windows Server 2003 (... 938759 1 0 118 0
        Update for Windows Server 2003 f... 938759 0 0 119 0
        Update for Windows Server 2003 x... 938759 2 0 117 0
        Gets the update summary based on the given computer scope information
        Get-PoshWSUSUpdate -Update 2641690 | Get-PoshWSUSUpdateSummary
        UpdateTitle UpdateKB InstalledC NotInstalledCount NotApplicableCount FailedCount
        ----------- -------- ---------- ----------------- ------------------ -----------
        Update for Windows Server 2003 (... 2641690 2 1 53 0
        Update for Windows Server 2003 f... 2641690 0 0 115 0
        Update for Windows Server 2003 x... 2641690 1 0 107 0
        Update for Windows XP x64 Editio... 2641690 0 0 115 0
        Accepts pipeline input for update and uses a default computer scope to gather update data.
        ConfirmImpact = 'low',
        DefaultParameterSetName = 'Object'
                Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'NonObject',
                ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
                Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Object',
                ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
                Position = 1,ParameterSetName = '')]
    Begin {                
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
        $hash = @{}  
        If ($ComputerScope) {
            $hash['ComputerScope'] = $ComputerScope
        } Else {
            Write-Verbose "Creating default Computer Scope"
            $hash['ComputerScope'] = New-PoshWSUSComputerScope
    Process {
        If ($PSBoundParameters['Update']) {
            Write-Verbose "Gathering update data"
            $InputObject = Get-PoshWSUSUpdate $update
        Write-Verbose "Preparing report"
        ForEach ($Object in $InputObject) {
            $data = $Object.GetSummary($hash['ComputerScope'])
            If (-NOT ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Data.UpdateTitle))) {
                Write-Output $Data

    End {
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'continue'    