
function Start-PoshWSUSCleanup {
        Performs a cleanup on WSUS based on user inputs.
        Performs a cleanup on WSUS based on user inputs.
    .PARAMETER DeclineSupersededUpdates
        Declined Superseded Updates will be removed.
    .PARAMETER DeclineExpiredUpdates
        Expired updates should be declined.
    .PARAMETER CleanupObsoleteUpdates
        Delete obsolete updates from the database.
    .PARAMETER CompressUpdates
        Obsolete revisions to updates should be deleted from the database.
    .PARAMETER CleanupObsoleteComputers
        Delete obsolete computers from the database.
    .PARAMETER CleanupUnneededContentFiles
        Delete unneeded update files.
        Name: Start-PoshWSUSCleanup
        Author: Boe Prox
        DateCreated: 24SEPT2010
    Start-PoshWSUSCleanup -CompressUpdates -CleanupObsoleteComputers
    This command will run the WSUS cleanup wizard and delete obsolete computers from the database and delete obsolete update
    revisions from the database.
    Start-PoshWSUSCleanup -CompressUpdates -CleanupObsoleteComputers -DeclineExpiredUpdates -CleanupObsoleteUpdates -CleanupUnneededContentFiles
    This command performs a full WSUS cleanup against the database.
        ConfirmImpact = 'low',
        SupportsShouldProcess = $True
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 0)]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 1)]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 2)]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 3)]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 4)]
                Mandatory = $False,
                Position = 5)]
    Begin {            
        #Create cleanup scope
        $cleanScope = new-object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.CleanupScope
        #Create cleanup manager object
        $cleanup = $wsus.GetCleanupManager()

        #Determine what will be in the scope
        If ($PSBoundParameters['DeclineSupersededUpdates']) {
            $cleanScope.DeclineSupersededUpdates = $True
        If ($PSBoundParameters['DeclineExpiredUpdates']) {
            $cleanScope.DeclineExpiredUpdates = $True
        If ($PSBoundParameters['CleanupObsoleteUpdates']) {
            $cleanScope.CleanupObsoleteUpdates = $True
        If ($PSBoundParameters['CompressUpdates']) {
            $cleanScope.CompressUpdates = $True
        If ($PSBoundParameters['CleanupObsoleteComputers']) {
            $cleanScope.CleanupObsoleteComputers = $True
        If ($PSBoundParameters['CleanupUnneededContentFiles']) {
            $cleanScope.CleanupUnneededContentFiles = $True
    Process {
        Write-Output "Beginning cleanup, this may take some time..."
        If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($($ {