
function Get-PSWSUSUpdate {
        Retrieves information from a wsus update.
        Retrieves information from a wsus update. Depending on how the information is presented in the search, more
        than one update may be returned.
    .PARAMETER Update
        String to search for. This can be any string for the update to include
        KB article numbers, name of update, category, etc... Use of wildcards (*,%) are not allowed in search!
    .PARAMETER IncludeText
        Text to include in search
    .PARAMETER ExcludeText
        Text to exclude from search
    .PARAMETER ApprovedState
        Approval states to search for
    .PARAMETER UpdateType
        Update types to search for
    .PARAMETER ComputerTargetGroups
        List of target groups to search for approvals
    .PARAMETER ExcludeOptionalUpdates
        Exclude optional updates from the list
    .PARAMETER IsWsusInfrastructureUpdate
        Filter for WSUS infrastructure updates
    .PARAMETER IncludedInstallationState
        Installation states to search for
    .PARAMETER ExcludedInstallationState
        Installation states to exclude
    .PARAMETER FromArrivalDate
        Minimum arrival date to search for
    .PARAMETER ToArrivalDate
        Maximum arrival date to search for
    .PARAMETER FromCreationDate
        Minimum creation date to search for
    .PARAMETER ToCreationDate
        Maximum creation date to search for
    .PARAMETER UpdateApprovalAction
        Update approval actions to search for
    .PARAMETER UpdateSource
        Update sources to search for
    .PARAMETER Category
        List of update categories to search.
    .PARAMETER Classification
        List of update classifications to search
        Name: Get-PSWSUSUpdate
        Author: Boe Prox
        Version History:
            1.2 | 18 Feb 2015
                -Renamed to Get-PSWSUSUpdate
                -Add multiple parameters
            1.0 | 24 Sept 2010
                -Initial Version
        This command will list every update on the WSUS Server.
        Get-PSWSUSUpdate -update "Exchange"
        This command will list every update that has 'Exchange' in it.
        Get-PSWSUSUpdate -update "KB925474"
        This command will list every update that has 'KB925474' in it.
        $Categories = Get-PSWSUSCategory|Where{$_.title -match 'server 2012'}
        Get-PSWSUSUpdate -Category $Categories
        Gets all updates matching the Windows Server 2012 category
        DefaultParameterSetName = 'All'
            [Parameter(Position=0,ValueFromPipeline = $True,ParameterSetName = 'Update')]
    Begin {                
            $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'  
            If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'UpdateScope') {
                $UpdateScope = New-Object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateScope  
                If ($PSBoundParameters['ApprovedState']) {
                    $UpdateScope.ApprovedStates = $ApprovedState
                If ($PSBoundParameters['IncludedInstallationState']) {
                    $UpdateScope.IncludedInstallationStates = $IncludedInstallationState
                If ($PSBoundParameters['ExcludedInstallationState']) {
                    $UpdateScope.ExcludedInstallationStates = $ExcludedInstallationState
                If ($PSBoundParameters['UpdateApprovalAction']) {
                    $UpdateScope.UpdateApprovalActions = $UpdateApprovalAction
                If ($PSBoundParameters['UpdateSource']) {
                    $UpdateScope.UpdateSources = $UpdateSource
                If ($PSBoundParameters['UpdateType']) {
                    $UpdateScope.UpdateTypes = $UpdateType
                If ($PSBoundParameters['FromArrivalDate']) {
                    $UpdateScope.FromArrivalDate = $FromArrivalDate
                If ($PSBoundParameters['ToArrivalDate']) {
                    $UpdateScope.ToArrivalDate = $ToArrivalDate
                If ($PSBoundParameters['FromCreationDate']) {
                    $UpdateScope.FromCreationDate = $FromCreationDate
                If ($PSBoundParameters['ToCreationDate']) {
                    $UpdateScope.ToCreationDate = $ToCreationDate
                If ($PSBoundParameters['ExcludeOptionalUpdates']) {
                    $UpdateScope.ExcludeOptionalUpdates = $ExcludeOptionalUpdates
                If ($PSBoundParameters['IsWsusInfrastructureUpdate']) {
                    $UpdateScope.IsWsusInfrastructureUpdate = $IsWsusInfrastructureUpdate
                If ($PSBoundParameters['Category']) {
                If ($PSBoundParameters['Classification']) {
                If ($PSBoundParameters['IncludeText']) {
                    $UpdateScope.TextIncludes = $IncludeText
                If ($PSBoundParameters['ExcludeText']) {
                    $UpdateScope.TextNotIncludes = $ExcludeText
                If ($PSBoundParameters['ComputerTargetGroups']) {
                    $Groups = @{}
                    $Wsus.GetComputerTargetGroups() | ForEach {                    
                    ForEach ($Group in $ComputerTargetGroups) {
                        Write-Verbose "Adding Target Group: $($Group)"
            Write-Warning "Use Connect-PSWSUSServer to establish connection with your Windows Update Server"
    Process {
        Switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            'Update' {
                ForEach ($Item in $Update) {
                    Write-Verbose "Searching for $($Update)"
            'UpdateScope' {
    End {        
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'continue' 