
$Private = Get-ChildItem $PSScriptRoot\Private\*.ps1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Dot source the files
Foreach ($import in @($Private)) {
    Try {
        . $import.fullname
    Catch {
        Write-Error "Failed to import function $($import.fullname): $_"

Welcome to use Poshbot.VMware
This plugin connects VI servers by read a store.
The store is a path which includes VI servers with Credentials.
The store path setting will write into PoshBot config file.
So, First, we need to set the store path.

$PoshBotConfigFile = 'c:\poshbot\config.psd1'
$Store = 'c:\poshbot'

$defult = $PoshBotConfigFile
$PoshBotConfigFile = Read-Host -Prompt "Input your poshbot configuration file:($PoshBotConfigFile)"
if ($PoshBotConfigFile -eq $null -or $PoshBotConfigFile -eq '') {
    $PoshBotConfigFile = $defult
$defult = $Store
$Store = Read-Host -Prompt "Input your VI Server list store path:($Store)"
if ($Store -eq $null -or $Store -eq '') {
    $Store = $defult

Set-VIServerConfigStore -PoshBotConfigFile $PoshBotConfigFile -Store $Store -Verbose


$menu = @"
Now, you could setup VI server store.
1. List VI Servers
2. Store new VI Server
3. Remove VI Server
4. Enable VI Server
5. Disable VI Server
0. Exit

while (($choice = Read-Host -Prompt "Input 0-6") -ne '0') {
    switch ($choice) {
        '1' {
            Get-VIServerConfig $Store -IncludeDisabled | Format-Table -AutoSize
        '2' {
            New-VIServerConfig $Store -Verbose
        '3' {
            Get-VIServerConfig $Store -IncludeDisabled | Format-Table -AutoSize
            $Id = Read-Host -Prompt "Input Id"
            Get-VIServerConfig c:\poshbot -IncludeDisabled |
                Where-Object {$_.Id -eq $Id } |
                Remove-VIServerConfig -Verbose
        '4' {
            Get-VIServerConfig $Store -IncludeDisabled | Format-Table -AutoSize
            $Id = Read-Host -Prompt "Input Id"
            Get-VIServerConfig c:\poshbot -IncludeDisabled |
                Where-Object {$_.Id -eq $Id} |
                Enable-VIServerConfig -Verbose
        '5' {
            Get-VIServerConfig $Store | Format-Table -AutoSize
            $Id = Read-Host -Prompt "Input Id"
            Get-VIServerConfig c:\poshbot -IncludeDisabled |
                Where-Object {$_.Id -eq $Id} |
                Disable-VIServerConfig -Verbose

You Could run this script again if needed (as following):
PS C:\> $(Split-Path (Get-Module Poshbot.VMware -ListAvailable).path -Parent)\Set-VIServer.ps1