
#region variables

$Script:ApiSession = $null
$Script:ApiConfigFileName = "posht.json"
$Script:ApiConfigFolder = ".posht"
$Script:ApiTitleForegroundColor = [System.ConsoleColor]::Magenta
$Script:ApiTitleBackgroundColor = [System.ConsoleColor]::Black


#region classes

class ApiRequest {

  ApiRequest($ApiRequestRaw) {
    # from json
    $this.Method = $ApiRequestRaw.Method
    $this.BaseUri = $ApiRequestRaw.BaseUri
    $this.Path = $ApiRequestRaw.Path
    $this.Body = $ApiRequestRaw.Body
    $this.PersistSession = $ApiRequestRaw.PersistSession
    $this.Headers = [ordered]@{}
    foreach ($Prop in $ApiRequestRaw.Headers.PSObject.Properties) {
      $this.Headers[$Prop.Name] = $Prop.Value

  ApiRequest([hashtable]$Headers, [string]$Method, [string]$Uri, [System.Object]$Body, [bool]$PersistSession) {
    # standard
    $UriObject = [Uri]::new($Uri)
    $this.Method = $Method
    $this.BaseUri = "$($UriObject.Scheme)://$($UriObject.Host):$($UriObject.Port)"
    $this.Path = $UriObject.PathAndQuery
    $this.Body = $Body
    $this.Headers = $Headers
    $this.PersistSession = $PersistSession

  [string] GetUri() {
    return "$($this.BaseUri)$($this.Path)"

  [string] ToString() {
    return "$($this.Method) $($this.BaseUri)$($this.Path)"

  [string] GetCollectionKey() {
    return "$($this.Method)_$($this.Path)"

  [string] GetKey() {
    return "$($this.Method)_$($this.BaseUri)_$($this.Path)"

class ApiCollection {

  ApiCollection($ApiCollectionRaw) {
    # from json
    $this.BaseUri = $ApiCollectionRaw.BaseUri
    $this.Headers = [ordered]@{}
    foreach ($Prop in $ApiCollectionRaw.Headers.PSObject.Properties) {
      $this.Headers[$Prop.Name] = $Prop.Value
    $this.Requests = [ordered]@{}
    foreach ($Prop in $ApiCollectionRaw.Requests.PSObject.Properties) {
      $this.Requests[$Prop.Name] = [ApiRequest]::new($Prop.Value)

  ApiCollection([string]$BaseUri, [hashtable]$Headers) {
    # standard
    $this.BaseUri = $BaseUri
    $this.Headers = $Headers
    $this.Requests = [hashtable]@{}

  [string] ToString() {
    return $this.BaseUri

  [string] GetKey() {
    return $this.BaseUri

class ApiConfig {
  [string] $Id
  [hashtable] $DefaultHeaders
  [hashtable] $Collections
  [datetime] $LastUpdate

  ApiConfig() {
    # empty/new config
    $this.Id = (New-Guid).Guid
    $this.DefaultHeaders = [hashtable]@{
      "accept"        = "application/json"
      "content-type"  = "application/json"
      "Cache-Control" = "no-store"
    $this.Collections = [hashtable]@{}
    $this.LastUpdate = Get-Date

  ApiConfig($ApiConfigRaw) {
    # from json
    $this.Id = $ApiConfigRaw.Id
    if($null -eq $this.Id -or $this.Id -eq ""){
      $this.Id = (New-Guid).Guid

    $this.DefaultHeaders = [hashtable]@{}
    foreach ($Prop in $ApiConfigRaw.DefaultHeaders.PSObject.Properties) {
      $this.DefaultHeaders[$Prop.Name] = $Prop.Value

    $this.Collections = [hashtable]@{}
    foreach ($Prop in $ApiConfigRaw.Collections.PSObject.Properties) {
      $this.Collections[$Prop.Name] = [ApiCollection]::new($Prop.Value)

    $this.LastUpdate = $ApiConfigRaw.LastUpdate

  [void] AddRequest([ApiRequest]$Request) {
    $ExistingCollection = $this.Collections[$Request.BaseUri]

    if ($null -eq $ExistingCollection) {
      # create new collection and add request
      $Collection = [ApiCollection]::new($Request.BaseUri, $Request.Headers)
      $Collection.Requests[$Request.GetCollectionKey()] = $Request
      $this.Collections[$Request.BaseUri] = $Collection
    else {
      # add/update request in existing collection
      $ExistingCollection.Requests[$Request.GetCollectionKey()] = $Request

  [string] CalculateBaseUri($FullUri) {
    $UriObject = [Uri]::new($FullUri)
    $BaseUri = "$($UriObject.Scheme)://$($UriObject.Host):$($UriObject.Port)"
    return $BaseUri

  [hashtable] GetDefaultHeaders() {
    $DefaultHeadersClone = [hashtable]@{}
    foreach ($Kvp in $this.DefaultHeaders.GetEnumerator()) {
      $DefaultHeadersClone[$Kvp.Name] = $Kvp.Value
    return $DefaultHeadersClone # cloned

class CliMenuItem {

  CliMenuItem([string]$Label, [System.object]$Data) {
    $this.Label = $Label
    $this.Data = $Data

  [string] ToString() {
    return $this.Label


#region private functions

function Get-ApiSession {
  return $Script:ApiSession

function Set-ApiSession {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

  $Script:ApiSession = $Session

function Resolve-ApiConfigFilePath {
  $LocalPath = Get-ApiConfigFilePath -Source Local
  if (Test-Path -Path $LocalPath) {
    return $LocalPath
  else {
    return (Get-ApiConfigFilePath -Source UserProfile)

function Get-ApiConfigFilePath {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [ValidateSet("Local", "UserProfile")]

  switch ($Source) {
    "Local" {
      return (Join-Path -Path (Get-Location).Path -ChildPath $Script:ApiConfigFileName)
    Default {
      return (Join-Path -Path $HOME -ChildPath $Script:ApiConfigFolder $Script:ApiConfigFileName)

function Get-ApiConfig {
  # No in memory api config at the moment (it is always read from file)
  return (Read-ApiConfig)

function Read-ApiConfig {
  $ConfigFilePath = Resolve-ApiConfigFilePath
  if (Test-Path -Path $ConfigFilePath) {
    Write-Verbose "Read ApiConfig from $ConfigFilePath"
    $ConfigFile = Get-Content -Path $ConfigFilePath -Raw

    $RawApiConfig = $ConfigFile | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 10
    return [ApiConfig]::new($RawApiConfig)
  else {
    # no config file found
    return (New-ApiConfig -Confirm:$false)

function Save-ApiConfig {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

  if ($null -eq $ApiConfig) {

  if ($null -eq $FullPath -or $FullPath -eq "") {
    $ConfigFilePath = Resolve-ApiConfigFilePath
  else {
    $ConfigFilePath = $FullPath

  $ApiConfig.LastUpdate = Get-Date
  $Directory = Split-Path -Path $ConfigFilePath -Parent
  if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $Directory)) {
    Write-Verbose "Create directory '$Directory'"
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $Directory -Force | Out-Null

  $ApiConfig | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File -FilePath $ConfigFilePath
  Write-Verbose "ApiConfig saved to $ConfigFilePath with timestamp '$($ApiConfig.LastUpdate)'"

function ConvertTo-CliMenuItems {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [func[object, string]]$LabelFunction = $null

  $MenuItems = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
  if (!$Items) {
    return $MenuItems

  foreach ($Item in $Items) {
    if ($LabelFunction) {
      $Label = $LabelFunction.Invoke($Item)
      $MenuItems.Add([CliMenuItem]::new($Label, $Item)) | Out-Null
    else {
      $MenuItems.Add([CliMenuItem]::new($Item.ToString(), $Item)) | Out-Null

  return [CliMenuItem[]]$MenuItems

function Build-CliMenu {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

  $ItemsLength = $Items.Count
  for ($i = 0; $i -le $ItemsLength; $i++) {
    if ($null -ne $Items[$i]) {
      $Item = $Items[$i]
      $Label = $Item.Label
      if ($Multiselect) {
        if ($Selection -contains $i) {
          $Label = '[x] ' + $Label
        else {
          $Label = '[ ] ' + $Label
      if ($i -eq $MenuPosition) {

        Write-Host "> $Label" -ForegroundColor Green
      else {
        Write-Host " $Label"

function Set-CliMenuSelection {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

  if ($Selection -contains $Position) { 
    $Result = $Selection | Where-Object { $_ -ne $Position }
  else {
    $Selection += $Position
    $Result = $Selection

function Show-CliMenu {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [switch]$ReturnIndex = $false,

    [switch]$Multiselect = $false

  $VKeyCode = 0
  $Position = 0
  $Selection = @()

  if ($Items.Count -gt 0) {
    try {
      [console]::CursorVisible = $false #prevents cursor flickering
      Build-CliMenu $Items $Position $Multiselect $Selection
      While ($VKeyCode -ne 13 -and $VKeyCode -ne 27) {
        $PressedKey = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
        $VKeyCode = $PressedKey.VirtualKeyCode
        # 38=up-arrow,40=down-arrow,36=home,35=end,27=esc,13=enter
        if ($VKeyCode -eq 38 -or $PressedKey.Character -eq 'k') { $Position-- } #go up
        if ($VKeyCode -eq 40 -or $PressedKey.Character -eq 'j') { $Position++ } #go down
        if ($VKeyCode -eq 36) { $Position = 0 } #top
        if ($VKeyCode -eq 35) { $Position = $Items.Count - 1 } #bottom
        if ($PressedKey.Character -eq ' ') { $Selection = Set-CliMenuSelection $Position $Selection }
        if ($Position -lt 0) { $Position = 0 }
        if ($VKeyCode -eq 27) { $Position = $null }
        if ($Position -ge $Items.Count) { $Position = $Items.Count - 1 }
        if ($VKeyCode -ne 27) {
          $startPos = [System.Console]::CursorTop - $Items.Count
          [System.Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, $startPos)
          Build-CliMenu $Items $Position $Multiselect $Selection
    finally {
      [System.Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, $startPos + $Items.Count)
      [console]::CursorVisible = $true
  else {
    $Position = $null

  if ($ReturnIndex -eq $false -and $null -ne $Position) {
    if ($Multiselect) {
      return $Items[$Selection].Data # return of menu item here
    else {
      return $Items[$Position].Data # return of menu item here
  else {
    if ($Multiselect) {
      return $Selection
    else {
      return $Position

function Show-ApiTrademark {
  Write-Host " ____ __ __ __ ___ " -ForegroundColor $Script:ApiTitleForegroundColor -BackgroundColor $Script:ApiTitleBackgroundColor
  Write-Host " / __ \____ _____/ /_ / /_ / /_ __ __ __ _____ ____ ____/ (_)________ " -ForegroundColor $Script:ApiTitleForegroundColor -BackgroundColor $Script:ApiTitleBackgroundColor
  Write-Host " / /_/ / __ \/ ___/ __ \/ __/ / __ \/ / / / / / / / _ \/ __ \/ __ / / ___/ __ \" -ForegroundColor $Script:ApiTitleForegroundColor -BackgroundColor $Script:ApiTitleBackgroundColor
  Write-Host " / ____/ /_/ (__ ) / / / /_ / /_/ / /_/ / / /_/ / __/ / / / /_/ / / /__/ /_/ /" -ForegroundColor $Script:ApiTitleForegroundColor -BackgroundColor $Script:ApiTitleBackgroundColor
  Write-Host "/_/ \____/____/_/ /_/\__/ /_.___/\__, / \__, /\___/_/ /_/\__,_/_/\___/\____/ " -ForegroundColor $Script:ApiTitleForegroundColor -BackgroundColor $Script:ApiTitleBackgroundColor
  Write-Host " /____/ /____/ " -ForegroundColor $Script:ApiTitleForegroundColor -BackgroundColor $Script:ApiTitleBackgroundColor
  Write-Host " " -ForegroundColor $Script:ApiTitleForegroundColor -BackgroundColor $Script:ApiTitleBackgroundColor
  Write-Host ""

function Write-ApiHeader {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

  $Length = $Title.Length
  Write-Host $Title
  Write-Host ("-" * $Length)

function ToFixedLength {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

  if ($Text.Length -ge $Length) {
    return $Text.Substring(0, $Length)

  return $Text + (" " * ($Length - $Text.Length))

function CollectionUriArgCompleter {
  param ( $commandName,
    $fakeBoundParameters )

  # NOTE: can only use exported functions here!!!
  $Collections = Get-ApiCollection
  $Collections | Where-Object { $_.BaseUri -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ForEach-Object { $_.BaseUri }

function RequestUriArgCompleter {
  param ( $commandName,
    $fakeBoundParameters )

  # NOTE: can only use exported functions here!!!
  $Requests = Get-ApiRequest
  $Requests | Where-Object { $_.GetUri() -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ForEach-Object { $_.GetUri() }

function HashtableToString {
  param ( 

  if ($null -eq $Hashtable) {
    return "";
  $Result = ""

  $Hashtable.Keys | ForEach-Object { $Result += "$_=$($Hashtable[$_])," }
  return $Result


#region public functions

Creates a new posht config/request file (posht.json)
Creates a new posht config/request file (posht.json)
If the local switch is not specified, file is saved in the user profile path
Create and save at current path (instead of user profile path)
New-ApiConfig -Local

function New-ApiConfig {
  [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

  $FullPath = ""
    $FullPath = Get-ApiConfigFilePath -Source Local
  } else {
    $FullPath = Get-ApiConfigFilePath -Source UserProfile 

  $FileExists = Test-Path $FullPath
  if (-Not $FileExists -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("This will create a new config file under '$FullPath' and overwrite the existing one!", $FullPath, 'Initialize new config file and overwrite the existing one?')) {
    $ApiConfig = [ApiConfig]::new()
    Write-Verbose "New ApiConfig initialized"

    Save-ApiConfig -ApiConfig $ApiConfig -FullPath $FullPath
    return $ApiConfig

function Clear-ApiSession {
  $Script:ApiSession = $null

Get an array of collections (One collection contains multiple requests)
Get collection of requests (grouped by BaseUri)
Filter by BaseUri (wildcards are allowed)
Get-ApiCollection -BaseUri "http://localhost*"
Get-ApiCollection -BaseUri "https*"

function Get-ApiCollection {
  param (

  $ApiConfig = Get-ApiConfig

  if ($BaseUri) {
    $Collections = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
    foreach ($Collection in $ApiConfig.Collections.Values) {
      if ($Collection.BaseUri -like $BaseUri) {
        $Collections.Add($Collection) | Out-Null
    return $Collections
  else {
    return $ApiConfig.Collections.Values
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Get-ApiCollection -ParameterName BaseUri -ScriptBlock { CollectionUriArgCompleter @args }

Get an array of requets
Get an array of requets
Filter requests by BaseUri (wildcards allowed)
Filter requests by http method (wildcards allowed)
Get-ApiRequest -BaseUri "https*"
Get-ApiRequest -Method "Post"

function Get-ApiRequest {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position=0)]
    [string]$BaseUri = $null,

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position=1)]
    [string]$Method = $null

  $ApiConfig = Get-ApiConfig
  $Requests = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
  foreach ($Collection in $ApiConfig.Collections.Values) {
    foreach ($Request in $Collection.Requests.Values) {
      if (!$BaseUri -or $Request.BaseUri -like $BaseUri) {
        if (!$Method -or $Request.Method -like $Method) {
          $Requests.Add($Request) | Out-Null

  return $Requests
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Get-ApiRequest -ParameterName BaseUri -ScriptBlock { CollectionUriArgCompleter @args }

Show an inline CLI menu for browsing trough collections and requests
Show an inline CLI menu for browsing trough collections and requests

function Show-ApiRequest {

  $ApiConfig = Get-ApiConfig


  if ($null -eq $ApiConfig.Collections.Values -or $ApiConfig.Collections.Values.Count -eq 0) {
    Write-Warning "No collections and requests to display! Please make some requests first -> Invoke-ApiRequest..."
    Write-Host ""

  Write-ApiHeader "Requests grouped by collection (Base Uri):"
  $SortedCollections = $ApiConfig.Collections.Values | Sort-Object -Property BaseUri
  $CollectionItems = ConvertTo-CliMenuItems -Items $SortedCollections -LabelFunction { param($Col) return "$($Col.BaseUri) ($($Col.Requests.Count) Requests)" }
  $SelectedCollection = Show-CliMenu -Items $CollectionItems
  if ($null -eq $SelectedCollection) {


  if ($null -eq $SelectedCollection.Requests.Values -or $SelectedCollection.Requests.Values.Count -eq 0) {
    Write-Warning "No requests to display! Please make some requests first -> Invoke-ApiRequest..."
    Write-Host ""

  Write-ApiHeader "Requests for uri '$SelectedCollection':"
  Write-Host "Headers: $(HashtableToString -Hashtable $SelectedCollection.Headers)" -ForegroundColor DarkGray
  Write-Host ""
  $SortedRequests = $SelectedCollection.Requests.Values | Sort-Object -Property Method, Path
  $RequestItems = ConvertTo-CliMenuItems -Items $SortedRequests -LabelFunction { param($Req) return "$(ToFixedLength -Text $Req.Method -Length 8) $($Req.Path) => (Headers: $($Req.Headers.Count), Body: $($null -ne $Req.Body))" }
  $SelectedRequest = Show-CliMenu -Items $RequestItems
  if ($null -eq $SelectedRequest) {

  Write-ApiHeader "Actions for request '$SelectedRequest':"
  Write-Host "Method: $($SelectedRequest.Method)" -ForegroundColor DarkGray
  Write-Host "Path: $($SelectedRequest.Path)" -ForegroundColor DarkGray
  Write-Host "Headers: $(HashtableToString -Hashtable $SelectedRequest.Headers)" -ForegroundColor DarkGray
  Write-Host "Body: $($SelectedRequest.Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 -Compress)" -ForegroundColor DarkGray
  Write-Host ""
  $ActionItems = ConvertTo-CliMenuItems -Items @("Run", "Clipboard", "Details", "Remove", "Cancel")
  $Action = Show-CliMenu -Items $ActionItems

  switch ($Action) {
    "Run" {
      $SelectedRequest | Invoke-ApiRequest
    "Clipboard" {
      Write-Host "Under development"
      $Body = if ($SelectedRequest.Body) { "-Body TODO" } else { "" }
      $Headers = if ($SelectedRequest.Headers) { "-Headers TODO" } else { "" }
      $PersistSessionCookie = if ($SelectedRequest.PersistSessionCookie) { "-PersistSessionCookie" }else { "" }
      $Command = "Invoke-ApiRequest -Uri '$($SelectedRequest.GetUri())' -Method $($SelectedRequest.Method) $Body $Headers $PersistSessionCookie" 
      Write-Host "Selected command is now in your clipboard" -ForegroundColor DarkGray
      Write-Host $Command -ForegroundColor DarkGray
      Set-Clipboard -Value $Command
    "Details" {
    "Remove" {
      $SelectedRequest | Remove-ApiRequest
    Default {}

Updates the BaseUri of a collection and all its requests
Updates the BaseUri of a collection and all its requests
The actual BaseUri
The new BaseUri
Update-ApiCollectionBaseUri -BaseUri "http://localhost:5020" -NewBaseUri "https://localhost:5001"

function Update-ApiCollectionBaseUri {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position=1)]

  $ApiConfig = Get-ApiConfig

  $Collection = $ApiConfig.Collections[$BaseUri]
  if ($Collection) {
    # Adjust requests base uri
    foreach ($Key in $Collection.Requests.Keys) {
      $Collection.Requests[$key].BaseUri = $NewBaseUri

    $NewCollection = $ApiConfig.Collections[$NewBaseUri]
    if ($NewCollection) {
      # Already exists (copy only requests)
      foreach ($Key in $Collection.Requests.Keys) {
        $NewCollection.Requests[$Key] = $Collection.Requests[$Key]
    else {
      # Does not exist yet
      $Collection.BaseUri = $NewBaseUri
      $ApiConfig.Collections[$NewBaseUri] = $Collection

    Write-Verbose "BaseUri updated from '$BaseUri' to '$NewBaseUri'"
    Save-ApiConfig -ApiConfig $ApiConfig
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Update-ApiCollectionBaseUri -ParameterName BaseUri -ScriptBlock { CollectionUriArgCompleter @args }

Updates the headers of a collection
Updates the headers of a collection (Requests use this information to enrich their headers)
The BaseUri/Identifier of the collection
The updated headers
Update-ApiCollectionHeader -BaseUri "https://localhost:5001" -Headers @{"X-Tenant"="traco"}

function Update-ApiCollectionHeader {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position=1)]

  $ApiConfig = Get-ApiConfig

  $Collection = $ApiConfig.Collections[$BaseUri]
  if ($Collection) {
    $Collection.Headers = [hashtable]@{}
    foreach ($Key in $Headers.Keys) {
      $Collection.Headers[$Key] = $Headers[$Key]

    Write-Verbose "Headers updated for collection '$BaseUri'"
    Save-ApiConfig -ApiConfig $ApiConfig
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Update-ApiCollectionHeader -ParameterName BaseUri -ScriptBlock { CollectionUriArgCompleter @args }

Makes an http call to the given endpoint. It serializes to body to JSON and stores the request for later usage
This is the main function of the posht module. It wraps 'Invoke-RestMethod' and saves every request for later usage. It basically builds an inventory of requests which can be browsed and reused.
There are also functions to set common HTTP headers for collections of requests or even change the BaseUri for several requests.
HTTP method (Get, Post, etc.)
An optional body (gets serialized to JSON)
.PARAMETER PersistSessionCookie
If the request hits an auth endpoint which creates session cookies, this flag must be set, so that the cookies are reused for later requests
The full Uri to the endpoint
Additional request specific headers (Headers are then merged with (1) default headers from config, (2) headers from collection, (3) headers from request)
.PARAMETER SaveHeadersOnCollection
Headers specified on this request will be saved on the parent collection and reused by all future requests within this collection
.PARAMETER RequestData
Invoke-ApiRequest can also be called with 'RequestData' from a past request (see Get-ApiRequest)
Invoke-ApiRequest -Uri "http://localhost:5020/tenants" -Method Get
Invoke-ApiRequest -Uri "http://localhost:5010/auth/credentials" -Method Post -Body @{Username="foo";Password="bar"} -PersistSessionCookie
Get-ApiRequest -BaseUri "http://localhost:5020/te*" | Invoke-ApiRequest

function Invoke-ApiRequest {
  param (
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Single")]
    [ValidateSet("Get", "Put", "Patch", "Post", "Delete")]
    [string]$Method = "Get",

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Single")]
    [System.Object]$Body = $null,

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Single")]
    [switch]$PersistSessionCookie = $false,

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position=0, ParameterSetName = "Single")]
    [string]$Uri, # full uri

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Single")]
    [hashtable]$Headers = [hashtable]@{},

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Single")]
    [switch]$SaveHeadersOnCollection = $false,

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Request", ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

  $ApiConfig = Get-ApiConfig

  $Request = $null
  # This is a new request
  if ($null -eq $RequestData) {
    $Request = [ApiRequest]::new(
  # Base on an existing/old request
  else {
    $Request = $RequestData


  # 1. Default Headers from Api Config
  $ResolvedHeaders = $ApiConfig.GetDefaultHeaders()
  # 2. Collection Headers (can overwrite)
  $Collection = $ApiConfig.Collections[$Request.BaseUri]
  if ($Collection) {
    foreach ($Key in $Collection.Headers.Keys) {
      $ResolvedHeaders[$Key] = $Collection.Headers[$Key]
  # 3. Request Headers (can overwrite)
  if ($Request.Headers) {
    if ($SaveHeadersOnCollection -and $Collection) {
      foreach ($Key in $Request.Headers.Keys) {
        $Collection.Headers[$Key] = $Request.Headers[$Key]

    foreach ($Key in $Request.Headers.Keys) {
      $ResolvedHeaders[$Key] = $Request.Headers[$Key]

  Save-ApiConfig -ApiConfig $ApiConfig

  Write-Verbose "$Request"
  Write-Verbose "Resolved Headers: $(HashtableToString -Hashtable $ResolvedHeaders)"

  $RestMethodArgs = [hashtable]@{
    Method               = $Request.Method
    Headers              = $ResolvedHeaders
    Uri                  = "$($Request.BaseUri)$($Request.Path)"
    SkipCertificateCheck = $true

  if ($Request.Body) {
    $BodyJson = $Request.Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
    $RestMethodArgs['Body'] = $BodyJson
  if ($Request.PersistSession) {
    $RestMethodArgs['SessionVariable'] = "CookieSession"
  $ApiSession = Get-ApiSession
  if ($null -ne $ApiSession) {
    Write-Verbose "Use existing session"
    $RestMethodArgs['WebSession'] = $ApiSession

  $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @RestMethodArgs

  if ($null -ne $CookieSession) {
    Write-Verbose "Persist Session"
    Set-ApiSession $CookieSession

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Invoke-ApiRequest -ParameterName Uri -ScriptBlock { RequestUriArgCompleter @args }

Removes a single api request from the saved requests
Removes a single api request from the saved requests
Post, Get, etc. -> needed to identiy the request
The full uri of the request
.PARAMETER RequestData
A past request can also be used or piped
Remove-ApiRequest -Method Get -Uri http://localhost:5020/tenants
$Request | Remove-ApiRequest

function Remove-ApiRequest {
  param (
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Single", Position=1)]
    [ValidateSet("Get", "Put", "Patch", "Post", "Delete")]
    [string]$Method = "Get",

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position=0, ParameterSetName = "Single")]
    [string]$Uri, # full uri

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Object", ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

  begin {
    $ApiConfig = Get-ApiConfig

  process {
    $ResolvedRequest = $null
    if ($Request) {
      $ResolvedRequest = $Request
    else {
      $ResolvedRequest = [ApiRequest]::new(
    $Collection = $ApiConfig.Collections[$ResolvedRequest.BaseUri]
    if ($null -eq $Collection) {
      Write-Verbose "Did not find collection for BaseUri $($ResolvedRequest.BaseUri)"
    $RequestKey = $ResolvedRequest.GetCollectionKey()
    $RequestToDelete = $Collection.Requests[$RequestKey]
    if ($null -eq $RequestToDelete) {
      Write-Verbose "Did not find request $($ResolvedRequest.ToString())"
    Write-Verbose "Deleted request $($ResolvedRequest.ToString())"

  end {
    Save-ApiConfig -ApiConfig $ApiConfig

Delete an entire collection of requests
Delete an entire collection of requests
The BaseUri which identifies the collection
.PARAMETER Collection
An existing collection object or trough pipe
Remove-ApiCollection -BaseUri http://localhost:5020
Get-ApiCollection -BaseUri http://localhost:5001 | Remove-ApiCollection

function Remove-ApiCollection {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position=0, ParameterSetName = "Uri")]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Object", ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
  begin {
    $ApiConfig = Get-ApiConfig

  process {
    $ResolvedBaseUri = ""
    if ($BaseUri) {
      $ResolvedBaseUri = $BaseUri
    else {
      $ResolvedBaseUri = $Collection.BaseUri
    $Collection = $ApiConfig.Collections[$ResolvedBaseUri]
    if ($null -eq $Collection) {
      Write-Verbose "Did not find collection with BaseUri $ResolvedBaseUri"
    Write-Verbose "Deleted collection with BaseUri $ResolvedBaseUri"

  end {
    Save-ApiConfig -ApiConfig $ApiConfig
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Remove-ApiCollection -ParameterName BaseUri -ScriptBlock { CollectionUriArgCompleter @args }

Returns all session cookies if there is a session
Returns all session cookies if there is a session

function Get-ApiSessionCookie {
  param ()

  $Session = Get-ApiSession
  if ($null -eq $Session) {
    Write-Verbose "No session at the moment"



#region alias

New-Alias iar -Value Invoke-ApiRequest -ea silentlycontinue
New-Alias sar -Value Show-ApiRequest -ea silentlycontinue
