
function Get-PaConfigDiff {
        Checks to see if there's a difference in the candidate and running configuration on a Palo Alto Device.
        Checks to see if there's a difference in the candidate and running configuration on a Palo Alto Device.



    Param (

    BEGIN {
        $RunningConfig   = Invoke-PaApiOperation '<show><config><running/></config></show>'
        $CandidateConfig = Invoke-PaApiOperation '<show><config><candidate/></config></show>'

        # Format Xml for comparison
        $RunningConfig   = [HelperXml]::SplitXml($RunningConfig)
        $CandidateConfig = [HelperXml]::SplitXml($CandidateConfig)

        Compare-Object $RunningConfig $CandidateConfig
        # Would like to clean this up a bit and return output that's useful