
function Install-Game
        Installs a Game from the PowerShell Gallery
        Installs a Game from the PowerShell Gallery to the PowerArcade ROM directory.
        Install-Game -Name Blackjack
        Find-Game -Name ShuffleScreen | Install-Game

    # The name of the game module.

    # The repository. If this is not provided, all default registered repositories will be contacted.

    process {
        #region Where to?
        $saveTo = $profile |
            Split-Path |
            Join-Path -ChildPath PowerArcade |
            Join-Path -ChildPath ROM
        #endregion Where to?

        #region Is it Safe?
        if (-not (Test-Path $saveTo)) {
            $createdDirectory = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $saveTo -Force
            if (-not $createdDirectory) {
        #endregion Is it Safe?

        #region Save the Module, Save the World
        $saveModuleSplat = @{Path=$saveTo} + $PSBoundParameters
        Save-Module @saveModuleSplat
        #endregion Save the Module, Save the World