
    # The Background Color of the game (most games should set this)
    BackgroundColor = '#000000'  

    # The Text Color of the game (most games should set this, it's used in MessageBoxes by default)
    TextColor = '#00ff00'

    # The Level the game starts on (most games should set this. If they don't, the first alphabetically named Level will be used.
    StartLevel = 'Menu'

    # An ASCII art logo. This is not required, but having one makes implementing a Menu easy
    Logo = @'
  _________ ________
 / _____/__ __ _____ / _____/_____ _____ ____
 \_____ \| | \/ \/ \ ___\__ \ / \_/ __ \
 / \ | / Y Y \ \_\ \/ __ \| Y Y \ ___/
/_______ /____/|__|_| /\______ (____ /__|_| /\___ >
        \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

    # Instructions on how to play the game.
    # This is not required, but having them makes implementing a Menu easy.
    Instructions = 
        'Eat Numbers until you reach the total',
        'If you eat too much,',
        ' eat a negative number to subtract'

    # The game controls.
    # This is not required, but having them makes implementing a Menu easy.
    Controls = 
        'Space - Start',
        'Arrows - Move',
        'Escape - Quit'