
function Watch-Game
        Watches the Game Loop
        While the game is running, this function will:
        * Watch for keyboard input
        * Call any key handlers
        * Call any OnTick events found on the Game, CurrentLevel, or loaded sprites
        * Sleep until the next expected $game.Clock event
        Unless you are building a game, you won't run this command directly.
        This command will be run within Initialize-Game, which in turn is called
        Initialize-Game -GamePath .\ROM\Nibbles2020 | Add-Member NoteProperty IsRunning $true -Force -PassThru | Watch-Game

    # The Game Object

    begin {
        $NotifyTick = {
            if ($game.OnTick.Invoke) {

            if ($game.CurrentLevel.OnTick.Invoke) {

            foreach ($gameSprite in @($game.CurrentLevel.Sprites)) {
                if ($gameSprite.OnTick.Invoke) {


    process {
        $lastTick = $null
        $game | Add-Member NoteProperty LoopCounter 0 -Force

        :GameLoop while ($game.IsRunning) {
            & $NotifyTick
            $keyInput = @(
                $keySplat = @{}
                if ($Game.KeyHandlers) {
                    $keySplat['OnKey'] = $Game.KeyHandlers
                . Watch-Keyboard @keySplat
            if ($keyInput -and $keyInput.Key.VirtualKeyCode -ne 10 -and $keyInput.Key.VirtualKeyCode -ne 13) {
                $null = $null
            $gameClock = $game.Clock -as [Timespan]
            if (-not $gameClock) { $gameClock = [Timespan]'00:00:00.02' }
            do {
                # Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1
            } while ($lastTick -and ([DateTime]::Now -lt $nextTick))

            $lastTick = [DateTime]::Now
            $nextTick = $lastTick + $gameClock