
# Copyright 2021, Alexis La Goutte <alexis dot lagoutte at gmail dot com>
# Copyright 2021, Cédric Moreau <moreau dot cedric0 at gmail dot com>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

function Add-ArubaCLInventoryDevices {

      Add Devices on Aruba Central

      Add Devices (Serial and MAC Address) on Aruba Central

      Add-ArubaCLInventoryDevices -mac FC:7F:F1:C2:23:43 -serial CNLBPWSH

      Add Device with MAC Address and serial on Inventory


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, position = 1)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $False)]
        [PSObject]$connection = $DefaultArubaCLConnection

    Begin {

    Process {

        $invokeParams = @{ }

        $_device = @( )

        #the MAC Address need to be separate with ':' ...
        $mac = Format-ArubaCLMacAddress -MacAddress $mac -Separator ':'

        $_device += @{
            "mac"    = $mac
            "serial" = $serial

        $uri = "platform/device_inventory/v1/devices"

        $device = Invoke-ArubaCLRestMethod -uri $uri -method POST -body $_device @invokeParams -connection $connection


    End {

function Add-ArubaCLInventoryDevicesArchive {

      Add Archived Devices on Aruba Central

      Add Archived Devices on Aruba Central

      Add-ArubaCLInventoryDevicesArchive -serial CT05848405

      Add Device with Serial CT05848405 on Archive

      Add-ArubaCLInventoryDevicesArchive -serial CT05848405, CT05848406

      Add Devices with Serial CT05848405 and CT05848406 on Archive

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $False)]
        [PSObject]$connection = $DefaultArubaCLConnection

    Begin {

    Process {
        $invokeParams = @{ }

        $_device = @{
            "serials" = @($serial)

        $uri = "platform/device_inventory/v1/devices/archive"

        $archive = Invoke-ArubaCLRestMethod -uri $uri  -body $_device -method POST @invokeParams -connection $connection


    End {

function Get-ArubaCLInventoryDevices {

      Get Devices on Aruba Central

      Get Devices on Aruba Central

      Get-ArubaCLInventoryDevices -type IAP

      Get the 50th first iap on central

      Get-ArubaCLInventoryDevices -type IAP -limit 2000 -offset 0

      Get all the IAP (Limit 2000, starting offset at 0)

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, position = 1)]
        [ValidateSet('IAP', 'MAS')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $False)]
        [PSObject]$connection = $DefaultArubaCLConnection

    Begin {

    Process {
        $invokeParams = @{ }

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('limit') ) {
            $invokeParams.add( 'limit', $limit )
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('offset') ) {
            $invokeParams.add( 'offset', $offset )

        $uri = "platform/device_inventory/v1/devices?sku_type=$type"

        $device = Invoke-ArubaCLRestMethod -uri $uri -method GET @invokeParams -connection $connection


    End {

function Get-ArubaCLInventoryDevicesArchive {

      Get Archived Devices on Aruba Central

      Get Archived Devices on Aruba Central


      Get Archived Device for IAP of service DM

      Get-ArubaCLInventoryDevices -limit 2000 -offset 0

      Get Archived Devices (Limit 2000, starting offset at 0)

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $False)]
        [PSObject]$connection = $DefaultArubaCLConnection

    Begin {

    Process {
        $invokeParams = @{ }

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('limit') ) {
            $invokeParams.add( 'limit', $limit )
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('offset') ) {
            $invokeParams.add( 'offset', $offset )

        $uri = "platform/device_inventory/v1/devices/archive"

        $archive = Invoke-ArubaCLRestMethod -uri $uri -method GET @invokeParams -connection $connection


    End {

function Get-ArubaCLInventoryDevicesStats {

      Get Devices Stats on Aruba Central

      Get Devices Stats on Aruba Central

      Get-ArubaCLInventoryDevicesStats -type IAP -service dm

      Get Device Stats for IAP of service DM

      Get-ArubaCLInventoryDevices -type MAS -service pa

      Get Device Stats for MAS of service PA

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, position = 1)]
        [ValidateSet('IAP', 'MAS')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('dm', 'pa')]
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $False)]
        [PSObject]$connection = $DefaultArubaCLConnection

    Begin {

    Process {
        $invokeParams = @{ }

        $uri = "platform/device_inventory/v1/devices/stats?sku_type=$type&service_type=$service"

        $stats = Invoke-ArubaCLRestMethod -uri $uri -method GET @invokeParams -connection $connection


    End {

function Remove-ArubaCLInventoryDevicesArchive {

      Remove Archived Devices on Aruba Central

      Remove Archived Devices on Aruba Central

      Remove-ArubaCLInventoryDevicesArchive -serial CT05848405

      Remove Device with Serial CT05848405 on Archive

      Remove-ArubaCLInventoryDevicesArchive -serial CT05848405, CT05848406

      Remove Devices with Serial CT05848405 and CT05848406 on Archive

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'medium')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $False)]
        [PSObject]$connection = $DefaultArubaCLConnection

    Begin {

    Process {
        $invokeParams = @{ }

        $_device = @{
            "serials" = @($serial)

        $uri = "platform/device_inventory/v1/devices/unarchive"

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($serial -join ",", 'Remove device from Archive')) {
            $archive = Invoke-ArubaCLRestMethod -uri $uri  -body $_device -method POST @invokeParams -connection $connection


    End {