
This function returns the Azure Tenant ID for a provided domain
This function queries Azure anonymously to return the provided domain's
tenant ID. The function can take a valid user email for that domain or
the domain name itself.
This is the Azure domain name with the suffix included
This is a valid user email for the target domain
Get-AzureTenantID -Domain ''
Get-AzureTenantID -Email ''

function Get-AzureTenantID{


    try {
            Write-Verbose 'Domain provided.'
        elseif ($Email) {
            Write-Verbose 'Split the string on the username to get the Domain.'
            $Domain = $Email.Split("@")[1]    
            Write-Warning 'You must provide a valid Domain or User email to proceed.'
        Write-Verbose 'Query Azure anonymously (this may not work for ALL tenant domains. Eg. Those that use'
        $tenantID = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing$($Domain)/.well-known/openid-configuration|ConvertFrom-Json).token_endpoint.Split('/')[3]
    catch {
        throw $_
    return $tenantID