
Import-Module PowerBIManager

#Enable writing informational messages
$InformationPreference = "Continue"

#Connect to the Power BI service, pass a ClientId theat has acces to your tennant
#if credentials are not specified it will use an existing session or prompt for your credentials
Connect-PBI -ClientId "d57ac8af-1019-431d-8fed-5fd8db180388"

#select the Workspace you want to upload to, skip this for your personal workspace
Use-PBIGroup "ManagementInfo"

#create a data structure for search/replace server names in connections
$cr = @(
    @{"CurrentServer"="MyDevServer\TabularInstance"; "NewServer"="Mydomain.MyTopDomain.MyProdServer\TabularInstance" }
    @{"CurrentServer"="Mydomain.MyTopDomain.MyDevServer\TabularInstance"; "NewServer"="Mydomain.MyTopDomain.MyProdServer\TabularInstance" }

#upload all pbix files in local directory, altering the datasource to replace development server with production server
Get-ChildItem C:\Temp\PBIX -Filter "*.pbix" | Import-PBIContent -ConnectionReplacement $cr