

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

$currentPath = (Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent)

Import-Module "$currentPath\..\PowerBIPS" -Force

$testType = 2

if ($testType -eq 1)
    Get-Process | Out-PowerBI -verbose
elseif ($testType -eq 2)
    $data = 1..50 |% {    
            Id = $_
            ; Name = "Record $_"
            ; Date = [datetime]::Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
            ; Value = (Get-Random -Minimum 10 -Maximum 1000)
            ; Xpto = (Get-Random -Minimum 10 -Maximum 1000)
    $data | Out-PowerBI -verbose -types @{"Table.Date" = "datetime"; "Table.DateModified"="datetime"} -dataSetName "TestChangeTable2" -forceTableSchemaUpdate
elseif ($testType -eq 3)
    @{Table1 = (1..50 |% {    
            Id = $_
            ; Name = "Record $_"
            ; Date = [datetime]::Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
            ; Value = (Get-Random -Minimum 10 -Maximum 1000)
    Table2 = (1..20 |% {    
            Id = $_
            ; Category = "Category $_"
            ; SubCategory = "SubCategory $_"
            ; DateModified = [datetime]::Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
            ; AveragePrice = (Get-Random -Minimum 10 -Maximum 1000)
    })} | Out-PowerBI -multipleTables -verbose -types @{"{Table1.Date" = "datetime"; "Table2.DateModified"="datetime"} -dataSetName "TestChangeTable" -forceTableSchemaUpdate
elseif ($testType -eq 4)
        # Iterate each CSV file and add to a hashtable with a key for each table that will later be sent to PowerBI
        Get-ChildItem "$currentPath\CSVData" -Filter "*.csv" |% {
            $tableName = $_.BaseName.Split('.')[0]

            $data = Import-Csv $_.FullName                    
            # Send data to PowerBI
            $data | Out-PowerBI -dataSetName "CSVSales" -tableName "Sales" -types @{"Sales.OrderDate"="datetime"; "Sales.SalesAmount"="double"; "Sales.Freight"="double"} -batchSize 300 -verbose    
            # Archive the file
            Move-Item $_.FullName "$currentPath\CSVData\Archive" -Force
        Write-Output "Sleeping..."
        Sleep -Seconds 5
elseif ($testType -eq 5)
    Import-Module "C:\Users\Romano\Work\GitHub\sql-powershell-modules\Modules\SQLHelper" -Force
    $sqlConnStr = "Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorksDW2012;Data Source=.\sql2014"
    $query = "select top 100 ProductKey, [EnglishProductName], Color from DimProduct
            ; select ProductKey, Sum(SalesAmount) SalesAmount from FactInternetSales group by ProductKey"

    $ds = Invoke-SQLCommand -executeType QueryAsDataSet -connectionString $sqlConnStr -commandText $query
    $ds | Out-PowerBI -dataSetName "SQLDataSet" -verbose