
#This is needed because assemblies must be loaded before classes that reference them in Windows Powershell 5.1
#It should be referenced from "ScriptsToProcess" in the manifest file

Used to add automatic binding redirection to related modules for Powerconfig to redirect CompilerServices to the net5.0 assembly version
CompilerServices.Unsafe won't load without this

if ($PSEdition -ne 'Desktop') {
    $bindingRedirectHandler = [ResolveEventHandler] {
        param($sender, $assembly)
        try {
            Write-Debug "BindingRedirectHandler: Resolving $($"
            #Skip Powershell Assemblies
            if ($ -like '*Management.Automation*') { return $null }
            $assemblyShortName = $',')[0]
            $matchingAssembly = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() |
                Where-Object fullname -Match ('^' + [Regex]::Escape($assemblyShortName))
            if ($matchingAssembly.count -eq 1) {
                Write-Debug "BindingRedirectHandler: Redirecting $($ to $($matchingAssembly.Location)"
                return $MatchingAssembly
        } catch {
            #Write-Error will blackhole, which is why write-host is required. This should never occur so it should be a red flag
            Write-Host -fore red "BindingRedirectHandler ERROR: $PSITEM"
            return $null
        return $null

$libroot = "$PSScriptRoot/../lib"

#If this is a "debug build", use the assemblies from buildoutput
$debugLibPath = "$PSScriptRoot/../../BuildOutput/PowerConfig/lib"
if (Test-Path $debugLibPath) {
    $libroot = Resolve-Path $debugLibPath

$libPath = Resolve-Path $(
    if ($PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') {
    } else {
Write-Verbose "Loading PowerConfig Assemblies from $libPath"
Add-Type -Path "$libPath/*.dll"