
function Invoke-ConfluenceUpdateContent {
    param (
        # The ID of the content to update

        # The current version of the content

        # The current version of the content
        [ValidateScript({ $_.PSobject.Properties.Name -contains "number" })]

        # The title of the content

        # The body of the content. Use New-ConfluenceContentBody

        # The ID of the content parent

        # The type of content to create. Defaults to page

        # The status of the content

        # The ConfluenceConnection object to use for the request
    begin {
        $results = @()
    process {
        $functionPath = "/wiki/rest/api/content/$Id"
        $verb = "PUT"

        $version = IIF ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "VersionNumber") $VersionNum $VersionObj.number

            type = $Type
            title = $Title
            status = $Status
            version = @{number=(IIF ($Status -eq "draft") 1 ($version + 1))}

        $results += Invoke-ConfluenceRestMethod $ConfluenceConnection $functionPath $verb -Body $body
    end {