
$ConfluenceSpaceExpand = @("settings","metadata.labels","operations","lookAndFeel"

function Invoke-ConfluenceGetSpaces {
    param (
        # Space keys of specific spaces to return

        # Filter results by the provided type

        # Filter results by the provide status

        # Filter results by labels

        # Filter by this user's favourites (if not provided, the favourite filter will act on the current user)

        # The index of the first item to return in the page of results (page offset). The base index is 0.

        # The maximum number of items to return per page. The default is 25 and the maximum is 100.

        # Used to expand additional attributes
        [ValidateScript({ Compare-StringArraySubset $ConfluenceSpaceExpand $_ })]

        # Filter results by favourites of a user

        # The ConfluenceConnection object to use for the request
    begin {
        $keys = @()
    process {
        if ($SpaceKeys.Count -gt 0) {
           $keys += $SpaceKeys | ForEach-Object {Format-QueryKvp "spaceKey" $_}
    end {
        $RestArgs = @{
            ConfluenceConnection = $ConfluenceConnection
            FunctionPath = "/wiki/rest/api/space"
            HttpMethod = "GET"
            QueryKvp = @(
                Format-QueryKvp "start" $StartAt
                Format-QueryKvp "limit" $MaxResults
        if($keys.Count -gt 0) {$RestArgs.QueryKvp += $keys}
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Expand")){$RestArgs.QueryKvp += Format-QueryKvp "expand" ($Expand -join ",")}
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Type")){$RestArgs.QueryKvp += Format-QueryKvp "type" $Type}
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Status")){$RestArgs.QueryKvp += Format-QueryKvp "status" $Status}
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Labels")){$RestArgs.QueryKvp += Format-QueryKvp "label" ($Labels -join ",")}
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Favourite")){$RestArgs.QueryKvp += Format-QueryKvp "favourite" $Favourite}
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("FavouriteUserKey")){$RestArgs.QueryKvp += Format-QueryKvp "favouriteUserKey" $FavouriteUserKey}

        Invoke-ConfluenceRestMethod @RestArgs