

Retrieves a datasource from Grafana by it's Id or a list of all datasources if no Id is provided.

By providing an Id as a parameter to this cmdlet you will get a datasource that can be later be used in targets, if you Id is provided it will return a list of datasources.

The DataSource id provided as a numeric value.

Get-GrafanaDataSource -Id 2




function Get-GrafanaDataSource {
    $URI = Get-GrafanaURI
    $Header = New-GrafanaHeader
    if ($Id) {
        $Datasources = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Headers $Header -Uri $("$URI/api/datasources/" + $Id) 
    else {
        $Datasources = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Headers $Header -Uri $("$URI/api/datasources") 
    return $Datasources