
    Takes an HTML input and converts it to an HTMLAgilityPack htmlNode object that can be navigated using Linq
    Long description
    PS C:\> <example usage>
    Explanation of what the example does
    General notes

function ConvertFrom-Html {
    param (
        #The HTML text to parse. Accepts multiple separate documents as an array. This also accepts pipeline from Invoke-WebRequest

        #The URI or URIs from which to retrieve content. This may be faster than using Invoke-WebRequest but is less flexible in the method of retrieval (for instance, no POST)

        #Path to file or files containing HTML content to convert. This accepts pipeline from Get-Childitem or Get-Item

        #Do not return the Linq documentnode, instead return the HTMLDocument object. This is useful if you want to do XPath queries instead of Linq queries


    begin {

    process {
        #Find the type of input and bind it to inputObject
        $inputObject = $null
        foreach ($contentType in "Content","URI","Path") {
            if ((Get-Variable -erroraction SilentlyContinue $contentType).value) {
                $inputObject = (Get-Variable $contentType).value
        if (-not $inputObject) {write-error "Input Object Type Not Identified. If you see this then ConvertFrom-HTML needs better input validation"}

        #Unwrap any arrays. This allows us to accept both pipeline and parameter input
        $inputObject | ForEach-Object {
            $inputItem = $PSItem
            $htmlDoc = new-object HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument

            #Process all object types into a common HTML document format
            switch ($inputItem.GetType().FullName) {
                "System.String" {
                "System.Uri" {
                    $htmlDoc = (new-object HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlWeb).Load($inputItem)
                "System.IO.FileInfo" {
                Default {
                    write-error "Object Type not supported or implemented. If you see this error then ConvertFrom-HTML has improper input validation"
            if ($inputItem) {
                if ($Raw) {
                } else {
