
function Add-PowerHistory
        Appends entries to the session history and attaches additional information.
        The Add-PowerHistory cmdlet adds entries to the end of the session history,
        that is, the list of commands entered during the current session.
        Add-PowerHistory -CommandLine 'Get-PowerHistory' -StartExecutionTime ([DateTime]::Now.AddSeconds(-1) -EndExecutionTime ([DateTime]::Now)

    # The Command Line

    # The time the command started

    # The time the command ended

    # The execution status
    $ExecutionStatus = 'Completed',

    # Any additional properties associated with this history item.

    process {
        #region Add-History
        $historyItem = [PSCustomObject]@{
        } | Add-History -Passthru
        #endregion Add-History

        #region Add -Property from Piped Input
        foreach ($prop in $ {
            if ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Keys -notcontains $prop.Name -and $prop.Name -ne 'id') {
                if (-not $Property) {
                    $Property = [Ordered]@{}
                $Property[$prop.Name] = $prop.Value
        #endregion Add -Property from Piped Input

        #region Add to PowerHistory
        $newHistoryId = $historyItem.Id
        Sync-PowerHistory -ID $newHistoryId
        if ($Property) {
            Trace-PowerHistory -ID $newHistoryId -Property $Property
        #endregion Add to PowerHistory