
function Trace-PowerHistory
        Traces additional information into the PowerShell history
        Trace-PowerHistory traces additional information or objects into the PowerShell history.
        Input piped into the Trace-PowerHistory will be passed thru and added to the PowerShell history
        into a custom property -Name (defaulting to Output)
        Additional information can be added in a -Property dictionary.
        Tags can be added with -Tag.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidGlobalVars', "", Justification = 'Functionality Most Be Global')]
    # The InputObject. Values in this object will be saved to the history for a given invocation ID.

    # The name of the property that will store the input. By default, Output.
    $Name = 'Output',

    # Additional properties to write to the history

    # Additional tags to add to the history.

    # The history ID. By default, information will be traced to the current history ID.
    $ID = $MyInvocation.HistoryId

    begin {
        #region Create PowerHistory and $PowerHistory[$id]
        if (-not $Global:PowerHistory) {
            $Global:PowerHistory = [Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, PSObject]]::new([StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase)

        if (-not $Global:PowerHistory[$id]) {
            $Global:PowerHistory[$id] = [Ordered]@{}

        #endregion Create PowerHistory and $PowerHistory[$id]


    process {
        #region PassThru and Trace
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('InputObject')) {
            if (-not $Global:PowerHistory[$id].$name) {
                $Global:PowerHistory[$id].$name = [Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]::new()
        #endregion PassThru and Trace

    end {
        if ($Property) {
            foreach ($kv in $Property.GetEnumerator()) {
                $Global:PowerHistory[$id][$kv.Key] = $kv.Value
        if ($Tag) {
            if ($Global:PowerHistory[$id]["Tags"]) {
                $Global:PowerHistory[$id]["Tags"] =
                    @($Tag + $Global:PowerHistory[$ID]["Tags"] | Select-Object -Unique)
            } else {
                $Global:PowerHistory[$id]["Tags"] = $Tag
