
#NOTE: Multipart requests are only supported in PowerShell 6+
function Invoke-JiraRestMethod {
    param (
        # The Jira Connection to use, if a session is not active. The hashtable must have AuthHeader and HostName properties.

        # The URI path of function to invoke (do not include host name)

        # The HTTP method to use for the request

        # Addtional headers to be added to the request (Auth and Content Type are included automatically)
        # Used the same as the $Body param, but these parameters will be put into the query string

        # Query string key value pairs passed as an array of objects created by Format-QueryKvp

        # The body of the request. Will be serialized to json.
        # Allows passing a raw string for the body of the request

        # The Form values for a multipart request

        # The file object, when POST-ing or PUT-ing a file
    process {
        #validate $JiraConnection
        if($null -eq $JiraConnection) { $JiraConnection = $Global:PowerJira.Session }
        if($null -eq $JiraConnection) {throw "Missing/Malformed JiraConnection: No JiraConnection object provided, and no JiraSession open."}
        if(!($JiraConnection.ContainsKey("AuthHeader") -and $JiraConnection.ContainsKey("HostName"))) {throw "Missing/Malformed JiraConnection: The provided object is missing one of the required properties (AuthHeader and HostName)."}

        #validate method / body combination
        if ((@("GET","DELETE") -contains $HttpMethod) -and !($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -match "NoBody")) {
            throw "Invalid HttpMethod / Parameter combination: Cannot use HttpMethod '$HttpMethod' with -Body, -LiteralBody, or -Form"

        #compile headers object
        $sendHeaders = @{}
        $sendHeaders += $JiraConnection.AuthHeader
        $sendHeaders += $Headers

        #set the default content type
        $contentType = 'application/json'
        #define uri
        $hostname = if($JiraConnection.HostName.EndsWith("/")) { $JiraConnection.HostName.Substring(0, ($JiraConnection.HostName.Length - 1))} else {$JiraConnection.HostName}
        $function = If($FunctionPath.StartsWith("/")) {$FunctionPath.Substring(1)} else {$FunctionPath}
        $uri = "$hostname/$function"
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Query") -and ($Query.Keys.Count -gt 0)){
            $uri += '?' + (Format-HashtableToQueryString $Query)
        } elseif ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("QueryKvp") -and ($QueryKvp.Count -gt 0)) {
            $uri += '?' + (Format-KvpArrayToQueryString $QueryKvp)

        #select correct invocation depending on parameters provided
        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            {($_ -match "NoBody") -or (($_ -match "JsonBody") -and ($Body.Count -eq 0))} {
                Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method $HttpMethod -ContentType $contentType -Headers $sendHeaders                
            {$_ -match "JsonBody"} {
                $bodyDepth = Find-HashtableDepth $Body
                $bodyJson = ConvertTo-Json $Body -Compress -Depth $bodyDepth
                Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method $HttpMethod -ContentType $contentType -Headers $sendHeaders -Body $bodyJson
            {$_ -match "SimpleBody"} { 
                Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method $HttpMethod -ContentType $contentType -Headers $sendHeaders -Body $LiteralBody
            {$_ -match "Multipart"} { 
                Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method $HttpMethod -Headers $sendHeaders -Form $Form
             {$_ -match "File"} { 
                Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method $HttpMethod -Headers $sendHeaders -InFile $File
            Default {
                throw "Invalid Parameter Set: Unknown parameter set '$_' in Invoke-JiraRestMethod"