
$JiraFilterExpand = @("^sharedUsers(\[\d{1,4}\:\d{1,4}\])?$","^subscriptions(\[\d{1,4}\:\d{1,4}\])?$")

function Invoke-JiraUpdateFilter {
    param (
        # The ID of the filter to update

        # The name to give the filter. Must be unique.

        # The JQL to define for the filter

        # A description for the filter

        # The groups and projects that the filter is shared with. Use New-JiraFilterSharePermissions

        # Used to expand additional attributes
        [ValidateScript({ Compare-StringArraySubset $JiraFilterExpand $_ -Regex })]

        # Set this value to update the Favourite status of the filter

        # The JiraConnection object to use for the request
    process {
        $functionPath = "/rest/api/2/filter/$FilterId"
        $verb = "PUT"

        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Expand")){$query.Add("expand",$Expand -join ",")}


        Invoke-JiraRestMethod $JiraConnection $functionPath $verb -Query $query -Body $body