
function Invoke-JiraFindUsersAndGroups {
    param (
        # The search string to compare to group names

        # The maximum number of results to return (also governed by an internal jira setting)

        # Custom field ID of the field to use to limit results

        # The IDs of projects that returned members must have browse permissions to

        # The IDs of issue types that returned members must have browse permissions to

        # Set this flag to return user avatars

        # Set this value when returning user avatars
        [ValidateSet('xsmall', 'xsmall@2x', 'xsmall@3x', 'small',
                     'small@2x', 'small@3x', 'medium', 'medium@2x',
                     'medium@3x', 'large', 'large@2x', 'large@3x',
                     'xlarge', 'xlarge@2x', 'xlarge@3x', 'xxlarge',
                     'xxlarge@2x', 'xxlarge@3x', 'xxxlarge', 'xxxlarge@2x',

        # Set this flag to make group searching case sensitive

        # Set this flag to make exclude connect add-on users and groups from results

        # The JiraConnection object to use for the request
    process {
        $functionPath = "/rest/api/2/groupuserpicker"
        $verb = "GET"

        $queryKvp = @(
            Format-QueryKvp "query" $SearchTerm

            $queryKvp += Format-QueryKvp "fieldId" $CustomFieldId
            if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Projects")){$Projects | ForEach-Object {$queryKvp += Format-QueryKvp "projectId" $_}}
            if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("IssueTypes")){$IssueTypes | ForEach-Object {$queryKvp += Format-QueryKvp "issueTypeId" $_}}
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("MaxResults")){$queryKvp += Format-QueryKvp "maxResults" $MaxResults}
        if(!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("CaseSensitiveGroups")){$queryKvp += Format-QueryKvp "caseInsensitive" $true}
            $queryKvp += Format-QueryKvp "showAvatar" $true
            $queryKvp += Format-QueryKvp "avatarSize" $AvatarSize
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ExcludeConnectAddons")){$queryKvp += Format-QueryKvp "excludeConnectAddons" $true}

        Invoke-JiraRestMethod $JiraConnection $functionPath $verb -QueryKvp $queryKvp