
function Invoke-JiraUpdateDraftWorkflowScheme {
    param (
        # The ID of the scheme to update

        # The name of the new workflow

        # The description of the new workflow

        # The name of the workflow to set as default. Will be set to the default jira workflow if not specified.

        # An array of issue type workflow mappings (use New-JiraIssueTypeWorkflowMapping for objects to add to the array)
        [ValidateScript({ Test-MaxOccurrence ($_ | ForEach-Object { $_.type }) 1 })]

        # The JiraConnection object to use for the request
    process {
        $functionPath = "/rest/api/2/workflowscheme/$SchemeId/draft"
        $verb = "PUT"


        Invoke-JiraRestMethod $JiraConnection $functionPath $verb -Body $body