
function Invoke-JiraSendIssueNotification {
    param (
        # The issue Id or Key

        # The body of the email

        # The body of the email

        # The email subject line

        # A list of accountIds for users to notify

        # A list of names for groups to notify

        # A list of groups that a user must belong to in order to receive a notification

        # A list of IDs of permissions a user must have in order to receive a notification

        # Set this flag to skip notifying the issue reporter

        # Set this flag to skip notifying the issue assignee

        # Set this flag to skip notifying the issue voters

        # Set this flag to skip notifying the issue watchers

        # Set this flag to skip notifying the issue reporter, assignee, voters, and watchers

        # The JiraContext object to use for the request
    process {
        $functionPath = "/rest/api/2/issue/$IssueIdOrKey/notify"
        $verb = "POST"

        $to = @{
            reporter = $true
            assignee = $true
            voters = $true
            watchers = $true
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SkipAllDefault")) {
            $to.reporter = $false
            $to.assignee = $false
            $to.voters = $false
            $to.watchers = $false
        } else {
            $Users | ForEach-Object {$to.users += @{name=$_}}
            $Groups | ForEach-Object {$to.groups += @{name=$_}}

        $restrict = @{
            groups = @()
            permissions = @()
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("RestrictGroups")){$RestrictGroups | ForEach-Object {$restrict.groups += @{name=$_}}}
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("RestrictPermissions")){$restrict.permissions += $RestrictPermissions}

        $body = New-Object RestMethodJsonBody @{
            htmlBody = $HtmlBody
            to = $to
        if(($restrict.groups.Count -gt 0) -or ($restrict.permissions.Count -gt 0)) {$body.Add("restrict",$restrict)}

        $method = New-Object BodyRestMethod @($functionPath,$verb,$body)