
$JiraWorklogExpand = @("properties")

function Invoke-JiraUpdateWorklog {
    param (
        # The issue Id or Key

        # The worklog Id or Key

        # Time spent, using Jira's time notation format (e.g. 2h30m)

        # Time spent in seconds, represented as an integer

        # The comment to add to the worklog

        # Controls how the remaining time estimate will be affected

        # Sets the new remaining estimate
        [ValidateSet({ ($AdjustMethod -ne "new") -or (($null -eq $_) -and ($_.Length -gt 0)) })]

        # Date/time the work was started
        # Set the visibility of the comment. Use New-JiraVisibility

        # Additional properties to add to the object under the Properties property

        # Used to expand additional attributes
        [ValidateScript({ Compare-StringArraySubset $JiraWorklogExpand $_ })]

        # Set this flag to disable notifications

        # The JiraContext object to use for the request
    process {
        $functionPath = "/rest/api/2/issue/$IssueIdOrKey/worklog/$WorklogId"
        $verb = "PUT"

        $query = New-Object RestMethodQueryParams @{
            adjustEstimate = $AdjustMethod
            notifyUsers = $true
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DisableNotifications")){$query.notifyUsers = $false}
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Expand")){$query.Add("expand",$Expand -join ",")}

        $body = New-Object RestMethodJsonBody
        $method = New-Object BodyRestMethod @($functionPath,$verb,$query,$body)