
#Powershell NSX module
#Nick Bradford
#Version - See Manifest for version details.

Copyright © 2015 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License version 2 for more details.
You should have received a copy of the General Public License version 2 along with this program.
If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html.
Some files may be comprised of various open source software components, each of which
has its own license that is located in the source code of the respective component.

#Requires -Version 3.0

#More sophisticated requirement checking done at module load time.

#My installer home and valid PNSX branches (releases) (used in Update-Powernsx.)
$PNsxUrlBase = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vmware/powernsx"
$ValidBranches = @("master","v2", "v3")

$Script:AllValidServices = @("AARP", "AH", "ARPATALK", "ATMFATE", "ATMMPOA",
              "BPQ", "CUST", "DEC", "DIAG", "DNA_DL", "DNA_RC", "DNA_RT", "ESP",
              "FR_ARP", "FTP", "GRE", "ICMP", "IEEE_802_1Q", "IGMP", "IPCOMP",
              "IPV4", "IPV6", "IPV6FRAG", "IPV6ICMP", "IPV6NONXT", "IPV6OPTS",
              "IPV6ROUTE", "IPX", "L2_OTHERS", "L2TP", "L3_OTHERS", "LAT", "LLC",
              "LOOP", "MS_RPC_TCP", "MS_RPC_UDP", "NBDG_BROADCAST",
              "PPP_SES", "RARP", "RAW_FR", "RSVP", "SCA", "SCTP", "SUN_RPC_TCP",
               "SUN_RPC_UDP", "TCP", "UDP", "X25")

$Script:AllServicesRequiringPort = @( "FTP", "L2_OTHERS", "L3_OTHERS",

$script:AllServicesNotRequiringPort = $Script:AllValidServices | Where-Object { $AllServicesRequiringPort -notcontains $_ }

$script:AllServicesValidSourcePort = @( "FTP", "MS_RPC_TCP", "MS_RPC_UDP",
"TCP", "UDP" )

$Script:AllValidIcmpTypes = @("echo-reply", "destination-unreachable",
    "source-quench", "redirect", "echo-request", "time-exceeded",
    "parameter-problem", "timestamp-request", "timestamp-reply",
    "address-mask-request", "address-mask-reply"

set-strictmode -version Latest

# Private functions

Function _init {
    #Run at module load time.

    #PSEdition property does not exist pre v5. We need to do a few things in
    #exported functions to workaround some limitations of core edition, so we export
    #the global PNSXPSTarget var to reference if required.
    if ( ( $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 6 ) -or ( ( $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5 ) -and ( $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Minor -ge 1 ) ) ) {
        $script:PNsxPSTarget = $PSVersionTable.PSEdition
    else {
        $script:PNsxPSTarget = "Desktop"

    if ( ( $script:PNsxPSTarget -eq "Core" ) -and ( $PSVersionTable.GitCommitId -notmatch '^v6.[\d].[\d]+$') ) {

        if ( $PSVersionTable.GitCommitId -ne 'v6.0.0-alpha.18') {
            write-warning "This build of PowerShell core has known issues that affect PowerNSX. The only recommended build of PowerShell Core at this stage is alpha-18."
            if ( $PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ne '6.0.0-alpha') {
                throw "The PowerShell Core Beta has known issues that cause PowerNSX to fail. Refusing to load module."

    ## Define class required for certificate validation override. Version dependant.
    ## For whatever reason, this does not work when contained within a function?
    $TrustAllCertsPolicy = @"
        using System.Net;
        using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
        public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
            public bool CheckValidationResult(
                ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,
                WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {
                return true;

    $InternalHttpClientHandler = @"
        using System.Net.Http;
        public class InternalHttpClientHandler : HttpClientHandler {
            public InternalHttpClientHandler(bool SkipCertificateCheck) {
                if (SkipCertificateCheck) {
                    ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = delegate { return true; };

    if ( $script:PNsxPSTarget -eq "Desktop" ) {
        if ( -not ("TrustAllCertsPolicy" -as [type])) {
            add-type $TrustAllCertsPolicy
    elseif ( $script:PNsxPSTarget -eq "Core") {
        if ( -not ("InternalHttpClientHandler" -as [type]) ) {
            add-type $InternalHttpClientHandler -ReferencedAssemblies System.Net.Http, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates, System.Net.Primitives -WarningAction "SilentlyContinue"

    #Custom class required for Core pseudo WebResponse and exception
    $InternalWebResponse = @"
        using System;
        using System.Collections.Generic;
        public class internalWebResponse {
            public int StatusCode;
            public string StatusDescription;
            public Dictionary<string, string> Headers;
            public string Content;
            public internalWebResponse() {
                this.Headers = new Dictionary<string,string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
        public override string ToString() {
            return this.Content;
        public class InternalWebRequestException: Exception
            public internalWebResponse Response;
            public InternalWebRequestException(string message, internalWebResponse Response) : base(message){
                this.Response = Response;

    add-type $InternalWebResponse

    #Custom NSX API exception
    $InternalNsxApiException = @"
        using System;
        public class InternalNsxApiException: Exception
            public InternalNsxApiException(){}
            public InternalNsxApiException(string message) : base(message) {}
            public InternalNsxApiException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) {}

    add-type $InternalNsxApiException -IgnoreWarnings -warningaction "SilentlyContinue"

function Invoke-XpathQuery {

    Invoke-XpathQuery provides a consistent way of performing xpath queries on
    XML element and document nodes on both Desktop and Core PowerShell editions.
    Invoke-XpathQuery is required because of the differing XPath implementations
    in the dotnet FullCRL on Desktop and the dotNet Core CLR on Core editions of
    The is typcially only utilised internally by PowerNSX cmdlets, but is
    exported by the PowerNSX module to provide the same capability to anyone
    who needs to manipulate XML in scripts that consume PowerNSX without having
    to manually copy the function out of the PowerNSX code in order to leverage
    it for cross platform support.
    It is highly likely that if you dont know why you need this cmdlet, then you
    dont need it :)
    $NodeToRemove = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $xmlnode -Query "descendant::subInterface[index=0]")
    returns a single XML node matching the specified XPATH query.
    $NodeToRemove = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $xmlnode -Query "descendant::subInterface")
    returns a collection of XML nodes matching the specified XPATH query.

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #XPath query method. Supports SelectSingleNode or SelectNodes.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #XmlDocument or XmlElement node to be queried.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Xpath Query.


    If ( ( $script:PNsxPSTarget -eq "Core") -and ($PSVersionTable.GitCommitId -eq "v6.0.0-alpha.18") ) {
        #Use the XPath extensions class to perform the query
        switch ($QueryMethod) {
            "SelectSingleNode" {
            "SelectNodes" {
    else {
        #Perform the query with the native methods on the node
        switch ($QueryMethod) {
            "SelectSingleNode" {
            "SelectNodes" {

function Read-HostWithDefault {



    if ($default) {
        $response = read-host -prompt "$Prompt [$Default]"
        if ( $response -eq "" ) {
        else {
    else {
        read-host -prompt $Prompt

function ConvertFrom-Bitmask {

    param (

    [ipaddress]$base = ""
    $invertedmask = [ipaddress]($base.address - [convert]::toint64(([math]::pow(2,(32-$bitmask)) -bxor $base.Address) + 1))
    [ipaddress]$subnetmask = "$(255-$($invertedmask.GetAddressBytes()[3]))." +
        "$(255-$($invertedmask.GetAddressBytes()[2]))." +
        "$(255-$($invertedmask.GetAddressBytes()[1]))." +


function ConvertTo-Bitmask {

    param (

    $bitcount = 0
    $boundaryoctetfound = $false
    $boundarybitfound = $false
    #start at most sig end.
    foreach ($octet in $subnetmask.GetAddressBytes()) {

        switch ($octet) {
            "255" {
                if ( $boundaryoctetfound ) {
                    throw "SubnetMask specified is not valid. Specify a valid mask and try again."
                } else {
                    $bitcount += 8

            "0" { $boundaryoctetfound = $true }

            default {
                if ( $boundaryoctetfound ) {
                    throw "SubnetMask specified is not valid. Specify a valid mask and try again."
                else {
                    $boundaryoctetfound = $true
                    $boundaryoctet = $_

                    for ( $i = 7; $i -ge 0 ; $i-- ) {
                        if ( $boundaryoctet -band [math]::pow(2,$i) ) {
                            if ( $boundarybitfound) {
                                #Already hit boundary - mask isnt valid.
                                throw "SubnetMask specified is not valid. Specify a valid mask and try again."
                        else {
                            $boundarybitfound = $true


function Get-NetworkFromHostAddress {


    param (


    if ( $PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'cidr') {
        $SubnetMask = convertfrom-bitmask -bitmask $BitMask

    $NetAddress = ""
    for ( $i = 0; $i -le 3; $i++ ) {

        $NetAddress += "$($Address.GetAddressBytes()[$i] -band $SubnetMask.GetAddressBytes()[$i])."
    [ipaddress]($NetAddress -replace "\.$","")

function Test-AddressInNetwork {

    param (

    if ( $PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'cidr') {
        $SubnetMask = convertfrom-bitmask -bitmask $BitMask
    $Network -eq (Get-NetworkFromHostAddress -Address $Address -SubnetMask $SubnetMask)

function Get-NetworkRange {

    #Im well aware that this is very inefficient, but I need it quickly, and CPUs are cheap ;)

    param (

    if ( $PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'cidr') {
        $SubnetMask = convertfrom-bitmask -bitmask $BitMask

    #Check that the network specified is a valid network address
    if ( -not (( Get-NetworkFromHostAddress -address $network -subnetmask $subnetmask ) -eq $network  )) {
        throw "Specified Network address is not valid (Does not lie on subnet boundary)"

    $Range = New-Object System.Collections.Arraylist
    $CurrAddressBytes = @( $Network.GetAddressBytes()[0], $Network.GetAddressBytes()[1], $Network.GetAddressBytes()[2], $Network.GetAddressBytes()[3])

    do {

        $CurrAddressBytes[3] += 1
        if ( $CurrAddressBytes[3] -eq 256 ) {
            $CurrAddressBytes[3] = 0
            $CurrAddressBytes[2] += 1

            if ( $CurrAddressBytes[2] -eq 256 ) {
                $CurrAddressBytes[2] = 0
                $CurrAddressBytes[1] + 1

                if ( $CurrAddressBytes[1] -eq 256 ) {
                    $CurrAddressBytes[1] = 0
                    $CurrAddressBytes[0] + 1

                    if ( $CurrAddressBytes[0] -eq 256 ) {

        $currentaddress = "$($CurrAddressBytes[0]).$($CurrAddressBytes[1]).$($CurrAddressBytes[2]).$($CurrAddressBytes[3])"
        $Range.Add($currentaddress) | out-null

    } while ( Test-AddressInNetwork -network $network -subnetmask $subnetmask -address $currentaddress )

    #remove last and second last (last is above range, second last is broadcast address... )
    $range.RemoveAt($range.Count - 1 )
    $BroadCastAddress = $range[-1]
    $range.RemoveAt($range.Count - 1 )

        "NetworkAddress" = $network
        "ValidAddressRange" = $range
        "Broadcast" = $BroadCastAddress

function Add-XmlElement {

    #Internal function used to simplify the exercise of adding XML text Nodes.
    param (


    #Create an Element and append it to the root
    [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlNode = $xmlRoot.OwnerDocument.CreateElement($xmlElementName)
    [System.XML.XMLNode]$xmlText = $xmlRoot.OwnerDocument.CreateTextNode($xmlElementText)
    $xmlNode.AppendChild($xmlText) | out-null
    $xmlRoot.AppendChild($xmlNode) | out-null

function Get-FeatureStatus {

    param (


    [system.xml.xmlelement]$feature = $statusxml | where-object { $_.featureId -eq $featurestring } | select-object -first 1
    [string]$statusstring = $feature.status
    $message = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $feature -Query 'message')
    if ( $message -and ( $message | get-member -membertype Property -Name '#Text')) {
        $statusstring += " ($($message.'#text'))"

function ParseCentralCliResponse {

    param (
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$True, Position=1)]

    #Response is straight text unfortunately, so there is no structure. Having a crack at writing a very simple parser though the formatting looks.... challenging...

    #Control flags for handling list and table processing.
    $TableHeaderFound = $false
    $MatchedVnicsList = $false
    $MatchedRuleset = $false
    $MatchedAddrSet = $false

    $RuleSetName = ""
    $AddrSetName = ""

    $KeyValHash = @{}
    $KeyValHashUsed = $false

    #Defined this as variable as the swtich statement does not let me concat strings, which makes for a verrrrry long line...
    $RegexDFWRule = "^(?<Internal>#\sinternal\s#\s)?(?<RuleSetMember>rule\s)?(?<RuleId>\d+)\sat\s(?<Position>\d+)\s(?<Direction>in|out|inout)\s" +
            "(?<Type>protocol|ethertype)\s(?<Service>.*?)\sfrom\s(?<Source>.*?)\sto\s(?<Destination>.*?)(?:\sport\s(?<Port>.*))?\s" +

    foreach ( $line in ($response -split '[\r\n]')) {

        #Init EntryHash hashtable
        $EntryHash= @{}

        switch -regex ($line.trim()) {

            #C CLI appears to emit some error conditions as ^ Error:<digits>
            "^Error \d+:.*$" {

                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Matched Error line. $_ "

                Throw "CLI command returned an error: ( $_ )"


            "^\s*$" {
                #Blank line, ignore...
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Ignoring blank line: $_"


            "^# Filter rules$" {
                #Filter line encountered in a ruleset list, ignore...
                if ( $MatchedRuleSet ) {
                    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Ignoring meaningless #Filter rules line in ruleset: $_"
                else {
                    throw "Error parsing Centralised CLI command output response. Encountered #Filter rules line when not processing a ruleset: $_"

            #Matches a single integer of 1 or more digits at the start of the line followed only by a fullstop.
            #Example is the Index in a VNIC list. AFAIK, the index should only be 1-9. but just in case we are matching 1 or more digit...
            "^(\d+)\.$" {

                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Matched Index line. Discarding value: $_ "
                If ( $MatchedVnicsList ) {
                    #We are building a VNIC list output and this is the first line.
                    #Init the output object to static kv props, but discard the value (we arent outputing as it appears superfluous.)
                    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Processing Vnic List, initialising new Vnic list object"

                    $VnicListHash = @{}
                    $VnicListHash += $KeyValHash
                    $KeyValHashUsed = $true


            #Matches the start of a ruleset list. show dfw host host-xxx filter xxx rules will output in rulesets like this
            "ruleset\s(\S+) {" {

                #Set a flag to say we matched a ruleset List, and create the output object.
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Matched start of DFW Ruleset output. Processing following lines as DFW Ruleset: $_"
                $MatchedRuleset = $true
                $RuleSetName = $matches[1].trim()

            #Matches the start of a addrset list. show dfw host host-xxx filter xxx addrset will output in addrsets like this
            "addrset\s(\S+) {" {

                #Set a flag to say we matched a addrset List, and create the output object.
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Matched start of DFW Addrset output. Processing following lines as DFW Addrset: $_"
                $MatchedAddrSet = $true
                $AddrSetName = $matches[1].trim()

            #Matches a addrset entry. show dfw host host-xxx filter xxx addrset will output in addrsets.
            "^(?<Type>ip|mac)\s(?<Address>.*),$" {

                #Make sure we were expecting it...
                if ( -not $MatchedAddrSet ) {
                    Throw "Error parsing Centralised CLI command output response. Unexpected dfw addrset entry : $_"

                #We are processing a RuleSet, so we need to emit an output object that contains the ruleset name.
                    "AddrSet" = $AddrSetName;
                    "Type" = $matches.Type;
                    "Address" = $matches.Address


            #Matches a rule, either within a ruleset, or individually listed. show dfw host host-xxx filter xxx rules will output in rulesets,
            #or show dfw host-xxx filter xxx rule 1234 will output individual rule that should match.
            $RegexDFWRule {

                #Check if the rule is individual or part of ruleset...
                if ( $Matches.ContainsKey("RuleSetMember") -and (-not $MatchedRuleset )) {
                    Throw "Error parsing Centralised CLI command output response. Unexpected dfw ruleset entry : $_"

                $Type = switch ( $matches.Type ) { "protocol" { "Layer3" } "ethertype" { "Layer2" }}
                $Internal = if ( $matches.ContainsKey("Internal")) { $true } else { $false }
                $Port = if ( $matches.ContainsKey("Port") ) { $matches.port } else { "Any" }
                $Log = if ( $matches.ContainsKey("Log") ) { $true } else { $false }
                $Tag = if ( $matches.ContainsKey("Tag") ) { $matches.Tag } else { "" }

                If ( $MatchedRuleset ) {

                    #We are processing a RuleSet, so we need to emit an output object that contains the ruleset name.
                        "RuleSet" = $RuleSetName;
                        "InternalRule" = $Internal;
                        "RuleID" = $matches.RuleId;
                        "Position" = $matches.Position;
                        "Direction" = $matches.Direction;
                        "Type" = $Type;
                        "Service" = $matches.Service;
                        "Source" = $matches.Source;
                        "Destination" = $matches.Destination;
                        "Port" = $Port;
                        "Action" = $matches.Action;
                        "Log" = $Log;
                        "Tag" = $Tag


                else {
                    #We are not processing a RuleSet; so we need to emit an output object without a ruleset name.
                        "InternalRule" = $Internal;
                        "RuleID" = $matches.RuleId;
                        "Position" = $matches.Position;
                        "Direction" = $matches.Direction;
                        "Type" = $Type;
                        "Service" = $matches.Service;
                        "Source" = $matches.Source;
                        "Destination" = $matches.Destination;
                        "Port" = $Port;
                        "Action" = $matches.Action;
                        "Log" = $Log;
                        "Tag" = $Tag


            #Matches the end of a ruleset and addr lists. show dfw host host-xxx filter xxx rules will output in lists like this
            "^}$" {

                if ( $MatchedRuleset ) {

                    #Clear the flag to say we matched a ruleset List
                    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Matched end of DFW ruleset."
                    $MatchedRuleset = $false
                    $RuleSetName = ""

                if ( $MatchedAddrSet ) {

                    #Clear the flag to say we matched an addrset List
                    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Matched end of DFW addrset."
                    $MatchedAddrSet = $false
                    $AddrSetName = ""

                throw "Error parsing Centralised CLI command output response. Encountered unexpected list completion character in line: $_"

            #More Generic matches

            #Matches the generic KV case where we have _only_ two strings separated by more than one space.
            #This will do my head in later when I look at it, so the regex explanation is:
            # - (?: gives non capturing group, we want to leverage $matches later, so dont want polluting groups.
            # - (\S|\s(?!\s)) uses negative lookahead assertion to 'Match a non whitespace, or a single whitespace, as long as its not followed by another whitespace.
            # - The rest should be self explanatory.
            "^((?:\S|\s(?!\s))+\s{2,}){1}((?:\S|\s(?!\s))+)$" {

                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Matched Key Value line (multispace separated): $_ )"

                $key = $matches[1].trim()
                $value = $matches[2].trim()
                If ( $MatchedVnicsList ) {
                    #We are building a VNIC list output and this is one of the lines.
                    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Processing Vnic List, Adding $key = $value to current VnicListHash"


                    if ( $key -eq "Filters" ) {

                        #Last line in a VNIC List...
                        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : VNIC List : Outputing VNIC List Hash."
                else {
                    #Add KV to hash table that we will append to output object

            #Matches a general case output line containing Key: Value for properties that are consistent accross all entries in a table.
            #This will match a line with multiple colons in it, not sure if thats an issue yet...
            "^((?:\S|\s(?!\s))+):((?:\S|\s(?!\s))+)$" {
                if ( $TableHeaderFound ) { Throw "Error parsing Centralised CLI command output response. Key Value line found after header: ( $_ )" }
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Matched Key Value line (Colon Separated) : $_"

                #Add KV to hash table that we will append to output object


            #Matches a Table header line. This is a special case of the table entry line match, with the first element being ^No\. Hoping that 'No.' start of the line is consistent :S
            "^No\.\s{2,}(.+\s{2,})+.+$" {
                if ( $TableHeaderFound ) {
                    throw "Error parsing Centralised CLI command output response. Matched header line more than once: ( $_ )"
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Matched Table Header line: $_"
                $TableHeaderFound = $true
                $Props = $_.trim() -split "\s{2,}"

            #Matches the start of a Virtual Nics List output. We process the output lines following this as a different output object
            "Virtual Nics List:" {
                #When central cli outputs a NIC 'list' it does so with a vertical list of Key Value rather than a table format,
                #and with multi space as the KV separator, rather than a : like normal KV output. WTF?
                #So Now I have to go forth and collate my nic object over the next few lines...
                #Example looks like this:

                #Virtual Nics List:
                #Vnic Name test-vm - Network adapter 1
                #Vnic Id 50012d15-198c-066c-af22-554aed610579.000
                #Filters nic-4822904-eth0-vmware-sfw.2

                #Set a flag to say we matched a VNic List, and create the output object initially with just the KV's matched already.
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Matched VNIC List line. Processing remaining lines as Vnic List: $_"
                $MatchedVnicsList = $true


            #Matches a table entry line. At least three properties (that may contain a single space) separated by more than one space.
            "^((?:\S|\s(?!\s))+\s{2,}){2,}((?:\S|\s(?!\s))+)$" {
                if ( -not $TableHeaderFound ) {
                    throw "Error parsing Centralised CLI command output response. Matched table entry line before header: ( $_ )"
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Matched Table Entry line: $_"
                $Vals = $_.trim() -split "\s{2,}"
                if ($Vals.Count -ne $Props.Count ) {
                    Throw "Error parsing Centralised CLI command output response. Table entry line contains different value count compared to properties count: ( $_ )"

                #Build the output hashtable with the props returned in the table entry line
                for ( $i= 0; $i -lt $props.count; $i++ ) {

                    #Ordering is hard, and No. entry is kinda superfluous, so removing it from output (for now)
                    if ( -not ( $props[$i] -eq "No." )) {

                #Add the KV pairs that were parsed before the table.
                try {

                    #This may fail if we have a key of the same name. For the moment, Im going to assume that this wont happen...
                    $EntryHash += $KeyValHash
                    $KeyValHashUsed = $true
                catch {
                    throw "Unable to append static Key Values to EntryHash output object. Possibly due to a conflicting key"

                #Emit the entry line as a PSCustomobject :)
            default { throw "Unable to parse Centralised CLI output line : $($_ -replace '\s','_')" }

    if ( (-not $KeyValHashUsed) -and $KeyValHash.count -gt 0 ) {

        #Some output is just key value, so, if it hasnt been appended to output object already, we will just emit it.
        #Not sure how this approach will work long term, but it works for show dfw vnic <>
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : KeyValHash has not been used after all line processing, outputing as is: $_"

function ConvertTo-NsxApiCriteriaOperator {

    #Convert the CriteriaOperator to the API AND/OR from the UI/PowerNSX value of ANY/ALL
    switch ( $args[0] ) {
        "any" { "OR"}
        "all" { "AND"}

function ConvertFrom-NsxApiCriteriaOperator {

    #Convert from the CriteriaOperator of the API AND/OR to the UI/PowerNSX value of ANY/ALL
    switch ( $args[0] ) {
        "or" { "ANY" }
        "and" { "ALL"}

function ConvertTo-NsxApiCriteriaCondition {

    switch ( $args[0] ) {
        "equals" { "=" }
        "notequals" { "!=" }
        "regex" { "similar_to" }
        default { $_ }

function ConvertFrom-NsxApiCriteriaCondition {

    switch ( $args[0] ) {
        "=" { "equals" }
        "!=" { "notequals" }
        "similar_to" { "regex" }
        default { $_ }

function ConvertTo-NsxApiCriteriaKey {
    switch ( $args[0] ) {
        "OSName" { "VM.GUEST_OS_FULL_NAME" }
        "ComputerName" { "VM.GUEST_HOST_NAME" }
        "VMName" { "VM.NAME" }
        "SecurityTag" { "VM.SECURITY_TAG" }
        default { $args[0] }

function ConvertFrom-NsxApiCriteriaKey {
    switch ( $args[0] ) {
        "VM.GUEST_OS_FULL_NAME" { "OSName" }
        "VM.GUEST_HOST_NAME" { "ComputerName" }
        "VM.NAME" { "VMName" }
        "VM.SECURITY_TAG" { "SecurityTag" }
        default { $args[0] }

function ConvertTo-NsxApiSectionOperation {
    switch ( $args[0] ) {
        "top" { "insert_top" }
        "bottom" { "insert_before_default" }
        "before" { "insert_before" }
        "after" { "insert_after"}
        default { $args[0] }

function ConvertFrom-NsxApiSectionOperation {
    switch ( $args[0] ) {
        "insert_top" { "top" }
        "insert_before_default" { "bottom" }
        "insert_before" { "before" }
        "insert_after" { "after"}
        default { $args[0] }

function ConvertTo-NsxApiSectionType {
    switch ( $args[0] ) {
        "LAYER3" { "layer3sections" }
        "LAYER2" { "layer2sections" }
        "L3REDIRECT" { "layer3redirectsections" }
        default { $args[0] }

function ConvertTo-NsxApiActionType {
    switch ( $args[0] ) {
        "AntiVirus" { "ANTI_VIRUS" }
        "VulnerabilityManagement" { "VULNERABILITY_MGMT" }
        "FileIntegrityMonitoring" { "FIM" }

function ConvertFrom-NsxApiActionType {
    switch ( $args[0] ) {
        "ANTI_VIRUS" { "AntiVirus" }
        "VULNERABILITY_MGMT" { "VulnerabilityManagement" }
        "FIM" { "FileIntegrityMonitoring" }

# Validation Functions

function ValidateUpdateBranch {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
    #Case sensitive
    if ( $ValidBranches -Ccontains $argument ) {
    } else {
        throw "Invalid Branch. Specify one of the valid branches : $($Validbranches -join ", ")"


Function ValidateTransportZone {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
    if ( $argument -is [system.xml.xmlelement] )
        if ( -not ($argument | get-member -MemberType Property -Name objectId )) {
            throw "Invalid Transport Zone object specified"
        if ( -not ($argument | get-member -MemberType Property -Name objectTypeName )) {
            throw "Invalid Transport Zone object specified"
        if ( -not ($argument.objectTypeName -eq "VdnScope")) {
            throw "Invalid Transport Zone object specified"
    else {
        throw "Invalid Transport Zone object specified"

Function ValidateLogicalSwitchOrDistributedPortGroup {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    if (-not (
        ($argument -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Host.Networking.DistributedPortGroupInterop] ) -or
        ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] )))
        throw "Must specify a distributed port group or a logical switch"
    else {

        #Do we Look like XML describing a Logical Switch
        if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
            if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name objectId -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "Object specified does not contain an objectId property. Specify a Distributed PortGroup or Logical Switch object."
            if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name objectTypeName -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "Object specified does not contain a type property. Specify a Distributed PortGroup or Logical Switch object."
            if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "Object specified does not contain a name property. Specify a Distributed PortGroup or Logical Switch object."
            switch ($argument.objectTypeName) {
                "VirtualWire" { }
                default { throw "Object specified is not a supported type. Specify a Distributed PortGroup or Logical Switch object." }
        else {
            #Its a VDS type - no further Checking

Function ValidateLogicalSwitchOrDistributedPortGroupOrStandardPortGroup {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    if (-not (
        ($argument -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Host.Networking.VirtualPortGroupBaseInterop] ) -or
        ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] )))
        throw "Must specify a distributed port group, logical switch or standard port group"

    #Do we Look like XML describing a Logical Switch
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name objectId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified does not contain an objectId property. Specify a Distributed PortGroup, Standard PortGroup or Logical Switch object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name objectTypeName -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified does not contain a type property. Specify a Distributed PortGroup, Standard PortGroup or Logical Switch object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified does not contain a name property. Specify a Distributed PortGroup, Standard PortGroup or Logical Switch object."
        switch ($argument.objectTypeName) {
            "VirtualWire" { }
            default { throw "Object specified is not a supported type. Specify a Distributed PortGroup, Standard PortGroup or Logical Switch object." }


Function ValidateIpPool {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an OSPF Area element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name objectId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an objectId property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a name property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name usedPercentage -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a usedPercentage property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid IP Pool object."

Function ValidateVdsContext {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name switch -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a switch property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name mtu -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an mtu property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name uplinkPortName -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an uplinkPortName property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name promiscuousMode -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a promiscuousMode property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Vds Context object."

Function ValidateSegmentIdRange {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name Id -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an Id property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a name property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name begin -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a begin property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name end -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an end property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Segment Id Range object."

Function ValidateDistributedSwitch {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    if (-not ($argument -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Host.Networking.DistributedSwitchInterop] ))
        throw "Must specify a distributed switch"


Function ValidateLogicalSwitch {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    if (-not ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ))
        throw "Must specify a logical switch"
    else {

        #Do we Look like XML describing a Logical Switch

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name objectId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified does not contain an objectId property. Specify a Logical Switch object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name objectTypeName -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified does not contain a type property. Specify a Logical Switch object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified does not contain a name property. Specify a Logical Switch object."
        switch ($argument.objectTypeName) {
            "VirtualWire" { }
            default { throw "Object specified is not a supported type. Specify a Logical Switch object." }

Function ValidateLogicalRouterInterfaceSpec {

    Param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]


    #temporary - need to script proper validation of a single valid NIC config for DLR (Edge and DLR have different specs :())
    if ( -not $argument ) {
        throw "Specify at least one interface configuration as produced by New-NsxLogicalRouterInterfaceSpec. Pass a collection of interface objects to configure more than one interface"

Function ValidateEdgeInterfaceSpec {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #temporary - need to script proper validation of a single valid NIC config for DLR (Edge and DLR have different specs :())
    if ( -not $argument ) {
        throw "Specify at least one interface configuration as produced by New-NsxLogicalRouterInterfaceSpec. Pass a collection of interface objects to configure more than one interface"

Function ValidateEdgeInterfaceAddress {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name primaryAddress -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a primaryAddress property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name subnetPrefixLength -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a subnetPrefixLength property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name subnetMask -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a subnetMask property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name edgeId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgeId property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name interfaceIndex -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an interfaceIndex property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Edge Interface Address."

Function ValidateAddressGroupSpec {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name primaryAddress -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a primaryAddress property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name subnetPrefixLength -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a subnetPrefixLength property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Interface Spec."

Function ValidateLogicalRouter {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if we are an XML element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
        if ( $argument | get-member -name edgeSummary -memberType Properties) {
            if ( -not ( $argument.edgeSummary | get-member -name objectId -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgesummary.objectId property. Specify a valid Logical Router Object"
            if ( -not ( $argument.edgeSummary | get-member -name objectTypeName -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgesummary.ObjectTypeName property. Specify a valid Logical Router Object"
            if ( -not ( $argument.edgeSummary | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgesummary.name property. Specify a valid Logical Router Object"
            if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name type -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "XML Element specified does not contain a type property. Specify a valid Logical Router Object"
            if ($argument.edgeSummary.objectTypeName -ne "Edge" ) {
                throw "Specified value is not a supported type. Specify a valid Logical Router Object."
            if ($argument.type -ne "distributedRouter" ) {
                throw "Specified value is not a supported type. Specify a valid Logical Router Object."
        else {
            throw "Specify a valid Logical Router Object"
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Logical Router Object"

Function ValidateEdge {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if we are an XML element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
        if ( $argument | get-member -name edgeSummary -memberType Properties) {
            if ( -not ( $argument.edgeSummary | get-member -name objectId -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgesummary.objectId property. Specify an NSX Edge Services Gateway object"
            if ( -not ( $argument.edgeSummary | get-member -name objectTypeName -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgesummary.ObjectTypeName property. Specify an NSX Edge Services Gateway object"
            if ( -not ( $argument.edgeSummary | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgesummary.name property. Specify an NSX Edge Services Gateway object"
            if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name type -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "XML Element specified does not contain a type property. Specify an NSX Edge Services Gateway object"
            if ($argument.edgeSummary.objectTypeName -ne "Edge" ) {
                throw "Specified value is not a supported type. Specify an NSX Edge Services Gateway object."
            if ($argument.type -ne "gatewayServices" ) {
                throw "Specified value is not a supported type. Specify an NSX Edge Services Gateway object."
        else {
            throw "Specify a valid Edge Services Gateway Object"
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Edge Services Gateway Object"

Function ValidateEdgeRouting {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an Edge routing element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name routingGlobalConfig -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a routingGlobalConfig property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name enabled -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an enabled property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name version -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a version property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name edgeId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgeId property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Edge Routing object."

Function ValidateEdgeStaticRoute {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an Edge routing element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name type -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a type property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name network -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a network property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name nextHop -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a nextHop property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name edgeId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgeId property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Edge Static Route object."

Function ValidateEdgeBgpNeighbour {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an Edge routing element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name ipAddress -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an ipAddress property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name remoteAS -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a remoteAS property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name weight -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a weight property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name holdDownTimer -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a holdDownTimer property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name keepAliveTimer -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a keepAliveTimer property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name edgeId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgeId property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Edge BGP Neighbour object."

Function ValidateEdgeOspfArea {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an OSPF Area element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name areaId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an areaId property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name type -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a type property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name edgeId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgeId property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Edge OSPF Area object."

Function ValidateEdgeOspfInterface {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an OSPF Area element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name areaId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an areaId property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name vnic -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a vnic property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name edgeId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgeId property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Edge OSPF Interface object."

Function ValidateEdgeRedistributionRule {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an OSPF Area element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name learner -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an areaId property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name id -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an id property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name action -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an action property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name edgeId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgeId property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Edge Redistribution Rule object."

Function ValidateLogicalRouterRouting {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an LogicalRouter routing element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name routingGlobalConfig -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a routingGlobalConfig property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name enabled -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an enabled property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name version -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a version property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name logicalrouterId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an logicalrouterId property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid LogicalRouter Routing object."

Function ValidateLogicalRouterBridging {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an LogicalRouter bridging element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name version -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a version property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name enabled -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an enabled property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid LogicalRouter bridging object."

Function ValidateLogicalRouterStaticRoute {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an LogicalRouter routing element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name type -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a type property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name network -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a network property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name nextHop -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a nextHop property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name logicalrouterId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an logicalrouterId property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid LogicalRouter Static Route object."

Function ValidateLogicalRouterBridge {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an LogicalRouter routing element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name bridgeID -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a bridgeId property. Specify a valid LogicalRouter bridge instance"
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a name property. Specify a valid LogicalRouter bridge instance"
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name virtualWire -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a virtualWire property. Specify a valid LogicalRouter bridge instance"
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name dvportGroup -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an dvportGroup property. Specify a valid LogicalRouter bridge instance"
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid LogicalRouter bridge instance."

Function ValidateLogicalRouterBgpNeighbour {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an LogicalRouter routing element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name ipAddress -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an ipAddress property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name remoteAS -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a remoteAS property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name weight -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a weight property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name holdDownTimer -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a holdDownTimer property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name keepAliveTimer -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a keepAliveTimer property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name logicalrouterId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an logicalrouterId property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid LogicalRouter BGP Neighbour object."

Function ValidateLogicalRouterOspfArea {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an OSPF Area element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name areaId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an areaId property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name type -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a type property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name logicalrouterId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an logicalrouterId property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid LogicalRouter OSPF Area object."

Function ValidateLogicalRouterOspfInterface {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an OSPF Area element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name areaId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an areaId property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name vnic -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a vnic property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name logicalrouterId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an logicalrouterId property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid LogicalRouter OSPF Interface object."

Function ValidateLogicalRouterRedistributionRule {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an OSPF Area element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name learner -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an areaId property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name id -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an id property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name action -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an action property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name logicalrouterId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an logicalrouterId property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid LogicalRouter Redistribution Rule object."

Function ValidateEdgePrefix {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an Edge prefix element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a name property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name ipAddress -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an ipAddress property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name edgeId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgeId property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Edge Prefix object."

Function ValidateLogicalRouterPrefix {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an Edge prefix element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a name property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name ipAddress -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an ipAddress property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name logicalRouterId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an logicalRouterId property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid LogicalRouter Prefix object."

Function ValidateEdgeInterface {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Accepts an interface Object.
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
        If ( $argument | get-member -name index -memberType Properties ) {

            #Looks like an interface object
            if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "XML Element specified does not contain a name property. Specify a valid Edge Services Gateway Interface object."
            if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name label -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "XML Element specified does not contain a label property. Specify a valid Edge Services Gateway Interface object."
            if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name edgeId -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgeId property. Specify a valid Edge Services Gateway Interface object."
        else {
            throw "Specify a valid Edge Services Gateway Interface object."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Edge Services Gateway Interface object."

Function ValidateLogicalRouterInterface {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Accepts an interface Object.
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
        If ( $argument | get-member -name index -memberType Properties ) {

            #Looks like an interface object
            if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "XML Element specified does not contain a name property. Specify a valid Logical Router Interface object"
            if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name label -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "XML Element specified does not contain a label property. Specify a valid Logical Router Interface object"
            if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name logicalRouterId -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "XML Element specified does not contain an logicalRouterId property. Specify a valid Logical Router Interface object"
        else {
            throw "Specify a valid Logical Router Interface object."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Logical Router Interface object."

Function ValidateEdgeSubInterface {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Accepts a Subinterface Object.
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
        If ( $argument | get-member -name vnicId -memberType Properties ) {

            #Looks like a Subinterface object
            if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name edgeId -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "XML Element specified does not contain a edgeId property."
            if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name vnicId -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "XML Element specified does not contain a vnicId property."
            if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name index -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "XML Element specified does not contain an index property."
            if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name label -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "XML Element specified does not contain a label property."
        else {
            throw "Object on pipeline is not a SubInterface object."
    else {
        throw "Pipeline object was not a SubInterface object."

Function ValidateEdgeNat {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an EdgeNAT element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name version -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an version property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name enabled -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an enabled property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name edgeId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgeId property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name natRules -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a natRules property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid EdgeNat object."

Function ValidateEdgeNatRule {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an EdgeNAT element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name ruleId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a ruleId property. Specify a valid EdgeNatRule object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name ruleType -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a ruleType property. Specify a valid EdgeNatRule object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name action -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an action property. Specify a valid EdgeNatRule object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name vnic -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a vnic property. Specify a valid EdgeNatRule object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name translatedAddress -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a translatedAddress property. Specify a valid EdgeNatRule object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name originalAddress -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an originalAddress property. Specify a valid EdgeNatRule object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name enabled -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an enabled property. Specify a valid EdgeNatRule object."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid EdgeNatRule object."

Function ValidateEdgeFw {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an EdgeFW element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name enabled -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an enabled property. Specify a valid Edge Firewall object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name globalConfig -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a globalConfig property. Specify a valid Edge Firewall object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name defaultPolicy -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a defaultPolicy property. Specify a valid Edge Firewall object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name edgeId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgeId property. Specify a valid Edge Firewall object."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Edge Firewall object."

Function ValidateEdgeFwRule {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an EdgeFWRule element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name id -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an id property. Specify a valid Edge FirewallRule object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name edgeId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an EdgeId property. Specify a valid Edge FirewallRule object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name ruleType -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a ruleType property. Specify a valid Edge FirewallRule object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name action -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an action property. Specify a valid Edge FirewallRule object."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Edge FirewallRule object."

Function ValidateEdgeSslVpn {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an Edge routing element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name enabled -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an enabled property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name logging -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a logging property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name advancedConfig -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an advancedConfig property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name clientConfiguration -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a clientConfiguration property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name layoutConfiguration -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a layoutConfiguration property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name authenticationConfiguration -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a authenticationConfiguration property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name edgeId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgeId property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Edge SSL VPN object."

Function ValidateEdgeCsr {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an Edge routing element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name subject -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a subject property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a name property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name algorithm -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an algorithm property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name keysize -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a keysize property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Edge CSR object."

Function ValidateEdgeCertificate {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an Edge routing element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name issuerCn -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an issuerCn property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name subjectCn -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a subjectCn property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name certificateType -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a certificateType property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name x509Certificate -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an x509Certificate property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Edge Certificate object."

Function ValidateEdgeSslVpnUser {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an Edge routing element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name objectId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an objectId property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name userId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a userId property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name edgeId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgeID property."

    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Edge SSL VPN User object."

Function ValidateEdgeSslVpnIpPool {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an Edge routing element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name objectId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an objectId property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name ipRange -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a userId property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name netmask -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a netmask property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name gateway -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a gateway property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name enabled -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an enabled property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name edgeId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgeID property."

    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Edge SSL VPN Ip Pool object."

Function ValidateEdgeSslVpnPrivateNetwork {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an Edge routing element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name objectId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an objectId property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name network -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a network property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name enabled -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an enabled property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name edgeId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgeID property."

    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Edge SSL VPN Private Network object."

Function ValidateEdgeSslVpnClientPackage {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an Edge routing element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name objectId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an objectId property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name profileName -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a profileName property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name enabled -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an enabled property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name edgeId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgeID property."

    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Edge SSL VPN Client Installation Package object."

Function ValidateSecurityGroupMember {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Populate the global membertype cache if not already done
    #Using the API rather than hardcoding incase this changes with versions of NSX
    if ( -not (test-path Variable:\NsxMemberTypes) ) {
        $script:NsxMemberTypes = Get-NsxSecurityGroupMemberTypes

    #check if we are valid type
    if ( ($argument -is [string]) -and ($argument -match "^vm-\d+$|^resgroup-\d+$|^dvportgroup-\d+$|^directory_group-\d+$" )) {
        #argument is moref string and refers to vm, resource pool or dvportgroup.
    elseif ( ($argument -is [string]) -and ( $NsxMemberTypes -contains ($argument -replace "-\d+$"))) {
        #Argument is objectid and matches a recognised NSX SG membertype
    elseif ( ($argument -is [string] ) -and ( [guid]::tryparse(($argument -replace ".\d{3}$",""), [ref][guid]::Empty)) )  {
        #Argument is vNIC as object ID.
    elseif ( $argument -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.VirtualDevice.NetworkAdapterInterop] ) {
        #Argument is a NIC object.
    elseif (($argument -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.VIObjectInterop]) -and ( $NsxMemberTypes -contains $argument.ExtensionData.MoRef.Type)) {
        #Argument is a VI ob ject and matches a recognised NSX SG member type
    elseif ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement]) {
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name objectId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Member is not a supported type. Specify an object of type $($NsxMemberTypes -join ",")."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name objectTypeName -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Member is not a supported type. Specify an object of type $($NsxMemberTypes -join ",")."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Member is not a supported type. Specify an object of type $($NsxMemberTypes -join ",")."
        if ( $NsxMemberTypes -notcontains $argument.objectTypeName) {
            throw "Member is not a supported type. Specify an object of type $($NsxMemberTypes -join ",")."
    else {
        throw "Member is not a supported type. Specify an object of type $($NsxMemberTypes -join ",")."

Function ValidateIPHost {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
    if ( ( $argument -as [ipaddress] ) -or ( ( ValidateIPPrefix $argument ) -and ($argument -match '^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\/32\s*$') ) )  {

Function ValidateIPRange {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
    if ( ($argument -as [string]) -and ($argument -match "^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\-\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$") ) {

Function ValidateIPPrefix {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
    if ( ($argument -as [string]) -and ($argument -match "^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2])?$") ) {

Function ValidateFirewallRuleSourceDest {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Same requirements for SG membership except for bare IPAddress.
    if ( $argument -as [ipaddress] ) {
    elseif ( ValidateIPRange -argument $argument ) {
    elseif ( ValidateIPPrefix -argument $argument ) {
    else {
        ValidateSecurityGroupMember $argument

Function ValidateFirewallRule {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like a DFW rule
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name id -MemberType Properties )) {
            throw "Specified firewall rule XML element does not contain an id property."

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name action -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Specified firewall rule XML element does not contain an action property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name appliedToList -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Specified firewall rule XML element does not contain an appliedToList property."

        #Validate that the rule has a parent node that we can use to update it if required.
        try {
            $ParentSection = invoke-xpathquery -query "parent::section" -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $argument
            $null = $Parentsection.HasAttribute("id") -as [int]
            $null = $argument.HasAttribute("id")
        catch {
            Throw "Unable to retrieve rule and section details from the specified Firewall Rule. Specify a valid rule and try again."

    else {
        throw "Argument must be a firewall rule XML element as returned by Get-NsxFirewallRule"

Function ValidateFirewallRuleMember {
    #Distinct from ValidateFirewallRuleMemberObject in that it checks for an arg that is a valid firewallrule member object, OR a string to match against the value of one.

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Same requirements for Firewall Rule SourceDest except for string match on name as well.
    If ( $argument -is [string] ) {
    else {
        ValidateFirewallRuleSourceDest -argument $argument

Function ValidateFirewallRuleMemberObject {

    #Distinct from ValidateFirewallRuleMember in that it checks for an arg that looks like the appropriate return object from get-nsxfirewallrulemember.

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Same requirements for Firewall Rule SourceDest except for string match on name as well.
    If ( $argument -is [pscustomobject] ) {
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name RuleId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Specified argument is not a valid FirewallRuleMember object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name SectionId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Specified argument is not a valid FirewallRuleMember object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name MemberType -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Specified argument is not a valid FirewallRuleMember object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name Name -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Specified argument is not a valid FirewallRuleMember object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name Value -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Specified argument is not a valid FirewallRuleMember object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name Type -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Specified argument is not a valid FirewallRuleMember object."
    else {
        throw "Specified argument is not a valid FirewallRuleMember object."

Function ValidateServiceGroup {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
    if ( $argument -is [system.xml.xmlelement] ){
        if ( -not ($argument | get-member -MemberType Property -Name objectId )) {
            throw "Invalid service group specified"
        if ( -not ($argument | get-member -MemberType Property -Name objectTypeName )) {
            throw "Invalid service group specified"
        if ( -not ($argument.objectTypeName -eq "ApplicationGroup")){
            throw "Invalid service group specified"
    else {
        throw "Invalid Service Group specified"

Function ValidateService {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
    if ( $argument -is [system.xml.xmlelement] ){
        if ( -not ($argument | get-member -MemberType Property -Name objectId )) {
            throw "Invalid service specified"
        if ( -not ($argument | get-member -MemberType Property -Name objectTypeName )) {
            throw "Invalid service specified"
        if ( -not ($argument.objectTypeName -eq "Application")){
            throw "Invalid service specified"
    else {
        throw "Invalid Service specified"

Function ValidateServiceOrServiceGroup {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
    try {
        ValidateService -argument $argument
    catch {
        try {
            ValidateServiceGroup -argument $argument
        catch {
            throw "Invalid Service or Service Group specific"


Function ValidateFirewallRuleService {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    switch ($argument) {
        # Testing to see if a raw protocol/port has been provided.
        { $argument -is [string]} {
            # Now we check to see that the protocol provided is valid.
            if ($argument -match "/") {
                $exploded = $argument -split "/"
                if ( -not ($Script:AllValidServices -contains $exploded[0] ) ) {
                    throw "Invalid protocol specified"
            } elseif ( $Script:AllValidServices -notcontains $argument ) {
                throw "Invalid protocol specified"
        # If an single xml element object or a collection of objects have been provide,
        # then we run it through validation to stop doing stupid stuff like trying to pass
        # a logical switch or IP Set through to here.
        { ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement]) -or ($argument -is [System.Object])} {
            foreach ( $item in $argument ) {
                try {
                    ValidateService -argument $item
                catch {
                    try {
                        ValidateServiceGroup -argument $item
                    catch {
                        throw "Invalid Service or Service Group specified"

Function ValidateEdgeFirewallRuleService {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    switch ($argument) {
        # Testing to see if a raw protocol/port has been provided.
        { $argument -is [string]} {

            ## NB : Need to populate AllValidEdgeServices, and I havent yet found how to get this list.
            ## In mean time, we will rely on the API pushing back in event of invalid service being specified by user.

            # Now we check to see that the protocol provided is valid.
            # if ($argument -match "/") {
            # $exploded = $argument -split "/"
            # if ( -not ($Script:AllValidEdgeServices -contains $exploded[0] ) ) {
            # throw "Invalid protocol specified"
            # }
            # } elseif ( $Script:AllValidEdgeServices -notcontains $argument ) {
            # throw "Invalid protocol specified"
            # }
        # If an single xml element object or a collection of objects have been provide,
        # then we run it through validation to stop doing stupid stuff like trying to pass
        # a logical switch or IP Set through to here.
        { ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement]) -or ($argument -is [System.Object])} {
            foreach ( $item in $argument ) {
                try {
                    ValidateService -argument $item
                catch {
                    try {
                        ValidateServiceGroup -argument $item
                    catch {
                        throw "Invalid Service or Service Group specified"

Function ValidateFirewallAppliedTo {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check types first
    if (-not (
         ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement]) -or
         ($argument -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Inventory.ClusterInterop] ) -or
         ($argument -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Inventory.DatacenterInterop] ) -or
         ($argument -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Inventory.VMHostInterop] ) -or
         ($argument -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Host.Networking.VirtualPortGroupBaseInterop] ) -or
         ($argument -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Inventory.ResourcePoolInterop] ) -or
         ($argument -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Inventory.VirtualMachineInterop] ) -or
         ($argument -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.VirtualDevice.NetworkAdapterInterop] ))) {

            throw "$($_.gettype()) is not a supported type. Specify a Datacenter, Cluster, Host `
            DistributedPortGroup, PortGroup, ResourcePool, VirtualMachine, NetworkAdapter, `
            IPSet, SecurityGroup, Logical Switch or Edge object."

    } else {

        #Check if we have an ID property
        if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

            if ( $argument | get-member -name edgeSummary ) {

                #Looks like an Edge, get the summary details... I KNEW this would come in handy when I wrote the Get-NSxEdge cmdlet... FIGJAM...
                $argument = $argument.edgeSummary

            if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name objectId -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "XML Element specified does not contain an objectId property."
            if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name objectTypeName -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "XML Element specified does not contain a type property."
            if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
                throw "XML Element specified does not contain a name property."

            switch ($argument.objectTypeName) {

                "SecurityGroup" {}
                "VirtualWire" {}
                "Edge" {}
                default {
                    throw "AppliedTo is not a supported type. Specify a Datacenter, Cluster, Host, `
                        DistributedPortGroup, PortGroup, ResourcePool, VirtualMachine, NetworkAdapter, `
                        IPSet, SecurityGroup, Logical Switch or Edge object."


Function ValidateLoadBalancer {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an LB element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name version -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an version property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name enabled -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an enabled property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name edgeId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgeId property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid LoadBalancer object."

Function ValidateLoadBalancerMonitor {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an LB monitor element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name monitorId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a version property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a name property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name type -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a type property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name edgeId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgeId property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid LoadBalancer Monitor object."

Function ValidateLoadBalancerVip {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an LB monitor element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name virtualServerId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a virtualServerId property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a name property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name ipAddress -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an ipAddress property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name edgeId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgeId property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid LoadBalancer VIP object."

Function ValidateLoadBalancerMemberSpec {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a name property. Create with New-NsxLoadbalancerMemberSpec"
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name ipAddress -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an ipAddress property. Create with New-NsxLoadbalancerMemberSpec"
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name weight -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a weight property. Create with New-NsxLoadbalancerMemberSpec"
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name minConn -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a minConn property. Create with New-NsxLoadbalancerMemberSpec"
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name maxConn -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a maxConn property. Create with New-NsxLoadbalancerMemberSpec"
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Member Spec object as created by New-NsxLoadBalancerMemberSpec."

Function ValidateLoadBalancerApplicationProfile {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an LB applicationProfile element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name applicationProfileId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an applicationProfileId property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a name property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name template -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a template property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid LoadBalancer Application Profile object."

Function ValidateLoadBalancerPool {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an LB pool element
    if ($_ -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name poolId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an poolId property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a name property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid LoadBalancer Pool object."

Function ValidateLoadBalancerPoolMember {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like an LB pool element
    if ($_ -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name poolId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an poolId property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name edgeId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an edgeId property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name ipAddress -Membertype Properties)) {
            if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name groupingObjectId -MemberType Properties ) ) {
                throw "XML Element specified does not contain an ipAddress property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a name property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid LoadBalancer Pool Member object."

Function ValidateSecurityGroup {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like Security Tag element
    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name objectId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an objectId property. Specify a valid Security Group object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name Name -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a Name property. Specify a valid Security Group object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name type -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a type property. Specify a valid Security Group object."
        if ( -not ( $argument.type.typeName -eq "SecurityGroup" )) {
            throw "XML Element specified is not of the correct type. Specify a valid Security Group object."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Security Group object."

Function ValidateSPFirewallSrcDest {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like Security Tag element
    if ( $argument -is [string] ) {
        if ($argument -notmatch "Any|PoliciesSecurityGroup" ) {
            throw "Specify 'Any', 'PoliciesSecurityGroup' or a valid PowerNSx SecurityGroup object"
    else {
        ValidateSecurityGroup $argument

Function ValidateSecPolFwSpec {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like Security Tag element
    if ( $argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name Name -Membertype Properties)) {
            Throw "Specify a valid Security Policy Firewall Spec object as created by New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name action -Membertype Properties)) {
            Throw "Specify a valid Security Policy Firewall Spec object as created by New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name isEnabled -Membertype Properties)) {
            Throw "Specify a valid Security Policy Firewall Spec object as created by New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name 'class' -Membertype Properties)) {
            Throw "Specify a valid Security Policy Firewall Spec object as created by New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec."
        if ( -not ( $argument.class -eq "firewallSecurityAction" )) {
            Throw "Specify a valid Security Policy Firewall Spec object as created by New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec."

    else {
        Throw "Specify a valid Security Policy Firewall Spec object as created by New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec."

Function ValidateSecPolGiSpec {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like Security Tag element
    if ( $argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name isEnabled -Membertype Properties)) {
            Throw "Specify a valid Security Policy Guest Introspection Spec object as created by New-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionSpec."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name 'class' -Membertype Properties)) {
            Throw "Specify a valid Security Policy Guest Introspection Spec object as created by New-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionSpec."
        if ( -not ( $argument.class -eq "endpointSecurityAction" )) {
            Throw "Specify a valid Security Policy Guest Introspection Spec object as created by New-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionSpec."

    else {
        Throw "Specify a valid Security Policy Guest Introspection Spec object as created by New-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionSpec."

Function ValidateSecPolNiSpec {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like Security Tag element
    if ( $argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name isEnabled -Membertype Properties)) {
            Throw "Specify a valid Security Policy Network Introspection Spec object as created by New-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionSpec."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name 'class' -Membertype Properties)) {
            Throw "Specify a valid Security Policy Network Introspection Spec object as created by New-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionSpec."
        if ( -not ( $argument.class -eq "trafficSteeringSecurityAction" )) {
            Throw "Specify a valid Security Policy Network Introspection Spec object as created by New-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionSpec."

    else {
        Throw "Specify a valid Security Policy Network Introspection Spec object as created by New-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionSpec."

Function ValidateSecurityTag {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like Security Tag element
    if ($_ -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name objectId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an objectId property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name Name -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a Name property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name type -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a type property."
        if ( -not ( $argument.Type.TypeName -eq 'SecurityTag' )) {
            throw "XML Element specifies a type other than SecurityTag."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Security Tag object."

Function ValidateSpoofguardPolicy {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like Security Tag element
    if ($_ -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name policyId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an policyId property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name Name -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a Name property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name operationMode -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an OperationMode property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name defaultPolicy -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a defaultPolicy property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Spoofguard Policy object."

Function ValidateSpoofguardNic {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like Security Tag element
    if ($_ -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name id -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an id property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name vnicUuid -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a vnicUuid property."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name policyId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a policyId property."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Spoofguard Nic object."

Function ValidateVirtualMachine {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    if (-not ($argument -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Inventory.VirtualMachineInterop] )) {
            throw "Object is not a supported type. Specify a VirtualMachine object."


Function ValidateVirtualMachineOrTemplate {

        Param (
            [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

        if ( -not (
            ($argument -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Inventory.VirtualMachineInterop]) -or
            ($argument -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Inventory.TemplateInterop])))
            throw "Object is not a supported type. Specify a VirtualMachine or Template object."


    Function ValidateTagAssignment {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    #Check if it looks like Security Tag Assignmenbt
    if ($argument -is [PSCustomObject] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name SecurityTag -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Specify a valid Security Tag Assignment. Specified object does not contain a SecurityTag property object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name VirtualMachine -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Specify a valid Security Tag Assignment. Specified object does not contain a VirtualMachine property object."
        if ( -not ( $argument.SecurityTag -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] )) {
            throw "Specify a valid Security Tag Assignment."
        if ( -not ( $argument.VirtualMachine -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Inventory.VirtualMachineInterop])) {
            throw "Specify a valid Security Tag Assignment."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Security Tag Assignment."

Function ValidateFwSourceDestFilter {
    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
    if ( ($argument -as [ipaddress]) -or
        ($argument -as [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Inventory.VirtualMachineInterop]) ) {
    elseif ( ($argument -as [string]) -and ($argument -match "^vm-\d+$") ) {
    else {
        throw "Source or Destination Filter must be an IPAddress, VM object, or vmmoid"

Function ValidateController {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name id -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Specify a valid Controller."
        if ( -not ( $argument.id -match "controller-\d+")) {
            throw "Specify a valid Controller."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Controller."

Function ValidateSecondaryManager {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name uuid -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Specify a valid secondary NSX manager."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name nsxManagerIp -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Specify a valid secondary NSX manager."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name isPrimary -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Specify a valid secondary NSX manager."
        if ( $argument.isPrimary -eq 'true'){
            throw "The specified manager has the primary role. Specify a valid secondary NSX manager."

    else {
        throw "Specify a valid secondary NSX manager."

Function ValidateDynamicCriteriaSpec {

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name key -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a key property. Specify a valid Dynamic Criteria Spec."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name criteria -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a criteria property. Specify a valid Dynamic Criteria Spec."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name value -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain a value property. Specify a valid Dynamic Criteria Spec."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Dynamic Criteria Spec."

Function ValidateDynamicMemberSet {
    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    if ($argument -is [PSCustomObject] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name index -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified does not contain an index property. Specify a valid Dynamic Member Set."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name SecurityGroupName -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified does not contain a SecurityGroup Name property. Specify a valid Dynamic Member Set."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name SecurityGroup -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified does not contain a SecurityGroup property. Specify a valid Dynamic Member Set."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name criteria -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified does not contain a criteria property. Specify a valid Dynamic Member Set."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name SetOperator -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified does not contain a Set Operator property. Specify a valid Dynamic Member Set."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Dynamic Member Set."

Function ValidateDynamicCriteria {
    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    if ($argument -is [PSCustomObject] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name index -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified does not contain an index property. Specify a valid Dynamic Criteria object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name MemberSetIndex -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified does not contain an index property. Specify a valid Dynamic Criteria object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name SecurityGroupName -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified does not contain a SecurityGroup Name property. Specify a valid Dynamic Criteria object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name SecurityGroup -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified does not contain a SecurityGroup property. Specify a valid Dynamic Criteria object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name key -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified does not contain a key property. Specify a valid Dynamic Criteria object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name condition -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified does not contain a condition property. Specify a valid Dynamic Criteria object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name key -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified does not contain a value property. Specify a valid Dynamic Criteria object."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Dynamic Criteria object."

Function ValidateServiceDefinition {
    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name objectId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified contains no objectId property. Specify a valid Service Definition object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name type -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified contains no type property. Specify a valid Service Definition object."
        if ( -not ( $argument.type.typename -eq "Service" )) {
            throw "Object specified is of the wrong type $($argument.type.typename). Specify a valid Service Definition object."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Service Definition object."

Function ValidateServiceProfile {
    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name objectId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified contains no objectId property. Specify a valid Service Profile object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name type -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified contains no type property. Specify a valid Service Profile object."
        if ( -not ( $argument.type.typename -eq "ServiceProfile" )) {
            throw "Object specified is of the wrong type $($argument.type.typename). Specify a valid Service Profile object."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Service Profile object."

Function ValidateSecurityPolicy {
    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name objectId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified contains no objectId property. Specify a valid Security Policy object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name type -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified contains no type property. Specify a valid Security Policy object."
        if ( -not ( $argument.type.typename -eq "Policy" )) {
            throw "Object specified is of the wrong type $($argument.type.typename). Specify a valid Security Policy object."
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Security Policy object."

Function ValidateSecPolRule {
    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name objectId -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified contains no objectId property. Specify a valid Security Policy Rule object."
        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name class -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "Object specified contains no class attribute. Specify a valid Security Policy Rule object."
        if ( -not ( ($argument.class -eq "firewallSecurityAction") -or
                    ($argument.class -eq "endpointSecurityAction") -or
                    ($argument.class -eq "trafficSteeringSecurityAction") )) {
            throw "Object specified is of the wrong class $($argument.class). Specify a valid Security Policy Rule object."
        #Because we frequently rely on the parent node relationship to do editing of the parent policy xml, we have to make sure user hasnt concocted a rule out of thin air.
        try {
            $ParentPolicyObjectId = $argument.ParentNode.ParentNode.objectId
            if ( -not $ParentPolicyObjectId ) {
                throw "No parent node objectId found."
        catch {
            throw "An invalid policy rule was specified. Ensure a policy rule as retrieved by Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule is specified. $_"
    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Security Policy Rule object."

function ValidateFirewallDraft {
    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name id -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an id property."

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an name property."

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name timestamp -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an timestamp property."

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name preserve -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an preserve property."

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name user -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an user property."

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name mode -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an mode property."

    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Saved Distributed Firewall Configuration object."


function ValidateFirewallSavedConfiguration {
    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]

    if ($argument -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name id -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an id property."

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name name -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an name property."

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name timestamp -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an timestamp property."

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name preserve -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an preserve property."

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name user -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an user property."

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name mode -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an mode property."

        if ( -not ( $argument | get-member -name config -Membertype Properties)) {
            throw "XML Element specified does not contain an config property."

    else {
        throw "Specify a valid Saved Distributed Firewall Configuration object."


# Helper functions

function Format-XML () {

    Accepts a string containing valid XML tags or an XMLElement object and
    outputs it as a formatted string including newline and indentation of child
    Valid XML returned by the NSX API is a single string with no newlines or
    indentation. While PowerNSX cmdlets typicallly emit an XMLElement object,
    which PowerShell outputs as formatted tables or lists when outputing to host,
    making normal human interaction easy, for output to file or debug stream,
    format-xml converts the API returned XML to more easily read formated XML
    complete with linebreaks and indentation.
    As a side effect, this has the added benefit of being useable as an
    additional format handler on the PowerShell pipeline, so rather than
    displaying output objects using familiar table and list output formats, the
    user now has the option of displaying the native XML in a human readable
    Get-NsxTransportZone | Format-Xml
    Displays the XMLElement object returned by Get-NsxTransportZone as formatted

    #NB: Find where I got this to reference...
    #Shamelessly ripped from the web with some modification, useful for formatting XML output into a form that
    #is easily read by humans. Seriously - how is this not part of the dotnet system.xml classes?

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1) ]

            #String object containing valid XML, or XMLElement or XMLDocument object
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]

            #Number of whitespace charaters to indent child nodes by when formatting

    begin {}

    process {
        if ( ($xml -is [System.Xml.XmlElement]) -or ( $xml -is [System.Xml.XmlDocument] ) ) {
            try {
                [xml]$_xml = $xml.OuterXml
            catch {
                throw "Specified XML element cannot be cast to an XML document."
        elseif ( $xml -is [string] ) {
            try {
                [xml]$_xml = $xml
            catch {
                throw "Specified string cannot be cast to an XML document."

            throw "Unknown data type specified as xml to Format-Xml."

        $StringWriter = New-Object System.IO.StringWriter
        $XmlSettings = New-Object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings
        $XmlSettings.Indent = $true
        $XmlSettings.ConformanceLevel = "fragment"

        $XmlWriter = [System.XMl.XmlWriter]::Create($StringWriter, $XmlSettings)

        Write-Output $StringWriter.ToString()


function Export-NsxObject {
    Accepts any XMLElement and formats it and writes it to the specified file.
    Most PowerNSX Objects are internally handled as XMLELement objects.
    For objects (or collections of objects) that are XMLElements, this cmdlet
    will format them (using format-xml) and then write them to disk using the
    specified encoding.
    An export file created in this fashion can be edited by hand with complete
    onus on the user to ensure the XML remains well formed and continues to be
    a 'valid' NSX object.
    The intent of this cmdlet is to allow easy storage of any PowerNSX objects
    to disk so they can be later re-imported to use as if they had been
    retrieved directly from the API. It is intended to be used in conjunction
    with Import-NsxObject
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Export-NsxObject -FilePath EdgeExport.xml
    C:\ PS>$ImportedEdge = Import-NsxObject -FilePath EdgeExport.xml
    Exports the XMLElement object returned by Get-NsxEdge as formatted
    XML to the file ExdgeExport.xml in the current directory and then imports
    the content of the same file and stores the XML object in the variable

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] #Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
            #PowerNSX Object to be exported
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
            #Text Encoding used in export file.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Encoding type used in the output file. Defaults to utf-8 as the typical encoding for xml
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prevents overwriting an existing file. Defaults to $True

        $XmlDoc = New-object System.Xml.XmlDocument
        $ExportElem = $XmlDoc.CreateElement("PowerNSXExport")
        foreach ( $xml in $Object ) {
            $ExportNode = $XmlDoc.ImportNode($xml, $true)
            $null = $ExportElem.AppendChild($ExportNode)
        $ExportElem | Format-xml | out-file -FilePath $FilePath -Encoding $Encoding -NoClobber:$NoClobber

function Import-NsxObject {

    Reads from the specified file and returns an XMLElement object or collection.
    Most PowerNSX Objects are internally handled as XMLELement objects.
    For objects (or collections of objects) that are XMLElements, this cmdlet
    will format them (using format-xml) and then write them to disk using the
    specified encoding.
    An export file created in this fashion can be edited by hand with complete
    onus on the user to ensure the XML remains well formed and continues to be
    a 'valid' NSX object.
    The intent of this cmdlet is to allow easy re-import of files exported using
    Export-NsxObject to use as if they had been retrieved directly from the API.
    It is intended to be used in conjunction with Export-NsxObject
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Export-NsxObject -FilePath EdgeExport.xml
    C:\ PS>$ImportedEdge = Import-NsxObject -FilePath EdgeExport.xml
    Exports the XMLElement object returned by Get-NsxEdge as formatted
    XML to the file ExdgeExport.xml in the current directory and then imports
    the content of the same file and stores the XML object in the variable


        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
            #Text Encoding used in export file.
                {if ( -not (test-path $_)) {
                    Throw "File not found : $_"
            else {


        $XmlDoc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
        try {
        catch {
            Throw "An error occured attempting to load the file $filepath. Ensure the file contains a valid PowerNSX object export and has not been modified or corrupted. $_"

        if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $xmlDoc -Query "/PowerNSXExport")) {
            Throw "The XML content in $filepath is not a valid PowerNSX export format."

        $Children = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $xmldoc.PowerNSXExport -Query "*")
        foreach ($child in $Children) {


    Process {}


# Core functions
function Invoke-InternalWebRequest {

    Constructs and performs REST call to NSX API while hiding platform specific
    Limitations and differences in Desktop/Core iwr have required the
    development of this function. It aims to be consistent with the iwr
    interface in as far as PowerNSX uses it, but deal with limitations that
    occur in the different implementations.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] #Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [ValidateSet("get", "put", "post", "delete")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Method : $method, Content-Type : $ContentType, SkipCertificateCheck : $SkipcertificateCheck"

    # Below removed to fix Issue #215, Remove-NsxCluster (DELETE /2.0/nwfabric/configure) sends a body with a delete.
    # Unknown at this point if any other NSX APIs require it, but it seems prudent to make the fix generic case for get and delete to support body
    # and refactor the PowerShell core specific code below that relied on this assumption.

    # #Validate method and body
    # if ((($method -eq "get") -or ($method -eq "delete")) -and $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('body')) {
    # throw "Cannot specify a body with a $method request."
    # }

    #For Core, we use the httpclient dotNet classes directly.
    if ( $script:PNsxPSTarget -eq "Core" ) {

        $httpClientHandler = New-Object InternalHttpClientHandler($SkipCertificateCheck)
        $httpClient = New-Object System.Net.Http.Httpclient $httpClientHandler

        #Add any required headers. if-match in particular doesnt validate on httpclient. Using TryAddWithoutValidation to avoid exception thrown on Core.
        foreach ( $header in $headerDictionary.Keys) {
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Adding Header : $header, $($headerDictionary.Item($header))"
            $null = $httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation( $header, $headerDictionary.item($header) )

        #Set Timeout
        if ( $timeout -ne 0 ){
            $httpClient.Timeout = new-object Timespan(0,0,$TimeoutSec)
        else {
            $httpClient.Timeout = [timespan]::MaxValue

        $UTF8 = new-object System.Text.UTF8Encoding
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Calling HTTPClient SendAsync"

            $request = new-object System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage
            $request.Method = $method.ToUpper()
            $request.RequestUri = $Uri
            $content = $null
            if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Body")) {
                $content = New-Object System.Net.Http.StringContent($body, $UTF8, $contentType)
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Content Header $($content.Headers | out-string -stream)"
            $request.Content = $content
            $task = $httpClient.SendAsync($request);

            if (!$task.result) {
                throw $task.Exception
            $response = $task.Result

            #Generate lookalike webresponseobject - caller is me, so it doesnt need to pass too close an inspection!
            $WebResponse = new-object InternalWebResponse
            $WebResponse.StatusCode = $response.StatusCode.value__
            $WebResponse.StatusDescription = $response.ReasonPhrase
            $WebResponse.Content = $response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
            #Not worrying about RawContent here, as I dont use it.
            #No HTML parsing done either - again - I dont use it.
            #No Content Length - pretty sure I dont use it ;)

            #Fill the headers dict
            foreach ( $header in $response.Headers ) {

                #Response header values are an array of strings -
                if ( @($header.Value).count -gt 1 ) {
                    write-warning "Response header $header.key has more than one value. Only the first value is retained. Please raise an issue on the PowerNSX Github site with steps to reproduce if you see this warning!"
                $WebResponse.Headers.Add($header.key, @($Header.Value)[0])

            #If non success status, we still throw an exception with the response object so caller can determine details.
            if (!$response.IsSuccessStatusCode) {

                $errorMessage = "NSX API response indicates failure: ({0}) - {1}." -f $response.StatusCode.value__, $response.ReasonPhrase
                $internalWebException = New-Object internalWebRequestException $errorMessage, $WebResponse
                throw $internalWebException
        catch [Exception]{
            # if ( $gettask.Exception ) {
            # throw $gettask.Exception
            # }
            # else {
            # }
            if ( test-path variable:httpClient ) {
            if( test-path variable:response ){
            if ( test-path variable:content ) {
                if ( $content -ne $null ) {

    elseif (  $script:PNsxPSTarget -eq "Desktop" ) {
        #For now, we continue to pass thru to the iwr cmdlet on desktop. For now...
        #Use splatting to build up the IWR params
        $iwrSplat = @{
            "method" = $method;
            "headers" = $headerDictionary;
            "ContentType" = $ContentType;
            "uri" = $Uri;
            "TimeoutSec" = $TimeoutSec;
            "UseBasicParsing" = $True;

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Body')) {

        if (( -not $ValidateCertificate) -and ([System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy.tostring() -ne 'TrustAllCertsPolicy')) {
            #allow untrusted certificate presented by the remote system to be accepted
            [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy

        #Dont catch here - bubble exception up as there is enough in it for the caller.
        invoke-webrequest @iwrsplat

function Invoke-NsxRestMethod {

    Constructs and performs a valid NSX REST call. This function is DEPRECATED
    Use Invoke-NsxWebRequest for all new functions.
    Invoke-NsxRestMethod uses either a specified connection object as returned
    by Connect-NsxServer, or the $DefaultNsxConnection global variable if
    defined to construct a REST api call to the NSX API.
    Invoke-NsxRestMethod constructs the appropriate request headers required by
    the NSX API, including authentication details (built from the connection
    object), required content type and includes any custom headers specified by
    the caller that might be required by a specific API resource, before making
    the rest call and returning the appropriate XML object to the caller.
    Invoke-NsxRestMethod -Method get -Uri "/api/2.0/vdn/scopes"
    Performs a 'Get' against the URI /api/2.0/vdn/scopes and returns the xml
    object respresenting the NSX API XML reponse. This call requires the
    $DefaultNsxServer variable to exist and be populated with server and
    authentiation details as created by Connect-NsxServer -DefaultConnection
    $MyConnection = Connect-NsxServer -Server OtherNsxManager -DefaultConnection:$false
    Invoke-NsxRestMethod -Method get -Uri "/api/2.0/vdn/scopes" -connection $MyConnection
    Creates a connection variable for a non default NSX server, performs a
    'Get' against the URI /api/2.0/vdn/scopes and returns the xml
    object respresenting the NSX API XML reponse.


    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Parameter")]
            #PSCredential object containing authentication details to be used for connection to NSX Manager API
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Parameter")]
            #NSX Manager ip address or FQDN
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Parameter")]
            #TCP Port on -server to connect to
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Parameter")]
            #Protocol - HTTP/HTTPS
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Parameter")]
            #URI Prefix to support URI rewrite scenario
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Parameter")]
            #Validates the certificate presented by NSX Manager for HTTPS connections
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Parameter")]
        [Parameter (ParameterSetName="ConnectionObj")]
            #REST method of call. Get, Put, Post, Delete, Patch etc
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Parameter")]
        [Parameter (ParameterSetName="ConnectionObj")]
            #URI of resource (/api/1.0/myresource). Should not include protocol, server or port.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Parameter")]
        [Parameter (ParameterSetName="ConnectionObj")]
            #Content to be sent to server when method is Put/Post/Patch
            [string]$body = "",
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="ConnectionObj")]
            #Pre-populated connection object as returned by Connect-NsxServer
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="ConnectionObj")]
            #Hashtable collection of KV pairs representing additional headers to send to the NSX Manager during REST call
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="ConnectionObj")]
            #Request timeout value - passed directly to underlying invoke-restmethod call

    Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : ParameterSetName : $($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName)"

    #System.Net.ServicePointManager class does not exist on core.
    if ( $script:PNsxPSTarget -eq "Desktop" ) {
        if (( -not $ValidateCertificate) -and ([System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy.tostring() -eq 'System.Net.DefaultCertPolicy')) {
            #allow untrusted certificate presented by the remote system to be accepted
            [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy

    if ( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ConnectionObj" ) {
        #ensure we were either called with a connection or there is a defaultConnection (user has
        #called connect-nsxserver)
        if ( $connection -eq $null) {

            #Now we need to assume that defaultnsxconnection does not exist...
            if ( -not (test-path variable:global:DefaultNSXConnection) ) {
                throw "Not connected. Connect to NSX manager with Connect-NsxServer first."
            else {
                Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Using default connection"
                $connection = $DefaultNSXConnection

        $cred = $connection.credential
        $server = $connection.Server
        $port = $connection.Port
        $protocol = $connection.Protocol
        $uriprefix = $connection.UriPrefix

    $headerDictionary = @{}
    $base64cred = [system.convert]::ToBase64String(
    $headerDictionary.add("Authorization", "Basic $Base64cred")

    if ( $extraHeader ) {
        foreach ($header in $extraHeader.GetEnumerator()) {
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Adding extra header $($header.Key ) : $($header.Value)"
            if ( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ConnectionObj" ) {
                if ( $connection.DebugLogging ) {
                    "$(Get-Date -format s) Extra Header being added to following REST call. Key: $($Header.Key), Value: $($Header.Value)" | out-file -Append -FilePath $Connection.DebugLogfile -Encoding utf8
            $headerDictionary.add($header.Key, $header.Value)

    $FullURI = "$($protocol)://$($server):$($Port)$($UriPrefix)$($URI)"
    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Method: $method, URI: $FullURI, URIPrefix: $UriPrefix, Body: `n$($body | Format-Xml)"

    if ( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ConnectionObj" ) {
        if ( $connection.DebugLogging ) {
            "$(Get-Date -format s) REST Call to NSX Manager via invoke-restmethod : Method: $method, URI: $FullURI, Body: `n$($body | Format-Xml)" | out-file -Append -FilePath $Connection.DebugLogfile -Encoding utf8

    #Use splatting to build up the IRM params
    $irmSplat = @{
        "method" = $method;
        "headers" = $headerDictionary;
        "ContentType" = "application/xml";
        "uri" = $FullURI;
        "TimeoutSec" = $Timeout
        #Not supported on PowerShell 3
        # "UseBasicParsing" = $True
    if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Body')) {
        # If there is a body specified, add it to the invoke-restmethod args...

    #Core (for now) uses a different mechanism to manipulating [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy
    if ( ($script:PNsxPSTarget -eq 'Core') -and ( -not $ValidateCertificate )) {
        $irmSplat.Add("SkipCertificateCheck", $true)

    #do rest call
    try {
        $response = invoke-restmethod @irmSplat
       #If its a webexception, we may have got a response from the server with more information...
    #Even if this happens on PoSH Core though, the ex is not a webexception and we cant get this info :(
    catch [System.Net.WebException] {

        #Check if there is a response populated in the response prop as we can return better detail.
        $response = $_.exception.response
        if ( $response ) {
                $responseStream = $response.GetResponseStream()
            $reader = New-Object system.io.streamreader($responseStream)
            $responseBody = $reader.readtoend()
            $ErrorString = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : The NSX API response received indicates a failure. $($response.StatusCode.value__) : $($response.StatusDescription) : Response Body: $($responseBody)"

            #Log the error with response detail.
            if ( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ConnectionObj" ) {
                if ( $connection.DebugLogging ) {
                    "$(Get-Date -format s) REST Call to NSX Manager failed: $ErrorString" | out-file -Append -FilePath $Connection.DebugLogfile -Encoding utf8
            throw $ErrorString
        else {
            #No response, log and throw the underlying ex
            $ErrorString = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Exception occured calling invoke-restmethod. $($_.exception.tostring())"
            if ( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ConnectionObj" ) {
                if ( $connection.DebugLogging ) {
                    "$(Get-Date -format s) REST Call to NSX Manager failed: $ErrorString" | out-file -Append -FilePath $Connection.DebugLogfile -Encoding utf8
            throw $_.exception.tostring()
    catch {
         #Not a webexception (may be on PoSH core), log and throw the underlying ex string
        $ErrorString = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Exception occured calling invoke-restmethod. $($_.exception.tostring())"
        if ( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ConnectionObj" ) {
            if ( $connection.DebugLogging ) {
                "$(Get-Date -format s) REST Call to NSX Manager failed: $ErrorString" | out-file -Append -FilePath $Connection.DebugLogfile -Encoding utf8
        throw $_.exception.tostring()

    switch ( $response ) {
        { $_ -is [xml] } { $FormattedResponse = "`n$($response.outerxml | Format-Xml)" }
        { $_ -is [System.String] } { $FormattedResponse = $response }
        default { $formattedResponse = "Response type unknown" }

    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Response: $FormattedResponse"
    if ( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ConnectionObj" ) {
        if ( $connection.DebugLogging ) {
            "$(Get-Date -format s) Response: $FormattedResponse" | out-file -Append -FilePath $Connection.DebugLogfile -Encoding utf8

    if ( $script:PNsxPSTarget -eq "Desktop" ) {
        # Workaround for bug in invoke-restmethod where it doesnt complete the tcp session close to our server after certain calls.
        # We end up with connectionlimit number of tcp sessions in close_wait and future calls die with a timeout failure.
        # So, we are getting and killing active sessions after each call. Not sure of performance impact as yet - to test
        # and probably rewrite over time to use invoke-webrequest for all calls... PiTA!!!! :|

        $ServicePoint = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::FindServicePoint($FullURI)
        $ServicePoint.CloseConnectionGroup("") | out-null
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Closing connections to $FullURI."


function Invoke-NsxWebRequest {

    Constructs and performs a valid NSX REST call and returns a response object
    including response headers.
    Invoke-NsxWebRequest uses either a specified connection object as returned
    by Connect-NsxServer, or the $DefaultNsxConnection global variable if
    defined to construct a REST api call to the NSX API.
    Invoke-NsxWebRequest constructs the appropriate request headers required by
    the NSX API, including authentication details (built from the connection
    object), required content type and includes any custom headers specified by
    the caller that might be required by a specific API resource, before making
    the rest call and returning the resulting response object to the caller.
    The Response object includes the response headers unlike
    $MyConnection = Connect-NsxServer -Server OtherNsxManager -DefaultConnection:$false
    $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $MyConnection
    $edgeId = $response.Headers.Location.split("/")[$response.Headers.Location.split("/").GetUpperBound(0)]
    Creates a connection variable for a non default NSX server, performs a 'Post'
    against the URI $URI and then retrieves details from the Location header
    included in the response object.


    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Parameter")]
            #PSCredential object containing authentication details to be used for connection to NSX Manager API
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Parameter")]
            #NSX Manager ip address or FQDN
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Parameter")]
            #TCP Port on -server to connect to
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Parameter")]
            #Protocol - HTTP/HTTPS
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Parameter")]
            #URI prefix to support URI rewrite scenario
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Parameter")]
            #Validates the certificate presented by NSX Manager for HTTPS connections
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Parameter")]
        [Parameter (ParameterSetName="ConnectionObj")]
            #REST method of call. Get, Put, Post, Delete, Patch etc
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Parameter")]
        [Parameter (ParameterSetName="ConnectionObj")]
            #URI of resource (/api/1.0/myresource). Should not include protocol, server or port.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Parameter")]
        [Parameter (ParameterSetName="ConnectionObj")]
            #Content to be sent to server when method is Put/Post/Patch
            [string]$body = "",
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="ConnectionObj")]
            #Pre-populated connection object as returned by Connect-NsxServer
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="ConnectionObj")]
            #Hashtable collection of KV pairs representing additional headers to send to the NSX Manager during REST call
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="ConnectionObj")]
            #Request timeout value - passed directly to underlying invoke-restmethod call

    Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : ParameterSetName : $($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName)"

    if ( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ConnectionObj" ) {
        #ensure we were either called with a connection or there is a defaultConnection (user has
        #called connect-nsxserver)
        if ( $connection -eq $null) {

            #Now we need to assume that defaultnsxconnection does not exist...
            if ( -not (test-path variable:global:DefaultNSXConnection) ) {
                throw "Not connected. Connect to NSX manager with Connect-NsxServer first."
            else {
                Write-Debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Using default connection"
                $connection = $DefaultNSXConnection

        $cred = $connection.credential
        $server = $connection.Server
        $port = $connection.Port
        $protocol = $connection.Protocol
        $uriprefix = $connection.UriPrefix

    $headerDictionary = @{}
    $base64cred = [system.convert]::ToBase64String(
    $headerDictionary.add("Authorization", "Basic $Base64cred")

    if ( $extraHeader ) {
        foreach ($header in $extraHeader.GetEnumerator()) {
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Adding extra header $($header.Key ) : $($header.Value)"
            if ( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ConnectionObj" ) {
                if ( $connection.DebugLogging ) {
                    "$(Get-Date -format s) Extra Header being added to following REST call. Key: $($Header.Key), Value: $($Header.Value)" | out-file -Append -FilePath $Connection.DebugLogfile -Encoding utf8
            $headerDictionary.add($header.Key, $header.Value)

    $FullURI = "$($protocol)://$($server):$($Port)$($UriPrefix)$($URI)"
    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Method: $method, URI: $FullURI, URIPrefix: $URIPrefix, Body: `n$($body | Format-Xml)"

    if ( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ConnectionObj" ) {
        if ( $connection.DebugLogging ) {
            "$(Get-Date -format s) REST Call to NSX Manager via invoke-webrequest : Method: $method, URI: $FullURI, Body: `n$($body | Format-Xml)" | out-file -Append -FilePath $Connection.DebugLogfile -Encoding utf8

    #Use splatting to build up the IWR params
    $iwrSplat = @{
        "Method" = $method;
        "Headers" = $headerDictionary;
        "ContentType" = "application/xml";
        "Uri" = $FullURI;
        "TimeoutSec" = $Timeout;
        "SkipCertificateCheck" = !$ValidateCertificate
    if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Body')) {
        # If there is a body specified, add it to the invoke-restmethod args...

    #do rest call
    try {
            $response = invoke-internalwebrequest @iwrsplat
    #If its a webexception, we may have got a response from the server with more information...
    #Even if this happens on PoSH Core though, the ex is not a webexception and we cant get this info :(
    catch [System.Net.WebException] {

        #Check if there is a response populated in the response prop as we can return better detail.
        if ( $_.exception.response ) {
            $response = $_.exception.response
            $responseStream = $response.GetResponseStream()
            $ResponseStream.Position = 0
            $reader = New-Object system.io.streamreader($responseStream)
            $responseBody = $reader.readtoend()
            $ErrorString = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : The NSX API response received indicates a failure. $($response.StatusCode.value__) : $($response.StatusDescription) : Response Body: $($responseBody)"
        else {
            #No response, log and throw the underlying ex
            $ErrorString = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Exception occured calling invoke-restmethod. $($_.exception.tostring())"
        if ( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ConnectionObj" ) {
            if ( $connection.DebugLogging ) {
                "$(Get-Date -format s) REST Call to NSX Manager failed: $ErrorString" | out-file -Append -FilePath $Connection.DebugLogfile -Encoding utf8

        $exc = New-object InternalNsxApiException $ErrorString, $_.exception
        $errorID = 'NsxAPIFailureResult'
        $errorCategory = 'InvalidResult'
        $targetObject = 'Invoke-NsxWebRequest'
        $errorRecord = New-Object Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exc, $errorID, $errorCategory, $targetObject
    catch [internalWebRequestException] {
        #Generate on PoSH Core where we dont use iwr native cmdlet.
        if ($_.exception.response) {
            $response = $_.exception.response
            $ErrorString = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : The NSX API response received indicates a failure. $($response.StatusCode) : $($response.StatusDescription) : Response Body: $($response.Content)"
        else {
            $ErrorString = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Exception occured calling Invoke-InternalWebRequest. $($_.exception.tostring())"

        #Log the error with response detail.
        if ( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ConnectionObj" ) {
            if ( $connection.DebugLogging ) {
                "$(Get-Date -format s) REST Call to NSX Manager failed: $ErrorString" | out-file -Append -FilePath $Connection.DebugLogfile -Encoding utf8

        $exc = New-object InternalNsxApiException $ErrorString, $_.exception
        $errorID = 'NsxAPIFailureResult'
        $errorCategory = 'InvalidResult'
        $targetObject = 'Invoke-NsxWebRequest'
        $errorRecord = New-Object Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exc, $errorID, $errorCategory, $targetObject
    catch {
        #Not a webexception, log and throw the underlying ex string and trace
        $ErrorString = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : An unknown exception occured calling invoke-internalwebrequest. $($_.exception.tostring()) `nStackTrace:`n$($_.ScriptStackTrace)"
        if ( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ConnectionObj" ) {
            if ( $connection.DebugLogging ) {
                "$(Get-Date -format s) REST Call to NSX Manager failed: $ErrorString" | out-file -Append -FilePath $Connection.DebugLogfile -Encoding utf8
        $exc = New-object InternalNsxApiException $ErrorString, $_.exception
        $errorID = 'NsxAPIFailureResult'
        $errorCategory = 'InvalidResult'
        $targetObject = 'Invoke-NsxWebRequest'
        $errorRecord = New-Object Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exc, $errorID, $errorCategory, $targetObject

    #Output the response header dictionary
    foreach ( $key in $response.Headers.Keys) {
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Response header item : $Key = $($Response.Headers.Item($key))"
        if ( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ConnectionObj" ) {
            if ( $connection.DebugLogging ) {
                "$(Get-Date -format s) Response header item : $Key = $($Response.Headers.Item($key))" | out-file -Append -FilePath $Connection.DebugLogfile -Encoding utf8

    #And if there is response content...
    if ( $response.content ) {
        switch ( $response.content ) {
            { $_ -is [System.String] } {

                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Response Body: $($response.content)"

                if ( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ConnectionObj" ) {
                    if ( $connection.DebugLogging ) {
                        "$(Get-Date -format s) Response Body: $($response.content)" | out-file -Append -FilePath $Connection.DebugLogfile -Encoding utf8
            default {
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Response type unknown"

                if ( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ConnectionObj" ) {
                    if ( $connection.DebugLogging ) {
                        "$(Get-Date -format s) Response type unknown ( $($Response.Content.gettype()) )." | out-file -Append -FilePath $Connection.DebugLogfile -Encoding utf8
    else {
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : No response content"

        if ( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ConnectionObj" ) {
            if ( $connection.DebugLogging ) {
                "$(Get-Date -format s) No response content." | out-file -Append -FilePath $Connection.DebugLogfile -Encoding utf8


function Connect-NsxServer {

    Connects to the specified NSX server and constructs a connection object.
    The Connect-NsxServer cmdlet returns a connection object that contains
    the necessary information for PowerNSX cmdlets to locate and authenticate
    to NSX server in order to perform REST API calls.
    Because the underlying REST protocol is not connection oriented, the
    'Connection' concept relates to just validating endpoint details and
    credentials and storing details relevant to the NSX manager endpoint.
    Previous releases of PowerNSX required the user to specify the NSX manager
    endpoint directly and required the use of an NSX manager local account
    with super_user privileges.
    This behaviour as a default is now DEPRECATED and will be removed in a
    future release (the ability to connect directly to NSX using the admin
    account will not be removed, but will no longer be the default behaviour)
    The preferred method for most PowerNSX use is now to use the -vCenterServer
    parameter to specify the vCenter server that NSX is connected to, along with
    appropriate SSO credentials to authenticate to NSX. This will become the
    default behaviour in a future version (ie. will not require a -vCenterServer
    parameter name and will replace the current default behaviour of assuming
    the first argument specified without a parameter to be the desired NSX
    server endpoint.)
    Full support for all NSX roles is now available in NSX. (cmdlets that
    attempt API operations not supported by the users role will throw
    appropriate not authorised errors from the API.)
    Minimum required rights are vCenter Inventory ReadOnly and NSX Auditor role.
    Connect-NsxServer -vCenterServer vcenter.corp.local
    Connect to vCenter server vcenter.corp.local to determine the NSX server IP
    and return an appropriate connection object. SSO Credentials will
    be prompted for and will be used for both vCenter and NSX authentication.
    Connect-NsxServer -vCenterServer vcenter.corp.local -credential $cred
    Connect to vCenter server vcenter.corp.local using the SSO credentials in $cred
    to determine the NSX server IP and return an appropriate connection object.
    The credentials specified in -credential are used for both vCenter connection
    (if not already established) AND SSO authentication to NSX server.
    Connect-NsxServer -vCenterServer vcenter.corp.local -username me@vsphere.local -password secret
    Connect to vCenter server vcenter.corp.local using the SSO credentials in
    -username and -password to determine the NSX server IP and return an
    appropriate connection object.
    The credentials specified in -credential are used for both vCenter connection
    (if not already established) AND SSO authentication to NSX server.
    Connect-NsxServer -vCenterServer vcenter.corp.local -credential $cred -VIDefaultConnection:$false
    Connect to vCenter server vcenter.corp.local using the SSO credentials in
    -username and -password to determine the NSX server IP and return an
    appropriate connection object. The PowerCLi connection stored in the returned
    connection object is NOT stored in $DefaultViServer.
    Connect-NsxServer -NsxServer nsxserver -username admin -Password VMware1!
    Connects to the nsxserver 'nsxserver' with the specified credentials. If a
    registered vCenter server is configured in NSX manager, you are prompted to
    establish a PowerCLI session to that vCenter along with required
    authentication details.
    Connect-NsxServer -NsxServer nsxserver -username admin -Password VMware1! -DisableViAutoConnect
    Connects to the nsxserver 'nsxserver' with the specified credentials and
    supresses the prompt to establish a PowerCLI connection with the registered
    Connect-NsxServer -NsxServer nsxserver -username admin -Password VMware1! -ViUserName administrator@vsphere.local -ViPassword VMware1!
    Connects to the nsxserver 'nsxserver' with the specified credentials and
    automatically establishes a PowerCLI connection with the registered
    vCenter using the credentials specified.
    $MyConnection = Connect-NsxServer -NsxServer nsxserver -username admin -Password VMware1! -DefaultConnection:$false
    Get-NsxTransportZone 'TransportZone1' -connection $MyConnection
    Connects to the nsxserver 'nsxserver' with the specified credentials and
    then uses the returned connection object in a subsequent call to
    Get-NsxTransportZone. The $DefaultNsxConnection parameter is not populated
    Note: Any PowerNSX cmdlets will fail if the -connection parameters is not
    specified and the $DefaultNsxConnection variable is not populated.
    Note: Pipline operations involving multiple PowerNSX commands that interact
    with the NSX API (not all) require that all cmdlets specify the -connection
    parameter (not just the fist one.)
    Connect-NsxServer -NsxServer nsxserver -username admin -Password VMware1! -ViUserName administrator@vsphere.local -ViPassword VMware1! -UriPRefix /other
    Automatically prepends /other to the URI used to access the NSX REST API for
    all PowerNSX cmdlets using the associated connection. UriPrefix is intended
    to allow for a reverse proxy that is doing URL rewriting in front of NSX.
    Connects to the nsxserver 'nsxserver' with the specified credentials and
    automatically establishes a PowerCLI connection with the registered
    vCenter using the credentials specified.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword","")] # Unable to remove without breaking backward compatibilty. Alternate credential parameter exists.
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingUserNameAndPassWordParams", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")] # Unable to remove without breaking backward compatibilty. Alternate credential parameter exists.
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="Legacy")]
            #NSX Manager address or FQDN. Deprecated. Use -vCenterServer with SSO credentials as preferred method, or -NsxServer with appliance admin user if required.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="NSXServer")]
            #NSX Manager address or FQDN. Recommended method is to use -vCenterServer with SSO credentials. Use this for cmdlets requiring local appliance credentials(Appliance Management and Central CLI).
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="vCenterServer")]
            #vCenter Server address or FQDN (not NSX Manager!). Used to determine NSX Server endpoint and authenticate using SSO credentials. Recommended method.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="vCenterServer")]
            #NSX Manager address used to override that registered in vCenter. Used for scenarios where NSX manager is behind a NAT device.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #TCP Port to connect to on -Server
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #PSCredential object containing NSX API authentication credentials
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Username used to authenticate to NSX API
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Password used to authenticate to NSX API
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Validates the certificate presented by NSX Manager for HTTPS connections. Defaults to False
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #NSX API transport protocol - HTTPS / HTTP . Defaults to HTTPS
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #NSX API URI prefix. Supports reverse proxy in between client and NSX doing URI rewrites so that uri is prepended with $UriPrefix
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #If True, the $DefaultNsxConnection global variable is created and populated with connection details.
            #All PowerNSX commands that use the NSX API will utilise this connection unless they are called with the -connection parameter.
            #Defaults to True
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #If False, and a PowerCLI connection needs to be established to the registered vCenter, the Connect-ViServer call made by PowerNSX will specify the -NotDefault switch (see Get-Help Connect-ViServer)
            #Defaults to True
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Legacy")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="NSXServer")]
            #If True, and the PowerNSX connection attempt is successful, an automatic PowerCLI connection to the registered vCenter server is not attempted. Defaults to False.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Legacy")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="NSXServer")]
            #UserName used in PowerCLI connection to registered vCenter.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Legacy")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="NSXServer")]
            #Password used in PowerCLI connection to registered vCenter.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Legacy")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="NSXServer")]
            #PSCredential object containing credentials used in PowerCLI connection to registered vCenter.
            [Alias ("ViCred")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Enable DebugLogging of all API calls to $DebugLogFile. Can be enabled on esisting connections with $connection.DebugLogging = $true. Defaults to False.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #If DebugLogging is enabled, specifies the file to which output is written. Defaults to $Env:temp\PowerNSXLog-<user>@<server>-<datetime>.log
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Supresses warning output from PowerCLI connection attempts (typically invalid Certificate warnings)

    function TestvCenterConn {

        #Internal function to test if registered vCenter has a current connection.
        param (

        $ConnectedViServerConnection = $null

        if ((test-path variable:global:DefaultVIServer )) {

            #Already have a PowerCLI connection - is it to the right place?

            #the 'ipaddress' in vcinfo from NSX api can be fqdn,
            #Resolve to ip so we can compare to any existing connection.
            #Resolution can result in more than one ip so we have to iterate over it.

            $RegisteredvCenterIPs = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddressesAsync($RegisteredvCenterIP)).Result

            #Remembering we can have multiple vCenter connections too :|
            :outer foreach ( $VIServerConnection in $global:DefaultVIServer ) {
                $ExistingVIConnectionIPs =  [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddressesAsync($VIServerConnection.Name).Result
                foreach ( $ExistingVIConnectionIP in [IpAddress[]]$ExistingVIConnectionIPs ) {
                    foreach ( $RegisteredvCenterIP in [IpAddress[]]$RegisteredvCenterIPs ) {
                        if ( $ExistingVIConnectionIP -eq $RegisteredvCenterIP ) {
                            if ( $VIServerConnection.IsConnected ) {
                                $ConnectedViServerConnection = $ViServerConnection
                                write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Using existing PowerCLI connection to $($ExistingVIConnectionIP.IPAddresstoString)"
                                break outer
                            else {
                                write-host -foregroundcolor Yellow "Existing PowerCLI connection to $($ExistingVIConnectionIP.IPAddresstoString) is not connected."

        return $ConnectedViServerConnection

    #Legacy mode warning
    if ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Legacy") {
        write-warning "The -Server parameter in Connect-NsxServer is deprecated and will be made non-default in a future release."
        write-warning "Recommended usage of Connect-NsxServer is to use the -vCenterServer parameter and valid SSO credentials (requires rights of at least Read-Only over vCenter Inventory and NSX Auditor role)."
        write-warning "Use the -NsxServer parameter to continue using direct connection to NSX and either appliance local or Enterprise_Administrator (only) level SSO credentials."
        $NsxServer = $Server
    #Preclude certain param combinations that we dont want to accept.
    if ((($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Credential")) -and ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Username"))) -or
        (($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Credential")) -and ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Password")))) {

        Throw "Specify either -Credential or both -UserName and -Password to authenticate"

    if ((($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("VICredential")) -and ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("VIUsername"))) -or
        (($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("VICredential")) -and ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("VIPassword")))) {

        Throw "Specify either -VICredential or both -VIUserName and -VIPassword to authenticate"

    #Build cred object for default auth if user specified username/pass
    if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("UserName")) {
        $Credential = new-object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($Username, $(ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force))
    elseif ( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Credential")) {

        if ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "vCenterServer") {
            $Message = "vCenter Server SSO Credentials"
        else {
            $Message = "NSX Manager Local or Enterprise Admin SSO Credentials"
        $Credential = Get-Credential -Message $Message

    #Debug log will contain all rest calls, request and response bodies, and response headers.
    if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DebugLogFile' )) {

        #Generating logfile name regardless of initial user pref on debug. They can just flip the prop on the connection object at a later date to start logging...
        $dtstring = get-date -format "yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss"
        $DebugLogFile = "$($env:TEMP)\PowerNSXLog-$($Credential.UserName)@$NSXServer-$dtstring.log"

    #If debug is on, need to test we can create the debug file first and throw if not...
    if ( $DebugLogging -and (-not ( new-item -path $DebugLogFile -Type file ))) { Throw "Unable to create logfile $DebugLogFile. Disable debugging or specify a valid DebugLogFile name."}
    #Defaults for vars we may not be able to set on the resulting connection object...
    $version = $null
    $buildnumber = $null
    $ViConnection = $null

    if ( ($pscmdlet.Parametersetname -eq "Legacy") -or ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "NsxServer") ) {

        #User sepecified the NSX server endpoint and some credentials. Lets try to validate directly against NSX
        #on a somewhat random URI that we can hit without requiring special privileges and simply validate our credentials.
        $URI = "/api/2.0/nwfabric/features"

        #Even though there is partial version info available in the feature info - we cant get the manager version from here, so Im reluctant to return anything.
        try {
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -cred $Credential -server $NsxServer -port $port -protocol $Protocol -method "get" -uri $URI -ValidateCertificate:$ValidateCertificate -UriPrefix $uriprefix
        catch {
            Throw "Connection to NSX server $NsxServer failed : $_"

        #Right - we got here, so now we try to build a connection object and retreive useful information
        $URI = "/api/1.0/appliance-management/global/info"

        #Test NSX connection
        try {
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -cred $Credential -server $NsxServer -port $port -protocol $Protocol -method "get" -uri $URI -ValidateCertificate:$ValidateCertificate -UriPrefix $uriprefix

            # try to populate version information

            # NSX-v 6.2.3 changed the output of the following API from JSON to XML.
            # /api/1.0/appliance-management/global/info"
            # Along with the return JSON/XML change, the data structure also received a
            # new base element named globalInfo.
            # So what we do is try for the new format, and if it fails, lets default to
            # the old JSON format.
            if ( $response -as [System.Xml.XmlDocument] ) {
                if ( Invoke-XpathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -query "child::globalInfo/versionInfo" ) {
                    $version = $response.globalInfo.versionInfo.majorVersion + "." + $response.globalInfo.versionInfo.minorVersion + "." + $response.globalInfo.versionInfo.patchVersion
                    $BuildNumber = $response.globalInfo.versionInfo.BuildNumber
            else {
                if ( get-member -InputObject $response -MemberType NoteProperty -Name versionInfo ) {
                    $Version = $response.VersionInfo.majorVersion + "." + $response.VersionInfo.minorVersion + "." + $response.VersionInfo.patchVersion
                    $BuildNumber = $response.VersionInfo.BuildNumber
        catch {

            #supression excep in event of 403. Valid non local account credentias are not able to query the appliance-management API
            if ( $_ -match '403 : Forbidden|403 \(Forbidden\)') {
                write-warning "A valid local admin account is required to access version information. This warning can be ignored if using SSO credentials to authenticate to NSX, however, appliance version information will not be available in the connection object. Use Connect-NsxServer -VCServer to avoid this warning."
                # write-warning "A valid local admin account is required to access version information. This warning can be ignored if using SSO credentials to authenticate to NSX, however, appliance version information will not be available in the connection object."
            else {

        #Try and get the registered VC info from NSX so we can build a VIconnection...
        try {
            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/vcconfig"
            $vcInfo = Invoke-NsxRestMethod -cred $Credential -server $NsxServer -port $port -protocol $Protocol -method "get" -uri $URI -ValidateCertificate:$ValidateCertificate -UriPrefix $uriprefix
            if ( $DebugLogging ) { "$(Get-Date -format s) New PowerNSX Connection to $($credential.UserName)@$($Protocol)://$($NsxServer):$port, version $($Connection.Version)"  | out-file -Append -FilePath $DebugLogfile -Encoding utf8 }
        catch {
            #Catch a forbidden as we may not be using an admin account - in which case, we cant query NSX for the registered vC...
            if ( $_ -match '403 : Forbidden|403 \(Forbidden\)') {
                write-warning "The credentials used are not sufficiently privileged to be able to query NSX for the registered vCenter Server. Use Connect-NsxServer -VCServer to avoid this warning."
            else {

        if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $vcinfo -Query  'descendant::vcInfo/ipAddress')) {
            if ( $DebugLogging ) { "$(Get-Date -format s) NSX Manager $NsxServer is not currently connected to any vCenter..."  | out-file -Append -FilePath $DebugLogfile -Encoding utf8 }
            write-warning "NSX Manager does not currently have a vCenter registration. Use Set-NsxManager to register a vCenter server."
        else {
            $RegisteredvCenterIP = $vcInfo.vcInfo.ipAddress
            $VIServerConnection = TestvCenterConn -RegisteredvCenterIp $RegisteredvCenterIP

            if ( $VIServerConnection ) {
                $VIConnection = $VIServerConnection
            else {

                if ( -not (($VIUserName -and $VIPassword) -or ( $VICredential ) )) {
                    #We assume that if the user did not specify VI creds, then they may want a connection to VC, but we will ask.
                    $decision = 1
                    if ( -not $DisableVIAutoConnect) {

                        #Ask the question and get creds.

                        $message  = "PowerNSX requires a PowerCLI connection to the vCenter server NSX is registered against for proper operation."
                        $question = "Automatically create PowerCLI connection to $($RegisteredvCenterIP)?"

                        $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                        $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                        $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                        $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 0)


                    if ( $decision -eq 0 ) {
                        write-warning "Enter credentials for vCenter $RegisteredvCenterIP"
                        $VICredential = get-credential
                        $VIConnection = Connect-VIServer -Credential $VICredential $RegisteredvCenterIP -NotDefault:(-not $VIDefaultConnection) -WarningAction:$ViWarningAction

                    else {
                        write-warning "Some PowerNSX cmdlets will not be fully functional without a valid PowerCLI connection to vCenter server $RegisteredvCenterIP"
                else {
                    #User specified VI username/pwd or VI cred. Connect automatically to the registered vCenter
                    write-host "Creating PowerCLI connection to vCenter server $RegisteredvCenterIP"

                    if ( $VICredential ) {
                        $VIConnection = Connect-VIServer -Credential $VICredential $RegisteredvCenterIP -NotDefault:(-not $VIDefaultConnection) -WarningAction:$ViWarningAction
                    else {
                        $VIConnection = Connect-VIServer -User $VIUserName -Password $VIPassword $RegisteredvCenterIP -NotDefault:(-not $VIDefaultConnection) -WarningAction:$ViWarningAction
            if ( $DebugLogging ) {
                "$(Get-Date -format s) NSX Manager $NsxServer is registered against vCenter server $RegisteredvCenterIP. PowerCLI connection established to registered vCenter : $(if ($ViConnection ) { $VIConnection.IsConnected } else { "False" })" | out-file -Append -FilePath $DebugLogfile -Encoding utf8
    else {
        #User specified a vCenter server endpoint. Try to query VC for the registered NSX manager. This is now the preferred method as we can always determine version information regardless of NSX role providing the user has at least R/O in the VI inventory.
        try {

            #Connect to specified VC using 'default credentials...
            $VIConnection = TestvCenterConn -RegisteredvCenterIp $vCenterServer
            if ( -not $VIConnection ) {
                $VIConnection = Connect-VIServer -Credential $Credential -server $vCenterServer -NotDefault:(-not $VIDefaultConnection) -WarningAction:$ViWarningAction -erroraction Stop
            $ExtensionManager = Get-View ExtensionManager -Server $ViConnection
            $NSXExtension = $ExtensionManager.ExtensionList  | where-object { $_.key -eq 'com.vmware.vShieldManager' }
            if ( -not  $NSXExtension ) {
                throw "The connected vCenter server does not have a registered NSX solution."

            [string[]]$VersionCol = $NSXExtension.Client.Version -split "\."
            if ( -not  ($versionCol.count -eq 4 )) {
                #Version string not as expected
                throw "Version information for the registered NSX solution could not be retreived. Raw version string $($NSXExtension.Client.Version)"
            $Version = $VersionCol[0] + "." + $VersionCol[1] + "." + $VersionCol[2]
            $BuildNumber = $VersionCol[3]

            [string[]]$EndpointCol = $NSXExtension.Client.url -split "/"
            if ( -not  ($EndpointCol.count -eq 4 )) {
                #Endpoint string not as expected
                throw "Endpoint information for the registered NSX solution could not be retreived. Raw endpoint URL $($NSXExtension.Client.Url)"

            if ( -not $EndpointCol[2] -match "^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}:\d+$") {
                #IP:Port not parsed
                throw "Server information for the registered NSX solution could not be retreived. Raw endpoint URL $($NSXExtension.Client.Url)"
            [string[]]$ServerCol = $EndpointCol[2] -split ":"
            if ( -not ($ServerCol.count -eq 2)) {
                #IP:Port not parsed
                throw "Server information for the registered NSX solution could not be retreived. Raw endpoint URL $($NSXExtension.Client.Url)"

            if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("NsxServerHint")) {
                $NsxServer = $NsxServerHint
            else {
                $NsxServer = $ServerCol[0]
            $Port = $ServerCol[1]

            $ProtocolCol = $EndpointCol[0] -split ":"
            if ( -not ($ProtocolCol.count -eq 2)) {
                #IP:Port not parsed
                throw "Protocol information for the registered NSX solution could not be retreived. Raw endpoint URL $($NSXExtension.Client.Url)"
            $Protocol = $ProtocolCol[0]
        catch {
            throw "Unable to determine NSX server endpoint from vCenter. $_"

        #Now we simply test the connection to NSX against a random unprivileged URI
        $URI = "/api/2.0/nwfabric/features"
        try {
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -cred $Credential -server $NsxServer -port $port -protocol $Protocol -method "get" -uri $URI -ValidateCertificate:$ValidateCertificate -UriPrefix $uriprefix
        catch {
            Throw "Connection to NSX server $NsxServer failed : $_"

    #Setup the connection object
    $connection = [pscustomObject] @{
        "Version" = $version
        "BuildNumber" = $BuildNumber
        "Credential" = $Credential
        "Server" = $NSXServer
        "Port" = $port
        "Protocol" = $Protocol
        "UriPrefix" = $UriPrefix
        "ValidateCertificate" = $ValidateCertificate
        "VIConnection" = $ViConnection
        "DebugLogging" = $DebugLogging
        "DebugLogfile" = $DebugLogFile

    #Set the default connection is required.
    if ( $DefaultConnection) { set-variable -name DefaultNSXConnection -value $connection -scope Global }

    #Return the connection

function Disconnect-NsxServer {

    Destroys the $DefaultNSXConnection global variable if it exists.
    REST is not connection oriented, so there really isnt a connect/disconnect
    concept. Disconnect-NsxServer, merely removes the $DefaultNSXConnection
    variable that PowerNSX cmdlets default to using.
    Connect-NsxServer -Server nsxserver -username admin -Password VMware1!

    if (Get-Variable -Name DefaultNsxConnection -scope global ) {
        Remove-Variable -name DefaultNsxConnection -scope global

function Get-PowerNsxVersion {

    Retrieves the version of PowerNSX.
    Get the installed version of PowerNSX

    #Updated to take advantage of Manifest info.
    Get-Module PowerNsx | select-object version, path, author, companyName

function Update-PowerNsx {

    Updates PowerNSX to the latest version available in the specified branch.
    Update-PowerNSX -Branch master

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $True, Position=1)]
            #Valid Branches supported for upgrading to.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateUpdateBranch $_ })]


    $PNsxUrl = "$PNsxUrlBase/$Branch/PowerNSXInstaller.ps1"

    if ( $script:PNsxPSTarget -eq "Desktop") {

        #OS specific temp variable
        $tmpdir = $($env:Temp)
    else {
        #OS specific temp variable
        if ( test-path env:TMPDIR ) {
            $tmpdir = $env:TMPDIR
        else { $tmpdir = "/tmp" }

        #Disable progress dialogs from iwr
        $PreviousProgPref = $ProgressPreference
        $global:ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

    if ( $Branch -eq "master" ) {
        write-warning "Updating to latest $branch branch commit. Stability is not guaranteed."

    #Installer doesnt play nice in strict mode...
    set-strictmode -Off

    try {
        try {
            $filename = split-path $PNsxUrl -leaf
            invoke-webrequest -uri $PNsxUrl -outfile "$tmpdir\$filename"
        catch {
            #TODO: Confirm Proxy handling works with change to iwr.
            if ( $_.exception.innerexception -match "(407)") {
                $ProxyCred = Get-Credential -Message "Proxy Authentication Required"
                invoke-webrequest -uri $PNsxUrl -outfile "$tmpdir\$filename" -ProxyCredential $ProxyCred
            else {
                throw $_
        invoke-expression "& `"$tmpdir\$filename`" -Upgrade -InstallType $InstallType"
    catch {
        throw $_

    ## Not reloading module now, too many issues unloading dependant modules exist to make this robust and clean on all platforms.
    # Import-Module PowerNSX -global -force
    write-host -ForegroundColor Magenta "PowerNSX has been updated. Please restart PowerShell to use the updated version."

    #Check to make sure we dont have mutiple installs....
    if ( (get-module -ListAvailable PowerNSX | measure-object ).count -ne 1 ) {
        write-warning "Mutiple PowerNSX installations found. It is recommended to remove one of them or the universe may implode! (Or you may end up using an older version without realising, which is nearly as bad!)"
        foreach ( $mod in (get-module -ListAvailable PowerNSX) ) {
            write-warning "PowerNSX Install found in $($mod.path | split-path -parent )"
    if ( $PreviousProgPref ) {
        #reenable progress dialogs from iwr
        $global:ProgressPreference = $PreviousProgPref
    set-strictmode -Version Latest

function Wait-NsxJob {

    Wait for the specified job until completion criteria tests true.
    Attempt to wait for the specified job until completion criteria tests true.
    Timeout is either warning and allow user to quit/throw, or to Throw on
    Success and Failure criteria can be expressed via scriptblock ($job is the
    returned XML object that you can traverse)
    Status expression and ErrorExpression provide methods of providing output
    of Success or Failure criteria.
    Intended to be internal generic job wait routine for PowerNSX cmdlet
    PowerNSX users should use object specific Wait-Nsx*Job or Wiat-NsxGenericJob
    Cmdlets that call this cmdlet.

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Job Id string as returned from the api
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Job Query URI. There are several job subsystems in NSX. Some of them overlap.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #ScriptBlock that is used to evaluate completion. $job is the xml object returned from the API, so this should be something like { $job.controllerDeploymentInfo.status -eq "Success" }
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #ScriptBlock that is used to evaluate completion. $job is the xml object returned from the API, so this should be something like { $job.controllerDeploymentInfo.status -eq "Failure" }. Wait-NsxJob will return immediately if this tests true.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Scriptblock that is used to retreive a status string. $job is the xml object returned from the API, so this should be something like { $job.controllerDeploymentInfo.status }. Used only in status output (not in job completion criteria.)
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #ScriptBlock that is used to retrieve any error string. Defaults to $StatusExpression. $job is the xml object returned from the API, so this should be something like { $job.controllerDeploymentInfo.ExceptionMessage }. This is only used in warning/error output (not in job completion criteria.)
            [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]$ErrorExpression = $StatusExpression,
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Seconds to wait before declaring a timeout
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Do we prompt user an allow them to reset the timeout timer, or throw on timeout
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Number of seconds to sleep between status checks
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {
        $yesnochoices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
        $yesnochoices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
        $yesnochoices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

        function prompt_for_timeout {
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Timeout waiting for job $jobid"

            if ( -not $FailOnTimeout) {
                $message  = "Waited more than $WaitTimeout seconds for job $jobid to complete. Recommend checking NSX Manager logs or vCenter tasks for the potential cause."
                $question = "Continue waiting for the job to complete?"
                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $yesnochoices, 0)
                if ( $decision -eq 1 ) {
                throw "Timeout waiting for job $jobid to complete."
            else {
                throw "Timeout waiting for job $jobid to complete."

    process {

        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Waiting for job $jobid"

        $StatusString = "Unknown"
        $Timer = 0

        #Now - loop, checking job status
        do {

            Write-Progress -Activity "Waiting for NSX job $jobId to complete." -Status "$StatusString"
            start-sleep -Seconds $SleepSeconds
            $Timer += $SleepSeconds

            #Are we timed out?
            if ( $Timer -ge $WaitTimeout ) {
                $timer = 0

            #Get updated jobStatus
            try {
                $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "get" -uri "$JobStatusUri/$jobId" -connection $connection
                [xml]$job = $response.Content

                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Got job from $JobStatusUri for job $jobid"

            catch {
                #Can fail if query is too quick
                write-warning "Unable to query for job $jobid at $JobStatusUri. Does the job exist?"

            #Try get our status string. Failure here should indicate that the user needs to tell us that the API returned something unexpected, and/or PowerNSX has a bug that needs fixing.
            try {
                $StatusString = &$StatusExpression
            catch {
                $StatusString = "Unknown"
                write-warning "Failed to retrieve job status when waiting for job $jobId. Please report this error on the PowerNSX issues page. (github.com/vmware/PowerNSX/issues) : $_"
            if ( &$FailCriteria ) {
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Failure criteria `"$FailCriteria`" evaluated to true."

                #Try get our error string. Failure here should indicate that the user needs to tell us that the API returned something unexpected, and/or PowerNSX has a bug that needs fixing.
                try {
                    $ErrorString = &$ErrorExpression
                catch {
                    $ErrorString = "Unknown"
                    write-warning "Failed to retrieve job error output when job $jobId failed. Please report this error on the PowerNSX issues page. (github.com/vmware/PowerNSX/issues) : $_"

                Throw "Job $jobid failed with Status: $StatusString. Error: $ErrorString"
        } until ( &$CompleteCriteria )
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Completed criteria `"$CompleteCriteria`" evaluated to true."

        Write-Progress -Activity "Waiting for NSX job $jobId to complete." -Status "$StatusString" -Completed

    end {}


function Wait-NsxGenericJob {

    Wait for the specified job until it succeeds or fails.
    Generic task framework handler. Wait-NsxGenericJob attempts waits for the
    specified job to succeed or fail.
    Wait-NsxGenericJob defaults to timeout at 30 seconds, when the user
    is prompted to continuing waiting or fail. If immediate failure upon
    timeout is desirable (eg within script), then the $failOnTimeout switch can
    be set.
    Wait-NsxGenericJob -Jobid jobdata-1234
    Wait for job jobdata-1234 up to 30 seconds to complete
    successfully or fail. If 30 seconds elapse, then prompt for action.
    Wait-NsxGenericJob -Jobid jobdata-1234 -TimeOut 40 -FailOnTimeOut
    Wait for controller job jobdata-1234 up to 40 seconds to complete
    successfully or fail. If 40 seconds elapse, then throw an error.

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Job Id string as returned from the api
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Seconds to wait before declaring a timeout. Timeout defaults to 30 seconds.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Do we prompt user an allow them to reset the timeout timer, or throw on timeout
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    $WaitJobArgs = @{
        "jobid" = $jobid
        "JobStatusUri" = "/api/2.0/services/taskservice/job"
        "CompleteCriteria" = {
            $job.jobInstances.jobInstance.status -eq "COMPLETED"
        "FailCriteria" = {
            $job.jobInstances.jobInstance.status -eq "FAILED"
        "StatusExpression" = {
            $execTask = @()
            $StatusMessage = ""
            $execTask = @($job.jobinstances.jobInstance.taskInstances.taskInstance | where-object { $_.taskStatus -eq "EXECUTING" })
            if ( $exectask.count -eq 1) {
                $StatusMessage = "$($execTask.name) - $($execTask.taskStatus)"
            else {
                $StatusMessage = "$($job.jobinstances.jobInstance.Status)"
        "ErrorExpression" = {
            $failTask = @()
            $failMessage = ""
            $failTask = @($job.jobinstances.jobInstance.taskInstances.taskInstance | where-object { $_.taskStatus -eq "FAILED" })
            if ( $failTask.count -eq 1) {
                $failMessage = "Failed Task : $($failTask.name) - $($failTask.statusMessage)"
            else {
                $failMessage = "$($job.jobinstances.jobInstance.Status)"
        "WaitTimeout" = $WaitTimeout
        "FailOnTimeout" = $FailOnTimeout
        "Connection" = $Connection

    Wait-NsxJob @WaitJobArgs

# Infra functions

function Get-NsxClusterStatus {

    Retrieves the resource status from NSX for the given cluster.
    All clusters visible to NSX manager (managed by the vCenter that NSX Manager
    is synced with) can have the status of NSX related resources queried.
    This cmdlet returns the resource status of all registered NSX resources for
    the given cluster.
    This example shows how to query the status for the cluster MyCluster
    PS C:\> get-cluster MyCluster | Get-NsxClusterStatus
    This example shows how to query the status for all clusters
    PS C:\> get-cluster MyCluster | Get-NsxClusterStatus

    param (

        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            #Cluster Object to retreive status details for.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {}

        #Get resource status for given cluster
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Query status for cluster $($cluster.name) ($($cluster.ExtensionData.Moref.Value))"
        $uri = "/api/2.0/nwfabric/status-without-alarms?resource=$($cluster.ExtensionData.Moref.Value)"
        try {
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -connection $connection -method get -uri $uri

        catch {
            throw "Unable to query resource status for cluster $($cluster.Name) ($($cluster.ExtensionData.Moref.Value)). $_"

function Invoke-NsxCli {

    Provides access to the NSX Centralised CLI.
    The NSX Centralised CLI is a feature first introduced in NSX 6.2. It
    provides centralised means of performing read only operations against
    various aspects of the dataplane including Logical Switching, Logical
    Routing, Distributed Firewall and Edge Services Gateways.
    The results returned by the Centralised CLI are actual (realised) state
    as opposed to configured state. They should you how the dataplane actually
    is configured at the time the query is run.
    WARNING: The Centralised CLI is primarily a trouble shooting tool and
    it and the PowerNSX cmdlets that expose it should not be used for any other
    purpose. All the PowerNSX cmdlets that expose the central cli rely on a
    bespoke text parser to interpret the results as powershell objects, and have
    not been extensively tested.
    .PARAMETER Query
    string text of Central CLI command to execute
    .PARAMETER SupressWarning
    Switch parameter to ignore the experimental warning
    .PARAMETER Connection
    Proper NSX connection [PSCustomObject]
    .PARAMETER RawOutput
    Switch parameter that will not try to parse the output

    param (

        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$true, Position=1) ]
            #Free form query string that is sent to the NSX Central CLI API
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$false) ]
            #Supress warning about experimental feature. Defaults to False
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object
            [PSCustomObject]$Connection = $defaultNSXConnection,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            # switch param to support throwing raw output to avoid errors with the parser


    begin {

        if ( -not $SupressWarning ) {

            Write-Warning -Message "This cmdlet is experimental and has not been well tested. Its use should be limited to troubleshooting purposes only."

        } # end if

    } # end begin block

    process {

        Write-Verbose -Message "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] Executing Central CLI Query {$Query}"

        Write-Debug -Message "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] Building XML"

        #Create the XMLRoot
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlCli = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("nsxcli")
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlCli) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlCli -xmlElementName "command" -xmlElementText $Query

        #<nsxcli><command>show cluster all</command></nsxcli>

        $Body = $xmlCli.OuterXml
        $uri = "/api/1.0/nsx/cli?action=execute"

        Write-Debug -Message "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] Invoking POST method. Entering 'try/catch' block"
        try {

            $response = Invoke-NsxRestMethod -Connection $connection -Method post -Uri $uri -Body $Body -extraheader @{"Accept"="text/plain"}

            if ($RawOutput) {

                Write-Verbose -Message "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] Returning Raw Output"

            } else {

                Write-Verbose -Message "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] Parsing Output"
                ParseCentralCliResponse $response

            } # end if/else

        } catch {

            throw "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)][ERROR] Unable to execute Centralized CLI query. $_.Exception.Message. Try re-running command with the -RawOutput parameter."

        } # end try/catch

    } # end process block

    end {

        Write-Verbose -Message "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] Processing Complete"

    } # end block

} # end function Invoke-NsxCli

function Get-NsxCliDfwFilter {

    Uses the NSX Centralised CLI to retreive the VMs VNIC filters.
    The NSX Centralised CLI is a feature first introduced in NSX 6.2. It
    provides centralised means of performing read only operations against
    various aspects of the dataplane including Logical Switching, Logical
    Routing, Distributed Firewall and Edge Services Gateways.
    The results returned by the Centralised CLI are actual (realised) state
    as opposed to configured state. They show you how the dataplane actually
    is configured at the time the query is run.
    This cmdlet accepts a VM object, and leverages the Invoke-NsxCli cmdlet by
    constructing the appropriate Centralised CLI command without requiring the
    user to do the show cluster all -> show cluster domain-xxx -> show host
    host-xxx -> show vm vm-xxx dance -> show dfw host host-xxx filter xxx rules
    dance. It returns objects representing the Filters defined on each vnic of
    the VM

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
            #PowerCLI Virtual Machine object.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object



        $query = "show vm $($VirtualMachine.ExtensionData.Moref.Value)"
        $filters = Invoke-NsxCli $query -SupressWarning -connection $connection

        foreach ( $filter in $filters ) {
            #only match slot 2 filters
            if ( $filter -notmatch 'nic-\d+-eth\d-vmware-sfw.2' ) {
                write-warning "Ignoring filter `'$($filter.Filters)`' on VM $($filter.VM)"
            else {
                #Execute the appropriate CLI query against the VMs host for the current filter...
                $query = "show vnic $($Filter."Vnic Id")"
                Invoke-NsxCli $query -connection $connection


function Get-NsxCliDfwRule {

    Uses the NSX Centralised CLI to retreive the rules configured for the
    specified VMs vnics.
    The NSX Centralised CLI is a feature first introduced in NSX 6.2. It
    provides centralised means of performing read only operations against
    various aspects of the dataplane including Logical Switching, Logical
    Routing, Distributed Firewall and Edge Services Gateways.
    The results returned by the Centralised CLI are actual (realised) state
    as opposed to configured state. They show you how the dataplane actually
    is configured at the time the query is run.
    This cmdlet accepts a VM object, and leverages the Invoke-NsxCli cmdlet by
    constructing the appropriate Centralised CLI command without requiring the
    user to do the show cluster all -> show cluster domain-xxx -> show host
    host-xxx -> show vm vm-xxx dance -> show dfw host host-xxx filter xxx
    dance. It returns objects representing the DFW rules instantiated on
    the VMs vnics dfw filters.

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
            #PowerCLI VirtualMachine object
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object



        if ( $VirtualMachine.PowerState -eq 'PoweredOn' ) {
            #First we retrieve the filter names from the host that the VM is running on
            try {
                $query = "show vm $($VirtualMachine.ExtensionData.Moref.Value)"
                $VMs = Invoke-NsxCli $query -connection $connection
            catch {
                #Invoke-nsxcli threw an exception. There are a couple we want to handle here...
                switch -regex ($_.tostring()) {
                    "\( Error 100: \)" {
                        write-warning "Virtual Machine $($VirtualMachine.Name) has no DFW Filter active.";
                        return                    }
                    default {throw}

            #Potentially there are multiple 'VMs' (VM with more than one NIC).
            foreach ( $VM in $VMs ) {
                #Execute the appropriate CLI query against the VMs host for the current filter...
                $query = "show dfw host $($VirtualMachine.VMHost.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value) filter $($VM.Filters) rules"
                $rule = Invoke-NsxCli $query -SupressWarning -connection $connection
                $rule | add-member -memberType NoteProperty -Name "VirtualMachine" -Value $VirtualMachine
                $rule | add-member -memberType NoteProperty -Name "Filter" -Value $($VM.Filters)
        } else {
            write-warning "Virtual Machine $($VirtualMachine.Name) is not powered on."

function Get-NsxCliDfwAddrSet {

    Uses the NSX Centralised CLI to retreive the address sets configured
    for the specified VMs vnics.
    The NSX Centralised CLI is a feature first introduced in NSX 6.2. It
    provides centralised means of performing read only operations against
    various aspects of the dataplane including Logical Switching, Logical
    Routing, Distributed Firewall and Edge Services Gateways.
    The results returned by the Centralised CLI are actual (realised) state
    as opposed to configured state. They show you how the dataplane actually
    is configured at the time the query is run.
    This cmdlet accepts a VM object, and leverages the Invoke-NsxCli cmdlet by
    constructing the appropriate Centralised CLI command without requiring the
    user to do the show cluster all -> show cluster domain-xxx -> show host
    host-xxx -> show vm vm-xxx dance -> show dfw host host-xxx filter xxx
    dance. It returns object representing the Address Sets defined on the
    VMs vnics DFW filters.

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
            #PowerCLI VirtualMachine object
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object



        #First we retrieve the filter names from the host that the VM is running on
        $query = "show vm $($VirtualMachine.ExtensionData.Moref.Value)"
        $Filters = Invoke-NsxCli $query -connection $connection

        #Potentially there are multiple filters (VM with more than one NIC).
        foreach ( $filter in $filters ) {
            #only match slot 2 filters
            if ( $filter -notmatch 'nic-\d+-eth\d-vmware-sfw.2' ) {
                write-warning "Ignoring filter `'$($filter.Filters)`' on VM $($filter.VM)"
            else {
                #Execute the appropriate CLI query against the VMs host for the current filter...
                $query = "show dfw host $($VirtualMachine.VMHost.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value) filter $($Filter.Filters) addrset"
                Invoke-NsxCli $query -SupressWarning -connection $connection

function Get-NsxHostUvsmLogging {

    Retrieves the Uvsm Logging level from the specified host.


    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {


    process {

        #UVSM Logging URI
        $URI = "/api/1.0/usvmlogging/$($VMHost.Extensiondata.Moref.Value)/root"
        try {
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
        catch {
            write-warning "Error querying host $($VMhost.Name) for UVSM logging status. Check Guest Introspection is enabled, and USVM is available."


    end {}

function Set-NsxHostUvsmLogging {

    Sets the Uvsm Logging on the specified host.

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            [ValidateSet("OFF", "FATAL", "ERROR", "WARN", "INFO", "DEBUG", "TRACE",IgnoreCase=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #Create the XMLRoot
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlRoot = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("logginglevel")
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlRoot) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "loggerName" -xmlElementText "root"
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "level" -xmlElementText $LogLevel

        # #Do the post
        $body = $xmlroot.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/1.0/usvmlogging/$($VMhost.Extensiondata.Moref.Value)/changelevel"
        Write-Progress -activity "Updating log level on host $($VMhost.Name)"
        invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection| out-null
        Write-progress -activity "Updating log level on host $($VMhost.Name)" -completed

    end {}

function New-NsxManager{

    Uses an existing PowerCLI connection to deploy and configure the NSX
    Manager VM from OVA.
    The NSX management plane is provided by NSX Manager, the centralized
    network management component of NSX. It provides the single point of
    configuration for NSX operations, and provides NSX's REST API.
    The New-NsxManager cmdlet deploys and configures a new NSX Manager appliance
    using PowerCLI
    New-NSXManager -NsxManagerOVF ".\VMware-NSX-Manager-6.2.0-2986609.ova"
        -Name TestingNSXM -ClusterName Cluster1 -ManagementPortGroupName Net1
        -DatastoreName DS1 -FolderName Folder1 -CliPassword VMware1!VMware1!
        -CliEnablePassword VMware1!VMware1! -Hostname NSXManagerHostName
        -IpAddress -Netmask -Gateway
        -DnsServer -DnsDomain corp.local -NtpServer -EnableSsh
        -StartVm -wait
    Deploys a new NSX Manager, starts the VM, and blocks until the API becomes
    $nsxManagerBuildParams = @{
        NsxManagerOVF = ".\VMware-NSX-Manager-6.2.0-2986609.ova"
        Name = TestingNSXM
        ClusterName = Cluster1
        ManagementPortGroupName = Net1
        DatastoreName = DS1
        FolderName = Folder1
        CliPassword = VMware1!VMware1!
        CliEnablePassword = VMware1!VMware1!
        Hostname = NSXManagerHostName
        IpAddress =
        Netmask =
        Gateway =
        DnsServer =
        DnsDomain = corp.local
        NtpServer =
        EnableSsh = $true
        StartVm = $true
        Wait = $true
    } # end $nsxManagerBuildParams
    New-NSXManager @nsxManagerBuildParams
    Uses 'splatting' technique to specify build configuration and then deploys a new NSX Manager, starts the VM, and blocks until the API becomes

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword","")] # Unable to remove without breaking backward compatibilty. Alternate credential parameter exists.

    param (

        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$True )]
            #Local Path to NSX MAnager OVA
                if ( -not (test-path $_)) {
                    throw "NSX Manager OVF file not found: $_."
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$True )]
            #The name of the deployed VM.
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$True )]
            #Name of the vSphere Cluster to which the VM will be deployed.
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$True )]
            #Name of the portgroup to which the management interface of the VM will be connected.
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$True )]
            #Name of the Datastore to which the VM will be deployed.
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$True )]
            #Name of the vSphere VM Inventory folder to which the VM will be deployed.
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$True )]
            #CLI Password for the deployed NSX Manager.
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$True )]
            #Enable password for the deployed NSX Manager.
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$True )]
            #Guest Hostname for the deployed NSX Manager.
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$True )]
            #IP Address assigned to the management interface.
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$True )]
            #Netmask for the management interface.
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$True )]
            #Gateway Address for the deployed NSX Manager.
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$True )]
            #DNS Server for the deployed NSX Manager (One only.)
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$True )]
            #DNS Domain Name for the deployed NSX Manager.
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$True )]
            #NTP Server for the deployed NSX Manager (One only.)
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$False)]
            #Configured Memory for the deployed VM. Overrides default in OVA. Non-Production use only!
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName = "StartVM" )]
            #Start the VM once deployment is completed.
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = "StartVM")]
            #Wait for the NSX Manager API to become available once deployment is complete and the appliance is started. Requires -StartVM, and network reachability between this machine and the management interface of the NSX Manager.
                If ( -not $StartVM ) { throw "Cant wait for Manager API unless -StartVM is enabled."}
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = "StartVM")]
            #How long to wait before timeout for NSX MAnager API to become available once the VM has been started.
            [int]$WaitTimeout = 600,
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$False )]
            #Enable SSH on the deployed NSX Manager.
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)]
            #Disk format on the deployed NSX Manager
            [ValidateSet ("Thin2GB", "Thick", "Thick2GB", "Thin", "EagerZeroedThick")]

    Begin {

        # Check that we have a PowerCLI connection open...
        Write-Verbose -Message "Verifying PowerCLI connection"

        If ( -not (Test-Path Variable:Global:defaultVIServer) ) {
            throw "Unable to deploy NSX Manager OVA without a valid PowerCLI connection. Use Connect-VIServer or Connect-NsxServer to extablish a PowerCLI connection and try again."
        else {
            Write-Verbose -Message "PowerCLI connection discovered; validating connection state"
            if (($Global:defaultViServer).IsConnected -eq $true) {
                 Write-Verbose -Message "Currently connected to VI Server: $Global:defaultViServer"
            else {
                throw "Connection to VI Server: $Global:defaultViServer is present, but not connected. You must be connected to a vCenter Server to continue."
            } # end if/else
        } # end if/elseif

        Write-Verbose -Message "Selecting VMHost for deployment in Cluster: $ClusterName"

        # Chose a target host that is not in Maintenance Mode and select based on available memory
        $TargetVMHost = $null
        $TargetVMHost = Get-Cluster $ClusterName | Get-VMHost | Where-Object {$_.ConnectionState -eq 'Connected'} | Sort-Object MemoryUsageGB | select-object -first 1

        # throw an error if there are not any hosts suitable for deployment (ie: all hosts are in maint. mode)
        if ($targetVmHost -eq $null) {
            throw "Unable to deploy NSX Manager to cluster: $ClusterName. There are no VMHosts suitable for deployment. Check the selected cluster to ensure hosts exist and that at least one is connected and not in Maintenance Mode."
        else {
            Write-Verbose -Message "Deploying to Cluster: $ClusterName and VMHost: $($TargetVMHost.Name)"
        } # end if/else $targetVmHost.Count
    } # end BEGIN block

    Process {

        Write-Verbose -Message "Setting up OVF configuration"

        ## Using the PowerCLI command, get OVF draws on the location of the OVA from the defined variable.
        $OvfConfiguration = Get-OvfConfiguration -Ovf $NsxManagerOVF

        #Network Mapping to portgroup need to be defined.
        #6.4.0 GA changed the name of the network that is mapped, so now we need to
        #determine what it is rather than assume it is vsmgmt
        $networkobj = get-member -membertype CodeProperty -inputobject $OvfConfiguration.NetworkMapping
        $networkname = $networkobj.name
        $OvfConfiguration.NetworkMapping.$networkname.Value = $ManagementPortGroupName

        # OVF Configuration values.
        $OvfConfiguration.common.vsm_cli_passwd_0.value    = $CliPassword
        $OvfConfiguration.common.vsm_cli_en_passwd_0.value = $CliEnablePassword
        $OvfConfiguration.common.vsm_hostname.value        = $Hostname
        $OvfConfiguration.common.vsm_ip_0.value            = $IpAddress
        $OvfConfiguration.common.vsm_netmask_0.value       = $Netmask
        $OvfConfiguration.common.vsm_gateway_0.value       = $Gateway
        $OvfConfiguration.common.vsm_dns1_0.value          = $DnsServer
        $OvfConfiguration.common.vsm_domain_0.value        = $DnsDomain
        $OvfConfiguration.common.vsm_ntp_0.value           = $NtpServer
        $OvfConfiguration.common.vsm_isSSHEnabled.value    = $EnableSsh

        # Deploy the OVA.
        Write-Progress -Activity "Deploying NSX Manager OVA"
        $VM = Import-vApp -Source $NsxManagerOvf -OvfConfiguration $OvfConfiguration -Name $Name -Location $ClusterName -VMHost $TargetVMHost -Datastore $DatastoreName -DiskStorageFormat $DiskStorageFormat

        If ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FolderName')) {

            Write-Progress -Activity "Moving NSX Manager VM to folder: $folderName"
            $VM | Move-VM -Location $FolderName
            Write-Progress -Activity "Moving NSX Manager VM to folder: $folderName" -Completed

        } # end if

        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ManagerMemoryGB') ) {

            # Hack VM to reduce Ram for constrained environments. This is NOT SUITABLE FOR PRODUCTION!!!
            Write-Warning -Message "Changing Memory configuration of NSX Manager VM to $ManagerMemoryGB GB. Not supported for Production Use!"
            # start
            Get-VM $Name |
            Set-VM -MemoryGB $ManagerMemoryGB -confirm:$false |
            Get-VMResourceConfiguration |
            Set-VMResourceConfiguration -MemReservationMB 0 -CpuReservationMhz 0 |
            # end

        } # end if

        Write-Progress -Activity "Deploying NSX Manager OVA" -Completed

        if ( $StartVM )  {

            Write-Progress -Activity "Starting NSX Manager"
            $VM | Start-VM
            Write-Progress -Activity "Starting NSX Manager" -Completed

        } # end if

        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Wait')) {

            # User wants to wait for Manager API to start.
            $waitStep = 30
            $Timer = 0
            Write-Progress -Activity "Waiting for NSX Manager api to become available" -PercentComplete $(($Timer/$WaitTimeout)*100)

            do {

                # sleep a while, the VM will take time to start fully..
                start-sleep $WaitStep
                $Timer += $WaitStep
                try {

                    # use splatting to keep the line width in-check/make it easier to read parameters
                    $connectParams = $null
                    $connectParams = @{
                        NsxServer            = $ipAddress
                        UserName             = 'admin'
                        Password             = $cliPassword
                        DisableViAutoConnect = $true
                        DefaultConnection    = $false
                    } # end $connectParams

                    # casting to [void]; it inches some performance out by not having to process anything through the pipeline; sans | Out-Null
                    Connect-NsxServer @connectParams | Out-Null

                } catch {

                    Write-Progress -Activity "Waiting for NSX Manager api to become available" -PercentComplete $(($Timer/$WaitTimeout)*100)

                } # end try/catch

                if ( $Timer -ge $WaitTimeout ) {

                    # We exceeded the timeout - what does the user want to do?
                    $message      = "Waited more than $WaitTimeout seconds for NSX Manager API to become available. Recommend checking boot process, network config etc."
                    $question     = "Continue waiting for NSX Manager?"
                    $yesnochoices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                    $yesnochoices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                    $yesnochoices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))
                    $decision     = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $yesnochoices, 0)

                    if ($decision -eq 0) {

                        # User waits...
                        $Timer = 0

                    } else {

                        throw "Timeout waiting for NSX Manager appliance API to become available."

                    } # end if/else $decision

                } # end if $Timer -ge $WaitTimeout

            } while ( $true )

            Write-Progress -Activity "Waiting for NSX Manager api to become available" -Completed

        } # end if $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Wait')

    } # end PROCESS block

    End {

    } # end END block

} # end function New-NsxManager

function Set-NsxManager {

    Configures appliance settings for an existing NSX Manager appliance.
    The NSX management plane is provided by NSX Manager, the centralized
    network management component of NSX. It provides the single point of
    configuration for NSX operations, and provides NSX's REST API.
    The Set-NsxManager cmdlet allows configuration of the appliance settings
    such as syslog, vCenter registration and SSO configuration.
    Set-NsxManager -NtpServer 0.pool.ntp.org -Timezone UTC
    Configures NSX Manager NTP Server.
    Set-NsxManager -SyslogServer syslog.corp.local -SyslogPort 514 -SyslogProtocol tcp
    Configures NSX Manager Syslog destination.
    Set-NsxManager -ssoserver sso.corp.local -ssousername administrator@vsphere.local -ssopassword VMware1!
    Configures the SSO Server registration of NSX Manager.
    Set-NsxManager -vcenterusername administrator@vsphere.local -vcenterpassword VMware1! -vcenterserver vcenter.corp.local
    Configures the vCenter registration of NSX Manager.
    Set-NsxManager -vcenterusername administrator@vsphere.local -vcenterpassword VMware1! -vcenterserver vcenter.corp.local -sslThumbPrint F6:48:11:0E:AC:F7:93:A3:1B:60:8F:A2:53:C4:88:77:3F:CD:B1:81
    Configures the vCenter registration of NSX Manager using the specified thumbprint.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword","")] # Unable to remove without breaking backward compatibilty. Alternate credential parameter exists.
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingUserNameAndPassWordParams", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")] # Unable to remove without breaking backward compatibilty. Alternate credential parameter exists.
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] #Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    Param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="Syslog")]
            #Syslog server to which syslogs will be forwarded.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="Syslog")]
            #TCP/UDP port on destination syslog server to connect to.
            [ValidateRange (1,65535)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="Syslog")]
            #Syslog Protocol - either TCP or UDP.
            [ValidateSet ("tcp","udp")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="Sso")]
            #SSO Server to register this NSX Manager with.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="Sso")]
            #TCP Port on SSO server to connect to when registering.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="Sso")]
            #SSO Username used for registration.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="Sso")]
            #SSO Password used for registration.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="vCenter")]
            #vCenter server to register this NSX Manager with.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="vCenter")]
            #UserName used for vCenter connection.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="vCenter")]
            #Password used for vCenter connection.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="vCenter")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="Sso")]
            #SSL Thumbprint to validate certificate presented by SSO/vCenter server against.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="vCenter")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="Sso")]
            #Accept any SSL certificate presented by SSO/vCenter.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument

    switch ( $PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {

        "Syslog" {

            $role = Get-NsxUserRole $Connection.Credential.Username
            if ( $role.role -ne 'super_user' ) {
                throw "Appliance Management APIs require a local NSX Manager account (super_user role access) "

            #Create the XMLRoot

            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlRoot = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("syslogserver")
            $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlRoot) | out-null

            #Create an Element and append it to the root
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "syslogServer" -xmlElementText $syslogServer.ToString()
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "port" -xmlElementText $SyslogPort.ToString()
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "protocol" -xmlElementText $SyslogProtocol

            $uri = "/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/syslogserver"
            Invoke-NsxRestMethod -Method "put" -body $xmlRoot.outerXml -uri $uri -Connection $Connection

        "Sso" {

            If ( (-not  $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SslThumbprint')) -and
                (-not $AcceptAnyThumbprint )) {
                Throw "Must specify an SSL Thumbprint or AcceptAnyThumbprint"

            if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SslThumbprint')) {
                #Explicit override of the default behaviour.
                $AcceptAnyThumbprint = $False

            #Create the XMLRoot

            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlRoot = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("ssoConfig")
            $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlRoot) | out-null

            #Create an Element and append it to the root
            $SsoLookupServiceUrl = "https://$($SsoServer.ToString()):$($SsoPort.ToString())/lookupservice/sdk"
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "ssoLookupServiceUrl" -xmlElementText $SsoLookupServiceUrl
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "ssoAdminUsername" -xmlElementText $SsoUserName.ToString()
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "ssoAdminUserpassword" -xmlElementText $SsoPassword
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "certificateThumbprint" -xmlElementText $SslThumbprint

            $uri = "/api/2.0/services/ssoconfig"
            try {
                $null = Invoke-NsxWebRequest -Method "post" -body $xmlRoot.outerXml -uri $uri -Connection $Connection
            catch {
                #it sucks that at the moment I can't parse the response body as xml :( I really need to fix this.
                $thumbprintMatch = "<details>(([A-F0-9]{2}:)+[A-F0-9]{2})<\/details>"
                if (($AcceptAnyThumbprint) -and ($_ -match $thumbprintMatch))  {
                    #API responded with a thumbprint
                    write-warning "Using thumbprint presented by the SSO server: $($Matches[1])"
                    $xmlRoot.certificateThumbprint = $matches[1]
                    $null = Invoke-NsxWebRequest -Method "post" -body $xmlRoot.outerXml -uri $uri -Connection $Connection
                else {
                    throw "An error occured configuring the specified SSO server. $_"

        "vCenter" {

            If ( (-not  $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SslThumbprint')) -and
                (-not $AcceptAnyThumbprint )) {
                Throw "Must specify an SSL Thumbprint or AcceptAnyThumbprint"

            if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SslThumbprint')) {
                #Explicit override of the default behaviour.
                $AcceptAnyThumbprint = $False

            #Build the XML
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlRoot = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("vcInfo")
            $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlRoot) | out-null

            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "ipAddress" -xmlElementText $vCenterServer.ToString()
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "userName" -xmlElementText $vCenterUserName.ToString()
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "password" -xmlElementText $vCenterPassword.ToString()
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "certificateThumbprint" -xmlElementText $SslThumbprint
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "assignRoleToUser" -xmlElementText "true"
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "pluginDownloadServer" -xmlElementText ""
            $uri = "/api/2.0/services/vcconfig"
            try {
                $null = Invoke-NsxWebRequest -Method "put" -body $xmlRoot.outerXml -uri $uri -Connection $Connection
            catch {
                #it sucks that at the moment I can't parse the response body as xml :( I really need to fix this.
                $thumbprintMatch = "<details>(([A-F0-9]{2}:)+[A-F0-9]{2})<\/details>"
                if (($AcceptAnyThumbprint) -and ($_ -match $thumbprintMatch))  {
                    #API responded with a thumbprint
                    write-warning "Using thumbprint presented by the vCenter server: $($Matches[1])"
                    $xmlRoot.certificateThumbprint = $matches[1]
                    $null = Invoke-NsxWebRequest -Method "put" -body $xmlRoot.outerXml -uri $uri -Connection $Connection
                else {
                    throw "An error occured configuring the specified vCenter server. $_"

function Get-NsxManagerCertificate {

    Retrieves NSX Manager Certificates.
    The NSX Manager is the central management component of VMware NSX for
    Details of the SSL Certificate installed on the NSX Manager are required by
    certain workflows within NSX
    The Get-NsxManagerCertificate cmdlet retrieves the configured certificates
    configured on the NSX Manager against which the command is run.
    Retreives the SSL Certificates from the connected NSX Manager
    Get-NsxManagerCertificate | where { $_.isCa -eq "false" } | select-object sha1Hash
    Retrieves the SSL Certificates SHA1 hash from the connected NSX Manager

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    $role = Get-NsxUserRole $Connection.Credential.Username
    if ( $role.role -ne 'super_user' ) {
        throw "Appliance Management APIs require a local NSX Manager account (super_user role access) "

    $URI = "/api/1.0/appliance-management/certificatemanager/certificates/nsx"

    [System.Xml.XmlDocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

    if ((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::x509Certificates/x509certificate')) {

function Get-NsxManagerSsoConfig {

    Retrieves NSX Manager SSO Configuration.
    The NSX Manager is the central management component of VMware NSX for
    The SSO configuration of NSX Manager controls its registration with VMware
    SSO server for authentication purposes.
    The Get-NsxManagerSsoConfig cmdlet retrieves the SSO configuration and
    status of the NSX Manager against which the command is run.
    Retreives the SSO configuration from the connected NSX Manager

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    $URI = "/api/2.0/services/ssoconfig"

    [System.Xml.XmlDocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

    if ((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::ssoConfig/vsmSolutionName')) {
        $ssoConfig = $response.ssoConfig

        #Only if its configured do we get status
        $URI = "/api/2.0/services/ssoconfig/status"
        [System.Xml.XmlDocument]$status = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ssoConfig -xmlElementName "Connected" -xmlElementText $status.boolean
        #really? Boolean? What bonehead wrote this API?



function Get-NsxManagerVcenterConfig {
    Retrieves NSX Manager vCenter Configuration.
    The NSX Manager is the central management component of VMware NSX for
    The vCenter configuration of NSX Manager controls its registration with
    VMware vCenter server for authentication purposes.
    The Get-NsxManagerVcenterConfig cmdlet retrieves the vCenterconfiguration
    and status of the NSX Manager against which the command is run.
    Retreives the SSO configuration from the connected NSX Manager

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    $URI = "/api/2.0/services/vcconfig"

    [System.Xml.XmlDocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

    if ((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::vcInfo/ipAddress')) {
        $vcConfig = $response.vcInfo

        #Only if its configured do we get status
        $URI = "/api/2.0/services/vcconfig/status"
        [System.Xml.XmlDocument]$status = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $vcConfig -xmlElementName "Connected" -xmlElementText $status.vcConfigStatus.Connected


function Get-NsxManagerTimeSettings {
    Retrieves NSX Manager Time Configuration.
    The NSX Manager is the central management component of VMware NSX for
    The Get-NsxManagerTimeSettings cmdlet retrieves the time related
    configuration of the NSX Manager against which the command is run.
    Retreives the time configuration from the connected NSX Manager

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    $role = Get-NsxUserRole $Connection.Credential.Username -connection $connection
    if ( $role.role -ne 'super_user' ) {
        throw "Appliance Management APIs require a local NSX Manager account (super_user role access) "

    $URI = "/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/timesettings"

    $result = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
    #NSX 6.2.3/4 changed API schema here! :( Grrrr. Have to test and return consistent object

    if ( $result -is [System.Xml.XmlDocument]) {
        #Assume the timesettings child exists.
    elseif ( $result -is [pscustomobject] ) {
        #Pre 6.2.3 manager response.
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmldoc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlTimeSettings = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('timeSettings')
        $xmldoc.AppendChild($xmlTimeSettings) | out-null

        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlNTPServerString = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('ntpServer')
        $xmlTimeSettings.Appendchild($xmlNTPServerString) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlNTPServerString -xmlElementName "string" -xmlElementText $result.ntpServer
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlTimeSettings -xmlElementName "datetime" -xmlElementText $result.datetime
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlTimeSettings -xmlElementName "timezone" -xmlElementText $result.timezone

function Set-NsxManagerTimeSettings {

    Configures -NtpServer and TimeZone settings for an existing NSX Manager appliance.
    The NSX management plane is provided by NSX Manager, the centralized
    network management component of NSX. It provides the single point of
    configuration for NSX operations, and provides NSX's REST API.
    The Set-NsxManagerTimeZone cmdlet allows configuration of the appliances
    timezone related settings.
    Set-NsxManagerTimeSettings -NtpServer 0.pool.ntp.org -Timezone UTC
    Configures NSX Manager NTP Server.

    Param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #NTP server for time synchronization..
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Time Zone, default UTC.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    $role = Get-NsxUserRole $Connection.Credential.Username -Connection $Connection
    if ( $role.role -ne 'super_user' ) {
        throw "Appliance Management APIs require a local NSX Manager account (super_user role access) "

    $uri = "/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/timesettings"
    [System.Xml.XmlDocument]$Existing = Invoke-NsxRestMethod -Method get -uri $uri -Connection $Connection
    #Api barfs if we set the time with the value we get from it. And in a non intuitive way... sigh again...

    $null = $Existing.timeSettings.RemoveChild((invoke-xpathquery -node $Existing -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -query "child::timeSettings/datetime") )

    If ( Invoke-XpathQuery -Node $Existing -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -query "child::timeSettings") {
        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ntpserver")) {
            if ( Invoke-XpathQuery -Node $Existing -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -query "child::timeSettings/ntpServer" ) {

                write-warning "Existing NTP servers are configured and will be retained. Use Clear-NsxManagerTimeSettings to remove them."
                #Api doesnt allow 'updates', so we have to save existing, then remove, then readd the union of old and new.
                Clear-NsxManagerTimeSettings -Connection $Connection

                foreach ($Server in $ntpserver) {
                    if ( $Existing.timeSettings.ntpServer.string -notcontains $server ) {
                        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Existing.timeSettings.ntpServer -xmlElementName "string" -xmlElementText $server.ToString()
            else {
                [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlNtpNode = $Existing.CreateElement('ntpServer')
                $Existing.timeSettings.Appendchild($xmlNtpNode) | out-null
                foreach ($Server in $ntpserver) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlNtpNode -xmlElementName "string" -xmlElementText $server.ToString()
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("TimeZone")) {
            $Existing.timeSettings.timezone = $timeZone.ToString()

        $uri = "/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/timesettings"
        $null = Invoke-NsxRestMethod -Method put -body $Existing.timeSettings.outerXml -uri $uri -Connection $Connection
        Get-NsxManagerTimeSettings -Connection $Connection
    else {
        throw "Unexpected response from API when querying existing time settings."

function Clear-NsxManagerTimeSettings {

    Removes NtpServer and TimeZone settings for an existing NSX Manager
    The NSX management plane is provided by NSX Manager, the centralized
    network management component of NSX. It provides the single point of
    configuration for NSX operations, and provides NSX's REST API.
    The Remove-NsxManagerTimeSettings cmdlet allows an appliances existing timezone
    related settings to be cleared.
    UnConfigures NSX Manager NTP Server and TimeZone.

    Param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    $role = Get-NsxUserRole $Connection.Credential.Username -Connection $connection
    if ( $role.role -ne 'super_user' ) {
        throw "Appliance Management APIs require a local NSX Manager account (super_user role access) "

    $Existing = Get-NsxManagerTimeSettings -Connection $connection
    if ( Invoke-XpathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $Existing -query "child::ntpServer") {
        #API errors if you clear when there arent any existing NTP servers configured... sigh...
        $uri = "/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/timesettings/ntp"
        $null = Invoke-NsxRestMethod -Method delete -uri $uri -Connection $Connection

    if ($ClearTimeZone ) {
        $null = Set-NsxManagerTimeSettings -TimeZone UTC -Connection $connection

function Get-NsxManagerSyslogServer {
    Retrieves NSX Manager Syslog Configuration.
    The NSX Manager is the central management component of VMware NSX for
    The Get-NsxManagerSyslog cmdlet retrieves the time related
    configuration of the NSX Manager against which the command is run.
    Retreives the Syslog server configuration from the connected NSX Manager

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    $role = Get-NsxUserRole $Connection.Credential.Username
    if ( $role.role -ne 'super_user' ) {
        throw "Appliance Management APIs require a local NSX Manager account (super_user role access) "

    $URI = "/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/syslogserver"

    $result = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

    # Make sure we actually get a response. If there are no syslog servers
    # configured, then the API does not return any response body.
    if ( $result ) {
        #NSX 6.2.3/4 changed API schema here! :( Grrrr. Have to test and return consistent object
        if ( $result -is [System.Xml.XmlDocument]) {
            #Assume the timesettings child exists.
        elseif ( $result -is [pscustomobject] ) {
            #Pre 6.2.3 manager response.
            [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmldoc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlSyslog = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('syslogserver')
            $xmldoc.AppendChild($xmlSyslog) | out-null

            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlSyslog -xmlElementName "syslogServer" -xmlElementText $result.syslogServer
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlSyslog -xmlElementName "port" -xmlElementText $result.port
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlSyslog -xmlElementName "protocol" -xmlElementText $result.protocol

function Get-NsxManagerNetwork {
    Retrieves NSX Manager Network Configuration.
    The NSX Manager is the central management component of VMware NSX for
    The Get-NsxManagerNetwork cmdlet retrieves the network related
    configuration of the NSX Manager against which the command is run.
    Retreives the Syslog server configuration from the connected NSX Manager

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    $role = Get-NsxUserRole $Connection.Credential.Username
    if ( $role.role -ne 'super_user' ) {
        throw "Appliance Management APIs require a local NSX Manager account (super_user role access) "

    $URI = "/api/1.0/appliance-management/system/network"

    $result = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

    if ( $result -is [System.Xml.XmlDocument]) {
        #Assume the child exists.
    elseif ( $result -is [pscustomobject] ) {
        #Pre 6.2.3 manager response.
        #This hacky attempt to return a consistent object is definately not that universal - but there is fidelity lost in the API reponse that
        #prevents me from easily reconsructing the correct XML. So I had to reverse engineer based on a 6.2.3 example response. Hopefully this
        #will just go away quietly...

        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmldoc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlnetwork = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('network')
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlnetworkIPv4AddressDto = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('networkIPv4AddressDto')
        $xmldoc.AppendChild($xmlnetwork) | out-null

        if ( $result.networkIPv4AddressDto) {
            $xmlnetwork.AppendChild($xmlnetworkIPv4AddressDto) | out-null
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlnetworkIPv4AddressDto -xmlElementName "ipv4Address" -xmlElementText $result.networkIPv4AddressDto.ipv4Address
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlnetworkIPv4AddressDto -xmlElementName "ipv4NetMask" -xmlElementText $result.networkIPv4AddressDto.ipv4NetMask
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlnetworkIPv4AddressDto -xmlElementName "ipv4Gateway" -xmlElementText $result.networkIPv4AddressDto.ipv4Gateway

        if ( $result.hostname ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlnetwork -xmlElementName "hostName" -xmlElementText $result.hostname

        if ( $result.domainName ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlnetwork -xmlElementName "domainName" -xmlElementText $result.domainName

        if ( $result.networkIPv6AddressDto) {

            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlnetworkIPv6AddressDto = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('networkIPv6AddressDto')
            $xmlnetwork.AppendChild($xmlnetworkIPv6AddressDto) | out-null
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlnetworkIPv6AddressDto -xmlElementName "ipv6Address" -xmlElementText $result.networkIPv4AddressDto.ipv6Address
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlnetworkIPv6AddressDto -xmlElementName "ipv6NetMask" -xmlElementText $result.networkIPv4AddressDto.ipv6NetMask
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlnetworkIPv6AddressDto -xmlElementName "ipv6Gateway" -xmlElementText $result.networkIPv4AddressDto.ipv6Gateway

        if ( $result.dns ) {

            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmldns = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('dns')
            $xmlnetwork.AppendChild($xmldns) | out-null
            foreach ( $server in $result.dns.ipv4Dns ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmldns -xmlElementName "ipv4Address" -xmlElementText $server
            foreach ( $server in $result.dns.ipv6Dns ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmldns -xmlElementName "ipv6Address" -xmlElementText $server
            if ( $result.dns.domainList ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmldns -xmlElementName "domainList" -xmlElementText $result.dns.domainList



function Get-NsxManagerBackup {
    Retrieves NSX Manager Backup Configuration.
    The NSX Manager is the central management component of VMware NSX for
    The Get-NsxManagerBackup cmdlet retrieves the backup related
    configuration of the NSX Manager against which the command is run.
    Retreives the Backup server configuration from the connected NSX Manager

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    $role = Get-NsxUserRole $Connection.Credential.Username
    if ( $role.role -ne 'super_user' ) {
        throw "Appliance Management APIs require a local NSX Manager account (super_user role access) "

    $URI = "/api/1.0/appliance-management/backuprestore/backupsettings"

    $result = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

    if ( $result -is [System.Xml.XmlDocument]) {
        #Assume the child exists.
    elseif ( $result -is [pscustomobject] ) {
        #Pre 6.2.3 manager response.
        #This hacky attempt to return a consistent object is definately not that universal - but there is fidelity lost in the API reponse that
        #prevents me from easily reconsructing the correct XML. So I had to reverse engineer based on a 6.2.3 example response. Hopefully this
        #will just go away quietly...

        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmldoc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlbackupRestoreSettings = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('backupRestoreSettings')

        foreach ( $Property in ($result |  get-member -MemberType NoteProperty )) {
            if ( $result."$($Property.Name)" -is [string]) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlbackupRestoreSettings -xmlElementName "$($Property.Name)" -xmlElementText $result."$($Property.Name)"
            elseif ( $result."$($Property.Name)" -is [system.object]) {
                [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlObjElement = $xmlDoc.CreateElement($Property.Name)
                $xmlbackupRestoreSettings.AppendChild($xmlObjElement) | out-null
                foreach ( $ElementProp in ($result."$($Property.Name)" | get-member -MemberType NoteProperty )) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlObjElement -xmlElementName "$($ElementProp.Name)" -xmlElementText $result."$($Property.Name)"."$($ElementProp.Name)"

function Get-NsxManagerComponentSummary {
    Retrieves NSX Manager Component Summary Information.
    The NSX Manager is the central management component of VMware NSX for
    The Get-NsxManagerComponentSummary cmdlet retrieves the component summary
    related information of the NSX Manager against which the command is run.
    Retreives the component summary information from the connected NSX Manager

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    $role = Get-NsxUserRole $Connection.Credential.Username
    if ( $role.role -ne 'super_user' ) {
        throw "Appliance Management APIs require a local NSX Manager account (super_user role access) "
    $URI = "/api/1.0/appliance-management/summary/components"

    $result = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

    if ( $result -is [System.Xml.XmlDocument]) {
        #Assume the child exists.
    elseif ( $result -is [pscustomobject] ) {
        #Pre 6.2.3 manager response.
        #This hacky attempt to return a consistent object is definately not that universal - but there is fidelity lost in the API reponse that
        #prevents me from easily reconsructing the correct XML. So I had to reverse engineer based on a 6.2.3 example response. Hopefully this
        #will just go away quietly...

        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmldoc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlComponentsSummary = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('componentsSummary')
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlComponentsByGroup = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('componentsByGroup')
        $xmldoc.AppendChild($xmlComponentsSummary) | out-null
        $xmlComponentsSummary.AppendChild($xmlComponentsByGroup) | out-null

        foreach ( $NamedProperty in (get-member -InputObject $result.componentsByGroup -MemberType NoteProperty)) {

            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlEntry = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('entry')
            $xmlComponentsByGroup.AppendChild($xmlEntry) | out-null

            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlEntry -xmlElementName "string" -xmlElementText $NamedProperty.Name

            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlComponents = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('components')
            $xmlEntry.AppendChild($xmlComponents) | out-null

            foreach ( $component in $result.componentsByGroup.($NamedProperty.name).components) {

                [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlComponent = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('component')
                $xmlComponents.AppendChild($xmlComponent) | out-null

                foreach ( $NoteProp in ($component | Get-Member -Membertype NoteProperty) ) {

                    #Check if I actually have a value
                    if ( $component.($NoteProp.Name) ) {

                        $Property = $component.($NoteProp.Name)
                        write-debug "GetType: $($Property.gettype())"
                        write-debug "Is: $($Property -is [array])"

                        #Switch on my value
                        switch ( $Property.gettype() )  {

                            "System.Object[]" {
                                write-debug "In: Array"
                                [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlCompArray = $xmlDoc.CreateElement($NoteProp.Name)
                                $xmlComponent.AppendChild($xmlCompArray) | out-null
                                foreach ( $member in $Property ) {
                                    #All examples ive seen have strings, but not sure if this will stand up to scrutiny...
                                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlCompArray -xmlElementName $member.GetType().Name.tolower() -xmlElementText $member.ToString()

                            "string" {
                                write-debug "In: String"
                                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlComponent -xmlElementName $NoteProp.Name -xmlElementText $Property

                            "bool" {
                                write-debug "In: Bool"
                                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlComponent -xmlElementName $NoteProp.Name -xmlElementText $Property.ToString().tolower()
                            default { write-debug "Fuck it : $_" }

function Get-NsxManagerSystemSummary {
    Retrieves NSX Manager System Summary Information.
    The NSX Manager is the central management component of VMware NSX for
    The Get-NsxManagerSystemSummary cmdlet retrieves the component summary
    related information of the NSX Manager against which the command is run.
    Retreives the system summary information from the connected NSX Manager

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    $role = Get-NsxUserRole $Connection.Credential.Username
    if ( $role.role -ne 'super_user' ) {
        throw "Appliance Management APIs require a local NSX Manager account (super_user role access) "

    $URI = "/api/1.0/appliance-management/summary/system"

    $result = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

    if ( $result -is [System.Xml.XmlDocument]) {
        #Assume the child exists.
    elseif ( $result -is [pscustomobject] ) {
        #Pre 6.2.3 manager response.
        #This hacky attempt to return a consistent object is definately not that universal - but there is fidelity lost in the API reponse that
        #prevents me from easily reconsructing the correct XML. So I had to reverse engineer based on a 6.2.3 example response. Hopefully this
        #will just go away quietly...

        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmldoc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlsystemSummary = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('systemSummary')

        foreach ( $Property in ($result |  get-member -MemberType NoteProperty )) {
            if ( $result."$($Property.Name)" -is [string]) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlsystemSummary -xmlElementName "$($Property.Name)" -xmlElementText $result."$($Property.Name)"
            elseif ( $result."$($Property.Name)" -is [system.object]) {
                [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlObjElement = $xmlDoc.CreateElement($Property.Name)
                $xmlsystemSummary.AppendChild($xmlObjElement) | out-null
                foreach ( $ElementProp in ($result."$($Property.Name)" | get-member -MemberType NoteProperty )) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlObjElement -xmlElementName "$($ElementProp.Name)" -xmlElementText $result."$($Property.Name)"."$($ElementProp.Name)"


function Get-NsxManagerRole {
    Retrieves NSX Manager Role Configuration.
    The NSX Manager is the central management component of VMware NSX for
    The Get-NsxManagerRole cmdlet retrieves the universal sync role of the
    NSX Manager against which the command is run.
    Retreives the universal sync role from the connected NSX Manager

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    $URI = "/api/2.0/universalsync/configuration/role"

    [System.Xml.XmlDocument]$result = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

    if (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $result -Query 'child::universalSyncRole') {


function Set-NsxManagerRole {
    Sets the NSX Manager Role.
    The NSX Manager is the central management component of VMware NSX for
    The Set-NsxManagerRole cmdlet sets the universal sync role of the
    NSX Manager against which the command is run.
    The only state transitions that are allowed are Standalone (default) to
    Primary, Secondary to Primary, Primary to StandAlone, or Secondary to
    This cmdlet does not configure a manager as the Secondary role.
    To configure an NSX Manager as secondary, you must use
    Add-NsxSecondaryManager against the Primary NSX Manager.
    Set-NsxManagerRole -Role Primary
    Sets the universal sync role to Primary for the connected NSX Manager
    Set-NsxManagerRole -Role StandAlone
    Sets the universal sync role to Standalone for the connected NSX Manager.
    Note, if running this against a manager that currently is configured as
    secondary, and universal objects exist, then the state will transition to
    TRANSIT rather than standalone. The may then be configured as PRIMARY, or
    if all universal objects are deleted, as STANDALONE.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
            #New Role for connected NSX Manager
            [ValidateSet("Primary", "StandAlone")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    switch ($role) {
        "Primary" { $URI = "/api/2.0/universalsync/configuration/role?action=set-as-primary" }
        "StandAlone" { $URI = "/api/2.0/universalsync/configuration/role?action=set-as-standalone" }
        Default { Throw "Not Implemented"}

    try  {
        $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -connection $connection
    Catch {
        $ParsedXmlError = $false
        if ( $_ -match '.*(\<\?xml version="1\.0" encoding="UTF-8"\?\>\s.*)' ) {
            if ( $matches[1] -as [xml] ) {
                $Error = [xml]$matches[1]
                $ErrorCode = invoke-xpathquery -Node $error -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -query "child::error/errorCode"
                if ( $errorCode.'#text' -eq '125023') {
                    write-warning $Error.error.details
                    $ParsedXmlError = $true
        if ( -not $ParsedXmlError )  {
            #If we didnt get some XML out of the error that we parsed as expected...
            Throw "Failed setting NSX Manager role. $_"

    #Regetting here, to catch the in transit state that a secondary edge will likely be when told to become standalone
    Get-NsxManagerRole -Connection $Connection

function Invoke-NsxManagerSync {
    Triggers synchronisation of universal objects from a primary NSX Manager.
    The NSX Manager is the central management component of VMware NSX for
    The Invoke-NsxManagerSync cmdlet triggers the universal sync service to
    replicate universally scoped objects to secondary NSX Managers.
    No response is returned from a successful call. Use Get-NsxManagerSyncStatus
    to determine last successful sync time.
    Triggers synchronisation. May only be run on a primary NSX manager.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    $URI = "/api/2.0/universalsync/sync?action=invoke"

    try  {
        $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -connection $connection
    catch {
        Throw "Failed to invoke synchronisation. $_"

function Get-NsxManagerSyncStatus {
    Retrieves NSX Manager universal sync status.
    The NSX Manager is the central management component of VMware NSX for
    The Get-NsxManagerSyncStatus cmdlet retrieves the current status of the
    universal sync service on the NSX Manager against which the command is run.
    Returns the universal replication syncronisation status for the default NSX

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    $URI = "/api/2.0/universalsync/status"

    [System.Xml.XmlDocument]$result = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

    if (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $result -Query 'child::replicationStatus') {


function Add-NsxSecondaryManager {
    Adds a standalone NSX Manager to an existing CrossVC configured NSX
    The NSX Manager is the central management component of VMware NSX for
    The Add-NsxSecondaryManager cmdlet adds a standalone NSX Manager
    to a CrossVC configured NSX environment.
    The connected NSX Manager must be configured with the Primary Role, and
    the standalone NSX Manager to be added must be configured with the
    Standalone role.
    Add-NsxSecondaryManager -NsxManager nsx-m-01b -Username admin -Password VMware1! -AcceptPresentedThumbprint
    Adds the NSX Manager nsx-m-01b as a secondary to the currently connected primary NSX Manager and accepts whatever thumbprint the server returns.
    Add-NsxSecondaryManager -NsxManager nsx-m-01b -Credential $Cred -AcceptPresentedThumbprint
    Adds the NSX Manager nsx-m-01b as a secondary to the currently connected primary NSX Manager and accepts whatever thumbprint the server returns. Credentials are specified as a PSCredential object.
    Add-NsxSecondaryManager -NsxManager nsx-m-01b -Username admin -Password VMware1! -Thumbprint d7:8d:8a:06:55:52:2a:49:00:06:b1:58:c2:cd:2b:82:21:6b:2f:92
    Adds the NSX Manager nsx-m-01b as a secondary to the currently connected primary NSX Manager and validates that the thumbprint presented by the server is as specified.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword","")] # Unable to remove without breaking backward compatibilty. Alternate credential parameter exists.
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingUserNameAndPassWordParams", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")] # Unable to remove without breaking backward compatibilty. Alternate credential parameter exists.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
            #Hostname or IPAddress of the Standalone NSX Manger to be added
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #SHA1 hash of the NSX Manager certificate. Required unless -AcceptPresentedThumprint is specified.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Accept any thumbprint presented by the server specified with -NsxManager. Insecure.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="UserPass")]
            #Username for NSX Manager to be added. A local account with SuperUser privileges is required. Defaults to admin.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="UserPass")]
            #Password for NSX Manager to be added. A local account with SuperUser privileges is required.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="Credential")]
            #Credential object for NSX Manager to be added. A local account with SuperUser privileges is required.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    #Validate connected Manager is role Primary
    $ConnectedMgrRole = Get-NsxManagerRole -Connection $Connection
    if ( $ConnectedMgrRole.role -ne 'PRIMARY') {
        throw "The connected NSX Manager is currently configure with the role $($ConnectedMgrRole.role), but must be configured as PRIMARY to allow a secondary NSX Manager to be added to it."

    #Build cred object for default auth if user specified username/pass
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "UserPass" ) {
        $Credential = new-object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($Username, $(ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force))
    else {
        #We need user/pass to generate the xml for the primary NSX Manager.
        if ( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Credential")) {
            $Credential = Get-Credential -Message "NSX manager credentials"
        $UserName = $Credential.Username
        $Password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password

    #Validate manager to be added is role standalone
    $NewMgrConnection = Connect-NsxServer -NsxServer $NsxManager -Credential $Credential -DisableVIAutoConnect -DefaultConnection:$false -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
    $NewMgrRole = Get-NsxManagerRole -Connection $NewMgrConnection
    if ( $NewMgrRole.role -ne 'STANDALONE') {
        throw "The specified NSX Manager is currently configured with the role $($NewMgrRole.role) but must be configured as STANDALONE to be added to a Cross VC environment."

    #Make sure we have a thumbprint
    if ( $AcceptPresentedThumbprint ) {
        #Get the cert thumbprint of the specified manager.
        try {
            $Cert = Get-NsxManagerCertificate -Connection $NewMgrConnection
            $Thumbprint = $Cert.Sha1Hash
        catch {
            throw "Failed retrieving the certificate thumbprint from the specified NSX manager. $_"
    elseif ( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Thumbprint")) {
        throw "The Thumbprint of the NSX Manager to be added as secondary must be specified, or -AcceptPresentedThumbprint specified (insecure)."

    $XmlDoc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
    $NsxManagerInfoElement = $XmlDoc.CreateElement("nsxManagerInfo")
    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $NsxManagerInfoElement -xmlElementName nsxManagerIp -xmlElementText $NsxManager
    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $NsxManagerInfoElement -xmlElementName nsxManagerUsername -xmlElementText $UserName
    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $NsxManagerInfoElement -xmlElementName nsxManagerPassword -xmlElementText $Password
    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $NsxManagerInfoElement -xmlElementName certificateThumbprint -xmlElementText $Thumbprint

    $URI = "/api/2.0/universalsync/configuration/nsxmanagers"

    try  {
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -body $NsxManagerInfoElement.OuterXml -uri $URI -connection $connection
        $content = [xml]$response.content
    Catch {
        Throw "Failed adding secondary NSX Manager. $_"

function Get-NsxSecondaryManager {
    Gets configured secondary NSX Managers from the connected NSX Manager.
    The NSX Manager is the central management component of VMware NSX for
    If run against a primary NSX Manager, the Get-NsxSecondaryManager cmdlet
    retrieves configured secondary NSX managers. If run against a secondary
    NSX Manager, information about the configured primary is returned.
    Get-NsxSecondaryManager -connection $PrimaryNsxManagerConnection
    uuid : 08edd323-fd72-4fd6-9de5-6072bb077d0e
    nsxManagerIp : nsx-m-01b
    nsxManagerUsername : replicator-08edd323-fd72-4fd6-9de5-6072bb077d0e
    certificateThumbprint : d7:8d:8a:06:55:52:2a:49:00:06:b1:58:c2:cd:2b:82:21:6b:2f:92
    isPrimary : false
    Retrieves the configured secondary NSX managers on the primary NSX manager
    defined in the connection $PrimaryNsxManagerConnection.
    Get-NsxSecondaryManager -connection $SecondaryNsxManagerConnection
    uuid : 423CA89C-FCED-43C8-6D20-E15CF52E654A
    nsxManagerIp :
    primaryUuid : 8f356635-3c5f-4d72-8f42-bbc6419ce678
    primaryNsxManagerIp :
    isPrimary : false
    Retrieves the configured details of the specified secondary NSX manager, and
    the primary NSX manager IP Address and uuid

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="uuid")]
            #UUID of Nsx Secondary Manager to return
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="Name", Position=1)]
            #Name of Nsx Secondary Manager to return
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    $URI = "/api/2.0/universalsync/configuration/nsxmanagers"
    $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
    try {
        $content = [xml]$response.content
        if ( invoke-xpathquery -querymethod SelectSingleNode -Query "child::nsxManagerInfos/nsxManagerInfo" -Node $content ) {
            switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {
                "Name" { $content.nsxManagerInfos.nsxManagerInfo  | where-object { $_.nsxManagerIp -match $Name}}
                "Uuid" { $content.nsxManagerInfos.nsxManagerInfo | where-object { $_.uuid -eq $uuid}}
                default { $content.nsxManagerInfos.nsxManagerInfo }
    catch {
        throw "Unable to retrieve secondary NSX Manager information. $_"

function Remove-NsxSecondaryManager {
    Removes a secondary NSX Manager from a CrossVC configured NSX
    The NSX Manager is the central management component of VMware NSX for
    The Remove-NsxSecondaryManager cmdlet removes a secondary NSX Manager
    from a CrossVC configured NSX environment.
    Get-NsxSecondaryManager nsx-m-01b | Remove-NsxSecondaryManager
    Remove the connected and functional NSX manager nsx-m-01b. nsx-m-01b will
    be configured as a standalone manager.
    If nsx-m-01b is not online, or functional, the attempt will fail and -force
    must be used.
    Get-NsxSecondaryManager nsx-m-01b | Remove-NsxSecondaryManager -force
    Remove the NSX manager nsx-m-01b - no attempt is made to reconfigure the

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] #Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            #Secondary NSX Manager object to be removed as returned by Get-NsxSecondaryManager
            [ValidateScript( { ValidateSecondaryManager $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Confirm removal.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Force removal of a missing secondary.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}

    process {
        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Removal of a secondary NSX Manager will prevent synchronisation of universal objects to the manager being removed."
            $question = "Proceed with removal of secondary NSX Manager $($SecondaryManager.nsxManagerIp)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Force")) {
                $URI = "/api/2.0/universalsync/configuration/nsxmanagers/$($SecondaryManager.uuid)?force=true"
                $URI = "/api/2.0/universalsync/configuration/nsxmanagers/$($SecondaryManager.uuid)"

            try  {
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            Catch {
                Throw "Failed removing secondary NSX Manager. $_"


function Wait-NsxControllerJob {

    Wait for the specified controller job until it succeeds or fails.
    Attempt to wait for the specified controller deployment succeeds or fails.
    Wait-NsxControllerJob defaults to timeout at 300 seconds, when the user
    is prompted to continuing waiting of fail. If immediate failure upon
    timeout is desirable (eg within script), then the $failOnTimeout switch can
    be set.
    Wait-NsxControllerJob -Jobid jobdata-1234
    Wait for controller job jobdata-1234 up to 300 seconds to complete
    successfully or fail. If 300 seconds elapse, then prompt for action.
    Wait-NsxControllerJob -Jobid jobdata-1234 -TimeOut 400 -FailOnTimeOut
    Wait for controller job jobdata-1234 up to 40 seconds to complete
    successfully or fail. If 400 seconds elapse, then throw an error.

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Job Id string as returned from the api
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Seconds to wait before declaring a timeout. Timeout defaults to 800 seconds, which is longer than the NSX internal timeout and rollback of a failed controller deployment of around 720 seconds.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Do we prompt user an allow them to reset the timeout timer, or throw on timeout
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    # Seriously - the NSX Task framework is the work of the devil.
    # In order to get a _complete_ picture of a controller deployment, we have to track the jobinstance returned by querying the taskservice uri for our returned jobid.
    # The jobinstance returned is a 'parent' of the job we got from the API. For a controller deployment job, there are multiple tasks that are executed.
    # Their status output doesnt exist until they are commenced though, which results in an increasing number of taskinstances that we need to track as deployment is performed.
    # A task instance state is either COMPLETED, at which time the next task is added, or EXECUTING, and has an interesting taskStatus property, or FAILED, and has an interesting taskMessage property (usually the cause of failure). When all tasks are COMPLETED, the parent jobInstance is COMPLETED
    # What makes this annoying is the deployment overall success/failure is only determinable from the parent job instance, however the current status and/or any error messages must be retreived from the task in a FAILED state. The number of taskInstances is indeterminate
    # and grows as the job progresses...
    # What we do here is declare state of the job we are monitoring on the jobinstance.status, but the output is obtained from the currently EXECUTING (status) or FAILED (error) child task
    # This really underscores the flexibility of having a generic Wait-NsxJob cmdlet I think :) FIGJAM... :)

    $WaitJobArgs = @{
        "jobid" = $jobid
        "JobStatusUri" = "/api/2.0/services/taskservice/job"
        "CompleteCriteria" = {
            $job.jobInstances.jobInstance.status -eq "COMPLETED"
        "FailCriteria" = {
            $job.jobInstances.jobInstance.status -eq "FAILED"
        "StatusExpression" = {
            $execTask = @()
            $StatusMessage = ""
            $execTask = @($job.jobinstances.jobInstance.taskInstances.taskInstance | where-object { $_.taskStatus -eq "EXECUTING" })
            if ( $exectask.count -eq 1) {
                $StatusMessage = "$($execTask.name) - $($execTask.taskStatus)"
            else {
                $StatusMessage = "$($job.jobinstances.jobInstance.Status)"
        "ErrorExpression" = {
            $failTask = @()
            $failMessage = ""
            $failTask = @($job.jobinstances.jobInstance.taskInstances.taskInstance | where-object { $_.taskStatus -eq "FAILED" })
            if ( $failTask.count -eq 1) {
                $failMessage = "Failed Task : $($failTask.name) - $($failTask.statusMessage)"
            else {
                $failMessage = "$($job.jobinstances.jobInstance.Status)"
        "WaitTimeout" = $WaitTimeout
        "FailOnTimeout" = $FailOnTimeout
        "Connection" = $Connection

    Wait-NsxJob @WaitJobArgs

function New-NsxController {

    Deploys a new NSX Controller.
    An NSX Controller is a member of the NSX Controller Cluster, and forms the
    highly available distributed control plane for NSX Logical Switching and NSX
    Logical Routing.
    The New-NsxController cmdlet deploys a new NSX Controller.
    $ippool = New-NsxIpPool -Name ControllerPool -Gateway -SubnetPrefixLength 24 -StartAddress -endaddress
    C:\PS> $ControllerCluster = Get-Cluster vSphereCluster
    C:\PS> $ControllerDatastore = Get-Datastore $ControllerDatastoreName -server $Connection.VIConnection
    C:\PS> $ControllerPortGroup = Get-VDPortGroup $ControllerPortGroupName -server $Connection.VIConnection
    C:\PS> New-NsxController -ipPool $ippool -cluster $ControllerCluster -datastore $ControllerDatastore -PortGroup $ControllerPortGroup -password "VMware1!VMware1!"
    Creates a new controller. Because it is the first controller, a password must be specified.
    New-NsxController -ControllerName "MyController" -ipPool $ippool -cluster $ControllerCluster -datastore $ControllerDatastore -PortGroup $ControllerPortGroup -password "VMware1!VMware1!" -confirm:$false
    Creates a new controller with the specified name and without prompting for confirmation.
    New-NsxController -ipPool $ippool -cluster $ControllerCluster -datastore $ControllerDatastore -PortGroup $ControllerPortGroup
    A secondary or tertiary controller requires a Password to NOT be defined.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword","")] # Unable to remove without breaking backward compatibilty. Alternate credential parameter exists.
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # Controller Name. Will be autogenerated in form of ControllerN if not provided.
            [Alias ("Name")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
            # Pre Created IP Pool object from which controller IP will be allocated
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateIpPool $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="ResourcePool")]
            # vSphere DRS Resource Pool into which to deploy Controller VM
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Cluster")]
            # vSphere Cluster into which to deploy the Controller VM
                if ( $_ -eq $null ) { throw "Must specify Cluster."}
                if ( -not $_.DrsEnabled ) { throw "Cluster is not DRS enabled."}
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            # vSphere Datastore into which to deploy the Controller VM
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            # vSphere DVPortGroup OR NSX Logical Switch object to connect the Controller VM to
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalSwitchOrDistributedPortGroup $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # Controller Password (Must be same on all controllers)
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$False)]
            # Block until Controller deployment job is 'COMPLETED' (Will timeout with prompt after -WaitTimeout seconds)
            # Useful if automating the deployment of multiple controllers (first must be running before deploying second controller)
            # so you dont have to write looping code to check status of controller before continuing.
            # NOTE: Not waiting means we do NOT return a controller object!
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$False)]
            # Timeout waiting for controller to become 'RUNNING' before user is prompted to continue or cancel. Defaults to 800 seconds to exceed the normal NSX rollback timeout of 720 seconds.
            [int]$WaitTimeout = 800,
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {
        $Ctrlcount = get-nsxcontroller -connection $Connection | measure-object

        if ( ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Password")) -and ($Ctrlcount.count -gt 0)) {
            write-warning "A controller is already deployed but a password argument was specified to New-NsxController. The new controller will be configured with the same password as the initial one and the specified password ignored"
        if ( -not ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Password")) -and ($Ctrlcount.count -eq 0)) {
            Throw "A password is required to deploy the inital controller. Try again and specify the -Password parameter."

        # AutoGen a sane controller name. NSX 6.4 api makes this mandatory, but I want the same requirement to avoid backward breaking change in PowerNSX. Eng take note! :|
        if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ControllerName")) {
            $ControllerName = "Controller$($Ctrlcount.count + 1)"
            write-warning "Using autogenerated name for new controller : $ControllerName"

    process {

        [System.Xml.XmlDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
        #Create the new route element.
        $ControllerSpec = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('controllerSpec')

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ControllerSpec -xmlElementName "ipPoolId" -xmlElementText $IpPool.objectId.ToString()

        #The following is required (or error is thrown), but is ignored, as the
        #OVF options end up setting the VM spec... :|
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ControllerSpec -xmlElementName "deployType" -xmlElementText "small"

        switch ( $PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {

            "Cluster" {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ControllerSpec -xmlElementName "resourcePoolId" -xmlElementText $Cluster.ExtensionData.Moref.Value.ToString()
            "ResourcePool" {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ControllerSpec -xmlElementName "resourcePoolId" -xmlElementText $ResourcePool.ExtensionData.Moref.Value.ToString()

        # Check for presence of optional controller name
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Password") -and ($Ctrlcount.count -eq 0)) {Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ControllerSpec -xmlElementName "password" -xmlElementText $Password.ToString()}
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ControllerSpec -xmlElementName "datastoreId" -xmlElementText $DataStore.ExtensionData.Moref.value.ToString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ControllerSpec -xmlElementName "networkId" -xmlElementText $PortGroup.ExtensionData.Moref.Value.ToString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ControllerSpec -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $ControllerName

        $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/controller"
        $body = $ControllerSpec.OuterXml

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Adding a new controller to the NSX controller cluster. ONLY three controllers are supported. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."
            $question = "Proceed with controller deployment?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Deploying NSX Controller"
            try {
                $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            catch {
                throw "Controller deployment failed. $_"
            if ( -not (($response.Content -match "jobdata-\d+") -and ($response.Headers.keys -contains "location") -and ($response.Headers["Location"] -match "/api/2.0/vdn/controller/" )) ) {
                throw "Controller deployment failed. $($response.content)"

            #The post is ansync - the controller deployment can fail after the api accepts the post. we need to check on the status of the job.
            if ( $Wait ) {

                 #Get the new controller id so we can get its status later...
                $controllerid = $response.Headers["location"] -replace "/api/2.0/vdn/controller/"

                $jobid = $response.content
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Controller deployment job $jobid returned in post response"

                #First we wait for NSX job framework to give us the needful
                try {
                    Wait-NsxControllerJob -Jobid $JobID -Connection $Connection -WaitTimeout $WaitTimeout
                    Get-NsxController -connection $connection -objectid $controllerId
                catch {
                    throw "Controller deployment job failed. $_"

    end {}

function Get-NsxController {

    Retrieves NSX Controllers.
    An NSX Controller is a member of the NSX Controller Cluster, and forms the
    highly available distributed control plane for NSX Logical Switching and NSX
    Logical Routing.
    The Get-NsxController cmdlet deploys a new NSX Controller via the NSX API.
    Retreives all controller objects from NSX manager
    Get-NsxController -objectId Controller-1
    Returns a specific NSX Controller object from NSX manager

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,Position=1)]
            #ObjectId of the NSX Controller to return.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/controller"

    [System.Xml.XmlDocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

    if ((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::controllers/controller')) {
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.containsKey('objectId')) {
            $response.controllers.controller | where-object { $_.Id -eq $ObjectId }
        } else {

function Remove-NsxController {

    Removes a controller
    An NSX Controller is a member of the NSX Controller Cluster, and forms the
    highly available distributed control plane for NSX Logical Switching and NSX
    Logical Routing.
    The Renove-NsxController cmdlet removes an existing NSX Controller.
    Get-NsxController "Controller1" | Remove-NsxController
    Removes the controller named Controller1
    Remove-NsxController -objectId controller-3
    Removes the controller with id controller-3

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1, ParameterSetName="Object")]
            #PowerNSX Controller object obtained via Get-NsxController
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateController $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="objectId")]
            #ObjectID of the controller to remove
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$False)]
            #Block until Controller Removal job is COMPLETED (Will timeout with prompt after 720 seconds)
            #Useful if automating the removal of multiple controllers (first must be removed before removing second controller)
            #so you dont have to write looping code to check status of controller before continuing.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Force the removal of the last controller. WARNING THIS WILL IMPACT LOGICAL SWITCHING AND ROUTING FUNCTIONALITY
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}

    process {

        if ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne "objectId" ) {
            $objectId = $Controller.id

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Controller removal will impact the high availability of the NSX control plane."
            $question = "Proceed with removal of Controller $($objectId)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/controller/$($objectId)?forceRemoval=$force"
            Write-Progress -activity "Remove Controller $objectId"
            try {
                $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            catch {
                throw "Controller deployment failed. $_"

            if ( -not ($response.Content -match "jobdata-\d+")) {
                throw "Controller deployment failed. $($response.content)"

            #The post is ansync - the controller deployment can fail after the api accepts the post. we need to check on the status of the job.
            if ( $Wait ) {
                $jobid = $response.content
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Controller deployment job $jobid returned in post response"

                #First we wait for NSX job framework to give us the needful
                try {
                    Wait-NsxControllerJob -Jobid $JobID -Connection $Connection
                catch {
                    throw "Controller removal job failed. $_"
            Write-Progress -activity "Remove Controller $objectId" -completed

    end {}

function Invoke-NsxControllerStateUpdate {

    Update controller state information.
    An NSX Controller is a member of the NSX Controller Cluster, and forms the
    highly available distributed control plane for NSX Logical Switching and NSX
    Logical Routing.
    When a NSX Controller cluster is re-deployed in an existing environment, it
    will not have knowledge of the currently configured logical networking
    constructs deployed.
    The Invoke-NsxControllerStateUpdate cmdlet pushes the information back to
    the controllers after a re-deploy.
    Invoke the process to push configuration state informaiton back to the
    controller cluster.
    Invoke-NsxControllerStateUpdate -Wait -WaitTimeout 20 -FailOnTimeout
    Invoke the process to push configuration state and wait for the job to
    finish. If 20 seconds elapses (default is 30), then throw an error.

    param (

        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$False)]
            # Block until the job is 'COMPLETED' (Will timeout with prompt after -WaitTimeout seconds)
            # Useful if automating the re-deployment of the controller cluster so you dont have to write
            # looping code to check status of the job before continuing.
            # If job reaches -WaitTimeout without failing or completing, do we prompt, or fail with error?
            # Seconds to wait for connection job to complete. Defaults to 30 seconds.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # PowerNSX Connection object


    $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/controller/synchronize"

    try  {
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -connection $connection
    catch {
        Throw "Failed to invoke controller state update. $_"
    if ( -not ($response.Content -match "jobdata-\d+")) {
        throw "Controller Update State failed. No jobdata returned. $($response.content)"

    # The post is ansync - the job can fail after the api accepts the post.
    # we need to check on the status of the job.
    if ( $Wait ) {

        $jobid = $response.content
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Controller Update State job $jobid returned in post response"

        #First we wait for NSX job framework to give us the needful
        try {
            Wait-NsxGenericJob -Jobid $response.Content -Connection $Connection -WaitTimeout $WaitTimeout -FailOnTimeout:$FailOnTimeout
        catch {
            throw "Controller Update State failed. $_"
    Write-progress -activity "Controller Update State." -completed

function New-NsxIpPool {

    Creates a new IP Pool.
    An IP Pool is a simple IPAM construct in NSX that simplifies automated IP
    address asignment for multiple NSX technologies including VTEP interfaces
    NSX Controllers.
    The New-NsxIpPool cmdlet creates a new IP Pool on the connected NSX manager.
    New-NsxIpPool -name Controller_Pool -Gateway ""
    -SubnetPrefixLength "24" -DnsServer1 "" -DnsSuffix "lab.local"
    -StartAddress "" -EndAddress ""
    This example creates a pool called Controller_Pool. It uses the IP range, has a defined gateway of and has DNS
    settings configured.

     param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
            #Name of IP Pool
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Gateway address
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Prefix length of network address (1-31)
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #IP Address of first DNS Server
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #IP Address of second DNS Server
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #DNS Domain Name
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #First Valid Address in the pool
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Last Valid Address in the pool
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #Construct the XML
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlPool = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("ipamAddressPool")
        $xmlDoc.Appendchild($xmlPool) | out-null

        #Mandatory and default params
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlPool -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlPool -xmlElementName "prefixLength" -xmlElementText $SubnetPrefixLength
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlPool -xmlElementName "gateway" -xmlElementText $Gateway

        #Start/End of range
        $xmlIpRanges = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("ipRanges")
        $xmlIpRange = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("ipRangeDto")
        $xmlPool.Appendchild($xmlIpRanges) | out-null
        $xmlIpRanges.Appendchild($xmlIpRange) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlIpRange -xmlElementName "startAddress" -xmlElementText $StartAddress
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlIpRange -xmlElementName "endAddress" -xmlElementText $EndAddress

        #Optional params
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DnsServer1')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlPool -xmlElementName "dnsServer1" -xmlElementText $DnsServer1
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DnsServer2')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlPool -xmlElementName "dnsServer2" -xmlElementText $DnsServer2
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DnsSuffix')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlPool -xmlElementName "dnsSuffix" -xmlElementText $DnsSuffix

        # #Do the post
        $body = $xmlPool.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/2.0/services/ipam/pools/scope/globalroot-0"
        Write-Progress -activity "Creating IP Pool."
        $response = invoke-NsxWebRequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        Write-progress -activity "Creating IP Pool." -completed

        Get-NsxIpPool -objectId $response.content -connection $connection


    end {}

function Get-NsxIpPool {

    Retrieves NSX Ip Pools.
    An IP Pool is a simple IPAM construct in NSX that simplifies automated IP
    address asignment for multiple NSX technologies including VTEP interfaces
    NSX Controllers.
    This example retrieves all NSX IP Pools
    This example retrieves an NSX IP Pool by name
    Get-NsxIpPool -name Controller_Pool


    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,Position=1,ParameterSetName = "Name")]
            #Name of the Pool to retrieve
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "ObjectId")]
            #ObjectID of the Pool to retrieve
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ObjectId')) {

        $URI = "/api/2.0/services/ipam/pools/$ObjectId"
        $response = invoke-NsxWebRequest -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

        [system.xml.xmlDocument]$content = $response.content
        if (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $content -Query 'child::ipamAddressPool'){
    else {

        $URI = "/api/2.0/services/ipam/pools/scope/globalroot-0"
        $response = invoke-NsxWebRequest -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
        [system.xml.xmlDocument]$content = $response.content
        if (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $content -Query 'child::ipamAddressPools/ipamAddressPool'){
            If ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name")) {
                $content.ipamAddressPools.ipamAddressPool | where-object { $_.name -eq $Name }
            else {

function Get-NsxVdsContext {

    Retrieves a VXLAN Prepared Virtual Distributed Switch.
    Before it can be used for VXLAN, a VDS must be configured with appropriate
    teaming and MTU configuration.
    The Get-NsxVdsContext cmdlet retreives VDS's that have been prepared for
    VXLAN configuration.


    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,Position=1,ParameterSetName = "Name")]
            #Name of VDS context to retrieve
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "ObjectId")]
            #ObjectId of VDS context to retrieve
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ObjectId')) {

        $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/switches/$ObjectId"
        [system.xml.xmlDocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
        If ( $response | get-member -memberType properties vdsContext ) {
    else {

        $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/switches"
        [system.xml.xmlDocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
        If ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name")) {
            if ( $response.vdsContexts -as [system.xml.xmlelement]) {
                If ( $response | get-member -memberType properties vdsContexts ) {
                    if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response.vdsContexts -Query "descendant::vdsContext")) {
                        $response.vdsContexts.vdsContext | where-object { $_.switch.name -eq $Name }
        else {
            if ( $response.vdsContexts -as [system.xml.xmlelement]) {
                If ( $response | get-member -memberType properties vdsContexts ) {
                    if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response.vdsContexts -Query "descendant::vdsContext")) {

function New-NsxVdsContext {

    Creates a VXLAN Prepared Virtual Distributed Switch.
    Before it can be used for VXLAN, a VDS must be configured with appropriate
    teaming and MTU configuration.
    The New-NsxVdsContext cmdlet configures the specified VDS for use with

     param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
            #PowerCLI VDSwitch Object to configure for NSX
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateDistributedSwitch $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Teaming configuration for NSX Logical Switches
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #MTU of VTEP interfaces created on the specified VDS. Minimum of 1600 bytes is required.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #Construct the XML
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlContext = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("nwFabricFeatureConfig")
        $xmlDoc.Appendchild($xmlContext) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlContext -xmlElementName "featureId" -xmlElementText "com.vmware.vshield.vsm.vxlan"

        $xmlResourceConfig = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("resourceConfig")
        $xmlConfigSpec = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("configSpec")
        $xmlContext.Appendchild($xmlResourceConfig) | out-null
        $xmlResourceConfig.Appendchild($xmlConfigSpec) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlConfigSpec -xmlElementName "teaming" -xmlElementText $Teaming.toString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlConfigSpec -xmlElementName "mtu" -xmlElementText $Mtu.ToString()

        $xmlSwitch = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("switch")
        $xmlConfigSpec.Appendchild($xmlSwitch) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlSwitch -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $VirtualDistributedSwitch.Extensiondata.Moref.Value.ToString()

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlResourceConfig -xmlElementName "resourceId" -xmlElementText $VirtualDistributedSwitch.Extensiondata.Moref.Value.ToString()

        # #Do the post
        $body = $xmlContext.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/2.0/nwfabric/configure"
        Write-Progress -activity "Configuring VDS context on VDS $($VirtualDistributedSwitch.Name)."
        $null = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        Write-progress -activity "Configuring VDS context on VDS $($VirtualDistributedSwitch.Name)." -completed

        Get-NsxVdsContext -objectId $VirtualDistributedSwitch.Extensiondata.Moref.Value -connection $connection


    end {}

function Remove-NsxVdsContext {

    Removes the VXLAN preparation of a Virtual Distributed Switch.
    Before it can be used for VXLAN, a VDS must be configured with appropriate
    teaming and MTU configuration.
    The Remove-NsxVdsContext cmdlet unconfigures the specified VDS for use with

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            #NSX VDS Context Object ID to remove
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateVdsContext $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {


    process {

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Vds Context removal is permanent."
            $question = "Proceed with removal of Vds Context for Vds $($VdsContext.Switch.Name)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/switches/$($VdsContext.Switch.ObjectId)"
            Write-Progress -activity "Remove Vds Context for Vds $($VdsContext.Switch.Name)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            Write-Progress -activity "Remove Vds Context for Vds $($VdsContext.Switch.Name)" -completed


    end {}

function New-NsxClusterVxlanConfig {

    Configures a vSphere cluster for VXLAN.
    VXLAN configuration of a vSphere cluster involves associating the cluster
    with an NSX prepared VDS, and configuration of VLAN id for the atuomatically
    created VTEP portgroup, VTEP count and VTEP addressing.
    If the VDS specified is not configured for VXLAN, then an error is thrown.
    Use New-NsxVdsContext to configure a VDS for use with NSX.
    If the specified cluster is not prepared with the necessary VIBs installed,
    then installation occurs automatically. Use Install-NsxClusterVibs to
    prepare a clusters hosts for use with NSX without configuring VXLAN
    If an IP Pool is not specified, DHCP will be used to configure the host
    The New-NsxClusterVxlan cmdlet will perform the VXLAN configuration of all
    hosts within the specified cluster.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateDistributedSwitch $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateIpPool $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        $VxlanWaitTime = 10 #seconds

        #Check that the VDS has a VDS context in NSX and is configured.
        try {
            $vdscontext = Get-NsxVdsContext -objectId $VirtualDistributedSwitch.Extensiondata.MoRef.Value -connection $connection
        catch {
            throw "Specified VDS is not configured for NSX. Use New-NsxVdsContext to configure the VDS and try again."

        #Construct the XML
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlContext = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("nwFabricFeatureConfig")
        $xmlDoc.Appendchild($xmlContext) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlContext -xmlElementName "featureId" -xmlElementText "com.vmware.vshield.vsm.vxlan"

        #cluster configSpec
        $xmlResourceConfig = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("resourceConfig")
        $xmlConfigSpec = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("configSpec")
        $xmlContext.Appendchild($xmlResourceConfig) | out-null
        $xmlResourceConfig.Appendchild($xmlConfigSpec) | out-null

        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IpPool')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlConfigSpec -xmlElementName "ipPoolId" -xmlElementText $IpPool.objectId.toString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlConfigSpec -xmlElementName "vlanId" -xmlElementText $VlanId.ToString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlConfigSpec -xmlElementName "vmknicCount" -xmlElementText $VtepCount.ToString()

        $xmlSwitch = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("switch")
        $xmlConfigSpec.Appendchild($xmlSwitch) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlSwitch -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $VirtualDistributedSwitch.Extensiondata.Moref.Value.ToString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlResourceConfig -xmlElementName "resourceId" -xmlElementText $Cluster.Extensiondata.Moref.Value.ToString()

        # NSX 6.4.0 introduced changes that require the (redundant) vdsContext to be passed in this call too.
        # switch configSpec
        $xmlvdsResourceConfig = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("resourceConfig")
        $xmlvdsConfigSpec = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("configSpec")
        $xmlContext.Appendchild($xmlvdsResourceConfig) | out-null
        $xmlvdsResourceConfig.Appendchild($xmlvdsConfigSpec) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlvdsConfigSpec -xmlElementName "mtu" -xmlElementText $vdsContext.mtu
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlvdsConfigSpec -xmlElementName "teaming" -xmlElementText $vdsContext.teaming

        $xmlvdsSwitch = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("switch")
        $xmlvdsConfigSpec.Appendchild($xmlvdsSwitch) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlvdsSwitch -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $VirtualDistributedSwitch.Extensiondata.Moref.Value.ToString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlvdsResourceConfig -xmlElementName "resourceId" -xmlElementText $VirtualDistributedSwitch.Extensiondata.Moref.Value.ToString()

        Write-Progress -id 1 -activity "Configuring VXLAN on cluster $($Cluster.Name)." -status "In Progress..."

        # #Do the post
        $body = $xmlContext.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/2.0/nwfabric/configure"
        $null = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection

        #Get Initial Status
        $status = $cluster | get-NsxClusterStatus -connection $connection
        $hostprep = Get-FeatureStatus -featurestring 'com.vmware.vshield.vsm.nwfabric.hostPrep' -statusxml $status
        $fw = Get-FeatureStatus -featurestring 'com.vmware.vshield.firewall' -statusxml $status
        $messagingInfra = Get-FeatureStatus -featurestring 'com.vmware.vshield.vsm.messagingInfra' -statusxml $status
        $VxlanConfig = Get-FeatureStatus -featurestring 'com.vmware.vshield.vsm.vxlan' -statusxml $status

        $timer = 0
        while ( ($hostprep -ne 'GREEN') -or
                ($fw -ne 'GREEN') -or
                ($messagingInfra -ne 'GREEN') -or
                ($VxlanConfig -ne 'GREEN')) {

            start-sleep $VxlanWaitTime
            $timer += $VxlanWaitTime

            #Get Status
            $status = $cluster | get-NsxClusterStatus -connection $connection
            $hostprep = Get-FeatureStatus -featurestring 'com.vmware.vshield.vsm.nwfabric.hostPrep' -statusxml $status
            $fw = Get-FeatureStatus -featurestring 'com.vmware.vshield.firewall' -statusxml $status
            $messagingInfra = Get-FeatureStatus -featurestring 'com.vmware.vshield.vsm.messagingInfra' -statusxml $status
            $VxlanConfig = Get-FeatureStatus -featurestring 'com.vmware.vshield.vsm.vxlan' -statusxml $status

            #Check Status
            if ( $hostprep -eq 'GREEN' ) { $status = "Complete"} else { $status = "Waiting" }
            Write-Progress -parentid 1 -id 2 -activity "Vib Install Status: $hostprep" -status $status

            if ( $fw -eq 'GREEN' ) { $status = "Complete"} else { $status = "Waiting" }
            Write-Progress -parentid 1 -id 3 -activity "Firewall Install Status: $fw" -status $status

            if ( $messagingInfra -eq 'GREEN' ) { $status = "Complete"} else { $status = "Waiting" }
            Write-Progress -parentid 1 -id 4 -activity "Messaging Infra Status: $messagingInfra" -status $status

            if ( $VxlanConfig -eq 'GREEN' ) { $status = "Complete"} else { $status = "Waiting" }
            Write-Progress -parentid 1 -id 5 -activity "VXLAN Config Status: $VxlanConfig" -status $status

            if ($Timer -ge $VxlanPrepTimeout) {

                $message  = "Cluster $($cluster.name) preparation has not completed within the timeout period."
                $question = "Continue waiting (y) or quit (n)?"

                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 0)
                if ( $decision -eq 1 ) {
                    Throw "$($cluster.name) cluster preparation failed or timed out."
                $Timer = 0

        Write-Progress -parentid 1 -id 2 -activity "Vib Install Status: $hostprep" -completed
        Write-Progress -parentid 1 -id 3 -activity "Firewall Install Status: $fw" -completed
        Write-Progress -parentid 1 -id 4 -activity "Messaging Infra Status: $messagingInfra" -completed
        Write-Progress -parentid 1 -id 5 -activity "VXLAN Config Status: $VxlanConfig" -completed
        Write-Progress -id 1 -activity "Configuring VXLAN on cluster $($Cluster.Name)." -completed
        $cluster | get-NsxClusterStatus -connection $connection


    end {}

function Install-NsxCluster {

    Prepares a vSphere cluster for use with NSX.
    Preparation of a vSphere cluster involves installation of the vibs required
    for VXLAN, Logical routing and Distributed Firewall.
    The Install-NsxCluster cmdlet will perform the vib installation of all hosts
    within the specified cluster.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [PArameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        $VxlanWaitTime = 10 #seconds

        #Construct the XML
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlContext = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("nwFabricFeatureConfig")
        $xmlDoc.Appendchild($xmlContext) | out-null

        $xmlResourceConfig = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("resourceConfig")
        $xmlContext.Appendchild($xmlResourceConfig) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlResourceConfig -xmlElementName "resourceId" -xmlElementText $Cluster.Extensiondata.Moref.Value.ToString()

        Write-Progress -id 1 -activity "Preparing cluster $($Cluster.Name)." -status "In Progress..."

        # #Do the post
        $body = $xmlContext.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/2.0/nwfabric/configure"
        $null = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection

        #Get Initial Status
        $status = $cluster | get-NsxClusterStatus -connection $Connection
        $hostprep = Get-FeatureStatus -featurestring 'com.vmware.vshield.vsm.nwfabric.hostPrep' -statusxml $status
        $fw = Get-FeatureStatus -featurestring 'com.vmware.vshield.firewall' -statusxml $status
        $messagingInfra = Get-FeatureStatus -featurestring 'com.vmware.vshield.vsm.messagingInfra' -statusxml $status

        $timer = 0
        while ( ($hostprep -ne 'GREEN') -or
                ($fw -ne 'GREEN') -or
                ($messagingInfra -ne 'GREEN') ) {

            start-sleep $VxlanWaitTime
            $timer += $VxlanWaitTime

            #Get Status
            $status = $cluster | get-NsxClusterStatus -connection $Connection
            $hostprep = Get-FeatureStatus -featurestring 'com.vmware.vshield.vsm.nwfabric.hostPrep' -statusxml $status
            $fw = Get-FeatureStatus -featurestring 'com.vmware.vshield.firewall' -statusxml $status
            $messagingInfra = Get-FeatureStatus -featurestring 'com.vmware.vshield.vsm.messagingInfra' -statusxml $status

            #Check Status
            if ( $hostprep -eq 'GREEN' ) { $status = "Complete"} else { $status = "Waiting" }
            Write-Progress -parentid 1 -id 2 -activity "Vib Install Status: $hostprep" -status $status

            if ( $fw -eq 'GREEN' ) { $status = "Complete"} else { $status = "Waiting" }
            Write-Progress -parentid 1 -id 3 -activity "Firewall Install Status: $fw" -status $status

            if ( $messagingInfra -eq 'GREEN' ) { $status = "Complete"} else { $status = "Waiting" }
            Write-Progress -parentid 1 -id 4 -activity "Messaging Infra Status: $messagingInfra" -status $status

            if ($Timer -ge $VxlanPrepTimeout) {
                $message  = "Cluster $($cluster.name) preparation has not completed within the timeout period."
                $question = "Continue waiting (y) or quit (n)?"

                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 0)
                if ( $decision -eq 1 ) {
                    Throw "$($cluster.name) cluster preparation failed or timed out."
                $Timer = 0            }

        Write-Progress -parentid 1 -id 2 -activity "Vib Install Status: $hostprep" -completed
        Write-Progress -parentid 1 -id 3 -activity "Firewall Install Status: $fw" -completed
        Write-Progress -parentid 1 -id 4 -activity "Messaging Infra Status: $messagingInfra" -completed
        Write-Progress -id 1 -activity "Preparing cluster $($Cluster.Name)." -status "In Progress..." -completed
        $cluster | get-NsxClusterStatus -connection $connection

    end {}

function Remove-NsxCluster {

    Unprepares a vSphere cluster for use with NSX.
    Preparation of a vSphere cluster involves installation of the vibs required
    for VXLAN, Logical routing and Distributed Firewall.
    The Remove-NsxCluster cmdlet will perform the vib removal of all hosts
    within the specified cluster and will also unconfigure VXLAN if configured.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        $VxlanWaitTime = 10 #seconds

        #Construct the XML
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlContext = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("nwFabricFeatureConfig")
        $xmlDoc.Appendchild($xmlContext) | out-null

        $xmlResourceConfig = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("resourceConfig")
        $xmlContext.Appendchild($xmlResourceConfig) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlResourceConfig -xmlElementName "resourceId" -xmlElementText $Cluster.Extensiondata.Moref.Value.ToString()

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Unpreparation of cluster $($Cluster.Name) will result in unconfiguration of VXLAN, removal of Distributed Firewall and uninstallation of all NSX VIBs."
            $question = "Proceed with un-preparation of cluster $($Cluster.Name)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {

            #Even though it *usually* unconfigures VXLAN automatically, ive had several instances where an unprepped
            #cluster had VXLAN config still present, and prevented future prep attempts from succeeding.
            #This may not resolve this issue, but hopefully will...
            $cluster | Remove-NsxClusterVxlanConfig -confirm:$false -connection $connection| out-null

            #Now we actually do the unprep...
            Write-Progress -id 1 -activity "Unpreparing cluster $($Cluster.Name)." -status "In Progress..."

            # #Do the post
            $body = $xmlContext.OuterXml
            $URI = "/api/2.0/nwfabric/configure"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection

            #Get Initial Status
            $status = $cluster | get-NsxClusterStatus -connection $connection
            $hostprep = Get-FeatureStatus -featurestring 'com.vmware.vshield.vsm.nwfabric.hostPrep' -statusxml $status
            $fw = Get-FeatureStatus -featurestring 'com.vmware.vshield.firewall' -statusxml $status
            $messagingInfra = Get-FeatureStatus -featurestring 'com.vmware.vshield.vsm.messagingInfra' -statusxml $status

            $timer = 0
            while ( ($hostprep -ne 'UNKNOWN') -or
                    ($fw -ne 'UNKNOWN') -or
                    ($messagingInfra -ne 'UNKNOWN') ) {

                start-sleep $VxlanWaitTime
                $timer += $VxlanWaitTime

                #Get Status
                $status = $cluster | get-NsxClusterStatus -connection $connection
                $hostprep = Get-FeatureStatus -featurestring 'com.vmware.vshield.vsm.nwfabric.hostPrep' -statusxml $status
                $fw = Get-FeatureStatus -featurestring 'com.vmware.vshield.firewall' -statusxml $status
                $messagingInfra = Get-FeatureStatus -featurestring 'com.vmware.vshield.vsm.messagingInfra' -statusxml $status

                #Check Status
                if ( $hostprep -eq 'UNKNOWN' ) { $status = "Complete"} else { $status = "Waiting" }
                Write-Progress -parentid 1 -id 2 -activity "Vib Install Status: $hostprep" -status $status

                if ( $fw -eq 'UNKNOWN' ) { $status = "Complete"} else { $status = "Waiting" }
                Write-Progress -parentid 1 -id 3 -activity "Firewall Install Status: $fw" -status $status

                if ( $messagingInfra -eq 'UNKNOWN' ) { $status = "Complete"} else { $status = "Waiting" }
                Write-Progress -parentid 1 -id 4 -activity "Messaging Infra Status: $messagingInfra" -status $status

                if ($Timer -ge $VxlanPrepTimeout) {

                    #Need to do some detection of hosts needing reboot here and prompt to do it automatically...

                    $message  = "Cluster $($cluster.name) unpreparation has not completed within the timeout period."
                    $question = "Continue waiting (y) or quit (n)?"

                    $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                    $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                    $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                    $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 0)
                    if ( $decision -eq 1 ) {
                        Throw "$($cluster.name) cluster unpreparation failed or timed out."
                    $Timer = 0            }

            Write-Progress -parentid 1 -id 2 -activity "Vib Install Status: $hostprep" -completed
            Write-Progress -parentid 1 -id 3 -activity "Firewall Install Status: $fw" -completed
            Write-Progress -parentid 1 -id 4 -activity "Messaging Infra Status: $messagingInfra" -completed
            Write-Progress -id 1 -activity "Unpreparing cluster $($Cluster.Name)." -status "In Progress..." -completed
            $cluster | get-NsxClusterStatus -connection $connection

    end {}

function Remove-NsxClusterVxlanConfig {

    Unconfigures VXLAN on an NSX prepared cluster.
    VXLAN configuration of a vSphere cluster involves associating the cluster
    with an NSX prepared VDS, and configuration of VLAN id for the atuomatically
    created VTEP portgroup, VTEP count and VTEP addressing.
    The Remove-NsxClusterVxlan cmdlet will perform the unconfiguration of VXLAN
    on all hosts within the specified cluster only. VIBs will remain installed.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        $VxlanWaitTime = 10 #seconds

        #Construct the XML
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlContext = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("nwFabricFeatureConfig")
        $xmlDoc.Appendchild($xmlContext) | out-null

        #ResourceID (must specific explicitly VXLAN)
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlContext -xmlElementName "featureId" -xmlElementText "com.vmware.vshield.vsm.vxlan"

        $xmlResourceConfig = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("resourceConfig")
        $xmlContext.Appendchild($xmlResourceConfig) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlResourceConfig -xmlElementName "resourceId" -xmlElementText $Cluster.Extensiondata.Moref.Value.ToString()

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Unconfiguration of VXLAN for cluster $($Cluster.Name) will result in loss of communication for any VMs connected to logical switches running in this cluster."
            $question = "Proceed with unconfiguration of VXLAN for cluster $($Cluster.Name)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {

            Write-Progress -id 1 -activity "Unconfiguring VXLAN on $($Cluster.Name)." -status "In Progress..."

            # #Do the post
            $body = $xmlContext.OuterXml
            $URI = "/api/2.0/nwfabric/configure"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection

            #Get Initial Status
            $status = $cluster | get-NsxClusterStatus -connection $connection
            $VxlanConfig = Get-FeatureStatus -featurestring 'com.vmware.vshield.vsm.vxlan' -statusxml $status

            $timer = 0
            while ( $VxlanConfig -ne 'UNKNOWN' ) {

                start-sleep $VxlanWaitTime
                $timer += $VxlanWaitTime

                #Get Status
                $status = $cluster | get-NsxClusterStatus -connection $connection
                $VxlanConfig = Get-FeatureStatus -featurestring 'com.vmware.vshield.vsm.vxlan' -statusxml $status

                #Check Status
                if ( $VxlanConfig -eq 'UNKNOWN' ) { $status = "Complete"} else { $status = "Waiting" }
                Write-Progress -parentid 1 -id 5 -activity "VXLAN Config Status: $VxlanConfig" -status $status

                if ($Timer -ge $VxlanPrepTimeout) {
                    $message  = "Cluster $($cluster.name) VXLAN unconfiguration has not completed within the timeout period."
                    $question = "Continue waiting (y) or quit (n)?"

                    $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                    $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                    $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                    $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 0)
                    if ( $decision -eq 1 ) {
                        Throw "$($cluster.name) cluster VXLAN unconfiguration failed or timed out."
                    $Timer = 0

            Write-Progress -parentid 1 -id 5 -activity "VXLAN Config Status: $VxlanConfig" -completed
            Write-Progress -id 1 -activity "Unconfiguring VXLAN on $($Cluster.Name)." -status "In Progress..." -completed
            $cluster | get-NsxClusterStatus -connection $connection | where-object { $_.featureId -eq "com.vmware.vshield.vsm.vxlan" }

    end {}

function New-NsxSegmentIdRange {

    Creates a new VXLAN Segment ID Range.
    Segment ID Ranges provide a method for NSX to allocate a unique identifier
    (VNI) to each logical switch created within NSX.
    The New-NsxSegmentIdRange cmdlet creates a new Segment range on the
    connected NSX manager.
    PS C:\> New-NsxSegmentIdRange -Name LocalSegmentRange
        -Description "VNI Range for local logical switches"
        -Begin 1000 -End 1999
    Creates a Segment Id Range which is used for logical switches
    PS C:\> New-NsxSegmentIdRange -Name LocalSegmentRange
        -Description "VNI Range for local logical switches"
        -Begin 77000 -End 77999 -universal
    Creates a Universal Segment Id Range which is used for universal logical switches

     param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #Construct the XML
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlRange = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("segmentRange")
        $xmlDoc.Appendchild($xmlRange) | out-null

        #Mandatory and default params
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRange -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name.ToString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRange -xmlElementName "begin" -xmlElementText $Begin.ToString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRange -xmlElementName "end" -xmlElementText $End.ToString()

        #Optional params
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Description')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRange -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description.ToString()

        # #Do the post
        $body = $xmlRange.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/config/segments?isUniversal=$($Universal.ToString().ToLower())"
        Write-Progress -activity "Creating Segment Id Range"
        $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        Write-progress -activity "Creating Segment Id Range" -completed

        Get-NsxSegmentIdRange -objectId $response.segmentRange.id -connection $connection


    end {}

function Get-NsxSegmentIdRange {

    Reieves VXLAN Segment ID Ranges.
    Segment ID Ranges provide a method for NSX to allocate a unique identifier
    (VNI) to each logical switch created within NSX.
    The Get-NsxSegmentIdRange cmdlet retreives Segment Ranges from the
    connected NSX manager.


    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,Position=1,ParameterSetName = "Name")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="UniversalOnly", Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="LocalOnly", Position=1)]
            #Name of the segment ID range to return
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "ObjectId")]
            #ObjectId of the segment ID range to return
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="UniversalOnly")]
            #Return only Universal objects
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="LocalOnly")]
            #Return only Locally scoped objects
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    Process {

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ObjectId')) {

            $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/config/segments/$ObjectId"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
        else {

            $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/config/segments"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            if(([bool](($response.segmentRanges).PSobject.Properties.name -match "segmentRange"))){
                switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {
                    "Name" { $response.segmentRanges.segmentRange | where-object { $_.name -eq $Name } }
                    "UniversalOnly" { $response.segmentRanges.segmentRange | where-object { $_.isUniversal -eq "true" } }
                    "LocalOnly" { $response.segmentRanges.segmentRange | where-object { $_.isUniversal -eq "false" } }
                    Default { $response.segmentRanges.segmentRange }

function Remove-NsxSegmentIdRange {

    Removes a Segment Id Range
    Segment ID Ranges provide a method for NSX to allocate a unique identifier
    (VNI) to each logical switch created within NSX.
    The Remove-NsxSegmentIdRange cmdlet removes the specified Segment Id Range
    from the connected NSX manager.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSegmentIdRange $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {


    process {

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Segment Id Range removal is permanent."
            $question = "Proceed with removal of Segment Id Range $($SegmentIdRange.Name)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/config/segments/$($SegmentIdRange.Id)"
            Write-Progress -activity "Remove Segment Id Range $($SegmentIdRange.Name)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            Write-Progress -activity "Remove Segment Id Range $($SegmentIdRange.Name)" -completed


    end {}

function Get-NsxTransportZone {

    Retrieves a TransportZone object.
    Transport Zones are used to control the scope of logical switches within
    NSX. A Logical Switch is 'bound' to a transport zone, and only hosts that
    are members of the Transport Zone are able to host VMs connected to a
    Logical Switch that is bound to it. All Logical Switch operations require a
    Transport Zone.
    PS C:\> Get-NsxTransportZone -name TestTZ
    Get the NSX Transport Zone named "TestTZ"
    PS C:\> Get-NsxTransportZone -LocalOnly
    Get all Local NSX Transport Zones configured
    PS C:\> Get-NsxTransportZone -UniversalOnly
    Get all Universal NSX Transport Zones configured


    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,Position=1,ParameterSetName = "Name")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="UniversalOnly", Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="LocalOnly", Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="objectId")]
            #NSX ObjectId
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="UniversalOnly")]
            #Return only Universal objects
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="LocalOnly")]
            #Return only Locally scoped objects
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    if ( $psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "objectId" ) {

        #Just getting a single Transport Zone by ID
        $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/scopes/$objectId"
        $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
    else {

        #Getting all TZ and optionally filtering on name
        $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/scopes"
        [system.xml.xmldocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

        if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query "child::vdnScopes/vdnScope")) {
            $return = $response.vdnscopes.vdnscope
            if ( $psboundParameters.ContainsKey("Name") ) {
                $return = $return | where-object { $_.name -eq $name }
            if ( $UniversalOnly ) {
                $return | where-object { $_.isUniversal -eq 'True' }
            elseif ( $LocalOnly ) {
                $return | where-object { $_.isUniversal -eq 'False' }
            else {

function New-NsxTransportZone {

    Creates a new Nsx Transport Zone.
    An NSX Transport Zone defines the maximum scope for logical switches that
    are bound to it. NSX Prepared clusters are added to Transport Zones which
    allows VMs on them to attach to any logical switch bound to the transport
    The New-NsxTransportZone cmdlet creates a new Transport Zone on the
    connected NSX manager.
    At least one cluster is required to be a member of the Transport Zone at
    creation time.

     param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #Construct the XML
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlScope = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("vdnScope")
        $xmlDoc.Appendchild($xmlScope) | out-null

        #Mandatory and default params
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlScope -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name.ToString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlScope -xmlElementName "controlPlaneMode" -xmlElementText $ControlPlaneMode.ToString()

        #Dont ask me, I just work here :|
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlClusters = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("clusters")
        $xmlScope.Appendchild($xmlClusters) | out-null
        foreach ( $instance in $cluster ) {
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlCluster1 = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("cluster")
            $xmlClusters.Appendchild($xmlCluster1) | out-null
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlCluster2 = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("cluster")
            $xmlCluster1.Appendchild($xmlCluster2) | out-null
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlCluster2 -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $Instance.ExtensionData.Moref.Value

        #Optional params
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Description')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlScope -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description.ToString()

        # #Do the post
        $body = $xmlScope.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/scopes?isUniversal=$($Universal.ToString().ToLower())"
        Write-Progress -activity "Creating Transport Zone."
        $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        Write-progress -activity "Creating Transport Zone." -completed

        Get-NsxTransportZone -objectId $response -connection $connection


    end {}

function Wait-NsxTransportZoneJob {

    Wait for the specified member add/remove job until it succeeds or fails.
    Attempt to wait for the specified transport zone modificationjob until it
    succeeds or fails.
    Wait-NsxTransportZoneJob defaults to timeout at 300 seconds, when the user
    is prompted to continuing waiting of fail. If immediate failure upon
    timeout is desirable (eg within script), then the $failOnTimeout switch can
    be set.
    Wait-NsxTransportZoneJob -Jobid jobdata-1234
    Wait for transportzone job jobdata-1234 up to the default of 30 seconds to
    complete successfully or fail. If 30 seconds elapse, then prompt for action.
    Wait-NsxTransportZoneJob -Jobid jobdata-1234 -TimeOut 40 -FailOnTimeOut
    Wait for transportzone job jobdata-1234 up to 40 seconds to complete
    successfully or fail. If 40 seconds elapse, then throw an error.

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Job Id string as returned from the api
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Seconds to wait before declaring a timeout. Timeout defaults to 30 seconds.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Do we prompt user an allow them to reset the timeout timer, or throw on timeout
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    $WaitJobArgs = @{
        "jobid" = $jobid
        "JobStatusUri" = "/api/2.0/services/taskservice/job"
        "CompleteCriteria" = {
            $job.jobInstances.jobInstance.status -eq "COMPLETED"
        "FailCriteria" = {
            $job.jobInstances.jobInstance.status -eq "FAILED"
        "StatusExpression" = {
            $execTask = @()
            $StatusMessage = ""
            $execTask = @($job.jobinstances.jobInstance.taskInstances.taskInstance | where-object { $_.taskStatus -eq "EXECUTING" })
            if ( $exectask.count -eq 1) {
                $StatusMessage = "$($execTask.name) - $($execTask.taskStatus)"
            else {
                $StatusMessage = "$($job.jobinstances.jobInstance.Status)"
        "ErrorExpression" = {
            $failTask = @()
            $failMessage = ""
            $failTask = @($job.jobinstances.jobInstance.taskInstances.taskInstance | where-object { $_.taskStatus -eq "FAILED" })
            if ( $failTask.count -eq 1) {
                $failMessage = "Failed Task : $($failTask.name) - $($failTask.statusMessage)"
            else {
                $failMessage = "$($job.jobinstances.jobInstance.Status)"
        "WaitTimeout" = $WaitTimeout
        "FailOnTimeout" = $FailOnTimeout
        "Connection" = $Connection

    Wait-NsxJob @WaitJobArgs

function Add-NsxTransportZoneMember {

    Adds a new cluster to an existing Transport Zone.
    An NSX Transport Zone defines the maximum scope for logical switches that
    are bound to it. NSX Prepared clusters are added to Transport Zones which
    allows VMs on them to attach to any logical switch bound to the transport
    The Add-NsxTransportZoneMember cmdlet adds a new cluster to an existing
    Transport Zone on the connected NSX manager.
    Get-NsxTransportZone TZ1 | Add-NsxTransportZoneMember -Cluster (Get-cluster)
    Adds all clusters from the connected vCenter server to the Transport Zone TZ1
    Get-NsxTransportZone -Connection $bconn -UniversalOnly | Add-NsxTransportZoneMember -Cluster (Get-cluster Compute1_b -Server vc-01b.corp.local) -Connection $bconn
    Gets the universal transport zone from the NSX server specified by $bconn
    and adds the cluster Compute1_b from vCenter server vc-01b.corp.local to it.
    This is an example of adding a secondary NSX manager associated VC cluster to
    a universal transport zone. Care must be taken to ensure only the clusters
    from the associated vCenter server are added to the nsx manager specified
    in the connection object (or the default connection)

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
     param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            #PowerNSX Transport Zone object to be updated
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateTransportZone $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Cluster to be added to the Transport Zone
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$False)]
            #Block until transport zone update job is 'COMPLETED' (Will timeout with prompt after -WaitTimeout seconds)
            #Useful if automating the tz modification so you dont have to write looping code to check status of the tz before continuing.
            #NOTE: Not waiting means we do NOT return an updated tz object!
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$False)]
            #Timeout waiting for tz update job to complete before user is prompted to continue or cancel. Defaults to 30 seconds.
            [int]$WaitTimeout = 30,
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #Construct the XML
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlScope = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("vdnScope")
        $xmlDoc.Appendchild($xmlScope) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlScope -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $TransportZone.objectId
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlClusters = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("clusters")
        $xmlScope.Appendchild($xmlClusters) | out-null
        foreach ( $instance in $cluster ) {
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlCluster1 = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("cluster")
            $xmlClusters.Appendchild($xmlCluster1) | out-null
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlCluster2 = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("cluster")
            $xmlCluster1.Appendchild($xmlCluster2) | out-null
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlCluster2 -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $Instance.ExtensionData.Moref.Value

        #Do the post
        $body = $xmlScope.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/scopes/$($TransportZone.objectId)?action=expand"
        Write-Progress -activity "Updating Transport Zone."
        try {
            $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        catch {
            throw "Transport Zone update failed. $_"
        if ( -not ($response.Content -match "jobdata-\d+")) {
            throw "Transport Zone update failed. $($response.content)"

        #The post is ansync - the tz modification can fail after the api accepts the post. we need to check on the status of the job.
        if ( $Wait ) {

            $jobid = $response.content
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : TZ update job $jobid returned in post response"

            #First we wait for NSX job framework to give us the needful
            try {
                Wait-NsxTransportZoneJob -Jobid $JobID -Connection $Connection -WaitTimeout $WaitTimeout
                Get-NsxTransportZone -connection $connection -objectid $TransportZone.objectId
            catch {
                throw "Cluster addition to Transport Zone $($TransportZone.Name) failed. $_"

        Write-progress -activity "Updating Transport Zone." -completed

    end {}

function Remove-NsxTransportZoneMember {

    Removes an existing cluster from an existing Transport Zone.
    An NSX Transport Zone defines the maximum scope for logical switches that
    are bound to it. NSX Prepared clusters are added to Transport Zones which
    allows VMs on them to attach to any logical switch bound to the transport
    The Remove-NsxTransportZoneMember cmdlet removes a cluster from an existing
    Transport Zone on the connected NSX manager.
    Get-NsxTransportZone -UniversalOnly -Connection $bconn | Remove-NSxTransportZoneMember -Cluster (get-cluster Compute1_b -Server vc-01b.corp.local) -Connection $bconn
    Remove the cluster Compute1_b defined in vCenter server vc-01b.corp.local
    from the universal transport zone configured on the nsx manager specified by

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
     param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            #PowerNSX Transport Zone object to be updated
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateTransportZone $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Cluster to be added to the Transport Zone
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$False)]
            #Block until transport zone update job is 'COMPLETED' (Will timeout with prompt after -WaitTimeout seconds)
            #Useful if automating the tz modification so you dont have to write looping code to check status of the tz before continuing.
            #NOTE: Not waiting means we do NOT return an updated tz object!
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$False)]
            #Timeout waiting for tz update job to complete before user is prompted to continue or cancel. Defaults to 30 seconds.
            [int]$WaitTimeout = 30,
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    #Todo: Improve to accept cluster name as arg instead of PowerCLI object.
    begin {}
    process {

        #Construct the XML
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlScope = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("vdnScope")
        $xmlDoc.Appendchild($xmlScope) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlScope -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $TransportZone.objectId
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlClusters = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("clusters")
        $xmlScope.Appendchild($xmlClusters) | out-null
        foreach ( $instance in $cluster ) {
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlCluster1 = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("cluster")
            $xmlClusters.Appendchild($xmlCluster1) | out-null
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlCluster2 = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("cluster")
            $xmlCluster1.Appendchild($xmlCluster2) | out-null
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlCluster2 -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $Instance.ExtensionData.Moref.Value

        #Do the post
        $body = $xmlScope.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/scopes/$($TransportZone.objectId)?action=shrink"
        Write-Progress -activity "Updating Transport Zone."
        try {
            $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        catch {
            throw "Transport Zone update failed. $_"
        if ( -not ($response.Content -match "jobdata-\d+")) {
            throw "Transport Zone update failed. $($response.content)"

        #The post is ansync - the tz modification can fail after the api accepts the post. we need to check on the status of the job.
        if ( $Wait ) {

            $jobid = $response.content
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : TZ update job $jobid returned in post response"

            #First we wait for NSX job framework to give us the needful
            try {
                Wait-NsxTransportZoneJob -Jobid $JobID -Connection $Connection -WaitTimeout $WaitTimeout
                Get-NsxTransportZone -connection $connection -objectid $TransportZone.objectId
            catch {
                throw "Cluster removal from Transport Zone $($TransportZone.Name) failed. $_"
        Write-progress -activity "Updating Transport Zone." -completed

    end {}

function Remove-NsxTransportZone {

    Removes an NSX Transport Zone.
    An NSX Transport Zone defines the maximum scope for logical switches that
    are bound to it. NSX Prepared clusters are added to Transport Zones which
    allows VMs on them to attach to any logical switch bound to the transport
    The Remove-NsxTransportZone cmdlet removes an existing Transport Zone on the
    connected NSX manager.
    If any logical switches are bound to the Transport Zone, the attempt to
    remove the Transport Zone will fail.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateTransportZone $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {


    process {

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Transport Zone removal is permanent."
            $question = "Proceed with removal of Transport Zone $($TransportZone.Name)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/scopes/$($TransportZone.objectId)"
            Write-Progress -activity "Remove Transport Zone $($TransportZone.Name)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            Write-Progress -activity "Remove Transport Zone $($TransportZone.Name)" -completed


    end {}

function Add-NsxLicense {
    Adds the specified NSX license to vCenter
    All 6.2.3 and higher deployments of NSX require a valid license in order
    to prepare the infrasturucture for NSX.
    The Add-NsxLicense cmdlet adds the license to the vCenter associated with
    the specified (or default) NSX connection.
    Add-NsxLicense "aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeee"

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {
        If ( -not ( get-member -InputObject $Connection -MemberType Properties -Name VIConnection ) -or (-not ( $Connection.ViConnection.IsConnected)) ) {
            throw "Specified connection has no associated vCenter server, or server is not connected."

    process {
        if ( $Connection.Version -gt 6.2.3) {
            try {
                $ServiceInstance = Get-View ServiceInstance -server $Connection.VIConnection
                $LicenseManager = Get-View $ServiceInstance.Content.licenseManager -Server $connection.VIConnection
                $LicenseAssignmentManager = Get-View $LicenseManager.licenseAssignmentManager -Server $connection.VIConnection
            catch {
                throw "Unable to configure NSX license. Check the license is valid and try again. $_"
    end {}


function Get-NsxLicense {
    Retreives configured NSX license from vCenter
    All 6.2.3 and higher deployments of NSX require a valid license in order
    to prepare the infrasturucture for NSX.
    The Get-NsxLicense cmdlet retreives existing licenses from the vCenter
    associated with the specified (or default) NSX connection.
    Add-NsxLicense "aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeee"

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {
        If ( -not ( get-member -InputObject $Connection -MemberType Properties -Name VIConnection ) -or (-not ( $Connection.ViConnection.IsConnected)) ) {
            throw "Specified connection has no associated vCenter server, or server is not connected."

    process {
        if ( $Connection.Version -gt 6.2.3) {
            try {
                $ServiceInstance = Get-View ServiceInstance -server $Connection.VIConnection
                $LicenseManager = Get-View $ServiceInstance.Content.licenseManager -Server $connection.VIConnection
                $LicenseManager.Licenses | where-object { $_.EditionKey -match 'nsx' }
            catch {
                throw "Unable to retreive NSX license. $_"
    end {}


function Invoke-NsxClusterResolveAll {
    Invokes the 'Resolve All' task for a cluster
    If the cluster status is in a state where a 'resolve' action is available,
    the Invoke-NsxClusterResolveAll cmdlet can be executed against the cluster
    to trigger the Resolve All task.
    This command does NOT block on a resolve as no job data is returned from the
    NSX api for us to check on.
    Use Get-NsxClusterStatus to check the status of a given cluster. If the
    cluster status is such that a 'Resolve' operation is not available, this is
    a no-op (no error is thrown.)
    Get-Cluster Cluster01 | Invoke-NsxClusterResolveAll
    Triggers a 'Resolve All' For the cluster Cluster01.

    param (
        [Parameter ( Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            #Cluster to trigger resolve on.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}

    process {

        #Get the agency Id for the cluster
        $response = Invoke-NsxWebRequest -method Get -Uri "/api/2.0/vdn/config/cluster/agency/$($cluster.extensiondata.moref.value)"
        [xml]$Content = $response.content
        $null = Invoke-NsxWebRequest -method Post -Uri "/api/2.0/vdn/config/agency/$($Content.AgencyInfo.Agencyid)?action=resolveAll"
    end {}


# User related functions
function Get-NsxUserRole {

    Retrieves the user role
    Each user has a role (with permissions) on NSX
    get-NsxUserRole admin
    Get the role of admin user

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
            #Username to query role details.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {
        try {
            $result = Invoke-NsxRestMethod -method get -uri "/api/2.0/services/usermgmt/role/$UserName" -connection $connection
        catch {
            throw "Unable to retreive role details from NSX. $_"
    end {}

# L2 related functions

function Get-NsxLogicalSwitch {

    Retrieves a Logical Switch object
    An NSX Logical Switch provides L2 connectivity to VMs attached to it.
    A Logical Switch is 'bound' to a Transport Zone, and only hosts that are
    members of the Transport Zone are able to host VMs connected to a Logical
    Switch that is bound to it. All Logical Switch operations require a
    Transport Zone.
    Get-NsxLogicalswitch -name LS1
    Get a named Logical Switch (LS1) from all transport zones
    Get-NsxTransportZone -LocalOnly | Get-NsxLogicalswitch -name LS1
    Get a named Logical Switch (LS1) from all Local Transport Zones (use -UniversalOnly
    for Universal Transport Zones)
    Get-NsxTransportZone | Get-NsxLogicalswitch
    Get all logical switches from all Transport Zones.
    Get-NsxTransportZone -UniversalOnly | Get-NsxLogicalswitch
    Get all logical switches from all Universal Transport Zones (use -LocalOnly
    for Local Transport Zones)


    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ParameterSetName="vdnscope")]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateTransportZone $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="virtualWire")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {


    process {

        if ( $psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "virtualWire" ) {

            #Just getting a single named Logical Switch
            $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/virtualwires/$ObjectId"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

        else {

            #Getting all LS in a given VDNScope
            $lspagesize = 10
            if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TransportZone')) {
                    $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/scopes/$($TransportZone.objectId)/virtualwires?pagesize=$lspagesize&startindex=00"
            else {
                $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/virtualwires?pagesize=$lspagesize&startindex=00"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

            $logicalSwitches = @()

            #LS XML is returned as paged data, means we have to handle it.
            #May refactor this later, depending on where else I find this in the NSX API (its not really documented in the API guide)

            $itemIndex =  0
            $startingIndex = 0
            $pagingInfo = $response.virtualWires.dataPage.pagingInfo

            if ( [int]$paginginfo.totalCount -ne 0 ) {
                 write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Logical Switches count non zero"

                do {
                    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : In paging loop. PageSize: $($pagingInfo.PageSize), StartIndex: $($paginginfo.startIndex), TotalCount: $($paginginfo.totalcount)"

                    while (($itemindex -lt ([int]$paginginfo.pagesize + $startingIndex)) -and ($itemIndex -lt [int]$paginginfo.totalCount )) {

                        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : In Item Processing Loop: ItemIndex: $itemIndex"
                        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : $(@($response.virtualwires.datapage.virtualwire)[($itemIndex - $startingIndex)].objectId)"

                        #Need to wrap the virtualwire prop of the datapage in case we get exactly 1 item -
                        #which powershell annoyingly unwraps to a single xml element rather than an array...
                        $logicalSwitches += @($response.virtualwires.datapage.virtualwire)[($itemIndex - $startingIndex)]
                        $itemIndex += 1
                    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Out of item processing - PagingInfo: PageSize: $($pagingInfo.PageSize), StartIndex: $($paginginfo.startIndex), TotalCount: $($paginginfo.totalcount)"
                    if ( [int]$paginginfo.totalcount -gt $itemIndex) {
                        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : PagingInfo: PageSize: $($pagingInfo.PageSize), StartIndex: $($paginginfo.startIndex), TotalCount: $($paginginfo.totalcount)"
                        $startingIndex += $lspagesize
                        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('vndScope')) {
                            $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/scopes/$($TransportZone.objectId)/virtualwires?pagesize=$lspagesize&startindex=$startingIndex"
                        else {
                            $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/virtualwires?pagesize=$lspagesize&startindex=$startingIndex"
                        $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                        $pagingInfo = $response.virtualWires.dataPage.pagingInfo

                } until ( [int]$paginginfo.totalcount -le $itemIndex )
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Completed page processing: ItemIndex: $itemIndex"


            if ( $name ) {
                $logicalSwitches | where-object { $_.name -eq $name }
            } else {
    end {


function New-NsxLogicalSwitch  {

    Creates a new Logical Switch
    An NSX Logical Switch provides L2 connectivity to VMs attached to it.
    A Logical Switch is 'bound' to a Transport Zone, and only hosts that are
    members of the Transport Zone are able to host VMs connected to a Logical
    Switch that is bound to it. All Logical Switch operations require a
    Transport Zone. A new Logical Switch defaults to the control plane mode of
    the Transport Zone it is created in, but CP mode can specified as required.
    Get-NsxTransportZone | New-NsxLogicalSwitch -name LS6
    Create a Logical Switch with default control plane mode on all Transport Zones.
    Get-NsxTransportZone -LocalOnly | New-NsxLogicalSwitch -name LS6
    Create a Logical Switch with default control plane mode on All Local Transport Zones.
    (Use -UniversalOnly for create on Universal Transport Zones)
    Get-NsxTransportZone | New-NsxLogicalSwitch -name LS6 -ControlPlaneMode MULTICAST_MODE
    Create a Logical Switch with a specific control plane mode on all Transport Zones.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            [string]$Description = "",
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            [string]$TenantId = "",
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #Create the XMLRoot
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlRoot = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("virtualWireCreateSpec")
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlRoot) | out-null

        #Create an Element and append it to the root
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "tenantId" -xmlElementText $TenantId
        if ( $ControlPlaneMode ) { Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "controlPlaneMode" -xmlElementText $ControlPlaneMode }

        #Do the post
        $body = $xmlroot.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/scopes/$($TransportZone.objectId)/virtualwires"
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection

        #response only contains the vwire id, we have to query for it to get output consisten with get-nsxlogicalswitch
        Get-NsxLogicalSwitch -virtualWireId $response.content -connection $connection
    end {}

function Remove-NsxLogicalSwitch {

    Removes a Logical Switch
    An NSX Logical Switch provides L2 connectivity to VMs attached to it.
    A Logical Switch is 'bound' to a Transport Zone, and only hosts that are
    members of the Transport Zone are able to host VMs connected to a Logical
    Switch that is bound to it. All Logical Switch operations require a
    Transport Zone.
    Get-NsxTransportZone | Get-NsxLogicalSwitch LS6 | Remove-NsxLogicalSwitch
    Remove a Logical Switch from all Transport Zones.
    Get-NsxTransportZone -UniversalOnly | Get-NsxLogicalSwitch LS6 | Remove-NsxLogicalSwitch
    Remove a Logical Switch from all Universal Transport Zones (use -LocalOnly to
    remove from all Local Transport Zones).
    Get-NsxTransportZone | Get-NsxLogicalSwitch LS6 | Remove-NsxLogicalSwitch -confirm:$false
    Remove a Logical Switch from all Transport Zones without confirmation.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {


    process {

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Logical Switch removal is permanent."
            $question = "Proceed with removal of Logical Switch $($virtualWire.Name)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/virtualwires/$($virtualWire.ObjectId)"
            Write-Progress -activity "Remove Logical Switch $($virtualWire.Name)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Remove Logical Switch $($virtualWire.Name)" -completed


    end {}

function Connect-NsxLogicalSwitch {
    Connects a VM to a logical switch
    An NSX Logical Switch provides L2 connectivity to VMs attached to it.
    A Logical Switch is 'bound' to a Transport Zone, and only hosts that are
    members of the Transport Zone are able to host VMs connected to a Logical
    Switch that is bound to it.
    Connect-NsxLogicalSwitch accepts either a VM or NIC and attaches it to the
    specified LogicalSwitch.

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="VM", ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            #VM or collection of VMs to attach to specified logical switch.
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="NIC", ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            #Network Adapter or collection of Network Adapters to attach to specified logical switch.
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
            #Logical Switch to connect NICs or VMs to.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalSwitch $_ })]
            #If specified VM is multi homed, connect all NICs to the same network. Defaults to $false
            #If job reaches -WaitTimeout without failing or completing, do we prompt, or fail with error?
            #Seconds to wait for connection job to complete. Defaults to 30 seconds.
            [int]$WaitTimeout = 30,
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


        function ProcessNic {

            param (

            #See NSX API guide 'Attach or Detach a Virtual Machine from a Logical Switch' for
            #how to construct NIC id.
            $vmUuid = ($nic.parent | get-view).config.instanceuuid
            $vnicUuid = "$vmUuid.$($nic.id.substring($nic.id.length-3))"

            #Construct XML
            $xmldoc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
            $xmlroot = $xmldoc.CreateElement("com.vmware.vshield.vsm.inventory.dto.VnicDto")
            $null = $xmldoc.AppendChild($xmlroot)
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlroot -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $vnicUuid
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlroot -xmlElementName "vnicUuid" -xmlElementText $vnicUuid
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlroot -xmlElementName "portgroupId" -xmlElementText $LogicalSwitch.objectId

            #Do the post
            $body = $xmlroot.OuterXml
            $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/virtualwires/vm/vnic"
            Write-Progress -Activity "Processing" -Status "Connecting $vnicuuid to logical switch $($LogicalSwitch.objectId)"
            $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            Write-Progress -Activity "Processing" -Status "Connecting $vnicuuid to logical switch $($LogicalSwitch.objectId)" -Completed
            #api returns a task id.
            $job = [xml]$response.content
            $jobId = $job."com.vmware.vshield.vsm.vdn.dto.ui.ReconfigureVMTaskResultDto".jobId

            Wait-NsxGenericJob -Jobid $JobID -Connection $Connection -WaitTimeout $WaitTimeout -FailOnTimeout:$FailOnTimeout


        switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {

            "VM" {
                foreach ( $vm in $VirtualMachine ) {
                    [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.VirtualDevice.NetworkAdapterInterop[]]$nics = $vm | Get-NetworkAdapter
                    switch ($nics.count) {
                        0 { write-warning "Virtual Machine $($vm.name) ($($vm.extensiondata.moref.value)) has no network adapters. Nothing to do." }
                        1 { #do nothing
                        default {
                            if ( -not $ConnectMultipleNics ) { Throw "Virtual Machine $($vm.name) ($($vm.extensiondata.moref.value)) has more than one network adapter. Specify -ConnectMultipleNics switch if this is really what you want." }

                    foreach ( $nic in $nics ) {
                         ProcessNic $nic
            "NIC" {
                foreach ( $nic in $NetworkAdapter ) {
                     ProcessNic $nic


function Disconnect-NsxLogicalSwitch {
    Disconnects a VM from a logical switch
    An NSX Logical Switch provides L2 connectivity to VMs attached to it.
    A Logical Switch is 'bound' to a Transport Zone, and only hosts that are
    members of the Transport Zone are able to host VMs connected to a Logical
    Switch that is bound to it.
    Disconnect-NsxLogicalSwitch accepts either a VM or NIC and detaches it from
    the specified LogicalSwitch.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="VM", ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            #VM or collection of VMs to attach to specified logical switch.
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="NIC", ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            #Network Adapter or collection of Network Adapters to attach to specified logical switch.
            #If specified VM is multi homed, disconnect all NICs from the same network. Defaults to $false
            #Prompt for confirmation.
            #If job reaches -WaitTimeout without failing or completing, do we prompt, or fail with error?
            #Seconds to wait for connection job to complete. Defaults to 30 seconds.
            [int]$WaitTimeout = 30,
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


        function ProcessNic {

            param (

            #See NSX API guide 'Attach or Detach a Virtual Machine from a Logical Switch' for
            #how to construct NIC id.
            $vmUuid = ($nic.parent | get-view).config.instanceuuid
            $vnicUuid = "$vmUuid.$($nic.id.substring($nic.id.length-3))"

            #Construct XML
            $xmldoc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
            $xmlroot = $xmldoc.CreateElement("com.vmware.vshield.vsm.inventory.dto.VnicDto")
            $null = $xmldoc.AppendChild($xmlroot)
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlroot -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $vnicUuid
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlroot -xmlElementName "vnicUuid" -xmlElementText $vnicUuid
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlroot -xmlElementName "portgroupId" -xmlElementText ""

            #Do the post
            $body = $xmlroot.OuterXml
            $URI = "/api/2.0/vdn/virtualwires/vm/vnic"
            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "Disconnecting $($nic.Parent.Name)'s network adapter from a logical switch will cause network connectivity loss."
                $question = "Proceed with disconnection?"

                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -Activity "Processing" -Status "Disconnecting $vnicuuid from logical switch"
                $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                Write-Progress -Activity "Processing" -Status "Disconnecting $vnicuuid from logical switch" -Completed

                $job = [xml]$response.content
                $jobId = $job."com.vmware.vshield.vsm.vdn.dto.ui.ReconfigureVMTaskResultDto".jobId

                Wait-NsxGenericJob -Jobid $JobID -Connection $Connection -WaitTimeout $WaitTimeout -FailOnTimeout:$FailOnTimeout



        switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {

            "VM" {
                foreach ( $vm in $VirtualMachine ) {
                    [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.VirtualDevice.NetworkAdapterInterop[]]$nics = $vm | Get-NetworkAdapter
                    switch ($nics.count) {
                        0 { write-warning "Virtual Machine $($vm.name) ($($vm.extensiondata.moref.value)) has no network adapters. Nothing to do." }
                        1 { #do nothing
                        default {
                            if ( -not $DisconnectMultipleNics ) { Throw "Virtual Machine $($vm.name) ($($vm.extensiondata.moref.value)) has more than one network adapter. Specify -ConnectMultipleNics switch if this is really what you want." }

                    foreach ( $nic in $nics ) {
                         ProcessNic $nic
            "NIC" {
                foreach ( $nic in $nics ) {
                     ProcessNic $nic


# Spoofguard related functions

function Get-NsxSpoofguardPolicy {

    Retreives Spoofguard policy objects from NSX.
    If a virtual machine has been compromised, its IP address can be spoofed
    and malicious transmissions can bypass firewall policies. You create a
    SpoofGuard policy for specific networks that allows you to authorize the IP
    addresses reported by VMware Tools and alter them if necessary to prevent
    spoofing. SpoofGuard inherently trusts the MAC addresses of virtual machines
    collected from the VMX files and vSphere SDK. Operating separately from
    Firewall rules, you can use SpoofGuard to block traffic determined to be
    Use the Get-NsxSpoofguardPolicy cmdlet to retreive existing SpoofGuard
    Policy objects from NSX.
    Get all Spoofguard policies
    Get-NsxSpoofguardPolicy Test
    Get a specific Spoofguard policy


    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Name", Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="ObjectId")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="ObjectId")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Name")]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}

    process {

        if ( $PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Name' ) {
            #All SG Policies
            $URI = "/api/4.0/services/spoofguard/policies/"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            if ( $response ) {
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::spoofguardPolicies/spoofguardPolicy')) {
                    if  ( $Name  ) {
                        $polcollection = $response.spoofguardPolicies.spoofguardPolicy | where-object { $_.name -eq $Name }
                    } else {
                        $polcollection = $response.spoofguardPolicies.spoofguardPolicy
                    foreach ($pol in $polcollection ) {
                        #Note that when you use the objectid URI, the NSX API actually reutrns additional information (statistics element),
                        #so, without doing this, to the PowerNSX users, get-nsxsgpolicy <name> would return a subset of info compared to
                        #get-nsxsgpolicy which I dont like.

                        $URI = "/api/4.0/services/spoofguard/policies/$($pol.policyId)"
                        $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                        if ( $response ) {
                        else {
                            throw "Unable to retreive SpoofGuard policy $($pol.policyId)."
        else {

            #Just getting a single SG Policy

            $URI = "/api/4.0/services/spoofguard/policies/$objectId"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            if ( $response ) {
    end {}

function New-NsxSpoofguardPolicy {

    Creates a new Spoofguard policy in NSX.
    If a virtual machine has been compromised, its IP address can be spoofed
    and malicious transmissions can bypass firewall policies. You create a
    SpoofGuard policy for specific networks that allows you to authorize the IP
    addresses reported by VMware Tools and alter them if necessary to prevent
    spoofing. SpoofGuard inherently trusts the MAC addresses of virtual machines
    collected from the VMX files and vSphere SDK. Operating separately from
    Firewall rules, you can use SpoofGuard to block traffic determined to be
    Use the New-NsxSpoofguardPolicy cmdlet to create a new SpoofGuard
    Policy in NSX.
    Policies are not published (enforced) automatically. Use the -publish
    switch to automatically publish a newly created policy. Note that this
    could impact VM communications depending on the policy settings.
    $ls = Get-NsxTransportZone | Get-NsxLogicalSwitch LSTemp
    New-NsxSpoofguardPolicy -Name Test -Description Testing -OperationMode tofu -Network $ls
    Create a new Trust on First Use Spoofguard policy protecting the Logical
    Switch LSTemp
    $vss_pg = Get-VirtualPortGroup -Name "VM Network" | select-object -First 1
    $vds_pg = Get-VDPortgroup -Name "Internet"
    $ls = Get-NsxTransportZone | Get-NsxLogicalSwitch -Name LSTemp
    New-NsxSpoofguardPolicy -Name Test -Description Testing -OperationMode manual -Network $vss_pg, $vds_pg, $ls
    Create a new manual approval policy for three networks (a VSS PG, VDS PG and
    Logical switch)
    $ls = Get-NsxTransportZone | Get-NsxLogicalSwitch LSTemp
    New-NsxSpoofguardPolicy -Name Test -Description Testing -OperationMode tofu -Network $ls -publish
    Create a new Trust on First Use Spoofguard policy protecting the Logical
    Switch LSTemp and publish it immediately.
    Publishing causes the policy to be enforced on the data plane immediately
    (and potentially block all communication, so use with care!)
    $ls = Get-NsxTransportZone | Get-NsxLogicalSwitch LSTemp
    New-NsxSpoofguardPolicy -Name Test -Description Testing -OperationMode tofu -Network $ls -AllowLocalIps
    Create a new Trust on First Use Spoofguard policy protecting the Logical
    Switch LSTemp and allow local IPs to be approved (169.254/16 and fe80::/64)

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalSwitchOrDistributedPortGroupOrStandardPortGroup $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #Create the XMLRoot
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlRoot = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("spoofguardPolicy")
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlRoot) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "operationMode" -xmlElementText $OperationMode.ToUpper()
        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('description')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description
        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AllowLocalIps')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "allowLocalIPs" -xmlElementText $AllowLocalIps.ToString().ToLower()

        foreach ( $Net in $Network) {

            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlEnforcementPoint = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("enforcementPoint")
            $xmlroot.appendChild($xmlEnforcementPoint) | out-null

            switch ( $Net ) {

                { $_ -is [System.Xml.XmlElement]  } {

                    $id = $_.objectId

                { $_ -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Host.Networking.DistributedPortGroupInterop] } {

                    $id = $_.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value

                { $_ -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Host.Networking.VirtualPortGroupInterop] } {

                    #Standard Port Group specified... Hope you appreciate this, coz the vSphere API and PowerCLI niceness dissapear a bit here.
                    #and it took me a while to work out how to get around it.
                    #You dont seem to be able to get a standard Moref outa the PowerCLI network object that represents a VSS PG.
                    #You also dont seem to be able to do a get-view on it :|
                    #So, I have get a hasthtable of all morefs that represent VSS based PGs and search it for the name of the PG the user specified. Im fairly (not 100%) sure this is safe as networkname should be unique at least within VSS portgroups...

                    $StandardPgHash = Get-View -ViewType Network -Property Name | where-object { $_.Moref.Type -match 'Network' } | select-object name, moref | Sort-Object -Property Name -Unique | Group-Object -AsHashTable -Property Name

                    $Item = $StandardPgHash.Item($_.name)
                    if ( -not $item ) { throw "PortGroup $($_.name) not found." }

                    $id = $Item.MoRef.Value

            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlEnforcementPoint -xmlElementName "id" -xmlElementText $id

        #Do the post
        $body = $xmlroot.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/4.0/services/spoofguard/policies/"
        $policyId = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection

        #Now we Publish...
        if ( $publish ) {
            $URI = "/api/4.0/services/spoofguard/$($policyId)?action=publish"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -connection $connection

        Get-NsxSpoofguardPolicy -objectId $policyId -connection $connection

    end {}


function Remove-NsxSpoofguardPolicy {

    Removes the specified Spoofguard policy object from NSX.
    If a virtual machine has been compromised, its IP address can be spoofed
    and malicious transmissions can bypass firewall policies. You create a
    SpoofGuard policy for specific networks that allows you to authorize the IP
    addresses reported by VMware Tools and alter them if necessary to prevent
    spoofing. SpoofGuard inherently trusts the MAC addresses of virtual machines
    collected from the VMX files and vSphere SDK. Operating separately from
    Firewall rules, you can use SpoofGuard to block traffic determined to be
    Use the Remnove-NsxSpoofguardPolicy cmdlet to remove the specified
    SpoofGuard Policy from NSX.
    Get-NsxSpoofguardPolicy test | Remove-NsxSpoofguardPolicy
    Remove the policy Test.
    Get-NsxSpoofguardPolicy | Remove-NsxSpoofguardPolicy
    Remove all policies.
    Get-NsxSpoofguardPolicy test | Remove-NsxSpoofguardPolicy -confirm:$false
    Remove the policy Test without confirmation.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {}

    process {

        if ( $SpoofguardPolicy.defaultPolicy -eq 'true') {
            write-warning "Cant delete the default Spoofguard policy"
        else {
            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "Spoofguard Policy removal is permanent."
                $question = "Proceed with removal of Spoofguard Policy $($SpoofguardPolicy.Name)?"

                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                $URI = "/api/4.0/services/spoofguard/policies/$($SpoofguardPolicy.policyId)"

                Write-Progress -activity "Remove Spoofguard Policy $($SpoofguardPolicy.Name)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Remove Spoofguard Policy $($SpoofguardPolicy.Name)" -completed

    end {}

function Publish-NsxSpoofguardPolicy {

    Publishes the specified Spoofguard policy object.
    If a virtual machine has been compromised, its IP address can be spoofed
    and malicious transmissions can bypass firewall policies. You create a
    SpoofGuard policy for specific networks that allows you to authorize the IP
    addresses reported by VMware Tools and alter them if necessary to prevent
    spoofing. SpoofGuard inherently trusts the MAC addresses of virtual machines
    collected from the VMX files and vSphere SDK. Operating separately from
    Firewall rules, you can use SpoofGuard to block traffic determined to be
    Use the Publish-NsxSpoofguardPolicy cmdlet to publish the specified
    SpoofGuard Policy. This causes it to be enforced.
    New-NsxSpoofguardPolicy -Name Test -Description Testing -OperationMode manual -Network $vss_pg, $vds_pg, $ls
    Get-NsxSpoofguardPolicy test | Publish-NsxSpoofguardPolicy
    Create and then separately publish a new policy.
    Get-NsxSpoofguardPolicy test | Get-NsxSpoofguardNic -NetworkAdapter (Get-Vm TestVm | get-NetworkAdapter | select-object -first 1) | Grant-NsxSpoofguardNicApproval -IpAddress
    Get-NsxSpoofguardPolicy test | Publish-NsxSpoofguardPolicy
    Grant an approval to the first nic on the VM TestVM for ip and publish it

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {}

    process {

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Spoofguard Policy publishing will cause the current policy to be enforced."
            $question = "Proceed with publish operation on Spoofguard Policy $($SpoofguardPolicy.Name)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            $URI = "/api/4.0/services/spoofguard/$($SpoofguardPolicy.policyId)?action=publish"

            Write-Progress -activity "Publish Spoofguard Policy $($SpoofguardPolicy.Name)"
            invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "post" -uri $URI -connection $connection | out-null
            write-progress -activity "Publish Spoofguard Policy $($SpoofguardPolicy.Name)" -completed

            Get-NsxSpoofguardPolicy -objectId $($SpoofguardPolicy.policyId) -connection $connection

    end {}

function Get-NsxSpoofguardNic {

    Retreives Spoofguard NIC details for the specified Spoofguard policy.
    If a virtual machine has been compromised, its IP address can be spoofed
    and malicious transmissions can bypass firewall policies. You create a
    SpoofGuard policy for specific networks that allows you to authorize the IP
    addresses reported by VMware Tools and alter them if necessary to prevent
    spoofing. SpoofGuard inherently trusts the MAC addresses of virtual machines
    collected from the VMX files and vSphere SDK. Operating separately from
    Firewall rules, you can use SpoofGuard to block traffic determined to be
    Use the Get-NsxSpoofguardNic cmdlet to retreive Spoofguard NIC details for
    the specified Spoofguard policy
    Get-NsxSpoofguardPolicy test | Get-NsxSpoofguardNic -NetworkAdapter (Get-vm evil-vm | Get-NetworkAdapter| select -First 1)
    Get the Spoofguard settings for the first NIC on vM Evil-Vm
    Get-NsxSpoofguardPolicy test | Get-NsxSpoofguardNic -VirtualMachine (Get-vm evil-vm)
    Get the Spoofguard settings for all nics on vM Evil-Vm
    Get-NsxSpoofguardPolicy test | Get-NsxSpoofguardNic -MacAddress 00:50:56:81:04:28
    Get the Spoofguard settings for the MAC address 00:50:56:81:04:28
    Get-NsxSpoofguardPolicy test | Get-NsxSpoofguardNic -Filter Inactive
    Get all Inactive spoofguard Nics


    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName = "Default")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName = "MAC")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName = "VM")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName = "NIC")]
            [ValidateScript( { ValidateSpoofguardPolicy $_ } )]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "Default")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "MAC")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "VM")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "NIC")]
            [Validateset("Active", "Inactive", "Published", "Unpublished", "Review_Pending", "Duplicate")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "MAC")]
                if ( $_ -notmatch "[a-f,A-F,0-9]{2}:[a-f,A-F,0-9]{2}:[a-f,A-F,0-9]{2}:[a-f,A-F,0-9]{2}:[a-f,A-F,0-9]{2}:[a-f,A-F,0-9]{2}" ) {
                    throw "Specify a valid MAC address (0 must be specified as 00)"
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "VM")]
            #PowerCLI VirtualMachine object
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "NIC")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "Default")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "MAC")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "VM")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "NIC")]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}

    process {

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Filter')) {
            $URI = "/api/4.0/services/spoofguard/$($SpoofguardPolicy.policyId)?list=$($Filter.ToUpper())"
        else {

            #Not documented in the API guide but appears to work ;)
            $URI = "/api/4.0/services/spoofguard/$($SpoofguardPolicy.policyId)?list=ALL"

        [system.xml.xmldocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

        if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::spoofguardList/spoofguard')) {

            switch ( $PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName  ) {

                "MAC" { $outcollection = $response.spoofguardList.Spoofguard | where-object { $_.detectedMacAddress -eq $MacAddress } }
                "NIC" {
                    $MacAddress = $NetworkAdapter.MacAddress
                    $outcollection = $response.spoofguardList.Spoofguard | where-object { $_.detectedMacAddress -eq $MacAddress }

                "VM" {
                    foreach ( $Nic in ($virtualmachine | Get-NetworkAdapter )) {
                        $MacAddress = $Nic.MacAddress
                        $outcollection = $response.spoofguardList.Spoofguard | where-object { $_.detectedMacAddress -eq $MacAddress }
                default { $outcollection = $response.spoofguardList.Spoofguard }

            #Add the policyId to the XML so we can pipline to grant/revoke cmdlets.
            foreach ( $out in $outcollection ) {

                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $out -xmlElementName "policyId" -xmlElementText $($SpoofguardPolicy.policyId)
        else {
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : No results found."
    end {}

function Grant-NsxSpoofguardNicApproval {

    Approves a new IP for the specified Spoofguard NIC.
    If a virtual machine has been compromised, its IP address can be spoofed
    and malicious transmissions can bypass firewall policies. You create a
    SpoofGuard policy for specific networks that allows you to authorize the IP
    addresses reported by VMware Tools and alter them if necessary to prevent
    spoofing. SpoofGuard inherently trusts the MAC addresses of virtual machines
    collected from the VMX files and vSphere SDK. Operating separately from
    Firewall rules, you can use SpoofGuard to block traffic determined to be
    Use the Grant-NsxSpoofguardNicApproval cmdlet to add the specified IP
    to the list of approved IPs for the specified Spoofguard NIC.
    Get-NsxSpoofguardPolicy test | Get-NsxSpoofguardNic -NetworkAdapter (Get-vm evil-vm | Get-NetworkAdapter| select -First 1) | Grant-NsxSpoofguardNicApproval -IpAddress -Publish
    Grant approval for the first NIC on VM Evil-VM to use the IP and
    publish immediately
    Get-NsxSpoofguardPolicy test | Get-NsxSpoofguardNic -NetworkAdapter (Get-vm evil-vm | Get-NetworkAdapter| select -First 1) | Grant-NsxSpoofguardNicApproval --ApproveAllDetectedIps -Publish
    Grant approval for the first NIC on VM Evil-VM to use all IPs detected by
    whatever IP detction methods are available and publish immediately.
    Note: This *may* include 'local' IPs (such as fe80::/64) which may not be
    allowed if the policy is not enabled with 'AllowLocalIps'. In this case
    this operation will throw a cryptic error (Valid values are {2}) and not
    succeed. In this case you must either change the policy to allow local IPs,
    or manually approve the specific IPs you want. This issue affects the NSX
    UI as well.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript( { ValidateSpoofguardNic $_ } )]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="ipAddress")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="ApproveAll")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #We need to modify the spoofguardNic XML element, so we need to clone it.
        $_SpoofguardNic = $SpoofguardNic.CloneNode($true)

        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = $_SpoofguardNic.OwnerDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$spoofguardList = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("spoofguardList")
        $spoofguardList.appendChild($_SpoofguardNic) | out-null

        #Get and Remove the policyId element we put there...
        $policyId = $_SpoofguardNic.policyId
        $_SpoofguardNic.RemoveChild((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_SpoofguardNic -Query 'descendant::policyId')) | out-null

        #if approvedIpAddress element does not exist, create it
        [system.xml.xmlElement]$approvedIpAddressNode = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_SpoofguardNic -Query 'descendant::approvedIpAddress')
        if ( -not $approvedIpAddressNode ) {

            [System.XML.XMLElement]$approvedIpAddressNode = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("approvedIpAddress")
            $_SpoofguardNic.appendChild($approvedIpAddressNode) | out-null

        #If they are, Add the ip(s) specified
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ipAddress') ) {
            foreach ( $ip in $ipAddress ) {

                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $approvedIpAddressNode -Query "descendant::ipAddress") | where-object { $_.'#Text' -eq $ip }) {
                    write-warning "Not adding duplicate IP Address $ip as it is already added."
                else {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $approvedIpAddressNode -xmlElementName "ipAddress" -xmlElementText $ip

        #If there are IPs detected, and approve all is on, ensure user understands consequence.
        If ( $ApproveAllDetectedIps -and ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_SpoofguardNic -Query 'descendant::detectedIpAddress/ipAddress'))) {

            If ($confirm ) {

                $message  = "Do you want to automatically approve all IP Addresses detected on the NIC $($_SpoofguardNic.nicName)?."
                $question = "Validate the detected IP addresses before continuing. Proceed?"

                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {

                foreach ( $ip in $_SpoofguardNic.detectedIpAddress.ipAddress )  {
                    #Have to ensure we dont add a duplicate here...

                    if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $approvedIpAddressNode -Query "descendant::ipAddress") | where-object { $_.'#Text' -eq $ip }) {
                        write-warning "Not adding duplicate IP Address $ip as it is already added."
                    else {
                        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $approvedIpAddressNode -xmlElementName "ipAddress" -xmlElementText $ip

        # Had bad thoughts about allowing manual specification of MAC. I might come back to this...

        # if ( $PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ManualMac" ) {
        # if ( -not ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_SpoofguardNic -Query 'descendant::approvedMacAddress'))){
        # Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_SpoofguardNic -xmlElementName "approvedMacAddress" -xmlElementText $MacAddress
        # }
        # else {

        # #Assume user wants to overwrite... should we confirm on this?
        # $_SpoofguardNic.approvedMacAddress = $MacAddress

        # }

        # }
        # else {
        # if ( -not ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_SpoofguardNic -Query 'descendant::approvedMacAddress'))){
        # Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_SpoofguardNic -xmlElementName "approvedMacAddress" -xmlElementText $_SpoofguardNic.detectedMacAddress
        # }
        # else {

        # #Assume user wants to overwrite... should we confirm on this?
        # $_SpoofguardNic.approvedMacAddress = $MacAddress
        # }
        # }

        #Do the post
        $body = $spoofguardList.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/4.0/services/spoofguard/$($policyId)?action=approve"
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection

        #Now we Publish...
        if ( $publish ) {
            $URI = "/api/4.0/services/spoofguard/$($policyId)?action=publish"
            $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -connection $connection

        Get-NsxSpoofguardPolicy -objectId $policyId -connection $connection | Get-NsxSpoofguardNic -MAC $_SpoofguardNic.detectedMacAddress -connection $connection

    end {}

function Revoke-NsxSpoofguardNicApproval {

    Removes an approved IP from the specified Spoofguard NIC.
    If a virtual machine has been compromised, its IP address can be spoofed
    and malicious transmissions can bypass firewall policies. You create a
    SpoofGuard policy for specific networks that allows you to authorize the IP
    addresses reported by VMware Tools and alter them if necessary to prevent
    spoofing. SpoofGuard inherently trusts the MAC addresses of virtual machines
    collected from the VMX files and vSphere SDK. Operating separately from
    Firewall rules, you can use SpoofGuard to block traffic determined to be
    Use the Revoke-NsxSpoofguardNicApproval cmdlet to remove the specified IP
    from the list of approved IPs for the specified Spoofguard NIC.
    Get-NsxSpoofguardPolicy test | Get-NsxSpoofguardNic -NetworkAdapter (Get-vm evil-vm | Get-NetworkAdapter| select -First 1) | Revoke-NsxSpoofguardNicApproval -RevokeAllApprovedIps -publish
    Revoke all approved IPs for vm evil-vm and immediately publish the policy.
    Get-NsxSpoofguardPolicy test | Get-NsxSpoofguardNic -NetworkAdapter (Get-vm evil-vm | Get-NetworkAdapter| select -First 1) | Revoke-NsxSpoofguardNicApproval -IpAddress
    Revoke the approval for IP from the first nic on vm evil-vm.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript( { ValidateSpoofguardNic $_ } )]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="IpList")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="RevokeAll")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #We need to modify the spoofguardNic XML element, so we need to clone it.
        $_SpoofguardNic = $SpoofguardNic.CloneNode($true)

        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = $_SpoofguardNic.OwnerDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$spoofguardList = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("spoofguardList")
        $spoofguardList.appendChild($_SpoofguardNic) | out-null

        #Get and Remove the policyId element we put there...
        $policyId = $_SpoofguardNic.policyId
        $_SpoofguardNic.RemoveChild((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_SpoofguardNic -Query 'descendant::policyId')) | out-null

        #if approvedIpAddress element does not exist, bail
        [system.xml.xmlElement]$approvedIpAddressNode = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_SpoofguardNic -Query 'descendant::approvedIpAddress')
        if ( -not $approvedIpAddressNode -or (-not ((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $approvedIpAddressNode -Query 'descendant::ipAddress')))) {

            Write-Warning "Nic $($_SpoofguardNic.NicName) has no approved IPs"
        else {

            [system.xml.xmlElement]$publishedIpAddressNode = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_SpoofguardNic -Query 'descendant::publishedIpAddress')

            $approvedIpCollection = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $approvedIpAddressNode -Query "descendant::ipAddress")
            $publishedIpCollection = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $publishedIpAddressNode -Query "descendant::ipAddress")

            #If there are IPs detected, and revoke all is on, kill em all...
            If ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "RevokeAll" ) {

                foreach ( $node in $approvedIpCollection ) {
                    $approvedIpAddressNode.RemoveChild($node) | out-null

            else {
                #$IPAddress is mandatory...
                foreach ( $ip in $ipAddress ) {

                    $currentApprovedIpNode = $approvedIpCollection | where-object { $_.'#Text' -eq $ip }
                    $currentPublishedIpNode = $publishedIpCollection | where-object { $_.'#Text' -eq $ip }

                    if ( -not $currentApprovedIpNode ) {
                        write-warning "IP Address $ip is not currently approved on Nic $($_SpoofguardNic.NicName)."
                    else {
                        $approvedIpAddressNode.RemoveChild($currentApprovedIpNode) | out-null
                        if ( $currentPublishedIpNode ) {

                            $publishedIpAddressNode.RemoveChild($currentPublishedIpNode) | out-null

            If ($confirm ) {

                $message  = "Do you want to remove the specified IP Addresses from the approved list of the NIC $($_SpoofguardNic.nicName)?."
                $question = "Removal is permenant. Proceed?"

                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {

                #Do the post
                $body = $spoofguardList.OuterXml
                $URI = "/api/4.0/services/spoofguard/$($policyId)?action=approve"
                $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection

                #Now we Publish...
                if ( $publish) {
                    $URI = "/api/4.0/services/spoofguard/$($policyId)?action=publish"
                    $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -connection $connection

                Get-NsxSpoofguardPolicy -objectId $policyId -connection $connection | Get-NsxSpoofguardNic -MAC $_SpoofguardNic.detectedMacAddress -connection $connection
    end {}

# Distributed Router functions

function New-NsxLogicalRouterInterfaceSpec {

    Creates a new NSX Logical Router Interface Spec.
    NSX Logical Routers can host up to 1000 interfaces, each of which can be
    configured with multiple properties. In order to allow creation of Logical
    Routers with an arbitrary number of interfaces, a unique spec for each interface
    required must first be created.
    Logical Routers do support interfaces on VLAN backed portgroups, and this
    cmdlet will support a interface spec connected to a normal portgroup, however
    this is not noramlly a recommended scenario.
    PS C:\> $Uplink = New-NsxLogicalRouterinterfaceSpec -Name Uplink_interface -Type
        uplink -ConnectedTo (Get-NsxTransportZone | Get-NsxLogicalSwitch LS1)
        -PrimaryAddress -SubnetPrefixLength 24
    PS C:\> $Internal = New-NsxLogicalRouterinterfaceSpec -Name Internal-interface -Type
        internal -ConnectedTo (Get-NsxTransportZone | Get-NsxLogicalSwitch LS2)
        -PrimaryAddress -SubnetPrefixLength 24

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
     param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            [ValidateSet ("internal","uplink")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            [ValidateScript({ValidateLogicalSwitchOrDistributedPortGroup $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]

    begin {

        if ( $Connected -and ( -not $connectedTo ) ) {
            #Not allowed to be connected without a connected port group.
            throw "Interfaces that are connected must be connected to a distributed Portgroup or Logical Switch."

        if (( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PrimaryAddress") -and ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SubnetPrefixLength"))) -or
            (( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PrimaryAddress")) -and  $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SubnetPrefixLength"))) {

            #Not allowed to have subnet without primary or vice versa.
            throw "Interfaces with a Primary address must also specify a prefix length and vice versa."

    process {

        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlVnic = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("interface")
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlVnic) | out-null

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name")) { Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVnic -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name }
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Type")) { Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVnic -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText $type }
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Index")) { Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVnic -xmlElementName "index" -xmlElementText $Index }
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVnic -xmlElementName "mtu" -xmlElementText $MTU
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVnic -xmlElementName "isConnected" -xmlElementText $Connected

        switch ($ConnectedTo){
            { $_ -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Host.Networking.DistributedPortGroupInterop] }  { $PortGroupID = $_.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value }
            { $_ -is [System.Xml.XmlElement]} { $PortGroupID = $_.objectId }

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ConnectedTo")) { Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVnic -xmlElementName "connectedToId" -xmlElementText $PortGroupID }

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PrimaryAddress")) {

            #For now, only supporting one addressgroup - will refactor later
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlAddressGroups = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("addressGroups")
            $xmlVnic.appendChild($xmlAddressGroups) | out-null
            $AddressGroupParameters = @{
                xmlAddressGroups = $xmlAddressGroups

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PrimaryAddress" )) { $AddressGroupParameters.Add("PrimaryAddress",$PrimaryAddress) }
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SubnetPrefixLength" )) { $AddressGroupParameters.Add("SubnetPrefixLength",$SubnetPrefixLength) }

            AddNsxEdgeVnicAddressGroup @AddressGroupParameters

    end {}

function Get-NsxLogicalRouter {

    Retrieves a Logical Router object.
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    This cmdlet returns Logical Router objects.
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter LR1


    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="objectId")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Name",Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    $pagesize = 10
    switch ( $psCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {

        "Name" {
            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges?pageSize=$pagesize&startIndex=00"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

            #Edge summary XML is returned as paged data, means we have to handle it.
            #Then we have to query for full information on a per edge basis.
            $edgesummaries = @()
            $edges = @()
            $itemIndex =  0
            $startingIndex = 0
            $pagingInfo = $response.pagedEdgeList.edgePage.pagingInfo

            if ( [int]$paginginfo.totalCount -ne 0 ) {
                 write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Logical Router count non zero"

                do {
                    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : In paging loop. PageSize: $($pagingInfo.PageSize), StartIndex: $($paginginfo.startIndex), TotalCount: $($paginginfo.totalcount)"

                    while (($itemindex -lt ([int]$paginginfo.pagesize + $startingIndex)) -and ($itemIndex -lt [int]$paginginfo.totalCount )) {

                        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : In Item Processing Loop: ItemIndex: $itemIndex"
                        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : $(@($response.pagedEdgeList.edgePage.edgeSummary)[($itemIndex - $startingIndex)].objectId)"

                        #Need to wrap the edgesummary prop of the datapage in case we get exactly 1 item -
                        #which powershell annoyingly unwraps to a single xml element rather than an array...
                        $edgesummaries += @($response.pagedEdgeList.edgePage.edgeSummary)[($itemIndex - $startingIndex)]
                        $itemIndex += 1
                    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Out of item processing - PagingInfo: PageSize: $($pagingInfo.PageSize), StartIndex: $($paginginfo.startIndex), TotalCount: $($paginginfo.totalcount)"
                    if ( [int]$paginginfo.totalcount -gt $itemIndex) {
                        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : PagingInfo: PageSize: $($pagingInfo.PageSize), StartIndex: $($paginginfo.startIndex), TotalCount: $($paginginfo.totalcount)"
                        $startingIndex += $pagesize
                        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges?pageSize=$pagesize&startIndex=$startingIndex"

                        $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                        $pagingInfo = $response.pagedEdgeList.edgePage.pagingInfo

                } until ( [int]$paginginfo.totalcount -le $itemIndex )
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Completed page processing: ItemIndex: $itemIndex"

            #What we got here is...failure to communicate! In order to get full detail, we have to requery for each edgeid.
            #But... there is information in the SUmmary that isnt in the full detail. So Ive decided to add the summary as a node
            #to the returned edge detail.

            foreach ($edgesummary in $edgesummaries) {

                $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($edgesummary.objectID)"
                $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                $import = $response.edge.ownerDocument.ImportNode($edgesummary, $true)
                $response.edge.appendChild($import) | out-null
                $edges += $response.edge


            if ( $name ) {
                $edges | where-object { $_.Type -eq 'distributedRouter' } | where-object { $_.name -eq $name }

            } else {
                $edges | where-object { $_.Type -eq 'distributedRouter' }



        "objectId" {

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$objectId"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            $edge = $response.edge
            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$objectId/summary"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            $import = $edge.ownerDocument.ImportNode($($response.edgeSummary), $true)
            $edge.AppendChild($import) | out-null


function New-NsxLogicalRouter {

    Creates a new Logical Router object.
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    This cmdlet creates a new Logical Router. A Logical router has many
    configuration options - not all are exposed with New-NsxLogicalRouter.
    Use Set-NsxLogicalRouter for other configuration.
    Interface configuration is handled by passing interface spec objects created by
    the New-NsxLogicalRouterInterfaceSpec cmdlet.
    A valid PowerCLI session is required to pass required objects as required by
    cluster/resourcepool and datastore parameters.
    Create a new LR with interfaces on existsing Logical switches (LS1,2,3 and
    Management interface on Mgmt)
    PS C:\> $ls1 = get-nsxtransportzone | get-nsxlogicalswitch LS1
    PS C:\> $ls2 = get-nsxtransportzone | get-nsxlogicalswitch LS2
    PS C:\> $ls3 = get-nsxtransportzone | get-nsxlogicalswitch LS3
    PS C:\> $mgt = get-nsxtransportzone | get-nsxlogicalswitch Mgmt
    PS C:\> $vnic0 = New-NsxLogicalRouterInterfaceSpec -Type uplink -Name vNic0
        -ConnectedTo $ls1 -PrimaryAddress -SubnetPrefixLength 24
    PS C:\> $vnic1 = New-NsxLogicalRouterInterfaceSpec -Type internal -Name vNic1
        -ConnectedTo $ls2 -PrimaryAddress -SubnetPrefixLength 24
    PS C:\> $vnic2 = New-NsxLogicalRouterInterfaceSpec -Type internal -Name vNic2
        -ConnectedTo $ls3 -PrimaryAddress -SubnetPrefixLength 24
    PS C:\> New-NsxLogicalRouter -Name testlr -ManagementPortGroup $mgt
        -Interface $vnic0,$vnic1,$vnic2 -Cluster (Get-Cluster)
        -Datastore (get-datastore)

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalSwitchOrDistributedPortGroup $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterInterfaceSpec $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="ResourcePool")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Cluster")]
                if ( $_ -eq $null ) { throw "Must specify Cluster."}
                if ( -not $_.DrsEnabled ) { throw "Cluster is not DRS enabled."}
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Set to deploy as a universal distributed logical router.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Create the universal logical router with Local Egress enabled.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Optional tenant string to be configured on the DLR.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #Create the XMLRoot
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlRoot = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("edge")
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlRoot) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText "distributedRouter"

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Tenant")) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "tenant" -xmlElementText $Tenant

        switch ($ManagementPortGroup){
            { $_ -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Host.Networking.DistributedPortGroupInterop] }  { $PortGroupID = $_.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value }
            { $_ -is [System.Xml.XmlElement]} { $PortGroupID = $_.objectId }

        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlMgmtIf = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("mgmtInterface")
        $xmlRoot.appendChild($xmlMgmtIf) | out-null
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMgmtIf -xmlElementName "connectedToId" -xmlElementText $PortGroupID

        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlAppliances = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("appliances")
        $xmlRoot.appendChild($xmlAppliances) | out-null

        switch ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName){
            "Cluster"  { $ResPoolId = $($cluster | get-resourcepool | where-object { $_.parent.id -eq $cluster.id }).extensiondata.moref.value }
            "ResourcePool"  { $ResPoolId = $ResourcePool.extensiondata.moref.value }

        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlAppliance = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("appliance")
        $xmlAppliances.appendChild($xmlAppliance) | out-null
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliance -xmlElementName "resourcePoolId" -xmlElementText $ResPoolId
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliance -xmlElementName "datastoreId" -xmlElementText $datastore.extensiondata.moref.value

        if ( $EnableHA ) {
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlAppliance = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("appliance")
            $xmlAppliances.appendChild($xmlAppliance) | out-null
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliance -xmlElementName "resourcePoolId" -xmlElementText $ResPoolId
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliance -xmlElementName "datastoreId" -xmlElementText $HAdatastore.extensiondata.moref.value

        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlVnics = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("interfaces")
        $xmlRoot.appendChild($xmlVnics) | out-null
        foreach ( $VnicSpec in $Interface ) {

            $import = $xmlDoc.ImportNode(($VnicSpec), $true)
            $xmlVnics.AppendChild($import) | out-null

        if ( ( $EnableLocalEgress ) -and ( $universal ) ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "localEgressEnabled" -xmlElementText "True"

        #Do the post
        $body = $xmlroot.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges?isUniversal=$universal"

        Write-Progress -activity "Creating Logical Router $Name"
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        Write-Progress -activity "Creating Logical Router $Name"  -completed
        $edgeId = $response.Headers.Location.split("/")[$response.Headers.Location.split("/").GetUpperBound(0)]

        if ( $EnableHA ) {

            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlHA = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("highAvailability")
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlHA -xmlElementName "enabled" -xmlElementText "true"
            $body = $xmlHA.OuterXml
            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeId/highavailability/config"
            Write-Progress -activity "Enable HA on Logical Router $Name"
            $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Enable HA on Logical Router $Name" -completed

        Get-NsxLogicalRouter -objectID $edgeId -connection $connection
    end {}

function Remove-NsxLogicalRouter {

    Deletes a Logical Router object.
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    This cmdlet deletes the specified Logical Router object.
    Example1: Remove Logical Router LR1.
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter LR1 | Remove-NsxLogicalRouter
    Example2: No confirmation on delete.
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter LR1 | Remove-NsxLogicalRouter -confirm:$false

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouter $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {


    process {

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Logical Router removal is permanent."
            $question = "Proceed with removal of Logical Router $($LogicalRouter.Name)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LogicalRouter.Edgesummary.ObjectId)"
            Write-Progress -activity "Remove Logical Router $($LogicalRouter.Name)"
            invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection | out-null
            write-progress -activity "Remove Logical Router $($LogicalRouter.Name)" -completed


    end {}

function Set-NsxLogicalRouterInterface {

    Configures an existing NSX LogicalRouter interface.
    NSX Logical Routers can host up to 8 uplink and 1000 internal interfaces, each of which
    can be configured with multiple properties.
    Logical Routers support interfaces connected to either VLAN backed port groups or NSX
    Logical Switches, although connection to VLAN backed PortGroups is not a recommended
    Use Set-NsxLogicalRouterInterface to overwrite the configuration of an existing

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterInterface $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            [ValidateSet ("internal","uplink")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalSwitchOrDistributedPortGroup $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #Check if there is already configuration
        if ( $confirm ) {

            $message  = "Interface configuration will be overwritten."
            $question = "Proceed with reconfiguration for $($Interface.Name)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            if ( $decision -eq 1 ) {

        #generate the vnic XML
        $vNicSpecParams = @{
            Index = $Interface.index
            Name = $name
            Type = $type
            ConnectedTo = $connectedTo
            MTU = $MTU
            Connected = $connected
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PrimaryAddress" )) { $vNicSpecParams.Add("PrimaryAddress",$PrimaryAddress) }
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SubnetPrefixLength" )) { $vNicSpecParams.Add("SubnetPrefixLength",$SubnetPrefixLength) }
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SecondaryAddresses" )) { $vNicSpecParams.Add("SecondaryAddresses",$SecondaryAddresses) }

        $VnicSpec = New-NsxLogicalRouterInterfaceSpec @vNicSpecParams
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : vNic Spec is $($VnicSpec.outerxml | format-xml) "

        #Construct the XML
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlVnics = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("interfaces")
        $import = $xmlDoc.ImportNode(($VnicSpec), $true)
        $xmlVnics.AppendChild($import) | out-null

        # #Do the post
        $body = $xmlVnics.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($Interface.logicalRouterId)/interfaces/?action=patch"
        Write-Progress -activity "Updating Logical Router interface configuration for interface $($Interface.Index)."
        invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        Write-progress -activity "Updating Logical Router interface configuration for interface $($Interface.Index)." -completed


    end {}

function New-NsxLogicalRouterInterface {

    Configures an new NSX LogicalRouter interface.
    NSX Logical Routers can host up to 8 uplink and 1000 internal interfaces, each of which
    can be configured with multiple properties.
    Logical Routers support interfaces connected to either VLAN backed port groups or NSX
    Logical Switches, although connection to VLAN backed PortGroups is not a recommended
    Use New-NsxLogicalRouterInterface to create a new Logical Router interface.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouter $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            [ValidateSet ("internal","uplink")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalSwitchOrDistributedPortGroup $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #generate the vnic XML
        $vNicSpecParams = @{
            Name = $name
            Type = $type
            ConnectedTo = $connectedTo
            MTU = $MTU
            Connected = $connected
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PrimaryAddress" )) { $vNicSpecParams.Add("PrimaryAddress",$PrimaryAddress) }
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SubnetPrefixLength" )) { $vNicSpecParams.Add("SubnetPrefixLength",$SubnetPrefixLength) }
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SecondaryAddresses" )) { $vNicSpecParams.Add("SecondaryAddresses",$SecondaryAddresses) }

        $VnicSpec = New-NsxLogicalRouterInterfaceSpec @vNicSpecParams
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : vNic Spec is $($VnicSpec.outerxml | format-xml) "

        #Construct the XML
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlVnics = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("interfaces")
        $import = $xmlDoc.ImportNode(($VnicSpec), $true)
        $xmlVnics.AppendChild($import) | out-null

        # #Do the post
        $body = $xmlVnics.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LogicalRouter.Id)/interfaces/?action=patch"
        Write-Progress -activity "Creating Logical Router interface."
        $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        Write-progress -activity "Creating Logical Router interface." -completed

    end {}

function Remove-NsxLogicalRouterInterface {

    Deletes an NSX Logical router interface.
    NSX Logical Routers can host up to 8 uplink and 1000 internal interfaces, each of which
    can be configured with multiple properties.
    Logical Routers support interfaces connected to either VLAN backed port groups or NSX
    Logical Switches, although connection to VLAN backed PortGroups is not a recommended
    Use Remove-NsxLogicalRouterInterface to remove an existing Logical Router Interface.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterInterface $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        if ( $confirm ) {

            $message  = "Interface ($Interface.Name) will be deleted."
            $question = "Proceed with deletion of interface $($Interface.index)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            if ( $decision -eq 1 ) {

        # #Do the delete
        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($Interface.logicalRouterId)/interfaces/$($Interface.Index)"
        Write-Progress -activity "Deleting interface $($Interface.Index) on logical router $($Interface.logicalRouterId)."
        $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
        Write-progress -activity "Deleting interface $($Interface.Index) on logical router $($Interface.logicalRouterId)." -completed


    end {}

function Get-NsxLogicalRouterInterface {

    Retrieves the specified interface configuration on a specified Logical Router.
    NSX Logical Routers can host up to 8 uplink and 1000 internal interfaces, each of which
    can be configured with multiple properties.
    Logical Routers support interfaces connected to either VLAN backed port groups or NSX
    Logical Switches, although connection to VLAN backed PortGroups is not a recommended
    Use Get-NsxLogicalRouterInterface to retrieve the configuration of a interface.
    Get all Interfaces on a Logical Router.


    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouter $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False,ParameterSetName="Name",Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True,ParameterSetName="Index")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}

    process {

        if ( -not ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Index") )) {
            #All Interfaces on LR
            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LogicalRouter.Id)/interfaces/"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            if ( Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'child::interfaces/interface') {
                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("name") ) {
                    $return = $response.interfaces.interface | where-object { $_.name -eq $name }
                    if ( $return ) {
                        Add-XmlElement -xmlDoc ([system.xml.xmldocument]$return.OwnerDocument) -xmlRoot $return -xmlElementName "logicalRouterId" -xmlElementText $($LogicalRouter.Id)
                else {
                    $return = $response.interfaces.interface
                    foreach ( $interface in $return ) {
                        Add-XmlElement -xmlDoc ([system.xml.xmldocument]$interface.OwnerDocument) -xmlRoot $interface -xmlElementName "logicalRouterId" -xmlElementText $($LogicalRouter.Id)
        else {

            #Just getting a single named Interface
            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LogicalRouter.Id)/interfaces/$Index"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            if ( $response ) {
                $return = $response.interface
                Add-XmlElement -xmlDoc ([system.xml.xmldocument]$return.OwnerDocument) -xmlRoot $return -xmlElementName "logicalRouterId" -xmlElementText $($LogicalRouter.Id)
    end {}

function Set-NsxLogicalRouter {

    Configures an existing NSX Logical Router Raw configuration.
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Use the Set-NsxLogicalRouter to perform updates to the Raw XML config for a DLR
    to enable basic support for manipulating DLR features that arent supported
    by specific PowerNSX cmdlets.
    $dlr = Get-NsxLogicalRouter Dlr01
    PS C:\>$dlr.features.firewall.enabled = "false"
    PS C:\>$dlr | Set-NsxLogicalRouter
    Disable the DLR Firewall on DLR Dlr01

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            # Logical Router object as returned by Get-NsxLogicalRouter
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouter $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {


    process {

        #Clone the LogicalRouter Element so we can modify without barfing up the source object.
        $_LogicalRouter = $LogicalRouter.CloneNode($true)

        #Remove EdgeSummary...
        $edgeSummary = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouter -Query 'descendant::edgeSummary')
        if ( $edgeSummary ) {
            $_LogicalRouter.RemoveChild($edgeSummary) | out-null

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($_LogicalRouter.Id)"
        $body = $_LogicalRouter.OuterXml

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Logical Router update will modify existing Logical Router configuration."
            $question = "Proceed with Update of Logical Router $($LogicalRouter.Name)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update Logical Router $($LogicalRouter.Name)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update Logical Router $($LogicalRouter.Name)" -completed
            Get-NsxLogicalRouter -objectId $($LogicalRouter.Id) -connection $connection

    end {}

# ESG related functions

###Private functions

function AddNsxEdgeVnicAddressGroup {

    #Private function that Edge (ESG and LogicalRouter) VNIC creation leverages
    #To create valid address groups (primary and potentially secondary address)
    #and netmask.

    #ToDo - Implement IP address and netmask validation

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]


    begin {}

    process {

        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = $xmlAddressGroups.OwnerDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlAddressGroup = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("addressGroup")
        $xmlAddressGroups.appendChild($xmlAddressGroup) | out-null
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAddressGroup -xmlElementName "primaryAddress" -xmlElementText $PrimaryAddress
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAddressGroup -xmlElementName "subnetPrefixLength" -xmlElementText $SubnetPrefixLength
        if ( $SecondaryAddresses ) {
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlSecondaryAddresses = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("secondaryAddresses")
            $xmlAddressGroup.appendChild($xmlSecondaryAddresses) | out-null
            foreach ($Address in $SecondaryAddresses) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlSecondaryAddresses -xmlElementName "ipAddress" -xmlElementText $Address


###End Private functions

function New-NsxAddressSpec {

    Creates a new NSX Address Group Spec.
    NSX ESGs and DLRs interfaces can be configured with multiple 'Address
    Groups'. This allows a single interface to have IP addresses defined in
    different subnets, each complete with their own Primary Address, Netmask and
    zero or more Secondary Addresses.
    In order to configure an interface in this way with PowerNSX, multiple
    'AddressGroupSpec' objects can be created using New-NsxAddressSpec,
    and then specified when calling New/Set cmdlets for the associated

    param (
         [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]


    begin {}

    process {

        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlAddressGroup = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("addressGroup")
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAddressGroup -xmlElementName "primaryAddress" -xmlElementText $PrimaryAddress
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAddressGroup -xmlElementName "subnetPrefixLength" -xmlElementText $SubnetPrefixLength.ToString()
        if ( $SecondaryAddresses ) {
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlSecondaryAddresses = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("secondaryAddresses")
            $xmlAddressGroup.appendChild($xmlSecondaryAddresses) | out-null
            foreach ($Address in $SecondaryAddresses) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlSecondaryAddresses -xmlElementName "ipAddress" -xmlElementText $Address



function New-NsxEdgeInterfaceSpec {

    Creates a new NSX Edge Service Gateway interface Spec.
    NSX ESGs can host up to 10 interfaces and up to 200 subinterfaces, each of which
    can be configured with multiple properties. In order to allow creation of
    ESGs with an arbitrary number of interfaces, a unique spec for each
    interface required must first be created.
    ESGs support interfaces connected to either VLAN backed port groups or NSX
    Logical Switches.
    PS C:\> $Uplink = New-NsxEdgeInterfaceSpec -Name Uplink_interface -Type
        uplink -ConnectedTo (Get-NsxTransportZone | Get-NsxLogicalSwitch LS1)
        -PrimaryAddress -SubnetPrefixLength 24
    PS C:\> $Internal = New-NsxEdgeInterfaceSpec -Name Internal-interface -Type
        internal -ConnectedTo (Get-NsxTransportZone | Get-NsxLogicalSwitch LS2)
        -PrimaryAddress -SubnetPrefixLength 24

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            [ValidateSet ("internal","uplink","trunk")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalSwitchOrDistributedPortGroup $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]


    begin {

        #toying with the idea of using dynamicParams for this, but decided on standard validation code for now.
        if ( ($Type -eq "trunk") -and ( $ConnectedTo -is [System.Xml.XmlElement])) {
            #Not allowed to have a trunk interface connected to a Logical Switch.
            throw "Interfaces of type Trunk must be connected to a distributed port group."

        if ( $Connected -and ( -not $connectedTo ) ) {
            #Not allowed to be connected without a connected port group.
            throw "Interfaces that are connected must be connected to a distributed Portgroup or Logical Switch."

        if (( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PrimaryAddress") -and ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SubnetPrefixLength"))) -or
            (( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PrimaryAddress")) -and  $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SubnetPrefixLength"))) {

            #Not allowed to have subnet without primary or vice versa.
            throw "Interfaces with a Primary address must also specify a prefix length and vice versa."

    process {

        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlVnic = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("vnic")
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlVnic) | out-null

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name")) { Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVnic -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name }
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Index")) { Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVnic -xmlElementName "index" -xmlElementText $Index }
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Type")) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVnic -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText $Type
        else {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVnic -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText "internal"

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVnic -xmlElementName "mtu" -xmlElementText $MTU
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVnic -xmlElementName "enableProxyArp" -xmlElementText $EnableProxyArp
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVnic -xmlElementName "enableSendRedirects" -xmlElementText $EnableSendICMPRedirects
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVnic -xmlElementName "isConnected" -xmlElementText $Connected

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ConnectedTo")) {
            switch ($ConnectedTo){

                { $_ -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Host.Networking.DistributedPortGroupInterop] }  { $PortGroupID = $_.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value }
                { $_ -is [System.Xml.XmlElement]} { $PortGroupID = $_.objectId }
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVnic -xmlElementName "portgroupId" -xmlElementText $PortGroupID

        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlAddressGroups = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("addressGroups")
        $xmlVnic.appendChild($xmlAddressGroups) | out-null
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PrimaryAddress")) {
            #Only supporting one addressgroup - User must use New-NsxAddressSpec to specify multiple.

            $AddressGroupParameters = @{
                xmlAddressGroups = $xmlAddressGroups

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PrimaryAddress" )) { $AddressGroupParameters.Add("PrimaryAddress",$PrimaryAddress) }
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SubnetPrefixLength" )) { $AddressGroupParameters.Add("SubnetPrefixLength",$SubnetPrefixLength) }
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SecondaryAddresses" )) { $AddressGroupParameters.Add("SecondaryAddresses",$SecondaryAddresses) }

            AddNsxEdgeVnicAddressGroup @AddressGroupParameters



    end {}

function New-NsxEdgeSubInterfaceSpec {

    Creates a new NSX Edge Service Gateway SubInterface Spec.
    NSX ESGs can host up to 10 interfaces and up to 200 subinterfaces, each of which
    can be configured with multiple properties. In order to allow creation of
    ESGs with an arbitrary number of interfaces, a unique spec for each
    interface required must first be created.
    ESGs support Subinterfaces that specify either VLAN ID (VLAN Type) or NSX
    Logical Switch/Distributed Port Group (Network Type).

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Network")]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalSwitchOrDistributedPortGroup $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="VLAN")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]


    begin {

        if (( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PrimaryAddress") -and ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SubnetPrefixLength"))) -or
            (( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PrimaryAddress")) -and  $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SubnetPrefixLength"))) {

            #Not allowed to have subnet without primary or vice versa.
            throw "Interfaces with a Primary address must also specify a prefix length and vice versa."

    process {

        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlVnic = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("subInterface")
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlVnic) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVnic -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVnic -xmlElementName "tunnelId" -xmlElementText $TunnelId
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVnic -xmlElementName "isConnected" -xmlElementText $Connected

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("MTU")) { Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVnic -xmlElementName "mtu" -xmlElementText $MTU }
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("EnableSendICMPRedirects")) { Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVnic -xmlElementName "enableSendRedirects" -xmlElementText $EnableSendICMPRedirects }
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Network")) {
            switch ($Network){

                { $_ -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Host.Networking.DistributedPortGroupInterop] }  { $PortGroupID = $_.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value }
                { $_ -is [System.Xml.XmlElement]} { $PortGroupID = $_.objectId }

            #Even though the element name is logicalSwitchId, subinterfaces support VDPortGroup as well as Logical Switch.
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVnic -xmlElementName "logicalSwitchId" -xmlElementText $PortGroupID

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("VLAN")) {

            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVnic -xmlElementName "vlanId" -xmlElementText $VLAN

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PrimaryAddress")) {
            #For now, only supporting one addressgroup - will refactor later
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlAddressGroups = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("addressGroups")
            $xmlVnic.appendChild($xmlAddressGroups) | out-null
            $AddressGroupParameters = @{
                xmlAddressGroups = $xmlAddressGroups

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PrimaryAddress" )) { $AddressGroupParameters.Add("PrimaryAddress",$PrimaryAddress) }
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SubnetPrefixLength" )) { $AddressGroupParameters.Add("SubnetPrefixLength",$SubnetPrefixLength) }
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SecondaryAddresses" )) { $AddressGroupParameters.Add("SecondaryAddresses",$SecondaryAddresses) }

            AddNsxEdgeVnicAddressGroup @AddressGroupParameters



    end {}

function Set-NsxEdgeInterface {

    Conigures an NSX Edge Services Gateway Interface.
    NSX ESGs can host up to 10 interfaces and up to 200 subinterfaces, each of
    which can be configured with multiple properties.
    ESGs support interfaces connected to either VLAN backed port groups or NSX
    Logical Switches.
    Use Set-NsxEdgeInterface to change (including overwriting) the configuration
    of an interface.
    $interface = Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeInterface -Index 4
    $interface | Set-NsxEdgeInterface -Name "vNic4" -Type internal
        -ConnectedTo $ls4 -PrimaryAddress $ip4 -SubnetPrefixLength 24
    Get an interface, then update it.
    $add1 = New-NsxAddressSpec -PrimaryAddress -SubnetPrefixLength 24 -SecondaryAddresses,
    $add2 = New-NsxAddressSpec -PrimaryAddress -SubnetPrefixLength 24 -SecondaryAddresses
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeInterface -index 5 | Set-NsxEdgeInterface -ConnectedTo $ls4 -AddressSpec $add1,$add2
    -name "New Edge with Spec" -type internal
    Adds two addresses, precreated via New-AddressSpec to ESG Edge01 vnic 5

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="DirectAddress")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="AddressGroupSpec")]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeInterface $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="DirectAddress")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="AddressGroupSpec")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="DirectAddress")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="AddressGroupSpec")]
            [ValidateSet ("internal","uplink","trunk")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="DirectAddress")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="AddressGroupSpec")]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalSwitchOrDistributedPortGroup $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="DirectAddress")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="DirectAddress")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="DirectAddress")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="AddressGroupSpec")]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateAddressGroupSpec $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="DirectAddress")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="AddressGroupSpec")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="DirectAddress")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="AddressGroupSpec")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="DirectAddress")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="AddressGroupSpec")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="DirectAddress")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="AddressGroupSpec")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="DirectAddress")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="AddressGroupSpec")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="DirectAddress")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="AddressGroupSpec")]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #Check if there is already configuration
        if ( $confirm ) {

            If ( ($Interface | get-member -memberType properties PortGroupID ) -or ( $Interface.addressGroups ) ) {

                $message  = "Interface $($Interface.Name) appears to already be configured. Config will be overwritten."
                $question = "Proceed with reconfiguration for $($Interface.Name)?"

                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
                if ( $decision -eq 1 ) {

        #generate the vnic XML
        $vNicSpecParams = @{
            Index = $Interface.index
            Name = $name
            Type = $type
            ConnectedTo = $connectedTo
            MTU = $MTU
            EnableProxyArp = $EnableProxyArp
            EnableSendICMPRedirects = $EnableSendICMPRedirects
            Connected = $connected
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PrimaryAddress" )) { $vNicSpecParams.Add("PrimaryAddress",$PrimaryAddress) }
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SubnetPrefixLength" )) { $vNicSpecParams.Add("SubnetPrefixLength",$SubnetPrefixLength) }
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SecondaryAddresses" )) { $vNicSpecParams.Add("SecondaryAddresses",$SecondaryAddresses) }

        $VnicSpec = New-NsxEdgeInterfaceSpec @vNicSpecParams
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : vNic Spec is $($VnicSpec.outerxml | format-xml) "

        #Construct the vnics XML Element
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlVnics = $VnicSpec.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("vnics")
        $xmlVnics.AppendChild($VnicSpec) | out-null

        #Import any user specified address groups.
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AddressSpec')) {

            [System.Xml.XmlElement]$AddressGroups = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $VnicSpec -Query 'descendant::addressGroups')
            foreach ( $spec in $AddressSpec ) {
                $import = $VnicSpec.OwnerDocument.ImportNode(($spec), $true)
                $AddressGroups.AppendChild($import) | out-null

        # #Do the post
        $body = $xmlVnics.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($Interface.edgeId)/vnics/?action=patch"
        Write-Progress -activity "Updating Edge Services Gateway interface configuration for interface $($Interface.Index)."
        $null = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        Write-progress -activity "Updating Edge Services Gateway interface configuration for interface $($Interface.Index)." -completed

        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Getting updated interface"
        Get-NsxEdge -objectId $($Interface.edgeId) -connection $connection | Get-NsxEdgeInterface -index "$($Interface.Index)" -connection $connection

    end {}

function Clear-NsxEdgeInterface {

    Clears the configuration on an NSX Edge Services Gateway interface.
    NSX ESGs can host up to 10 interfaces and up to 200 subinterfaces, each of which
    can be configured with multiple properties.
    ESGs support itnerfaces connected to either VLAN backed port groups or NSX
    Logical Switches.
    Use Clear-NsxEdgeInterface to set the configuration of an interface back to default
    (disconnected, not attached to any portgroup, and no defined addressgroup).
    Get an interface and then clear its configuration.
    PS C:\> $interface = Get-NsxEdge $name | Get-NsxEdgeInterface "vNic4"
    PS C:\> $interface | Clear-NsxEdgeInterface -confirm:$false

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeInterface $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {

    process {

        if ( $confirm ) {

            $message  = "Interface $($Interface.Name) config will be cleared."
            $question = "Proceed with interface reconfiguration for interface $($interface.index)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            if ( $decision -eq 1 ) {

        # #Do the delete
        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($interface.edgeId)/vnics/$($interface.Index)"
        Write-Progress -activity "Clearing Edge Services Gateway interface configuration for interface $($interface.Index)."
        $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
        Write-progress -activity "Clearing Edge Services Gateway interface configuration for interface $($interface.Index)." -completed


    end {}

function Get-NsxEdgeInterface {

    Retrieves the specified interface configuration on a specified Edge Services
    NSX ESGs can host up to 10 interfaces and up to 200 subinterfaces, each of which
    can be configured with multiple properties.
    ESGs support interfaces connected to either VLAN backed port groups or NSX
    Logical Switches.
    Use Get-NsxEdgeInterface to retrieve the configuration of an interface.
    Get all interface configuration for ESG named Edge01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeInterface
    Get interface configuration for interface named vNic4 on ESG named Edge01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeInterface vNic4
    Get interface configuration for interface number 4 on ESG named Edge01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeInterface -index 4


    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdge $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False,ParameterSetName="Name",Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True,ParameterSetName="Index")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}

    process {

        if ( -not ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Index") )) {
            #All interfaces on Edge
            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($Edge.Id)/vnics/"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("name") ) {

               write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Getting vNic by Name"

                $return = $response.vnics.vnic | where-object { $_.name -eq $name }
                if ( $return ) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlDoc ([system.xml.xmldocument]$return.OwnerDocument) -xmlRoot $return -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $($Edge.Id)
            else {

                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Getting all vNics"

                $return = $response.vnics.vnic
                foreach ( $vnic in $return ) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlDoc ([system.xml.xmldocument]$vnic.OwnerDocument) -xmlRoot $vnic -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $($Edge.Id)
        else {

            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Getting vNic by Index"

            #Just getting a single vNic by index
            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($Edge.Id)/vnics/$Index"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            $return = $response.vnic
            Add-XmlElement -xmlDoc ([system.xml.xmldocument]$return.OwnerDocument) -xmlRoot $return -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $($Edge.Id)
    end {}

function New-NsxEdgeSubInterface {

    Adds a new subinterface to an existing NSX Edge Services Gateway trunk mode
    NSX ESGs can host up to 10 interfaces and up to 200 subinterfaces, each of which
    can be configured with multiple properties.
    ESGs support interfaces connected to either VLAN backed port groups or NSX
    Logical Switches.
    Use New-NsxEdgeSubInterface to add a new subinterface.
    Get an NSX Edge interface and configure a new subinterface in VLAN mode.
    PS C:\> $trunk = Get-NsxEdge $name | Get-NsxEdgeInterface "vNic3"
    PS C:\> $trunk | New-NsxEdgeSubinterface -Name "sub1" -PrimaryAddress $ip5
        -SubnetPrefixLength 24 -TunnelId 1 -Vlan 123
    Get an NSX Edge interface and configure a new subinterface in Network mode.
    PS C:\> $trunk = Get-NsxEdge $name | Get-NsxEdgeInterface "vNic3"
    PS C:\> $trunk | New-NsxEdgeSubinterface -Name "sub1" -PrimaryAddress $ip5
        -SubnetPrefixLength 24 -TunnelId 1 -Network $LS2

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeInterface $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Network")]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalSwitchOrDistributedPortGroup $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="VLAN")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    #Validate interfaceindex is trunk
    if ( -not $Interface.type -eq 'trunk' ) {
        throw "Specified interface $($interface.Name) is of type $($interface.type) but must be of type trunk to host a subinterface. "

    #Create private xml element
    $_Interface = $Interface.CloneNode($true)

    #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
    $edgeId = $_Interface.edgeId
    $NodetoRemove = $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_Interface -Query 'descendant::edgeId'))
    write-debug "Node to remove parent: $($nodetoremove.ParentNode | format-xml)"

    $_Interface.RemoveChild( $NodeToRemove ) | out-null

    #Get or create the subinterfaces node.
    [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = $_Interface.OwnerDocument
    if ( $_Interface | get-member -memberType Properties -Name subInterfaces) {
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlSubInterfaces = $_Interface.subInterfaces
    else {
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlSubInterfaces = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("subInterfaces")
        $_Interface.AppendChild($xmlSubInterfaces) | out-null

    #generate the vnic XML
    $vNicSpecParams = @{
        TunnelId = $TunnelId
        Connected = $connected
        Name = $Name

    switch ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {

        "Network" { if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Network" )) { $vNicSpecParams.Add("Network",$Network) } }
        "VLAN" { if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("VLAN" )) { $vNicSpecParams.Add("VLAN",$VLAN) } }
        "None" {}
        Default { throw "An invalid parameterset was found. This should never happen." }

    if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PrimaryAddress" )) { $vNicSpecParams.Add("PrimaryAddress",$PrimaryAddress) }
    if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SubnetPrefixLength" )) { $vNicSpecParams.Add("SubnetPrefixLength",$SubnetPrefixLength) }
    if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SecondaryAddresses" )) { $vNicSpecParams.Add("SecondaryAddresses",$SecondaryAddresses) }
    if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("MTU" )) { $vNicSpecParams.Add("MTU",$MTU) }
    if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("EnableSendICMPRedirects" )) { $vNicSpecParams.Add("EnableSendICMPRedirects",$EnableSendICMPRedirects) }

    $VnicSpec = New-NsxEdgeSubInterfaceSpec @vNicSpecParams
    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : vNic Spec is $($VnicSpec.outerxml | format-xml) "
    $import = $xmlDoc.ImportNode(($VnicSpec), $true)
    $xmlSubInterfaces.AppendChild($import) | out-null

    # #Do the post
    $body = $_Interface.OuterXml
    $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($EdgeId)/vnics/$($_Interface.Index)"
    Write-Progress -activity "Updating Edge Services Gateway interface configuration for $($_Interface.Name)."
    invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
    Write-progress -activity "Updating Edge Services Gateway interface configuration for $($_Interface.Name)." -completed

function Remove-NsxEdgeSubInterface {

    Removes the specificed subinterface from an NSX Edge Services Gateway
    NSX ESGs can host up to 10 interfaces and up to 200 subinterfaces, each of which
    can be configured with multiple properties.
    ESGs support interfaces connected to either VLAN backed port groups or NSX
    Logical Switches.
    Use Remove-NsxEdgeSubInterface to remove a subinterface configuration from
    and ESG trunk interface.
    Get a subinterface and then remove it.
    PS C:\> $interface = Get-NsxEdge $name | Get-NsxEdgeInterface "vNic3"
    PS C:\> $interface | Get-NsxEdgeSubInterface "sub1" | Remove-NsxEdgeSubinterface

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeSubInterface $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    Begin {}

    Process {
        if ( $confirm ) {

            $message  = "Interface $($Subinterface.Name) will be removed."
            $question = "Proceed with interface reconfiguration for interface $($Subinterface.index)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            if ( $decision -eq 1 ) {

        #Get the vnic xml
        $ParentVnic = $(Get-NsxEdge -connection $connection -objectId $SubInterface.edgeId).vnics.vnic | where-object { $_.index -eq $subInterface.vnicId }

        #Remove the node using xpath query.
        $NodeToRemove = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ParentVnic.subInterfaces -Query "descendant::subInterface[index=$($subInterface.Index)]")
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : XPath query for node to delete returned $($NodetoRemove.OuterXml | format-xml)"
        $ParentVnic.Subinterfaces.RemoveChild($NodeToRemove) | out-null

        #Put the modified VNIC xml
        $body = $ParentVnic.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($SubInterface.edgeId)/vnics/$($ParentVnic.Index)"
        Write-Progress -activity "Updating Edge Services Gateway interface configuration for interface $($ParentVnic.Name)."
        invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        Write-progress -activity "Updating Edge Services Gateway interface configuration for interface $($ParentVnic.Name)." -completed

    End {}

function Get-NsxEdgeSubInterface {

    Retrieves the subinterface configuration for the specified interface
    NSX ESGs can host up to 10 interfaces and up to 200 subinterfaces, each of which
    can be configured with multiple properties.
    ESGs support interfaces connected to either VLAN backed port groups or NSX
    Logical Switches.
    Use Get-NsxEdgeSubInterface to retrieve the subinterface configuration of an
    Get an NSX Subinterface called sub1 from any interface on ESG Edge01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeInterface |
        Get-NsxEdgeSubInterface "sub1"


    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeInterface $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False,ParameterSetName="Name",Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True,ParameterSetName="Index")]

    begin {}

    process {

        #Not throwing error if no subinterfaces defined.
        If ( $interface | get-member -name subInterfaces -Membertype Properties ) {

            if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Index")) {

                $subint = $Interface.subInterfaces.subinterface | where-object { $_.index -eq $Index }

                if ( $subint ) {
                    $_subint = $subint.CloneNode($true)
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlDoc ([system.xml.xmldocument]$Interface.OwnerDocument) -xmlRoot $_subint -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $($Interface.edgeId)
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlDoc ([system.xml.xmldocument]$Interface.OwnerDocument) -xmlRoot $_subint -xmlElementName "vnicId" -xmlElementText $($Interface.index)
            elseif ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("name")) {

                $subint = $Interface.subInterfaces.subinterface | where-object { $_.name -eq $name }
                if ($subint) {
                    $_subint = $subint.CloneNode($true)
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlDoc ([system.xml.xmldocument]$Interface.OwnerDocument) -xmlRoot $_subint -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $($Interface.edgeId)
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlDoc ([system.xml.xmldocument]$Interface.OwnerDocument) -xmlRoot $_subint -xmlElementName "vnicId" -xmlElementText $($Interface.index)
            else {
                #All Subinterfaces on interface
                foreach ( $subint in $Interface.subInterfaces.subInterface ) {
                    $_subint = $subint.CloneNode($true)
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlDoc ([system.xml.xmldocument]$Interface.OwnerDocument) -xmlRoot $_subint -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $($Interface.edgeId)
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlDoc ([system.xml.xmldocument]$Interface.OwnerDocument) -xmlRoot $_subint -xmlElementName "vnicId" -xmlElementText $($Interface.index)
    end {}

function Get-NsxEdgeInterfaceAddress {

    Retrieves the address configuration for the specified interface
    NSX ESGs interfaces can be configured with multiple 'Address Groups'. This
    allows a single interface to have IP addresses defined in different subnets,
    each complete with their own Primary Address, Netmask and zero or more
    Secondary Addresses.
    The Get-NsxEdgeInterfaceAddress cmdlet retrieves the addresses for
    the specific interface.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeInterface -Index 9 | Get-NsxEdgeInterfaceAddress
    Retrieves all the address groups defined on vNic 9 of the ESG Edge01.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeInterface -Index 9 | Get-NsxEdgeInterfaceAddress -PrimaryAddress
    Retrieves the address config with primary address defined on vNic 9 of the ESG Edge01.

    param (

         [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeInterface $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]


    begin {

    process {

        $_Interface = ($Interface.CloneNode($True))
        [System.Xml.XmlElement]$AddressGroups = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_Interface -Query 'descendant::addressGroups')

        #Need to use an xpath query here, as dot notation will throw in strict mode if there is no childnode.
        If ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $AddressGroups -Query 'descendant::addressGroup')) {

            $GroupCollection = $AddressGroups.addressGroup
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PrimaryAddress')) {
                $GroupCollection = $GroupCollection | where-object { $_.primaryAddress -eq $PrimaryAddress }

            foreach ( $AddressGroup in $GroupCollection ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $AddressGroup -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $Interface.EdgeId
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $AddressGroup -xmlElementName "interfaceIndex" -xmlElementText $Interface.Index



    end {}

function Add-NsxEdgeInterfaceAddress {

    Adds a new address to the specified ESG interface
    NSX ESGs interfaces can be configured with multiple 'Address Groups'. This
    allows a single interface to have IP addresses defined in different subnets,
    each complete with their own Primary Address, Netmask and zero or more
    Secondary Addresses.
    The Add-NsxEdgeInterfaceAddress cmdlet adds a new address to an
    existing ESG interface.
    get-nsxedge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeInterface -Index 9 | Add-NsxEdgeInterfaceAddress -PrimaryAddress -SubnetPrefixLength 24 -SecondaryAddresses,
    Adds a new primary address and multiple secondary addresses to vNic 9 on edge Edge01
    $add2 = New-NsxAddressSpec -PrimaryAddress -SubnetPrefixLength 24 -SecondaryAddresses
    $add3 = New-NsxAddressSpec -PrimaryAddress -SubnetPrefixLength 24 -SecondaryAddresses
    get-nsxedge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeInterface -Index 9 | Add-NsxEdgeInterfaceAddress -AddressSpec $add2,$add3
    Adds two new addresses to Edge01's vnic9 using address specs.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="DirectAddress")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="AddressGroupSpec")]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeInterface $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="DirectAddress")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="DirectAddress")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="DirectAddress")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="AddressGroupSpec")]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateAddressGroupSpec $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="DirectAddress")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="AddressGroupSpec")]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        [System.Xml.XmlElement]$_Interface = $Interface.CloneNode($True)

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to put it...
        $edgeId = $_Interface.edgeId
        $NodetoRemove = $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_Interface -Query 'descendant::edgeId'))
        $_Interface.RemoveChild( $NodeToRemove ) | out-null

        [System.Xml.XmlElement]$AddressGroups = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_Interface -Query 'descendant::addressGroups')

        if ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "DirectAddress") {
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SecondaryAddresses')) {
                AddNsxEdgeVnicAddressGroup -xmlAddressGroups $AddressGroups -PrimaryAddress $PrimaryAddress -SubnetPrefixLength $SubnetPrefixLength -SecondaryAddresses $SecondaryAddresses
            else {
                AddNsxEdgeVnicAddressGroup -xmlAddressGroups $AddressGroups -PrimaryAddress $PrimaryAddress -SubnetPrefixLength $SubnetPrefixLength -SecondaryAddresses $SecondaryAddresses

        else {
            #Import any user specified address groups.
            foreach ( $spec in $AddressSpec ) {
                $import = $_Interface.OwnerDocument.ImportNode(($spec), $true)
                $AddressGroups.AppendChild($import) | out-null

        #Do the post
        $body = $_Interface.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($edgeId)/vnics/$($_Interface.Index)"
        Write-Progress -activity "Updating Edge Services Gateway interface configuration for interface $($_Interface.Index)."
        $null = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        Write-progress -activity "Updating Edge Services Gateway interface configuration for interface $($_Interface.Index)." -completed

        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Getting updated interface"
        Get-NsxEdge -objectId $($edgeId) -connection $connection | Get-NsxEdgeInterface -index "$($_Interface.Index)" -connection $connection

    end {}

function Remove-NsxEdgeInterfaceAddress {

    Removes the specified address configuration for the specified interface
    NSX ESGs interfaces can be configured with multiple 'Address Groups'. This
    allows a single interface to have IP addresses defined in different subnets,
    each complete with their own Primary Address, Netmask and zero or more
    Secondary Addresses.
    The Remove-NsxEdgeInterfaceAddress cmdlet removes the address specified
    from the specified interface.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeInterface -Index 9 | Get-NsxEdgeInterfaceAddress -PrimaryAddress | Remove-NsxEdgeInterfaceAddress
    Removes the address group with primary address defined on vNic 9 of the ESG Edge01.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeInterfaceAddress $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Get the routing config for our Edge
        $edgeId = $InterfaceAddress.edgeId
        $InterfaceIndex = $InterfaceAddress.interfaceIndex
        $Edge = Get-NsxEdge -objectId $edgeId -connection $connection
        $Interface = $Edge | Get-NsxEdgeInterface -index $InterfaceIndex -connection $connection
        if ( -not $Interface ) { Throw "Interface index $InterfaceIndex was not found on edge $edgeId."}

        #Remove the edgeId and interfaceIndex elements from the XML as we need to post it...
        $Interface.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $Interface -Query 'descendant::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        #Need to do an xpath query here to query for an address that matches the one passed in.
        $xpathQuery = "//addressGroups/addressGroup[primaryAddress=`"$($InterfaceAddress.primaryAddress)`"]"
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : XPath query for addressgroup nodes to remove is: $xpathQuery"
        $addressGroupToRemove = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $Interface -Query $xpathQuery)

        if ( $addressGroupToRemove ) {

            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : addressGroupToRemove Element is: `n $($addressGroupToRemove.OuterXml | format-xml) "
            $Interface.AddressGroups.RemoveChild($addressGroupToRemove) | Out-Null

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($EdgeId)/vnics/$InterfaceIndex"
            $body = $Interface.OuterXml

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "Edge Services Gateway routing update will modify existing Edge configuration."
                $question = "Proceed with Update of Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed
        else {
            Throw "Address $($InterfaceAddress.PrimaryAddress) was not found in the configuration for interface $InterfaceIndex on Edge $edgeId"

    end {}

function Get-NsxEdge {

    Retrieves an NSX Edge Service Gateway Object.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs support interfaces connected to either VLAN backed port groups or NSX
    Logical Switches.
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge


    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="objectId")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Name",Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    $pagesize = 10
    switch ( $psCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {

        "Name" {
            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges?pageSize=$pagesize&startIndex=00"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

            #Edge summary XML is returned as paged data, means we have to handle it.
            #Then we have to query for full information on a per edge basis.
            $edgesummaries = @()
            $edges = @()
            $itemIndex =  0
            $startingIndex = 0
            $pagingInfo = $response.pagedEdgeList.edgePage.pagingInfo

            if ( [int]$paginginfo.totalCount -ne 0 ) {
                 write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : ESG count non zero"

                do {
                    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : In paging loop. PageSize: $($pagingInfo.PageSize), StartIndex: $($paginginfo.startIndex), TotalCount: $($paginginfo.totalcount)"

                    while (($itemindex -lt ([int]$paginginfo.pagesize + $startingIndex)) -and ($itemIndex -lt [int]$paginginfo.totalCount )) {

                        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : In Item Processing Loop: ItemIndex: $itemIndex"
                        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : $(@($response.pagedEdgeList.edgePage.edgeSummary)[($itemIndex - $startingIndex)].objectId)"

                        #Need to wrap the edgesummary prop of the datapage in case we get exactly 1 item -
                        #which powershell annoyingly unwraps to a single xml element rather than an array...
                        $edgesummaries += @($response.pagedEdgeList.edgePage.edgeSummary)[($itemIndex - $startingIndex)]
                        $itemIndex += 1
                    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Out of item processing - PagingInfo: PageSize: $($pagingInfo.PageSize), StartIndex: $($paginginfo.startIndex), TotalCount: $($paginginfo.totalcount)"
                    if ( [int]$paginginfo.totalcount -gt $itemIndex) {
                        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : PagingInfo: PageSize: $($pagingInfo.PageSize), StartIndex: $($paginginfo.startIndex), TotalCount: $($paginginfo.totalcount)"
                        $startingIndex += $pagesize
                        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges?pageSize=$pagesize&startIndex=$startingIndex"

                        $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                        $pagingInfo = $response.pagedEdgeList.edgePage.pagingInfo

                } until ( [int]$paginginfo.totalcount -le $itemIndex )
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Completed page processing: ItemIndex: $itemIndex"

            #What we got here is...failure to communicate! In order to get full detail, we have to requery for each edgeid.
            #But... there is information in the SUmmary that isnt in the full detail. So Ive decided to add the summary as a node
            #to the returned edge detail.

            foreach ($edgesummary in $edgesummaries) {

                $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($edgesummary.objectID)"
                $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                $import = $response.edge.ownerDocument.ImportNode($edgesummary, $true)
                $response.edge.appendChild($import) | out-null
                $edges += $response.edge


            if ( $name ) {
                $edges | where-object { $_.Type -eq 'gatewayServices' } | where-object { $_.name -eq $name }

            } else {
                $edges | where-object { $_.Type -eq 'gatewayServices' }



        "objectId" {

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$objectId"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            $edge = $response.edge
            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$objectId/summary"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            $import = $edge.ownerDocument.ImportNode($($response.edgeSummary), $true)
            $edge.AppendChild($import) | out-null


function New-NsxEdge {

    Creates a new NSX Edge Services Gateway.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs support interfaces connected to either VLAN backed port groups or NSX
    Logical Switches.
    PowerCLI cmdlets such as Get-VDPortGroup and Get-Datastore require a valid
    PowerCLI session.
    Create interface specifications first for each interface that you want on the ESG
    PS C:\> $vnic0 = New-NsxEdgeInterfaceSpec -Index 0 -Name Uplink -Type Uplink
        -ConnectedTo (Get-VDPortgroup Corp) -PrimaryAddress ""
        -SubnetPrefixLength 24
    PS C:\> $vnic1 = New-NsxEdgeInterfaceSpec -Index 1 -Name Internal -Type Uplink
        -ConnectedTo $LogicalSwitch1 -PrimaryAddress ""
        -SecondaryAddresses "" -SubnetPrefixLength 24
    Then create the Edge Services Gateway
    PS C:\> New-NsxEdge -name DMZ_Edge_2
        -Cluster (get-cluster Cluster1) -Datastore (get-datastore Datastore1)
        -Interface $vnic0,$vnic1 -Password 'Pass'

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword","")] # Unable to remove without breaking backward compatibilty. Alternate credential parameter exists.
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingUserNameAndPassWordParams", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")] # Unable to remove without breaking backward compatibilty.
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Name of the edge appliance.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="ResourcePool")]
            #Resource pool into which to deploy the Edge.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Cluster")]
            #DRS Cluster into which to deploy the Edge.
                if ( $_ -eq $null ) { throw "Must specify Cluster."}
                if ( -not $_.DrsEnabled ) { throw "Cluster is not DRS enabled."}
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Datastore onto which to deploy the edge appliance (If HA is enabled, use -HADatastore to specify an alternate location if desired.)
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Cli account username.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #CLI account password
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Datastore onto which to deploy the HA edge appliance (Best practice is to use an alternative datastore/array to the first edge appliance in a HA pair. Defaults to the same datastore as the first appliance.)
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Formfactor for the deploye dedge appliance.
            [ValidateSet ("compact","large","xlarge","quadlarge")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #VI folder into which to place the edge in the VMs and Templates inventory.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Optional tenant string.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #DNS hostname to configure on the edge appliance. Defaults to the edge name.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Enable SSH
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Enable autogeneration of edge firewall rules for enabled services. Defaults to $true
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Enable edge firewall. Defaults to $true.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Set default firewall rule to allow. Defaults to $false.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Enable Firewall Logging. Defaults to $true.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Enable HA on the deployed Edge. Defaults to $false.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Configure the Edge Appliance Dead Time.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Configure the vNIC index used to send HA heartbeats.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Enable syslog. Defaults to $false.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Configure the syslog server.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Configure the syslog protocol.
       [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Define the Edge Interface configuration. Specify a collection of one or more interface specs as created by New-NsxEdgeInterfaceSpec.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeInterfaceSpec $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #Create the XMLRoot
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlRoot = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("edge")
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlRoot) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "fqdn" -xmlElementText $Hostname

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText "gatewayServices"
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Tenant")) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "tenant" -xmlElementText $Tenant

        #Appliances element
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlAppliances = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("appliances")
        $xmlRoot.appendChild($xmlAppliances) | out-null

        switch ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName){
            "Cluster"  { $ResPoolId = $($cluster | get-resourcepool | where-object { $_.parent.id -eq $cluster.id }).extensiondata.moref.value }
            "ResourcePool"  { $ResPoolId = $ResourcePool.extensiondata.moref.value }

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliances -xmlElementName "applianceSize" -xmlElementText $FormFactor

        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlAppliance = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("appliance")
        $xmlAppliances.appendChild($xmlAppliance) | out-null
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliance -xmlElementName "resourcePoolId" -xmlElementText $ResPoolId
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliance -xmlElementName "datastoreId" -xmlElementText $datastore.extensiondata.moref.value
        if ( $VMFolder ) { Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliance -xmlElementName "vmFolderId" -xmlElementText $VMFolder.extensiondata.moref.value}

        #Create the features element.
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlFeatures = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("features")
        $xmlRoot.appendChild($xmlFeatures) | out-null

        if ( $EnableHA ) {

            #Define the HA appliance
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlAppliance = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("appliance")
            $xmlAppliances.appendChild($xmlAppliance) | out-null
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliance -xmlElementName "resourcePoolId" -xmlElementText $ResPoolId
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliance -xmlElementName "datastoreId" -xmlElementText $HAdatastore.extensiondata.moref.value
            if ( $VMFolder ) { Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliance -xmlElementName "vmFolderId" -xmlElementText $VMFolder.extensiondata.moref.value}

            #configure HA
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlHA = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("highAvailability")
            $xmlFeatures.appendChild($xmlHA) | out-null

            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlHA -xmlElementName "enabled" -xmlElementText "true"
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.containsKey('HaDeadTime')) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlHA -xmlElementName "declareDeadTime" -xmlElementText $HaDeadTime.ToString()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.containsKey('HaVnic')) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlHA -xmlElementName "vnic" -xmlElementText $HaVnic.ToString()

        #Create the syslog element
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlSyslog = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("syslog")
        $xmlFeatures.appendChild($xmlSyslog) | out-null
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlSyslog -xmlElementName "enabled" -xmlElementText $EnableSyslog.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.containsKey('SyslogProtocol')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlSyslog -xmlElementName "protocol" -xmlElementText $SyslogProtocol.ToString()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.containsKey('SyslogServer')) {
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlServerAddresses = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("serverAddresses")
            $xmlSyslog.appendChild($xmlServerAddresses) | out-null
            foreach ( $server in $SyslogServer ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlServerAddresses -xmlElementName "ipAddress" -xmlElementText $server.ToString()

        #Create the fw element
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlFirewall = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("firewall")
        $xmlFeatures.appendChild($xmlFirewall) | out-null
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlFirewall -xmlElementName "enabled" -xmlElementText $FwEnabled.ToString().ToLower()

        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlDefaultPolicy = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("defaultPolicy")
        $xmlFirewall.appendChild($xmlDefaultPolicy) | out-null
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlDefaultPolicy -xmlElementName "loggingEnabled" -xmlElementText $FwLoggingEnabled.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $FwDefaultPolicyAllow ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlDefaultPolicy -xmlElementName "action" -xmlElementText "accept"
        else {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlDefaultPolicy -xmlElementName "action" -xmlElementText "deny"

        #Rule Autoconfiguration
        if ( $AutoGenerateRules ) {
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlAutoConfig = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("autoConfiguration")
            $xmlRoot.appendChild($xmlAutoConfig) | out-null
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAutoConfig -xmlElementName "enabled" -xmlElementText $AutoGenerateRules.ToString().ToLower()

        #CLI Settings
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EnableSSH') -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Password') ) {

            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlCliSettings = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("cliSettings")
            $xmlRoot.appendChild($xmlCliSettings) | out-null

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Password') ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlCliSettings -xmlElementName "userName" -xmlElementText $UserName
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlCliSettings -xmlElementName "password" -xmlElementText $Password
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EnableSSH') ) { Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlCliSettings -xmlElementName "remoteAccess" -xmlElementText $EnableSsh.ToString().ToLower() }

        #DNS Settings
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PrimaryDnsServer') -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SecondaryDNSServer') -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DNSDomainName') ) {
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlDnsClient = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("dnsClient")
            $xmlRoot.appendChild($xmlDnsClient) | out-null
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PrimaryDnsServer') ) { Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlDnsClient -xmlElementName "primaryDns" -xmlElementText $PrimaryDnsServer }
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SecondaryDNSServer') ) { Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlDnsClient -xmlElementName "secondaryDns" -xmlElementText $SecondaryDNSServer }
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DNSDomainName') ) { Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlDnsClient -xmlElementName "domainName" -xmlElementText $DNSDomainName }

        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlVnics = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("vnics")
        $xmlRoot.appendChild($xmlVnics) | out-null
        foreach ( $VnicSpec in $Interface ) {
            $import = $xmlDoc.ImportNode(($VnicSpec), $true)
            $xmlVnics.AppendChild($import) | out-null


        # #Do the post
        $body = $xmlroot.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges"
        Write-Progress -activity "Creating Edge Services Gateway $Name"
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        Write-progress -activity "Creating Edge Services Gateway $Name" -completed
        $edgeId = $response.Headers.Location.split("/")[$response.Headers.Location.split("/").GetUpperBound(0)]

        Get-NsxEdge -objectID $edgeId -connection $connection
    end {}

function Repair-NsxEdge {

    Resyncs or Redploys the specified NSX Edge Services Gateway appliance.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    The Repair-NsxEdge cmdlet allows a Resync, Redploy or Upgrade operation to be
    performed on the specified Edge appliance.
    WARNING: Repair operations can cause connectivity loss. Use with caution.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Repair-NsxEdge -Operation Redeploy
    Redeploys the ESG Edge01.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Repair-NsxEdge -Operation ReSync -Confirm:$false
    Resyncs the ESG Edge01 without confirmation.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Repair-NsxEdge -Operation Upgrade -Confirm:$false
    Upgrade the ESG Edge01 to last release without confirmation.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            #The Edge object to be repaired. Accepted on pipline
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdge $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
            #WARNING: This operation can potentially cause a datapath outage depending on the deployment architecture.
            #Specify the repair operation to be performed on the Edge.
            #If ForceSync - The edge appliance is rebooted
            #If Redeploy - The Edge is removed and redeployed (if the edge is HA this causes failover, otherwise, an outage.)
            #If Upgrade - The Edge is upgraded to latest release
            [ValidateSet("ForceSync", "Redeploy","Upgrade")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {


    process {

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($Edge.Id)?action=$($Operation.ToLower())"

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "WARNING: An Edge Services Gateway $Operation is disruptive to Edge services and may cause connectivity loss depending on the deployment architecture."
            $question = "Proceed with Redeploy of Edge Services Gateway $($Edge.Name)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Repairing Edge Services Gateway $($Edge.Name)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Reparing Edge Services Gateway $($Edge.Name)" -completed
            Get-NsxEdge -objectId $($Edge.Id) -connection $connection

    end {}

function Set-NsxEdge {

    Configures an existing NSX Edge Services Gateway Raw configuration.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs support interfaces connected to either VLAN backed port groups or NSX
    Logical Switches.
    Use the Set-NsxEdge to perform updates to the Raw XML config for an ESG
    to enable basic support for manipulating Edge features that arent supported
    by specific PowerNSX cmdlets.
    $edge = Get-NsxEdge Edge01
    PS C:\>$edge.features.firewall.enabled = "false"
    PS C:\>$edge | Set-NsxEdge
    Disable the Edge Firewall on ESG Edge01

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdge $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {


    process {

        #Clone the Edge Element so we can modify without barfing up the source object.
        $_Edge = $Edge.CloneNode($true)

        #Remove EdgeSummary...
        $edgeSummary = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_Edge -Query 'descendant::edgeSummary')
        if ( $edgeSummary ) {
            $_Edge.RemoveChild($edgeSummary) | out-null

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($_Edge.Id)"
        $body = $_Edge.OuterXml

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Edge Services Gateway update will modify existing Edge configuration."
            $question = "Proceed with Update of Edge Services Gateway $($Edge.Name)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($Edge.Name)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($Edge.Name)" -completed
            Get-NsxEdge -objectId $($Edge.Id) -connection $connection

    end {}

function Remove-NsxEdge {

    Removes an existing NSX Edge Services Gateway.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    This cmdlet removes the specified ESG.
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Remove-NsxEdge

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdge $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {


    process {

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Edge Services Gateway removal is permanent."
            $question = "Proceed with removal of Edge Services Gateway $($Edge.Name)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($Edge.Edgesummary.ObjectId)"
            Write-Progress -activity "Remove Edge Services Gateway $($Edge.Name)"
            invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection| out-null
            write-progress -activity "Remove Edge Services Gateway $($Edge.Name)" -completed


    end {}

function Enable-NsxEdgeSsh {

    Enables the SSH server on an existing NSX Edge Services Gateway.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    This cmdlet enables the ssh server on the specified Edge Services Gateway.
    If rule autogeneration is configured on the Edge, the Edge firewall is
    automatically configured to allow incoming connections.
    Enable SSH on edge Edge01
    C:\PS> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Enable-NsxEdgeSsh

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdge $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {


    process {

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($Edge.Edgesummary.ObjectId)/cliremoteaccess?enable=true"
        Write-Progress -activity "Enable SSH on Edge Services Gateway $($Edge.Name)"
        invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "post" -uri $URI -connection $connection| out-null
        write-progress -activity "Enable SSH on Edge Services Gateway $($Edge.Name)" -completed


    end {}

function Disable-NsxEdgeSsh {

    Disables the SSH server on an existing NSX Edge Services Gateway.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    This cmdlet disables the ssh server on the specified Edge Services Gateway.
    Disable SSH on edge Edge01
    C:\PS> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Disable-NsxEdgeSsh

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdge $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {


    process {

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Disabling SSH will prevent remote SSH connections to this edge."
            $question = "Proceed with disabling SSH service on $($Edge.Name)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($Edge.Edgesummary.ObjectId)/cliremoteaccess?enable=false"
            Write-Progress -activity "Disable SSH on Edge Services Gateway $($Edge.Name)"
            invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "post" -uri $URI -connection $connection| out-null
            write-progress -activity "Disable SSH on Edge Services Gateway $($Edge.Name)" -completed

    end {}


# Edge NAT related functions
function Set-NsxEdgeNat {

    Configures global NAT configuration of an existing NSX Edge Services
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    NSX Edge provides network address translation (NAT) service to protect the
    IP addresses of internal (private) networks from the public network.
    You can configure NAT rules to provide access to services running on
    privately addressed virtual machines. There are two types of NAT rules that
    can be configured: SNAT and DNAT.
    The Set-NsxEdgeNat cmdlet configures the global NAT configuration of
    the specified Edge Services Gateway.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeNat $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {


    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_EdgeNat = $EdgeNat.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $_EdgeNat.edgeId
        $_EdgeNat.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeNat -Query 'descendant::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
        #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Enabled') ) {
            if ( $Enabled ) {
                $_EdgeNat.enabled = 'true'
            else {
                $_EdgeNat.enabled = 'false'

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($EdgeId)/nat/config"
        $body = $_EdgeNat.OuterXml

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Edge Services Gateway NAT update will modify existing Edge configuration."
            $question = "Proceed with Update of Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed
            Get-NsxEdge -objectId $EdgeId -connection $connection | Get-NsxEdgeNat

    end {}

function Get-NsxEdgeNat {

    Gets global NAT configuration of an existing NSX Edge Services
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    NSX Edge provides network address translation (NAT) service to protect the
    IP addresses of internal (private) networks from the public network.
    You can configure NAT rules to provide access to services running on
    privately addressed virtual machines. There are two types of NAT rules that
    can be configured: SNAT and DNAT.
    The Get-NsxEdgeNat cmdlet retreives the global NAT configuration of
    the specified Edge Services Gateway.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdge $_ })]

    begin {


    process {

        #We append the Edge-id to the associated Routing config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
        #consistent readable output

        $_EdgeNat = $Edge.features.nat.CloneNode($True)
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_EdgeNat -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $Edge.Id

    end {}

function Get-NsxEdgeNatRule {

    Retreives NAT rules from the specified NSX Edge Services Gateway NAT
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    NSX Edge provides network address translation (NAT) service to protect the
    IP addresses of internal (private) networks from the public network.
    The Get-NsxEdgeNatRule cmdlet retreives the nat rules from the
    nat configuration specified.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeNat $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]


    begin {

    process {

        #We append the Edge-id to the associated Routing config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
        #consistent readable output

        $_EdgeNat = ($EdgeNat.CloneNode($True))
        $_EdgeNatRules = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeNat -Query 'descendant::natRules')

        #Need to use an xpath query here, as dot notation will throw in strict mode if there is not childnode called natRule.
        If ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeNatRules -Query 'descendant::natRule')) {

            $RuleCollection = $_EdgeNatRules.natRule
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RuleId')) {
                $RuleCollection = $RuleCollection | where-object { $_.ruleId -eq $RuleId }

            if ( -not $ShowInternal ) {
                $RuleCollection = $RuleCollection | where-object { $_.ruleType -eq 'user' }

            foreach ( $Rule in $RuleCollection ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Rule -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $EdgeNat.EdgeId


    end {}

function New-NsxEdgeNatRule {

    Creates a new NAT rule and adds it to the specified ESGs NAT configuration.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    NSX Edge provides network address translation (NAT) service to protect the
    IP addresses of internal (private) networks from the public network.
    The New-NsxEdgeNatRule cmdlet creates a new NAT rule in the nat
    configuration specified.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeNat $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {

    process {

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $EdgeId = $EdgeNat.edgeId

        #Create the new rules + rule element.
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AboveRuleId') ) {
            $Rules = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('natRules')
            $Rule = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('natRule')
            $xmlDoc.AppendChild($Rules) | out-null
            $Rules.AppendChild($Rule)  | out-null
            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$EdgeId/nat/config/rules"

        else {
            $Rule = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('natRule')
            $xmlDoc.AppendChild($Rule) | out-null
            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$EdgeId/nat/config/rules?aboveRuleId=$($AboveRuleId.toString())"

        #Append the mandatory props
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Rule -xmlElementName "vnic" -xmlElementText $Vnic.ToString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Rule -xmlElementName "originalAddress" -xmlElementText $OriginalAddress.ToString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Rule -xmlElementName "translatedAddress" -xmlElementText $TranslatedAddress.ToString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Rule -xmlElementName "action" -xmlElementText $Action.ToString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Rule -xmlElementName "loggingEnabled" -xmlElementText $LoggingEnabled.ToString().tolower()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Rule -xmlElementName "enabled" -xmlElementText $Enabled.ToString().tolower()

        #Now the optional ones
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Protocol") ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Rule -xmlElementName "protocol" -xmlElementText $Protocol.ToString()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Description") ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Rule -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description.ToString()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("OriginalPort") ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Rule -xmlElementName "originalPort" -xmlElementText $OriginalPort.ToString()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("TranslatedPort") ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Rule -xmlElementName "translatedPort" -xmlElementText $TranslatedPort.ToString()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("IcmpType") ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Rule -xmlElementName "icmpType" -xmlElementText $IcmpType.ToString()

        if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AboveRuleId') ) {
            $body = $Rules.OuterXml
        else {
            $body = $Rule.OuterXml

        Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed
        $ruleid = $response.Headers.Location -replace "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeid/nat/config/rules/",""
        Get-NsxEdge -objectId $EdgeId -connection $connection| Get-NsxEdgeNat | Get-NsxEdgeNatRule -ruleid $ruleid

    end {}

function Remove-NsxEdgeNatRule {

    Removes a NAT Rule from the specified ESGs NAT configuration.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    NSX Edge provides network address translation (NAT) service to protect the
    IP addresses of internal (private) networks from the public network.
    The Remove-NsxEdgeNatRule cmdlet removes a specific NAT rule from the NAT
    configuration of the specified Edge Services Gateway.
    Rules to be removed can be constructed via a PoSH pipline filter outputing
    rule objects as produced by Get-NsxEdgeNatRule and passing them on the
    pipeline to Remove-NsxEdgeNatRule.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeNatRule $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Get the rule config for our Edge
        $edgeId = $NatRule.edgeId
        $ruleId = $NatRule.ruleId

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$EdgeId/nat/config/rules/$ruleId"

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Edge Services Gateway nat rule update will modify existing Edge configuration."
            $question = "Proceed with Update of Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $EdgeId"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $EdgeId" -completed

    end {}

# Edge FW related functions

function Set-NsxEdgeFirewall {

    Configures global Firewall configuration of an existing NSX Edge Services
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    The NSX Edge provides layer 3/4 firewall services to protect connected
    networks. the Edge firewall is separate, and can be used to complement the
    NSX distributed firewall
    The Set-NsxEdgeFirewall cmdlet configures the global FW configuration of
    the specified Edge Services Gateway.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeFirewall | Set-NsxEdgeFirewall -DefaultRuleAction deny
    Retrieve the current global FW configuration of Edge01 and set the action on
    the default rule to deny.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeFirewall | Set-NsxEdgeFirewall -DefaultRuleAction deny -NoConfirm
    Retrieve the current global FW configuration of Edge01 and set the action on
    the default rule to deny without prompting for confirmation.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeFw $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="LegacyConfirm")]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="Default")]
            #Disable Prompt for confirmation.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Enable / Disable Edge Firewall
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Default rule action
            [ValidateSet("accept","deny","reject", IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Default rule logging configuration
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Edge Firewall global config option
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Edge Firewall global config option
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Edge Firewall global config option
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Edge Firewall global config option
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Edge Firewall global config option
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Edge Firewall global config option
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Edge Firewall global config option
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Edge Firewall global config option
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Edge Firewall global config option
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Edge Firewall global config option
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Edge Firewall global config option
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Edge Firewall global config option
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Edge Firewall global config option
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Edge Firewall global config option
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Edge Firewall global config option
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {
        If ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "LegacyConfirm") {
            write-warning "The -confirm switch is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use -NoConfirm instead."
            $NoConfirm = ( -not $confirm )

    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_EdgeFirewall = $EdgeFirewall.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $EdgeFirewall.edgeId
        $_EdgeFirewall.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeFirewall -Query 'descendant::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
        #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Enabled') ) {
            $_EdgeFirewall.enabled = $enabled.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DefaultRuleAction') ) {
            $_EdgeFirewall.defaultPolicy.action = $DefaultRuleAction.ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DefaultRuleLoggingEnabled') ) {
            $_EdgeFirewall.defaultPolicy.loggingEnabled = $DefaultRuleLoggingEnabled.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('tcpPickOngoingConnections') ) {
            $_EdgeFirewall.globalConfig.tcpPickOngoingConnections = $tcpPickOngoingConnections.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('tcpAllowOutOfWindowPackets') ) {
            $_EdgeFirewall.globalConfig.tcpAllowOutOfWindowPackets = $tcpAllowOutOfWindowPackets.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('tcpSendResetForClosedVsePorts') ) {
            $_EdgeFirewall.globalConfig.tcpSendResetForClosedVsePorts = $tcpSendResetForClosedVsePorts.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('dropInvalidTraffic') ) {
            $_EdgeFirewall.globalConfig.dropInvalidTraffic = $dropInvalidTraffic.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('logInvalidTraffic') ) {
            $_EdgeFirewall.globalConfig.logInvalidTraffic = $logInvalidTraffic.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('tcpTimeoutOpen') ) {
            $_EdgeFirewall.globalConfig.tcpTimeoutOpen = $tcpTimeoutOpen.ToString()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('tcpTimeoutEstablished') ) {
            $_EdgeFirewall.globalConfig.tcpTimeoutEstablished = $tcpTimeoutEstablished.ToString()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('tcpTimeoutClose') ) {
            $_EdgeFirewall.globalConfig.tcpTimeoutClose = $tcpTimeoutClose.ToString()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('udpTimeout') ) {
            $_EdgeFirewall.globalConfig.udpTimeout = $udpTimeout.ToString()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('icmpTimeout') ) {
            $_EdgeFirewall.globalConfig.icmpTimeout = $icmpTimeout.ToString()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('icmp6Timeout') ) {
            $_EdgeFirewall.globalConfig.icmp6Timeout = $icmp6Timeout.ToString()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ipGenericTimeout') ) {
            $_EdgeFirewall.globalConfig.ipGenericTimeout = $ipGenericTimeout.ToString()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('enableSynFloodProtection') ) {
            if ( [version]$Connection.Version -lt [version]"6.2.3") {
                write-warning "The option enableSynFloodProtection requires at least NSX version 6.2.3"
            else {
                $_EdgeFirewall.globalConfig.enableSynFloodProtection = $enableSynFloodProtection.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('logIcmpErrors') ) {
            if ( [version]$Connection.Version -lt [version]"6.3.0") {
                write-warning "The option logIcmpErrors requires at least NSX version 6.3.0"
            else {
                $_EdgeFirewall.globalConfig.logIcmpErrors = $logIcmpErrors.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('dropIcmpReplays') ) {
            if ( [version]$Connection.Version -lt [version]"6.3.0") {
                write-warning "The option dropIcmpReplays requires at least NSX version 6.3.0"
            else {
                $_EdgeFirewall.globalConfig.dropIcmpReplays = $dropIcmpReplays.ToString().ToLower()

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($EdgeId)/firewall/config"
        $body = $_EdgeFirewall.OuterXml

        if ( -not ( $Noconfirm )) {
            $message  = "Edge Services Gateway firewall configuration update will modify and existing Edge configuration."
            $question = "Proceed with Update of Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed
            Get-NsxEdge -objectId $EdgeId -connection $connection | Get-NsxEdgeFirewall

    end {}

function Get-NsxEdgeFirewall {

    Gets global Firewall configuration of an existing NSX Edge Services
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    The NSX Edge provides layer 3/4 firewall services to protect connected
    networks. the Edge firewall is separate from, and can be used to complement
    the NSX distributed firewall.
    The Get-NsxEdgeFirewall cmdlet retrieves the global FW configuration of
    the specified Edge Services Gateway.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdge $_ })]

    begin {

    process {

        #We append the Edge-id to the associated Routing config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
        #consistent readable output

        $_EdgeFw = $Edge.features.firewall.CloneNode($True)
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_EdgeFw -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $Edge.Id

    end {}

function Get-NsxEdgeFirewallRule {

    Retrieves Firewall rules from the specified NSX Edge Services Gateway Firewall
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    The NSX Edge provides layer 3/4 firewall services to protect connected
    networks. the Edge firewall is separate from, and can be used to complement
    the NSX distributed firewall.
    The Get-NsxEdgeFirewallRule cmdlet retrieves configured firewall rules on
    the specified Edge Services Gateway.

    [CmdLetBinding (DefaultParameterSetName="Name")]
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeFw $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="RuleId")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Name", Position=1)]

    begin {

    process {

        #We append the Edge-id to the associated Routing config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
        #consistent readable output

        $_EdgeFirewall = ($EdgeFirewall.CloneNode($True))
        $_EdgeFirewallRules = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeFirewall -Query 'descendant::firewallRules')

        #Need to use an xpath query here, as dot notation will throw in strict mode if there is not childnode called natRule.
        If ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeFirewallRules -Query 'descendant::firewallRule')) {

            $RuleCollection = $_EdgeFirewallRules.FirewallRule
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RuleId')) {
                $RuleCollection = $RuleCollection | where-object { $_.id -eq $RuleId }
            elseif ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name")) {
                $RuleCollection = $RuleCollection | where-object { $_.Name -eq $Name }

            foreach ( $Rule in $RuleCollection ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Rule -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $EdgeFirewall.EdgeId


    end {}

function New-NsxEdgeFirewallRule {

    Creates a new NSX Edge firewall rule on the specified ESG.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    The NSX Edge provides layer 3/4 firewall services to protect connected
    networks. the Edge firewall is separate from, and can be used to
    complement the NSX distributed firewall.
    The New-NsxEdgeFirewallRule cmdlet configures new firewall rules on
    the specified Edge Services Gateway.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeFw $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            # Name of the new rule
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Comment string for the new rule
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            # Action of the rule - allow, deny or reject.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Source(s) of traffic to hit the rule. IP4/6 members are specified as string, any other member as the appropriate VI or PowerNSX object.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateFirewallRuleSourceDest $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Source(s) vNics of traffic to hit the rule. Valid options are 0 - 9, internal, external, vse
            [ValidateSet("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9", "internal", "external", "vse")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Destination(s) vNics of traffic to hit the rule. Valid options are 0 - 9, internal, external, vse
            [ValidateSet("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9", "internal", "external", "vse")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Negate the list of sources hit by the rule
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Destination(s) of traffic to hit the rule. IP4/6 members are specified as string, any other member as the appropriate VI or PowerNSX object.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateFirewallRuleSourceDest $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Negate the list of destinations hit by the rule
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Services to hit the rule. Services must be marked for inheritance in global scope, or defined directly within edge scope.
            [ValidateScript ({ ValidateEdgeFirewallRuleService $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Rule is created as disabled
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Rule logging is enabled
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Existing RuleId above which to create new rule
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {
        function Add-NsxEdgeFirewallSrcDestMembers {
            param (

            foreach ($member in $memberlist) {

                if ( ( $member -as [ipaddress]) -or ( ValidateIPRange -argument $member ) -or ( ValidateIPPrefix -argument $member ) ) {
                    #Item is v4 or 6 address
                    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Building source/dest node for $member"
                    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Object $member is an ipaddress"
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $SourceDestNode -xmlElementName "ipAddress" -xmlElementText $member
                elseif ( $member -is [system.xml.xmlelement] ) {
                    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Building source/dest node for $($member.name)"
                    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Object $($member.name) is specified as xml element"
                    #XML representation of NSX object passed - ipset, sec group or logical switch
                    #get appropritate name, value.
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $SourceDestNode -xmlElementName "groupingObjectId" -xmlElementText $member.objectId
                } else {
                    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Building source/dest node for $($member.name)"
                    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Object $($member.name) is specified as supported powercli object"
                    #Proper PowerCLI Object passed. We just need to grab details from the moref.
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $SourceDestNode -xmlElementName "groupingObjectId" -xmlElementText $member.extensiondata.moref.value

    process {

        #Get the edgeId
        $EdgeId = $EdgeFirewall.edgeId

        #Create the new rules + rule element.
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        $Rule = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('firewallRule')

        #Append the mandatory props
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Rule -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name.ToString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Rule -xmlElementName "action" -xmlElementText $Action.ToString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Rule -xmlElementName "loggingEnabled" -xmlElementText $EnableLogging.ToString().tolower()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Rule -xmlElementName "enabled" -xmlElementText ( -not $Disabled ).ToString().tolower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Comment") ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Rule -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Comment.ToString()

        #Build Sources Node
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("source") -or $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("sourcevnic") ) {
            #Build the Source node and handle negation if necessary
            $SourceNode = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('source')
            $null = $Rule.AppendChild($SourceNode)
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $SourceNode -xmlElementName "exclude" -xmlElementText $NegateSource.ToString().tolower()

        #Normal Sources
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("source")) {
            Add-NsxEdgeFirewallSrcDestMembers -memberlist $Source -SourceDestNode $SourceNode

        #Source vNICs
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("sourcevnic")) {
            foreach ( $vnic in $Sourcevnic ) {
                switch -Regex ($vNic) {
                    "^\d$" { $vNicSpecifier = "vnic-index-$vnic" }
                    "^all$" { $vNicSpecifier = "vse" }
                    default { $vNicSpecifier = $vnic.toLower() }
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $SourceNode -xmlElementName "vnicGroupId" -xmlElementText $vNicSpecifier

        #Destinations Node
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("destination") -or $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("destinationvnic") ) {
            #Build the Destination node and handle negation if necessary
            $DestNode = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('destination')
            $null = $Rule.AppendChild($DestNode)
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $DestNode -xmlElementName "exclude" -xmlElementText $NegateDestination.ToString().tolower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("destination")) {
            Add-NsxEdgeFirewallSrcDestMembers -memberlist $Destination -SourceDestNode $DestNode

        #Destination vNICs
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("destinationvnic")) {
            foreach ( $vnic in $Destinationvnic ) {
                switch -Regex ($vNic) {
                    "^\d$" { $vNicSpecifier = "vnic-index-$vnic" }
                    "^all$" { $vNicSpecifier = "vse" }
                    default { $vNicSpecifier = $vnic.toLower() }
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $DestNode -xmlElementName "vnicGroupId" -xmlElementText $vNicSpecifier

        if ( $service ) {
            New-NsxEdgeServiceNode -itemlist $service -xmlRule $Rule

        if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AboveRuleId') ) {
            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$EdgeId/firewall/config/rules"
            $Rules = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('firewallRules')
            $null = $Rules.AppendChild($Rule)
            $body = $Rules.OuterXml
        else {
            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$EdgeId/firewall/config/rules?aboveRuleId=$($AboveRuleId.toString())"
            $body = $Rule.OuterXml

        Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed
        $ruleid = $response.Headers.Location -replace "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeid/firewall/config/rules/",""
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Retrieving ruleid $ruleid from API for $edgeid"
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "get" -uri "/api/4.0/edges/$EdgeId/firewall/config/rules/$ruleid" -connection $connection
        [system.xml.xmlDocument]$responserule = $response.content
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $responserule.firewallRule -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $EdgeId

    end {}

function Remove-NsxEdgeFirewallRule {

    Removes a Firewall Rule from the specified ESGs FirewallRule configuration.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    The NSX Edge provides layer 3/4 firewall services to protect connected
    networks. the Edge firewall is separate from, and can be used to
    complement the NSX distributed firewall.
    The Remove-NsxEdgeFirewallRule cmdlet removes the specified firewall rules
    from the specified Edge Services Gateway.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    [CmdletBinding (DefaultParameterSetName="Default")]
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeFwRule $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="LegacyConfirm")]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="Default")]
            #Disable Prompt for confirmation.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {
        If ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "LegacyConfirm") {
            write-warning "The -confirm switch is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use -NoConfirm instead."
            $NoConfirm = ( -not $confirm )

    process {

        #Get the rule config for our Edge
        $edgeId = $FirewallRule.edgeId
        $ruleId = $FirewallRule.Id

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$EdgeId/firewall/config/rules/$ruleId"

        if ( -not $noConfirm ) {
            $message  = "Edge Services Gateway firewall rule update will modify existing Edge configuration."
            $question = "Proceed with Update of Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $EdgeId"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $EdgeId" -completed

    end {}

# Edge Certificate related functions

function Get-NsxEdgeCsr {

    Gets SSL Certificate Signing Requests from an existing NSX Edge Services
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    SSL Certificates are used by a variety of services within NSX, including SSL
    VPN and Load Balancing.
    Certificate Signing Requests define the subject details to be included in
    an SSL certificate and are the object that is signed by a Certificate
    Authority in order to provide a valid certificate
    The Get-NsxEdgeCsr cmdlet retreives csr's definined on the specified Edge
    Services Gateway, or with the specified objectId

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ParameterSetName="Edge")]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdge $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="objectId")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}

    process {

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('objectId')) {

            #Just getting a single named csr by id group
            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/truststore/csr/$objectId"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            if ( $response ) {
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::csr')) {

        else {

            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/truststore/csr/scope/$($Edge.Id)"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

            if ( $response ) {
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::csrs/csr')) {

    end {}

function New-NsxEdgeCsr{

    Creates a new SSL Certificate Signing Requests on an existing NSX Edge
    Services Gateway.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    SSL Certificates are used by a variety of services within NSX, including SSL
    VPN and Load Balancing.
    Certificate Signing Requests define the subject details to be included in
    an SSL certificate and are the object that is signed by a Certificate
    Authority in order to provide a valid certificate
    The New-NsxEdgeCsr cmdlet creates a new csr on the specified Edge Services

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdge $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            [ValidateSet("RSA", "DSA", IgnoreCase=$false )]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        $edgeId = $Edge.Id

        #Create the new csr element and subject child element.
        [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $xmlDoc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
        $csr = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('csr')
        $subject = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('subject')
        $csr.AppendChild($subject) | out-null

        #Common Name
        $CnAttribute = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('attribute')
        $subject.AppendChild($CnAttribute) | out-null
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $CnAttribute -xmlElementName "key" -xmlElementText "CN"
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $CnAttribute -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText $CommonName.ToString()

        $OAttribute = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('attribute')
        $subject.AppendChild($OAttribute) | out-null
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $OAttribute -xmlElementName "key" -xmlElementText "O"
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $OAttribute -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText $Organisation.ToString()

        $OuAttribute = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('attribute')
        $subject.AppendChild($OuAttribute) | out-null
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $OuAttribute -xmlElementName "key" -xmlElementText "OU"
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $OuAttribute -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText $OrganisationalUnit.ToString()

        $CAttribute = $xmlDoc.CreateElement('attribute')
        $subject.AppendChild($CAttribute) | out-null
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $CAttribute -xmlElementName "key" -xmlElementText "C"
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $CAttribute -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText $Country.ToString()

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $csr -xmlElementName "algorithm" -xmlElementText $Algorithm.ToString()

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $csr -xmlElementName "keySize" -xmlElementText $Keysize.ToString()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $csr -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name.ToString()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Description')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $csr -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description.ToString()

        $URI = "/api/2.0/services/truststore/csr/$edgeId"
        $body = $csr.OuterXml

        Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $EdgeId"
        $response = Invoke-NsxRestMethod -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $EdgeId" -completed


    end {}

function Remove-NsxEdgeCsr{

    Remvoves the specificed SSL Certificate Signing Request from an existing NSX
    Edge Services Gateway.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    SSL Certificates are used by a variety of services within NSX, including SSL
    VPN and Load Balancing.
    Certificate Signing Requests define the subject details to be included in
    an SSL certificate and are the object that is signed by a Certificate
    Authority in order to provide a valid certificate
    The Remove-NsxEdgeCsr cmdlet removes a csr from the specified Edge Services
    CSRs to be removed can be constructed via a PoSH pipline filter outputing
    csr objects as produced by Get-NsxEdgeCsr and passing them on the
    pipeline to Remove-NsxEdgeCsr.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeCsr $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {


    process {

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "CSR removal is permanent."
            $question = "Proceed with removal of CSR $($Csr.objectId)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/truststore/csr/$($csr.objectId)"

            Write-Progress -activity "Remove CSR $($Csr.Name)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Remove CSR $($Csr.Name)" -completed


    end {}

function Get-NsxEdgeCertificate{

    Gets SSL Certificate from an existing NSX Edge Services
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    SSL Certificates are used by a variety of services within NSX, including SSL
    VPN and Load Balancing.
    SSL Certificates are used to provide encyption and trust validation for the
    services that use them.
    The Get-NsxEdgeCertificate cmdlet retreives certificates definined on the
    specified Edge Services Gateway, or with the specified objectId

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ParameterSetName="Edge")]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdge $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="objectId")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}

    process {

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('objectId')) {

            #Just getting a single named csr by id group
            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/truststore/certificate/$objectId"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            if ( $response ) {
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::certificate')) {

        else {

            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/truststore/certificate/scope/$($Edge.Id)"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

            if ( $response ) {
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::certificates/certificate')) {

    end {}

function New-NsxEdgeSelfSignedCertificate{

    Signs an NSX Edge Certificate Signing Request on an existing NSX Edge
    Services Gateway to create a new Self Signed Certificate
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    SSL Certificates are used by a variety of services within NSX, including SSL
    VPN and Load Balancing.
    Certificate Signing Requests define the subject details to be included in
    an SSL certificate and are the object that is signed by a Certificate
    Authority in order to provide a valid certificate.
    The New-NsxEdgeCertificate cmdlet signs an existing csr on the specified
    Edge Services Gateway to create a Self Signed Certificate.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeCSR $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        $edgeId = $Csr.Scope.Id

        $URI = "/api/2.0/services/truststore/csr/$($csr.objectId)?noOfDays=$NumberOfDays"

        Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $EdgeId"
        $response = Invoke-NsxRestMethod -method "Put" -uri $URI -connection $connection
        write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $EdgeId" -completed


    end {}

function Remove-NsxEdgeCertificate{

    Remvoves the specificed SSL Certificate from an existing NSX Edge Services
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    SSL Certificates are used by a variety of services within NSX, including SSL
    VPN and Load Balancing.
    SSL Certificates are used to provide encyption and trust validation for the
    services that use them.
    The Remove-NsxEdgeCertificate cmdlet removes a certificate from the
    specified Edge Services Gateway.
    Certificates to be removed can be constructed via a PoSH pipeline filter
    outputing certificate objects as produced by Get-NsxEdgeCertificate and
    passing them on the pipeline to Remove-NsxEdgeCertificate.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeCertificate $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {


    process {

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Certificate removal is permanent."
            $question = "Proceed with removal of Certificate $($Certificate.objectId)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/truststore/certificate/$($certificate.objectId)"

            Write-Progress -activity "Remove Certificate $($Csr.Name)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Remove Certificate $($Csr.Name)" -completed


    end {}

# Edge SSL VPN related functions

function Get-NsxSslVpn {

    Gets global SSLVPN configuration of an existing NSX Edge Services
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    SSL VPN allows remote users to connect securely to private networks behind an
    NSX Edge Services gateway and access servers and applications
    in the private networks.
    The Get-NsxSslVpn cmdlet retreives the global SSLVPN configuration of
    the specified Edge Services Gateway.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdge $_ })]

    begin {


    process {

        #We append the Edge-id to the associated Routing config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
        #consistent readable output

        $_EdgeSslVpn = $Edge.features.sslvpnConfig.CloneNode($True)
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_EdgeSslVpn -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $Edge.Id

    end {}

function Set-NsxSslVpn {

    #To do, portal customisation, server ip config...

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeSslVpn $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {
        if (($EnablePublicUrlAccess -eq $True) -and ([version]$Connection.version -ge [version]"6.3.0")){
            Write-Warning "PublicURL feature has been deprecated in the 6.3.X release. It has not been enabled."
            $EnablePublicUrlAccess = $False

    process {

         #Create private xml element
        $_EdgeSslVpn = $SslVpn.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $_EdgeSslVpn.edgeId

        $_EdgeSslVpn.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeSslVpn -Query 'descendant::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
        #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Enabled')) {
            $_EdgeSslVpn.enabled = $Enabled.ToString().ToLower()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EnableCompression')) {
            $_EdgeSslVpn.advancedConfig.enableCompression = $EnableCompression.ToString().ToLower()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ForceVirtualKeyboard')) {
            $_EdgeSslVpn.advancedConfig.ForceVirtualKeyboard = $ForceVirtualKeyboard.ToString().ToLower()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RandomizeVirtualkeys')) {
            $_EdgeSslVpn.advancedConfig.RandomizeVirtualkeys = $RandomizeVirtualkeys.ToString().ToLower()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PreventMultipleLogon')) {
            $_EdgeSslVpn.advancedConfig.PreventMultipleLogon = $PreventMultipleLogon.ToString().ToLower()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EnablePublicUrlAccess')) {
            $_EdgeSslVpn.advancedConfig.EnablePublicUrlAccess = $EnablePublicUrlAccess.ToString().ToLower()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ClientNotification')) {
            $_EdgeSslVpn.advancedConfig.ClientNotification = $ClientNotification.toString()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ForcedTimeout')) {
            $_EdgeSslVpn.advancedConfig.timeout.ForcedTimeout = $ForcedTimeout.ToString()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SessionIdleTimeout')) {
            $_EdgeSslVpn.advancedConfig.timeout.SessionIdleTimeout = $SessionIdleTimeout.ToString()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ClientAutoReconnect')) {
            $_EdgeSslVpn.clientConfiguration.AutoReconnect = $ClientAutoReconnect.ToString()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ClientUpgradeNotification')) {
            $_EdgeSslVpn.clientConfiguration.UpgradeNotification = $ClientUpgradeNotification.ToString().tolower()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("EnableLogging")) {
            $_EdgeSslVpn.logging.enable = $EnableLogging.ToString().ToLower()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("LogLevel")) {
            $_EdgeSslVpn.logging.logLevel = $LogLevel.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ServerAddress") -or
            $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ServerPort") -or
            $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Enable_DES_CBC3_SHA") -or
            $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Enable_AES128_SHA") -or

            if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeSslVpn -Query 'descendant::serverSettings') ) {
                [System.Xml.XmlElement]$serverSettings = $_EdgeSslVpn.ownerDocument.CreateElement('serverSettings')
                $_EdgeSslVpn.AppendChild($serverSettings) | out-null
            else {
                [System.Xml.XmlElement]$ServerSettings = $_EdgeSslVpn.serverSettings

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ServerAddress")) {
                #Set ServerAddress
                if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $serverSettings -Query 'descendant::serverAddresses') ) {
                    [System.Xml.XmlElement]$serverAddresses = $_EdgeSslVpn.ownerDocument.CreateElement('serverAddresses')
                    $serverSettings.AppendChild($serverAddresses) | out-null
                else {
                    [System.Xml.XmlElement]$serverAddresses = $serverSettings.serverAddresses

                if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $serverAddresses -Query 'descendant::ipAddress') ) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $serverAddresses -xmlElementName "ipAddress" -xmlElementText $($ServerAddress.IPAddresstoString)
                else {
                    $serverAddresses.ipAddress = [string]$ServerAddress.IPAddresstoString

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ServerPort")) {

                if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $serverSettings -Query 'descendant::port') ) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $serverSettings -xmlElementName "port" -xmlElementText $ServerPort.ToString()
                else {
                    $serverSettings.port = $ServerPort.ToString()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("CertificateID")) {

                if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $serverSettings -Query 'descendant::certificateId') ) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $serverSettings -xmlElementName "certificateId" -xmlElementText $CertificateID
                else {
                    $serverSettings.certificateId = $CertificateID

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Enable_DES_CBC3_SHA") -or
                $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Enable_AES128_SHA") -or
                $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Enable_AES256_SHA")) {

                if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ServerSettings -Query 'descendant::cipherList') ) {
                    [System.Xml.XmlElement]$cipherList = $serverSettings.ownerDocument.CreateElement('cipherList')
                    $serverSettings.AppendChild($cipherList) | out-null
                else {
                    [System.Xml.XmlElement]$cipherList = $serverSettings.cipherList

                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Enable_DES_CBC3_SHA") ) {
                    $cipher = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $cipherList -Query "descendant::cipher") | where-object { $_.'#Text' -eq 'DES-CBC3-SHA'}
                    if ( ( -not $cipher ) -and $Enable_DES_CBC3_SHA ) {
                        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $cipherList -xmlElementName "cipher" -xmlElementText "DES-CBC3-SHA"
                    elseif ( $cipher -and ( -not $Enable_DES_CBC3_SHA )) {
                        $cipherList.RemoveChild( $cipher )| out-null

                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Enable_AES128_SHA") ) {
                    $cipher = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $cipherList -Query "descendant::cipher") | where-object { $_.'#Text' -eq 'AES128-SHA'}
                    if ( ( -not $cipher ) -and $Enable_AES128_SHA ) {
                        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $cipherList -xmlElementName "cipher" -xmlElementText "AES128-SHA"
                    elseif ( $cipher -and ( -not $Enable_AES128_SHA )) {
                        $CipherList.RemoveChild( $cipher )| out-null

                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Enable_AES256_SHA") ) {
                    $cipher = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $cipherList -Query "descendant::cipher") | where-object { $_.'#Text' -eq 'AES256-SHA'}
                    if ( ( -not $cipher ) -and $Enable_AES256_SHA ) {
                        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $cipherList -xmlElementName "cipher" -xmlElementText "AES256-SHA"
                    elseif ( $cipher -and ( -not $Enable_AES256_SHA )) {
                        $CipherList.RemoveChild( $cipher ) | out-null

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$EdgeId/sslvpn/config"
        $body = $_EdgeSslVpn.OuterXml

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Edge Services Gateway SSL VPN update will modify existing Edge configuration."
            $question = "Proceed with Update of Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed
            Get-NsxEdge -objectId $EdgeId -connection $connection | Get-NsxSslVpn

    end {}

function New-NsxSslVpnAuthServer {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingUserNameAndPassWordParams", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")] # Incorrect assertion by ScriptAnalyser.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeSslVpn $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object



    Process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_EdgeSslVpn = $SslVpn.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $_EdgeSslVpn.edgeId

        $_EdgeSslVpn.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeSslVpn -Query 'descendant::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        #Get the AuthServers node, and create a new PrimaryAuthServer in it.
        $PrimaryAuthServers = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeSslVpn -Query 'descendant::authenticationConfiguration/passwordAuthentication/primaryAuthServers')

        Switch ( $ServerType ) {

            "Local" {

                #Like highlander, there can be only one! :)

                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $PrimaryAuthServers -Query 'descendant::localAuthServer') ) {

                    throw "Local Authentication source already exists. Use Set-NsxEdgeSslVpnAuthServer to modify an existing server."
                else {

                    #Construct the Local Server XML Element.
                    $AuthServer = $PrimaryAuthServers.ownerDocument.CreateElement('com.vmware.vshield.edge.sslvpn.dto.LocalAuthServerDto')
                    $PrimaryAuthServers.AppendChild($AuthServer) | out-null

                    $PasswordPolicy = $AuthServer.ownerDocument.CreateElement('passwordPolicy')
                    $AccountLockoutPolicy = $AuthServer.ownerDocument.CreateElement('accountLockoutPolicy')
                    $AuthServer.AppendChild($PasswordPolicy) | out-null
                    $AuthServer.AppendChild($AccountLockoutPolicy) | out-null

                    #No need to check if user specified as we are defaulting to the documented defaults for all props as per API guide.

                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $PasswordPolicy -xmlElementName "minLength" -xmlElementText $PasswordMinLength.ToString()
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $PasswordPolicy -xmlElementName "maxLength" -xmlElementText $PasswordMaxLength.ToString()
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $PasswordPolicy -xmlElementName "minAlphabets" -xmlElementText $PasswordMinAlphabet.ToString()
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $PasswordPolicy -xmlElementName "minDigits" -xmlElementText $PasswordMinDigit.ToString()
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $PasswordPolicy -xmlElementName "minSpecialChar" -xmlElementText $PasswordMinSpecialChar.ToString()
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $PasswordPolicy -xmlElementName "allowUserIdWithinPassword" -xmlElementText $PasswordAllowUsernameInPassword.ToString()
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $PasswordPolicy -xmlElementName "passwordLifeTime" -xmlElementText $PasswordLifetime.ToString()
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $PasswordPolicy -xmlElementName "expiryNotification" -xmlElementText $PasswordExpiryNotificationTime.ToString()
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $AccountLockoutPolicy -xmlElementName "retryCount" -xmlElementText $PasswordLockoutRetryCount.ToString()
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $AccountLockoutPolicy -xmlElementName "retryDuration" -xmlElementText $PasswordLockoutRetryDuration.ToString()
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $AccountLockoutPolicy -xmlElementName "lockoutDuration" -xmlElementText $PasswordLockoutDuration.ToString()
            default { Throw "Server type not supported." }

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$EdgeId/sslvpn/config"
        $body = $_EdgeSslVpn.OuterXml

        Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
        $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed

        #Totally cheating here while we only support local auth server. Will have to augment this later...
        Get-NsxEdge -objectId $EdgeId -connection $connection | Get-NsxSslVpn | Get-NsxSslVpnAuthServer -Servertype local


function Get-NsxSslVpnAuthServer {

    Gets SSLVPN Authentication Servers from an existing NSX Edge Services
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    SSL VPN allows remote users to connect securely to private networks behind an
    NSX Edge Services gateway and access servers and applications
    in the private networks.
    Authentication Servers define how the SSL VPN server authenticates user
    The Get-NsxSslVpnAuthServer cmdlet retreives the SSL VPN authentication
    sources configured on the specified Edge Services Gateway.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeSslVpn $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,Position=1)]

    begin {


    process {

        #We append the Edge-id to the associated Routing config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
        #consistent readable output

        $_EdgeSslVpn = $SslVpn.CloneNode($True)
        $PrimaryAuthenticationServers = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $_EdgeSslVpn -Query 'descendant::authenticationConfiguration/passwordAuthentication/primaryAuthServers/*')
        if ( $PrimaryAuthenticationServers ) {

            foreach ( $Server in $PrimaryAuthenticationServers ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Server -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $SslVpn.EdgeId
                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ServerType')) {
                    $Server | where-object { $_.authServerType -eq $ServerType }
                } else {
        $SecondaryAuthenticationServers = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $_EdgeSslVpn -Query 'descendant::authenticationConfiguration/passwordAuthentication/secondaryAuthServers/*')
        if ( $SecondaryAuthenticationServers ) {

            foreach ( $Server in $SecondaryAuthenticationServers ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Server -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $SslVpn.EdgeId

    end {}

function New-NsxSslVpnUser{

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword","")] # Unable to remove without breaking backward compatibilty.
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingUserNameAndPassWordParams", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")] # Unable to remove without breaking backward compatibilty.
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeSslVpn $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object



    Process {

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $SslVpn.edgeId

        #Create the user element
        $User = $SslVpn.ownerDocument.CreateElement('user')

        #Mandatory and defaults
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $User -xmlElementName "userId" -xmlElementText $UserName.ToString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $User -xmlElementName "password" -xmlElementText $Password.ToString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $User -xmlElementName "disableUserAccount" -xmlElementText $DisableUser.ToString().ToLower()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $User -xmlElementName "passwordNeverExpires" -xmlElementText $PasswordNeverExpires.ToString().ToLower()
        if ( $AllowPasswordChange ) {
            $xmlAllowChangePassword = $User.OwnerDocument.CreateElement('allowChangePassword')
            $User.AppendChild($xmlAllowChangePassword) | out-null
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAllowChangePassword -xmlElementName "changePasswordOnNextLogin" -xmlElementText $AllowPasswordChange.ToString().ToLower()
        elseif ( $ForcePasswordChangeOnNextLogin ) {
            throw "Must enable allow password change to force user to change on next logon."

        # Optionals...
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FirstName')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $User -xmlElementName "firstName" -xmlElementText $FirstName.ToString()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('LastName')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $User -xmlElementName "lastName" -xmlElementText $LastName.ToString()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Description')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $User -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description.ToString()

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeId/sslvpn/config/auth/localserver/users/"
        $body = $User.OuterXml

        Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
        $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed

        Get-NsxEdge -objectId $EdgeId -connection $connection| Get-NsxSslVpn | Get-NsxSslVpnUser -UserName $UserName

function Get-NsxSslVpnUser {

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeSslVpn $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,Position=1)]

    begin {


    process {

        #We append the Edge-id to the associated XML to enable pipeline workflows and
        #consistent readable output

        $_EdgeSslVpn = $SslVpn.CloneNode($True)

        $Users = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $_EdgeSslVpn -Query 'descendant::users/*')
        if ( $Users ) {
            foreach ( $User in $Users ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $User -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $SslVpn.EdgeId
                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('UserName')) {
                    $User | where-object { $_.UserId -eq $UserName }
                else {

    end {}

function Remove-NsxSslVpnUser {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeSslVpnUser $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Get the routing config for our Edge
        $edgeId = $SslVpnUser.edgeId
        $userId = $SslVpnUser.objectId

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeId/sslvpn/config/auth/localserver/users/$userId"

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "User deletion is permanent."
            $question = "Proceed with deletion of user $($SslVpnUser.UserId) ($($userId)) from edge $($edgeId)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Deleting user $($SslVpnUser.UserId) ($($userId)) from edge $edgeId"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Deleting user $($SslVpnUser.UserId) ($($userId)) from edge $edgeId" -completed

    end {}

function New-NsxSslVpnIpPool {

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeSslVpn $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    Process {

        #Store the edgeId.
        $edgeId = $SslVpn.edgeId

        #Create the ipAddressPool element
        $IpAddressPool = $SslVpn.ownerDocument.CreateElement('ipAddressPool')

        #Mandatory and defaults
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $IpAddressPool -xmlElementName "ipRange" -xmlElementText $IpRange.ToString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $IpAddressPool -xmlElementName "netmask" -xmlElementText $($NetMask.IpAddressToString)
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $IpAddressPool -xmlElementName "gateway" -xmlElementText $($Gateway.IpAddressToString)

        # Optionals...
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Description')) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $IpAddressPool -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description.ToString()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PrimaryDNSServer')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $IpAddressPool -xmlElementName "primaryDns" -xmlElementText $($PrimaryDnsServer.IpAddressToString)
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SecondaryDNSServer')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $IpAddressPool -xmlElementName "secondaryDns" -xmlElementText $($SecondaryDNSServer.IpAddressToString)
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DnsSuffix')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $IpAddressPool -xmlElementName "dnsSuffix" -xmlElementText $DnsSuffix.ToString()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WinsServer')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $IpAddressPool -xmlElementName "winsServer" -xmlElementText $($WinsServer.IpAddressToString)

        if ( -not $Enabled ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $IpAddressPool -xmlElementName "enabled" -xmlElementText "false"

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeId/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/ippools/"
        $body = $IpAddressPool.OuterXml

        Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
        $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed

        Get-NsxEdge -objectId $EdgeId -connection $connection| Get-NsxSslVpn | Get-NsxSslVpnIpPool -IpRange $IpRange

function Get-NsxSslVpnIpPool {

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeSslVpn $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,Position=1)]

    begin {


    process {

        #We append the Edge-id to the associated XML to enable pipeline workflows and
        #consistent readable output

        $_EdgeSslVpn = $SslVpn.CloneNode($True)

        $IpPools = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $_EdgeSslVpn -Query 'descendant::ipAddressPools/*')
        if ( $IpPools ) {
            foreach ( $IpPool in $IpPools ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $IpPool -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $SslVpn.EdgeId
                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IpRange')) {
                    $IpPool | where-object { $_.ipRange -eq $IpRange }
                else {

    end {}

function Remove-NsxSslVpnIpPool {

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeSslVpnIpPool $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        $edgeId = $SslVpnIpPool.edgeId
        $poolId = $SslVpnIpPool.objectId

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeId/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/ippools/$poolId"

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Ip Pool deletion is permanent."
            $question = "Proceed with deletion of pool $($SslVpnIpPool.IpRange) ($($poolId)) from edge $($edgeId)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Deleting pool $($SslVpnIpPool.IpRange) ($($poolId)) from edge $edgeId"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Deleting pool $($SslVpnIpPool.IpRange) ($($poolId)) from edge $edgeId" -completed

    end {}

function New-NsxSslVpnPrivateNetwork {

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeSslVpn $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    Process {

        #Store the edgeId.
        $edgeId = $SslVpn.edgeId

        #Create the ipAddressPool element
        $PrivateNetwork = $SslVpn.ownerDocument.CreateElement('privateNetwork')

        #Mandatory and defaults
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $PrivateNetwork -xmlElementName "network" -xmlElementText $Network.ToString()

        # Optionals...
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Description')) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $PrivateNetwork -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description.ToString()
        if ( -not $BypassTunnel ) {
            [system.Xml.XmlElement]$sendOverTunnel = $PrivateNetwork.ownerDocument.CreateElement('sendOverTunnel')
            $PrivateNetwork.AppendChild($SendOverTunnel) | out-null
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $SendOverTunnel -xmlElementName "optimize" -xmlElementText $OptimiseTcp.ToString().ToLower()
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Ports')) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $SendOverTunnel -xmlElementName "ports" -xmlElementText $Ports.ToString()
        elseif ( $OptimiseTcp ) {
            write-warning "TCP Optimisation is not applicable when tunnel bypass is enabled."
        elseif ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Ports') ) {
            throw "Unable to specify ports when tunnel bypass is enabled."

        if ( -not $Enabled ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $PrivateNetwork -xmlElementName "enabled" -xmlElementText "false"

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeId/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/privatenetworks"
        $body = $PrivateNetwork.OuterXml

        Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
        $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed

        Get-NsxEdge -objectId $EdgeId -connection $connection| Get-NsxSslVpn | Get-NsxSslVpnPrivateNetwork -Network $Network

function Get-NsxSslVpnPrivateNetwork {

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeSslVpn $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,Position=1)]

    begin {


    process {

        #We append the Edge-id to the associated XML to enable pipeline workflows and
        #consistent readable output

        $_EdgeSslVpn = $SslVpn.CloneNode($True)

        $Networks = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $_EdgeSslVpn -Query 'descendant::privateNetworks/*')
        if ( $Networks ) {
            foreach ( $Net in $Networks ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Net -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $SslVpn.EdgeId
                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Network')) {
                    $Net | where-object { $_.Network -eq $Network }
                else {

    end {}

function Remove-NsxSslVpnPrivateNetwork {

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeSslVpnPrivateNetwork $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        $edgeId = $SslVpnPrivateNetwork.edgeId
        $networkId = $SslVpnPrivateNetwork.objectId

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeId/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/privatenetworks/$networkId"

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Private network deletion is permanent."
            $question = "Proceed with deletion of network $($SslVpnPrivateNetwork.Network) ($($networkId)) from edge $($edgeId)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Deleting network $($SslVpnPrivateNetwork.Network) ($($networkId)) from edge $edgeId"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Deleting network $($SslVpnPrivateNetwork.Network) ($($networkId)) from edge $edgeId" -completed

    end {}

function New-NsxSslVpnClientInstallationPackage {

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeSslVpn $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    Process {

        #Store the edgeId.
        $edgeId = $SslVpn.edgeId

        #Create the ipAddressPool element
        $clientInstallPackage = $SslVpn.ownerDocument.CreateElement('clientInstallPackage')

        #gatewayList element
        [system.Xml.XmlElement]$gatewayList = $clientInstallPackage.ownerDocument.CreateElement('gatewayList')
        $clientInstallPackage.AppendChild($gatewayList) | out-null
        foreach ($gatewayitem in $gateway) {
            [system.Xml.XmlElement]$gatewayNode = $gatewayList.ownerDocument.CreateElement('gateway')
            $gatewayList.AppendChild($gatewayNode) | out-null
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $gatewayNode -xmlElementName "hostName" -xmlElementText $gatewayitem
            if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('port')) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $gatewayNode -xmlElementName "port" -xmlElementText $Port

        #Mandatory and defaults
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $clientInstallPackage -xmlElementName "profileName" -xmlElementText $Name
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $clientInstallPackage -xmlElementName "enabled" -xmlElementText $Enabled.ToString().ToLower()

        # Optionals...
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('StartClientOnLogon')) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $clientInstallPackage -xmlElementName "startClientOnLogon" -xmlElementText $StartClientOnLogon.ToString().ToLower()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('hideSystrayIcon')) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $clientInstallPackage -xmlElementName "hideSystrayIcon" -xmlElementText $hideSystrayIcon.ToString().ToLower()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('rememberPassword')) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $clientInstallPackage -xmlElementName "rememberPassword" -xmlElementText $rememberPassword.ToString().ToLower()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('silentModeOperation')) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $clientInstallPackage -xmlElementName "silentModeOperation" -xmlElementText $silentModeOperation.ToString().ToLower()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('silentModeInstallation')) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $clientInstallPackage -xmlElementName "silentModeInstallation" -xmlElementText $silentModeInstallation.ToString().ToLower()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('hideNetworkAdaptor')) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $clientInstallPackage -xmlElementName "hideNetworkAdaptor" -xmlElementText $hideNetworkAdaptor.ToString().ToLower()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('createDesktopIcon')) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $clientInstallPackage -xmlElementName "createDesktopIcon" -xmlElementText $createDesktopIcon.ToString().ToLower()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('enforceServerSecurityCertValidation')) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $clientInstallPackage -xmlElementName "enforceServerSecurityCertValidation" -xmlElementText $enforceServerSecurityCertValidation.ToString().ToLower()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('createLinuxClient')) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $clientInstallPackage -xmlElementName "createLinuxClient" -xmlElementText $createLinuxClient.ToString().ToLower()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('createMacClient')) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $clientInstallPackage -xmlElementName "createMacClient" -xmlElementText $createMacClient.ToString().ToLower()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('description')) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $clientInstallPackage -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $description.ToString().ToLower()

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeId/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/installpackages/"
        $body = $clientInstallPackage.OuterXml

        Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
        $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed

        Get-NsxEdge -objectId $EdgeId -connection $connection| Get-NsxSslVpn | Get-NsxSslVpnClientInstallationPackage -Name $Name

function Get-NsxSslVpnClientInstallationPackage {

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeSslVpn $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,Position=1)]

    begin {


    process {

        #We append the Edge-id to the associated XML to enable pipeline workflows and
        #consistent readable output

        $_EdgeSslVpn = $SslVpn.CloneNode($True)

        $Packages = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $_EdgeSslVpn -Query 'descendant::clientInstallPackages/*')
        if ( $Packages ) {
            foreach ( $Package in $Packages ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Package -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $SslVpn.EdgeId
                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name')) {
                    $Package | where-object { $_.ProfileName -eq $Name }
                else {

    end {}

function Remove-NsxSslVpnClientInstallationPackage {

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeSslVpnClientPackage $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        $edgeId = $EdgeSslVpnClientPackage.edgeId
        $packageId = $EdgeSslVpnClientPackage.objectId

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeId/sslvpn/config/client/networkextension/installpackages/$packageId"

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Installation Package deletion is permanent."
            $question = "Proceed with deletion of installation package $($EdgeSslVpnClientPackage.profileName) ($($packageId)) from edge $($edgeId)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Deleting install package $($EdgeSslVpnClientPackage.profileName) ($($packageId)) from edge $edgeId"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Deleting install package $($EdgeSslVpnClientPackage.profileName) ($($packageId)) from edge $edgeId" -completed

    end {}

# Edge Routing related functions

function Set-NsxEdgeRouting {

    Configures global routing configuration of an existing NSX Edge Services
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The Set-NsxEdgeRouting cmdlet configures the global routing configuration of
    the specified Edge Services Gateway.
    Configure the default route of the ESG
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Set-NsxEdgeRouting -DefaultGatewayVnic 0 -DefaultGatewayAddress
    Enable ECMP
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Set-NsxEdgeRouting -EnableECMP
    Enable OSPF
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Set-NsxEdgeRouting -EnableOSPF -RouterId
    Enable BGP
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdge | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Set-NsxEdgeRouting -EnableBGP -RouterId -LocalAS 1234
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Set-NsxEdgeRouting -EnableOspfRouteRedistribution:$false -Confirm:$false
    Disable OSPF Route Redistribution without confirmation.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {


    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_EdgeRouting = $EdgeRouting.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $_EdgeRouting.edgeId
        $_EdgeRouting.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeRouting -Query 'descendant::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
        #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EnableOSPF') -or $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EnableBGP') ) {
            $xmlGlobalConfig = $_EdgeRouting.routingGlobalConfig
            $xmlRouterId = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $xmlGlobalConfig -Query 'descendant::routerId')
            if ( $EnableOSPF -or $EnableBGP ) {
                if ( -not ($xmlRouterId -or $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("RouterId"))) {
                    #Existing config missing and no new value set...
                    throw "RouterId must be configured to enable dynamic routing"

                if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("RouterId")) {
                    #Set Routerid...
                    if ($xmlRouterId) {
                        $xmlRouterId = $RouterId.IPAddresstoString
                        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlGlobalConfig -xmlElementName "routerId" -xmlElementText $RouterId.IPAddresstoString

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EnableOSPF')) {
            $ospf = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeRouting -Query 'descendant::ospf')
            if ( -not $ospf ) {
                #ospf node does not exist.
                [System.XML.XMLElement]$ospf = $_EdgeRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement("ospf")
                $_EdgeRouting.appendChild($ospf) | out-null

            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ospf -Query 'descendant::enabled')) {
                #Enabled element exists. Update it.
                $ospf.enabled = $EnableOSPF.ToString().ToLower()
            else {
                #Enabled element does not exist...
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ospf -xmlElementName "enabled" -xmlElementText $EnableOSPF.ToString().ToLower()


        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EnableBGP')) {

            $bgp = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeRouting -Query 'descendant::bgp')

            if ( -not $bgp ) {
                #bgp node does not exist.
                [System.XML.XMLElement]$bgp = $_EdgeRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement("bgp")
                $_EdgeRouting.appendChild($bgp) | out-null

            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $bgp -Query 'descendant::enabled')) {
                #Enabled element exists. Update it.
                $bgp.enabled = $EnableBGP.ToString().ToLower()
            else {
                #Enabled element does not exist...
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $bgp -xmlElementName "enabled" -xmlElementText $EnableBGP.ToString().ToLower()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("LocalAS")) {
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $bgp -Query 'descendant::localAS')) {
                #LocalAS element exists, update it.
                    $bgp.localAS = $LocalAS.ToString()
                else {
                    #LocalAS element does not exist...
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $bgp -xmlElementName "localAS" -xmlElementText $LocalAS.ToString()
            elseif ( (-not ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $bgp -Query 'descendant::localAS')) -and $EnableBGP  )) {
                throw "Existing configuration has no Local AS number specified. Local AS must be set to enable BGP."


        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("EnableECMP")) {
            $_EdgeRouting.routingGlobalConfig.ecmp = $EnableECMP.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("EnableOspfRouteRedistribution")) {

            $_EdgeRouting.ospf.redistribution.enabled = $EnableOspfRouteRedistribution.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("EnableBgpRouteRedistribution")) {
            if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeRouting -Query 'child::bgp/redistribution/enabled') ) {
                throw "BGP must have been configured at least once to enable or disable BGP route redistribution. Enable BGP and try again."

            $_EdgeRouting.bgp.redistribution.enabled = $EnableBgpRouteRedistribution.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("EnableLogging")) {
            $_EdgeRouting.routingGlobalConfig.logging.enable = $EnableLogging.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("LogLevel")) {
            $_EdgeRouting.routingGlobalConfig.logging.logLevel = $LogLevel.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultGatewayVnic") -or $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultGatewayAddress") -or
            $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultGatewayDescription") -or $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultGatewayMTU") -or
            $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultGatewayAdminDistance") ) {

            #Check for and create if required the defaultRoute element. first.
            if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeRouting.staticRouting -Query 'descendant::defaultRoute')) {
                #defaultRoute element does not exist
                $defaultRoute = $_EdgeRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement('defaultRoute')
                $_EdgeRouting.staticRouting.AppendChild($defaultRoute) | out-null
            else {
                #defaultRoute element exists
                $defaultRoute = $_EdgeRouting.staticRouting.defaultRoute

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultGatewayVnic") ) {
                if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $defaultRoute -Query 'descendant::vnic')) {
                    #element does not exist
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $defaultRoute -xmlElementName "vnic" -xmlElementText $DefaultGatewayVnic.ToString()
                else {
                    #element exists
                    $defaultRoute.vnic = $DefaultGatewayVnic.ToString()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultGatewayAddress") ) {
                if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $defaultRoute -Query 'descendant::gatewayAddress')) {
                    #element does not exist
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $defaultRoute -xmlElementName "gatewayAddress" -xmlElementText $DefaultGatewayAddress.ToString()
                else {
                    #element exists
                    $defaultRoute.gatewayAddress = $DefaultGatewayAddress.ToString()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultGatewayDescription") ) {
                if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $defaultRoute -Query 'descendant::description')) {
                    #element does not exist
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $defaultRoute -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $DefaultGatewayDescription
                else {
                    #element exists
                    $defaultRoute.description = $DefaultGatewayDescription
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultGatewayMTU") ) {
                if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $defaultRoute -Query 'descendant::mtu')) {
                    #element does not exist
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $defaultRoute -xmlElementName "mtu" -xmlElementText $DefaultGatewayMTU.ToString()
                else {
                    #element exists
                    $defaultRoute.mtu = $DefaultGatewayMTU.ToString()
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultGatewayAdminDistance") ) {
                if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $defaultRoute -Query 'descendant::adminDistance')) {
                    #element does not exist
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $defaultRoute -xmlElementName "adminDistance" -xmlElementText $DefaultGatewayAdminDistance.ToString()
                else {
                    #element exists
                    $defaultRoute.adminDistance = $DefaultGatewayAdminDistance.ToString()

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($EdgeId)/routing/config"
        $body = $_EdgeRouting.OuterXml

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Edge Services Gateway routing update will modify existing Edge configuration."
            $question = "Proceed with Update of Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed
            Get-NsxEdge -objectId $EdgeId -connection $connection | Get-NsxEdgeRouting

    end {}

function Get-NsxEdgeRouting {

    Retreives routing configuration for the specified NSX Edge Services Gateway.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The Get-NsxEdgeRouting cmdlet retreives the routing configuration of
    the specified Edge Services Gateway.
    Get routing configuration for the ESG Edge01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdge $_ })]

    begin {


    process {

        #We append the Edge-id to the associated Routing config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
        #consistent readable output

        $_EdgeRouting = $Edge.features.routing.CloneNode($True)
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_EdgeRouting -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $Edge.Id

    end {}

# Static Routing

function Get-NsxEdgeStaticRoute {

    Retreives Static Routes from the specified NSX Edge Services Gateway Routing
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The Get-NsxEdgeStaticRoute cmdlet retreives the static routes from the
    routing configuration specified.
    Get static routes defining on ESG Edge01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeStaticRoute

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]


    begin {

    process {

        #We append the Edge-id to the associated Routing config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
        #consistent readable output

        $_EdgeStaticRouting = ($EdgeRouting.staticRouting.CloneNode($True))
        $EdgeStaticRoutes = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeStaticRouting -Query 'descendant::staticRoutes')

        #Need to use an xpath query here, as dot notation will throw in strict mode if there is not childnode called route.
        If ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $EdgeStaticRoutes -Query 'descendant::route')) {

            $RouteCollection = $EdgeStaticRoutes.route
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Network')) {
                $RouteCollection = $RouteCollection | Where-Object { $_.network -eq $Network }

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NextHop')) {
                $RouteCollection = $RouteCollection | Where-Object { $_.nextHop -eq $NextHop }

            foreach ( $StaticRoute in $RouteCollection ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $StaticRoute -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $EdgeRouting.EdgeId


    end {}

function New-NsxEdgeStaticRoute {

    Creates a new static route and adds it to the specified ESGs routing
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The New-NsxEdgeStaticRoute cmdlet adds a new static route to the routing
    configuration of the specified Edge Services Gateway.
    Add a new static route to ESG Edge01 for via
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | New-NsxEdgeStaticRoute -Network -NextHop

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_EdgeRouting = $EdgeRouting.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $_EdgeRouting.edgeId
        $_EdgeRouting.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeRouting -Query 'descendant::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
        #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.

        #Create the new route element.
        $Route = $_EdgeRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement('route')

        #Need to do an xpath query here rather than use PoSH dot notation to get the static route element,
        #as it might be empty, and PoSH silently turns an empty element into a string object, which is rather not what we want... :|
        $StaticRoutes = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeRouting.staticRouting -Query 'descendant::staticRoutes')
        $StaticRoutes.AppendChild($Route) | Out-Null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Route -xmlElementName "network" -xmlElementText $Network.ToString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Route -xmlElementName "nextHop" -xmlElementText $NextHop.ToString()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Vnic") ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Route -xmlElementName "vnic" -xmlElementText $Vnic.ToString()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("MTU") ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Route -xmlElementName "mtu" -xmlElementText $MTU.ToString()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Description") ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Route -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description.ToString()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("AdminDistance") ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Route -xmlElementName "adminDistance" -xmlElementText $AdminDistance.ToString()

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($EdgeId)/routing/config"
        $body = $_EdgeRouting.OuterXml

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Edge Services Gateway routing update will modify existing Edge configuration."
            $question = "Proceed with Update of Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed
            Get-NsxEdge -objectId $EdgeId -connection $connection | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeStaticRoute -Network $Network -NextHop $NextHop

    end {}

function Remove-NsxEdgeStaticRoute {

    Removes a static route from the specified ESGs routing configuration.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The Remove-NsxEdgeStaticRoute cmdlet removes a static route from the routing
    configuration of the specified Edge Services Gateway.
    Routes to be removed can be constructed via a PoSH pipline filter outputing
    route objects as produced by Get-NsxEdgeStaticRoute and passing them on the
    pipeline to Remove-NsxEdgeStaticRoute.
    Remove a route to via from ESG Edge01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeStaticRoute | where-object { $_.network -eq '' -and $_.nextHop -eq '' } | Remove-NsxEdgeStaticRoute
    Remove all routes to from ESG Edge01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeStaticRoute | where-object { $_.network -eq '' } | Remove-NsxEdgeStaticRoute

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeStaticRoute $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Get the routing config for our Edge
        $edgeId = $StaticRoute.edgeId
        $routing = Get-NsxEdge -objectId $edgeId -connection $connection | Get-NsxEdgeRouting

        #Remove the edgeId element from the XML as we need to post it...
        $routing.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query 'descendant::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        #Need to do an xpath query here to query for a route that matches the one passed in.
        #Union of nextHop and network should be unique
        $xpathQuery = "//staticRoutes/route[nextHop=`"$($StaticRoute.nextHop)`" and network=`"$($StaticRoute.network)`"]"
        write-debug "XPath query for route nodes to remove is: $xpathQuery"
        $RouteToRemove = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing.staticRouting -Query $xpathQuery)

        if ( $RouteToRemove ) {

            write-debug "RouteToRemove Element is: `n $($RouteToRemove.OuterXml | format-xml) "
            $routing.staticRouting.staticRoutes.RemoveChild($RouteToRemove) | Out-Null

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($EdgeId)/routing/config"
            $body = $routing.OuterXml

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "Edge Services Gateway routing update will modify existing Edge configuration."
                $question = "Proceed with Update of Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed
        else {
            Throw "Route for network $($StaticRoute.network) via $($StaticRoute.nextHop) was not found in routing configuration for Edge $edgeId"

    end {}

# Prefixes

function Get-NsxEdgePrefix {

    Retreives IP Prefixes from the specified NSX Edge Services Gateway Routing
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The Get-NsxEdgePrefix cmdlet retreives IP prefixes from the
    routing configuration specified.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgePrefix
    Retrieve prefixes from Edge Edge01
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgePrefix -Network
    Retrieve prefix from Edge Edge01
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgePrefix -Name CorpNet
    Retrieve prefix CorpNet from Edge Edge01

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]


    begin {

    process {

        #We append the Edge-id to the associated Routing config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
        #consistent readable output

        $_GlobalRoutingConfig = ($EdgeRouting.routingGlobalConfig.CloneNode($True))
        $IpPrefixes = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_GlobalRoutingConfig -Query 'child::ipPrefixes')

        #IPPrefixes may not exist...
        if ( $IPPrefixes ) {
            #Need to use an xpath query here, as dot notation will throw in strict mode if there is not childnode called ipPrefix.
            If ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $IpPrefixes -Query 'child::ipPrefix')) {

                $PrefixCollection = $IPPrefixes.ipPrefix
                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Network')) {
                    $PrefixCollection = $PrefixCollection | where-object { $_.ipAddress -eq $Network }

                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name')) {
                    $PrefixCollection = $PrefixCollection | where-object { $_.name -eq $Name }

                foreach ( $Prefix in $PrefixCollection ) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Prefix -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $EdgeRouting.EdgeId


    end {}

function New-NsxEdgePrefix {

    Creates a new IP prefix and adds it to the specified ESGs routing
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The New-NsxEdgePrefix cmdlet adds a new IP prefix to the routing
    configuration of the specified Edge Services Gateway.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | New-NsxEdgePrefix -Name test -Network
    Create a new prefix called test for network on ESG Edge01

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_EdgeRouting = $EdgeRouting.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $_EdgeRouting.edgeId
        $_EdgeRouting.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeRouting -Query 'child::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        #Need to do an xpath query here rather than use PoSH dot notation to get the IP prefix element,
        #as it might be empty or not exist, and PoSH silently turns an empty element into a string object, which is rather not what we want... :|
        $ipPrefixes = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeRouting.routingGlobalConfig -Query 'child::ipPrefixes')
        if ( -not $ipPrefixes ) {
            #Create the ipPrefixes element
            $ipPrefixes = $_EdgeRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement('ipPrefixes')
            $_EdgeRouting.routingGlobalConfig.AppendChild($ipPrefixes) | Out-Null

        #Create the new ipPrefix element.
        $ipPrefix = $_EdgeRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement('ipPrefix')
        $ipPrefixes.AppendChild($ipPrefix) | Out-Null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ipPrefix -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name.ToString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ipPrefix -xmlElementName "ipAddress" -xmlElementText $Network.ToString()

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($EdgeId)/routing/config"
        $body = $_EdgeRouting.OuterXml

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Edge Services Gateway routing update will modify existing Edge configuration."
            $question = "Proceed with Update of Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed
            Get-NsxEdge -objectId $EdgeId -connection $connection | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgePrefix -Network $Network -Name $Name

    end {}

function Remove-NsxEdgePrefix {

    Removes an IP prefix from the specified ESGs routing configuration.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The Remove-NsxEdgePrefix cmdlet removes a IP prefix from the routing
    configuration of the specified Edge Services Gateway.
    Prefixes to be removed can be constructed via a PoSH pipline filter outputing
    prefix objects as produced by Get-NsxEdgePrefix and passing them on the
    pipeline to Remove-NsxEdgePrefix.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgePrefix -Network | Remove-NsxEdgePrefix
    Remove any prefixes for network from ESG Edge01

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgePrefix $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Get the routing config for our Edge
        $edgeId = $Prefix.edgeId
        $routing = Get-NsxEdge -objectId $edgeId -connection $connection | Get-NsxEdgeRouting

        #Remove the edgeId element from the XML as we need to post it...
        $routing.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query 'child::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        #Need to do an xpath query here to query for a prefix that matches the one passed in.
        #Union of nextHop and network should be unique
        $xpathQuery = "/routingGlobalConfig/ipPrefixes/ipPrefix[name=`"$($Prefix.name)`" and ipAddress=`"$($Prefix.ipAddress)`"]"
        write-debug "XPath query for prefix nodes to remove is: $xpathQuery"
        $PrefixToRemove = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query $xpathQuery)

        if ( $PrefixToRemove ) {

            write-debug "PrefixToRemove Element is: `n $($PrefixToRemove.OuterXml | format-xml) "
            $routing.routingGlobalConfig.ipPrefixes.RemoveChild($PrefixToRemove) | Out-Null

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($EdgeId)/routing/config"
            $body = $routing.OuterXml

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "Edge Services Gateway routing update will modify existing Edge configuration."
                $question = "Proceed with Update of Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed
        else {
            Throw "Prefix $($Prefix.Name) for network $($Prefix.network) was not found in routing configuration for Edge $edgeId"

    end {}


function Get-NsxEdgeBgp {

    Retreives BGP configuration for the specified NSX Edge Services Gateway.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The Get-NsxEdgeBgp cmdlet retreives the bgp configuration of
    the specified Edge Services Gateway.
    Get the BGP configuration for Edge01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeBgp

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeRouting $_ })]

    begin {


    process {

        #We append the Edge-id to the associated Routing config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
        #consistent readable output

        if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $EdgeRouting -Query 'descendant::bgp')) {
            $bgp = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $EdgeRouting -Query 'child::bgp').CloneNode($True)
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $bgp -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $EdgeRouting.EdgeId

    end {}

function Set-NsxEdgeBgp {

    Manipulates BGP specific base configuration of an existing NSX Edge Services
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The Set-NsxEdgeBgp cmdlet allows manipulation of the BGP specific configuration
    of a given ESG.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {


    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_EdgeRouting = $EdgeRouting.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $_EdgeRouting.edgeId
        $_EdgeRouting.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeRouting -Query 'descendant::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
        #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.

        $bgp = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeRouting -Query 'descendant::bgp')
        if ( -not $bgp ) {
            #bgp node does not exist.
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$bgp = $_EdgeRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement("bgp")
            $_EdgeRouting.appendChild($bgp) | out-null

        # Check bgp enablement
            if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EnableBGP')) {
                # BGP option is specified
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $bgp -Query 'descendant::enabled')) {
                #Enabled element exists. Update it.
                $bgp.enabled = $EnableBGP.ToString().ToLower()
            else {
                #Enabled element does not exist...
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $bgp -xmlElementName "enabled" -xmlElementText $EnableBGP.ToString().ToLower()
        elseif (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $bgp -Query 'descendant::enabled') {
            # BGP option is not specified but enabled
            if ( $bgp.enabled -eq 'true' ) {
                # Assume bgp is already enabled.
            else {
                throw "EnableBGP is not specified or BGP is not enabled on edge $edgeID. Please specify option EnableBGP"
        else {
            throw "EnableBGP is not specified or BGP is not enabled on edge $edgeID. Please specify option EnableBGP"

        $xmlGlobalConfig = $_EdgeRouting.routingGlobalConfig
        $xmlRouterId = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $xmlGlobalConfig -Query 'descendant::routerId')

        if ( $EnableBGP ) {
            if ( -not ($xmlRouterId -or $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("RouterId"))) {
                #Existing config missing and no new value set...
                throw "RouterId must be configured to enable dynamic routing"

            if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("RouterId")) {
            #Set Routerid...
            if ($xmlRouterId) {
                $xmlRouterId = $RouterId.IPAddresstoString
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlGlobalConfig -xmlElementName "routerId" -xmlElementText $RouterId.IPAddresstoString

    if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("LocalAS")) {
        if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $bgp -Query 'descendant::localAS')) {
            #LocalAS element exists, update it.
            $bgp.localAS = $LocalAS.ToString()
        else {
            #LocalAS element does not exist...
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $bgp -xmlElementName "localAS" -xmlElementText $LocalAS.ToString()
    elseif ( (-not ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $bgp -Query 'descendant::localAS')) -and $EnableBGP  )) {
        throw "Existing configuration has no Local AS number specified. Local AS must be set to enable BGP."

    if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("GracefulRestart")) {
        if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $bgp -Query 'descendant::gracefulRestart')) {
            #element exists, update it.
            $bgp.gracefulRestart = $GracefulRestart.ToString().ToLower()
        else {
            #element does not exist...
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $bgp -xmlElementName "gracefulRestart" -xmlElementText $GracefulRestart.ToString().ToLower()

    if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultOriginate")) {
        if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $bgp -Query 'descendant::defaultOriginate')) {
            #element exists, update it.
            $bgp.defaultOriginate = $DefaultOriginate.ToString().ToLower()
        else {
            #element does not exist...
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $bgp -xmlElementName "defaultOriginate" -xmlElementText $DefaultOriginate.ToString().ToLower()

    $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($EdgeId)/routing/config"
    $body = $_EdgeRouting.OuterXml

    if ( $confirm ) {
        $message  = "Edge Services Gateway routing update will modify existing Edge configuration."
        $question = "Proceed with Update of Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)?"
        $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
        $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
        $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

        $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
    else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed
            Get-NsxEdge -objectId $EdgeId -connection $connection | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeBgp

    end {}

function Get-NsxEdgeBgpNeighbour {

    Returns BGP neighbours from the specified NSX Edge Services Gateway BGP
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The Get-NsxEdgeBgpNeighbour cmdlet retreives the BGP neighbours from the
    BGP configuration specified.
    Get all BGP neighbours defined on Edge01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeBgpNeighbour
    Get BGP neighbour defined on Edge01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeBgpNeighbour -IpAddress
    Get all BGP neighbours with Remote AS 1234 defined on Edge01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeBgpNeighbour | where-object { $_.RemoteAS -eq '1234' }

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]

    begin {

    process {

        $bgp = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $EdgeRouting -Query 'descendant::bgp')

        if ( $bgp ) {

            $_bgp = $bgp.CloneNode($True)
            $BgpNeighbours = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_bgp -Query 'descendant::bgpNeighbours')

            #Need to use an xpath query here, as dot notation will throw in strict mode if there is not childnode called bgpNeighbour.
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $BgpNeighbours -Query 'descendant::bgpNeighbour')) {

                $NeighbourCollection = $BgpNeighbours.bgpNeighbour
                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IpAddress')) {
                    $NeighbourCollection = $NeighbourCollection | where-object { $_.ipAddress -eq $IpAddress }

                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RemoteAS')) {
                    $NeighbourCollection = $NeighbourCollection | where-object { $_.remoteAS -eq $RemoteAS }

                foreach ( $Neighbour in $NeighbourCollection ) {
                    #We append the Edge-id to the associated neighbour config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
                    #consistent readable output
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Neighbour -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $EdgeRouting.EdgeId


    end {}

function New-NsxEdgeBgpNeighbour {

    Creates a new BGP neighbour and adds it to the specified ESGs BGP
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The New-NsxEdgeBgpNeighbour cmdlet adds a new BGP neighbour to the bgp
    configuration of the specified Edge Services Gateway.
    Add a new neighbour with remote AS number 1234 with defaults.
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | New-NsxEdgeBgpNeighbour -IpAddress -RemoteAS 1234
    Add a new neighbour with remote AS number 22235 specifying weight, holddown and keepalive timers and dont prompt for confirmation.
    PowerCLI C:\> Get-NsxEdge | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | New-NsxEdgeBgpNeighbour -IpAddress -RemoteAS 22235 -Confirm:$false -Weight 90 -HoldDownTimer 240 -KeepAliveTimer 90 -confirm:$false

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword","")] # Unable to remove without breaking backward compatibilty. Alternate credential parameter exists.
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_EdgeRouting = $EdgeRouting.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $_EdgeRouting.edgeId
        $_EdgeRouting.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeRouting -Query 'descendant::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        #Create the new bgpNeighbour element.
        $Neighbour = $_EdgeRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement('bgpNeighbour')

        #Need to do an xpath query here rather than use PoSH dot notation to get the bgp element,
        #as it might not exist which wil cause PoSH to throw in stric mode.
        $bgp = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeRouting -Query 'descendant::bgp')
        if ( $bgp ) {
            (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $bgp -Query 'descendant::bgpNeighbours').AppendChild($Neighbour) | Out-Null

            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Neighbour -xmlElementName "ipAddress" -xmlElementText $IpAddress.ToString()
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Neighbour -xmlElementName "remoteAS" -xmlElementText $RemoteAS.ToString()

            #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
            #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Weight") ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Neighbour -xmlElementName "weight" -xmlElementText $Weight.ToString()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("HoldDownTimer") ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Neighbour -xmlElementName "holdDownTimer" -xmlElementText $HoldDownTimer.ToString()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("KeepAliveTimer") ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Neighbour -xmlElementName "keepAliveTimer" -xmlElementText $KeepAliveTimer.ToString()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Password") ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Neighbour -xmlElementName "password" -xmlElementText $Password.ToString()

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($EdgeId)/routing/config"
            $body = $_EdgeRouting.OuterXml

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "Edge Services Gateway routing update will modify existing Edge configuration."
                $question = "Proceed with Update of Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed
                Get-NsxEdge -objectId $EdgeId -connection $connection | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeBgpNeighbour -IpAddress $IpAddress -RemoteAS $RemoteAS
        else {
            throw "BGP is not enabled on edge $edgeID. Enable BGP using Set-NsxEdgeRouting or Set-NsxEdgeBGP first."

    end {}

function Remove-NsxEdgeBgpNeighbour {

    Removes a BGP neigbour from the specified ESGs BGP configuration.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The Remove-NsxEdgeBgpNeighbour cmdlet removes a BGP neighbour route from the
    bgp configuration of the specified Edge Services Gateway.
    Neighbours to be removed can be constructed via a PoSH pipline filter outputing
    neighbour objects as produced by Get-NsxEdgeBgpNeighbour and passing them on the
    pipeline to Remove-NsxEdgeBgpNeighbour.
    Remove the BGP neighbour from the the edge Edge01's bgp configuration
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeBgpNeighbour | where-object { $_.ipaddress -eq '' } | Remove-NsxEdgeBgpNeighbour

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeBgpNeighbour $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Get the routing config for our Edge
        $edgeId = $BgpNeighbour.edgeId
        $routing = Get-NsxEdge -objectId $edgeId | Get-NsxEdgeRouting

        #Remove the edgeId element from the XML as we need to post it...
        $routing.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query 'descendant::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        #Validate the BGP node exists on the edge
        if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query 'descendant::bgp')) { throw "BGP is not enabled on ESG $edgeId. Enable BGP and try again." }

        #Need to do an xpath query here to query for a bgp neighbour that matches the one passed in.
        #Union of ipaddress and remote AS should be unique (though this is not enforced by the API,
        #I cant see why having duplicate neighbours with same ip and AS would be useful...maybe
        #different filters?)
        #Will probably need to include additional xpath query filters here in the query to include
        #matching on filters to better handle uniquness amongst bgp neighbours with same ip and remoteAS

        $xpathQuery = "//bgpNeighbours/bgpNeighbour[ipAddress=`"$($BgpNeighbour.ipAddress)`" and remoteAS=`"$($BgpNeighbour.remoteAS)`"]"
        write-debug "XPath query for neighbour nodes to remove is: $xpathQuery"
        $NeighbourToRemove = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing.bgp -Query $xpathQuery)

        if ( $NeighbourToRemove ) {

            write-debug "NeighbourToRemove Element is: `n $($NeighbourToRemove.OuterXml | format-xml) "
            $routing.bgp.bgpNeighbours.RemoveChild($NeighbourToRemove) | Out-Null

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($EdgeId)/routing/config"
            $body = $routing.OuterXml

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "Edge Services Gateway routing update will modify existing Edge configuration."
                $question = "Proceed with Update of Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed
        else {
            Throw "Neighbour $($BgpNeighbour.ipAddress) with Remote AS $($BgpNeighbour.RemoteAS) was not found in routing configuration for Edge $edgeId"

    end {}


function Get-NsxEdgeOspf {

    Retreives OSPF configuration for the specified NSX Edge Services Gateway.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The Get-NsxEdgeOspf cmdlet retreives the OSPF configuration of
    the specified Edge Services Gateway.
    Get the OSPF configuration for Edge01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeOspf

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeRouting $_ })]

    begin {


    process {

        #We append the Edge-id to the associated Routing config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
        #consistent readable output

        if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $EdgeRouting -Query 'descendant::ospf')) {
            $ospf = $EdgeRouting.ospf.CloneNode($True)
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ospf -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $EdgeRouting.EdgeId

    end {}

function Set-NsxEdgeOspf {

    Manipulates OSPF specific base configuration of an existing NSX Edge
    Services Gateway.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The Set-NsxEdgeOspf cmdlet allows manipulation of the OSPF specific
    configuration of a given ESG.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {


    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_EdgeRouting = $EdgeRouting.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $_EdgeRouting.edgeId
        $_EdgeRouting.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeRouting -Query 'descendant::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
        #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.

        $ospf = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeRouting -Query 'descendant::ospf')
        if ( -not $ospf ) {
            #ospf node does not exist.
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$ospf = $_EdgeRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement("ospf")
            $_EdgeRouting.appendChild($ospf) | out-null

        # Check ospf enablemant
        if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EnableOSPF')) {
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ospf -Query 'descendant::enabled')) {
                #Enabled element exists. Update it.
                $ospf.enabled = $EnableOSPF.ToString().ToLower()
            else {
                #Enabled element does not exist...
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ospf -xmlElementName "enabled" -xmlElementText $EnableOSPF.ToString().ToLower()
        elseif (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ospf -Query 'descendant::enabled') {
            # OSPF option is not specified but enabled
            if ( $ospf.enabled -eq 'true' ) {
                # Assume ospf is already enabled.
            } else {
                throw "EnableOSPF is not specified or BGP is not enabled on edge $edgeID. Please specify option EnableOSPF"
        else {
            throw "EnableOSPF is not specified or BGP is not enabled on edge $edgeID. Please specify option EnableOSFP"

        $xmlGlobalConfig = $_EdgeRouting.routingGlobalConfig
        $xmlRouterId = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $xmlGlobalConfig -Query 'descendant::routerId')
        if ( $EnableOSPF ) {
            if ( -not ($xmlRouterId -or $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("RouterId"))) {
                #Existing config missing and no new value set...
                throw "RouterId must be configured to enable dynamic routing"

            if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("RouterId")) {
                #Set Routerid...
                if ($xmlRouterId) {
                    $xmlRouterId = $RouterId.IPAddresstoString
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlGlobalConfig -xmlElementName "routerId" -xmlElementText $RouterId.IPAddresstoString

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("GracefulRestart")) {
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ospf -Query 'descendant::gracefulRestart')) {
                #element exists, update it.
                $ospf.gracefulRestart = $GracefulRestart.ToString().ToLower()
            else {
                #element does not exist...
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ospf -xmlElementName "gracefulRestart" -xmlElementText $GracefulRestart.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultOriginate")) {
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ospf -Query 'descendant::defaultOriginate')) {
                #element exists, update it.
                $ospf.defaultOriginate = $DefaultOriginate.ToString().ToLower()
            else {
                #element does not exist...
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ospf -xmlElementName "defaultOriginate" -xmlElementText $DefaultOriginate.ToString().ToLower()

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($EdgeId)/routing/config"
        $body = $_EdgeRouting.OuterXml

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Edge Services Gateway routing update will modify existing Edge configuration."
            $question = "Proceed with Update of Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed
            Get-NsxEdge -objectId $EdgeId -connection $connection | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeOspf

    end {}

function Get-NsxEdgeOspfArea {

    Returns OSPF Areas defined in the specified NSX Edge Services Gateway OSPF
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The Get-NsxEdgeOspfArea cmdlet retreives the OSPF Areas from the OSPF
    configuration specified.
    Get all areas defined on Edge01.
    PS C:\> C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeOspfArea

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]

    begin {

    process {

        $ospf = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $EdgeRouting -Query 'descendant::ospf')

        if ( $ospf ) {

            $_ospf = $ospf.CloneNode($True)
            $OspfAreas = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_ospf -Query 'descendant::ospfAreas')

            #Need to use an xpath query here, as dot notation will throw in strict mode if there is not childnode called ospfArea.
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $OspfAreas -Query 'descendant::ospfArea')) {

                $AreaCollection = $OspfAreas.ospfArea
                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AreaId')) {
                    $AreaCollection = $AreaCollection | where-object { $_.areaId -eq $AreaId }

                foreach ( $Area in $AreaCollection ) {
                    #We append the Edge-id to the associated Area config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
                    #consistent readable output
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Area -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $EdgeRouting.EdgeId


    end {}

function Remove-NsxEdgeOspfArea {

    Removes an OSPF area from the specified ESGs OSPF configuration.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The Remove-NsxEdgeOspfArea cmdlet removes a BGP neighbour route from the
    bgp configuration of the specified Edge Services Gateway.
    Areas to be removed can be constructed via a PoSH pipline filter outputing
    area objects as produced by Get-NsxEdgeOspfArea and passing them on the
    pipeline to Remove-NsxEdgeOspfArea.
    Remove area 51 from ospf configuration on Edge01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeOspfArea -AreaId 51 | Remove-NsxEdgeOspfArea

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeOspfArea $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Get the routing config for our Edge
        $edgeId = $OspfArea.edgeId
        $routing = Get-NsxEdge -objectId $edgeId -connection $connection | Get-NsxEdgeRouting

        #Remove the edgeId element from the XML as we need to post it...
        $routing.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query 'descendant::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        #Validate the OSPF node exists on the edge
        if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query 'descendant::ospf')) { throw "OSPF is not enabled on ESG $edgeId. Enable OSPF and try again." }
        if ( -not ($routing.ospf.enabled -eq 'true') ) { throw "OSPF is not enabled on ESG $edgeId. Enable OSPF and try again." }

        $xpathQuery = "//ospfAreas/ospfArea[areaId=`"$($OspfArea.areaId)`"]"
        write-debug "XPath query for area nodes to remove is: $xpathQuery"
        $AreaToRemove = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing.ospf -Query $xpathQuery)

        if ( $AreaToRemove ) {

            write-debug "AreaToRemove Element is: `n $($AreaToRemove.OuterXml | format-xml) "
            $routing.ospf.ospfAreas.RemoveChild($AreaToRemove) | Out-Null

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($EdgeId)/routing/config"
            $body = $routing.OuterXml

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "Edge Services Gateway routing update will modify existing Edge configuration."
                $question = "Proceed with Update of Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed
        else {
            Throw "Area $($OspfArea.areaId) was not found in routing configuration for Edge $edgeId"

    end {}

function New-NsxEdgeOspfArea {

    Creates a new OSPF Area and adds it to the specified ESGs OSPF
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The New-NsxEdgeOspfArea cmdlet adds a new OSPF Area to the ospf
    configuration of the specified Edge Services Gateway.
    Create area 50 as a normal type on ESG Edge01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | New-NsxEdgeOspfArea -AreaId 50
    Create area 10 as a nssa type on ESG Edge01 with password authentication
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | New-NsxEdgeOspfArea -AreaId 10 -Type password -Password "Secret"

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword","")] # Unable to remove without breaking backward compatibilty. Alternate credential parameter exists.
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            [ValidateSet("normal","nssa",IgnoreCase = $false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            [ValidateSet("none","password","md5",IgnoreCase = $false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_EdgeRouting = $EdgeRouting.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $_EdgeRouting.edgeId
        $_EdgeRouting.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeRouting -Query 'descendant::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        #Create the new ospfArea element.
        $Area = $_EdgeRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement('ospfArea')

        #Need to do an xpath query here rather than use PoSH dot notation to get the ospf element,
        #as it might not exist which wil cause PoSH to throw in stric mode.
        $ospf = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeRouting -Query 'descendant::ospf')
        if ( $ospf ) {
            (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ospf -Query 'descendant::ospfAreas').AppendChild($Area) | Out-Null

            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Area -xmlElementName "areaId" -xmlElementText $AreaId.ToString()

            #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
            #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Type") ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Area -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText $Type.ToString()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("AuthenticationType") -or $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Password") ) {
                switch ($AuthenticationType) {

                    "none" {
                        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Password') ) {
                            throw "Authentication type must be other than none to specify a password."
                        #Default value - do nothing

                    default {
                        if ( -not ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Password')) ) {
                            throw "Must specify a password if Authentication type is not none."
                        $Authentication = $Area.ownerDocument.CreateElement("authentication")
                        $Area.AppendChild( $Authentication ) | out-null

                        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Authentication -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText $AuthenticationType
                        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Authentication -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText $Password

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($EdgeId)/routing/config"
            $body = $_EdgeRouting.OuterXml

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "Edge Services Gateway routing update will modify existing Edge configuration."
                $question = "Proceed with Update of Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed
                Get-NsxEdge -objectId $EdgeId -connection $connection | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeOspfArea -AreaId $AreaId
        else {
            throw "OSPF is not enabled on edge $edgeID. Enable OSPF using Set-NsxEdgeRouting or Set-NsxEdgeOSPF first."

    end {}

function Get-NsxEdgeOspfInterface {

    Returns OSPF Interface mappings defined in the specified NSX Edge Services
    Gateway OSPF configuration.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The Get-NsxEdgeOspfInterface cmdlet retreives the OSPF Area to interfaces
    mappings from the OSPF configuration specified.
    Get all OSPF Area to Interface mappings on ESG Edge01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeOspfInterface
    Get OSPF Area to Interface mapping for Area 10 on ESG Edge01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeOspfInterface -AreaId 10

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]

    begin {

    process {

        $ospf = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $EdgeRouting -Query 'descendant::ospf')

        if ( $ospf ) {

            $_ospf = $ospf.CloneNode($True)
            $OspfInterfaces = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_ospf -Query 'descendant::ospfInterfaces')

            #Need to use an xpath query here, as dot notation will throw in strict mode if there is not childnode called ospfArea.
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $OspfInterfaces -Query 'descendant::ospfInterface')) {

                $InterfaceCollection = $OspfInterfaces.ospfInterface
                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AreaId')) {
                    $InterfaceCollection = $InterfaceCollection | where-object { $_.areaId -eq $AreaId }

                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('vNicId')) {
                    $InterfaceCollection = $InterfaceCollection | where-object { $_.vnic -eq $vNicId }

                foreach ( $Interface in $InterfaceCollection ) {
                    #We append the Edge-id to the associated Area config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
                    #consistent readable output
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Interface -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $EdgeRouting.EdgeId


    end {}

function Remove-NsxEdgeOspfInterface {

    Removes an OSPF Interface from the specified ESGs OSPF configuration.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The Remove-NsxEdgeOspfInterface cmdlet removes a BGP neighbour route from
    the bgp configuration of the specified Edge Services Gateway.
    Interfaces to be removed can be constructed via a PoSH pipline filter
    outputing interface objects as produced by Get-NsxEdgeOspfInterface and
    passing them on the pipeline to Remove-NsxEdgeOspfInterface.
    Remove Interface to Area mapping for area 51 from ESG Edge01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeOspfInterface -AreaId 51 | Remove-NsxEdgeOspfInterface
    Remove all Interface to Area mappings from ESG Edge01 without confirmation.
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeOspfInterface | Remove-NsxEdgeOspfInterface -confirm:$false

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeOspfInterface $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Get the routing config for our Edge
        $edgeId = $OspfInterface.edgeId
        $routing = Get-NsxEdge -objectId $edgeId -connection $connection | Get-NsxEdgeRouting

        #Remove the edgeId element from the XML as we need to post it...
        $routing.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query 'descendant::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        #Validate the OSPF node exists on the edge
        if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query 'descendant::ospf')) { throw "OSPF is not enabled on ESG $edgeId. Enable OSPF and try again." }
        if ( -not ($routing.ospf.enabled -eq 'true') ) { throw "OSPF is not enabled on ESG $edgeId. Enable OSPF and try again." }

        $xpathQuery = "//ospfInterfaces/ospfInterface[areaId=`"$($OspfInterface.areaId)`"]"
        write-debug "XPath query for interface nodes to remove is: $xpathQuery"
        $InterfaceToRemove = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing.ospf -Query $xpathQuery)

        if ( $InterfaceToRemove ) {

            write-debug "InterfaceToRemove Element is: `n $($InterfaceToRemove.OuterXml | format-xml) "
            $routing.ospf.ospfInterfaces.RemoveChild($InterfaceToRemove) | Out-Null

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($EdgeId)/routing/config"
            $body = $routing.OuterXml

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "Edge Services Gateway routing update will modify existing Edge configuration."
                $question = "Proceed with Update of Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed
        else {
            Throw "Interface $($OspfInterface.areaId) was not found in routing configuration for Edge $edgeId"

    end {}

function New-NsxEdgeOspfInterface {

    Creates a new OSPF Interface to Area mapping and adds it to the specified
    ESGs OSPF configuration.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The New-NsxEdgeOspfInterface cmdlet adds a new OSPF Area to Interface
    mapping to the ospf configuration of the specified Edge Services Gateway.
    Add a mapping for Area 10 to Interface 0 on ESG Edge01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | New-NsxEdgeOspfInterface -AreaId 10 -Vnic 0

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {

    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_EdgeRouting = $EdgeRouting.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $_EdgeRouting.edgeId
        $_EdgeRouting.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeRouting -Query 'descendant::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        #Create the new ospfInterface element.
        $Interface = $_EdgeRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement('ospfInterface')

        #Need to do an xpath query here rather than use PoSH dot notation to get the ospf element,
        #as it might not exist which wil cause PoSH to throw in stric mode.
        $ospf = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeRouting -Query 'descendant::ospf')
        if ( $ospf ) {
            (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ospf -Query 'descendant::ospfInterfaces').AppendChild($Interface) | Out-Null

            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Interface -xmlElementName "areaId" -xmlElementText $AreaId.ToString()
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Interface -xmlElementName "vnic" -xmlElementText $Vnic.ToString()

            #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
            #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("HelloInterval") ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Interface -xmlElementName "helloInterval" -xmlElementText $HelloInterval.ToString()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DeadInterval") ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Interface -xmlElementName "deadInterval" -xmlElementText $DeadInterval.ToString()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Priority") ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Interface -xmlElementName "priority" -xmlElementText $Priority.ToString()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Cost") ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Interface -xmlElementName "cost" -xmlElementText $Cost.ToString()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("IgnoreMTU") ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Interface -xmlElementName "mtuIgnore" -xmlElementText $IgnoreMTU.ToString().ToLower()

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($EdgeId)/routing/config"
            $body = $_EdgeRouting.OuterXml

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "Edge Services Gateway routing update will modify existing Edge configuration."
                $question = "Proceed with Update of Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed
                Get-NsxEdge -objectId $EdgeId -connection $connection | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeOspfInterface -AreaId $AreaId
        else {
            throw "OSPF is not enabled on edge $edgeID. Enable OSPF using Set-NsxEdgeRouting or Set-NsxEdgeOSPF first."

    end {}

# Redistribution Rules

function Get-NsxEdgeRedistributionRule {

    Returns dynamic route redistribution rules defined in the specified NSX Edge
    Services Gateway routing configuration.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The Get-NsxEdgeRedistributionRule cmdlet retreives the route redistribution
    rules defined in the ospf and bgp configurations for the specified ESG.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeRedistributionRule -Learner ospf
    Get all Redistribution rules for ospf on ESG Edge01

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]

    begin {

    process {

        #Rules can be defined in either ospf or bgp (isis as well, but who cares huh? :) )
        if ( ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Learner')) -or ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Learner') -and $Learner -eq 'ospf')) {

            $ospf = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $EdgeRouting -Query 'child::ospf')

            if ( $ospf ) {

                $_ospf = $ospf.CloneNode($True)
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_ospf -Query 'child::redistribution/rules/rule') ) {

                    $OspfRuleCollection = $_ospf.redistribution.rules.rule

                    foreach ( $rule in $OspfRuleCollection ) {
                        #We append the Edge-id to the associated rule config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
                        #consistent readable output
                        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $rule -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $EdgeRouting.EdgeId

                        #Add the learner to be consistent with the view the UI gives
                        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $rule -xmlElementName "learner" -xmlElementText "ospf"


                    if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Id')) {
                        $OspfRuleCollection = $OspfRuleCollection | where-object { $_.id -eq $Id }


        if ( ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Learner')) -or ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Learner') -and $Learner -eq 'bgp')) {

            $bgp = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $EdgeRouting -Query 'child::bgp')
            if ( $bgp ) {

                $_bgp = $bgp.CloneNode($True)
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_bgp -Query 'child::redistribution/rules/rule') ) {

                    $BgpRuleCollection = $_bgp.redistribution.rules.rule

                    foreach ( $rule in $BgpRuleCollection ) {
                        #We append the Edge-id to the associated rule config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
                        #consistent readable output
                        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $rule -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $EdgeRouting.EdgeId

                        #Add the learner to be consistent with the view the UI gives
                        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $rule -xmlElementName "learner" -xmlElementText "bgp"

                    if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Id')) {
                        $BgpRuleCollection = $BgpRuleCollection | where-object { $_.id -eq $Id }

    end {}

function Remove-NsxEdgeRedistributionRule {

    Removes a route redistribution rule from the specified ESGs configuration.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The Remove-NsxEdgeRedistributionRule cmdlet removes a route redistribution
    rule from the configuration of the specified Edge Services Gateway.
    Interfaces to be removed can be constructed via a PoSH pipline filter
    outputing interface objects as produced by Get-NsxEdgeRedistributionRule and
    passing them on the pipeline to Remove-NsxEdgeRedistributionRule.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeRedistributionRule -Learner ospf | Remove-NsxEdgeRedistributionRule
    Remove all ospf redistribution rules from Edge01

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeRedistributionRule $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Get the routing config for our Edge
        $edgeId = $RedistributionRule.edgeId
        $routing = Get-NsxEdge -objectId $edgeId -connection $connection | Get-NsxEdgeRouting

        #Remove the edgeId element from the XML as we need to post it...
        $routing.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query 'child::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        #Validate the learner protocol node exists on the edge
        if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query "child::$($RedistributionRule.learner)")) {
            throw "Rule learner protocol $($RedistributionRule.learner) is not enabled on ESG $edgeId. Use Get-NsxEdge <this edge> | Get-NsxEdgerouting | Get-NsxEdgeRedistributionRule to get the rule you want to remove."

        #Make XPath do all the hard work... Wish I was able to just compare the from node, but id doesnt appear possible with xpath 1.0
        $xpathQuery = "child::$($RedistributionRule.learner)/redistribution/rules/rule[action=`"$($RedistributionRule.action)`""
        $xPathQuery += " and from/connected=`"$($RedistributionRule.from.connected)`" and from/static=`"$($RedistributionRule.from.static)`""
        $xPathQuery += " and from/ospf=`"$($RedistributionRule.from.ospf)`" and from/bgp=`"$($RedistributionRule.from.bgp)`""

        if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $RedistributionRule -Query 'child::from/isis')) {
            $xPathQuery += " and from/isis=`"$($RedistributionRule.from.isis)`""

        if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $RedistributionRule -Query 'child::prefixName')) {
            $xPathQuery += " and prefixName=`"$($RedistributionRule.prefixName)`""

        $xPathQuery += "]"

        write-debug "XPath query for rule node to remove is: $xpathQuery"

        $RuleToRemove = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query $xpathQuery)

        if ( $RuleToRemove ) {

            write-debug "RuleToRemove Element is: `n $($RuleToRemove | format-xml) "
            $routing.$($RedistributionRule.Learner).redistribution.rules.RemoveChild($RuleToRemove) | Out-Null

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($EdgeId)/routing/config"
            $body = $routing.OuterXml

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "Edge Services Gateway routing update will modify existing Edge configuration."
                $question = "Proceed with Update of Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed
        else {
            Throw "Rule Id $($RedistributionRule.Id) was not found in the $($RedistributionRule.Learner) routing configuration for Edge $edgeId"

    end {}

function New-NsxEdgeRedistributionRule {

    Creates a new route redistribution rule and adds it to the specified ESGs
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    ESGs perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected networks and
    support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF, ISIS and BGP.
    The New-NsxEdgeRedistributionRule cmdlet adds a new route redistribution
    rule to the configuration of the specified Edge Services Gateway.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | New-NsxEdgeRedistributionRule -PrefixName test -Learner ospf -FromConnected -FromStatic -Action permit
    Create a new permit Redistribution Rule for prefix test (note, prefix must already exist, and is case sensistive) for ospf.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {

    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_EdgeRouting = $EdgeRouting.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $_EdgeRouting.edgeId
        $_EdgeRouting.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeRouting -Query 'child::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        #Need to do an xpath query here rather than use PoSH dot notation to get the protocol element,
        #as it might not exist which wil cause PoSH to throw in stric mode.
        $ProtocolElement = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_EdgeRouting -Query "child::$Learner")

        if ( (-not $ProtocolElement) -or ($ProtocolElement.Enabled -ne 'true')) {

            throw "The $Learner protocol is not enabled on Edge $edgeId. Enable it and try again."
        else {

            #Create the new rule element.
            $Rule = $_EdgeRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement('rule')
            (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ProtocolElement -Query 'child::redistribution/rules').AppendChild($Rule) | Out-Null

            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Rule -xmlElementName "action" -xmlElementText $Action
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PrefixName") ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Rule -xmlElementName "prefixName" -xmlElementText $PrefixName.ToString()

            #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
            #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FromConnected') -or $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FromStatic') -or
                 $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FromOspf') -or $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FromBgp') ) {

                $FromElement = $Rule.ownerDocument.CreateElement('from')
                $Rule.AppendChild($FromElement) | Out-Null

                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("FromConnected") ) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $FromElement -xmlElementName "connected" -xmlElementText $FromConnected.ToString().ToLower()

                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("FromStatic") ) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $FromElement -xmlElementName "static" -xmlElementText $FromStatic.ToString().ToLower()

                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("FromOspf") ) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $FromElement -xmlElementName "ospf" -xmlElementText $FromOspf.ToString().ToLower()

                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("FromBgp") ) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $FromElement -xmlElementName "bgp" -xmlElementText $FromBgp.ToString().ToLower()

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($EdgeId)/routing/config"
            $body = $_EdgeRouting.OuterXml

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "Edge Services Gateway routing update will modify existing Edge configuration."
                $question = "Proceed with Update of Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed
                (Get-NsxEdge -objectId $EdgeId  -connection $connection | Get-NsxEdgeRouting | Get-NsxEdgeRedistributionRule -Learner $Learner)[-1]


    end {}

# DLR Routing related functions

function Set-NsxLogicalRouterRouting {

    Configures global routing configuration of an existing NSX Logical Router
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The Set-NsxLogicalRouterRouting cmdlet configures the global routing
    configuration of the specified LogicalRouter.
    Get-NsxLogicalRouter | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Set-NsxLogicalRouterRouting -DefaultGatewayVnic 0 -DefaultGatewayAddress
    Configure the default route of the LogicalRouter.
    Get-NsxLogicalRouter | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Set-NsxLogicalRouterRouting -EnableECMP
    Enable ECMP
    Get-NsxLogicalRouter | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Set-NsxLogicalRouterRouting -EnableOSPF -RouterId -ForwardingAddress -ProtocolAddress
    Enable OSPF
    Get-NsxLogicalRouter | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouter | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Set-NsxLogicalRouterRouting -EnableBGP -RouterId -LocalAS 1234
    Enable BGP
    Get-NsxLogicalRouter | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Set-NsxLogicalRouterRouting -EnableOspfRouteRedistribution:$false -Confirm:$false
    Disable OSPF Route Redistribution without confirmation.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (MAndatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {


    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_LogicalRouterRouting = $LogicalRouterRouting.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the logicalrouterId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $logicalrouterId = $_LogicalRouterRouting.logicalrouterId
        $_LogicalRouterRouting.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::logicalrouterId')) ) | out-null

        #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
        #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EnableOSPF') -or $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EnableBGP') ) {
            $xmlGlobalConfig = $_LogicalRouterRouting.routingGlobalConfig
            $xmlRouterId = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $xmlGlobalConfig -Query 'child::routerId')
            if ( $EnableOSPF -or $EnableBGP ) {
                if ( -not ($xmlRouterId -or $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("RouterId"))) {
                    #Existing config missing and no new value set...
                    throw "RouterId must be configured to enable dynamic routing"

                if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("RouterId")) {
                    #Set Routerid...
                    if ($xmlRouterId) {
                        $xmlRouterId = $RouterId.IPAddresstoString
                        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlGlobalConfig -xmlElementName "routerId" -xmlElementText $RouterId.IPAddresstoString

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EnableOSPF')) {
            $ospf = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::ospf')
            if ( -not $ospf ) {
                #ospf node does not exist.
                [System.XML.XMLElement]$ospf = $_LogicalRouterRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement("ospf")
                $_LogicalRouterRouting.appendChild($ospf) | out-null

            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ospf -Query 'child::enabled')) {
                #Enabled element exists. Update it.
                $ospf.enabled = $EnableOSPF.ToString().ToLower()
            else {
                #Enabled element does not exist...
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ospf -xmlElementName "enabled" -xmlElementText $EnableOSPF.ToString().ToLower()

            if ( $EnableOSPF -and (-not ($ProtocolAddress -or ((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ospf -Query 'child::protocolAddress'))))) {
                throw "ProtocolAddress and ForwardingAddress are required to enable OSPF"

            if ( $EnableOSPF -and (-not ($ForwardingAddress -or ((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ospf -Query 'child::forwardingAddress'))))) {
                throw "ProtocolAddress and ForwardingAddress are required to enable OSPF"

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ProtocolAddress') ) {
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ospf -Query 'child::protocolAddress')) {
                    # element exists. Update it.
                    $ospf.protocolAddress = $ProtocolAddress.ToString().ToLower()
                else {
                    #Enabled element does not exist...
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ospf -xmlElementName "protocolAddress" -xmlElementText $ProtocolAddress.ToString().ToLower()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ForwardingAddress') ) {
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ospf -Query 'child::forwardingAddress')) {
                    # element exists. Update it.
                    $ospf.forwardingAddress = $ForwardingAddress.ToString().ToLower()
                else {
                    #Enabled element does not exist...
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ospf -xmlElementName "forwardingAddress" -xmlElementText $ForwardingAddress.ToString().ToLower()


        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EnableBGP')) {

            $bgp = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::bgp')

            if ( -not $bgp ) {
                #bgp node does not exist.
                [System.XML.XMLElement]$bgp = $_LogicalRouterRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement("bgp")
                $_LogicalRouterRouting.appendChild($bgp) | out-null


            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $bgp -Query 'child::enabled')) {
                #Enabled element exists. Update it.
                $bgp.enabled = $EnableBGP.ToString().ToLower()
            else {
                #Enabled element does not exist...
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $bgp -xmlElementName "enabled" -xmlElementText $EnableBGP.ToString().ToLower()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("LocalAS")) {
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $bgp -Query 'child::localAS')) {
                #LocalAS element exists, update it.
                    $bgp.localAS = $LocalAS.ToString()
                else {
                    #LocalAS element does not exist...
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $bgp -xmlElementName "localAS" -xmlElementText $LocalAS.ToString()
            elseif ( (-not ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $bgp -Query 'child::localAS')) -and $EnableBGP  )) {
                throw "Existing configuration has no Local AS number specified. Local AS must be set to enable BGP."


        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("EnableECMP")) {
            $_LogicalRouterRouting.routingGlobalConfig.ecmp = $EnableECMP.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("EnableOspfRouteRedistribution")) {

            $_LogicalRouterRouting.ospf.redistribution.enabled = $EnableOspfRouteRedistribution.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("EnableBgpRouteRedistribution")) {
            if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::bgp/redistribution/enabled') ) {
                throw "BGP must have been configured at least once to enable/disable BGP route redistribution. Enable BGP and try again."

            $_LogicalRouterRouting.bgp.redistribution.enabled = $EnableBgpRouteRedistribution.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("EnableLogging")) {
            $_LogicalRouterRouting.routingGlobalConfig.logging.enable = $EnableLogging.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("LogLevel")) {
            $_LogicalRouterRouting.routingGlobalConfig.logging.logLevel = $LogLevel.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultGatewayVnic") -or $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultGatewayAddress") -or
            $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultGatewayDescription") -or $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultGatewayMTU") -or
            $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultGatewayAdminDistance") ) {

            #Check for and create if required the defaultRoute element. first.
            if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterRouting.staticRouting -Query 'child::defaultRoute')) {
                #defaultRoute element does not exist
                $defaultRoute = $_LogicalRouterRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement('defaultRoute')
                $_LogicalRouterRouting.staticRouting.AppendChild($defaultRoute) | out-null
            else {
                #defaultRoute element exists
                $defaultRoute = $_LogicalRouterRouting.staticRouting.defaultRoute

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultGatewayVnic") ) {
                if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $defaultRoute -Query 'child::vnic')) {
                    #element does not exist
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $defaultRoute -xmlElementName "vnic" -xmlElementText $DefaultGatewayVnic.ToString()
                else {
                    #element exists
                    $defaultRoute.vnic = $DefaultGatewayVnic.ToString()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultGatewayAddress") ) {
                if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $defaultRoute -Query 'child::gatewayAddress')) {
                    #element does not exist
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $defaultRoute -xmlElementName "gatewayAddress" -xmlElementText $DefaultGatewayAddress.ToString()
                else {
                    #element exists
                    $defaultRoute.gatewayAddress = $DefaultGatewayAddress.ToString()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultGatewayDescription") ) {
                if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $defaultRoute -Query 'child::description')) {
                    #element does not exist
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $defaultRoute -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $DefaultGatewayDescription
                else {
                    #element exists
                    $defaultRoute.description = $DefaultGatewayDescription
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultGatewayMTU") ) {
                if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $defaultRoute -Query 'child::mtu')) {
                    #element does not exist
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $defaultRoute -xmlElementName "mtu" -xmlElementText $DefaultGatewayMTU.ToString()
                else {
                    #element exists
                    $defaultRoute.mtu = $DefaultGatewayMTU.ToString()
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultGatewayAdminDistance") ) {
                if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $defaultRoute -Query 'child::adminDistance')) {
                    #element does not exist
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $defaultRoute -xmlElementName "adminDistance" -xmlElementText $DefaultGatewayAdminDistance.ToString()
                else {
                    #element exists
                    $defaultRoute.adminDistance = $DefaultGatewayAdminDistance.ToString()

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LogicalRouterId)/routing/config"
        $body = $_LogicalRouterRouting.OuterXml

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "LogicalRouter routing update will modify existing LogicalRouter configuration."
            $question = "Proceed with Update of LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)" -completed
            Get-NsxLogicalRouter -objectId $LogicalRouterId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting

    end {}

function Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting {

    Retreives routing configuration for the specified NSX LogicalRouter.
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting cmdlet retreives the routing configuration of
    the specified LogicalRouter.
    Get routing configuration for the LogicalRouter LogicalRouter01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouter $_ })]

    begin {


    process {

        #We append the LogicalRouter-id to the associated Routing config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
        #consistent readable output

        $_LogicalRouterRouting = $LogicalRouter.features.routing.CloneNode($True)
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_LogicalRouterRouting -xmlElementName "logicalrouterId" -xmlElementText $LogicalRouter.Id

    end {}

# Static Routing

function Get-NsxLogicalRouterStaticRoute {

    Retreives Static Routes from the specified NSX LogicalRouter Routing
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The Get-NsxLogicalRouterStaticRoute cmdlet retreives the static routes from the
    routing configuration specified.
    Get static routes defining on LogicalRouter LogicalRouter01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterStaticRoute

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]


    begin {

    process {

        #We append the LogicalRouter-id to the associated Routing config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
        #consistent readable output

        $_LogicalRouterStaticRouting = ($LogicalRouterRouting.staticRouting.CloneNode($True))
        $LogicalRouterStaticRoutes = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterStaticRouting -Query 'child::staticRoutes')

        #Need to use an xpath query here, as dot notation will throw in strict mode if there is not childnode called route.
        If ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $LogicalRouterStaticRoutes -Query 'child::route')) {

            $RouteCollection = $LogicalRouterStaticRoutes.route
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Network')) {
                $RouteCollection = $RouteCollection | where-object { $_.network -eq $Network }

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NextHop')) {
                $RouteCollection = $RouteCollection | where-object { $_.nextHop -eq $NextHop }

            foreach ( $StaticRoute in $RouteCollection ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $StaticRoute -xmlElementName "logicalrouterId" -xmlElementText $LogicalRouterRouting.LogicalRouterId


    end {}

function New-NsxLogicalRouterStaticRoute {

    Creates a new static route and adds it to the specified ESGs routing
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The New-NsxLogicalRouterStaticRoute cmdlet adds a new static route to the routing
    configuration of the specified LogicalRouter.
    Add a new static route to LogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 for via
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | New-NsxLogicalRouterStaticRoute -Network -NextHop

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_LogicalRouterRouting = $LogicalRouterRouting.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the logicalrouterId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $logicalrouterId = $_LogicalRouterRouting.logicalrouterId
        $_LogicalRouterRouting.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::logicalrouterId')) ) | out-null

        #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
        #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.

        #Create the new route element.
        $Route = $_LogicalRouterRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement('route')

        #Need to do an xpath query here rather than use PoSH dot notation to get the static route element,
        #as it might be empty, and PoSH silently turns an empty element into a string object, which is rather not what we want... :|
        $StaticRoutes = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterRouting.staticRouting -Query 'child::staticRoutes')
        $StaticRoutes.AppendChild($Route) | Out-Null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Route -xmlElementName "network" -xmlElementText $Network.ToString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Route -xmlElementName "nextHop" -xmlElementText $NextHop.ToString()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Vnic") ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Route -xmlElementName "vnic" -xmlElementText $Vnic.ToString()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("MTU") ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Route -xmlElementName "mtu" -xmlElementText $MTU.ToString()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Description") ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Route -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description.ToString()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("AdminDistance") ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Route -xmlElementName "adminDistance" -xmlElementText $AdminDistance.ToString()

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LogicalRouterId)/routing/config"
        $body = $_LogicalRouterRouting.OuterXml

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "LogicalRouter routing update will modify existing LogicalRouter configuration."
            $question = "Proceed with Update of LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)" -completed
            Get-NsxLogicalRouter -objectId $LogicalRouterId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterStaticRoute -Network $Network -NextHop $NextHop

    end {}

function Remove-NsxLogicalRouterStaticRoute {

    Removes a static route from the specified ESGs routing configuration.
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The Remove-NsxLogicalRouterStaticRoute cmdlet removes a static route from the routing
    configuration of the specified LogicalRouter.
    Routes to be removed can be constructed via a PoSH pipline filter outputing
    route objects as produced by Get-NsxLogicalRouterStaticRoute and passing them on the
    pipeline to Remove-NsxLogicalRouterStaticRoute.
    Remove a route to via from LogicalRouter LogicalRouter01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterStaticRoute | where-object { $_.network -eq '' -and $_.nextHop -eq '' } | Remove-NsxLogicalRouterStaticRoute
    Remove all routes to from LogicalRouter LogicalRouter01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterStaticRoute | where-object { $_.network -eq '' } | Remove-NsxLogicalRouterStaticRoute

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterStaticRoute $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Get the routing config for our LogicalRouter
        $logicalrouterId = $StaticRoute.logicalrouterId
        $routing = Get-NsxLogicalRouter -objectId $logicalrouterId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting

        #Remove the logicalrouterId element from the XML as we need to post it...
        $routing.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query 'child::logicalrouterId')) ) | out-null

        #Need to do an xpath query here to query for a route that matches the one passed in.
        #Union of nextHop and network should be unique
        $xpathQuery = "//staticRoutes/route[nextHop=`"$($StaticRoute.nextHop)`" and network=`"$($StaticRoute.network)`"]"
        write-debug "XPath query for route nodes to remove is: $xpathQuery"
        $RouteToRemove = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing.staticRouting -Query $xpathQuery)

        if ( $RouteToRemove ) {

            write-debug "RouteToRemove Element is: `n $($RouteToRemove.OuterXml | format-xml) "
            $routing.staticRouting.staticRoutes.RemoveChild($RouteToRemove) | Out-Null

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LogicalRouterId)/routing/config"
            $body = $routing.OuterXml

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "LogicalRouter routing update will modify existing LogicalRouter configuration."
                $question = "Proceed with Update of LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)" -completed
        else {
            Throw "Route for network $($StaticRoute.network) via $($StaticRoute.nextHop) was not found in routing configuration for LogicalRouter $logicalrouterId"

    end {}

# Prefixes

function Get-NsxLogicalRouterPrefix {

    Retreives IP Prefixes from the specified NSX LogicalRouter Routing
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The Get-NsxLogicalRouterPrefix cmdlet retreives IP prefixes from the
    routing configuration specified.
    Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterPrefix
    Retrieve prefixes from LogicalRouter LogicalRouter01
    Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterPrefix -Network
    Retrieve prefix from LogicalRouter LogicalRouter01
    Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterPrefix -Name CorpNet
    Retrieve prefix CorpNet from LogicalRouter LogicalRouter01

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]


    begin {

    process {

        #We append the LogicalRouter-id to the associated Routing config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
        #consistent readable output

        $_GlobalRoutingConfig = ($LogicalRouterRouting.routingGlobalConfig.CloneNode($True))
        $IpPrefixes = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_GlobalRoutingConfig -Query 'child::ipPrefixes')

        #IPPrefixes may not exist...
        if ( $IPPrefixes ) {
            #Need to use an xpath query here, as dot notation will throw in strict mode if there is not childnode called ipPrefix.
            If ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $IpPrefixes -Query 'child::ipPrefix')) {

                $PrefixCollection = $IPPrefixes.ipPrefix
                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Network')) {
                    $PrefixCollection = $PrefixCollection | where-object { $_.ipAddress -eq $Network }

                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name')) {
                    $PrefixCollection = $PrefixCollection | where-object { $_.name -eq $Name }

                foreach ( $Prefix in $PrefixCollection ) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Prefix -xmlElementName "logicalrouterId" -xmlElementText $LogicalRouterRouting.LogicalRouterId


    end {}

function New-NsxLogicalRouterPrefix {

    Creates a new IP prefix and adds it to the specified ESGs routing
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The New-NsxLogicalRouterPrefix cmdlet adds a new IP prefix to the routing
    configuration of the specified LogicalRouter .

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_LogicalRouterRouting = $LogicalRouterRouting.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the logicalrouterId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $logicalrouterId = $_LogicalRouterRouting.logicalrouterId
        $_LogicalRouterRouting.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::logicalrouterId')) ) | out-null

        #Need to do an xpath query here rather than use PoSH dot notation to get the IP prefix element,
        #as it might be empty or not exist, and PoSH silently turns an empty element into a string object, which is rather not what we want... :|
        $ipPrefixes = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterRouting.routingGlobalConfig -Query 'child::ipPrefixes')
        if ( -not $ipPrefixes ) {
            #Create the ipPrefixes element
            $ipPrefixes = $_LogicalRouterRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement('ipPrefixes')
            $_LogicalRouterRouting.routingGlobalConfig.AppendChild($ipPrefixes) | Out-Null

        #Create the new ipPrefix element.
        $ipPrefix = $_LogicalRouterRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement('ipPrefix')
        $ipPrefixes.AppendChild($ipPrefix) | Out-Null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ipPrefix -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name.ToString()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ipPrefix -xmlElementName "ipAddress" -xmlElementText $Network.ToString()

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LogicalRouterId)/routing/config"
        $body = $_LogicalRouterRouting.OuterXml

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "LogicalRouter routing update will modify existing LogicalRouter configuration."
            $question = "Proceed with Update of LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)" -completed
            Get-NsxLogicalRouter -objectId $LogicalRouterId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterPrefix -Network $Network -Name $Name

    end {}

function Remove-NsxLogicalRouterPrefix {

    Removes an IP prefix from the specified ESGs routing configuration.
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The Remove-NsxLogicalRouterPrefix cmdlet removes a IP prefix from the routing
    configuration of the specified LogicalRouter .
    Prefixes to be removed can be constructed via a PoSH pipline filter outputing
    prefix objects as produced by Get-NsxLogicalRouterPrefix and passing them on the
    pipeline to Remove-NsxLogicalRouterPrefix.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterPrefix $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Get the routing config for our LogicalRouter
        $logicalrouterId = $Prefix.logicalrouterId
        $routing = Get-NsxLogicalRouter -objectId $logicalrouterId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting

        #Remove the logicalrouterId element from the XML as we need to post it...
        $routing.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query 'child::logicalrouterId')) ) | out-null

        #Need to do an xpath query here to query for a prefix that matches the one passed in.
        #Union of nextHop and network should be unique
        $xpathQuery = "/routingGlobalConfig/ipPrefixes/ipPrefix[name=`"$($Prefix.name)`" and ipAddress=`"$($Prefix.ipAddress)`"]"
        write-debug "XPath query for prefix nodes to remove is: $xpathQuery"
        $PrefixToRemove = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query $xpathQuery)

        if ( $PrefixToRemove ) {

            write-debug "PrefixToRemove Element is: `n $($PrefixToRemove.OuterXml | format-xml) "
            $routing.routingGlobalConfig.ipPrefixes.RemoveChild($PrefixToRemove) | Out-Null

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LogicalRouterId)/routing/config"
            $body = $routing.OuterXml

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "LogicalRouter routing update will modify existing LogicalRouter configuration."
                $question = "Proceed with Update of LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)" -completed
        else {
            Throw "Prefix $($Prefix.Name) for network $($Prefix.network) was not found in routing configuration for LogicalRouter $logicalrouterId"

    end {}


function Get-NsxLogicalRouterBgp {

    Retreives BGP configuration for the specified NSX LogicalRouter.
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The Get-NsxLogicalRouterBgp cmdlet retreives the bgp configuration of
    the specified LogicalRouter.
    Get the BGP configuration for LogicalRouter01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterBgp

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterRouting $_ })]

    begin {


    process {

        #We append the LogicalRouter-id to the associated Routing config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
        #consistent readable output

        if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::bgp')) {
            $bgp = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::bgp').CloneNode($True)
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $bgp -xmlElementName "logicalrouterId" -xmlElementText $LogicalRouterRouting.LogicalRouterId

    end {}

function Set-NsxLogicalRouterBgp {

    Manipulates BGP specific base configuration of an existing NSX LogicalRouter.
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The Set-NsxLogicalRouterBgp cmdlet allows manipulation of the BGP specific configuration
    of a given ESG.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {
        if ( $DefaultOriginate ) {
            if ( -not $connection.version ) {
                write-warning "Setting defaultOriginate on a logical router is not supported NSX 6.3.0 or later and current NSX version could not be determined."
            elseif ( [version]$connection.version -ge [version]"6.3.0") {
                throw "Setting defaultOriginate on a logical router is not supported NSX 6.3.0 or later."

    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_LogicalRouterRouting = $LogicalRouterRouting.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the logicalrouterId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $logicalrouterId = $_LogicalRouterRouting.logicalrouterId
        $_LogicalRouterRouting.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::logicalrouterId')) ) | out-null

        #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
        #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.
        $bgp = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::bgp')
        if ( -not $bgp ) {
            #bgp node does not exist.
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$bgp = $_LogicalRouterRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement("bgp")
            $_LogicalRouterRouting.appendChild($bgp) | out-null

        # Check bgp enablement
        if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EnableBGP')) {
            # BGP option is specified
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $bgp -Query 'descendant::enabled')) {
                #Enabled element exists. Update it.
                $bgp.enabled = $EnableBGP.ToString().ToLower()
            else {
                #Enabled element does not exist...
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $bgp -xmlElementName "enabled" -xmlElementText $EnableBGP.ToString().ToLower()
        elseif (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $bgp -Query 'descendant::enabled') {
            # BGP option is not specified but enabled
            if ( $bgp.enabled -eq 'true' ) {
            # Assume bgp is already enabled.
            } else {
                throw "EnableBGP is not specified or BGP is not enabled on logicalrouter $logicalrouterID. Please specify option EnableBGP"
        else {
            throw "EnableBGP is not specified or BGP is not enabled on logicalrouter $logicalrouterID. Please specify option EnableBGP"
        $xmlGlobalConfig = $_LogicalRouterRouting.routingGlobalConfig
        $xmlRouterId = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $xmlGlobalConfig -Query 'child::routerId')
        if ( $EnableBGP ) {
            if ( -not ($xmlRouterId -or $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("RouterId"))) {
                #Existing config missing and no new value set...
                throw "RouterId must be configured to enable dynamic routing"

            if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("RouterId")) {
                #Set Routerid...
                if ($xmlRouterId) {
                    $xmlRouterId = $RouterId.IPAddresstoString
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlGlobalConfig -xmlElementName "routerId" -xmlElementText $RouterId.IPAddresstoString

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("LocalAS")) {
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $bgp -Query 'child::localAS')) {
                #LocalAS element exists, update it.
                $bgp.localAS = $LocalAS.ToString()
            else {
                #LocalAS element does not exist...
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $bgp -xmlElementName "localAS" -xmlElementText $LocalAS.ToString()
        elseif ( (-not ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $bgp -Query 'child::localAS')) -and $EnableBGP  )) {
            throw "Existing configuration has no Local AS number specified. Local AS must be set to enable BGP."

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("GracefulRestart")) {
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $bgp -Query 'child::gracefulRestart')) {
                #element exists, update it.
                $bgp.gracefulRestart = $GracefulRestart.ToString().ToLower()
            else {
                #element does not exist...
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $bgp -xmlElementName "gracefulRestart" -xmlElementText $GracefulRestart.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultOriginate")) {
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $bgp -Query 'child::defaultOriginate')) {
                #element exists, update it.
                $bgp.defaultOriginate = $DefaultOriginate.ToString().ToLower()
            else {
                #element does not exist...
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $bgp -xmlElementName "defaultOriginate" -xmlElementText $DefaultOriginate.ToString().ToLower()

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LogicalRouterId)/routing/config"
        $body = $_LogicalRouterRouting.OuterXml

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "LogicalRouter routing update will modify existing LogicalRouter configuration."
            $question = "Proceed with Update of LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)" -completed
            Get-NsxLogicalRouter -objectId $LogicalRouterId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterBgp

    end {}

function Get-NsxLogicalRouterBgpNeighbour {

    Returns BGP neighbours from the specified NSX LogicalRouter BGP
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The Get-NsxLogicalRouterBgpNeighbour cmdlet retreives the BGP neighbours from the
    BGP configuration specified.
    Get all BGP neighbours defined on LogicalRouter01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterBgpNeighbour
    Get BGP neighbour defined on LogicalRouter01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterBgpNeighbour -IpAddress
    Get all BGP neighbours with Remote AS 1234 defined on LogicalRouter01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterBgpNeighbour | where-object { $_.RemoteAS -eq '1234' }

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]

    begin {

    process {

        $bgp = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::bgp')

        if ( $bgp ) {

            $_bgp = $bgp.CloneNode($True)
            $BgpNeighbours = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_bgp -Query 'child::bgpNeighbours')

            #Need to use an xpath query here, as dot notation will throw in strict mode if there is not childnode called bgpNeighbour.
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $BgpNeighbours -Query 'child::bgpNeighbour')) {

                $NeighbourCollection = $BgpNeighbours.bgpNeighbour
                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IpAddress')) {
                    $NeighbourCollection = $NeighbourCollection | where-object { $_.ipAddress -eq $IpAddress }

                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RemoteAS')) {
                    $NeighbourCollection = $NeighbourCollection | where-object { $_.remoteAS -eq $RemoteAS }

                foreach ( $Neighbour in $NeighbourCollection ) {
                    #We append the LogicalRouter-id to the associated neighbour config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
                    #consistent readable output
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Neighbour -xmlElementName "logicalrouterId" -xmlElementText $LogicalRouterRouting.LogicalRouterId


    end {}

function New-NsxLogicalRouterBgpNeighbour {

    Creates a new BGP neighbour and adds it to the specified ESGs BGP
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The New-NsxLogicalRouterBgpNeighbour cmdlet adds a new BGP neighbour to the
    bgp configuration of the specified LogicalRouter.
    Add a new neighbour with remote AS number 1234 with defaults.
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | New-NsxLogicalRouterBgpNeighbour -IpAddress -RemoteAS 1234 -ForwardingAddress -ProtocolAddress
    Add a new neighbour with remote AS number 22235 specifying weight, holddown and keepalive timers and dont prompt for confirmation.
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | New-NsxLogicalRouterBgpNeighbour -IpAddress -RemoteAS 22235 -ForwardingAddress -ProtocolAddress -Confirm:$false -Weight 90 -HoldDownTimer 240 -KeepAliveTimer 90 -confirm:$false

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword","")] # Unable to remove without breaking backward compatibilty. Alternate credential parameter exists.
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_LogicalRouterRouting = $LogicalRouterRouting.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the logicalrouterId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $logicalrouterId = $_LogicalRouterRouting.logicalrouterId
        $_LogicalRouterRouting.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::logicalrouterId')) ) | out-null

        #Create the new bgpNeighbour element.
        $Neighbour = $_LogicalRouterRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement('bgpNeighbour')

        #Need to do an xpath query here rather than use PoSH dot notation to get the bgp element,
        #as it might not exist which wil cause PoSH to throw in stric mode.
        $bgp = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::bgp')
        if ( $bgp ) {
            (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $bgp -Query 'child::bgpNeighbours').AppendChild($Neighbour) | Out-Null

            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Neighbour -xmlElementName "ipAddress" -xmlElementText $IpAddress.ToString()
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Neighbour -xmlElementName "remoteAS" -xmlElementText $RemoteAS.ToString()
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Neighbour -xmlElementName "forwardingAddress" -xmlElementText $ForwardingAddress.ToString()
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Neighbour -xmlElementName "protocolAddress" -xmlElementText $ProtocolAddress.ToString()

            #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
            #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Weight") ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Neighbour -xmlElementName "weight" -xmlElementText $Weight.ToString()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("HoldDownTimer") ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Neighbour -xmlElementName "holdDownTimer" -xmlElementText $HoldDownTimer.ToString()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("KeepAliveTimer") ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Neighbour -xmlElementName "keepAliveTimer" -xmlElementText $KeepAliveTimer.ToString()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Password") ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Neighbour -xmlElementName "password" -xmlElementText $Password.ToString()

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LogicalRouterId)/routing/config"
            $body = $_LogicalRouterRouting.OuterXml

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "LogicalRouter routing update will modify existing LogicalRouter configuration."
                $question = "Proceed with Update of LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)" -completed
                Get-NsxLogicalRouter -objectId $LogicalRouterId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterBgpNeighbour -IpAddress $IpAddress -RemoteAS $RemoteAS
        else {
            throw "BGP is not enabled on logicalrouter $logicalrouterID. Enable BGP using Set-NsxLogicalRouterRouting or Set-NsxLogicalRouterBGP first."

    end {}

function Remove-NsxLogicalRouterBgpNeighbour {

    Removes a BGP neigbour from the specified ESGs BGP configuration.
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The Remove-NsxLogicalRouterBgpNeighbour cmdlet removes a BGP neighbour route from the
    bgp configuration of the specified LogicalRouter Services Gateway.
    Neighbours to be removed can be constructed via a PoSH pipline filter outputing
    neighbour objects as produced by Get-NsxLogicalRouterBgpNeighbour and passing them on the
    pipeline to Remove-NsxLogicalRouterBgpNeighbour.
    Remove the BGP neighbour from the the logicalrouter LogicalRouter01's bgp configuration
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterBgpNeighbour | where-object { $_.ipaddress -eq '' } | Remove-NsxLogicalRouterBgpNeighbour

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterBgpNeighbour $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Get the routing config for our LogicalRouter
        $logicalrouterId = $BgpNeighbour.logicalrouterId
        $routing = Get-NsxLogicalRouter -objectId $logicalrouterId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting

        #Remove the logicalrouterId element from the XML as we need to post it...
        $routing.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query 'child::logicalrouterId')) ) | out-null

        #Validate the BGP node exists on the logicalrouter
        if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query 'child::bgp')) { throw "BGP is not enabled on ESG $logicalrouterId. Enable BGP and try again." }

        #Need to do an xpath query here to query for a bgp neighbour that matches the one passed in.
        #Union of ipaddress and remote AS should be unique (though this is not enforced by the API,
        #I cant see why having duplicate neighbours with same ip and AS would be useful...maybe
        #different filters?)
        #Will probably need to include additional xpath query filters here in the query to include
        #matching on filters to better handle uniquness amongst bgp neighbours with same ip and remoteAS

        $xpathQuery = "//bgpNeighbours/bgpNeighbour[ipAddress=`"$($BgpNeighbour.ipAddress)`" and remoteAS=`"$($BgpNeighbour.remoteAS)`"]"
        write-debug "XPath query for neighbour nodes to remove is: $xpathQuery"
        $NeighbourToRemove = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing.bgp -Query $xpathQuery)

        if ( $NeighbourToRemove ) {

            write-debug "NeighbourToRemove Element is: `n $($NeighbourToRemove.OuterXml | format-xml) "
            $routing.bgp.bgpNeighbours.RemoveChild($NeighbourToRemove) | Out-Null

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LogicalRouterId)/routing/config"
            $body = $routing.OuterXml

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "LogicalRouter routing update will modify existing LogicalRouter configuration."
                $question = "Proceed with Update of LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)" -completed
        else {
            Throw "Neighbour $($BgpNeighbour.ipAddress) with Remote AS $($BgpNeighbour.RemoteAS) was not found in routing configuration for LogicalRouter $logicalrouterId"

    end {}


function Get-NsxLogicalRouterOspf {

    Retreives OSPF configuration for the specified NSX LogicalRouter.
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The Get-NsxLogicalRouterOspf cmdlet retreives the OSPF configuration of
    the specified LogicalRouter.
    Get the OSPF configuration for LogicalRouter01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterOspf

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterRouting $_ })]

    begin {


    process {

        #We append the LogicalRouter-id to the associated Routing config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
        #consistent readable output

        if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::ospf')) {
            $ospf = $LogicalRouterRouting.ospf.CloneNode($True)
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ospf -xmlElementName "logicalrouterId" -xmlElementText $LogicalRouterRouting.LogicalRouterId

    end {}

function Set-NsxLogicalRouterOspf {

    Manipulates OSPF specific base configuration of an existing NSX
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The Set-NsxLogicalRouterOspf cmdlet allows manipulation of the OSPF specific
    configuration of a given ESG.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {
        if ( $DefaultOriginate ) {
            if ( -not $connection.version ) {
                write-warning "Setting defaultOriginate on a logical router is not supported NSX 6.3.0 or later and current NSX version could not be determined."
            elseif ( [version]$connection.version -ge [version]"6.3.0") {
                throw "Setting defaultOriginate on a logical router is not supported NSX 6.3.0 or later."

    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_LogicalRouterRouting = $LogicalRouterRouting.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the logicalrouterId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $logicalrouterId = $_LogicalRouterRouting.logicalrouterId
        $_LogicalRouterRouting.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::logicalrouterId')) ) | out-null

        #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
        #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.
        $ospf = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::ospf')
        if ( -not $ospf ) {
            #ospf node does not exist.
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$ospf = $_LogicalRouterRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement("ospf")
            $_LogicalRouterRouting.appendChild($ospf) | out-null
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EnableOSPF') ) {
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ospf -Query 'child::enabled')) {
                #Enabled element exists. Update it.
                $ospf.enabled = $EnableOSPF.ToString().ToLower()
            else {
                #Enabled element does not exist...
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ospf -xmlElementName "enabled" -xmlElementText $EnableOSPF.ToString().ToLower()
    elseif ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ospf -Query 'child::enabled')) {
        # OSPF option is not specified but enabled
        if ( $ospf.enabled -eq 'true' ) {
        # Assume ospf is already enabled.
        } else {
        throw "EnableOSPF is not specified or OSPF is not enabled on logicalrouter $logicalrouterID. Please specify option EnableOSPF"
    } else {
       throw "EnableOSPF is not specified or OSPF is not enabled on logicalrouter $logicalrouterID. Please specify option EnableOSPF"

        if ( $EnableOSPF -and (-not ($ProtocolAddress -or ((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ospf -Query 'child::protocolAddress'))))) {
            throw "ProtocolAddress and ForwardingAddress are required to enable OSPF"

        if ( $EnableOSPF -and (-not ($ForwardingAddress -or ((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ospf -Query 'child::forwardingAddress'))))) {
            throw "ProtocolAddress and ForwardingAddress are required to enable OSPF"

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ProtocolAddress') ) {
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ospf -Query 'child::protocolAddress')) {
                # element exists. Update it.
                $ospf.protocolAddress = $ProtocolAddress.ToString().ToLower()
            else {
                #Enabled element does not exist...
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ospf -xmlElementName "protocolAddress" -xmlElementText $ProtocolAddress.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ForwardingAddress') ) {
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ospf -Query 'child::forwardingAddress')) {
                # element exists. Update it.
                $ospf.forwardingAddress = $ForwardingAddress.ToString().ToLower()
            else {
                #Enabled element does not exist...
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ospf -xmlElementName "forwardingAddress" -xmlElementText $ForwardingAddress.ToString().ToLower()

        $xmlGlobalConfig = $_LogicalRouterRouting.routingGlobalConfig
        $xmlRouterId = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $xmlGlobalConfig -Query 'child::routerId')
        if ( $EnableOSPF ) {
            if ( -not ($xmlRouterId -or $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("RouterId"))) {
                #Existing config missing and no new value set...
                throw "RouterId must be configured to enable dynamic routing"

            if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("RouterId")) {
                #Set Routerid...
                if ($xmlRouterId) {
                    $xmlRouterId = $RouterId.IPAddresstoString
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlGlobalConfig -xmlElementName "routerId" -xmlElementText $RouterId.IPAddresstoString

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("GracefulRestart")) {
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ospf -Query 'child::gracefulRestart')) {
                #element exists, update it.
                $ospf.gracefulRestart = $GracefulRestart.ToString().ToLower()
            else {
                #element does not exist...
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ospf -xmlElementName "gracefulRestart" -xmlElementText $GracefulRestart.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultOriginate")) {
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ospf -Query 'child::defaultOriginate')) {
                #element exists, update it.
                $ospf.defaultOriginate = $DefaultOriginate.ToString().ToLower()
            else {
                #element does not exist...
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $ospf -xmlElementName "defaultOriginate" -xmlElementText $DefaultOriginate.ToString().ToLower()

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LogicalRouterId)/routing/config"
        $body = $_LogicalRouterRouting.OuterXml

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "LogicalRouter routing update will modify existing LogicalRouter configuration."
            $question = "Proceed with Update of LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)" -completed
            Get-NsxLogicalRouter -objectId $LogicalRouterId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterOspf

    end {}

function Get-NsxLogicalRouterOspfArea {

    Returns OSPF Areas defined in the specified NSX LogicalRouter OSPF
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The Get-NsxLogicalRouterOspfArea cmdlet retreives the OSPF Areas from the OSPF
    configuration specified.
    Get all areas defined on LogicalRouter01.
    PS C:\> C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterOspfArea

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]

    begin {

    process {

        $ospf = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::ospf')

        if ( $ospf ) {

            $_ospf = $ospf.CloneNode($True)
            $OspfAreas = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_ospf -Query 'child::ospfAreas')

            #Need to use an xpath query here, as dot notation will throw in strict mode if there is not childnode called ospfArea.
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $OspfAreas -Query 'child::ospfArea')) {

                $AreaCollection = $OspfAreas.ospfArea
                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AreaId')) {
                    $AreaCollection = $AreaCollection | where-object { $_.areaId -eq $AreaId }

                foreach ( $Area in $AreaCollection ) {
                    #We append the LogicalRouter-id to the associated Area config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
                    #consistent readable output
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Area -xmlElementName "logicalrouterId" -xmlElementText $LogicalRouterRouting.LogicalRouterId


    end {}

function Remove-NsxLogicalRouterOspfArea {

    Removes an OSPF area from the specified ESGs OSPF configuration.
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The Remove-NsxLogicalRouterOspfArea cmdlet removes a BGP neighbour route from the
    bgp configuration of the specified LogicalRouter.
    Areas to be removed can be constructed via a PoSH pipline filter outputing
    area objects as produced by Get-NsxLogicalRouterOspfArea and passing them on the
    pipeline to Remove-NsxLogicalRouterOspfArea.
    Remove area 51 from ospf configuration on LogicalRouter01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterOspfArea -AreaId 51 | Remove-NsxLogicalRouterOspfArea

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterOspfArea $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Get the routing config for our LogicalRouter
        $logicalrouterId = $OspfArea.logicalrouterId
        $routing = Get-NsxLogicalRouter -objectId $logicalrouterId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting

        #Remove the logicalrouterId element from the XML as we need to post it...
        $routing.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query 'child::logicalrouterId')) ) | out-null

        #Validate the OSPF node exists on the logicalrouter
        if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query 'child::ospf')) { throw "OSPF is not enabled on ESG $logicalrouterId. Enable OSPF and try again." }
        if ( -not ($routing.ospf.enabled -eq 'true') ) { throw "OSPF is not enabled on ESG $logicalrouterId. Enable OSPF and try again." }

        $xpathQuery = "//ospfAreas/ospfArea[areaId=`"$($OspfArea.areaId)`"]"
        write-debug "XPath query for area nodes to remove is: $xpathQuery"
        $AreaToRemove = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing.ospf -Query $xpathQuery)

        if ( $AreaToRemove ) {

            write-debug "AreaToRemove Element is: `n $($AreaToRemove.OuterXml | format-xml) "
            $routing.ospf.ospfAreas.RemoveChild($AreaToRemove) | Out-Null

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LogicalRouterId)/routing/config"
            $body = $routing.OuterXml

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "LogicalRouter routing update will modify existing LogicalRouter configuration."
                $question = "Proceed with Update of LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)" -completed
        else {
            Throw "Area $($OspfArea.areaId) was not found in routing configuration for LogicalRouter $logicalrouterId"

    end {}

function New-NsxLogicalRouterOspfArea {

    Creates a new OSPF Area and adds it to the specified ESGs OSPF
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The New-NsxLogicalRouterOspfArea cmdlet adds a new OSPF Area to the ospf
    configuration of the specified LogicalRouter.
    Create area 50 as a normal type on ESG LogicalRouter01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | New-NsxLogicalRouterOspfArea -AreaId 50
    Create area 10 as a nssa type on ESG LogicalRouter01 with password authentication
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | New-NsxLogicalRouterOspfArea -AreaId 10 -Type password -Password "Secret"

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword","")] # Unable to remove without breaking backward compatibilty. Alternate credential parameter exists.
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            [ValidateSet("normal","nssa",IgnoreCase = $false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            [ValidateSet("none","password","md5",IgnoreCase = $false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_LogicalRouterRouting = $LogicalRouterRouting.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the logicalrouterId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $logicalrouterId = $_LogicalRouterRouting.logicalrouterId
        $_LogicalRouterRouting.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::logicalrouterId')) ) | out-null

        #Create the new ospfArea element.
        $Area = $_LogicalRouterRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement('ospfArea')

        #Need to do an xpath query here rather than use PoSH dot notation to get the ospf element,
        #as it might not exist which wil cause PoSH to throw in stric mode.
        $ospf = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::ospf')
        if ( $ospf ) {
            (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ospf -Query 'child::ospfAreas').AppendChild($Area) | Out-Null

            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Area -xmlElementName "areaId" -xmlElementText $AreaId.ToString()

            #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
            #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Type") ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Area -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText $Type.ToString()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("AuthenticationType") -or $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Password") ) {
                switch ($AuthenticationType) {

                    "none" {
                        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Password') ) {
                            throw "Authentication type must be other than none to specify a password."
                        #Default value - do nothing

                    default {
                        if ( -not ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Password')) ) {
                            throw "Must specify a password if Authentication type is not none."
                        $Authentication = $Area.ownerDocument.CreateElement("authentication")
                        $Area.AppendChild( $Authentication ) | out-null

                        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Authentication -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText $AuthenticationType
                        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Authentication -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText $Password

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LogicalRouterId)/routing/config"
            $body = $_LogicalRouterRouting.OuterXml

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "LogicalRouter routing update will modify existing LogicalRouter configuration."
                $question = "Proceed with Update of LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)" -completed
                Get-NsxLogicalRouter -objectId $LogicalRouterId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterOspfArea -AreaId $AreaId
        else {
            throw "OSPF is not enabled on logicalrouter $logicalrouterID. Enable OSPF using Set-NsxLogicalRouterRouting or Set-NsxLogicalRouterOSPF first."

    end {}

function Get-NsxLogicalRouterOspfInterface {

    Returns OSPF Interface mappings defined in the specified NSX LogicalRouter
    OSPF configuration.
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The Get-NsxLogicalRouterOspfInterface cmdlet retreives the OSPF Area to interfaces
    mappings from the OSPF configuration specified.
    Get all OSPF Area to Interface mappings on LogicalRouter LogicalRouter01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterOspfInterface
    Get OSPF Area to Interface mapping for Area 10 on LogicalRouter LogicalRouter01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterOspfInterface -AreaId 10

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]

    begin {

    process {

        $ospf = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::ospf')

        if ( $ospf ) {

            $_ospf = $ospf.CloneNode($True)
            $OspfInterfaces = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_ospf -Query 'child::ospfInterfaces')

            #Need to use an xpath query here, as dot notation will throw in strict mode if there is not childnode called ospfArea.
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $OspfInterfaces -Query 'child::ospfInterface')) {

                $InterfaceCollection = $OspfInterfaces.ospfInterface
                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AreaId')) {
                    $InterfaceCollection = $InterfaceCollection | where-object { $_.areaId -eq $AreaId }

                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('vNicId')) {
                    $InterfaceCollection = $InterfaceCollection | where-object { $_.vnic -eq $vNicId }

                foreach ( $Interface in $InterfaceCollection ) {
                    #We append the LogicalRouter-id to the associated Area config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
                    #consistent readable output
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Interface -xmlElementName "logicalrouterId" -xmlElementText $LogicalRouterRouting.LogicalRouterId


    end {}

function Remove-NsxLogicalRouterOspfInterface {

    Removes an OSPF Interface from the specified ESGs OSPF configuration.
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The Remove-NsxLogicalRouterOspfInterface cmdlet removes a BGP neighbour route from
    the bgp configuration of the specified LogicalRouter.
    Interfaces to be removed can be constructed via a PoSH pipline filter
    outputing interface objects as produced by Get-NsxLogicalRouterOspfInterface and
    passing them on the pipeline to Remove-NsxLogicalRouterOspfInterface.
    Remove Interface to Area mapping for area 51 from LogicalRouter01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterOspfInterface -AreaId 51 | Remove-NsxLogicalRouterOspfInterface
    Remove all Interface to Area mappings from LogicalRouter01 without confirmation.
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterOspfInterface | Remove-NsxLogicalRouterOspfInterface -confirm:$false

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterOspfInterface $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Get the routing config for our LogicalRouter
        $logicalrouterId = $OspfInterface.logicalrouterId
        $routing = Get-NsxLogicalRouter -objectId $logicalrouterId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting

        #Remove the logicalrouterId element from the XML as we need to post it...
        $routing.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query 'child::logicalrouterId')) ) | out-null

        #Validate the OSPF node exists on the logicalrouter
        if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query 'child::ospf')) { throw "OSPF is not enabled on ESG $logicalrouterId. Enable OSPF and try again." }
        if ( -not ($routing.ospf.enabled -eq 'true') ) { throw "OSPF is not enabled on ESG $logicalrouterId. Enable OSPF and try again." }

        $xpathQuery = "//ospfInterfaces/ospfInterface[areaId=`"$($OspfInterface.areaId)`"]"
        write-debug "XPath query for interface nodes to remove is: $xpathQuery"
        $InterfaceToRemove = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing.ospf -Query $xpathQuery)

        if ( $InterfaceToRemove ) {

            write-debug "InterfaceToRemove Element is: `n $($InterfaceToRemove.OuterXml | format-xml) "
            $routing.ospf.ospfInterfaces.RemoveChild($InterfaceToRemove) | Out-Null

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LogicalRouterId)/routing/config"
            $body = $routing.OuterXml

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "LogicalRouter routing update will modify existing LogicalRouter configuration."
                $question = "Proceed with Update of LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)" -completed
        else {
            Throw "Interface $($OspfInterface.areaId) was not found in routing configuration for LogicalRouter $logicalrouterId"

    end {}

function New-NsxLogicalRouterOspfInterface {

    Creates a new OSPF Interface to Area mapping and adds it to the specified
    LogicalRouters OSPF configuration.
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The New-NsxLogicalRouterOspfInterface cmdlet adds a new OSPF Area to Interface
    mapping to the ospf configuration of the specified LogicalRouter.
    Add a mapping for Area 10 to Interface 0 on ESG LogicalRouter01
    PS C:\> Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | New-NsxLogicalRouterOspfInterface -AreaId 10 -Vnic 0

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {

    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_LogicalRouterRouting = $LogicalRouterRouting.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the logicalrouterId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $logicalrouterId = $_LogicalRouterRouting.logicalrouterId
        $_LogicalRouterRouting.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::logicalrouterId')) ) | out-null

        #Create the new ospfInterface element.
        $Interface = $_LogicalRouterRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement('ospfInterface')

        #Need to do an xpath query here rather than use PoSH dot notation to get the ospf element,
        #as it might not exist which wil cause PoSH to throw in stric mode.
        $ospf = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::ospf')
        if ( $ospf ) {
            (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ospf -Query 'child::ospfInterfaces').AppendChild($Interface) | Out-Null

            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Interface -xmlElementName "areaId" -xmlElementText $AreaId.ToString()
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Interface -xmlElementName "vnic" -xmlElementText $Vnic.ToString()

            #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
            #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("HelloInterval") ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Interface -xmlElementName "helloInterval" -xmlElementText $HelloInterval.ToString()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DeadInterval") ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Interface -xmlElementName "deadInterval" -xmlElementText $DeadInterval.ToString()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Priority") ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Interface -xmlElementName "priority" -xmlElementText $Priority.ToString()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Cost") ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Interface -xmlElementName "cost" -xmlElementText $Cost.ToString()

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("IgnoreMTU") ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Interface -xmlElementName "mtuIgnore" -xmlElementText $IgnoreMTU.ToString().ToLower()

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LogicalRouterId)/routing/config"
            $body = $_LogicalRouterRouting.OuterXml

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "LogicalRouter routing update will modify existing LogicalRouter configuration."
                $question = "Proceed with Update of LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)" -completed
                Get-NsxLogicalRouter -objectId $LogicalRouterId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterOspfInterface -AreaId $AreaId
        else {
            throw "OSPF is not enabled on logicalrouter $logicalrouterID. Enable OSPF using Set-NsxLogicalRouterRouting or Set-NsxLogicalRouterOSPF first."

    end {}

# Redistribution Rules

function Get-NsxLogicalRouterRedistributionRule {

    Returns dynamic route redistribution rules defined in the specified NSX
    LogicalRouter routing configuration.
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The Get-NsxLogicalRouterRedistributionRule cmdlet retreives the route
    redistribution rules defined in the ospf and bgp configurations for the
    specified LogicalRouter.
    Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRedistributionRule -Learner ospf
    Get all Redistribution rules for ospf on LogicalRouter LogicalRouter01

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]

    begin {

    process {

        #Rules can be defined in either ospf or bgp (isis as well, but who cares huh? :) )
        if ( ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Learner')) -or ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Learner') -and $Learner -eq 'ospf')) {

            $ospf = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::ospf')

            if ( $ospf ) {

                $_ospf = $ospf.CloneNode($True)
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_ospf -Query 'child::redistribution/rules/rule') ) {

                    $OspfRuleCollection = $_ospf.redistribution.rules.rule

                    foreach ( $rule in $OspfRuleCollection ) {
                        #We append the LogicalRouter-id to the associated rule config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
                        #consistent readable output
                        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $rule -xmlElementName "logicalrouterId" -xmlElementText $LogicalRouterRouting.LogicalRouterId

                        #Add the learner to be consistent with the view the UI gives
                        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $rule -xmlElementName "learner" -xmlElementText "ospf"


                    if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Id')) {
                        $OspfRuleCollection = $OspfRuleCollection | where-object { $_.id -eq $Id }


        if ( ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Learner')) -or ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Learner') -and $Learner -eq 'bgp')) {

            $bgp = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::bgp')
            if ( $bgp ) {

                $_bgp = $bgp.CloneNode($True)
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_bgp -Query 'child::redistribution/rules/rule') ) {

                    $BgpRuleCollection = $_bgp.redistribution.rules.rule

                    foreach ( $rule in $BgpRuleCollection ) {
                        #We append the LogicalRouter-id to the associated rule config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
                        #consistent readable output
                        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $rule -xmlElementName "logicalrouterId" -xmlElementText $LogicalRouterRouting.LogicalRouterId

                        #Add the learner to be consistent with the view the UI gives
                        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $rule -xmlElementName "learner" -xmlElementText "bgp"

                    if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Id')) {
                        $BgpRuleCollection = $BgpRuleCollection | where-object { $_.id -eq $Id }

    end {}

function Remove-NsxLogicalRouterRedistributionRule {

    Removes a route redistribution rule from the specified LogicalRouters
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The Remove-NsxLogicalRouterRedistributionRule cmdlet removes a route
    redistribution rule from the configuration of the specified LogicalRouter.
    Interfaces to be removed can be constructed via a PoSH pipline filter
    outputing interface objects as produced by
    Get-NsxLogicalRouterRedistributionRule and passing them on the pipeline to
    Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRedistributionRule -Learner ospf | Remove-NsxLogicalRouterRedistributionRule
    Remove all ospf redistribution rules from LogicalRouter01

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterRedistributionRule $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Get the routing config for our LogicalRouter
        $logicalrouterId = $RedistributionRule.logicalrouterId
        $routing = Get-NsxLogicalRouter -objectId $logicalrouterId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting

        #Remove the logicalrouterId element from the XML as we need to post it...
        $routing.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query 'child::logicalrouterId')) ) | out-null

        #Validate the learner protocol node exists on the logicalrouter
        if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query "child::$($RedistributionRule.learner)")) {
            throw "Rule learner protocol $($RedistributionRule.learner) is not enabled on LogicalRouter $logicalrouterId. Use Get-NsxLogicalRouter <this logicalrouter> | Get-NsxLogicalRouterrouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRedistributionRule to get the rule you want to remove."

        #Make XPath do all the hard work... Wish I was able to just compare the from node, but id doesnt appear possible with xpath 1.0
        $xpathQuery = "child::$($RedistributionRule.learner)/redistribution/rules/rule[action=`"$($RedistributionRule.action)`""
        $xPathQuery += " and from/connected=`"$($RedistributionRule.from.connected)`" and from/static=`"$($RedistributionRule.from.static)`""
        $xPathQuery += " and from/ospf=`"$($RedistributionRule.from.ospf)`" and from/bgp=`"$($RedistributionRule.from.bgp)`""
        if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $RedistributionRule -Query 'child::from/isis')) {
            $xPathQuery += " and from/isis=`"$($RedistributionRule.from.isis)`""

        if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $RedistributionRule -Query 'child::prefixName')) {
            $xPathQuery += " and prefixName=`"$($RedistributionRule.prefixName)`""

        $xPathQuery += "]"

        write-debug "XPath query for rule node to remove is: $xpathQuery"

        $RuleToRemove = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $routing -Query $xpathQuery)

        if ( $RuleToRemove ) {

            write-debug "RuleToRemove Element is: `n $($RuleToRemove | format-xml) "
            $routing.$($RedistributionRule.Learner).redistribution.rules.RemoveChild($RuleToRemove) | Out-Null

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LogicalRouterId)/routing/config"
            $body = $routing.OuterXml

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "LogicalRouter routing update will modify existing LogicalRouter configuration."
                $question = "Proceed with Update of LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)" -completed
        else {
            Throw "Rule Id $($RedistributionRule.Id) was not found in the $($RedistributionRule.Learner) routing configuration for LogicalRouter $logicalrouterId"

    end {}

function New-NsxLogicalRouterRedistributionRule {

    Creates a new route redistribution rule and adds it to the specified
    LogicalRouters configuration.
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers perform ipv4 and ipv6 routing functions for connected
    networks and support both static and dynamic routing via OSPF and BGP.
    The New-NsxLogicalRouterRedistributionRule cmdlet adds a new route
    redistribution rule to the configuration of the specified LogicalRouter.
    Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | New-NsxLogicalRouterRedistributionRule -PrefixName test -Learner ospf -FromConnected -FromStatic -Action permit
    Create a new permit Redistribution Rule for prefix test (note, prefix must already exist, and is case sensistive) for ospf.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterRouting $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {

    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_LogicalRouterRouting = $LogicalRouterRouting.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the logicalrouterId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $logicalrouterId = $_LogicalRouterRouting.logicalrouterId
        $_LogicalRouterRouting.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterRouting -Query 'child::logicalrouterId')) ) | out-null

        #Need to do an xpath query here rather than use PoSH dot notation to get the protocol element,
        #as it might not exist which wil cause PoSH to throw in stric mode.
        $ProtocolElement = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterRouting -Query "child::$Learner")

        if ( (-not $ProtocolElement) -or ($ProtocolElement.Enabled -ne 'true')) {

            throw "The $Learner protocol is not enabled on LogicalRouter $logicalrouterId. Enable it and try again."
        else {

            #Create the new rule element.
            $Rule = $_LogicalRouterRouting.ownerDocument.CreateElement('rule')
            (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ProtocolElement -Query 'child::redistribution/rules').AppendChild($Rule) | Out-Null

            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Rule -xmlElementName "action" -xmlElementText $Action
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PrefixName") ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Rule -xmlElementName "prefixName" -xmlElementText $PrefixName.ToString()

            #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
            #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FromConnected') -or $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FromStatic') -or
                 $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FromOspf') -or $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FromBgp') ) {

                $FromElement = $Rule.ownerDocument.CreateElement('from')
                $Rule.AppendChild($FromElement) | Out-Null

                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("FromConnected") ) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $FromElement -xmlElementName "connected" -xmlElementText $FromConnected.ToString().ToLower()

                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("FromStatic") ) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $FromElement -xmlElementName "static" -xmlElementText $FromStatic.ToString().ToLower()

                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("FromOspf") ) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $FromElement -xmlElementName "ospf" -xmlElementText $FromOspf.ToString().ToLower()

                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("FromBgp") ) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $FromElement -xmlElementName "bgp" -xmlElementText $FromBgp.ToString().ToLower()

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LogicalRouterId)/routing/config"
            $body = $_LogicalRouterRouting.OuterXml

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "LogicalRouter routing update will modify existing LogicalRouter configuration."
                $question = "Proceed with Update of LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)" -completed
                (Get-NsxLogicalRouter -objectId $LogicalRouterId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting | Get-NsxLogicalRouterRedistributionRule -Learner $Learner)[-1]


    end {}

# Bridging

function Get-NsxLogicalRouterBridging {

    Retreives bridging configuration for the specified NSX LogicalRouter.
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers act as the configuration entity for enabling layer 2 bridging
    within a NSX environment. Although the Logical Router control VM is not part
    of the datapath, it does control which hypervisor is active for a given bridge
    instance. A Bridge is configured between a single VD Port Group and a single
    Logical Switch
    Each Logical Router can define the configuration of multiple bridges.
    The Get-NsxLogicalRouterBridging cmdlet retrieves the bridge configuration of
    the specified LogicalRouter.
    Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterBridging
    Retrieve the bridging configuration for LogicalRouter01

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouter $_ })]

    begin {


    process {

        #We append the LogicalRouter-id to the associated Bridging config XML to enable pipeline workflows and
        #consistent readable output

        $_LogicalRouterBridging = $LogicalRouter.features.bridges.CloneNode($True)
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_LogicalRouterBridging -xmlElementName "logicalrouterId" -xmlElementText $LogicalRouter.Id

    end {}

function Set-NsxLogicalRouterBridging {

    Configures bridging configuration for the specified NSX LogicalRouter.
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers act as the configuration entity for enabling layer 2 bridging
    within a NSX environment. Although the Logical Router control VM is not part
    of the datapath, it does control which hypervisor is active for a given bridge
    instance. A Bridge is configured between a single VD Port Group and a single
    Logical Switch
    Each Logical Router can define the configuration of multiple bridges.
    The Set-NsxLogicalRouterBridging cmdlet configures the bridge configuration of
    the specified LogicalRouter.
    Get-NsxLogicalRouter BridgeRouter | Get-NsxLogicalRouterBridging | Set-NsxLogicalRouterBridging -Enabled
    Enable bridging on the LogicalRouter called BridgeRouter

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            #LogicalRouter Bridging object as retreived by Get-NsxLogicalRouterBridging
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterBridging $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
            #Enable Bridge support.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {


    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_LogicalRouterBridging = $LogicalRouterBridging.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the logicalrouterId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $logicalrouterId = $_LogicalRouterBridging.logicalrouterId
        $_LogicalRouterBridging.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterBridging -Query 'child::logicalrouterId')) ) | out-null

        #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
        #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Enabled')) {
            $_LogicalRouterBridging.Enabled = $Enabled.ToString().ToLower()

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LogicalRouterId)/bridging/config"
        $body = $_LogicalRouterBridging.OuterXml

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "LogicalRouter routing update will modify existing LogicalRouter configuration."
            $question = "Proceed with Update of LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)" -completed
            Get-NsxLogicalRouter -objectId $LogicalRouterId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLogicalRouterBridging

    end {}

function New-NsxLogicalRouterBridge {

    Creates a new static route and adds it to the specified ESGs routing
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers act as the configuration entity for enabling layer 2 bridging
    within a NSX environment. Although the Logical Router control VM is not part
    of the datapath, it does control which hypervisor is active for a given bridge
    instance. A Bridge is configured between a single VD Port Group and a single
    Logical Switch
    Each Logical Router can define the configuration of multiple bridges.
    The New-NsxLogicalRouterBridge cmdlet creates a new bridge instance configured
    via the specifid logical router.
    Get-NsxLogicalRouter BridgeRouter | Get-NsxLogicalRouterBridging | New-NsxLogicalRouterBridge -Name "bridge1" -PortGroup $bridgepg1 -LogicalSwitch $bridgels1
    Create a bridge between vdportgroup $bridgepg1 and logical switch $bridgels1 on logicalrouter BridgeRouter.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterBridging $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalSwitchOrDistributedPortGroup $_ } )]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_LogicalRouterBridging = $LogicalRouterBridging.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the logicalrouterId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $logicalrouterId = $_LogicalRouterBridging.logicalrouterId
        $_LogicalRouterBridging.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LogicalRouterBridging -Query 'child::logicalrouterId')) ) | out-null

        #Create the new bridge element.
        $Bridge = $_LogicalRouterBridging.ownerDocument.CreateElement('bridge')

        #Need to do an xpath query here rather than use PoSH dot notation to get the static route element,
        #as it might be empty, and PoSH silently turns an empty element into a string object, which is rather not what we want... :|
        $_LogicalRouterBridging.AppendChild($Bridge) | Out-Null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Bridge -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Bridge -xmlElementName "virtualWire" -xmlElementText $LogicalSwitch.objectId
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Bridge -xmlElementName "dvportGroup" -xmlElementText $PortGroup.ExtensionData.Moref.Value

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LogicalRouterId)/bridging/config"
        $body = $_LogicalRouterBridging.OuterXml

        Write-Progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)"
        $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        write-progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)" -completed
        Get-NsxLogicalRouter -objectId $LogicalRouterId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLogicalRouterBridging | Get-NsxLogicalRouterBridge -Name $Name


    end {}

function Get-NsxLogicalRouterBridge {

    Retreives bridge instances from the specified NSX LogicalRouter Bridging
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers act as the configuration entity for enabling layer 2 bridging
    within a NSX environment. Although the Logical Router control VM is not part
    of the datapath, it does control which hypervisor is active for a given bridge
    instance. A Bridge is configured between a single VD Port Group and a single
    Logical Switch
    Each Logical Router can define the configuration of multiple bridges.
    The Get-NsxLogicalRouterBridge cmdlet retrieves the bridge instances configured
    within the specified LogicalRouter Bridging Configuration.
    Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterBridging | Get-NSxLogicalRouterBridge

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            #Logical Router Bridging Configuration as returned by Get-NsxLogicalRouterBridging
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterBridging $_ })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="Name")]
            #Bridge instance name
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="BridgeId")]
            #Bridge Instance Id


    begin {


    process {

        $logicalrouterId = $LogicalRouterBridging.logicalrouterId
        if ( Invoke-XpathQuery -Node $LogicalRouterBridging -Querymethod SelectNodes -Query "child::bridge") {

            #Add LogicalRouterId so we can easily retrieve later in a remove pipeline.
            foreach ( $bridge in $LogicalRouterBridging.bridge ) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Bridge -xmlElementName "logicalrouterId" -xmlElementText $logicalrouterId
            if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name")) {
                $LogicalRouterBridging.bridge | where-object { $_.Name -eq $Name }
            elseif ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("BridgeId")) {
                $LogicalRouterBridging.bridge | where-object { $_.bridgeId -eq $BridgeId }
            else {

    end {}

function Remove-NsxLogicalRouterBridge {

    Removes a bridge instances from the specified Logical Routers bridging
    An NSX Logical Router is a distributed routing function implemented within
    the ESXi kernel, and optimised for east west routing.
    Logical Routers act as the configuration entity for enabling layer 2 bridging
    within a NSX environment. Although the Logical Router control VM is not part
    of the datapath, it does control which hypervisor is active for a given bridge
    instance. A Bridge is configured between a single VD Port Group and a single
    Logical Switch
    Each Logical Router can define the configuration of multiple bridges.
    The Remove-NsxLogicalRouterBridge cmdlet removes the specified bridge
    instance from its associated LogicalRouter Bridging Configuration.
    Get-NsxLogicalRouter LogicalRouter01 | Get-NsxLogicalRouterBridging | Get-NSxLogicalRouterBridge -Name Bridge1 | Remove-NsxLogicalRouterBridge
    Remove the bridge Bridge1 on LogicalRouter01

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            #The bridge instance to remove as retreived by Get-NsxLogicalRouterBridge.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLogicalRouterBridge $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Get the routing config for our LogicalRouter
        $logicalrouterId = $BridgeInstance.logicalrouterId
        $bridging = Get-NsxLogicalRouter -objectId $logicalrouterId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLogicalRouterBridging

        #Remove the logicalrouterId element from the XML as we need to post it...
        $bridging.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $bridging -Query 'child::logicalrouterId')) ) | out-null

        #Need to do an xpath query here to query for a bridge that matches the one passed in.
        $BridgeToRemove = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $bridging -Query "child::bridge[bridgeId=`"$($BridgeInstance.bridgeId)`"]" )
        if ( $BridgeToRemove ) {

            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : BridgeToRemove Element is: `n $($BridgeToRemove.OuterXml | format-xml) "
            $bridging.RemoveChild($BridgeToRemove) | Out-Null

            $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LogicalRouterId)/bridging/config"
            $body = $bridging.OuterXml

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "LogicalRouter routing update will modify existing LogicalRouter configuration."
                $question = "Proceed with Update of LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update LogicalRouter $($LogicalRouterId)" -completed
        else {
            Throw "Bridge $($BridgeInstance.Name) ($($BridgeInstance.BridgeId)) was not found in bridge configuration for LogicalRouter $logicalrouterId"

    end {}

# Grouping related Collections

function Get-NsxSecurityGroup {

    Retrieves NSX Security Groups
    An NSX Security Group is a grouping construct that provides a powerful
    grouping function that can be used in DFW Firewall Rules and the NSX
    Service Composer.
    This cmdlet returns Security Groups objects.
    PS C:\> Get-NsxSecurityGroup TestSG


    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="objectId")]
            #Get SecurityGroups by objectid
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Name", Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="UniversalOnly", Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="LocalOnly", Position=1)]
            #Get SecurityGroups by name
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #ScopeId of IPSet. Can define multiple scopeIds in a list to iterate accross scopes.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="UniversalOnly")]
            #Return only Universal objects
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="LocalOnly")]
            #Return only Locally scoped objects
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="VirtualMachine", ValueFromPipeLine=$true)]
            #Virtual Machine to check for group membership
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Include default system security group
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {
        if (-not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("scopeId") ) {
            switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {

                "UniversalOnly" {
                    $scopeid = "universalroot-0"

                "LocalOnly" {
                    $scopeid = "globalroot-0"

                Default {
                    $scopeId = "globalroot-0", "universalroot-0"

    process {

        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("VirtualMachine")) {
            $VMMoRef = $VirtualMachine.ExtensionData.Moref.Value
            $uri = "/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/lookup/virtualmachine/$VMMoRef"

            [system.xml.xmlDocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::securitygroup')) {
        elseif ( -not $objectId ) {
            $sg = @()
            foreach ($scope in $scopeid ) {
                #All Security Groups
                $URI = "/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/scope/$scope"
                [system.xml.xmlDocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::list/securitygroup')) {
                    if  ( $Name  ) {
                        $sg += $response.list.securitygroup | where-object { $_.name -eq $name }
                    } else {
                        $sg += $response.list.securitygroup
            #Filter default if switch not set
            if ( -not $IncludeSystem ) {
                $sg | where-object { ( $_.objectId -ne 'securitygroup-1') }
            else {
        else {

            #Just getting a single Security group
            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/$objectId"
            [system.xml.xmlDocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::securitygroup')) {
                $sg = $response.securitygroup
            #Filter default if switch not set
            if ( -not $IncludeSystem ) {
                $sg | where-object { ( $_.objectId -ne 'securitygroup-1') }
            else {

    end {}

function New-NsxSecurityGroup   {

    Creates a new NSX Security Group.
    An NSX Security Group is a grouping construct that provides a powerful
    grouping function that can be used in DFW Firewall Rules and the NSX
    Service Composer.
    This cmdlet creates a new NSX Security Group.
    A Security Group can consist of Static Includes and Excludes as well as
    dynamic matching properties. At this time, this cmdlet supports only static
    include/exclude members.
    A valid PowerCLI session is required to pass certain types of objects
    supported by the IncludeMember and ExcludeMember parameters.
    Example1: Create a new SG and include App01 and App02 VMs (get-vm requires a
    valid PowerCLI session)
    PS C:\> New-NsxSecurityGroup -Name TestSG -Description "Test creating an NSX
     SecurityGroup" -IncludeMember (get-vm app01),(get-vm app02)
    Example2: Create a new SG and include cluster1 except for App01 and App02
    VMs (get-vm and get-cluster requires a valid PowerCLI session)
    PS C:\> New-NsxSecurityGroup -Name TestSG -Description "Test creating an NSX
     SecurityGroup" -IncludeMember (get-cluster cluster1)
        -ExcludeMember (get-vm app01),(get-vm app02)

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Name of the Security Group
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Optional description for the new Security Group
            [string]$Description = "",
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Static include membership
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSecurityGroupMember $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Static exclude membership
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSecurityGroupMember $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Scope of object. For universal object creation, use the -Universal switch.
                if ($_ -match "^globalroot-0$|universalroot-0$|^edge-\d+$") {
                } else {
                    Throw "$_ is not a valid scope. Valid options are: globalroot-0 | universalroot-0 | edge-id"
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Create the IPSet as Universal object.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Return only an object ID, not the full object.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Flag to allow static membership of Universal Security Tags and dynamic membership via VM Name. See https://blogs.vmware.com/networkvirtualization/2017/02/nsx-6-3-cross-vc-nsx-security-enhancements.html/
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {
        if ( (-not $Universal) -and ( $ActiveStandbyDeployment) ) {
            throw "SecurityGroup must be of universal scope for Active Standby flag to be specified."
    process {

        #Create the XMLRoot
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlRoot = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("securitygroup")
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlRoot) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description
        if ( $includeMember ) {

            foreach ( $Member in $IncludeMember) {

                [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlMember = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("member")
                $xmlroot.appendChild($xmlMember) | out-null

                #This is probably not safe - need to review all possible input types to confirm.
                if ($Member -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $member.objectId
                } else {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $member.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value

        if ( $excludeMember ) {
            foreach ( $Member in $ExcludeMember) {
                [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlMember = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("excludeMember")
                $xmlroot.appendChild($xmlMember) | out-null

                #This is probably not safe - need to review all possible input types to confirm.
                if ($Member -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $member.objectId
                } else {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $member.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value

        if (( $ActiveStandbyDeployment ) -and ( $Universal )) {
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlMember = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("extendedAttributes")
            $xmlroot.appendChild($xmlMember) | out-null
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlsubMember = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("extendedAttribute")
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlSubMember -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText "localMembersOnly"
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlSubMember -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText "true"
            $xmlmember.appendChild($xmlsubMember) | out-null

        #Do the post
        $body = $xmlroot.OuterXml
        if ( $universal ) { $scopeId = "universalroot-0"}
        $URI = "/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/bulk/$($scopeId.ToLower())"
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection

        if ( $ReturnObjectIdOnly) {
        else {
            Get-NsxSecuritygroup -objectId $response.content -connection $connection
    end {}

function Remove-NsxSecurityGroup {

    Removes the specified NSX Security Group.
    An NSX Security Group is a grouping construct that provides a powerful
    grouping function that can be used in DFW Firewall Rules and the NSX
    Service Composer.
    This cmdlet deletes a specified Security Groups object. If the object
    is currently in use the api will return an error. Use -force to override
    but be aware that the firewall rulebase will become invalid and will need
    to be corrected before publish operations will succeed again.
    Get-NsxSecurityGroup TestSG | Remove-NsxSecurityGroup
    Remove the SecurityGroup TestSG
    $sg | Remove-NsxSecurityGroup -confirm:$false
    Remove the SecurityGroup $sg without confirmation.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            #SecurityGroup object as returned by get-nsxsecuritygroup
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Force deletion of in use or system objects
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {


    process {

        if (($SecurityGroup.ObjectId -eq 'securitygroup-1') -and ( -not $force)) {
            write-warning "Not removing $($SecurityGroup.Name) as it is a default SecurityGroup. Use -Force to force deletion."
        else {
            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "Security Group removal is permanent."
                $question = "Proceed with removal of Security group $($SecurityGroup.Name)?"

                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                if ( $force ) {
                    $URI = "/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/$($SecurityGroup.objectId)?force=true"
                else {
                    $URI = "/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/$($SecurityGroup.ObjectId)?force=false"

                Write-Progress -activity "Remove Security Group $($SecurityGroup.Name)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Remove Security Group $($SecurityGroup.Name)" -completed


    end {}

function Get-NsxSecurityGroupMemberTypes {

    Retrieves all potential NSX Security Group Member Types
    An NSX Security Group is a grouping construct that provides a powerful
    grouping function that can be used in DFW Firewall Rules and the NSX
    Service Composer.
    This cmdlet queries the NSX API to determine all the applicable member types
    that can be added to a Security Group.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Scopeid - default globalroot-0
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        $URI = "/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/scope/$scopeId/memberTypes"
        $response = Invoke-NsxWebRequest -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
        [xml]$Members = $response.Content

    end {}

function Add-NsxSecurityGroupMember {

    Adds a new member to an existing NSX Security Group.
    An NSX Security Group is a grouping construct that provides a powerful
    grouping function that can be used in DFW Firewall Rules and the NSX
    Service Composer.
    This cmdlet adds a new member to an existing NSX Security Group.
    A Security Group can consist of Static Includes and Excludes as well as
    dynamic matching properties. At this time, this cmdlet supports only static
    include/exclude members.
    A valid PowerCLI session is required to pass certain types of objects
    supported by the IncludeMember and ExcludeMember parameters.

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            #SecurityGroup whose membership is to be modified.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Throw an error if the member already exists (by default will ignore)
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #The specified members are to be added to the security group as exclusions
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #The member(s) to be added
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSecurityGroupMember $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

        #Populate the global membertype cache if not already done
        #Using the API rather than hardcoding incase this changes with versions of NSX
        if ( -not (test-path Variable:\NsxMemberTypes) ) {
            $script:NsxMemberTypes = Get-NsxSecurityGroupMemberTypes

    process {
        #Get our internal SG object and id. The internal obejct is used to modify and put for bulk update.
        if ( $SecurityGroup -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
            $SecurityGroupId = $securityGroup.objectId
            $_SecurityGroup = $SecurityGroup.cloneNode($true)
        elseif ( ($securityGroup -is [string]) -and ($SecurityGroup -match "securitygroup-\d+")) {
            $SecurityGroupId = $securityGroup
            $_SecurityGroup = Get-NsxSecurityGroup -objectId $SecurityGroupId -connection $connection
        else {
            throw "Invalid SecurityGroup specified. Specify a PowerNSX SecurityGroup object or a valid securitygroup objectid."

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Member') ) {
            foreach ( $_Member in $Member) {

                if ($_Member -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
                    $MemberMoref = $_Member.objectId
                elseif ( ($_Member -is [string]) -and ($_Member -match "^vm-\d+$|^resgroup-\d+$|^dvportgroup-\d+$|^directory_group-\d+$" )) {
                    $MemberMoref = $_Member
                elseif ( ($_Member -is [string] ) -and ( [guid]::tryparse(($_Member -replace ".\d{3}$",""), [ref][guid]::Empty)) )  {
                    $MemberMoref = $_Member
                elseif (( $_Member -is [string]) -and ( $NsxMemberTypes -contains ($_Member -replace "-\d+$") ) ) {
                    $MemberMoref = $_Member
                elseif ( $_Member -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.VirtualDevice.NetworkAdapterInterop] ) {
                    #See NSX API guide 'Attach or Detach a Virtual Machine from a Logical Switch' for
                    #how to construct NIC id.
                    $vmUuid = ($_Member.parent | get-view).config.instanceuuid
                    $MemberMoref = "$vmUuid.$($_Member.id.substring($_Member.id.length-3))"

                elseif (( $_Member -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.VIObjectInterop]) -and ( $NsxMemberTypes -contains $_Member.ExtensionData.MoRef.Type)) {
                    $MemberMoref = $_Member.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value
                else {
                    throw "Invalid member specified $($_Member)"

                if ( $FailIfExists) {
                    #Need to check before adding the member, because we are now using bulk update, the API doesnt support detecting duplicates.
                    #To support the prior functionality of FailIfExists, we have to check ourselves...
                    if ( Invoke-XpathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_SecurityGroup -query "child::member[objectId=`"$MemberMoref`"]" ) {
                        throw "Member $($_Member.Name) ($MemberMoref) is already a member of the specified SecurityGroup."

                #Create a new member node
                if ( $MemberIsExcluded ) {
                    $null = $memberxml = $_SecurityGroup.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("excludeMember")
                else {
                    $null = $memberxml = $_SecurityGroup.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("member")
                $null = $_SecurityGroup.AppendChild($memberxml)
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $memberxml -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $MemberMoref

            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/bulk/$($SecurityGroupId)"
            Write-Progress -activity "Updating membership of Security Group $SecurityGroupId"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -connection $connection -body $_SecurityGroup.OuterXml
            write-progress -activity "Updating membership of Security Group $SecurityGroupId" -completed
        #Get-NsxSecurityGroup -objectId $SecurityGroup.objectId -connection $connection

    end {}

function Remove-NsxSecurityGroupMember {

    Removes a member from an existing NSX Security Group.
    An NSX Security Group is a grouping construct that provides a powerful
    grouping function that can be used in DFW Firewall Rules and the NSX
    Service Composer.
    This cmdlet removes a member from an existing NSX Security Group.
    A Security Group can consist of Static Includes and Excludes as well as
    dynamic matching properties. At this time, this cmdlet supports only static
    include/exclude members.
    A valid PowerCLI session is required to pass certain types of objects
    supported by the IncludeMember and ExcludeMember parameters.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSecurityGroupMember $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {

        #Populate the global membertype cache if not already done
        #Using the API rather than hardcoding incase this changes with versions of NSX
        if ( -not (test-path Variable:\NsxMemberTypes) ) {
            $script:NsxMemberTypes = Get-NsxSecurityGroupMemberTypes

    process {

        #Get our internal SG object and id. The internal obejct is used to modify and put for bulk update.
        if ( $SecurityGroup -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
            $SecurityGroupId = $securityGroup.objectId
            $_SecurityGroup = $SecurityGroup.cloneNode($true)
        elseif ( ($securityGroup -is [string]) -and ($SecurityGroup -match "securitygroup-\d+")) {
            $SecurityGroupId = $securityGroup
            $_SecurityGroup = Get-NsxSecurityGroup -objectId $SecurityGroupId -connection $connection
        else {
            throw "Invalid SecurityGroup specified. Specify a PowerNSX SecurityGroup object or a valid securitygroup objectid."

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Member') ) {
            foreach ( $_Member in $Member) {

                if ($_Member -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
                    $MemberMoref = $_Member.objectId
                elseif ( ($_Member -is [string]) -and ($_Member -match "^vm-\d+$|^resgroup-\d+$|^dvportgroup-\d+$|^directory_group-\d+$" )) {
                    $MemberMoref = $_Member

                elseif ( ($_Member -is [string] ) -and ( [guid]::tryparse(($_Member -replace ".\d{3}$",""), [ref][guid]::Empty)) )  {
                    $MemberMoref = $_Member
                elseif (( $_Member -is [string]) -and ( $NsxMemberTypes -contains ($_Member -replace "-\d+$") ) ) {
                    $MemberMoref = $_Member
                elseif ( $_Member -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.VirtualDevice.NetworkAdapterInterop] ) {
                    #See NSX API guide 'Attach or Detach a Virtual Machine from a Logical Switch' for
                    #how to construct NIC id.
                    $vmUuid = ($_Member.parent | get-view).config.instanceuuid
                    $MemberMoref = "$vmUuid.$($_Member.id.substring($_Member.id.length-3))"

                elseif (( $_Member -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.VIObjectInterop]) -and ( $NsxMemberTypes -contains $_Member.ExtensionData.MoRef.Type)) {
                    $MemberMoref = $_Member.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value
                else {
                    throw "Invalid member specified $($_Member)"

                if ( $FailIfAbsent) {
                    #Need to check before removing the member, because we are now using bulk update, the API doesnt do this for us.
                    #To support the prior functionality of failIfAbsent, we have to check ourselves...

                    $existingMember = (Invoke-XpathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_SecurityGroup -query "child::member[objectId=`"$MemberMoref`"]" )

                    if ( $existingMember -eq $null ) {
                        throw "Member $($_Member.Name) ($MemberMoref) is not a member of the specified SecurityGroup."
                    else {
                        $null = $_SecurityGroup.Removechild($existingMember)
            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/bulk/$($SecurityGroupId)"
            Write-Progress -activity "Updating membership of Security Group $SecurityGroupId"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -connection $connection -body $_SecurityGroup.OuterXml
            write-progress -activity "Updating membership of Security Group $SecurityGroupId" -completed
        #Get-NsxSecurityGroup -objectId $SecurityGroup.objectId -connection $connection
    end {}

# Dynamic Membership

function New-NsxDynamicCriteriaSpec {

    Creates a new Security Group Dynamic Membership Criteria Spec.
    NSX Security Groups can have 3 types of membership configured, Dynamic
    Criteria, Static Members and Exclude Members.
    One or more Dynamic Criteria combine to make a Dynamic Member Set, and one
    or more Dynamic Member Sets combine to define the Dynamic Membership of a
    given security group.
    In order to allow the configuration of a security groups Dynamic Membership
    with an aritrary number of Dynamic Criteria Member Sets that contain an
    arbitrary number of Dynamic Criteria in a flexible way, PowerNSX provides
    the following abstractions.
    Creation of individual Dynamic Criteria is accomplished with
    One or more Dynamic Criteria can be added to a Dynamic Member Set at creation
    time with Add-NsxDynamicMemberSet and specifying the required Dynamic
    Criteria Spec objects at creation time.
    One or more Dynamic Criteria can be added to an existing Dynamic Member Set
    after the fact with Add-NsxDynamicCriteria or removed with
    One or more Dynamic Member sets can be added to a security groups overall
    Dynamic Membership definition using Add-NsxDynamicMemberSet or removed using
    A Security Groups Dynamic Member definition can include multiple Dynamic
    Member Sets in an logical AND/OR arrangement, and for each of the Dynamic
    Member Sets, a match operator of ALL or ANY can be specified that determines
    how multiple Dynamic Criteria within the set combine to define a match.
    Dynamic Criteria consist of the following three elements:
    The Key: This is the attribute that is to be evaluated. The list of Keys
    available (along with their UI representation) are as follows:
        Key UI Name
        ----------------------- --------
        OSName Computer OS Name
        ComputerName Computer Name
        VmName VM Name
        SecurityTag Security Tag
    The condition: This is the criteria that will be used to evaluate the
    provided value. The possible options for condition are as follows:
        Condition UI Name
        --------------- ---------------------------
        contains Contains
        ends_with Ends with
        starts_with Starts with
        equals Equals to
        notequals Not Equals to
        regex Matches regular expression
    The Value: This is the string of text that is required to be matched
    against the Key provided using the condition specified.
    It is also possible to specify an object to use as part of a Dynamic
    Criteria Spec. To do this, a valid PowerCLI or PowerNSX object must be
    specified using the entity parameter. Using the entity parameter is the
    equivalant of statically including the object within the Dynamic Criteria
    A valid PowerCLI session is required to pass certain types of objects
    when specifying an entity.
    $criteriaSpec11 = New-NsxDynamicCriteriaSpec -key VmName -condition contains
     -value "VM"
    Match all VMs where the VM name contains the string "VM"
    VM Name Matched
    --------------- -------
    Test-VM-01 Yes
    Test-VM-42 Yes
    Test-VM-142 Yes
    Prod-VM-01 Yes
    Prod-PCI-VM-01 Yes
    Test-VM-01-Template Yes
    WIN-DC-01 No
    $criteriaSpec12 = New-NsxDynamicCriteriaSpec -key VmName -condition equals
    -value "Test-VM-01"
    Match all VMs where the VM name is equal to the string "Test-VM-01"
    VM Name Matched
    --------------- -------
    Test-VM-01 Yes
    Test-VM-42 No
    Test-VM-142 No
    Prod-VM-01 No
    Prod-PCI-VM-01 No
    Test-VM-01-Template No
    WIN-DC-01 No
    $criteriaSpec13 = New-NsxDynamicCriteriaSpec -key VmName -condition
    notequals -value "Test-VM-01"
    Match all VMs where the VM name is NOT equal to the string "Test-VM-01"
    VM Name Matched
    --------------- -------
    Test-VM-01 No
    Test-VM-42 Yes
    Test-VM-142 Yes
    Prod-VM-01 Yes
    Prod-PCI-VM-01 Yes
    Test-VM-01-Template Yes
    WIN-DC-01 Yes
    $criteriaSpec14 = New-NsxDynamicCriteriaSpec -key VmName -condition
    starts_with -value "Test"
    Match all VMs where the VM name starts with the string "Test".
    VM Name Matched
    --------------- -------
    Test-VM-01 Yes
    Test-VM-42 Yes
    Test-VM-142 Yes
    Prod-VM-01 No
    Prod-PCI-VM-01 No
    Test-VM-01-Template Yes
    WIN-DC-01 No
    $criteriaSpec15 = New-NsxDynamicCriteriaSpec -key VmName -condition
    ends_with -value "01"
    Match all VMs where the VM name ends with the string "01".
    VM Name Matched
    --------------- -------
    Test-VM-01 Yes
    Test-VM-42 No
    Test-VM-142 No
    Prod-VM-01 Yes
    Prod-PCI-VM-01 Yes
    Test-VM-01-Template No
    WIN-DC-01 Yes
    $criteriaSpec16 = New-NsxDynamicCriteriaSpec -key VmName -condition regex
    -value "^Test-VM-[0-9]{2}$"
    Match all VMs where the VM name matches the supplied regular expression.
    VM Name Matched
    --------------- -------
    Test-VM-01 Yes
    Test-VM-42 Yes
    Test-VM-142 No
    Prod-VM-01 No
    Prod-PCI-VM-01 No
    Test-VM-01-Template No
    WIN-DC-01 No
    $criteriaSpec21 = New-NsxDynamicCriteriaSpec -entity (Get-NsxLogicalSwitch
    Statically specify the NSX Logical Switch called DMZ-LS-1 to be included as
    part of the dynamic criteria
    $criteriaSpec22 = New-NsxDynamicCriteriaSpec -operator AND
        -entity $(Get-NsxSecurityGroup SG-PCI-Machines)
    Statically specify the NSX Security Group called SG-PCI-Machines to be
    included as part of the dynamic criteria


    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="search")]
            # The attribute that is to be evaluated. The list of keys is described in the help description.
            [ ValidateSet("VMName", "ComputerName", "OSName", "SecurityTag") ]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="search")]
            # The condition used to evaluate the criteria value against the its key
            [ ValidateSet("contains", "ends_with", "starts_with", "equals", "notequals", "regex") ]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="search")]
            # The value of the criteria to be evaluated.
            [ ValidateNotNullOrEmpty() ]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="entity")]
            # The Entity to be matched. This can be a Valie PowerNSX such as logical switch or PowerCLI object such as VM.
            [ ValidateNotNullOrEmpty() ]

    begin {

        $criteria = ConvertTo-NsxApiCriteriaCondition $Condition
        $_key = ConvertTo-NsxApiCriteriaKey $key

        #Populate the global membertype cache if not already done
        #Using the API rather than hardcoding incase this changes with versions of NSX
        if ( -not (test-path Variable:\NsxMemberTypes) ) {
            $script:NsxMemberTypes = Get-NsxSecurityGroupMemberTypes

        # TODO: [DC] Maybe in the future making the cmdlet aware of a number of
        # entities being and creating the corresponding number of specs for it.
        # [NB] I would expect the user to loop creation of multiple specs rather than
        # include in the cmdlet itself.
        $entityCount = @($entity).count
        if ( $entityCount -ne 1 ) {
            throw "Multiple ($entityCount) entities specified . Only 1 is allowed."

    process {

        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlDynamicCriteria = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("dynamicCriteria")
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlDynamicCriteria) | out-null

        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "entity") {

            # if ($_Member -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
            if ($entity -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
                $EntityObjectId = $entity.objectId
            elseif ( ($entity -is [string]) -and ($entity -match "^vm-\d+$|^resgroup-\d+$|^dvportgroup-\d+$|^directory_group-\d+$" )) {
                $EntityObjectId = $entity
            # Match NIC identifier specified by user (eg UUID.000)
            elseif ( ($entity -is [string] ) -and ( [guid]::tryparse(($entity -replace ".\d{3}$",""), [ref][guid]::Empty)) )  {
                $EntityObjectId = $entity
            elseif (( $entity -is [string]) -and ( $NsxMemberTypes -contains ($entity -replace "-\d+$") ) ) {
                $EntityObjectId = $entity
            elseif ( $entity -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.VirtualDevice.NetworkAdapterInterop] ) {
                #See NSX API guide 'Attach or Detach a Virtual Machine from a Logical Switch' for
                #how to construct NIC id.
                $vmUuid = ($entity.parent | get-view).config.instanceuuid
                $EntityObjectId = "$vmUuid.$($entity.id.substring($entity.id.length-3))"
            elseif (( $entity -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.VIObjectInterop]) -and ( $NsxMemberTypes -contains $entity.ExtensionData.MoRef.Type)) {
                $EntityObjectId = $entity.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value
            else {
                throw "Invalid member specified $($entity)"

            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlDynamicCriteria -xmlElementName "key" -xmlElementText "ENTITY"
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlDynamicCriteria -xmlElementName "criteria" -xmlElementText "belongs_to"
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlDynamicCriteria -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText $EntityObjectId
        elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "search") {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlDynamicCriteria -xmlElementName "key" -xmlElementText $_key.ToUpper()
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlDynamicCriteria -xmlElementName "criteria" -xmlElementText $criteria.ToLower()
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlDynamicCriteria -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText $value


function Add-NsxDynamicMemberSet {

    Adds a new dynamic member set to an existing NSX Security Group.
    NSX Security Groups can have 3 types of membership configured, Dynamic
    Criteria, Static Members and Exclude Members.
    One or more Dynamic Criteria combine to make a Dynamic Member Set, and one
    or more Dynamic Member Sets combine to define the Dynamic Membership of a
    given security group.
    In order to allow the configuration of a security groups Dynamic Membership
    with an aritrary number of Dynamic Criteria Member Sets that contain an
    arbitrary number of Dynamic Criteria in a flexible way, PowerNSX provides
    the following abstractions.
    Creation of individual Dynamic Criteria is accomplished with
    One or more Dynamic Criteria can be added to a Dynamic Member Set at creation
    time with Add-NsxDynamicMemberSet and specifying the required Dynamic
    Criteria Spec objects at creation time.
    One or more Dynamic Criteria can be added to an existing Dynamic Member Set
    after the fact with Add-NsxDynamicCriteria or removed with
    One or more Dynamic Member sets can be added to a security groups overall
    Dynamic Membership definition using Add-NsxDynamicMemberSet or removed using
    A Security Groups Dynamic Member definition can include multiple Dynamic
    Member Sets in an logical AND/OR arrangement, and for each of the Dynamic
    Member Sets, a match operator of ALL or ANY can be specified that determines
    how multiple Dynamic Criteria combine within the set to define a match.
    The Add-NsxDynamicMemberSet cmdlet is used to create a new Dynamic Member
    Set and add it to an existing Security Groups Dynamic Member Definition.
    $criteria1Spec = New-NsxDynamicCriteriaSpec -key VM.name -condition contains -value "PROD"
    $criteria2Spec = New-NsxDynamicCriteriaSpec -key VM.GUEST_OS_FULL_NAME -condition contains -value "Win"
    $sg1 = New-NsxSecurityGroup -Name "SG-Production-Windows"
    Get-NsxSecurityGroup "SG-Production-Windows" | Add-NsxDynamicMemberSet -SetOperator OR -CriteriaOperator ANY -DynamicCriteriaSpec $criteria1Spec,$criteria2Spec
    $criteria3Spec = New-NsxDynamicCriteriaSpec -key VM.SECURITY_TAG -condition starts_with -value "ST_PCI"
    $criteria4Spec = New-NsxDynamicCriteriaSpec -entity $(Get-Cluster DMZ)
    $sg2 = New-NsxSecurityGroup -Name "SG-DMZ-PCI"
    Get-NsxSecurityGroup "SG-DMZ-PCI" | Add-NsxDynamicMemberSet -SetOperator AND -CriteriaOperator ALL -DynamicCriteriaSpec $criteria3Spec,$criteria4Spec
    $criteria5Spec = New-NsxDynamicCriteriaSpec -key VM.SECURITY_TAG -condition starts_with -value "ST_Backup"
    $criteria6Spec = New-NsxDynamicCriteriaSpec -entity $(Get-Cluster Dev-CL-01)
    $criteria7Spec = New-NsxDynamicCriteriaSpec -entity $(Get-NsxLogicalSwitch LS-Backup-Net)
    $criteria8Spec = New-NsxDynamicCriteriaSpec -key VM.NAME -condition contains -value "PROD"
    $sg3 = New-NsxSecurityGroup -Name "SG-Backup-Clients"
    $sg3.objectid | Add-NsxDynamicMemberSet -SetOperator OR -CriteriaOperator ANY -DynamicCriteriaSpec $criteria5Spec,$criteria6Spec
    $sg3.objectid | Add-NsxDynamicMemberSet -SetOperator OR -CriteriaOperator ANY -DynamicCriteriaSpec $criteria7Spec,$criteria8Spec

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=1) ]
            # SecurityGroup whose membership is to be modified.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false) ]
            # Dynamic Criteria Set operator BETWEEN sets. In the UI, this is the AND/OR drop down displayed between member sets.
            # This value is ignored if the set being added is the first set being added to the Dynamic Member Definition of a Security Group
            [ValidateSet("OR", "AND")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true) ]
            # Dynamic Criteria operator for criteria WITHIN the set being added. In the UI, this is the Match: ANY/ALL drop down displayed at the top of each Dynamic Member Set.
            [ValidateSet("ANY", "ALL")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true) ]
            # Dynamic criteria spec/s as generated by New-NsxDynamicCriteriaSpec
            [ValidateScript( { ValidateDynamicCriteriaSpec $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {
        # Get our internal SG object and id. The internal object is used later
        # to modify and put for bulk update.
        if ( $SecurityGroup -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
            $SecurityGroupId = $securityGroup.objectId
            $_SecurityGroup = $SecurityGroup.cloneNode($true)
        elseif ( ($securityGroup -is [string]) -and ($SecurityGroup -match "securitygroup-\d+")) {
            $SecurityGroupId = $securityGroup
            $_SecurityGroup = Get-NsxSecurityGroup -objectId $SecurityGroupId -connection $connection
        else {
            throw "Invalid SecurityGroup specified. Specify a PowerNSX SecurityGroup object or a valid securitygroup objectid."

        # First we need to verify if the Security Group object passed in via the
        # pipeline already has the dynamicMemberDefinition element created. If
        # not, then create the required XML structure
        $dynamicMemberDefinitionElement = Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_SecurityGroup -Query 'child::dynamicMemberDefinition'
        if ( -not $dynamicMemberDefinitionElement ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_SecurityGroup -xmlElementName "dynamicMemberDefinition"
            $dynamicMemberDefinitionElement = Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_SecurityGroup -Query 'child::dynamicMemberDefinition'

            #Default the set operator for the first criteria set in a dynamic membership defintion to be 'OR' as the UI does.
            if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SetOperator")) {
                write-warning "A Set Operator is not defined for the first dynamic membership set defined on a security group. The Set Operator value has been ignored."
            $SetOperator = "OR"
        else {

            #Require that sets added after the initial one have an operator defined.
            If ( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SetOperator")) {
                throw "A Set Operator is required to define additional membership criteria sets."

        $_CriteriaOperator = ConvertTo-NsxApiCriteriaOperator $CriteriaOperator

        # Now lets add the dynamic criteria (DynamicSets)
        [System.Xml.XmlElement]$xmlDynamicMemberDefinition = $dynamicMemberDefinitionElement
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlRoot = $xmlDynamicMemberDefinition.ownerDocument.CreateElement("dynamicSet")

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "operator" -xmlElementText $SetOperator.ToUpper()

        foreach ( $spec in $DynamicCriteriaSpec) {

            $specImport = $xmlRoot.ownerDocument.ImportNode($spec, $true)

            #Add the criteria operator to the spec elem
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $specImport -xmlElementName "operator" -xmlElementText $_CriteriaOperator
            $xmlRoot.appendChild($specImport) | out-null

        $xmlDynamicMemberDefinition.appendChild($xmlRoot) | out-null

        #Do the post
        $body = $_SecurityGroup.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/bulk/$($SecurityGroupId)"
        $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection


function Get-NsxDynamicMemberSet {

    Retrieves Dynamic Member Sets from the specified security group.
    NSX Security Groups can have 3 types of membership configured, Dynamic
    Criteria, Static Members and Exclude Members.
    One or more Dynamic Criteria combine to make a Dynamic Member Set, and one
    or more Dynamic Member Sets combine to define the Dynamic Membership of a
    given security group.
    In order to allow the configuration of a security groups Dynamic Membership
    with an aritrary number of Dynamic Criteria Member Sets that contain an
    arbitrary number of Dynamic Criteria in a flexible way, PowerNSX provides
    the following abstractions.
    Creation of individual Dynamic Criteria is accomplished with
    One or more Dynamic Criteria can be added to a Dynamic Member Set at creation
    time with Add-NsxDynamicMemberSet and specifying the required Dynamic
    Criteria Spec objects at creation time.
    One or more Dynamic Criteria can be added to an existing Dynamic Member Set
    after the fact with Add-NsxDynamicCriteria or removed with
    One or more Dynamic Member sets can be added to a security groups overall
    Dynamic Membership definition using Add-NsxDynamicMemberSet or removed using
    A Security Groups Dynamic Member definition can include multiple Dynamic
    Member Sets in an logical AND/OR arrangement, and for each of the Dynamic
    Member Sets, a match operator of ALL or ANY can be specified that determines
    how multiple Dynamic Criteria combine within the set to define a match.
    This cmdlet returns the existing Dynamic Member Sets from the given security
    Get-NsxSecurityGroup Prod-WindowsServer | Get-NsxDynamicMemberSet
    Retrieves the Dynamic Member Sets that make up the Dynamic Membership
    specification of the security group Prod-WindowsServer
    Get-NsxSecurityGroup Prod-WindowsServer | Get-NsxDynamicMemberSet -Index 3
    Retrieves the third Member Set from the Dynamic Membership specification of
    the security group Prod-WindowsServer. This is primarly intended to return
    an object suitable to pass to Get-NsxDynamicCriteria or

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=1) ]
            # SecurityGroup to retrieve Dynamic Sets from.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Get Member Set by index
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    process {

        if (invoke-xpathquery -Node $SecurityGroup -querymethod SelectSingleNode -query "child::dynamicMemberDefinition/dynamicSet") {

            $SetCount = 0
            foreach  ( $CriteriaSet in $SecurityGroup.dynamicMemberDefinition.dynamicSet)  {
                $ResultObj = @{}
                #Use the first element in the set to determine the criteria operator
                #All criteria members of a set MUST have the same operator, despite
                #the fact that it is defined for each criteria member.
                #Obfustcating it here to a per dynamic criteria set setting aligns
                #with how the UI operates.

                $CriteriaOperator = ConvertFrom-NsxApiCriteriaOperator (invoke-xpathquery -Node $CriteriaSet -querymethod SelectSingleNode -query "child::dynamicCriteria").Operator

                #Bash together an output string that reflects what the user would see in the UI...
                $CriteriaString = "Match: $CriteriaOperator"
                $CriteriaCollection = @()
                foreach ( $Criteria in $CriteriaSet.dynamicCriteria ) {
                    $CriteriaString += ", $(ConvertFrom-NsxApiCriteriaKey $Criteria.Key) $(ConvertFrom-NsxApiCriteriaCondition $Criteria.Criteria) $($Criteria.value)"
                    $CriteriaObj = [pscustomobject]@{
                        "Index" = $CriteriaCollection.Length + 1
                        "Match" = $CriteriaOperator
                        "Key" = ConvertFrom-NsxApiCriteriaKey $Criteria.Key
                        "Condition" = ConvertFrom-NsxApiCriteriaCondition $Criteria.Criteria
                        "Value" = $Criteria.value
                    $CriteriaCollection += $CriteriaObj

                #SecurityGroup Name is just useful output for user.
                $ResultObj.Add("SecurityGroupName", $SecurityGroup.Name)

                #We have to generate an index on the fly so user has easy method to
                #select a set to operate on for subsequent modification.

                $ResultObj.Add("Index", $SetCount)
                #Supress the display of the set operator for the first set to align with
                #what the user sees in the UI
                if ( $SetCount -eq 1) {
                    $ResultObj.Add("SetOperator", "")
                else {
                    $ResultObj.Add("SetOperator", $CriteriaSet.Operator)

                $ResultObj.Add("CriteriaString", $CriteriaString)

                #SecurityGroup is supressed in output by default, but it is the
                #actual xml object that is modified and put back during modification
                #events like remove/add criteria.
                $ResultObj.Add("SecurityGroup", $SecurityGroup)

                #Likewise, CriteriaObj is suppressed, as the String representation of it is more readable, but we use the object in get/remove criteria pipelines
                $ResultObj.Add("Criteria", $CriteriaCollection)

                $output = [pscustomobject]$ResultObj

                #Manipulating which output properties are displayed to supress SecurityGroup
                [string[]]$DefaultProperties = 'Index', 'SecurityGroupName', 'SetOperator', 'CriteriaString'

                # Add the PSStandardMembers.DefaultDisplayPropertySet member
                $ddps = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSPropertySet DefaultDisplayPropertySet,$DefaultProperties
                $PSStandardMembers = [System.Management.Automation.PSMemberInfo[]]$ddps

                # Attach default display property set and output
                $output | Add-Member -MemberType MemberSet -Name PSStandardMembers -Value $PSStandardMembers

                if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Index") ) {
                    $output | Where-object { $_.index -eq $Index }
                else {

    end {}

function Remove-NsxDynamicMemberSet {
    Removes the specified Dynamic Member Set from a security groups Dynamic
    Membership definition.
    NSX Security Groups can have 3 types of membership configured, Dynamic
    Criteria, Static Members and Exclude Members.
    One or more Dynamic Criteria combine to make a Dynamic Member Set, and one
    or more Dynamic Member Sets combine to define the Dynamic Membership of a
    given security group.
    In order to allow the configuration of a security groups Dynamic Membership
    with an aritrary number of Dynamic Criteria Member Sets that contain an
    arbitrary number of Dynamic Criteria in a flexible way, PowerNSX provides
    the following abstractions.
    Creation of individual Dynamic Criteria is accomplished with
    One or more Dynamic Criteria can be added to a Dynamic Member Set at creation
    time with Add-NsxDynamicMemberSet and specifying the required Dynamic
    Criteria Spec objects at creation time.
    One or more Dynamic Criteria can be added to an existing Dynamic Member Set
    after the fact with Add-NsxDynamicCriteria or removed with
    One or more Dynamic Member sets can be added to a security groups overall
    Dynamic Membership definition using Add-NsxDynamicMemberSet or removed using
    A Security Groups Dynamic Member definition can include multiple Dynamic
    Member Sets in an logical AND/OR arrangement, and for each of the Dynamic
    Member Sets, a match operator of ALL or ANY can be specified that determines
    how multiple Dynamic Criteria combine within the set to define a match.
    This cmdlet removes the specified Dynamic Member Set as retreived by
    Get-NsxDynamicMemberSet from the Security Group it is defined within.
    Get-NsxSecurityGroup Prod-WindowsServer | Get-NsxDynamicMemberSet
    Index SecurityGroupName SetOperator CriteriaString
    ----- ----------------- ----------- --------------
    1 Prod-WindowsServer Match: ANY, VMName contains Windows, ComputerName regex *win*
    2 Prod-WindowsServer OR Match: ANY, OSName contains Win
    PS C:\> Get-NsxSecurityGroup Prod-WindowsServer | Get-NsxDynamicMemberSet -index 1 | Remove-NsxDynamicMemberSet
    Removes the first dynamic member set from the dynamic member definition of the security group Prod-WindowsServer

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=1) ]
            # Dynamic member set to remove.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateDynamicMemberSet $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="LegacyConfirm")]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="Default")]
            #Disable Prompt for confirmation.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    #We cant actually modify the dynamic set list in the process block as normal
    #as objects come down the pipeline, as the index used to define a set to
    #remove is ephemeral and based only on a sets position in the overal definition
    #and modifying the set on the fly will impact the position of subsequent elements.

    #So we setup a tracking hashtable per security group in the begin block
    #(we are assuming the pipeline could send us more than one SG to modify),
    #and use the process block to build a collection of XMLNodes that will be
    #removed all at once in the end block prior to the API put to persist the
    #actual change.

    Begin {
        If ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "LegacyConfirm") {
            write-warning "The -confirm switch is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use -NoConfirm instead."
            $NoConfirm = ( -not $confirm )

        #Setup tracking hashtable. key is sg id. value is pscustomobject with following keys:
        # - SecurityGroup - the actual SG XML. This allows us to honour the
        # intent of revisioning to avoid pushing an out of date change.
        # - NodesToRemove - a collection of XMLNodes added to in the process block.
        $SGsToModify = @{}

    Process {

        if ( -not ($SgsToModify.ContainsKey($DynamicMemberSet.SecurityGroup.objectId))) {
            #We havent seen this SG before, add it to our tracking hashtable. We have to clone the node to avoid modifying the input object compoenent that is XML.
            $SGsToModify.Add($DynamicMemberSet.SecurityGroup.objectId, [pscustomobject]@{"SecurityGroup"=$DynamicMemberSet.SecurityGroup.CloneNode($True); "NodesToRemove"=@()})

        #Get the SG XML from our tracking hashtable to search on.
        $SecurityGroup = $SGsToModify[$DynamicMemberSet.SecurityGroup.objectId].SecurityGroup
        $NodeToRemove = invoke-xpathquery -node $SecurityGroup.dynamicMemberDefinition -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode "child::dynamicSet[$($DynamicMemberSet.Index)]"
        if ( -not $NodeToRemove ) {
            throw "The Dynamic Member Set index $($DynamicMemberSet.Index) does not exist in the security group $($SecurityGroup.Name) ($($SecurityGroup.objectId)). This should not occur and indicates a fault in PowerNSX. Please report this bug at github.com/vmware/PowerNSX"

        #Add the node to remove to the tracking collection for this SG.
        $SGsToModify[$DynamicMemberSet.SecurityGroup.objectId].NodesToRemove += $NodeToRemove


    End {

        #Now we do the actual modification work.
        foreach ( $SGToModify in $SGsToModify.Values) {
            foreach ( $Node in $SgToModify.NodesToRemove ) {
                $null = $SgToModify.SecurityGroup.dynamicMemberDefinition.RemoveChild($Node)

            #Post the updated SG XML.
            $uri = "/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/bulk/$($SgToModify.SecurityGroup.objectId)"
            $body = $SgToModify.SecurityGroup.outerXml
            if ( -not ( $Noconfirm )) {
                $message  = "Removal of dynamic member sets from Security Group $($SGToModify.SecurityGroup.Name) will result in a change in security posture."
                $question = "Are you sure you want to proceed with the update of Security Group $($SGToModify.SecurityGroup.Name)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update Security Group $($SGToModify.SecurityGroup.Name)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update Security Group $($SGToModify.SecurityGroup.Name)" -completed


function Add-NsxDynamicCriteria {
    Adds a Dynamic Criteria to the specified Dynamic Member Set.
    NSX Security Groups can have 3 types of membership configured, Dynamic
    Criteria, Static Members and Exclude Members.
    One or more Dynamic Criteria combine to make a Dynamic Member Set, and one
    or more Dynamic Member Sets combine to define the Dynamic Membership of a
    given security group.
    In order to allow the configuration of a security groups Dynamic Membership
    with an aritrary number of Dynamic Criteria Member Sets that contain an
    arbitrary number of Dynamic Criteria in a flexible way, PowerNSX provides
    the following abstractions.
    Creation of individual Dynamic Criteria is accomplished with
    One or more Dynamic Criteria can be added to a Dynamic Member Set at creation
    time with Add-NsxDynamicMemberSet and specifying the required Dynamic
    Criteria Spec objects at creation time.
    One or more Dynamic Criteria can be added to an existing Dynamic Member Set
    after the fact with Add-NsxDynamicCriteria or removed with
    One or more Dynamic Member sets can be added to a security groups overall
    Dynamic Membership definition using Add-NsxDynamicMemberSet or removed using
    A Security Groups Dynamic Member definition can include multiple Dynamic
    Member Sets in an logical AND/OR arrangement, and for each of the Dynamic
    Member Sets, a match operator of ALL or ANY can be specified that determines
    how multiple Dynamic Criteria combine within the set to define a match.
    Add-NsxDynamicCriteria adds a new Dynamic Member Criteria to the specified
    Dynamic Member Set as retreived by Get-NsxDynamicMemberSet. You can pass
    a Dynamic Member Spec as created by New-NsxDynamicMemberSpec, or explicitly
    specify the key, condition and value of the new Dynamic Criteria.
    Get-NsxSecurityGroup WebApp | Get-NsxDynamicMemberSet -Index 1 | Add-NsxDynamicCriteria -Entity (Get-VM app01)
    Index SecurityGroupName SetOperator CriteriaString
    ----- ----------------- ----------- --------------
    1 WebApp Match: ANY, VMName contains WebApp, ComputerName regex *webapp*, ENTITY belongs_to vm-1234
    Adds a new Dynamic Criteria for a static inclusion of the VM app01 to the existing first Dynamic Member Set of the Security Group WebApp
    $spec1 = New-NsxDynamicCriteriaSpec -key SecurityTag -condition equals -value "webapp"
    PS C:\> Get-NsxSecurityGroup WebApp | Get-NsxDynamicMemberSet -Index 1 | Add-NsxDynamicCriteria -DynamicCriteriaSpec $spec1
    Index SecurityGroupName SetOperator CriteriaString
    ----- ----------------- ----------- --------------
    1 WebApp Match: ANY, VMName contains WebApp, ComputerName regex *webapp*, ENTITY belongs_to vm-1234, SecurityTag equals webapp
    Adds a new Dynamic Criteria based on the precreated criteria spec $spec1 to the existing first Dynamic Member Set of the Security Group WebApp
    Get-NsxSecurityGroup WebApp | Get-NsxDynamicMemberSet -Index 1 | Add-NsxDynamicCriteria -key SecurityTag -condition equals -value "webapp"
    Index SecurityGroupName SetOperator CriteriaString
    ----- ----------------- ----------- --------------
    1 WebApp Match: ANY, VMName contains WebApp, ComputerName regex *webapp*, ENTITY belongs_to vm-1234, SecurityTag equals webapp
    Adds a new Dynamic Criteria based on the key/condition/value specified to the existing first Dynamic Member Set of the Security Group WebApp

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=1) ]
            # SecurityGroup to retrieve Dynamic Sets from.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateDynamicMemberSet $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="spec") ]
            # Dynamic criteria spec/s as generated by New-NsxDynamicCriteriaSpec
            [ValidateScript( { ValidateDynamicCriteriaSpec $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="search")]
            # Dynamic Criteria Key
            [ ValidateSet("VMName", "ComputerName", "OSName", "SecurityTag") ]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="search")]
            # Dynamic Criteria Condition
            [ ValidateSet("contains", "ends_with", "starts_with", "equals", "notequals", "regex") ]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="search")]
            # Dynamic Criteria Value to be matched against the key using the condition.
            [ ValidateNotNullOrEmpty() ]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="entity")]
            # A specific entity to match against.
            [ ValidateNotNullOrEmpty() ]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {  }

    process {
        switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {
            "search" {
                $spec = New-NsxDynamicCriteriaSpec -Key $Key -Condition $Condition -Value $Value
            "entity" {
                $spec = New-NsxDynamicCriteriaSpec -entity $entity
            "spec" {
                $spec = $DynamicCriteriaSpec

        # Now lets add the dynamic criteria. Clone the input node so modifying XML doesnt affect the source.
        $SecurityGroupXML = $DynamicMemberSet.SecurityGroup.CloneNode($true)

        #Now get the specific set elem user has passed from the contained SG XML elem...
        $dynamicMemberSetElement = Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $SecurityGroupXML -Query "child::dynamicMemberDefinition/dynamicSet[$($DynamicMemberSet.Index)]"
        if ( -not $dynamicMemberSetElement ) {
            #this shouldnt happen if we get a valid Dynamic Member Set
            throw "The specified Dynamic Member Set is not valid. This is not expected, please report this issue on the PowerNSX Github issues page - github.com/vmware/powernsx/issues"

        $specImport = $dynamicMemberSetElement.ownerDocument.ImportNode($spec, $true)

        #Add the criteria operator to the spec elem. All Criteria must share the same operator, so we just grab the first one and copy it.
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $specImport -xmlElementName "operator" -xmlElementText (ConvertTo-NsxApiCriteriaOperator $DynamicMemberSet.Criteria[0].Match).ToUpper()
        $dynamicMemberSetElement.appendChild($specImport) | out-null

        #Do the post
        $body = $SecurityGroupXML.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/bulk/$($SecurityGroupXML.objectId)"
        $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        Get-NsxSecurityGroup -objectId $SecurityGroupXML.objectId -Connection $Connection | Get-NsxDynamicMemberSet -Index $DynamicMemberSet.Index -Connection $Connection

    end {  }


function Get-NsxDynamicCriteria {

    Retrieves Dynamic Member Criteria from the specified Dynamic Member Set.
    NSX Security Groups can have 3 types of membership configured, Dynamic
    Criteria, Static Members and Exclude Members.
    One or more Dynamic Criteria combine to make a Dynamic Member Set, and one
    or more Dynamic Member Sets combine to define the Dynamic Membership of a
    given security group.
    In order to allow the configuration of a security groups Dynamic Membership
    with an aritrary number of Dynamic Criteria Member Sets that contain an
    arbitrary number of Dynamic Criteria in a flexible way, PowerNSX provides
    the following abstractions.
    Creation of individual Dynamic Criteria is accomplished with
    One or more Dynamic Criteria can be added to a Dynamic Member Set at creation
    time with Add-NsxDynamicMemberSet and specifying the required Dynamic
    Criteria Spec objects at creation time.
    One or more Dynamic Criteria can be added to an existing Dynamic Member Set
    after the fact with Add-NsxDynamicCriteria or removed with
    One or more Dynamic Member sets can be added to a security groups overall
    Dynamic Membership definition using Add-NsxDynamicMemberSet or removed using
    A Security Groups Dynamic Member definition can include multiple Dynamic
    Member Sets in an logical AND/OR arrangement, and for each of the Dynamic
    Member Sets, a match operator of ALL or ANY can be specified that determines
    how multiple Dynamic Criteria combine within the set to define a match.
    Get-NsxDynamicCriteria retrieves Dynamic Member Criteria from the specified
    Dynamic Member Set as retreived by Get-NsxDynamicMemberSet. While
    Get-NsxDynamicMemberSet displays a text representation of the Dynamic
    Criteria that belong to it, this cmdlet outputs individual objects
    representing each criteria such that they can be filtered, and passed to
    Get-NsxSecurityGroup webapp | Get-NsxDynamicMemberSet | Get-NsxDynamicCriteria | ft
    Index MemberSetIndex SecurityGroupName Key Condition Value
    ----- -------------- ----------------- --- --------- -----
    1 1 webapp VMName contains webapp
    2 1 webapp SecurityTag contains webapp
    3 1 webapp ComputerName contains webapp
    1 2 webapp ENTITY belongs_to vm-3964
    2 2 webapp SecurityTag equals webapp
    1 3 webapp ENTITY belongs_to vm-3961
    Retreives all Dynamic Criteria from ALL Dynamic Member Sets of the security group webapp. This is probably not what you want to do.
    Output is formatted as a table.
    Get-NsxSecurityGroup webapp | Get-NsxDynamicMemberSet -index 1 | Get-NsxDynamicCriteria | ft
    Index MemberSetIndex SecurityGroupName Key Condition Value
    ----- -------------- ----------------- --- --------- -----
    1 1 webapp VMName contains webapp
    2 1 webapp SecurityTag contains webapp
    3 1 webapp ComputerName contains webapp
    Retreives all Dynamic Criteria from the first Dynamic Member Set of the security group webapp. This probably IS what you want to do! :)
    Output is formatted as a table.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=1) ]
            # Dynamic Member Set to retrieve Dynamic Criteria from.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateDynamicMemberSet $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Get Criteria Member by index
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    process {

        foreach ( $Criteria in $DynamicMemberSet.Criteria) {

            $output = [pscustomobject]@{
                "Index" = $Criteria.Index
                "MemberSetIndex" = $DynamicMemberSet.Index
                "SecurityGroupName" = $DynamicMemberSet."SecurityGroupName"
                "Key" = $Criteria.Key
                "Condition" = $Criteria.Condition
                "Value" = $Criteria.Value
                "SecurityGroup" = $DynamicMemberSet.SecurityGroup

            #Manipulating which output properties are displayed to supress SecurityGroup
            [string[]]$DefaultProperties = "Index", "MemberSetIndex", "SecurityGroupName", "Key", "Condition", "Value"

            # Add the PSStandardMembers.DefaultDisplayPropertySet member
            $ddps = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSPropertySet DefaultDisplayPropertySet,$DefaultProperties
            $PSStandardMembers = [System.Management.Automation.PSMemberInfo[]]$ddps

            # Attach default display property set and output
            $output | Add-Member -MemberType MemberSet -Name PSStandardMembers -Value $PSStandardMembers

            if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Index") ) {
                $output | Where-object { $_.index -eq $Index }
            else {

    end {}

function Remove-NsxDynamicCriteria {
    Removes the specified Dynamic Criteria from the specified Dynamic Member Set.
    NSX Security Groups can have 3 types of membership configured, Dynamic
    Criteria, Static Members and Exclude Members.
    One or more Dynamic Criteria combine to make a Dynamic Member Set, and one
    or more Dynamic Member Sets combine to define the Dynamic Membership of a
    given security group.
    In order to allow the configuration of a security groups Dynamic Membership
    with an aritrary number of Dynamic Criteria Member Sets that contain an
    arbitrary number of Dynamic Criteria in a flexible way, PowerNSX provides
    the following abstractions.
    Creation of individual Dynamic Criteria is accomplished with
    One or more Dynamic Criteria can be added to a Dynamic Member Set at creation
    time with Add-NsxDynamicMemberSet and specifying the required Dynamic
    Criteria Spec objects at creation time.
    One or more Dynamic Criteria can be added to an existing Dynamic Member Set
    after the fact with Add-NsxDynamicCriteria or removed with
    One or more Dynamic Member sets can be added to a security groups overall
    Dynamic Membership definition using Add-NsxDynamicMemberSet or removed using
    A Security Groups Dynamic Member definition can include multiple Dynamic
    Member Sets in an logical AND/OR arrangement, and for each of the Dynamic
    Member Sets, a match operator of ALL or ANY can be specified that determines
    how multiple Dynamic Criteria combine within the set to define a match.
    This cmdlet removes the specified Dynamic Criteria as retreived by
    Get-NsxDynamicCriteria from the given Dymanic Member Set of which it is a
    Get-NsxSecurityGroup webapp | Get-NsxDynamicMemberSet | Get-NsxDynamicCriteria -index 1 | Remove-NsxDynamicCriteria
    Index MemberSetIndex SecurityGroupName Key Condition Value
    ----- -------------- ----------------- --- --------- -----
    1 1 webapp VMName contains webapp
    2 1 webapp SecurityTag contains webapp
    3 1 webapp ComputerName contains webapp
    1 2 webapp ENTITY belongs_to vm-3964
    2 2 webapp SecurityTag equals webapp
    1 3 webapp ENTITY belongs_to vm-3961
    Removes the first Dynamic Criteria from ALL Dynamic Member Sets of the security group webapp. This is probably not what you want to do.
    Get-NsxSecurityGroup webapp | Get-NsxDynamicMemberSet -index 1 | Get-NsxDynamicCriteria -index 1 | Remove-NsxDynamicCriteria
    Index MemberSetIndex SecurityGroupName Key Condition Value
    ----- -------------- ----------------- --- --------- -----
    1 1 webapp VMName contains webapp
    2 1 webapp SecurityTag contains webapp
    3 1 webapp ComputerName contains webapp
    Removes the first Dynamic Criteria from the first Dynamic Member Set of the security group webapp. This probably IS what you want to do! :)

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=1) ]
            # SecurityGroup to retrieve Dynamic Sets from.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateDynamicCriteria $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="LegacyConfirm")]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="Default")]
            #Disable Prompt for confirmation.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    #We cant actually modify the dynamic set list in the process block as normal
    #as objects come down the pipeline, as the index used to define a set to
    #remove is ephemeral and based only on a sets position in the overal definition
    #and modifying the set on the fly will impact the position of subsequent elements.

    #So we setup a tracking hashtable per security group in the begin block
    #(we are assuming the pipeline could send us more than one SG and/or criteriaset to modify),
    #and use the process block to build a collection of XMLNodes that will be
    #removed all at once in the end block prior to the API put to persist the
    #actual change.

    Begin {
        If ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "LegacyConfirm") {
            write-warning "The -confirm switch is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use -NoConfirm instead."
            $NoConfirm = ( -not $confirm )

        #Setup tracking hashtable. key is sg id. value is pscustomobject with following keys:
        # - SecurityGroup - the actual SG XML. This allows us to honour the
        # intent of revisioning to avoid pushing an out of date change.
        # - NodesToRemove - a collection of XMLNodes added to in the process block.
        $SGsToModify = @{}

    Process {

        if ( -not ($SgsToModify.ContainsKey($DynamicCriteria.SecurityGroup.objectId))) {
            #We havent seen this SG before, add it to our tracking hashtable. We have to clone the node to avoid modifying the input object compoenent that is XML.
            $SGsToModify.Add($DynamicCriteria.SecurityGroup.objectId, [pscustomobject]@{"SecurityGroup"=$DynamicCriteria.SecurityGroup.CloneNode($True); "NodesToRemove"=@()})

        #Get the SG XML from our tracking hashtable to search on.
        $SecurityGroup = $SGsToModify[$DynamicCriteria.SecurityGroup.objectId].SecurityGroup
        $NodeToRemove = invoke-xpathquery -Node $SecurityGroup.dynamicMemberDefinition -querymethod SelectSingleNode -query "child::dynamicSet[$($DynamicCriteria.MemberSetIndex)]/dynamicCriteria[$($DynamicCriteria.Index)]"
        if ( -not $NodeToRemove ) {
            throw "The Dynamic Criteria index $($DynamicCriteria.Index) within the Dynamic Member set index $($DynamicCriteria.MemberSetIndex) does not exist in the security group $($SecurityGroup.Name) ($($SecurityGroup.objectId)). This should not occur and indicates a fault in PowerNSX. Please report this bug at github.com/vmware/PowerNSX"

        #Add the node to remove to the tracking collection for this SG. We need to store the memberset index too so we can select it laster during the removal.
        $SGsToModify[$DynamicCriteria.SecurityGroup.objectId].NodesToRemove += [pscustomobject]@{
            "MemberSetIndex" = $DynamicCriteria.MemberSetIndex
            "NodeToRemove" = $NodeToRemove

    End {

        #Now we do the actual modification work.
        foreach ( $SGToModify in $SGsToModify.Values) {
            foreach ( $Node in $SgToModify.NodesToRemove ) {
                $null = (invoke-xpathquery -Node $SecurityGroup.dynamicMemberDefinition -querymethod SelectSingleNode -query "child::dynamicSet[$($Node.MemberSetIndex)]").RemoveChild($Node.NodeToRemove)

            #Post the updated SG XML.
            $uri = "/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/bulk/$($SgToModify.SecurityGroup.objectId)"
            $body = $SgToModify.SecurityGroup.outerXml
            if ( -not ( $Noconfirm )) {
                $message  = "Removal of dynamic criteria from the Dynamic Member set of a Security Group $($SGToModify.SecurityGroup.Name) will result in a change in security posture."
                $question = "Are you sure you want to proceed with the update of Security Group $($SGToModify.SecurityGroup.Name)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                Write-Progress -activity "Update Security Group $($SGToModify.SecurityGroup.Name)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Update Security Group $($SGToModify.SecurityGroup.Name)" -completed



function New-NsxSecurityTag {

    Creates a new NSX Security Tag
    A NSX Security Tag is a arbitrary string. It is used in other functions of
    NSX such as Security Groups match criteria. Security Tags are applied to a
    Virtual Machine.
    This cmdlet creates a new NSX Security Tag
    PS C:\> New-NSXSecurityTag -name ST-Web-DMZ -description Security Tag for
    the Web Tier

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #This marks the tag as a universal object within the constructs of NSX
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {
        if ( $universal ) {

            if ( -not $connection.version ) {
                write-warning "Universal security tags are not supported on NSX versions less than 6.3.0 and current NSX version could not be determined."
            elseif ( [version]$connection.version -lt [version]"6.3.0") {
                throw "Universal security tags are not supported on NSX versions less than 6.3.0"
    process {

        #Create the XMLRoot
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlRoot = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("securityTag")
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$XmlNodes = $Xmldoc.CreateElement("type")
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlRoot) | out-null
        $xmlRoot.appendChild($xmlnodes) | out-null

        #Mandatory fields
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "objectTypeName" -xmlElementText "SecurityTag"
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlnodes -xmlElementName "typeName" -xmlElementText "SecurityTag"
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name

        #Optional fields
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Description')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText "$Description"

        if ($Universal) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "isUniversal" -xmlElementText $Universal.toString().ToLower()

        #Do the post
        $body = $xmlroot.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/2.0/services/securitytags/tag"
        $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection

        #Return our shiny new tag...
        Get-NsxSecurityTag -name $Name -connection $connection

    end {}

function Get-NsxSecurityTag {

    Retrieves an NSX Security Tag
    A NSX Security Tag is a arbitrary string. It is used in other functions of
    NSX such as Security Groups match criteria. Security Tags are applied to a
    Virtual Machine.
    This cmdlet retrieves existing NSX Security Tags
    Gets all Security Tags
    Get-NSXSecurityTag -name ST-Web-DMZ
    Gets a specific Security Tag by name

   param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)]
            #Get Security Tag by name
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Get security tag by objectId
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Include system security tags
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    process {

        if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('objectId')) {
            #either all or by name
            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/securitytags/tag"
            [System.Xml.XmlDocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::securityTags/securityTag')) {
                if  ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name')) {
                    $tags = $response.securitytags.securitytag | where-object { $_.name -eq $name }
                } else {
                    $tags = $response.securitytags.securitytag

                if ( -not $IncludeSystem ) {
                    $tags | where-object { ( $_.systemResource -ne 'true') }
                else {
        else {

            #Just getting a single Security group by object id
            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/securitytags/tag/$objectId"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::securityTag')) {
                $tags = $response.securitytag

            if ( -not $IncludeSystem ) {
                $tags | where-object { ( $_.systemResource -ne 'true') }
            else {

    end {}

function Remove-NsxSecurityTag {

    Removes the specified NSX Security Tag.
    A NSX Security Tag is a arbitrary string. It is used in other functions of
    NSX such as Security Groups match criteria. Security Tags are applied to a
    Virtual Machine.
    This cmdlet removes the specified NSX Security Tag
    If the object is currently in use the api will return an error. Use -force
    to override but be aware that the firewall rulebase will become invalid and
    will need to be corrected before publish operations will succeed again.
    PS C:\> Get-NsxSecurityTag TestSecurityTag | Remove-NsxSecurityTag

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript( { ValidateSecurityTag $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {


    process {

        if (($SecurityTag.systemResource -eq 'true') -and ( -not $force)) {
            write-warning "Not removing $($SecurityTag.Name) as it is a default SecurityTag. Use -Force to force deletion."
        else {
            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "Removal of Security Tags may impact desired Security Posture and expose your infrastructure. Please understand the impact of this change"
                $question = "Proceed with removal of Security Tag $($SecurityTag.Name)?"

                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                $URI = "/api/2.0/services/securitytags/tag/$($SecurityTag.objectId)?force=$($Force.ToString().ToLower())"

                Write-Progress -activity "Remove Security Tag $($SecurityTag.Name)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Remove Security Tag $($SecurityTag.Name)" -completed


    end {}

function Get-NsxSecurityTagAssignment {

    This cmdlet is used to retrive a list of virtual machines assigned a
    particular NSX Security Tag.
    A NSX Security Tag is a arbitrary string. It is used in other functions of
    NSX such as Security Groups match criteria. Security Tags are applied to a
    Virtual Machine.
    This cmdlet is used to retrive a list of virtual machines assigned a
    particular NSX Security Tag.
    Get-NsxSecurityTag ST-Web-DMZ | Get-NsxSecurityTagAssignment
    Specify a single security tag to find all virtual machines the tag is assigned to.
    Get-NsxSecurityTag | where-object { $_.name -like "*dmz*" } | Get-NsxSecurityTagAssignment
    Retrieve all virtual machines that are assigned a security tag containing 'dmz' in the security tag name
    Get-VM Web-01 | Get-NsxSecurityTagAssignment
    Specify a virtual machine to retrieve all the assigned security tags


    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName = "Tag")]
            [ValidateScript( { ValidateSecurityTag $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName = "VirtualMachine")]
            [ValidateScript( { ValidateVirtualMachineOrTemplate $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {}
    process {

        switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {

            'Tag' {

                $URI = "/api/2.0/services/securitytags/tag/$($SecurityTag.objectId)/vm"
                [System.Xml.XmlDocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::basicinfolist/basicinfo') ) {
                    $nodes = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $response -Query 'descendant::basicinfolist/basicinfo')

                    foreach ($node in $nodes) {

                        # Get the VI VM object...
                        # But seems that NSX allows you to apply a security tag to a VM Template.
                        # So if a tag has been applied to a template we need to look for
                        # it via Get-VM and also Get-Template.
                        # If after trying both commands it still can't find the VM object, I'm
                        # buggered if I know where to look for it. Considering it exists somewhere
                        # because its being returned as a valid object via the NSX API.
                        try {
                            $vm = Get-Vm -Server $Connection.VIConnection -id "VirtualMachine-$($node.objectId)" -ErrorAction stop
                        catch {
                            try {
                                $vm = Get-Template -Server $Connection.VIConnection -id "VirtualMachine-$($node.objectId)" -ErrorAction stop
                            catch {
                                throw "Could not find object with MoRef $($node.objectId) using Get-VM or Get-Template."
                            "SecurityTag" = $SecurityTag;
                            "VirtualMachine" = $vm

            'VirtualMachine' {

                #I know this is inneficient, but attempt at refactoring has led down a rabbit hole I dont have time for at the moment.
                # 'Ill be back...''
                $vmMoid = $VirtualMachine.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value
                Write-Progress -activity "Fetching Security Tags assigned to Virtual Machine $($vmMoid)"
                Get-NsxSecurityTag -connection $connection | Get-NsxSecurityTagAssignment -connection $connection | Where-Object {($_.VirtualMachine.id -replace "VirtualMachine-","") -eq $($vmMoid)}

    end {}

function New-NsxSecurityTagAssignment {

    This cmdlet assigns is used to assign NSX Security Tags to a virtual machine.
    A NSX Security Tag is an arbitrary string. It is used in other functions of
    NSX such as Security Groups match criteria. Security Tags are applied to a
    Virtual Machine.
    This cmdlet is used to assign NSX Security Tags to a virtual machine.
    Get-VM Web-01 | New-NsxSecurityTagAssignment -ApplyTag -SecurityTag (Get-NsxSecurityTag ST-Web-DMZ)
    Assign a single security tag to a virtual machine
    Get-NsxSecurityTag ST-Web-DMZ | New-NsxSecurityTagAssignment -ApplyToVm -VirtualMachine (Get-VM Web-01)
    Assign a single security tag to a virtual machine
    Get-VM Web-01 | New-NsxSecurityTagAssignment -ApplyTag -SecurityTag $( Get-NsxSecurityTag | where-object {$_.name -like "*prod*"} )
    Assign all security tags containing "prod" in the name to a virtual machine
    Get-NsxSecurityTag | where-object { $_.name -like "*dmz*" } | New-NsxSecurityTagAssignment -ApplyToVm -VirtualMachine (Get-VM web01,app01,db01)
    Assign all security tags containing "DMZ" in the name to multiple virtual machines


    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName = "VirtualMachine")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, Position = 1, ParameterSetName = "SecurityTag")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, Position = 1, ParameterSetName = "VirtualMachine")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName = "SecurityTag")]
            [ValidateScript( { ValidateSecurityTag $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "VirtualMachine")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "SecurityTag")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}

    process {

        foreach ( $tag in $SecurityTag) {

            $TagIdentifierString = $Tag.objectid

            foreach ( $vm in $VirtualMachine) {
                $vmMoid = $vm.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value

                $URI = "/api/2.0/services/securitytags/tag/$($TagIdentifierString)/vm/$($vmMoid)"
                Write-Progress -activity "Adding Security Tag $($TagIdentifierString) to Virtual Machine $($vmMoid)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                Write-Progress -activity "Adding Security Tag $TagIdentifierString to Virtual Machine $($vmMoid)" -completed


function Remove-NsxSecurityTagAssignment {

    This cmdlet is used to remove NSX Security Tags assigned to a virtual machine
    A NSX Security Tag is a arbitrary string. It is used in other functions of
    NSX such as Security Groups match criteria. Security Tags are applied to a
    Virtual Machine.
    This cmdlet assigns is used to remove NSX Security Tags assigned to a virtual machine
    Get-NsxSecurityTag ST-WEB-DMZ | Get-NsxSecurityTagAssigment | Remove-NsxSecurityTagAssignment
    Gets all assigment of Security Tag ST-WEB-DMZ and removes its assignment from all VMs with confirmation.
    Get-VM Web01 | Get-NsxSecurityTagAssigment | Remove-NsxSecurityTagAssignment
    Removes all security tags assigned to Web01 virtual machine.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript ({ ValidateTagAssignment $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}

    process {

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Removing Security Tag $($TagAssignment.SecurityTag.Name) from $($TagAssignment.VirtualMachine.name) may impact desired Security Posture and expose your infrastructure."
            $question = "Proceed with removal of Security Tag?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)

        else { $decision = 0 }

        if ($decision -eq 0) {

            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/securitytags/tag/$($TagAssignment.SecurityTag.ObjectId)/vm/$($TagAssignment.VirtualMachine.ExtensionData.Moref.Value)"
            Write-Progress -activity "Removing Security Tag $($TagAssignment.SecurityTag.ObjectId) to Virtual Machine $($TagAssignment.VirtualMachine.ExtensionData.Moref.Value)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            Write-Progress -activity "Adding Security Tag $($TagAssignment.SecurityTag.ObjectId) to Virtual Machine $($TagAssignment.VirtualMachine.ExtensionData.Moref.Value)" -completed


function Get-NsxIpSet {

    Retrieves NSX IPSets
    An NSX IPSet is a grouping construct that allows for grouping of
    IP adresses, ranges and/or subnets in a sigle container that can
    be used either in DFW Firewall Rules or as members of a security
    This cmdlet returns IP Set objects.
    Get-NsxIpSet TestIPSet
    Retrieves the IPSet named TestIPSet
    Retrieves all ipsets. Includes locally and universally scoped ipsets.
    Get-NsxIpSet -LocalOnly
    Retrieves all locally scoped ipsets
    Get-NsxIpSet -UniversalOnly
    Retrieves only Universally scoped IPSets.
    Get-NSXIpSet TestEsgeIPSet -scopeId edge-1
    Returns all locally configured IP Sets on the specified edge.


    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="objectId")]
            #Objectid of IPSet
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Name",Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="UniversalOnly", Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="LocalOnly", Position=1)]
            #Name of IPSet
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #ScopeId of IPSet. Can define multiple scopeIds in a list to iterate accross scopes.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Return 'Readonly' (system) ipsets as well
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="UniversalOnly")]
            #Return only Universal objects
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="LocalOnly")]
            #Return only Locally scoped objects
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {
        if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("scopeId") ) {
            switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {

                "UniversalOnly" {
                    $scopeid = "universalroot-0"

                "LocalOnly" {
                    $scopeid = "globalroot-0"

                Default {
                    $scopeId = "globalroot-0", "universalroot-0"

    process {

        if ( -not $objectID ) {
            $ipsets = @()
            foreach ($scope in $scopeid ) {
                #All IPSets
                $URI = "/api/2.0/services/ipset/scope/$scope"
                [system.xml.xmlDocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::list/ipset')) {
                    if ( $name ) {
                        $ipsets += $response.list.ipset | where-object { $_.name -eq $name }
                    } else {
                        $ipsets += $response.list.ipset

            if ( $ipsets -and ( -not $IncludeReadOnly )) {
                $ipsets | where-object { -not ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_ -Query "descendant::extendedAttributes/extendedAttribute[name=`"isReadOnly`" and value=`"true`"]")) }
            elseif ( $ipsets ) {
        else {

            #Just getting a single named Security group
            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/ipset/$objectId"
            [system.xml.xmlDocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::ipset')) {
                $ipsets = $response.ipset

            if ( -not $IncludeReadOnly ) {
                $ipsets | where-object { -not ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_ -Query "descendant::extendedAttributes/extendedAttribute[name=`"isReadOnly`" and value=`"true`"]")) }
            else {

    end {}

function New-NsxIpSet {
    Creates a new NSX IPSet.
    An NSX IPSet is a grouping construct that allows for grouping of
    IP adresses, ranges and/or subnets in a sigle container that can
    be used either in DFW Firewall Rules or as members of a security
    This cmdlet creates a new IP Set with the specified parameters.
    IPAddress is a string that can contain 1 or more of the following
    separated by commas
    IP address: (eg,
    IP Range: (eg,
    IP Subnet: (eg,
    PS C:\> New-NsxIPSet -Name TestIPSet -Description "Testing IP Set Creation"
        -IPAddress ","
    Creates a new IP Set in the scope globalroot-0.
    PS C:\> New-NsxIPSet -Name UniversalIPSet -Description "Testing Universal"
        -IPAddress "," -Universal
    Creates a new Universal IP Set.
    PS C:\> New-NsxIPSet -Name EdgeIPSet -Description "Testing Edge IP Sets"
        -IPAddress "," -scopeId edge-1
    Creates a new IP Set on the specified edge..

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Name of the IpSet.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Descript of the IPSet.
            [string]$Description = "",
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Single string of comma separated ipaddresses, or a collection of ip address strings.
            [Alias ("IPAddresses")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Scope of object. For universal object creation, use the -Universal switch.
                if ($_ -match "^globalroot-0$|universalroot-0$|^edge-\d+$") {
                } else {
                    Throw "$_ is not a valid scope. Valid options are: globalroot-0 | universalroot-0 | edge-id"
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Create the IPSet as Universal object.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Create the IPSet with the inheritance set. Allows the IP Set to be used at a lower scope.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Return the objectid as a string rather than the whole XML object.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #Create the XMLRoot
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlRoot = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("ipset")
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlRoot) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description
        if ( $IPAddress ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText ($IPAddress -join ",")
        if ( ( $EnableInheritance ) -and ( -not ( $universal ) ) ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "inheritanceAllowed" -xmlElementText "True"

        #Do the post
        if ( $universal ) { $scopeId = "universalroot-0"}
        $body = $xmlroot.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/2.0/services/ipset/$($scopeId.ToLower())"
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection

        if ( $ReturnObjectIdOnly) {
        else {
            Get-NsxIPSet -objectid $response.content -connection $connection
    end {}

function Remove-NsxIpSet {

    Removes the specified NSX IPSet.
    An NSX IPSet is a grouping construct that allows for grouping of
    IP adresses, ranges and/or subnets in a sigle container that can
    be used either in DFW Firewall Rules or as members of a security
    This cmdlet removes the specified IP Set. If the object
    is currently in use the api will return an error. Use -force to override
    but be aware that the firewall rulebase will become invalid and will need
    to be corrected before publish operations will succeed again.
    PS C:\> Get-NsxIPSet TestIPSet | Remove-NsxIPSet

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {


    process {

        if ((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ipset -Query "descendant::extendedAttributes/extendedAttribute[name=`"isReadOnly`" and value=`"true`"]") -and ( -not $force)) {
            write-warning "Not removing $($Ipset.Name) as it is set as read-only. Use -Force to force deletion."
        else {
            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "IPSet removal is permanent."
                $question = "Proceed with removal of IP Set $($IPSet.Name)?"

                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {

                if ( $force ) {
                    $URI = "/api/2.0/services/ipset/$($IPSet.objectId)?force=true"
                else {
                    $URI = "/api/2.0/services/ipset/$($IPSet.objectId)?force=false"

                Write-Progress -activity "Remove IP Set $($IPSet.Name)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Remove IP Set $($IPSet.Name)" -completed

    end {}

function Add-NsxIpSetMember  {
    Adds a new member to an existing IP Set.
    An NSX IPSet is a grouping construct that allows for grouping of
    IP adresses, ranges and/or subnets in a sigle container that can
    be used either in DFW Firewall Rules or as members of a security
    This cmdlet adds a new member to the specified IP Set.
    IPAddress is a collection of strings, each of which can contain 1 only of
    the following
    IP address: (eg,
    IP Range: (eg,
    IP Subnet: (eg,
    get-nsxipset test | Add-NsxIpSetMember -IPAddress
    Adds the ip address to the existing ipset test.
    get-nsxipset test | Add-NsxIpSetMember -IPAddress
    Adds the cidr to the existing ipset test
    get-nsxipset test | Add-NsxIpSetMember -IPAddress,
    Adds the ip address and the cidr to the existing ipset

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            #Existing IPSet PowerNSX object to be modified.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Collection of ip addresses/ranges and/or CIDR's to be added to the ipset.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        $_ipset = $ipset.clonenode($true)
        if ( -not (invoke-xpathquery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_ipset -query "child::value")) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_ipset -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText ""

        $modified = $false
        foreach ( $value in $IPAddress ) {

            if ( $_ipset.value -eq "" ) {
                $modified = $true
                $_ipset.value = $value
            else {
                if ( $_ipset.value -split "," -contains $value ) {
                    write-warning "Value $value is already a member of the IPSet $($ipset.name)"
                else {
                    $modified = $true
                    $_ipset.value += "," + $value

        if ( $modified ) {
            #Do the post
            $body = $_ipset.OuterXml
            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/ipset/$($_ipset.objectId)"
            $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            try {
                [system.xml.xmldocument]$ipsetdoc = $response.content
            catch {
                throw "Unable to interpret response content from NSX API as XML. Response: $response"
    end {}

function Remove-NsxIpSetMember  {
    Removes a member from an existing IP Set.
    An NSX IPSet is a grouping construct that allows for grouping of
    IP adresses, ranges and/or subnets in a sigle container that can
    be used either in DFW Firewall Rules or as members of a security
    This cmdlet adds removes a member IPAddress from the specified IP Set.
    IPAddress is a collection of strings, each of which can contain 1 only of
    the following
    IP address: (eg,
    IP Range: (eg,
    IP Subnet: (eg,
    PS C:\> Get-NsxIpset Test-IPSet | Remove-NsxIpSetMember -IPAddress
    Removes the address and from the given NSX IPSet
    PS C:\> Get-NsxIpset Test-IPSet | Remove-NsxIpSetMember -IPAddress
    Removes the address and from the given NSX IPSet
    PS C:\> Get-NsxIpset Test-IPSet | Remove-NsxIpSetMember -IPAddress
    Removes the network from the given NSX IPSet
    PS C:\> Get-NsxIpset Test-IPSet | Remove-NsxIpSetMember
    Removes the range from the given NSX IPSet
    PS C:\> Get-NsxIpset Test-IPSet | Remove-NsxIpSetMember
    Removes the given IP Addresses, Networks and Ranges from the NSX IPSet

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            #Existing IPSet PowerNSX object to be modified.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Collection of ip addresses/ranges and/or CIDR's to be removed from the ipset.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        $_ipset = $ipset.clonenode($true)
        $modified = $false
        if ( ( $_ipset.value -eq "" ) -or ( -not (invoke-xpathquery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_ipset -query "child::value")) ) {
            write-warning "IPSet $($ipset.name) ($($ipset.objectid)): No members found."
        } else {
            [system.collections.arraylist]$ValCollection = $_ipset.value -split ","
            foreach ( $value in $IPAddress ) {
                # An IPSET allows the users to enter a host as either or
                # So if the users specifies that they want to remove
                # we need to look for both AND to remove.
                if ( ValidateIPHost $value ) {
                    if ( $value -as [ipaddress] ) {
                        if ( ( -not ( $valcollection -contains $value ) ) -and ( -not ( $valcollection -contains "$($value)/32" ) ) ) {
                            write-warning "IPSet $($ipset.name) ($($ipset.objectid)): $Value is not a member of IPSet"
                        else {
                            $modified = $true
                    else {
                        if ( ( -not ( $valcollection -contains $value ) ) -and ( -not ( $valcollection -contains "$(($value -split "/")[0])" ) ) ) {
                            write-warning "IPSet $($ipset.name) ($($ipset.objectid)): $Value is not a member of IPSet"
                        else {
                            $modified = $true
                            $ValCollection.Remove("$(($value -split "/")[0])")
                else {
                    if ( ( -not ( $valcollection -contains $value ) ) ) {
                        write-warning "IPSet $($ipset.name) ($($ipset.objectid)): $Value is not a member of IPSet"
                    else {
                        $modified = $true

            # Aparently the API chucks a wobbly and returns a 400 error if you
            # try to remove the last IP Address from an IP Set resulting in a blank
            # value. But it will allow you to create one with no value set... go figure.
            if ( $ValCollection.count -eq 0 ) {
                throw "IPSet $($ipset.name) ($($ipset.objectid)): Operation not executed as it will result in an empty IP Set and the API will throw a 400 error."

        if ( $modified ) {
            $_ipset.value = $ValCollection -join ","
            #Do the post
            $body = $_ipset.OuterXml
            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/ipset/$($_ipset.objectId)"
            $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            try {
                [system.xml.xmldocument]$ipsetdoc = $response.content
            catch {
                throw "Unable to interpret response content from NSX API as XML. Response: $response"

function Remove-NsxIpPool {

    Removes the specified NSX IPPool.
    An IP Pool is a simple IPAM construct in NSX that simplifies automated IP
    address asignment for multiple NSX technologies including VTEP interfaces
    NSX Controllers.
    This cmdlet removes the specified IP Pool. If the object has current IP
    Address allocations the api will return an error. Use -force to override.
    PS C:\> Get-NsxIPPool TestIPPool | Remove-NsxIPPool

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            #IPPool object to be removed.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateIpPool $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Force removal of the ippool, even if it has current allocations.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object.

    begin {}

    process {
        if ((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $IPPool -Query "descendant::usedAddressCount[. != 0]") -and ( -not $force)) {
            write-warning "Not removing $($IPPool.Name) because it currently has allocated addresses. Use -force to override."
        else {
            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "IP Pool removal is permanent."
                $question = "Proceed with removal of IP Pool $($IPPool.Name)?"
                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))
                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                $URI = "/api/2.0/services/ipam/pools/$($IPPool.objectId)?force=$($force.tostring().tolower())"
                Write-Progress -activity "Remove IP Pool $($IPPool.Name)"
                invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection | out-null
                write-progress -activity "Remove IP Pool $($IPPool.Name)" -completed

    end {}

function Get-NsxMacSet {

    Retrieves NSX MACSets
    An NSX MACSet is a grouping construct that allows for grouping of
    MAC Addresses in a sigle container that can
    be used either in DFW Firewall Rules or as members of a security
    This cmdlet returns MAC Set objects.
    Retrieves all NSX MAC Sets
    Retrieves NSX MAC Set by name
    Get-NsxMacSet TEST_MAC_SET


    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="objectId")]
            #Get Mac sets by objectid
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Name",Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="UniversalOnly", Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="LocalOnly", Position=1)]
            #Get mac sets by name
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #ScopeId of MacSet. Can define multiple scopeIds in a list to iterate accross scopes.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="UniversalOnly")]
            #Return only Universal objects
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="LocalOnly")]
            #Return only Locally scoped objects
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Include mac sets with readonly attribute
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {
        if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("scopeId") ) {
            switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {

                "UniversalOnly" {
                    $scopeid = "universalroot-0"

                "LocalOnly" {
                    $scopeid = "globalroot-0"

                Default {
                    $scopeId = "globalroot-0", "universalroot-0"

    process {

        if ( -not $objectID ) {
            $MacSets = @()
            foreach ($scope in $scopeid ) {
                #All IPSets
                $URI = "/api/2.0/services/macset/scope/$scope"
                [system.xml.xmlDocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::list/macset')) {
                    if ( $name ) {
                        $macsets += $response.list.macset | where-object { $_.name -eq $name }
                    } else {
                        $macsets += $response.list.macset

            #Filter readonly if switch not set
            if ( $macsets -and (-not $IncludeReadOnly )) {
                $macsets| where-object { -not ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_ -Query "descendant::extendedAttributes/extendedAttribute[name=`"isReadOnly`" and value=`"true`"]")) }
            else {
        else {

            #Just getting a single named MACset
            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/macset/$objectId"
            [system.xml.xmlDocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::macset')) {
                $macsets = $response.macset

            #Filter readonly if switch not set
            if ( -not $IncludeReadOnly ) {
                $macsets| where-object { -not ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_ -Query "descendant::extendedAttributes/extendedAttribute[name=`"isReadOnly`" and value=`"true`"]")) }
            else {

    end {}

function New-NsxMacSet  {
    Creates a new NSX MACSet.
    An NSX MACSet is a grouping construct that allows for grouping of
    MAC Addresses in a sigle container that can
    be used either in DFW Firewall Rules or as members of a security
    This cmdlet creates a new MAC Set with the specified parameters.
    MacAddresses is a string that can contain 1 or more MAC Addresses the following
    separated by commas
    Mac address: (eg, 00:00:00:00:00:00)
    new-nsxmacset -name MAC_SET_TEST -Description "A sample MAC" -MacAddresses "BE:EF:CA:FE:DE:AD"
    Creates a MAC Set with the MAC address BEEF:CAFE:DEAD
    new-nsxmacset -name MAC_SET_TEST -Description "A sample MAC" -MacAddresses "BE:EF:CA:FE:DE:AD" -Universal
    Creates a MAC Set in the universal scope

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Name of the MacSet
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Description of the MacSet
            [string]$Description = "",
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Single string accepting comma separated Mac Addresses
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Scope of object. For universal object creation, use the -Universal switch.
                if ($_ -match "^globalroot-0$|universalroot-0$|^edge-\d+$") {
                } else {
                    Throw "$_ is not a valid scope. Valid options are: globalroot-0 | universalroot-0 | edge-id"
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Create the MacSet as Universal object.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Create the MacSet with the inheritance set. Allows the MacSet to be used at a lower scope.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Return the objectid as a string rather than the whole XML object.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #Create the XMLRoot
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlRoot = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("macset")
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlRoot) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description
        if ( $MacAddresses ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText $MacAddresses
        if ( ( $EnableInheritance ) -and ( -not ( $universal ) ) ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "inheritanceAllowed" -xmlElementText "True"

        #Do the post
        $body = $xmlroot.OuterXml
        if ( $universal ) { $scopeId = "universalroot-0"}
        $URI = "/api/2.0/services/macset/$($scopeId.tolower())"
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection

        if ( $ReturnObjectIdOnly) {
        else {
            Get-NsxMacSet -objectid $response.content -connection $connection
    end {}

function Remove-NsxMacSet {

    Removes the specified NSX MacSet.
    An NSX MacSet is a grouping construct that allows for grouping of
    Mac Addresses in a sigle container that can
    be used either in DFW Firewall Rules or as members of a security
    This cmdlet removes the specified MAC Set. If the object
    is currently in use the api will return an error. Use -force to override
    but be aware that the firewall rulebase will become invalid and will need
    to be corrected before publish operations will succeed again.
    This will remove a MAC Set by name.
    Get-NsxMacSet MAC_SET_TEST | Remove-NsxMacSet
    -confirm:$false can be used to avoid being prompted.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            #Macset as retrieved by get-nsxmacset to remove
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Set to false to disable prompt on deletion
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Enable force to remove objects in use, or set to readonly (system)
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {

    process {

        if ((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $macset -Query "descendant::extendedAttributes/extendedAttribute[name=`"isReadOnly`" and value=`"true`"]") -and ( -not $force)) {
            write-warning "Not removing $($MacSet.Name) as it is set as read-only. Use -Force to force deletion."
        else {
            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "MACSet removal is permanent."
                $question = "Proceed with removal of MAC Set $($MACSet.Name)?"

                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                if ( $force ) {
                    $URI = "/api/2.0/services/macset/$($MACSet.objectId)?force=true"
                else {
                    $URI = "/api/2.0/services/macset/$($MACSet.objectId)?force=false"

                Write-Progress -activity "Remove MAC Set $($MACSet.Name)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Remove MAC Set $($MACSet.Name)" -completed


    end {}

function Get-NsxService {

    Retrieves NSX Services (aka Applications).
    An NSX Service defines a service as configured in the NSX Distributed
    This cmdlet retrieves existing services as defined within NSX.
    It also supports searching for services by TCP/UDP port number and will
    locate services that contain the specified port within a range definition
    as well as those explicitly configured with the given port.
    Example1: Get Service by name
    PS C:\> Get-NsxService -Name TestService
    Example2: Get Service by port (will match services that include the
    specified port within a range as well as those explicitly configured with
    the given port.)
    PS C:\> Get-NsxService -port 1234


    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="objectId")]
            #Return service by objectId
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Name",Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="UniversalOnly", Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="LocalOnly", Position=1)]
            #Return service by name
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Port",Position=1)]
            #Return services that have a either a matching port, or are defiuned by a range into which the specified port falls
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #ScopeId of Service Group. Can define multiple scopeIds in a list to iterate accross scopes.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Include services with readonly attribute
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="UniversalOnly")]
            #Return only Universal objects
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="LocalOnly")]
            #Return only Locally scoped objects
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {
        if (-not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("scopeId") ){
            switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {

                "UniversalOnly" {
                    $scopeid = "universalroot-0"

                "LocalOnly" {
                    $scopeid = "globalroot-0"

                Default {
                    $scopeId = "globalroot-0", "universalroot-0"


    process {

        switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {

            "objectId" {

                #Just getting a single named service group
                $URI = "/api/2.0/services/application/$objectId"
                [system.xml.xmlDocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::application')) {
                    $svcs = $response.application
                    #Filter readonly if switch not set
                    if ( -not $IncludeReadOnly ) {
                        $svcs| where-object { -not ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_ -Query "descendant::extendedAttributes/extendedAttribute[name=`"isReadOnly`" and value=`"true`"]")) }
                    else {

            "Port" {

                # Service by port
                foreach ($scope in $scopeid ) {
                    $application = $null
                    $URI = "/api/2.0/services/application/scope/$scope"
                    [system.xml.xmlDocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                    if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::list/application')) {
                        foreach ( $application in $response.list.application ) {

                            if ( $application | get-member -memberType Properties -name element ) {
                                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Testing service $($application.name) with ports: $($application.element.value)"

                                #The port configured on a service is stored in element.value and can be
                                #either an int, range (expressed as inta-intb, or a comma separated list of ints and/or ranges
                                #So we split the value on comma, the replace the - with .. in a range, and wrap parentheses arount it
                                #Then, lean on PoSH native range handling to force the lot into an int array...

                                switch -regex ( $application.element.value ) {

                                    "^[\d,-]+$" {

                                        [string[]]$valarray = $application.element.value.split(",")
                                        foreach ($val in $valarray)  {

                                            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Converting range expression and expanding: $val"
                                            [int[]]$ports = invoke-expression ( $val -replace '^(\d+)-(\d+)$','($1..$2)' )
                                            #Then test if the port int array contains what we are looking for...
                                            if ( $ports.contains($port) ) {
                                                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Matched Service $($Application.name)"
                                                #Filter readonly if switch not set
                                                if ( -not $IncludeReadOnly ) {
                                                    $application| where-object { -not ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_ -Query "descendant::extendedAttributes/extendedAttribute[name=`"isReadOnly`" and value=`"true`"]")) }
                                                else {

                                    default { #do nothing, port number is not numeric....
                                        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Ignoring $($application.name) - non numeric element: $($application.element | format-xml)"
                            else {
                                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Ignoring $($application.name) - element not defined"

            Default {
                $svcs = @()
                foreach ($scope in $scopeid ) {
                    #All Services
                    $URI = "/api/2.0/services/application/scope/$scope"
                    [system.xml.xmlDocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                    if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query 'descendant::list/application')) {
                        if  ( $name ) {
                            $svcs += $response.list.application | where-object { $_.name -eq $name }
                        } else {
                            $svcs += $response.list.application

                #Filter readonly if switch not set
                if ( -not $IncludeReadOnly ) {
                    $svcs| where-object { -not ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_ -Query "descendant::extendedAttributes/extendedAttribute[name=`"isReadOnly`" and value=`"true`"]")) }
                else {

    end {}

function New-NsxService  {

    Creates a new NSX Service (aka Application).
    An NSX Service defines a service as configured in the NSX Distributed
    This cmdlet creates a new service of the specified configuration.
    PS C:\> New-NsxService -Name TestService -Description "Test creation of a
     service" -Protocol TCP -port 1234

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            [string]$Description = "",
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            [ValidateSet ( "AARP", "AH", "ARPATALK", "ATMFATE", "ATMMPOA",
              "BPQ", "CUST", "DEC", "DIAG", "DNA_DL", "DNA_RC", "DNA_RT", "ESP",
              "FR_ARP", "FTP", "GRE", "ICMP", "IEEE_802_1Q", "IGMP", "IPCOMP",
              "IPV4", "IPV6", "IPV6FRAG", "IPV6ICMP", "IPV6NONXT", "IPV6OPTS",
              "IPV6ROUTE", "IPX", "L2_OTHERS", "L2TP", "L3_OTHERS", "LAT", "LLC",
              "LOOP", "MS_RPC_TCP", "MS_RPC_UDP", "NBDG_BROADCAST",
              "PPP_SES", "RARP", "RAW_FR", "RSVP", "SCA", "SCTP", "SUN_RPC_TCP",
               "SUN_RPC_UDP", "TCP", "UDP", "X25" )]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Scope of object. For universal object creation, use the -Universal switch.
                if ($_ -match "^globalroot-0$|universalroot-0$|^edge-\d+$") {
                } else {
                    Throw "$_ is not a valid scope. Valid options are: globalroot-0 | universalroot-0 | edge-id"
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Create the Service as Universal object.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Create the Service with the inheritance set. Allows the Service to be used at a lower scope.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

        #Cant do all this in Param validation due to fact that port must not be mandatory and issues with binding order when splatting...
        if (( $AllServicesRequiringPort -contains $protocol ) -and ( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Port")) ) {
            throw "Specified protocol requires a port value to be specified."

        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Port")) {
            if (( @("TCP", "UDP") -contains $protocol ) -and ( $port -notmatch "^[\d,-]+$" )) {
                throw "TCP or UDP port numbers must be either an integer, range (nn-nn) or commma separated integers or ranges."

            if ( ( @("FTP", "MS_RPC_TCP", "MS_RPC_UDP", "NBDG_BROADCAST", "NBNS_BROADCAST", "ORACLE_TNS", "SUN_RPC_TCP", "SUN_RPC_UDP")  -contains $Protocol ) -and (-not ( ($port -as [int]) -and ( (1..65535) -contains $port )))) {
                throw "Valid port numbers must be an integer between 1-65535."

            if (( $protocol -eq "ICMP") -and ( $AllValidIcmpTypes -notcontains $port )) {
                throw "Invalid ICMP protocol $port. Specify one of $($AllValidIcmpTypes -join ", ")"

            if (($protocol -eq "L2_OTHERS") -and ( $port -notmatch "0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}" )) {
                throw "L2_OTHER protocoltype `'port`' must specify a valid ethertype in hex (eg. 0x0800)"

            if (($protocol -eq "L3_OTHERS") -and ( (1..255) -notcontains $port )) {
                throw "L3_OTHER protocoltype `'port`' must specify a valid IP protocol number in the range 1-255"

            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Port") -and  (($protocol -notmatch "ICMP|TCP|UDP")  -and ( $AllServicesNotRequiringPort -contains $Protocol ))) {
                #Validation is only executed if user specified a value for port... ICMP, UDP and TCP are special in that you can, but dont have to specify a 'port'.
                throw "Specified protocol does not allow a port value to be specified."

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SourcePort")) {
            if (( @("TCP", "UDP") -contains $protocol ) -and ( $SourcePort -notmatch "^[\d,-]+$" )) {
                throw "TCP or UDP source port numbers must be either an integer, range (nn-nn) or commma separated integers or ranges."

            if ( ( @("FTP", "MS_RPC_TCP", "MS_RPC_UDP", "NBDG_BROADCAST", "NBNS_BROADCAST", "ORACLE_TNS", "SUN_RPC_TCP", "SUN_RPC_UDP")  -contains $Protocol ) -and (-not ( ($SourcePort -as [int]) -and ( (1..65535) -contains $SourcePort )))) {
                throw "Valid source port numbers must be an integer between 1-65535."

            if ( $AllServicesValidSourcePort -notcontains $protocol ) {
                throw "Specified protocol does not allow a source port value to be specified"
    process {

        #Create the XMLRoot
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlRoot = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("application")
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlRoot) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description

        #Create the 'element' element ??? :)
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlElement = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("element")
        $xmlRoot.appendChild($xmlElement) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlElement -xmlElementName "applicationProtocol" -xmlElementText $Protocol.ToUpper()
        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Port")) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlElement -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText $Port
        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SourcePort")) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlElement -xmlElementName "sourcePort" -xmlElementText $SourcePort
        if ( ( $EnableInheritance ) -and ( -not ( $universal ) ) ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "inheritanceAllowed" -xmlElementText "True"

        #Do the post
        $body = $xmlroot.OuterXml
        if ( $universal ) { $scopeId = "universalroot-0"}
        $URI = "/api/2.0/services/application/$($scopeId.tolower())"
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection

        if ( $ReturnObjectIdOnly) {
        else {
            Get-NsxService -objectId $response.content -connection $connection
    end {}

function Remove-NsxService {

    Removes the specified NSX Service (aka Application).
    An NSX Service defines a service as configured in the NSX Distributed
    This cmdlet removes the NSX service specified.
    Get-NsxService -Name TestService | Remove-NsxService
    Removes the service TestService

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {


    process {

        if ((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $Service -Query "descendant::extendedAttributes/extendedAttribute[name=`"isReadOnly`" and value=`"true`"]") -and ( -not $force)) {
            write-warning "Not removing $($Service.Name) as it is set as read-only. Use -Force to force deletion."
        else {
            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "Service removal is permanent."
                $question = "Proceed with removal of Service $($Service.Name)?"

                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                if ( $force ) {
                    $URI = "/api/2.0/services/application/$($Service.objectId)?force=true"
                else {
                    $URI = "/api/2.0/services/application/$($Service.objectId)?force=false"

                Write-Progress -activity "Remove Service $($Service.Name)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Remove Service $($Service.Name)" -completed


    end {}

Function Get-NsxServiceGroup {

    Retrieves a list of NSX Service Groups.
    Lists all created NSX Service Groups. Service groups contain a mixture of
    selected ports to represent a potential grouping of like ports.
    This cmdlet retrieves the service group of the specified configuration.
    Retrieves all NSX Service Groups
    Get-NsxServiceGroup Heartbeat
    Retrieves the default NSX Service Group called Heartbeat
    Get-NsxServiceGroup | where-object {$_.name -match ("Exchange")} | select-object name
    Retrieves all Services Groups that have the string "Exchange" in their
    name property
    Microsoft Exchange 2003
    MS Exchange 2007 Transport Servers
    MS Exchange 2007 Unified Messaging Centre
    MS Exchange 2007 Client Access Server
    Microsoft Exchange 2007
    MS Exchange 2007 Mailbox Servers
    Microsoft Exchange 2010
    MS Exchange 2010 Client Access Servers
    MS Exchange 2010 Transport Servers
    MS Exchange 2010 Mailbox Servers
    MS Exchange 2010 Unified Messaging Server


    param (

    [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="objectId")]
        #Objectid of Service Group
    [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,Position=1,ParameterSetName="Name")]
    [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="UniversalOnly", Position=1)]
    [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="LocalOnly", Position=1)]
        # Name of the Service Group
    [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        #ScopeId of Service Group. Can define multiple scopeIds in a list to iterate accross scopes.
    [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="UniversalOnly")]
        #Return only Universal objects
    [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="LocalOnly")]
        #Return only Locally scoped objects
    [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {
        if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("scopeId") ){
            switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {

                "UniversalOnly" {
                    $scopeid = "universalroot-0"

                "LocalOnly" {
                    $scopeid = "globalroot-0"

                Default {
                    $scopeId = "globalroot-0", "universalroot-0"


    process {

        if ( -not $objectId ) {
            #All Sections
            $servicegroup = @()

            foreach ($scope in $scopeid ) {
                $URI = "/api/2.0/services/applicationgroup/scope/$scope"
                [system.xml.xmlDocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

                if ((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query "child::list/applicationGroup")){
                    $servicegroup += $response.list.applicationGroup

            if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name")){
                $servicegroup | where-object {$_.name -eq $name}
            else {
        else {

            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/applicationgroup/$objectid"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection



    end {}

function Get-NsxServiceGroupMember {

    Retrieves a list of services within an NSX Service Groups.
    Lists all serivces associated to an NSX Service Groups. Service groups
    contain a mixture of selected ports to represent a potential grouping
    of like ports.
    This cmdlet retrieves the member services within a Service Group for
    specific or all Service Groups
    Get-NsxServiceGroup | Get-NsxServiceGroupMember
    Retrieves all members of all Service Groups. You are brave.
    Get-NsxServiceGroup Heartbeat | Get-NsxServiceGroupMember
    Retrieves all members of the Service Group Heartbeat
    objectId : application-70
    objectTypeName : Application
    vsmUuid : 42019B98-63EC-995F-6CBB-FF738D027F92
    nodeId : 0dd7c0dd-a194-4df1-a14b-56a1617c2f0f
    revision : 2
    type : type
    name : Vmware-VCHeartbeat
    scope : scope
    clientHandle :
    extendedAttributes :
    isUniversal : false
    universalRevision : 0
    objectId : application-180
    objectTypeName : Application
    vsmUuid : 42019B98-63EC-995F-6CBB-FF738D027F92
    nodeId : 0dd7c0dd-a194-4df1-a14b-56a1617c2f0f
    revision : 2
    type : type
    name : Vmware-Heartbeat-PrimarySecondary
    scope : scope
    clientHandle :
    extendedAttributes :
    isUniversal : false
    universalRevision : 0

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateServiceOrServiceGroup $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object



        if ((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ServiceGroup -Query "child::member")){



function Remove-NsxServiceGroup {

    Removes the specified NSX Service Group.
     A service group is a container that includes Services and other Service
    Groups. These Service Groups are used by the NSX Distributed Firewall
    when creating firewall rules. They can also be referenced by Service
    Composer's Security Policies.
    This cmdlet removes the specified Service Group.
    Get-NsxServiceGroup Heartbeat | Remove-NsxServiceGroup
    This will remove the Service Group Heartbeat. All members of the Service
    Group are not affected.
    Get-NsxServiceGroup | Remove-NsxServiceGroup -confirm:$false
    This will retrieve and remove ALL Service Groups without confirmation

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateServiceGroup $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object



        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Service Group removal is permanent."
            $question = "Proceed with removal of Service group $($ServiceGroup.Name)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            if ( $force ) {
                $URI = "/api/2.0/services/applicationgroup/$($ServiceGroup.objectid)?force=true"
            else {
                $URI = "/api/2.0/services/applicationgroup/$($ServiceGroup.objectid)?force=false"

            Write-Progress -activity "Remove Service Group $($ServiceGroup.Name)"
            $null = Invoke-NsxWebRequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            Write-progress -activity "Remove Service Group $($ServiceGroup.Name)" -completed

    end {}

function New-NsxServiceGroup {

    Creates a new Service Group to which new Services or Service Groups can
    be added.
    A service group is a container that includes Services and other Service
    Groups. These Service Groups are used by the NSX Distributed Firewall
    when creating firewall rules. They can also be referenced by Service
    Composer's Security Policies.
    New-NsxServiceGroup PowerNSX-SVG
    Creates a new Service Group called PowerNSX-SVG
    objectId : applicationgroup-53
    objectTypeName : ApplicationGroup
    vsmUuid : 42019B98-63EC-995F-6CBB-FF738D027F92
    nodeId : 0dd7c0dd-a194-4df1-a14b-56a1617c2f0f
    revision : 1
    type : type
    name : PowerNSX-SVG
    description :
    scope : scope
    clientHandle :
    extendedAttributes :
    isUniversal : false
    universalRevision : 0
    inheritanceAllowed : false

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            [string]$Description = "",
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Scope of object. For universal object creation, use the -Universal switch.
                if ($_ -match "^globalroot-0$|universalroot-0$|^edge-\d+$") {
                } else {
                    Throw "$_ is not a valid scope. Valid options are: globalroot-0 | universalroot-0 | edge-id"
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Create the Service Group as Universal object.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Create the Service Group with the inheritance set. Allows the Service Group to be used at a lower scope.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {


    process {

        #Create the XMLRoot
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlRoot = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("applicationGroup")
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlRoot) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description

        if ( ( $EnableInheritance ) -and ( -not ( $universal ) ) ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "inheritanceAllowed" -xmlElementText "True"

        if ( $universal ) { $scopeId = "universalroot-0"}
        $body = $xmlroot.OuterXml

        $uri = "/api/2.0/services/applicationgroup/$($scopeId.ToLower())"
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -uri $uri -method "post" -body $body -connection $connection

        if ( $ReturnObjectIdOnly) {
        else {
            Get-NsxServiceGroup -objectId $response.content -connection $connection

    end {}

function Add-NsxServiceGroupMember {

    Adds a single Service, numerous Services, or a Service Group to a Service
    Adds the defined Service or Service Group to an NSX Service Groups. Service
    groups contain a mixture of selected ports to represent a potential
    grouping of like ports.
    This cmdlet adds the defined Services or Service Groups within a Service
    Group for specific or all Service Groups
    PS C:\> Get-NsxServiceGroup Heartbeat | Add-NsxServiceGroupMember -Member $Service1
    PS C:\> get-nsxservicegroup Service-Group-4 | Add-NsxServiceGroupMember $Service1,$Service2

    param (
        #Mastergroup added from Get-NsxServiceGroup
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateServiceGroup $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateServiceOrServiceGroup $_ })]
            #The [] in XmlElement means it can expect more than one object!
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        foreach ($Mem in $Member){
            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/applicationgroup/$($ServiceGroup.objectId)/members/$($Mem.objectId)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "PUT" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            Write-Progress -activity "Adding Service or Service Group $($Mem) to Service Group $($ServiceGroup)"

    end {}

function Get-NsxApplicableMember {

    Retrieves a list of applicable members for either Security Groups or Service
    Security Groups and Service Groups can contain members of specific types.
    Basic information about all valid (applicable) members can be retreived
    using a simple API call which is typically much less expensive than the
    alternative of retreiving the complete configuration from the API for a
    specific type of object.
    This cmdlet also exposes 'shortcut' functionality that lets you retreive
    object name to objectId mapping of many object types in NSX that can improve
    the performance of scripts in high scale environments.
    Hat tip to Dale Coghlan (sneauku.com) for pointing out the usefulness of
    this API in large scale environments. See
    for more information.
    Get-NsxApplicableMember -SecurityGroupApplicableMembers -MemberType VirtualMachine
    Get the virtual machine applicable member list
    Get-NsxApplicableMember -ServiceGroupApplicableMembers
    Get the applicable member list for ServiceGroup membership.
    Get-NsxApplicableMember -SecurityGroupApplicableMembers -MemberType IPSet -Universal
    Get the Universal IP Set applicable member list
    Get-NsxApplicableMember -ServiceGroupApplicableMembers -Universal
    Get the applicable member list for Universal ServiceGroup membership.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
                if ($_ -match "^globalroot-0$|universalroot-0$|^edge-\d+$") {
                } else {
                    Throw "$_ is not a valid scope. Valid options are: globalroot-0 | universalroot-0 | edge-id"
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="securitygroup" )]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="applicationgroup" )]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="securitygroup" )]
            [ValidateSet("IPSet", "ClusterComputeResource", "VirtualWire", "VirtualMachine", "DirectoryGroup", "SecurityGroup", "VirtualApp", "ResourcePool", "DistributedVirtualPortgroup", "Datacenter", "Network", "Vnic", "SecurityTag", "MACSet", IgnoreCase=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object



        if ( $universal ) { $scopeId = "universalroot-0"}

        if ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "securitygroup") {
            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/scope/$($scopeId.ToLower())/members/$MemberType"
        else {
            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/applicationgroup/scope/$($scopeId.ToLower())/members/"
        try {
            $response = Invoke-NsxWebRequest -Uri $Uri -method Get -connection $connection
        catch {
            throw "Failed retreiving applicable members. $_"
        if ( $response | get-member -membertype Property -Name Content ) {
            try {
                [xml]$content = $response.Content
                if ( Invoke-XpathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $content -query "child::list/basicinfo") {
            catch {
                throw "Content returned from NSX API could not be parsed as applicable member XML."
        else {
            throw "No Content returned from NSX API call."


# Firewall related functions

###Private functions

function Add-NsxSourceDestNode {

    param (
        [ValidateSet ("sources","destinations",IgnoreCase=$false)]

    #Create the parent sources element
    $XmlDoc = $Rule.OwnerDocument
    [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlNode = $XMLDoc.CreateElement($NodeType)
    $Rule.AppendChild($xmlNode) | out-null

    #The excluded attribute indicates negation
    $xmlNegated = $xmlDoc.createAttribute("excluded")
    $xmlNode.Attributes.Append($xmlNegated) | out-null
    $xmlNegated.value = $Negated.ToString().ToLower()

function Add-NsxSourceDestMember {

    #Internal function - Handles building the source/dest xml node for a given object.
    # Updates NB 05/17 -> Modified for Add-NSxFirewallRuleMember cmdlet use.
    # - Accepts rule (rather than doc) object now
    # - Returns modified rule, rather than just the source/dest node.
    # - Renamed to reflect 'member' terminology
    # - Removed negation logic (moved back to new-rule due to logic not being applicable to individual member instances, function to be duplicated in set-rule cmdlet to allow flipping of negation (and other functions))
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [ValidateSet ("source","destination",IgnoreCase=$false)]

    # Get Doc object from passed rule
    $xmlDoc = $rule.OwnerDocument

    # Get SrcDestNode parent element. Have to use xpath here as the elem may be empty and powershell unhelpfully turns that into a string for us :|
    if ( $membertype -eq "Source" ) {
        [System.Xml.XmlElement]$xmlSrcDestNode = invoke-xpathquery -query "child::sources" -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -node $rule
    else {
        [System.Xml.XmlElement]$xmlSrcDestNode = invoke-xpathquery -query "child::destinations" -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -node $rule

    #Loop the memberlist and create appropriate element in the srcdest node.
    foreach ($member in $memberlist) {
        if ( ( $member -as [ipaddress]) -or ( ValidateIPRange -argument $member ) -or ( ValidateIPPrefix -argument $member ) ) {
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Building source/dest node for $member"
        else {
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Building source/dest node for $($member.name)"
        #Build the return XML element and append to our srcdestnode
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlMember = $XMLDoc.CreateElement($memberType)
        $xmlSrcDestNode.appendChild($xmlMember) | out-null

        if ( ( $member -as [ipaddress]) -or ( ValidateIPRange -argument $member ) -or ( ValidateIPPrefix -argument $member ) ) {
            #Item is v4 or 6 address
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Object $member is an ipaddress"
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText $member
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText "Ipv4Address"
        elseif ( $member -is [system.xml.xmlelement] ) {

            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Object $($member.name) is specified as xml element"
            #XML representation of NSX object passed - ipset, sec group or logical switch
            #get appropritate name, value.
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText $member.objectId
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $member.name
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText $member.objectTypeName

        } else {

            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Object $($member.name) is specified as supported powercli object"
            #Proper PowerCLI Object passed
            #If passed object is a NIC, we have to do some more digging
            if (  $member -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.VirtualDevice.NetworkAdapterInterop] ) {

                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Object $($member.name) is vNic"
                #Naming based on DFW UI standard
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText "$($member.parent.name) - $($member.name)"
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText "Vnic"

                $vmUuid = ($member.parent | get-view).config.instanceuuid
                $MemberMoref = "$vmUuid.$($member.id.substring($member.id.length-3))"
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText $MemberMoref
            else {
                #any other accepted PowerCLI object, we just need to grab details from the moref.
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $member.name
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText $member.extensiondata.moref.type
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText $member.extensiondata.moref.value

function New-NsxServiceNode {

    #Internal function - Handles building the apliedto xml node for a given object.

    param (



    [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlReturn = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("services")

    foreach ($item in $itemlist) {
        # Check to see if a protocol AND port are specified
        if ( ($item -is [string]) -and ($item -match "/") ) {
            $itemSplit = $item -split "/"
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlItem = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("service")
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlItem -xmlElementName "protocolName" -xmlElementText $itemSplit[0].ToUpper()
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlItem -xmlElementName "destinationPort" -xmlElementText $itemSplit[1]
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Building service node for $($item)"
        # Otherwise we assume its just a Protocol with no port specified
        elseif ($item -is [string])  {
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlItem = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("service")
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlItem -xmlElementName "protocolName" -xmlElementText $item.ToUpper()
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Building service node for $($item)"
        # or its either an XML object, or a collection of objects (already verified as XML objects through validation script)
        elseif ( ( $item -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) -or ( $item -is [System.Object] ) ) {
            foreach ( $serviceitem in $item ) {
                [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlItem = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("service")
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlItem -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText $serviceItem.objectId
                $xmlReturn.appendChild($xmlItem) | out-null
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Building service node for $($item.name)"

        $xmlReturn.appendChild($xmlItem) | out-null


function New-NsxEdgeServiceNode {

    #Internal function - Handles building the Edge fw service xml node for a given object.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)]

    $xmlDoc = $xmlRule.OwnerDocument
    $Application = $XmlDoc.CreateElement("application")
    $null = $xmlrule.AppendChild($Application)

    foreach ($item in $itemlist) {
        # Check to see if a protocol AND port are specified
        if ( ($item -is [string]) -and ($item -match "/") ) {
            $itemSplit = $item -split "/"
            $svc = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("service")
            $null = $Application.AppendChild($svc)
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $svc -xmlElementName "protocol" -xmlElementText $itemSplit[0].ToUpper()
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $svc -xmlElementName "port" -xmlElementText $itemSplit[1]
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Building protocol/port service node for $($item)"
        # Otherwise we assume its just a Protocol with no port specified
        elseif ($item -is [string])  {
            $svc = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("service")
            $null = $Application.AppendChild($svc)
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $svc -xmlElementName "protocol" -xmlElementText $item.ToUpper()
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Building protocol service node for $($item)"
        # or its either an XML object, or a collection of objects (already verified as XML objects through validation script)
        else {

            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Application -xmlElementName "applicationId" -xmlElementText $item.objectId
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Building application service node for $($item.name)"

function New-NsxAppliedToListNode {

    #Internal function - Handles building the apliedto xml node for a given object.

    param (



    [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlReturn = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("appliedToList")
    #Iterate the appliedTo passed and build appliedTo nodes.
    #$xmlRoot.appendChild($xmlReturn) | out-null

    foreach ($item in $itemlist) {
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Building appliedTo node for $($item.name)"
        #Build the return XML element
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlItem = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("appliedTo")

        if ( $item -is [system.xml.xmlelement] ) {

            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Object $($item.name) is specified as xml element"

            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $item -Query 'descendant::edgeSummary')) {

                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Object $($item.name) is an edge object"

                if ( $ApplyToAllEdges ) {
                    #Apply to all edges is default off, so this means the user asked for something stupid
                    throw "Cant specify Edge Object in applied to list and ApplyToAllEdges simultaneously."

                #We have an edge, and edges have the details we need in their EdgeSummary element:
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlItem -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText $item.edgeSummary.objectId
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlItem -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $item.edgeSummary.name
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlItem -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText $item.edgeSummary.objectTypeName

            else {

                #Something specific passed in applied to list, turn off Apply to DFW.
                $ApplyToDFW = $false

                #XML representation of NSX object passed - ipset, sec group or logical switch
                #get appropritate name, value.
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlItem -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText $item.objectId
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlItem -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $item.name
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlItem -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText $item.objectTypeName
        else {

            #Something specific passed in applied to list, turn off Apply to DFW.
            $ApplyToDFW = $false

            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Object $($item.name) is specified as supported powercli object"
            #Proper PowerCLI Object passed
            #If passed object is a NIC, we have to do some more digging
            if (  $item -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.VirtualDevice.NetworkAdapterInterop] ) {

                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Object $($item.name) is vNic"
                #Naming based on DFW UI standard
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlItem -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText "$($item.parent.name) - $($item.name)"
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlItem -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText "Vnic"

                $vmUuid = ($item.parent | get-view).config.instanceuuid
                $MemberMoref = "$vmUuid.$($item.id.substring($item.id.length-3))"
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlItem -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText $MemberMoref
            else {
                #any other accepted PowerCLI object, we just need to grab details from the moref.
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlItem -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $item.name
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlItem -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText $item.extensiondata.moref.type
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlItem -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText $item.extensiondata.moref.value

        $xmlReturn.appendChild($xmlItem) | out-null

    if ( $ApplyToDFW ) {

        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlAppliedTo = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("appliedTo")
        $xmlReturn.appendChild($xmlAppliedTo) | out-null
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliedTo -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText "DISTRIBUTED_FIREWALL"
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliedTo -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText "DISTRIBUTED_FIREWALL"
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliedTo -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText "DISTRIBUTED_FIREWALL"

    if ( $ApplyToAllEdges ) {

        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlAppliedTo = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("appliedTo")
        $xmlReturn.appendChild($xmlAppliedTo) | out-null
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliedTo -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText "ALL_EDGES"
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliedTo -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText "ALL_EDGES"
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliedTo -xmlElementName "value" -xmlElementText "ALL_EDGES"


###End Private Functions

function Get-NsxFirewallSection {

    Retrieves the specified NSX Distributed Firewall Section.
    An NSX Distributed Firewall Section is a named portion of the firewall rule set that contains
    firewall rules.
    This cmdlet retrieves the specified NSX Distributed Firewall Section.
    PS C:\> Get-NsxFirewallSection TestSection


    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="ObjectId")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,Position=1,ParameterSetName="Name")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {


    process {

        if ( -not $objectID ) {
            #All Sections

            $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/$scopeID/config"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

            $return = $response.firewallConfiguration.$sectiontype.section

            if ($name) {
                $return | where-object {$_.name -eq $name}
            }else {


        else {

            $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/$scopeID/config/$sectionType/$objectId"
            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection


    end {}

function New-NsxFirewallSection {

    Creates a new NSX Distributed Firewall Section.
    An NSX Distributed Firewall Section is a named portion of the firewall rule
    set that contains firewall rules.
    This cmdlet create the specified NSX Distributed Firewall Section.
    By default this cmdlet creates a section at the top of the ruleset. It is
    possible to create the section at the top or bottom (before default) of the
    ruleset by using the position parameter. The position parameter can also be
    used to specify the section be created before or after an existing section.
    The existing section Id will need to be supplied as the anchor Id.
    PS> New-NsxFirewallSection -Name TestSection
    Creates a new Layer 3 firewall section at the top of the rulebase
    PS> New-NsxFirewallSection -Name TestL2Section -sectionType layer2sections
    Creates a new Layer 2 firewall section at the top of the rulebase.
    PS> New-NsxFirewallSection -Name TestL3RedirectSection -sectionType layer3redirectsections
    Creates a new Layer 3 redirect firewall section at the top of the rulebase.
    PS> New-NsxFirewallSection -Name TestAtBottom -position bottom
    Creates a new Layer 3 firewall section before the default section.
    PS> New-NsxFirewallSection -Name TestAtTop -position top
    Creates a new Layer 3 firewall section at the top of the rulebase.
    PS> New-NsxFirewallSection -Name TestBeforeExisting -position before -anchorId 1024
    Creates a new Layer 3 firewall section before the existing section with an ID of 1024.
    PS> New-NsxFirewallSection -Name TestAfterExisting -position after -anchorId 1024
    Creates a new Layer 3 firewall section after the existing section with an ID of 1024.
    PS> $section = Get-NsxFirewallSection blah
    PS> New-NsxFirewallSection -Name TestBeforeExisting -position before -anchorId $section.id
    Creates a new Layer 3 firewall section before the existing section named blah.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
                if ($_ -match "^globalroot-0$|^edge-\d+$") {
                } else {
                    Throw "$_ is not a valid scope. Valid options are: globalroot-0 | edge-id"
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Marks the firewall section to be universal or not
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Identifies where to insert the newly created section. insert_after & insert_before must specify an existing section id as the anchor.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #ID of an existing section to use as an anchor for the new section.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {
        $requiresAnchor = @("before","after")

        if (( $requiresAnchor -contains $position ) -AND (-not ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("anchorID")) ) ) {
            throw "An anchor ID must be supplied when specifying insert_before or insert_after as the operation"

        if ( ($universal) -AND ($position -eq "bottom") ) {
            throw "Cannot specify -universal and -position bottom together. Instead specify -position after and the appropriate anchorId to add a universal section after the last universal section."
    process {

        #Create the XMLRoot
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlRoot = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("section")
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlRoot) | out-null

        #Mandatory Fields
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name

        #Optional Fields
        if ($Universal) {
          #Create XML for universal object
          Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "managedBy" -xmlElementText "universalroot-0"

        #Do the post
        $body = $xmlroot.OuterXml

        switch ($position) {
            {$requiresAnchor -contains $position} {
                $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/$($scopeId.ToLower())/config/$sectionType`?operation=$(ConvertTo-NsxApiSectionOperation $position)`&anchorId=$anchorId"
            "bottom" {
                $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/$($scopeId.ToLower())/config/$sectionType`?operation=$(ConvertTo-NsxApiSectionOperation $position)"
            default {
                $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/$($scopeId.ToLower())/config/$sectionType"

        $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection


    end {}

function Remove-NsxFirewallSection {

    Removes the specified NSX Distributed Firewall Section.
    An NSX Distributed Firewall Section is a named portion of the firewall rule
    set that contains firewall rules.
    This cmdlet removes the specified NSX Distributed Firewall Section. If the
    section contains rules, the removal attempt fails. Specify -force to
    override this, but be aware that all firewall rules contained within the
    section are removed along with it.
    PS C:\> New-NsxFirewallSection -Name TestSection

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {


    process {

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Firewall Section removal is permanent and cannot be reversed."
            $question = "Proceed with removal of Section $($Section.Name)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            if ( $Section.Name -match 'Default Section' ) {
                write-warning "Will not delete $($Section.Name)."
            else {

                #Changed to avoid need for traversal to parent XML node to determine section type which fails in some scenarios.
                switch ( $Section.Type) {
                    "LAYER3" {  $sectiontype = "layer3sections" }
                    "LAYER2" { $Sectiontype = "layer2sections" }
                    "L3REDIRECT" { $sectiontype = "layer3redirectsections" }

                if ( $force ) {
                    $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/config/$sectiontype/$($Section.Id)"
                else {

                    if ( $section |  get-member -MemberType Properties -Name rule ) {
                        throw "Section $($section.name) contains rules. Specify -force to delete this section"
                    else {
                        $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/config/$sectiontype/$($Section.Id)"

                Write-Progress -activity "Remove Section $($Section.Name)"
                $null = invoke-NsxWebRequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Remove Section $($Section.Name)" -completed

    end {}

function Get-NsxFirewallRule {

    Retrieves the specified NSX Distributed Firewall Rule.
    An NSX Distributed Firewall Rule defines a typical 5 tuple rule and is
    enforced on each hypervisor at the point where the VMs NIC connects to the
    portgroup or logical switch.
    Additionally, the 'applied to' field allow additional flexibility about
    where (as in VMs, networks, hosts etc) the rule is actually applied.
    This cmdlet retrieves the specified NSX Distributed Firewall Rule. It is
    also effective used in conjunction with an NSX firewall section as
    returned by Get-NsxFirewallSection being passed on the pipeline to retrieve
    all the rules defined within the given section.
    PS C:\> Get-NsxFirewallSection TestSection | Get-NsxFirewallRule


    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ParameterSetName="Section")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1, ParameterSetName="Filter")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1, ParameterSetName="Section")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="RuleId")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Section")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="RuleId")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False,ParameterSetName="Filter")]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateFwSourceDestFilter $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False,ParameterSetName="Filter")]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateFwSourceDestFilter $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {
        if ( ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Section" ) -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RuleType') ){
            write-warning "The -RuleType parameter is no longer required (and will be ignored) when passing a section along the pipeline. This will be deprecated and removed in a future release."

    process {

        if ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Section" ) {

            $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/$scopeID/config/$(ConvertTo-NsxApiSectionType $section.type)/$($Section.Id)"

            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            if ( $response | get-member -name Section -Membertype Properties){
                if ( $response.Section | get-member -name Rule -Membertype Properties ){
                    if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name") ) {
                        $response.section.rule | where-object { $_.name -eq $Name }
                    else {
        elseif ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Filter" )  {

            Switch ( $Source ) {
                { $_ -as [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Inventory.VirtualMachineInterop]} {
                    $SourceString = $_.id -replace "virtualmachine-"
                default {
                    #either a vmmoid or ipaddress.
                    $SourceString = $Source
            Switch ( $Destination ) {
                { $_ -as [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Inventory.VirtualMachineInterop]} {
                    $DestinationString = $_.id -replace "virtualmachine-"
                default {
                    #either a vmmoid or ipaddress.
                    $DestinationString = $Destination
            $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/$ScopeId/config?ruleType=LAYER3&source=$SourceString&destination=$DestinationString&name=$Name"

            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            if ( Invoke-XpathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -query "descendant::filteredfirewallConfiguration/layer3Sections/section/rule" -Node $response ){
        else {

            #SpecificRule - returned xml is firewallconfig -> layer3sections -> section.
            #In our infinite wisdom, we use a different string here for the section type :|
            #Kinda considering searching each section type here and returning result regardless of section
            #type if user specifies ruleid... The I dont have to make the user specify the ruletype...
            switch ($ruleType) {

                "layer3sections" { $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/$scopeID/config?ruleType=LAYER3&ruleId=$RuleId" }
                "layer2sections" { $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/$scopeID/config?ruleType=LAYER2&ruleId=$RuleId" }
                "layer3redirectsections" { $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/$scopeID/config?ruleType=L3REDIRECT&ruleId=$RuleId" }
                default { throw "Invalid rule type" }

            #NSX 6.2 introduced a change in the API wheras the element returned
            #for a query such as we are doing here is now called
            #'filteredfirewallConfiguration'. Why? :|

            $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

            if ( $response | get-member -name firewallConfiguration -MemberType Properties ){
                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name") ) {
                    $response.firewallConfiguration.layer3Sections.Section.rule | where-object { $_.name -eq $Name }
                else {

            elseif ( $response | get-member -name filteredfirewallConfiguration -MemberType Properties ){
                if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name") ) {
                    $response.filteredfirewallConfiguration.layer3Sections.Section.rule | where-object { $_.name -eq $Name }
                else {

            else { throw "Invalid response from NSX API. $response"}

    end {}

function New-NsxFirewallRule  {

    Creates a new NSX Distributed Firewall Rule.
    An NSX Distributed Firewall Rule defines a typical 5 tuple rule and is
    enforced on each hypervisor at the point where the VMs NIC connects to the
    portgroup or logical switch.
    Additionally, the 'applied to' field allows flexibility about
    where (as in VMs, networks, hosts etc) the rule is actually applied.
    This cmdlet creates the specified NSX Distributed Firewall Rule. The section
    in which to create the rule is mandatory.
    PS> Get-NsxFirewallSection TestSection |
        New-NsxFirewallRule -Name TestRule -Source $LS1 -Destination $LS1
        -Action allow
        -service (Get-NsxService HTTP) -AppliedTo $LS1 -EnableLogging -Comment
         "Testing Rule Creation"
    Add a new Layer 3 rule to the section called TestSection. By default, the
    rule will be inserted at the top of the section.
    PS> Get-NsxFirewallSection TestL2Section |
        New-NsxFirewallRule -Name TestRule -Source $VM1 -Destination $VM1
        -Action allow
        -AppliedTo $VM1 -EnableLogging -Comment "Testing L2 Rule Creation"
    Add a new Layer 2 rule to the section called TestL2Section. By default, the
    rule will be inserted at the top of the section.
    PS> Get-NsxFirewallSection TestSection |
        New-NsxFirewallRule -Name TestRule -Source $LS1 -Destination $LS1
        -Action allow
        -service (Get-NsxService HTTP) -AppliedTo $LS1 -EnableLogging -Comment
         "Testing creating a disabled rule"
    Add a new Layer 3 disabled rule to the section called TestSection
    PS> Get-NsxFirewallSection TestSection |
        New-NsxFirewallRule -Name TestRule -Source $LS1 -Destination $LS1
        -Action allow
        -service (Get-NsxService HTTP) -AppliedTo $LS1 -EnableLogging -Comment
         "Testing creating a rule at the bottom of the section"
        -Position bottom
    Add a new Layer 3 rule to the bottom of the section called TestSection
    PS> Get-NsxFirewallSection TestSection |
        New-NsxFirewallRule -Name TestRule -Source $LS1 -Destination $LS1
        -Action allow
        -service (Get-NsxService HTTP) -AppliedTo $LS1 -EnableLogging -Comment
         "Testing creating a rule before an existing rule"
        -Position before -anchorId 1024
    Add a new Layer 3 rule immediatley after rule id 1024 in the section called
    PS> Get-NsxFirewallSection TestSection |
        New-NsxFirewallRule -Name TestRule -Source $LS1 -Destination $LS1
        -Action allow
        -service (Get-NsxService HTTP) -AppliedTo $LS1 -EnableLogging -Comment
         "Testing creating a rule after an existing rule"
        -Position after -anchorId 1024
    Add a new Layer 3 rule immediatley after rule id 1024 in the section called

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ParameterSetName="Section")]
            # Section in which the new rule should be created
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            # Name of the new rule
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            # Action of the rule - allow, deny or reject.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Direction of traffic to hit the rule - in, out or inout (Default inout)
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Source(s) of traffic to hit the rule. IP4/6 members are specified as string, any other member as the appropriate VI or PowerNSX object.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateFirewallRuleSourceDest $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Negate the list of sources hit by the rule
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Destination(s) of traffic to hit the rule. IP4/6 members are specified as string, any other member as the appropriate VI or PowerNSX object.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateFirewallRuleSourceDest $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Negate the list of destinations hit by the rule
            [ValidateScript ({ ValidateFirewallRuleService $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Comment string for the new rule
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Rule is created as disabled
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Rule logging is enabled
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Specific Object(s) to which the rule will be applied.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateFirewallAppliedTo $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Enable application of the rule to 'DISTRIBUTED_FIREWALL' (ie, to all VNICs present on NSX prepared hypervisors. This does NOT include NSX Edges)
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Enable application of the rule to all NSX edges
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Rule type
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Create the new rule at the specified position of the section (Top or Bottom, Default - Top)
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #ID of an existing rule to use as an anchor for the new rule.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Tag to be configured on the new rule. Tag is an arbitrary string attached to the rule that does not affect application of the rule, but is included in logged output of rule hits if logging is enabled for the rule.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Scope of the created rule.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Specifies that New-NsxFirewall rule will return the actual rule that was created rather than the deprecated behaviour of returning the complete containing section
            # This option exists to allow existing scripts that use this function to be easily updated to set it to $false and continue working (For now!).
            # This option is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {
        $requiresAnchor = @("before","after")

        if (( $requiresAnchor -contains $position ) -AND (-not ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("anchorID")) ) ) {
            throw "An anchor ID must be supplied when specifying before or after as the operation"
    process {

        # Check to see if the section that has been passed along the pipeline contains
        # a "default rule". A default rule in a section is typically the last rule in
        # the section and has a node/element of <precendence>default</precedence>
        # and if you try to add a rule below this default rule, the API responds with
        # a criptic errror msg which can only be decrypted if your a part of the Goa'uld
        if ( ($position -eq "bottom") -AND (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $Section -Query "child::rule[precedence=`"default`"][last()]") ){
            throw "Cannot insert rule at the bottom of the section $($section.id) ($($section.name)) as the last rule is a system defined default rule"

        $generationNumber = $section.generationNumber

        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Preparing rule for section $($section.Name) with generationId $generationNumber"
        #Create the XMLRoot
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlRule = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("rule")
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlRule) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRule -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        #Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRule -xmlElementName "sectionId" -xmlElementText $($section.Id)
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRule -xmlElementName "notes" -xmlElementText $Comment
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRule -xmlElementName "action" -xmlElementText $action
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRule -xmlElementName "direction" -xmlElementText $Direction
        if ( $EnableLogging ) {
            #Enable Logging attribute
            $xmlAttrLog = $xmlDoc.createAttribute("logged")
            $xmlAttrLog.value = "true"
            $xmlRule.Attributes.Append($xmlAttrLog) | out-null

        if ( $Disabled ) {
            #Disable (rule) attribute
            $xmlAttrDisabled = $xmlDoc.createAttribute("disabled")
            $xmlAttrDisabled.value = "true"
            $xmlRule.Attributes.Append($xmlAttrDisabled) | out-null

        #Build Sources Node
        if ( $source ) {

            Add-NsxSourceDestNode -Rule $xmlRule -Nodetype "sources" -negated:$NegateSource

            #Add the source members
            Add-NsxSourceDestMember -membertype "source" -memberlist $source -rule $xmlRule

        #Destinations Node
        if ( $destination ) {

            Add-NsxSourceDestNode -Rule $xmlRule -Nodetype "destinations" -negated:$NegateDestination

            #Add the destination members
            Add-NsxSourceDestMember -membertype "destination" -memberlist $destination -rule $xmlRule

        if ( $service ) {
            $xmlservices = New-NsxServiceNode -itemType "service" -itemlist $service -xmlDoc $xmlDoc
            $xmlRule.appendChild($xmlservices) | out-null

        #Applied To
        if ( -not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AppliedTo')) {
            $xmlAppliedToList = New-NsxAppliedToListNode -xmlDoc $xmlDoc -ApplyToDFW:$ApplyToDfw -ApplyToAllEdges:$ApplyToAllEdges
        else {
            $xmlAppliedToList = New-NsxAppliedToListNode -itemlist $AppliedTo -xmlDoc $xmlDoc -ApplyToDFW:$ApplyToDfw -ApplyToAllEdges:$ApplyToAllEdges
        $xmlRule.appendChild($xmlAppliedToList) | out-null

        if ( $tag ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRule -xmlElementName "tag" -xmlElementText $tag

        #GetThe existing rule Ids and store them - we check for a rule that isnt contained here in the response so we can presnet back to user with rule id
        if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $Section -Query "child::rule") )  {
            $ExistingIds = @($Section.rule.id)
        else {
            $ExistingIds = @()

        #Append the new rule to the section
        $xmlrule = $Section.ownerDocument.ImportNode($xmlRule, $true)
        switch ($Position) {
            "Top" { $Section.prependchild($xmlRule) | Out-Null }
            "Bottom" { $Section.appendchild($xmlRule) | Out-Null }
            {($_ -eq "before") -or ($_ -eq "after")} {
                $anchorRule = Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $Section -Query "child::rule[@id=`"$anchorId`"]"
                if (-not ($anchorRule)) {
                    throw "Anchor rule id $anchorId does not exist in section $($section.id) ($($section.name))"
                } else {
                    switch ($Position) {
                        "before" { $section.insertBefore($xmlrule,$anchorRule) | Out-Null }
                        "after" { $section.insertAfter($xmlrule,$anchorRule) | Out-Null }
        #Do the post
        $body = $Section.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/$scopeId/config/$(ConvertTo-NsxApiSectionType $section.type)/$($section.Id)"

        #Need the IfMatch header to specify the current section generation id
        $IfMatchHeader = @{"If-Match"=$generationNumber}
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -extraheader $IfMatchHeader -connection $connection

        try {
            [system.xml.xmldocument]$content = $response.content
        catch {
            throw "API call to NSX was successful, but was unable to interpret NSX API response as xml."
        if ( $ReturnRule ) {
            $content.section.rule | where-object { ( -not ($ExistingIds.Contains($_.id))) }
        else {
            write-warning 'The -ReturnRule:$false option is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please update your scripts so that they accept the return object of New-NsxFirewallRule to be the newly created rule rather than the full section.'
    end {}

function Remove-NsxFirewallRule {

    Removes the specified NSX Distributed Firewall Rule.
    An NSX Distributed Firewall Rule defines a typical 5 tuple rule and is
    enforced on each hypervisor at the point where the VMs NIC connects to the
    portgroup or logical switch.
    This cmdlet removes the specified NSX Distributed Firewall Rule.
    PS C:\> Get-NsxFirewallRule -RuleId 1144 | Remove-NsxFirewallRule

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {


    process {

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Firewall Rule removal is permanent and cannot be reversed."
            $question = "Proceed with removal of Rule $($Rule.Name)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {

            $section = get-nsxFirewallSection $Rule.parentnode.name -connection $connection
            $generationNumber = $section.generationNumber
            $IfMatchHeader = @{"If-Match"=$generationNumber}
            $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/config/$($Section.ParentNode.name.tolower())/$($Section.Id)/rules/$($Rule.id)"

            Write-Progress -activity "Remove Rule $($Rule.Name)"
            $null = invoke-NsxWebRequest -method "delete" -uri $URI  -extraheader $IfMatchHeader -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Remove Rule $($Rule.Name)" -completed


    end {}

function Get-NsxFirewallExclusionListMember {

    Gets the virtual machines that are excluded from the distributed firewall
    The 'Exclusion List' is a list of virtual machines which are excluded from
    the distributed firewall rules. They are not protected and/or limited by it.
    If a virtual machine has multiple vNICs, all of them are excluded from
    VMware recommends that you place the following service virtual machines in
    the Exclusion List
    * vCenter Server.
    * Partner service virtual machines.
    * Virtual machines that require promiscuous mode.
    This cmdlet retrieves all VMs on the exclusion list and returns PowerCLI VM
    Retreives the entire contents of the exclusion list
    Get-NsxFirewallExclusionListMember | where-object { $_.name -match 'myvm'}
    Retreives a specific vm from the exclusion list if it exists.

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
        # Build URL and catch response into XML format
        $URI = "/api/2.1/app/excludelist"
        [System.Xml.XmlDocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "GET" -uri $URI -connection $Connection

        # If there are any VMs found, iterate and return them
        #Martijn - I removed the array build here, as:
        #### a) I preferred to just output VM objects so that the get- | remove- pipline works
        #### b) outputting the VM obj immediately works nicer in a pipeline (object appears immediately)
        #### as opposed to building the array internally where the whole pipeline has to be processed before the user gets any output.
        #### c) Its also less lines :)

        $nodes = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $response -Query 'descendant::VshieldAppConfiguration/excludeListConfiguration/excludeMember')
        if ($nodes){
            foreach ($node in $nodes){
                # output the VI VM object...
                Get-VM -Server $Connection.VIConnection -id "VirtualMachine-$($node.member.objectId)"

    end {}

function Add-NsxFirewallExclusionListMember {

    Adds a virtual machine to the exclusion list, which are excluded from the
    distributed firewall
    The 'Exclusion List' is a list of virtual machines which are excluded from
    the distributed firewall rules. They are not protected and/or limited by it.
    If a virtual machine has multiple vNICs, all of them are excluded from
    VMware recommends that you place the following service virtual machines in
    the Exclusion List
    * vCenter Server.
    * Partner service virtual machines.
    * Virtual machines that require promiscuous mode.
    This cmdlet adds a VM to the exclusion list
    Add-NsxFirewallExclusionListMember -VirtualMachine (Get-VM -Name myVM)
    Adds the VM myVM to the exclusion list
    Get-VM | where-object { $_.name -match 'mgt'} | Add-NsxFirewallExclusionListMember
    Adds all VMs with mgt in their name to the exclusion list.

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {
        # Get VM MOID
        $vmMoid = $VirtualMachine.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value
        # Build URL
        $URI = "/api/2.1/app/excludelist/$vmMoid"

        try {
            $null = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "PUT" -uri $URI -connection $connection
        catch {
            Throw "Unable to add VM $VirtualMachine to Exclusion list. $_"

  end {}

function Remove-NsxFirewallExclusionListMember {

    Removes a virtual machine from the exclusion list, which are excluded from
    the distributed firewall
    The 'Exclusion List' is a list of virtual machines which are excluded from
    the distributed firewall rules. They are not protected and/or limited by it.
    If a virtual machine has multiple vNICs, all of them are excluded from
    VMware recommends that you place the following service virtual machines in
    the Exclusion List
    * vCenter Server.
    * Partner service virtual machines.
    * Virtual machines that require promiscuous mode.
    This cmdlet removes a VM to the exclusion list
    Remove-NsxFirewallExclusionListMember -VirtualMachine (Get-VM -Name myVM)
    Removes the VM myVM from the exclusion list
    Get-NsxFirewallExclusionListMember | Remove-NsxFirewallExclusionlistMember
    Removes all vms from the exclusion list.

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {
        # Get VM MOID
        $vmMoid = $VirtualMachine.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value
        # Build URL
        $URI = "/api/2.1/app/excludelist/$vmMoid"

        try {
            $null = invoke-NsxWebRequest -method "DELETE" -uri $URI -connection $connection
        catch {
            Throw "Unable to remove VM $VirtualMachine from Exclusion list. $_"

    end {}

function Get-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration {

    Retrieves saved Distributed Firewall configuration.
    Retireves saved Distributed Firewall configuration.
    A copy of every published configuration is also saved as a draft. A
    maximum of 100 configurations can be saved at a time. 90 out of
    these 100 can be auto saved configurations from a publish operation.
    When the limit is reached,the oldest configuration that is not marked for
    preserve is purged to make way for a new one.
    Retrieves all saved Distributed Firewall configurations
    Get-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration TestBackup
    Retrieves all Distributed Firewall configurations with the name specified
    Get-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration -Name TestBackup
    Retrieves all Distributed Firewall configurations with the name specified
    Get-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration -ObjectId 403
    Retrieves a Distributed Firewall configuration by ObjectId


    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="ObjectId")]
            # ID of a saved Distributed Firewall Configuration
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,Position=1,ParameterSetName="Name")]
            # Name of a saved Distributed Firewall Configuration
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # PowerNSX Connection object.


    begin {


    process {

        if ( -not ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ObjectId"))) {
            # All Sections

            $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/drafts"
            [system.xml.xmldocument]$Response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            if ((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query "child::firewallDrafts/*")){

                $Return = $Response

                if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name")){
                    $namedResults = $Return.firewallDrafts.firewallDraft | where-object {$_.name -eq $Name}

                    foreach ($config in $namedResults) {
                        Get-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration -ObjectId $config.id -connection $connection
                else {
        else {

            $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/drafts/$ObjectId"
            [system.xml.xmldocument]$Response = Invoke-NsxRestMethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

            if ((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $Response -Query "child::firewallDraft")){
    end {}

function New-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration {

    Creates a manually saved Distributed Firewall configuration.
    Creates a manually saved Distributed Firewall configuration.
    A copy of every published configuration is automatically saved as a draft. A
    maximum of 100 configurations can be saved at a time. 90 out of
    these 100 can be auto saved configurations from a publish operation.
    When the limit is reached,the oldest configuration that is not marked for
    preserve is purged to make way for a new one.
    New-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration -Name Change123 -Description "Backup taken prior to change 123"
    Creates a saved Distributed Firewall Configuration
    New-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration -Name Change123 -Description "Backup taken prior to change 123" -Preserve:$false
    Creates a saved Distributed Firewall Configuration and does not set the preserve flag.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,Position=1)]
            # Name to call the saved configuration
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # A meaningful description for the saved configuration
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Specifies whether to preserve the saved configuration to prevent it being deleted automatically. Default = $True
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # PowerNSX Connection object.

    begin {}

        # Create the XMLRoot
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlRoot = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("firewallDraft")

        # Set the name attribute
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlRoot) | out-null
        $xmlAttrName = $xmlDoc.createAttribute("name")
        $xmlAttrName.value = $Name
        $xmlRoot.Attributes.Append($xmlAttrName) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "preserve" -xmlElementText $Preserve
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "mode" -xmlElementText "userdefined"

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Description") ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description
        } else {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "description"

        #Go and grab the complete firewall configuration to backup
        $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/config"
        [system.xml.xmlDocument]$config = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

        if (-not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $config -Query "child::firewallConfiguration")) {
            throw "Cannot retrieve complete Distributed Firewall configuration."

        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlConfigNode = $xmlRoot.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("config")
        $xmlRoot.AppendChild($xmlConfigNode) | out-null

        foreach ($node in $config.firewallConfiguration.ChildNodes) {
            $xmlConfigBackup = $xmlroot.OwnerDocument.ImportNode($node, $true)
            $xmlConfigNode.AppendChild($xmlConfigBackup) | out-null

        $body = $xmlroot.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/drafts"
        Write-Progress -activity "Creating firewall saved configuration."
        $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        Write-Progress -activity "Creating firewall saved configuration." -completed

        Get-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration -ObjectId $response.firewalldraft.id -connection $connection


function Remove-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration {

    Removes a saved Distributed Firewall configuration.
    The Remove-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration will remove a given saved
    A maximum of 100 configurations can be saved at a time. 90 out of
    these 100 can be auto saved configurations from a publish operation.
    When the limit is reached,the oldest configuration that is not marked for
    preserve is purged to make way for a new one.
    Get-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration -Name Change123 | Remove-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration
    Remove all saved Distributed Firewall Configurations named Change123
    Get-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration -Name Change123 | Remove-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration -Confirm:$false
    Remove all saved Distributed Firewall Configurations named Change123 without prompting for confirmation
    Get-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration -ObjectId 3278 | Remove-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration
    Remove saved Distributed Firewall Configuration with the ID 3278

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            # A valid saved configuration from Get-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateFirewallDraft $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {}

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Removal of a saved Distributed Firewall Configuration is permanent."
            $question = "Proceed with removal of Saved Distributed Firewall Configuration ($($SavedConfig.id) - $($SavedConfig.Name))?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }

        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/drafts/$($SavedConfig.id)"

            Write-Progress -activity "Remove Saved Distributed Firewall Configuration $($SavedConfig.id) - $($SavedConfig.Name)"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Remove Saved Distributed Firewall Configuration $($SavedConfig.id) - $($SavedConfig.Name)" -completed


function Set-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration {

    Update a saved Distributed Firewall configuration.
    Update a saved Distributed Firewall configuration.
    A copy of every published configuration is automatically saved as a draft. A
    maximum of 100 configurations can be saved at a time. 90 out of
    these 100 can be auto saved configurations from a publish operation.
    When the limit is reached,the oldest configuration that is not marked for
    preserve is purged to make way for a new one.
    Get-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration -Name Change123 | Set-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration -Preserve
    Set the Preserve flag to true on an existing saved Distributed Firewall Configuration
    Get-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration -Name Change123 | Set-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration -Name Change123NewName -Description "Now With Description"
    Update the name and description on an existing saved Distributed Firewall Configuration
    Get-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration -Name Change123 | Set-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration -Preserve
    Set the Preserve flag to true on an existing saved Distributed Firewall Configuration

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            # A valid saved configuration from Get-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateFirewallSavedConfiguration $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # Specifies whether to preserve the saved configuration to prevent it being deleted automatically. Default = $True
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # Name to call the saved configuration
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # A meaningful description for the saved configuration
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {}

    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_SavedConfig = $SavedConfig.CloneNode($true)

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name') ) {
            $_SavedConfig.Name = $Name

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Description') ) {
            $_SavedConfig.Description = $Description

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Preserve') ) {
            $_SavedConfig.preserve = [string]$preserve

        $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/drafts/$($SavedConfig.id)"
        $body = $_SavedConfig.OuterXml
        $null = Invoke-NsxRestMethod -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection

        Get-NsxFirewallSavedConfiguration -ObjectId $SavedConfig.id -connection $connection


    end {}


function Get-NsxFirewallThreshold {

    Retrieves the Distributed Firewall thresholds for CPU, Memory
    and Connections per Second
    The firewall module generates system events when the memory and CPU usage
    crosses these thresholds.
    This command will retrieve the threshold configuration for the
    distributed firewall
    PS /> Get-NsxFirewallThreshold
    CPU Memory ConnectionsPerSecond
    --- ------ --------------------
    cpu memory connectionsPerSecond

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object.

    begin {

    process {

        $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/stats/eventthresholds"

        try {
            $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            [system.xml.xmldocument]$Content = $response.content
        catch {
            Throw "Unexpected API response $_"

        if ( Invoke-XPathQuery -Node $content -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -query "child::eventThresholds" ){


function Set-NsxFirewallThreshold {

    Sets the Distributed Firewall thresholds for CPU, Memory
    and Connections per Second
    The firewall module generates system events when the memory and CPU usage
    crosses these thresholds.
    This command will set the threshold configuration for the
    distributed firewall
    PS /> Set-NsxFirewallThreshold -Cpu 70 -Memory 70 -ConnectionsPerSecond 35000
    CPU Memory ConnectionsPerSecond
    --- ------ --------------------
    cpu memory connectionsPerSecond

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object.

    begin {}

    process {

        #Capture existing thresholds
        $currentthreshold =  Get-NsxFirewallThreshold

        #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
        #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.

        # Must convert all ToString due to Windows issues. macOS and Linux are fine without.
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Cpu') ) {
             $currentthreshold.cpu.percentValue = $Cpu.ToString()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Memory') ) {
            $currentthreshold.memory.percentValue = $Memory.ToString()
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ConnectionsPerSecond') ) {
            $currentthreshold.connectionsPerSecond.value = $ConnectionsPerSecond.ToString()

        $uri = "/api/4.0/firewall/stats/eventthresholds"
        $body = $currentthreshold.outerXml
        Invoke-NsxWebRequest -method "PUT" -URI $uri -body $body | out-null

    end {}

function Get-NsxFirewallRuleMember {

    Retrieves the specified members from specified NSX Distributed Firewall
    An NSX Distributed Firewall Rule defines a typical 5 tuple rule and is
    enforced on each hypervisor at the point where the VMs NIC connects to the
    portgroup or logical switch.
    This cmdlet accepts a firewall rule object returned from Get-NsxFirewallRule
    and returns the specified source and/or destination members of the rule.
    Its primary use is to provide a source object for the
    Remove-NsxFirewallRuleMember cmdlet.
    get-nsxfirewallrule -RuleId 5441 | Get-NsxFirewallRuleMember | format-table
        RuleId SectionId MemberType Name Value Type isValid
        ------ --------- ---------- ---- ----- ---- -------
        5441 3717 Source Ipv4Address true
        5441 3717 Destination test ipset-309 IPSet true
        5441 3717 Destination Web02 vm-1266 VirtualMachine true
        5441 3717 Destination Ipv4Address true
    Get all members from rule id 5441 and format output as table.
    get-nsxfirewallrule -RuleId 5441 | Get-NsxFirewallRuleMember -MemberType Source -Member
        RuleId : 5441
        SectionId : 3717
        MemberType : Source
        Name :
        Value :
        Type : Ipv4Address
        isValid : true
    Get just the source member from rule id 5441
    get-nsxfirewallrule -RuleId 5441 | Get-NsxFirewallRuleMember -Member | Format-Table
        RuleId SectionId MemberType Name Value Type isValid
        ------ --------- ---------- ---- ----- ---- -------
        5441 3717 Source Ipv4Address true
        5441 3717 Destination Ipv4Address true
    Get member in either source or destination of rule 5441. Matching by string
    get-nsxfirewallrule -RuleId 5441 | Get-NsxFirewallRuleMember -Member web\d+ | Format-Table
        RuleId SectionId MemberType Name Value Type isValid
        ------ --------- ---------- ---- ----- ---- -------
        5441 3717 Source Web01 vm-1270 VirtualMachine true
        5441 3717 Destination Web02 vm-1266 VirtualMachine true
    Get any member of rule 5441 with a name matching the regular expression web\d+ (the string web followed by 1 or more digit)
    get-nsxfirewallrule -RuleId 5441 | Get-NsxFirewallRuleMember -Member (get-vm web01) | Format-Table
        RuleId SectionId MemberType Name Value Type isValid
        ------ --------- ---------- ---- ----- ---- -------
        5441 3717 Source Web01 vm-1270 VirtualMachine true
    Get any member of rule 5441 that is the VM web01. Matching by PowerCLI object
    get-nsxfirewallrule -RuleId 5441 | Get-NsxFirewallRuleMember -Member (get-nsxipset test) | Format-Table
        RuleId SectionId MemberType Name Value Type isValid
        ------ --------- ---------- ---- ----- ---- -------
        5441 3717 Destination test ipset-309 IPSet true
    Get any member of the rule 5441 that is the NSX IPSet called test. Matching by PowerNSX object
    get-nsxfirewallrule | Get-NsxFirewallRuleMember -Member (get-nsxipset test) | Format-Table
        RuleId SectionId MemberType Name Value Type isValid
        ------ --------- ---------- ---- ----- ---- -------
        5441 3717 Destination test ipset-309 IPSet true
    Get any member of the rule 5441 that is the NSX IPSet called test. Matching by PowerNSX object
    get-nsxfirewallrule | Get-NsxFirewallRuleMember -Member (get-vm web01) | Format-Table
        RuleId SectionId MemberType Name Value Type isValid
        ------ --------- ---------- ---- ----- ---- -------
        5441 3717 Source Web01 vm-1270 VirtualMachine true
        4332 3717 Source Web01 vm-1270 VirtualMachine true
    Get any member of any rule that is the VM object web01. Matching accross all rules by PowerCLI object


    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            # DFW rule as returned by Get-NsxFirewallRule / New-NsxFirewallRule
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateFirewallRule $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, Position=1)]
            # Member(s) to return. Can specify as a string or VI / NSX Object (VM, Logical Switch etc)). String match is processed as regex (eg: web\d{2} is supported)
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateFirewallRuleMember $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # MemberType to return. Source, Destination or All (Default)
            [ValidateSet("Source","Destination", "All")]

    begin {}

    process {

        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Rule $($FirewallRule.id)"
        foreach ( $_Member in $Member ) {
            if ( $_Member -is [string] ) {
                if ( $Membertype -match "Source|All" ) {
                    if ( Invoke-XpathQuery -Node $FirewallRule -query "child::sources/source" -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode ) {
                        foreach ($source in $FirewallRule.Sources.Source ) {
                            #check member type - ipv4/6 addresses dont have a 'name' property, but user will expect operation against 'value' property. Sigh... why is our API so f*@#$&n inconsistent...
                            if ( $source.type -match "ipv4Address|ipv6Address"  ) {
                                if ( $source.value -match $_Member ) {
                                    [pscustomobject]@{"RuleId" = $FirewallRule.id; "SectionId" = $FirewallRule.SectionId; "MemberType" = "Source"; "Name" = $null; "Value" = $source.Value; "Type" = $source.Type; "isValid" = $source.isValid }
                            elseif ( $source.name -match $_Member ) {
                                [pscustomobject]@{"RuleId" = $FirewallRule.id; "SectionId" = $FirewallRule.SectionId; "MemberType" = "Source"; "Name" = $source.Name; "Value" = $source.Value; "Type" = $source.Type; "isValid" = $source.isValid }
                if ( $Membertype -match "Destination|All" ) {
                    if ( Invoke-XpathQuery -Node $FirewallRule -query "child::destinations/destination" -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode ) {
                        foreach ($destination in $FirewallRule.Destinations.Destination ) {
                            #check member type - ipv4/6 addresses dont have a 'name' property, but user will expect operation against 'value' property.
                            if ( $destination.type -match "ipv4Address|ipv6Address"  ) {
                                if ( $destination.value -match $_Member ) {
                                    [pscustomobject]@{"RuleId" = $FirewallRule.id; "SectionId" = $FirewallRule.SectionId; "MemberType" = "Destination"; "Name" = $null; "Value" = $destination.Value; "Type" = $destination.Type; "isValid" = $destination.isValid }
                            elseif ( $Destination.name -match $_Member ) {
                                [pscustomobject]@{"RuleId" = $FirewallRule.id; "SectionId" = $FirewallRule.SectionId; "MemberType" = "Destination"; "Name" = $destination.Name; "Value" = $destination.Value; "Type" = $destination.Type; "isValid" = $destination.isValid }
            elseif ( $_Member -is [system.xml.xmlelement] ) {
                #XML representation of NSX object passed - ipset, sec group or logical switch. match on value (objectId)
                if ( $Membertype -match "Source|All" ) {
                    if ( Invoke-XpathQuery -Node $FirewallRule -query "child::sources/source" -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode ) {
                        foreach ($source in $FirewallRule.Sources.Source ) {
                            #ignore any ip4/6 rules - user can only match them on string based search so wont hit here...
                            if (( $source.type -notmatch "ipv4Address|ipv6Address"  ) -and ( $source.value -match $_Member.objectId )) {
                                [pscustomobject]@{"RuleId" = $FirewallRule.id; "SectionId" = $FirewallRule.SectionId; "MemberType" = "Source"; "Name" = $source.Name; "Value" = $source.Value; "Type" = $source.Type; "isValid" = $source.isValid }
                if ( $Membertype -match "Destination|All" ) {
                    if ( Invoke-XpathQuery -Node $FirewallRule -query "child::destinations/destination" -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode ) {
                        foreach ($destination in $FirewallRule.Destinations.Destination ) {
                            #ignore any ip4/6 rules - user can only match them on string based search so wont hit here...
                            if (( $destination.type -notmatch "ipv4Address|ipv6Address"  ) -and ( $destination.value -match $_Member.objectId )) {
                                [pscustomobject]@{"RuleId" = $FirewallRule.id; "SectionId" = $FirewallRule.SectionId; "MemberType" = "Destination"; "Name" = $destination.Name; "Value" = $destination.Value; "Type" = $destination.Type; "isValid" = $destination.isValid }
            else {
                #Proper PowerCLI Object passed
                if (  $_Member -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.VirtualDevice.NetworkAdapterInterop] ) {
                    #If passed object is a NIC, its easiest to match on name.
                    $NicName = "$($_Member.parent.name) - $($Member.name)"
                    if ( $Membertype -match "Source|All" ) {
                        if ( Invoke-XpathQuery -Node $FirewallRule -query "child::sources/source" -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode ) {
                            foreach ($source in $FirewallRule.Sources.Source ) {
                                if (( $source.type -match "Vnic"  ) -and ( $source.name -match $NicName )) {
                                    [pscustomobject]@{"RuleId" = $FirewallRule.id; "SectionId" = $FirewallRule.SectionId; "MemberType" = "Source"; "Name" = $source.Name; "Value" = $source.Value; "Type" = $source.Type; "isValid" = $source.isValid }
                    if ( $Membertype -match "Destination|All" ) {
                        if ( Invoke-XpathQuery -Node $FirewallRule -query "child::destinations/destination" -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode ) {
                            foreach ($destination in $FirewallRule.Destinations.Destination ) {
                                if (( $destination.type -match "Vnic"  ) -and ( $destination.name -match $NicName )) {
                                    [pscustomobject]@{"RuleId" = $FirewallRule.id; "SectionId" = $FirewallRule.SectionId; "MemberType" = "Destination"; "Name" = $Destination.Name; "Value" = $Destination.Value; "Type" = $Destination.Type; "isValid" = $Destination.isValid }
                else {
                    #any other accepted PowerCLI object, we just need to grab details from the moref.
                    if ( $Membertype -match "Source|All" ) {
                        if ( Invoke-XpathQuery -Node $FirewallRule -query "child::sources/source" -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode ) {
                            foreach ($source in $FirewallRule.Sources.Source ) {
                            if (( $source.type -notmatch "ipv4Address|ipv6Address"  ) -and ( $source.value -match $_Member.extensiondata.moref.value )) {
                                    [pscustomobject]@{"RuleId" = $FirewallRule.id; "SectionId" = $FirewallRule.SectionId; "MemberType" = "Source"; "Name" = $source.Name; "Value" = $source.Value; "Type" = $source.Type; "isValid" = $source.isValid }
                    if ( $Membertype -match "Destination|All" ) {
                        if ( Invoke-XpathQuery -Node $FirewallRule -query "child::destinations/destination" -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode ) {
                            foreach ($destination in $FirewallRule.Destinations.Destination ) {
                            if (( $destination.type -notmatch "ipv4Address|ipv6Address"  ) -and ( $destination.value -match $_Member.extensiondata.moref.value )) {
                                    [pscustomobject]@{"RuleId" = $FirewallRule.id; "SectionId" = $FirewallRule.SectionId; "MemberType" = "Destination"; "Name" = $Destination.Name; "Value" = $Destination.Value; "Type" = $Destination.Type; "isValid" = $Destination.isValid }

    end {}

function Add-NsxFirewallRuleMember {

    Adds a new source or destination member to the specified NSX Distributed
    Firewall Rule.
    An NSX Distributed Firewall Rule defines a typical 5 tuple rule and is
    enforced on each hypervisor at the point where the VMs NIC connects to the
    portgroup or logical switch.
    This cmdlet accepts a firewall rule object returned from Get-NsxFirewallRule
    and adds the specified source and/or destination members to the rule.
    get-nsxfirewallrule -RuleId 5441 | add-NsxFirewallRuleMember -MemberType Source -Member (get-vm web01) | Format-Table
        RuleId SectionId MemberType Name Value Type isValid
        ------ --------- ---------- ---- ----- ---- -------
        5441 3717 Source Web01 vm-1270 VirtualMachine true
        5441 3717 Source Ipv4Address true
        5441 3717 Destination test ipset-309 IPSet true
        5441 3717 Destination Web02 vm-1266 VirtualMachine true
    Add the vm web01 as a source member of rule 5441 - output as table.
    get-nsxfirewallrule -RuleId 5441 | add-NsxFirewallRuleMember -MemberType Destination -Member "" | Format-Table
        RuleId SectionId MemberType Name Value Type isValid
        ------ --------- ---------- ---- ----- ---- -------
        5441 3717 Source Web01 vm-1270 VirtualMachine true
        5441 3717 Source Ipv4Address true
        5441 3717 Destination test ipset-309 IPSet true
        5441 3717 Destination Web02 vm-1266 VirtualMachine true
        5441 3717 Destination Ipv4Address true
    Add the ip to the destinations of rule 5441 - output as table.
    get-nsxfirewallrule -RuleId 5441 | Add-NsxFirewallRuleMember -MemberType Destination -Member (get-vm web02),"",$IPSetTest | Format-Table
        RuleId SectionId MemberType Name Value Type isValid
        ------ --------- ---------- ---- ----- ---- -------
        5441 3717 Source Web01 vm-1270 VirtualMachine true
        5441 3717 Source Ipv4Address true
        5441 3717 Destination test ipset-309 IPSet true
        5441 3717 Destination Web02 vm-1266 VirtualMachine true
        5441 3717 Destination Ipv4Address true
    Add, the vm web02 and the nsx ipset stored in $ipsettest to the rule 5441 - output as table.


    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            # DFW rule as returned by Get-NsxFirewallRule / New-NsxFirewallRule
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateFirewallRule $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, Position=1)]
            # Member(s) to add. specify ipv4/6 addresses as a string or other member types as VI / NSX Object (VM, Logical Switch etc)).
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateFirewallRuleSourceDest $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            # MemberType to add. Source, Destination or Both
            [ValidateSet("Source","Destination", "Both")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object.

    begin {}

    process {

        $sectionId = $FirewallRule.ParentNode.Id
        $RuleId = $FirewallRule.id
        $generationNumber = $FirewallRule.ParentNode.generationnumber

        #Clone the xml so we dont modify source...
        $_FirewallRule = $FirewallRule.CloneNode($true)
        if ( $MemberType -eq "Both" ) {

            # We are defaulting negation to false here as negation applied to ALL members. If we allow user to specify in this cmdlet, then we have to catch the scenario where the rule has existing sources (and we shouldnt override the existing negation setting). Prefer to require user to explicitly use separate set-nsxfirewallrule -negatesource / -negatedestination?
            if ( -not ( invoke-xpathquery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -query "child::sources" -node $_FirewallRule)) {
                Add-NsxSourceDestNode -Rule $_FirewallRule -Nodetype "sources" -negated:$false

            if ( -not ( invoke-xpathquery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -query "child::destinations" -node $_FirewallRule)) {
                Add-NsxSourceDestNode -Rule $_FirewallRule -Nodetype "destinations" -negated:$false

            Add-NsxSourceDestMember -membertype "source" -memberlist $member -rule $_FirewallRule
            Add-NsxSourceDestMember -membertype "destination" -memberlist $member -rule $_FirewallRule
        else {
            if ( -not ( invoke-xpathquery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -query "child::$($Membertype.ToLower())s" -node $_FirewallRule)) {
                Add-NsxSourceDestNode -Rule $_FirewallRule -Nodetype "$($Membertype.ToLower())s" -negated:$false
            Add-NsxSourceDestMember -membertype $MemberType.ToLower() -memberlist $member -rule $_FirewallRule

        $uri = "/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/config/layer3sections/$sectionId/rules/$Ruleid"
        #Need the IfMatch header to specify the current section generation id
        $IfMatchHeader = @{"If-Match"=$generationNumber}
        try {
            $response = Invoke-NsxWebRequest -method put -Uri $uri -body $_FirewallRule.OuterXml -extraheader $IfMatchHeader -connection $connection
            [xml]$ruleElem = $response.Content
            Get-NsxFirewallRule -RuleId $ruleElem.rule.id | Get-NsxFirewallRuleMember
        catch {
            throw "Failed to add member to specified rule. $_"

    end {}

function Remove-NsxFirewallRuleMember {

    Removes the specified source or destination member from the specified NSX
    Distributed Firewall Rule.
    An NSX Distributed Firewall Rule defines a typical 5 tuple rule and is
    enforced on each hypervisor at the point where the VMs NIC connects to the
    portgroup or logical switch.
    This cmdlet accepts a firewall rule member object returned from
    Get-NsxFirewallRuleMember and removes it from its parent rule.
    get-nsxfirewallrule -RuleId 5441 | Get-NsxFirewallRuleMember -MemberType Source -Member | Remove-NsxFirewallRuleMember
        Removal of a firewall rule member is permanent and will modify your security posture.
        Proceed with removal of member from the Source list of firewallrule 5441 in section 3717?
        [Y] Yes [N] No [?] Help (default is "N"): y
    Remove the source from firewall rule 5441
    get-nsxfirewallrule -RuleId 5441 | Get-NsxFirewallRuleMember -MemberType Source -Member | Remove-NsxFirewallRuleMember
        Removal of a firewall rule member is permanent and will modify your security posture.
        Proceed with removal of member from the Source list of firewallrule 5441 in section 3717?
        [Y] Yes [N] No [?] Help (default is "N"): y
    Remove the source from firewall rule 5441
    get-nsxfirewallrule -RuleId 5441 | Get-NsxFirewallRuleMember -MemberType Source -Member | Remove-NsxFirewallRuleMember -confirm:$false
    Remove the source from firewall rule 5441 with no confirmation.
    get-nsxfirewallrule -RuleId 5441 | Get-NsxFirewallRuleMember -MemberType Source | Remove-NsxFirewallRuleMember
        Removal of a firewall rule member is permanent and will modify your security posture.
        Proceed with removal of member from the Source list of firewallrule 5441 in section 3717?
        [Y] Yes [N] No [?] Help (default is "N"): y
        Removal of a firewall rule member is permanent and will modify your security posture.
        Proceed with removal of member vm-1270 from the Source list of firewallrule 5441 in section 3717?
        [Y] Yes [N] No [?] Help (default is "N"): y
        The source member vm-1270 of rule 5441 in section 3717 is the last source member in this rule. Its removal will cause this rule to match ANY Source
        Confirm rule 5441 to match Source ANY?
        [Y] Yes [N] No [?] Help (default is "N"): y
        WARNING: The source member vm-1270 of rule 5441 in section 3717 was the last member in this rule. Its removal has caused this rule to now match ANY Source.
    Remove ALL sources from the firewall rule 5441. Note the extra prompt AND warning that you are about to make this rule match on ANY source.
    get-nsxfirewallrule -RuleId 5441 | Get-NsxFirewallRuleMember -MemberType Source | Remove-NsxFirewallRuleMember -Confirm:$false
        The source member vm-1270 of rule 5441 in section 3717 is the last source member in this rule. Its removal will cause this rule to match ANY Source
        Confirm rule 5441 to match Source ANY?
        [Y] Yes [N] No [?] Help (default is "N"): y
    Remove ALL sources from the firewall rule 5441 with no confirmation prompt. Note the remaining prompt AND warning that you are about to make this rule match on ANY source.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            # DFW rule member as returned by Get-NsxFirewallRuleMember
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateFirewallRuleMemberObject $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Override confirmation of removal of last source or destination member - effectively converting rule to match ANY in the appropriate field (source or destination). Specify as -SayHello2Heaven to disable confirmation prompt. RIP Chris Cornell, 17 May 2017
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object.

    begin {
        # We process all member modifications offline as part of pipeline processing, then we put the updated sections to the api in the end{} section to optimise multiple edits to the same rule.
        # Save modified rules in a hash table keyed by ruleid
        $ModifiedSections = @{}

    process {

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Removal of a firewall rule member is permanent and will modify your security posture."
            $question = "Proceed with removal of member $($FirewallRuleMember.Value) from the $($FirewallRuleMember.MemberType) list of firewallrule $($FirewallRuleMember.RuleId) in section $($FirewallRuleMember.SectionId)?"
            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))
            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }

        if ( $decision -eq 0 ) {
            if ( $ModifiedSections.ContainsKey($FirewallRuleMember.SectionId )) {
                # Section has already been updated in this pipeline, so we modify the already updated xml.
                $SectionXml = $ModifiedSections[$FirewallRuleMember.SectionId]
            else {
                # We havent touched the section yet, so we have to get it
                $SectionXml = Get-NsxFirewallSection -objectId $FirewallRuleMember.SectionId
                $ModifiedSections.Add($FirewallRuleMember.SectionId, $SectionXml)

            $Query = "descendant::rule[@id=`"$($FirewallRuleMember.RuleId.ToString())`"]/*/$($FirewallRuleMember.MemberType.ToString().ToLower())[value=`"$($FirewallRuleMember.Value.ToString())`"]"
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Executing xpath query to locate member in section: $query"
            $XmlMember = Invoke-XpathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Query $Query -node $SectionXml

            if ( @($XmlMember).Count -ne 1) {
                throw "Xpath query for member $($FirewallRuleMember.Name) did not result in exactly one member being returned. $(@($XmlMember).count) members were matched. Please report this issue at https://github.com/vmware/powernsx/issues/ and include steps to reproduce."
            if ( $XmlMember.ParentNode.ParentNode.id -ne $FirewallRuleMember.RuleId ) {
                throw "Xpath query for member $($FirewallRuleMember.Name) returned a member with a non matching ruleid: $($XmlMember.ParentNode.ParentNode.id) -ne $($FirewallRuleMember.RuleId). Please report this issue at https://github.com/vmware/powernsx/issues/ and include steps to reproduce."

            # Assuming our xpath query is correct, we can simply remove the child element from its parent node
            $ParentNode = $XmlMember.ParentNode
            $AllChildNodes = Invoke-XpathQuery -Node $ParentNode -QueryMethod SelectNodes -query "child::$($FirewallRuleMember.MemberType.ToString().ToLower())"

            if ( @($AllChildNodes).count -eq 1 )  {
                # We have about to remove the last member from the sources or destinations element. API will reject and empty sources elem, so we need to remove it.
                # We also should warn the user that this just became an any rule!
                # Also - when Im doing this 'get my parent and call its removechild method to remove myself' kinda circular operation, it always reminds me of the Lorax lifting himself by the seat of his pants and disappearing...

                if ( -not $SayHello2Heaven ) {
                    $message  = "The $($FirewallRuleMember.MemberType.ToLower()) member $($FirewallRuleMember.Value) of rule $($FirewallRuleMember.RuleId) in section $($FirewallRuleMember.SectionId) is the last $($FirewallRuleMember.MemberType.ToLower()) member in this rule. Its removal will cause this rule to match ANY $($FirewallRuleMember.MemberType)"
                    $question = "Confirm rule $($FirewallRuleMember.RuleId) to match $($FirewallRuleMember.MemberType) ANY?"
                    $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                    $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                    $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))
                    $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
                else { $decision = 0 }

                if ( $decision -eq 0 ) {
                    write-warning "The $($FirewallRuleMember.MemberType.ToLower()) member $($FirewallRuleMember.Value) of rule $($FirewallRuleMember.RuleId) in section $($FirewallRuleMember.SectionId) was the last member in this rule. Its removal has caused this rule to now match ANY $($FirewallRuleMember.MemberType)."
                    $ParentNode.RemoveChild($XmlMember) | out-null
                    $ParentNode.ParentNode.RemoveChild($ParentNode) | out-null
            else {
                $ParentNode.RemoveChild($XmlMember) | out-null

    end {

        # Section XML is updated in process block. End block fires at end of pipeline processing and is where we push the updated sections to reduce the number of API roundtrips...
        foreach ( $Section in $ModifiedSections.Values ) {

            switch ( $Section.Type ) {
                "LAYER3" { $SectionType = "layer3sections"}
                "LAYER2" { $SectionType = "layer2sections"}
                "L3REDIRECT" { $SectionType = "layer3redirectsections"}

            $uri = "/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/config/$SectionType/$($section.Id)"
            # Need the IfMatch header to specify the current section generation id
            $IfMatchHeader = @{"If-Match"=$Section.generationNumber}

            try {
                $response = Invoke-NsxWebRequest -method put -Uri $uri -body $Section.outerxml -extraheader $IfMatchHeader -connection $connection
                [xml]$Section = $response.Content
            catch {
                throw "Failed to post updated NSX Firewall Section $($Section.Id). $_"

function Get-NsxFirewallGlobalConfiguration {

    Retrieves the Distributed Firewall global configuration options.
    The global firewalll configuration options can be used to modify
    firewall performance.
    This command will retrieve the current configuration options for the
    distributed firewall
    PS /> Get-NsxFirewallGlobalConfiguration
    layer3RuleOptimize layer2RuleOptimize tcpStrictOption
    ------------------ ------------------ ---------------
    false true false

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object.

    begin {

    process {

        $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/config/globalconfiguration"
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

        try {
            [system.xml.xmldocument]$globalConfigurationDoc = $response.content
        catch {
            Throw "Unexpected API response $_"



function Set-NsxFirewallGlobalConfiguration {

    Sets the Distributed Firewall global configuration options.
    The global firewalll configuration options can be used to modify
    the distributed firewall.
    PS /> Get-NsxFirewallGlobalConfiguration | Set-NsxFirewallGlobalConfiguration -EnableTcpStrict -DisableAutoDraft
    layer3RuleOptimize layer2RuleOptimize tcpStrictOption autoDraftDisabled
    ------------------ ------------------ --------------- -----------------
    false true true true

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object.

    begin {}

        #Capture existing options
        $_GlobalConfiguration = $GlobalConfiguration.CloneNode($True)

        #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
        #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EnableTcpStrict') ) {
             $_GlobalConfiguration.tcpStrictOption = [string]$EnableTcpStrict

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DisableAutoDraft') ) {
            # Check to see if the element already exists
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_GlobalConfiguration -Query 'descendant::autoDraftDisabled')) {
                $_GlobalConfiguration.autoDraftDisabled = [string]$DisableAutoDraft
            else {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_GlobalConfiguration -xmlElementName "autoDraftDisabled" -xmlElementText $DisableAutoDraft

        $uri = "/api/4.0/firewall/config/globalconfiguration"
        $body = $_GlobalConfiguration.outerXml
        Invoke-NsxWebRequest -method "PUT" -URI $uri -body $body | out-null



    end {}

function Get-NsxFirewallPublishStatus {

    Retrieves the Distributed Firewall publish status showing per cluster
    generation number and status.
    An NSX Distributed Firewall Rule defines a typical 5 tuple rule and is
    enforced on each hypervisor at the point where the VMs NIC connects to the
    portgroup or logical switch.
    The Get-NsxFirewallPublishStatus cmdet retreives the current publishign
    status for each DFW enabled cluster.

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object.

    begin {

    process {

        $URI = "/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/status"

        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
        [system.xml.xmldocument]$Content = $response.content

        if ( Invoke-XPathQuery -Node $content -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -query "child::firewallStatus" ){


# Load Balancing

function Get-NsxLoadBalancer {

    Retrieves the LoadBalancer configuration from a specified Edge.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability.
    The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple paths
    to a specific destination. It distributes incoming service requests evenly
    among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution is
    transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal
    resource utilization, maximizing throughput, minimizing response time, and
    avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to Layer 7.
    This cmdlet retrieves the LoadBalancer configuration from a specified Edge.
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxLoadBalancer


    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdge $_ })]

    begin {}

    process {

        #We append the Edge-id to the associated LB XML to enable pipeline workflows and
        #consistent readable output (PSCustom object approach results in 'edge and
        #LoadBalancer' props of the output which is not pretty for the user)

        $_LoadBalancer = $Edge.features.loadBalancer.CloneNode($True)
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_LoadBalancer -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $Edge.Id


function Set-NsxLoadBalancer {

    Configures an NSX LoadBalancer.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability.
    The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple paths
    to a specific destination. It distributes incoming service requests evenly
    among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution is
    transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal
    resource utilization, maximizing throughput, minimizing response time, and
    avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to Layer 7.
    This cmdlet sets the basic LoadBalancer configuration of an NSX Load Balancer.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxLoadBalancer | Set-NsxLoadBalancer -Enabled
    Enabled the LoadBalancer feature on Edge.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxLoadBalancer | Set-NsxLoadBalancer -Enabled:$false
    Disabled the LoadBalancer feature on Edge.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxLoadBalancer | Set-NsxLoadBalancer -EnableAcceleration
    Enabled the Acceleration feature (uses the faster L4 LB engine rather than L7 LB engine) on Load Balancer.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxLoadBalancer | Set-NsxLoadBalancer -EnableLogging
    Enabled Load Balancer collects traffic logs.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxLoadBalancer | Set-NsxLoadBalancer -LogLevel debug
    Choose the log level (emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug)
    of Load Balancer traffic logs.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancer $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {

    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_LoadBalancer = $LoadBalancer.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $_LoadBalancer.edgeId
        $_LoadBalancer.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LoadBalancer -Query 'descendant::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        #Using PSBoundParamters.ContainsKey lets us know if the user called us with a given parameter.
        #If the user did not specify a given parameter, we dont want to modify from the existing value.

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Enabled') ) {
            if ( $Enabled ) {
                $_LoadBalancer.enabled = "true"
            } else {
                $_LoadBalancer.enabled = "false"

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EnableAcceleration') ) {
            if ( $EnableAcceleration ) {
                $_LoadBalancer.accelerationEnabled = "true"
            } else {
                $_LoadBalancer.accelerationEnabled = "false"

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EnableLogging') ) {
            if ( $EnableLogging ) {
                $_LoadBalancer.logging.enable = "true"
            } else {
                $_LoadBalancer.logging.enable = "false"

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('LogLevel') ) {
            $_LoadBalancer.logging.logLevel = $LogLevel

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($edgeId)/loadbalancer/config"
        $body = $_LoadBalancer.OuterXml

        Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($edgeId)"
        $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($edgeId)" -completed
        Get-NsxEdge -objectId $($edgeId)  -connection $connection | Get-NsxLoadBalancer


function Get-NsxLoadBalancerMonitor {

    Retrieves the LoadBalancer Monitors from a specified LoadBalancer.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability.
    The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple paths
    to a specific destination. It distributes incoming service requests evenly
    among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution is
    transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal
    resource utilization, maximizing throughput, minimizing response time, and
    avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to Layer 7.
    Load Balancer Monitors are the method by which a Load Balancer determines
    the health of pool members.
    This cmdlet retrieves the LoadBalancer Monitors from a specified
    PS C:\> $LoadBalancer | Get-NsxLoadBalancerMonitor default_http_monitor


    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancer $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="monitorId")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Name",Position=1)]

    begin {}

    process {

        if ( $Name) {
            $Monitors = $loadbalancer.monitor | where-object { $_.name -eq $Name }
        elseif ( $monitorId ) {
            $Monitors = $loadbalancer.monitor | where-object { $_.monitorId -eq $monitorId }
        else {
            $Monitors = $loadbalancer.monitor

        foreach ( $Monitor in $Monitors ) {
            $_Monitor = $Monitor.CloneNode($True)
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_Monitor -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $LoadBalancer.edgeId
    end{ }

function New-NsxLoadBalancerMonitor {

    Creates a new LoadBalancer Service Monitor on the specified
    Edge Services Gateway.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability.
    The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple paths
    to a specific destination. It distributes incoming service requests evenly
    among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution is
    transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal
    resource utilization, maximizing throughput, minimizing response time, and
    avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to Layer 7.
    Service monitors define health check parameters for a particular type of
    network traffic. When you associate a service monitor with a pool, the pool
    members are monitored according to the service monitor parameters.
    This cmdlet creates a new LoadBalancer Service monitor on a specified
    Load Balancer
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxLoadBalancer | New-NsxLoadBalancerMonitor
    -Name Web-Monitor -interval 10 -Timeout 10 -MaxRetries 3 -Type
    HTTPS -Method GET -Url "/WAPI/api/status" -Expected "200 OK"


    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="HTTP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="HTTPS")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="TCP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="ICMP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="UDP")]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancer $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="HTTP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="HTTPS")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="TCP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="ICMP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="UDP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="HTTP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="HTTPS")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="TCP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="ICMP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="UDP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="HTTP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="HTTPS")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="TCP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="ICMP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="UDP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="HTTP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="HTTPS")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="TCP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="ICMP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="UDP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="HTTP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="HTTPS")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="TCP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="ICMP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="UDP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="HTTP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="HTTPS")]
            [ValidateSet("GET","POST","OPTIONS", IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="HTTP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="HTTPS")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="HTTP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="HTTPS")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="HTTP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="HTTPS")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="TCP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="ICMP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="UDP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="HTTP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="HTTPS")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="TCP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="ICMP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="UDP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="HTTP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="HTTPS")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="TCP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="ICMP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="UDP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="HTTP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="HTTPS")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="TCP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="ICMP")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="UDP")]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Store the edgeId
        $edgeId = $LoadBalancer.edgeId

        if ( -not $LoadBalancer.enabled -eq 'true' ) {
            write-warning "Load Balancer feature is not enabled on edge $($edgeId). Use Set-NsxLoadBalancer -Enabled to enable."

        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlmonitor = $LoadBalancer.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("monitor")

        #Common Elements
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlmonitor -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlmonitor -xmlElementName "interval" -xmlElementText $Interval
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlmonitor -xmlElementName "timeout" -xmlElementText $Timeout
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlmonitor -xmlElementName "maxRetries" -xmlElementText $MaxRetries

        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Send')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlmonitor -xmlElementName "send" -xmlElementText $Send

        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Receive')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlmonitor -xmlElementName "receive" -xmlElementText $Receive

        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Extension')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlmonitor -xmlElementName "extension" -xmlElementText $Extension

        #Type specific
        switch -regex ( $PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {

            "HTTP" {
                #will match both HTTP and HTTPS due to regex switch handling...
                if ( $TypeHttp ) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlmonitor -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText "http"
                } else {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlmonitor -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText "https"

                if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Method')) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlmonitor -xmlElementName "method" -xmlElementText $Method

                if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Url')) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlmonitor -xmlElementName "url" -xmlElementText $Url

                if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Expected')) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlmonitor -xmlElementName "expected" -xmlElementText $Expected

            "ICMP" {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlmonitor -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText "icmp"

            "TCP" {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlmonitor -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText "tcp"

            "UDP" {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlmonitor -xmlElementName "type" -xmlElementText "udp"

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeId/loadbalancer/config/monitors"
        $body = $xmlmonitor.OuterXml

        Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($edgeId)" -status "Load Balancer Monitor Config"
        $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($edgeId)" -completed

        get-nsxedge -objectId $edgeId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLoadBalancer | Get-NsxLoadBalancerMonitor -name $Name

    end {}

function Remove-NsxLoadBalancerMonitor {

    Removes the specified LoadBalancer Monitor.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability.
    The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple paths
    to a specific destination. It distributes incoming service requests evenly
    among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution is
    transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal
    resource utilization, maximizing throughput, minimizing response time, and
    avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to Layer 7.
    Service monitors define health check parameters for a particular type of
    network traffic. When you associate a service monitor with a pool, the pool
    members are monitored according to the service monitor parameters.
    This cmdlet removes the specified LoadBalancer Monitor.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancerMonitor $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $Monitor.edgeId
        $MonitorId = $Monitor.monitorId

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeId/loadbalancer/config/monitors/$MonitorId"

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Monitor removal is permanent."
            $question = "Proceed with removal of Load Balancer Monitor $($MonitorId)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $EdgeId" -status "Removing Monitor $MonitorId"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $EdgeId" -completed


    end {}

function Get-NsxLoadBalancerApplicationProfile {

    Retrieves LoadBalancer Application Profiles from a specified LoadBalancer.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability.
    The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple paths
    to a specific destination. It distributes incoming service requests evenly
    among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution is
    transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal
    resource utilization, maximizing throughput, minimizing response time, and
    avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to Layer 7.
    Application profiles define the behavior of a particular type of network
    traffic. After configuring a profile, you associate the profile with a
    virtual server. The virtual server then processes traffic according to the
    values specified in the profile. Using profiles enhances your control over
    managing network traffic, and makes traffic‐management tasks easier and more
    This cmdlet retrieves the LoadBalancer Application Profiles from a specified
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxLoadBalancer |
        Get-NsxLoadBalancerApplicationProfile HTTP


    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancer $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="applicationProfileId")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Name",Position=1)]


    begin {}

    process {

        if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $LoadBalancer -Query 'descendant::applicationProfile')) {
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name')) {
                $AppProfiles = $loadbalancer.applicationProfile | where-object { $_.name -eq $Name }
            elseif ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('objectId') ) {
                $AppProfiles = $loadbalancer.applicationProfile | where-object { $_.applicationProfileId -eq $objectId }
            else {
                $AppProfiles = $loadbalancer.applicationProfile

            foreach ( $AppProfile in $AppProfiles ) {
                $_AppProfile = $AppProfile.CloneNode($True)
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_AppProfile -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $LoadBalancer.edgeId

    end{ }

function New-NsxLoadBalancerApplicationProfile {

    Creates a new LoadBalancer Application Profile on the specified
    Edge Services Gateway.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability.
    The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple paths
    to a specific destination. It distributes incoming service requests evenly
    among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution is
    transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal
    resource utilization, maximizing throughput, minimizing response time, and
    avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to Layer 7.
    Application profiles define the behavior of a particular type of network
    traffic. After configuring a profile, you associate the profile with a
    virtual server. The virtual server then processes traffic according to the
    values specified in the profile. Using profiles enhances your control over
    managing network traffic, and makes traffic‐management tasks easier and more
    This cmdlet creates a new LoadBalancer Application Profile on a specified
    Load Balancer

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancer $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            [ValidateSet("ssl_sessionid", "cookie", "sourceip",  "msrdp", IgnoreCase=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            [ValidateSet("insert", "prefix", "app")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    # Still a bit to do here - need cert selection...
    # Also - There are many combinations of valid (and invalid) options. Unfortunately.
    # the NSX API does not perform the validation of these combinations (It will
    # accept combinations of params that the UI will not), the NSX UI does
    # So I need to be doing validation in here as well - this is still to be done, but required
    # so user has sane experience...

    begin {

    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_LoadBalancer = $LoadBalancer.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $_LoadBalancer.edgeId
        $_LoadBalancer.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LoadBalancer -Query 'descendant::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        if ( -not $_LoadBalancer.enabled -eq 'true' ) {
            write-warning "Load Balancer feature is not enabled on edge $($edgeId). Use Set-NsxLoadBalancer -Enabled to enable."

        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlapplicationProfile = $_LoadBalancer.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("applicationProfile")
        $_LoadBalancer.appendChild($xmlapplicationProfile) | out-null

        #Mandatory Params and those with Default values
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlapplicationProfile -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlapplicationProfile -xmlElementName "template" -xmlElementText $Type
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlapplicationProfile -xmlElementName "insertXForwardedFor" -xmlElementText $insertXForwardedFor
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlapplicationProfile -xmlElementName "sslPassthrough" -xmlElementText $SslPassthrough

        If ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PersistenceMethod')) {
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlPersistence = $_LoadBalancer.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("persistence")
            $xmlapplicationProfile.appendChild($xmlPersistence) | out-null
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlPersistence -xmlElementName "method" -xmlElementText $PersistenceMethod
            If ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CookieName')) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlPersistence -xmlElementName "cookieName" -xmlElementText $CookieName
            If ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CookieMode')) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlPersistence -xmlElementName "cookieMode" -xmlElementText $CookieMode
            If ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PersistenceExpiry')) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlPersistence -xmlElementName "expire" -xmlElementText $PersistenceExpiry

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeId/loadbalancer/config"
        $body = $_LoadBalancer.OuterXml

        Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($edgeId)" -status "Load Balancer Config"
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($edgeId)" -completed

        $updatedEdge = Get-NsxEdge -objectId $($edgeId) -connection $connection

        $applicationProfiles = $updatedEdge.features.loadbalancer.applicationProfile
        foreach ($applicationProfile in $applicationProfiles) {

            #6.1 Bug? NSX API creates an object ID format that it does not accept back when put. We have to change on the fly to the 'correct format'.
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Checking for stupidness in $($applicationProfile.applicationProfileId)"
            $applicationProfile.applicationProfileId =


        $body = $updatedEdge.features.loadbalancer.OuterXml
        Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($edgeId)" -status "Load Balancer Config"
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($edgeId)" -completed

        #filter output for our newly created app profile - name is safe as it has to be unique.
        $return = $updatedEdge.features.loadbalancer.applicationProfile | where-object { $_.name -eq $name }
        Add-XmlElement -xmlroot $return -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $edgeId

    end {}

function Remove-NsxLoadBalancerApplicationProfile {

    Removes the specified LoadBalancer Application Profile.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability.
    The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple paths
    to a specific destination. It distributes incoming service requests evenly
    among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution is
    transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal
    resource utilization, maximizing throughput, minimizing response time, and
    avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to Layer 7.
    Application profiles define the behavior of a particular type of network
    traffic. After configuring a profile, you associate the profile with a
    virtual server. The virtual server then processes traffic according to the
    values specified in the profile. Using profiles enhances your control over
    managing network traffic, and makes traffic‐management tasks easier and more
    This cmdlet removes the specified LoadBalancer Application Profile.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancerApplicationProfile $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $ApplicationProfile.edgeId
        $AppProfileId = $ApplicationProfile.applicationProfileId

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeId/loadbalancer/config/applicationprofiles/$AppProfileId"

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Application Profile removal is permanent."
            $question = "Proceed with removal of Application Profile $($AppProfileId)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $EdgeId" -status "Removing Application Profile $AppProfileId"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $EdgeId" -completed


    end {}

function New-NsxLoadBalancerMemberSpec {

    Creates a new LoadBalancer Pool Member specification to be used when
    updating or creating a LoadBalancer Pool
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability.
    The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple paths
    to a specific destination. It distributes incoming service requests evenly
    among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution is
    transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal
    resource utilization, maximizing throughput, minimizing response time, and
    avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to Layer 7.
    A pool manages load balancer distribution methods and has a service monitor
    attached to it for health check parameters. Each Pool has one or more
    members. Prior to creating or updating a pool to add a member, a member
    spec describing the member needs to be created.
    This cmdlet creates a new LoadBalancer Pool Member specification.
    $WebMember1 = New-NsxLoadBalancerMemberSpec -name Web01
        -IpAddress -Port 80
    Creates a new member spec for a member called Web01, ipaddress
    and port 80
    $WebMember2 = New-NsxLoadBalancerMemberSpec -name Web02 -IpAddress -Port 80 -MonitorPort 8080 -MaximumConnections 100
    Creates a new member spec with an alternate MonitorPort.
    $WebMember3 = New-NsxLoadBalancerMemberSpec -Name Web03 -Member (Get-VM Web03)
        -port 80
    Creates a new member spec based on VM object for Web03.
    $WebMember3 = New-NsxLoadBalancerMemberSpec -Name Web03 -Member (Get-NsxLogicalSwitch WebLS)
        -port 80
    Creates a new member spec based on NSX Logical Switch.


    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="IpAddress")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="GroupingObject")]
            [ValidateScript( { ValidateSecurityGroupMember $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]

    begin {}
    process {

        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlMember = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("member")
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlMember) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        if ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ipaddress" ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "ipAddress" -xmlElementText $IpAddress
        else {

            if ($Member -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
                $MemberMoref = $Member.objectId
                $MemberName = $Member.name
            elseif ( ($Member -is [string]) -and ($Member -match "^vm-\d+$|^resgroup-\d+$|^dvportgroup-\d+$" )) {
                $MemberMoref = $Member
                $MemberName = $Member
            elseif ( ($Member -is [string] ) -and ( [guid]::tryparse(($Member -replace ".\d{3}$",""), [ref][guid]::Empty)) )  {
                $MemberMoref = $Member
                $MemberName = $Member
            elseif (( $Member -is [string]) -and ( $NsxMemberTypes -contains ($Member -replace "-\d+$") ) ) {
                $MemberMoref = $Member
                $MemberName = $Member
            elseif ( $Member -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.VirtualDevice.NetworkAdapterInterop] ) {
                #See NSX API guide 'Attach or Detach a Virtual Machine from a Logical Switch' for
                #how to construct NIC id.
                $vmUuid = ($Member.parent | get-view).config.instanceuuid
                $MemberMoref = "$vmUuid.$($Member.id.substring($Member.id.length-3))"
                $MemberName = $Member.Name

            elseif (( $Member -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.VIObjectInterop]) -and ( $NsxMemberTypes -contains $Member.ExtensionData.MoRef.Type)) {
                $MemberMoref = $Member.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value
                $MemberName = $Member.Name
            else {
                throw "Invalid member specified $($Member)"

            #Create a new member node
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "groupingObjectId" -xmlElementText $MemberMoref
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "groupingObjectName" -xmlElementText $MemberName

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "weight" -xmlElementText $Weight
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "port" -xmlElementText $Port
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "monitorPort" -xmlElementText $MonitorPort
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "minConn" -xmlElementText $MinimumConnections
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "maxConn" -xmlElementText $MaximumConnections



    end {}

function New-NsxLoadBalancerPool {

    Creates a new LoadBalancer Pool on the specified ESG.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability.
    The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple paths
    to a specific destination. It distributes incoming service requests evenly
    among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution is
    transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal
    resource utilization, maximizing throughput, minimizing response time, and
    avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to Layer 7.
    A pool manages load balancer distribution methods and has a service monitor
    attached to it for health check parameters. Each Pool has one or more
    members. Prior to creating or updating a pool to add a member, a member
    spec describing the member needs to be created.
    This cmdlet creates a new LoadBalancer Pool on the specified ESG.
    Example1: Need to create member specs for each of the pool members first
    PS C:\> $WebMember1 = New-NsxLoadBalancerMemberSpec -name Web01
        -IpAddress -Port 80
    PS C:\> $WebMember2 = New-NsxLoadBalancerMemberSpec -name Web02
        -IpAddress -Port 80 -MonitorPort 8080
        -MaximumConnections 100
    PS C:\> $WebPool = Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | New-NsxLoadBalancerPool -Name WebPool
        -Description "WebServer Pool" -Transparent:$false -Algorithm round-robin
        -Monitor $monitor -MemberSpec $WebMember1,$WebMember2

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancer $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
            [ValidateSet("round-robin", "ip-hash", "uri", "leastconn")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancerMonitor $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancerMemberSpec $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_LoadBalancer = $LoadBalancer.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $_LoadBalancer.edgeId
        $_LoadBalancer.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LoadBalancer -Query 'descendant::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        if ( -not $_LoadBalancer.enabled -eq 'true' ) {
            write-warning "Load Balancer feature is not enabled on edge $($edgeId). Use Set-NsxLoadBalancer -Enabled to enable."

        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlPool = $_LoadBalancer.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("pool")
        $_LoadBalancer.appendChild($xmlPool) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlPool -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlPool -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlPool -xmlElementName "transparent" -xmlElementText $Transparent
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlPool -xmlElementName "algorithm" -xmlElementText $algorithm

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Monitor')) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlPool -xmlElementName "monitorId" -xmlElementText $Monitor.monitorId

        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MemberSpec')) {
            foreach ( $Member in $MemberSpec ) {
                $xmlmember = $xmlPool.OwnerDocument.ImportNode($Member, $true)
                $xmlPool.AppendChild($xmlmember) | out-null

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$EdgeId/loadbalancer/config"
        $body = $_LoadBalancer.OuterXml

        Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -status "Load Balancer Config"
        $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed

        $UpdatedEdge = Get-NsxEdge -objectId $($EdgeId) -connection $connection
        $return = $UpdatedEdge.features.loadBalancer.pool | where-object { $_.name -eq $Name }
        Add-XmlElement -xmlroot $return -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $edgeId

    end {}

function Get-NsxLoadBalancerPool {

    Retrieves LoadBalancer Pools Profiles from the specified LoadBalancer.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability.
    The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple paths
    to a specific destination. It distributes incoming service requests evenly
    among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution is
    transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal
    resource utilization, maximizing throughput, minimizing response time, and
    avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to Layer 7.
    A pool manages load balancer distribution methods and has a service monitor
    attached to it for health check parameters. Each Pool has one or more
    members. Prior to creating or updating a pool to add a member, a member
    spec describing the member needs to be created.
    This cmdlet retrieves LoadBalancer pools from the specified LoadBalancer.
    PS C:\> Get-NsxEdge | Get-NsxLoadBalancer |


    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancer $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="poolId")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Name",Position=1)]


    begin {}

    process {

        if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $loadbalancer -Query 'child::pool')) {
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name')) {
                $pools = $loadbalancer.pool | where-object { $_.name -eq $Name }
            elseif ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PoolId')) {
                $pools = $loadbalancer.pool | where-object { $_.poolId -eq $PoolId }
            else {
                $pools = $loadbalancer.pool

            foreach ( $Pool in $Pools ) {
                $_Pool = $Pool.CloneNode($True)
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_Pool -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $LoadBalancer.edgeId

    end{ }

function Remove-NsxLoadBalancerPool {

    Removes a Pool from the specified Load Balancer.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability.
    The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple paths
    to a specific destination. It distributes incoming service requests evenly
    among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution is
    transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal
    resource utilization, maximizing throughput, minimizing response time, and
    avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to Layer 7.
    A pool manages load balancer distribution methods and has a service monitor
    attached to it for health check parameters. Each Pool has one or more
    This cmdlet removes the specified pool from the Load Balancer pool and returns
    the updated LoadBalancer.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancerPool $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $LoadBalancerPool.edgeId
        $poolId = $LoadBalancerPool.poolId

        #Get and remove the edgeId element
        $LoadBalancer = Get-nsxEdge -objectId $edgeId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLoadBalancer
        $LoadBalancer.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $LoadBalancer -Query 'child::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        $PoolToRemove = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $LoadBalancer -Query "child::pool[poolId=`"$poolId`"]")
        if ( -not $PoolToRemove ) {
            throw "Pool $poolId is not defined on Load Balancer $edgeid."

        $LoadBalancer.RemoveChild( $PoolToRemove ) | out-null

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeId/loadbalancer/config"
        $body = $LoadBalancer.OuterXml

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Pool removal is permanent."
            $question = "Proceed with removal of Pool $($poolId)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $EdgeId" -status "Removing pool $poolId"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $EdgeId" -completed

            Get-NSxEdge -objectID $edgeId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLoadBalancer

    end {}

function Get-NsxLoadBalancerPoolMember {

    Retrieves the members of the specified LoadBalancer Pool.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability.
    The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple paths
    to a specific destination. It distributes incoming service requests evenly
    among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution is
    transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal
    resource utilization, maximizing throughput, minimizing response time, and
    avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to Layer 7.
    A pool manages load balancer distribution methods and has a service monitor
    attached to it for health check parameters. Each Pool has one or more
    members. Prior to creating or updating a pool to add a member, a member
    spec describing the member needs to be created.
    This cmdlet retrieves the members of the specified LoadBalancer Pool.


    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancerPool $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="MemberId")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Name",Position=1)]


    begin {}

    process {

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name')) {
            $Members = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $LoadBalancerPool -Query 'descendant::member') | where-object { $_.name -eq $Name }
        elseif ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MemberId')) {
            $Members = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $LoadBalancerPool -Query 'descendant::member') | where-object { $_.memberId -eq $MemberId }
        else {
            $Members = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $LoadBalancerPool -Query 'descendant::member')

        foreach ( $Member in $Members ) {
            $_Member = $Member.CloneNode($True)
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_Member -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $LoadBalancerPool.edgeId
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_Member -xmlElementName "poolId" -xmlElementText $LoadBalancerPool.poolId


    end{ }

function Set-NsxLoadBalancerPoolMember {

    Configures the state of the specified LoadBalancer Pool Member.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability.
    The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple paths
    to a specific destination. It distributes incoming service requests evenly
    among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution is
    transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal
    resource utilization, maximizing throughput, minimizing response time, and
    avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to Layer 7.
    A pool manages load balancer distribution methods and has a service monitor
    attached to it for health check parameters. Each Pool has one or more
    members. Prior to creating or updating a pool to add a member, a member
    spec describing the member needs to be created.
    This cmdlet configures the state of the specified LoadBalancer Pool Member.
    Get-NsxEdge testedge | Get-NsxLoadBalancer | Get-NsxLoadBalancerPool pool1 |
        Get-NsxLoadBalancerPoolMember web01 |
        Set-NsxLoadBalancerPoolMember -state disabled
    Disable member web01 of pool1 on edge testedge
    Get-NsxEdge testedge | Get-NsxLoadBalancer | Get-NsxLoadBalancerPool pool1 |
        Get-NsxLoadBalancerPoolMember web01 |
        Set-NsxLoadBalancerPoolMember -state enabled
    Enable member web01 of pool1 on edge testedge
    Get-NsxEdge testedge | Get-NsxLoadBalancer | Get-NsxLoadBalancerPool pool1 |
        Get-NsxLoadBalancerPoolMember web01 |
        Set-NsxLoadBalancerPoolMember -state drain
    Drain member web01 of pool1 on edge testedge (Supported only on NSX 6.3.0 and above)
    Get-NsxEdge testedge | Get-NsxLoadBalancer | Get-NsxLoadBalancerPool |
        Get-NsxLoadBalancerPoolMember |
        Set-NsxLoadBalancerPoolMember -Weight 10
    Set all members of all pools on edge testedge for weight 10

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            #Pool member to be configured
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancerPoolMember $_ })]
            [Parameter (Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="LegacyConfirm")]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="Default")]
            #Disable Prompt for confirmation.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {
        If ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "LegacyConfirm") {
            write-warning "The -confirm switch is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use -NoConfirm instead."
            $NoConfirm = ( -not $confirm )
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("state") -and ($state -eq "drain") -and ([version]$Connection.version -lt [version]"6.3.0")){
            throw "Setting a member state to drain requires NSX 6.3.0 or above."

    process {

        $edgeid = $LoadBalancerPoolMember.edgeId
        $poolid = $loadBalancerPoolMember.poolId
        $memberId = $LoadBalancerPoolMember.memberId
        $response = Invoke-NsxWebRequest -Method "get" -Uri "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeid/loadbalancer/config/pools/$poolid"

        [xml]$pool = $response.Content
        $member = Invoke-XpathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Query "child::member[memberId=`"$memberId`"]" -Node $pool.pool

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("state")) {
            $member.condition = $state.toLower()
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("weight")) {
            $member.weight = $weight.toString()
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("port")) {
            $member.port = $port.toString()
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("monitorPort")) {
            $member.monitorPort = $monitorPort.toString()
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("MinimumConnections")) {
            $member.minConn = $MinimumConnections.ToString()
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("MaximumConnections")) {
            $member.maxConn = $MaximumConnections.ToString()

        #ToDo: Missing Confirm!!!

        $response = Invoke-NsxWebRequest -method "put" -uri "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeid/loadbalancer/config/pools/$poolid" -body $pool.outerxml
        $response = Invoke-NsxWebRequest -Method "get" -Uri "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeid/loadbalancer/config/pools/$poolid"

        [xml]$pool = $response.Content
        $member = Invoke-XpathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Query "child::member[memberId=`"$memberId`"]" -Node $pool.pool

    end{ }

function Add-NsxLoadBalancerPoolMember {

    Adds a new Pool Member to the specified Load Balancer Pool.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability.
    The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple paths
    to a specific destination. It distributes incoming service requests evenly
    among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution is
    transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal
    resource utilization, maximizing throughput, minimizing response time, and
    avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to Layer 7.
    A pool manages load balancer distribution methods and has a service monitor
    attached to it for health check parameters. Each Pool has one or more
    This cmdlet adds a new member to the specified LoadBalancer Pool and
    returns the updated Pool.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxLoadBalancer | get-nsxloadbalancerpool pool1
        | Add-NsxLoadBalancerPoolMember -Name test -ipaddress -Port 80
    Adds the ipaddress to LB pool1 on edge Edge01
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxLoadBalancer | get-nsxloadbalancerpool pool1
        | Add-NsxLoadBalancerPoolMember -Name test -Member (get-vm web01) -Port 80
    Adds the vm object web01 to LB pool1 on edge Edge01
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxLoadBalancer | get-nsxloadbalancerpool pool1
        | Add-NsxLoadBalancerPoolMember -Name test -Member (get-logicalswitch WebLS) -Port 80
    Adds the NSX object WebLS LB pool1 on edge Edge01

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancerPool $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="IpAddress")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Member")]
            [ValidateScript( { ValidateSecurityGroupMember $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_LoadBalancerPool = $LoadBalancerPool.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $_LoadBalancerPool.edgeId
        $_LoadBalancerPool.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LoadBalancerPool -Query 'descendant::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlMember = $_LoadBalancerPool.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("member")
        $_LoadBalancerPool.appendChild($xmlMember) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name

        if ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ipaddress" ) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "ipAddress" -xmlElementText $IpAddress
        else {

            if ($Member -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) {
                $MemberMoref = $Member.objectId
                $MemberName = $Member.name
            elseif ( ($Member -is [string]) -and ($Member -match "^vm-\d+$|^resgroup-\d+$|^dvportgroup-\d+$" )) {
                $MemberMoref = $Member
                $MemberName = $Member
            elseif ( ($Member -is [string] ) -and ( [guid]::tryparse(($Member -replace ".\d{3}$",""), [ref][guid]::Empty)) )  {
                $MemberMoref = $Member
                $MemberName = $Member
            elseif (( $Member -is [string]) -and ( $NsxMemberTypes -contains ($Member -replace "-\d+$") ) ) {
                $MemberMoref = $Member
                $MemberName = $Member
            elseif ( $Member -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.VirtualDevice.NetworkAdapterInterop] ) {
                #See NSX API guide 'Attach or Detach a Virtual Machine from a Logical Switch' for
                #how to construct NIC id.
                $vmUuid = ($Member.parent | get-view).config.instanceuuid
                $MemberMoref = "$vmUuid.$($Member.id.substring($Member.id.length-3))"
                $MemberName = $Member
            elseif (( $Member -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.VIObjectInterop]) -and ( $NsxMemberTypes -contains $Member.ExtensionData.MoRef.Type)) {
                $MemberMoref = $Member.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value
                $MemberName = $Member.name
            else {
                throw "Invalid member specified $($Member)"

            #Create a new member node
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "groupingObjectId" -xmlElementText $MemberMoref
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "groupingObjectName" -xmlElementText $MemberName

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "weight" -xmlElementText $Weight
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "port" -xmlElementText $port
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "monitorPort" -xmlElementText $port
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "minConn" -xmlElementText $MinimumConnections
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlMember -xmlElementName "maxConn" -xmlElementText $MaximumConnections

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeId/loadbalancer/config/pools/$($_LoadBalancerPool.poolId)"
        $body = $_LoadBalancerPool.OuterXml

        Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -status "Pool config for $($_LoadBalancerPool.poolId)"
        $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed

        #Get updated pool
        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeId/loadbalancer/config/pools/$($_LoadBalancerPool.poolId)"
        Write-Progress -activity "Retrieving Updated Pool for $($EdgeId)" -status "Pool $($_LoadBalancerPool.poolId)"
        $return = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
        $Pool = $return.pool
        Add-XmlElement -xmlroot $Pool -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $edgeId


    end {}

function Remove-NsxLoadBalancerPoolMember {

    Removes a Pool Member from the specified Load Balancer Pool.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability.
    The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple paths
    to a specific destination. It distributes incoming service requests evenly
    among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution is
    transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal
    resource utilization, maximizing throughput, minimizing response time, and
    avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to Layer 7.
    A pool manages load balancer distribution methods and has a service monitor
    attached to it for health check parameters. Each Pool has one or more
    This cmdlet removes the specified member from the specified pool and returns
     the updated Pool.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancerPoolMember $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $MemberId = $LoadBalancerPoolMember.memberId
        $edgeId = $LoadBalancerPoolMember.edgeId
        $poolId = $LoadBalancerPoolMember.poolId

        #Get and remove the edgeId and poolId elements
        $LoadBalancer = Get-nsxEdge -objectId $edgeId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLoadBalancer
        $LoadBalancer.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $LoadBalancer -Query 'child::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        $LoadBalancerPool = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $loadbalancer -Query "child::pool[poolId=`"$poolId`"]")

        $MemberToRemove = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $LoadBalancerPool -Query "child::member[memberId=`"$MemberId`"]")
        if ( -not $MemberToRemove ) {
            throw "Member $MemberId is not a member of pool $PoolId."

        $LoadBalancerPool.RemoveChild( $MemberToRemove ) | out-null

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeId/loadbalancer/config"
        $body = $LoadBalancer.OuterXml

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "Pool Member removal is permanent."
            $question = "Proceed with removal of Pool Member $($memberId)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $EdgeId" -status "Pool config for $poolId"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $EdgeId" -completed

            Get-NSxEdge -objectID $edgeId -connection $connection | Get-NsxLoadBalancer | Get-NsxLoadBalancerPool -poolId $poolId

    end {}

function Get-NsxLoadBalancerVip {

    Retrieves the Virtual Servers configured on the specified LoadBalancer.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability.
    The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple paths
    to a specific destination. It distributes incoming service requests evenly
    among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution is
    transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal
    resource utilization, maximizing throughput, minimizing response time, and
    avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to Layer 7.
    A Virtual Server binds an IP address (must already exist on an ESG iNterface as
    either a Primary or Secondary Address) and a port to a LoadBalancer Pool and
    Application Profile.
    This cmdlet retrieves the configured Virtual Servers from the specified Load


    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancer $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="VirtualServerId")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Name",Position=1)]

    begin {}

    process {

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name')) {
            $Vips = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $LoadBalancer -Query 'descendant::virtualServer') | where-object { $_.name -eq $Name }
        elseif ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MemberId')) {
            $Vips = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $LoadBalancer -Query 'descendant::virtualServer') | where-object { $_.virtualServerId -eq $VirtualServerId }
        else {
            $Vips = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $LoadBalancer -Query 'descendant::virtualServer')

        foreach ( $Vip in $Vips ) {
            $_Vip = $VIP.CloneNode($True)
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_Vip -xmlElementName "edgeId" -xmlElementText $LoadBalancer.edgeId

    end{ }

function Add-NsxLoadBalancerVip {

    Adds a new LoadBalancer Virtual Server to the specified ESG.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability.
    The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple paths
    to a specific destination. It distributes incoming service requests evenly
    among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution is
    transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal
    resource utilization, maximizing throughput, minimizing response time, and
    avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to Layer 7.
    A Virtual Server binds an IP address (must already exist on an ESG iNterface as
    either a Primary or Secondary Address) and a port to a LoadBalancer Pool and
    Application Profile.
    This cmdlet creates a new Load Balancer VIP.
    Example1: Need to create member specs for each of the pool members first
    PS C:\> $WebVip = Get-NsxEdge Edge01 |
        New-NsxLoadBalancerVip -Name WebVip -Description "Test Creating a VIP"
        -IpAddress $edge_uplink_ip -Protocol http -Port 80
        -ApplicationProfile $AppProfile -DefaultPool $WebPool

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancer $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
            [ValidateSet("http", "https", "tcp", "udp")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancerApplicationProfile $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancerPool $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {

    process {

        #Create private xml element
        $_LoadBalancer = $LoadBalancer.CloneNode($true)

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $_LoadBalancer.edgeId
        $_LoadBalancer.RemoveChild( $((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_LoadBalancer -Query 'descendant::edgeId')) ) | out-null

        if ( -not $_LoadBalancer.enabled -eq 'true' ) {
            write-warning "Load Balancer feature is not enabled on edge $($edgeId). Use Set-NsxLoadBalancer -Enabled to enable."

        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlVIip = $_LoadBalancer.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("virtualServer")
        $_LoadBalancer.appendChild($xmlVIip) | out-null

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVIip -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVIip -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVIip -xmlElementName "enabled" -xmlElementText $Enabled
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVIip -xmlElementName "ipAddress" -xmlElementText $IpAddress
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVIip -xmlElementName "protocol" -xmlElementText $Protocol
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVIip -xmlElementName "port" -xmlElementText $Port
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVIip -xmlElementName "connectionLimit" -xmlElementText $ConnectionLimit
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVIip -xmlElementName "connectionRateLimit" -xmlElementText $ConnectionRateLimit
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVIip -xmlElementName "applicationProfileId" -xmlElementText $ApplicationProfile.applicationProfileId
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVIip -xmlElementName "defaultPoolId" -xmlElementText $DefaultPool.poolId
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlVIip -xmlElementName "accelerationEnabled" -xmlElementText $AccelerationEnabled

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($EdgeId)/loadbalancer/config"
        $body = $_LoadBalancer.OuterXml

        Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $EdgeId" -status "Load Balancer Config"
        $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $EdgeId" -completed

        $UpdatedLB = Get-NsxEdge -objectId $EdgeId  -connection $connection | Get-NsxLoadBalancer


    end {}

function Remove-NsxLoadBalancerVip {

    Removes a VIP from the specified Load Balancer.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability.
    The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple paths
    to a specific destination. It distributes incoming service requests evenly
    among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution is
    transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal
    resource utilization, maximizing throughput, minimizing response time, and
    avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to Layer 7.
    A Virtual Server binds an IP address (must already exist on an ESG iNterface as
    either a Primary or Secondary Address) and a port to a LoadBalancer Pool and
    Application Profile.
    This cmdlet remove a VIP from the specified Load Balancer.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancerVip $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

    process {

        #Store the virtualserverid and edgeId
        $VipId = $LoadBalancerVip.VirtualServerId
        $edgeId = $LoadBalancerVip.edgeId

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeId/loadbalancer/config/virtualservers/$VipId"

        if ( $confirm ) {
            $message  = "VIP removal is permanent."
            $question = "Proceed with removal of VIP $VipID on Edge $($edgeId)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            Write-Progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -status "Removing VIP $VipId"
            $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            write-progress -activity "Update Edge Services Gateway $($EdgeId)" -completed

    end {}

function Get-NsxLoadBalancerStats{

    Retrieves NSX Edge Load Balancer statistics for the specified load
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as
    firewall, NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability.
    The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple
    paths to a specific destination. It distributes incoming service requests
    evenly among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution is
    transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal
    resource utilization, maximizing throughput, minimizing response time, and
    avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to Layer 7.
    This cmdlet retrieves NSX Edge Load Balancer statistics from the specified
    enabled NSX loadbalancer.
    Get-nsxedge edge01 | Get-NsxLoadBalancer | Get-NsxLoadBalancerStats
    Retrieves the LB stats for the LB service on Edge01

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            #Load Balancer from which to retrieve stats. Must be enabled.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancer $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {}
    process {

        #Test that LB is enabled (otherwise there are no results.)
        if ( $LoadBalancer.Enabled -ne 'true' ) {
            Throw "Load balancer feature is not enabled on $($LoadBalancer.EdgeId)"

        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($LoadBalancer.EdgeId)/loadbalancer/statistics"
        [system.xml.xmldocument]$response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "GET" -uri $URI -connection $connection
        if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -Query "child::loadBalancerStatusAndStats")) {
    end {}

function Get-NsxLoadBalancerApplicationRule {

    Retrieves LoadBalancer Application Rules from the specified LoadBalancer.
    Retrieves LoadBalancer Application Rules from the specified LoadBalancer.
    You can write an application rule to directly manipulate and manage
    IP application traffic.
    Get-NsxEdge | Get-NsxLoadBalancer |
    Retrieves all Application Rules across all NSX Edges.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxLoadBalancer |
    Retrieves all Application Rules the NSX Edge named Edge01.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxLoadBalancer |
    Get-NsxLoadBalancerApplicationRule -name AR-Redirect-VMware
    Retrieves the Application Rule named AR-Redirect-VMware on NSX Edge
    named Edge01.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxLoadBalancer |
    Get-NsxLoadBalancerApplicationRule -objectId applicationRule-2
    Retrieves the Application Rule on NSX Edge with the objectId of


    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancer $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="ObjectId")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,Position=1,ParameterSetName="Name")]


    begin {


    process {

        if ( -not ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ObjectId"))) {
            if ((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $LoadBalancer -Query "child::applicationRule")){
                if ($PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name")){
                    $LoadBalancer.applicationRule | where-object {$_.name -eq $Name}
                else {
        else {
            if ((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $LoadBalancer -Query "child::applicationRule/applicationRuleId")){
                $LoadBalancer.applicationRule | where-object {$_.applicationRuleId -eq $ObjectId}
    end {}

function New-NsxLoadBalancerApplicationRule {

    Retrieves LoadBalancer Application Rules from the specified LoadBalancer.
    Retrieves LoadBalancer Application Rules from the specified LoadBalancer.
    You can write an application rule to directly manipulate and manage
    IP application traffic.
    Get-NsxEdge | Get-NsxLoadBalancer | New-NsxLoadBalancerApplicationRule
    -name AR-Redirect-VMware -script $script
    Applies a new Application Rule across all NSX Edges.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Get-NsxLoadBalancer |
    New-NsxLoadBalancerApplicationRule -name AR-Redirect-VMware
    -script $script
    Applies a new Application Rule to the defined NSX Edge.


    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateLoadBalancer $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True,Position=1)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object.


    begin {


    process {

        #Store the edgeId and remove it from the XML as we need to post it...
        $edgeId = $LoadBalancer.edgeId

        if ( -not $_LoadBalancer.enabled -eq 'true' ) {
            write-warning "Load Balancer feature is not enabled on edge $($edgeId). Use Set-NsxLoadBalancer -EnableLoadBalancing to enable."
        #Create a new XML document. Use applicationRule as root.
        [System.XML.XmlDocument]$xmldoc = New-Object System.XML.XmlDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlAr = $xmldoc.CreateElement("applicationRule")

        # Create children and add to $xmlXR
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAr -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAr -xmlElementName "script" -xmlElementText $Script

        #Construct Rest Call
        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$($EdgeId)/loadbalancer/config/applicationrules"
        $body = $xmlAr.OuterXml

        $Response = Invoke-NsxWebRequest -method "POST" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $Connection

        [System.XML.XmlDocument]$ApplicationRule = Invoke-NsxRestMethod -method "GET" -URI $Response.Headers.Location

        if ((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $ApplicationRule -Query "child::applicationRule")){

    end {}

# Service Composer functions

function Get-NsxSecurityPolicyHighestUsedPrecedence {

    Retrieves the highest precedence number defined on any security policy.
    An NSX Security Policy is a set of Endpoint, firewall, and network
    introspection services that can be applied to a security group.
    This cmdlet returns the highest precedence number defined on any
    Security Policy. This is primarily useful when creating a new policy.
    Retrieves the highest precedence number used. Convention is to add
    1000 to this when creating a new policy to leave 'gaps' in to which
    future policy could be inserted.

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # PowerNSX Connection object
    $URI = "/api/2.0/services/policy/securitypolicy/maxprecedence"
    $return = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
    if ( -not ($return -match "\d*")) {
        throw "Unexpected result $return from call to get highest used precedence. Return value should be a number."
    [pscustomobject]@{"Precedence" = [int]$return}

function Get-NsxSecurityPolicy {

    Retrieves an NSX Security Policy.
    An NSX Security Policy is a set of Endpoint, firewall, and network
    introspection services that can be applied to a security group.
    This cmdlet returns Security Policy objects.
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy SecPolicy_WebServers
    Retrieves the security policy called SecPolicy_WebServers
    Get-NsxSecurityGroup WebApp1WebServers | Get-NsxSecurityPolicy
    Retrieves all security policies applied to the security Group WeApp1WebServers

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="objectId")]
            # Set Security Policies by objectId
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Name",Position=1)]
            # Get Security Policies by name
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="SecurityGroup", ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            # Get Security Policies applied to the specified Security Group
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSecurityGroup $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Include the readonly (system) Security Policies in results.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}

    process {

        switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {
            "Name" {
                #Get all Security Policies and optionally filter on Name
                $URI = "/api/2.0/services/policy/securitypolicy/all"
                $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                if  ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name") ) {
                    $FinalSecPol = $response.securityPolicies.securityPolicy | where-object { $_.name -eq $Name }
                } else {
                    $FinalSecPol = $response.securityPolicies.securityPolicy

            "objectId" {
                #Just getting a single Security policy
                $URI = "/api/2.0/services/policy/securitypolicy/$objectId"
                $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                $FinalSecPol = $response.securityPolicy

            "SecurityGroup" {
                $URI = "/api/2.0/services/policy/securitygroup/$($SecurityGroup.objectId)/securitypolicies"
                $response = invoke-nsxrestmethod -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                if ( invoke-xpathquery -node $response -querymethod selectSingleNode -query "child::securityPolicies/securityPolicy" ) {
                    $FinalSecPol = $response.securityPolicies.SecurityPolicy
                else {
                    $FinalSecPol = $null

        if ( -not $IncludeHidden ) {
            foreach ( $CurrSecPol in $FinalSecPol ) {
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $CurrSecPol -Query 'child::extendedAttributes/extendedAttribute')) {
                    $hiddenattr = $CurrSecPol.extendedAttributes.extendedAttribute | where-object { $_.name -eq 'isHidden'}
                    if ( -not ($hiddenAttr.Value -eq 'true')){
                else {
        else {
    end {}

function New-NsxSecurityPolicy   {

    Create a new NSX Security Policy.
    A security policy is a policy construct that can define one or more rules in
    several different categories, that can then be applied to an arbitrary
    number of Security Groups in order to enforce the defined policy.
    The three categories of rules that can be included in a Security Policy are:
    - Guest Introspection - data security, anti-virus, and vulnerability
      management and rules based on third party Guest Introspection capability.
    - Firewall rules - creates appropriate distributed firewall rules when
      the policy is applied to a security group.
    - Network introspection services - Thirdparty firewall, IPS/IDS etc.
    New-NsxSecurityPolicy enables creation of a security policy that includes
    rules from any of the three categories.
    For Network Introspection, and some Guest Introspection rules, the
    appropriate service defintion and service policies must already be defined
    within NSX to allow this.
    New-NsxSecurityPolicy -Name EmptyPolicy
    Creates an empty Security Policy with no rules.
    $sg1 = Get-NsxSecurityGroup "All Management Servers"
    PS C:\> $http = Get-NsxService -Localonly | Where { $_.name -eq 'HTTP' }
    PS C:\> $https = Get-NsxService -Localonly | Where { $_.name -eq 'HTTPS' }
    PS C:\> $ssh = Get-NsxService -Localonly | Where { $_.name -eq 'SSH' }
    PS C:\> $inboundwebrule = New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec -Name "Allow Inbound Web" `
        -Description "Allow inbound web traffic" `
        -Service $http,$https -Source Any -EnableLogging -Action allow
    PS C:\> $inboundsshrule = New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec -Name "Allow SSH from Management" `
        -Description "Allow inbound ssh traffic from management servers" `
        -Service $ssh -Source $sg1 -EnableLogging -Action allow
    PS C:\> New-NsxSecurityPolicy -Name WebServers -Description "Generic Web Server Policy" `
        -FirewallRuleSpec $inboundwebrule, $inboundsshrule
    Creates a security policy called WebServers that defines two firewall rules.
    The specific steps to accomplish this are as follows:
    - Retrieves an existing security group that represents management servers
    from which SSH traffic will originate.
    - Retrieves existing NSX services defining HTTP, HTTPS and SSH and stores
    them in appropriate variables.
    - Creates two FirewallRule Specs that use the group and services collected
    above and stores them in appropriate variables.
    - Creates a Security Policy using the two precreated firewall rule specs.
    $ServiceDefinition = Get-NsxServiceDefinition -Name "MyThirdPartyFirewall"
    PS C:\> $ServicePolicy = $ServiceDefinition | Get-NsxServiceProfile "FirewallProfile"
    PS C:\> $https = Get-NsxService -Localonly | Where { $_.name -eq 'HTTPS' }
    PS C:\> $RedirectRule = New-NsxSecurityPolicyNetworkIntrospectionSpec -Name "MyThirdPartyRedirectRule" `
       -ServiceProfile $ServicePolicy -Service $https -source Any
    PS C:\> New-NsxSecurityPolicy -Name HTTPSRedirect -Description "Redirect HTTPS to ThirdParty Firewall" `
        -NetworkIntrospectionSpec $RedirectRule
    Creates a security policy called ThirdPartyRedirect that defines a single
    network introspection rule to redirect traffic to a thirdparty firewall
    The specific steps to accomplish this are as follows:
    - Retrieves an existing Service Policy that is defined as part of the third
    party firewall production integration with NSX.
    - Retrieves an existing NSX service defining HTTPS and stores it in an
    appropriate variable.
    - Creates a Network Introspection rule spec that uses the policy collected
    above, that matches HTTPS traffic from any source and stores it in an
    appropriate variable.
    - Creates a Security Policy using the precreated network introspection rule
    $ServiceDefinition = Get-NsxServiceDefinition -Name "MyThirdPartyEndpoint"
    PS C:\> $ServicePolicy = $ServiceDefinition | Get-NsxServiceProfile "Profile1"
    PS C:\> $Endpointrule = New-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionSpec -Name "MyThirdPartyEndpointRule" `
       -ServiceDefinition $ServiceDefinition -ServiceProfile $ServicePolicy
    PS C:\> New-NsxSecurityPolicy -Name ThirdPartyEndpoint -Description "Apply ThirdParty Introspection" `
        -GuestIntrospection $EndpointRule
    Creates a security policy called ThirdPartyEndpoint that defines a single
    guest introspection rule to apply.
    The specific steps to accomplish this are as follows:
    - Retrieves an existing Service Policy that is defined as part of the third
    party endpoint integration with NSX.
    - Creates a Guest Introspection rule spec that uses the policy collected
    above and stores it in an appropriate variable.
    - Creates a Security Policy using the precreated guest introspection rule
    PS C:\> $Endpointrule = New-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionSpec -Name "MyThirdPartyEndpointRule" `
       -Servicetype AntiVirus
    PS C:\> New-NsxSecurityPolicy -Name AntiVirusEndpoint -Description "Antivirus Endpoint" `
        -GuestIntrospection $EndpointRule
    Creates a security policy called AntiVirusEndpoint that defines a single
    AntiVirus guest introspection rule to apply.
    The specific steps to accomplish this are as follows:
    - Creates a Guest Introspection AntiVirus rule spec and stores it in an
    appropriate variable.
    - Creates a Security Policy using the precreated guest introspection rule
    PS C:\> $Endpointrule = New-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionSpec -Name "MyThirdPartyEndpointRule" `
       -Servicetype FileIntegrityMonitoring
    PS C:\> New-NsxSecurityPolicy -Name FileIntegrityEndpoint -Description "FileIntegrity Endpoint" `
        -GuestIntrospection $EndpointRule
    Creates a security policy called FileIntegrityEndpoint that defines a single
    FileIntegrity guest introspection rule to apply.
    The specific steps to accomplish this are as follows:
    - Creates a Guest Introspection FileIntegrity rule spec and stores it in an
    appropriate variable.
    - Creates a Security Policy using the precreated guest introspection rule
    PS C:\> $Endpointrule = New-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionSpec -Name "MyThirdPartyEndpointRule" `
       -Servicetype VulnerabilityManagement
    PS C:\> New-NsxSecurityPolicy -Name VulnerabilityMgmtEndpoint -Description "VulnMgmt Endpoint" `
        -GuestIntrospection $EndpointRule
    Creates a security policy called VulnerabilityMgmtEndpoint that defines a single
    VulnerabilityManagementt guest introspection rule to apply.
    The specific steps to accomplish this are as follows:
    - Creates a Guest Introspection VulnerabilityManagement rule spec and stores it in an
    appropriate variable.
    - Creates a Security Policy using the precreated guest introspection rule

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            # The name of the newly created policy
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # The description of the newly created policy
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Security Policy Firewall Rule Spec as created by New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSecPolFwSpec $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Guest Introspection Rule Spec as created by New-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionSpec
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSecPolGiSpec $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Network Introspection Rule Spec as created by New-NsxSecurityPolicyNetworkIntrospectionSpec
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSecPolNiSpec $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Return only the objectId of the newly create policy (avoids an aditional get to the API to retreive the newly created object)
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Manually define the precedence number of the newly created policy. This defaults to the highest currently inuse precedence + 1000 (like the UI)
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {
        #Get current precedence and add 1000
        if ( -not ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Precedence"))) {
            $Precedence = (Get-NsxSecurityPolicyHighestUsedPrecedence).Precedence + 1000

    process {

        #Creating the XML Document and root elem for Security Policy
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$SecurityPolicy = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("securityPolicy")
        $null = $xmlDoc.appendChild($SecurityPolicy)

        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $SecurityPolicy -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        if ( $PSBoundPArameters.ContainsKey("Description")) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $SecurityPolicy -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $SecurityPolicy -xmlElementName "precedence" -xmlElementText $Precedence

        #Create the firewall category actionsByCategory Elem if required
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("FirewallRuleSpec")) {
            $xmlFwActionsByCategory = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("actionsByCategory")
            $null = $SecurityPolicy.appendChild($xmlFwActionsByCategory)
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlFwActionsByCategory -xmlElementName "category" -xmlElementText "firewall"
            foreach ($rule in $FirewallRuleSpec){
                #Import the new fw node
                $null = $xmlFwActionsByCategory.AppendChild($xmlFwActionsByCategory.OwnerDocument.ImportNode($rule, $true))

        #Create the endpointSecurityAction actionsByCategory Elem if required.
        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("GuestIntrospectionSpec")) {
            $xmlEndpointActionsByCategory = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("actionsByCategory")
            $null = $SecurityPolicy.appendChild($xmlEndpointActionsByCategory)
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlEndpointActionsByCategory -xmlElementName "category" -xmlElementText "endpoint"
            foreach ($rule in $GuestIntrospectionSpec){
                #Import the new GI node
                $null = $xmlEndpointActionsByCategory.AppendChild($xmlEndpointActionsByCategory.OwnerDocument.ImportNode($rule, $true))

        #Create the trafficSteeringSecurityAction actionsByCategory Elem if required.
        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("NetworkIntrospectionSpec")) {
            $xmlNetworkIntrospectionActionsByCategory = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("actionsByCategory")
            $null = $SecurityPolicy.appendChild($xmlNetworkIntrospectionActionsByCategory)
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlNetworkIntrospectionActionsByCategory -xmlElementName "category" -xmlElementText "traffic_steering"
            foreach ($rule in $NetworkIntrospectionSpec){
                #Import the new NI node
                $null = $xmlNetworkIntrospectionActionsByCategory.AppendChild($xmlNetworkIntrospectionActionsByCategory.OwnerDocument.ImportNode($rule, $true))

        #Do the post
        $body = $SecurityPolicy.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/2.0/services/policy/securitypolicy"
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection

        if ($response.StatusCode -eq "201"){
            if ($ReturnObjectIdOnly) {
            else {
                Get-NsxSecurityPolicy -objectId $response.content -connection $connection
    end {}

function Set-NsxSecurityPolicy {

    Updates the specified NSX Security Policy.
    An NSX Security Policy is a set of Endpoint, firewall, and network
    introspection services that can be applied to a security group.
    This cmdlet re-configures the specified security policy.
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy TestSP | Set-NsxSecurityPolicy -weight 10000
    Reconfigure the weight of an existing policy.
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy TestSP | Set-NsxSecurityPolicy -name NewPol
    Reconfigure the name of an existing policy.
    $sp = Get-NsxSecurityPolicy UberPol
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy TestSP | Set-NsxSecurityPolicy -InheritPolicy $sp
    Configure TestSP to inherit the policy UberPol.
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy TestSP | Set-NsxSecurityPolicy -DisableInheritance
    Disable policy inheritance on TestSP.
    $sp = Get-NsxSecurityPolicy TestSP
    PS C:\> $sp.description = "New description"
    PS C:\> Set-NsxSecurityPolicy -Policy $sp
    Retrieve and existing policy, update an XML element manually and put the
    updated XML back. Any valid XML changes can be pushed this way.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeLine=$true)]
            # Security Policy object to update
            # Disable confirmation prompt
            # Configure the policies name
            # Configure the policies description
            # Configure inheritance for the specified policy
            [ValidateScript( { ValidateSecurityPolicy $_ })]
            # Disable inheritance for the specified policy
            # Configure the policies weight (precedence)
            # PowerNSX Connection object

    Begin {}
    Process {

        #Clone the node to avoid modifying the original
        $_Policy = $Policy.CloneNode($true)

        # Update Name
        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name")) {
            if ( invoke-xpathquery -node $_Policy -querymethod SelectSingleNode -Query "child::name" ) {
                $_Policy.Name = $name
            else {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlroot $_Policy -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $name

        # Update Description
        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Description")) {
            if ( invoke-xpathquery -node $_Policy -querymethod SelectSingleNode -Query "child::description" ) {
                $_Policy.description = $description
            else {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlroot $_Policy -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $description

        # Update Weight (precedence)
        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Weight")) {
            if ( invoke-xpathquery -node $_Policy -querymethod SelectSingleNode -Query "child::precedence" ) {
                $_Policy.precedence = $weight
            else {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlroot $_Policy -xmlElementName "precedence" -xmlElementText $weight

        # Disable inheritance
        if ( $DisableInheritance) {
            $Parentnode = invoke-xpathquery -node $_Policy -querymethod SelectSingleNode -Query "child::parent"
            if ( $Parentnode ) {
                $null = $_Policy.RemoveChild($Parentnode)
            else {
                write-warning "Specified policy does not have inheritance enabled"

        # Update inheritance
        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("InheritPolicy")) {
            $ParentNode = invoke-xpathquery -node $_Policy -querymethod SelectSingleNode -Query "child::parent"
            if ( $ParentNode  ) {
                $null = $_Policy.RemoveChild($Parentnode)
            $ParentNode = $_Policy.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("parent")
            $null = $_Policy.appendChild($ParentNode)
            Add-XmlElement -xmlroot $ParentNode -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $InheritPolicy.objectId

        if ( -Not $NoConfirm ) {
            $message  = "Modification of the specified policy will affect the security posture of all Security Groups that have it applied."
            $question = "Proceed with update of policy $($_Policy.objectId)?"

            $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
        else { $decision = 0 }
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Putting updated policy from the policy cache for $($_Policy.objectId)"
            #Do the post
            $body = $_Policy.OuterXml
            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/policy/securitypolicy/$($_Policy.objectId)"
            $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            if ($response.StatusCode -eq "200"){
                [System.Xml.XmlDocument]$Doc = $response.content
    End {}

function Remove-NsxSecurityPolicy {

    Removes the specified NSX Security Policy.
    An NSX Security Policy is a set of Endpoint, firewall, and network
    introspection services that can be applied to a security group.
    This cmdlet removes the specified Security Policy object.
    Example1: Remove the SecurityPolicy TestSP
    PS C:\> Get-NsxSecurityPolicy TestSP | Remove-NsxSecurityPolicy
    Example2: Remove the SecurityPolicy $sp without confirmation.
    PS C:\> $sp | Remove-NsxSecurityPolicy -confirm:$false

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)]
            # Security Policy to Remove.
            [ValidateScript( { ValidateSecurityPolicy $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # Prompt for confirmation. Specify as -confirm:$false to disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # Force removal, even if the policy is in use.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}

    process {

        if ((Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $SecurityPolicy -Query "descendant::extendedAttributes/extendedAttribute[name=`"isHidden`" and value=`"true`"]") -and ( -not $force)) {
            write-warning "Not removing $($SecurityPolicy.Name) as it is set as hidden. Use -Force to force deletion."
        else {

            if ( $confirm ) {
                $message  = "Security Policy removal is permanent."
                $question = "Proceed with removal of Security Policy $($SecurityPolicy.Name)?"

                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
            else { $decision = 0 }
            if ($decision -eq 0) {
                if ( $force ) {
                    $URI = "/api/2.0/services/policy/securitypolicy/$($SecurityPolicy.objectId)?force=true"
                else {
                    $URI = "/api/2.0/services/policy/securitypolicy/$($SecurityPolicy.ObjectId)?force=false"

                Write-Progress -activity "Remove Security Policy $($SecurityPolicy.Name)"
                $null = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "delete" -uri $URI -connection $connection
                write-progress -activity "Remove Security Policy $($SecurityPolicy.Name)" -completed


    end {}

function New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec {
    Creates a Security Policy Firewall Rule spec approriate for use in
    New-NsxSecurityPolicy or Add-NsxSecurityPolicyRule.
    This cmdlet does not actually communicate with the NSX API, but merely
    constructs the appropriate XML element to define a single firewall rule
    that can subsequently be used in the New-NsxSecurityPolicy and
    Add-NsxSecurityPolicyRule cmdlets.
    It can operate in one of two modes.
    Mode 1 will be familiar to typical NSX administrators that are familiar with
    the concept of 'Policies Security Group' and the role it plays when defining
    a Security Policy Firewall Rule. It requires specification of both source
    and destination of the rule, at least one of which (and potentially both)
    must be Policies Security Group. The other can be 'Any', or a specific
    Security Group.
    Mode 2 reflects the way the API represents the firewall rule definition, and
    is arguably clearer than the way Security Policy Rules are modeled in the
    UI. It requires specification of a direction (inbound outbound or intra)
    and for inbound/outbound directions, a specific securitygroup may be
    specified. If no Security Group is specified, the source/destination is
    The two modes are equivalent in operation. Users familiar with the NSX UI
    and related concepts should use Mode 1.
    New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec -Name "Allow All" `
        -Description "Allow all inbound traffic" `
        -Action allow
    Defines an enabled rule allowing traffic sourced from "Any" to
    "Policies Security Group".
    $sg1 = Get-NsxSecurityGroup "SG App Servers"
    PS C:\> $http = Get-NsxService HTTP
    PS C:\> $https = Get-NsxService HTTPS
    PS C:\> New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec -Name "Allow Web to Demo VM" `
        -Description "Allow inbound web traffic" `
        -Service $http,$https -Source $sg1 -EnableLogging -Action allow
    Defines an enabled rule allowing traffic sourced from Security Group "SG App
    Servers" to "Policies Security Group" on port 80/443 with logging enabled.
    $sg1 = Get-NsxSecurityGroup "SG App Servers"
    PS C:\> $http = Get-NsxService HTTP
    PS C:\> $https = Get-NsxService HTTPS
    PS C:\> New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec -Name "Allow Web to Demo VM"
        -Description "Allow Inbound Web traffic"
        -Service $http,$https
        -securityGroup $sg1
        -Direction inbound -EnableLogging -Action allow
    Defines an enabled rule allowing traffic sourced from Security Group "SG App
    Servers" to "Policies Security Group" on port 80/443 with logging enabled.
    This results in an identical rule to Example 2
    New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec -Name "Allow All Intra Group Traffic" `
        -Description "Allow all traffic within PSG" `
        -Action allow
    Defines an enabled rule allowing traffic sourced from "Policies Security
    Group" to "Policies Security Group" with logging enabled. Source and
    Destination default to "Policies Security Group".
    New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec -Name "Allow All Intra Group Traffic" `
        -Description "Allow all traffic within PSG" `
        -Direction Intra -Action allow
    Defines an enabled rule allowing traffic sourced from "Policies Security
    Group" to "Policies Security Group" with logging enabled. Security Group
    defaults to 'Any'.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "SrcDest")]
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            # Name of the newly created firewall rule
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Description of the newly created firewall rule
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Specify -disabled to create a rule as disabled. Rules default to enabled.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Direction")]
            # Security Group that defines the source or destination of the rule (depending on -Direction). Security Group is mandatory if direction is Inbound or Outbound.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSecurityGroup $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Direction")]
            # Direction that dictates if the specified security group is the source or destination of the rule. Inbound : Security Group defines the source. Outbound : Security Group defines the destination.
            [ValidateSet("Inbound","Outbound", "Intra")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="SrcDest")]
            # Source of the rule. Can be 'Any', 'PoliciesSecurityGroup', or a valid PowerNSX securitygroup object. At least one of source or destination MUST be 'PoliciesSecurityGroup'. Defaults to 'PoliciesSecurityGroup'
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSPFirewallSrcDest $_ })]
            [object[]]$Source = "PoliciesSecurityGroup",
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="SrcDest")]
            # Destination of the rule. Can be 'Any', 'PoliciesSecurityGroup', or a valid PowerNSX securitygroup object. At least one of source or destination MUST be 'PoliciesSecurityGroup'. Defaults to 'PoliciesSecurityGroup'
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSPFirewallSrcDest $_ })]
            [object[]]$Destination = "PoliciesSecurityGroup",
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Service defined by the rule. Defaults to 'any'. Can be any valid PowerNSX Service object.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateServiceOrServiceGroup $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Enable logging. Defaults to disabled.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Rule action. Defaults to Allow
            [ValidateSet("Allow","Block", "Reject")]
            [string]$Action = "Allow"

    begin {
        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            "SrcDest" {
                #Need some advanced input val here. Check user has specified PSG in at least one of Source or Dest.
                #Note : Checking for array size of one in ValidateScript is not possible due to each member being passed to validation sctript individually.
                if ( (($Source -contains "PoliciesSecurityGroup") -and ($source.count -ne 1)) -or (($Destination -contains "PoliciesSecurityGroup") -and ($Destination.count -ne 1)) ) {
                    Throw "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Cannot validate argument on parameters 'Source' and 'Destination'. If specifying 'PoliciesSecurityGroup' it must be the only value specified."

                if ( (($Source -contains "Any") -and ($source.count -ne 1)) -or (($Destination -contains "Any") -and ($Destination.count -ne 1)) ) {
                    Throw "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Cannot validate argument on parameters 'Source' and 'Destination'. If specifying 'Any' it must be the only value specified."

                if ( -not (( $Source[0] -eq "PoliciesSecurityGroup") -or ( $Destination[0] -eq "PoliciesSecurityGroup")) ) {
                    Throw "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Cannot validate argument on parameters 'Source' and 'Destination'. At least one must specify 'PoliciesSecurityGroup'. Supply a valid argument and try the command again."

                #Init SecurityGroup as an array - we need to iterate on it later, so at least need an empty array.
                $SecurityGroup = @()

                #Now we turn Source/Dest into direction based vars...
                if (( $Source[0] -eq "PoliciesSecurityGroup") -and ( $Destination[0] -eq "PoliciesSecurityGroup")) {
                    $direction = "Intra"
                elseif ( $Source[0] -eq "PoliciesSecurityGroup" ) {
                    $direction = "Outbound"

                    #User must have specified destination otherwise condition above would have hit...
                    if ( -not ( $Destination[0] -eq "Any")) {
                        $SecurityGroup = $Destination
                else {
                    $direction = "Inbound"

                    #User must have specified source otherwise conditions above would have hit...
                    if ( -not ( $Source[0] -eq "Any")) {
                        $SecurityGroup = $Source
            "Direction" {
                #Do nothing for now.

    process {

        #Create the doc and root elem. We are only defining the action elem and down.
        $xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        $xmlRoot = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("action")
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlRoot) | out-null
        $xmlRoot.SetAttribute("class", "firewallSecurityAction")

        #Basic elements
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "category" -xmlElementText "firewall"
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "logged" -xmlElementText $EnableLogging.ToString().ToLower()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "action" -xmlElementText $Action.ToLower()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "direction" -xmlElementText $Direction.ToLower()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot  -xmlElementName "isEnabled" -xmlElementText ( -not $Disabled )

        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("description")) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot  -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description

        #Iterate securitygroups. 'PoliciesSecurityGroups' and 'Any' are taken care of in begin block. SecurityGroups is only popoulated if we really do have some to walk.
        foreach ( $Group in $SecurityGroup) {
            $xmlSecurityGroup = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("secondarySecurityGroup")
            $xmlRoot.appendChild($xmlSecurityGroup) | out-null
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlSecurityGroup -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $group.objectId


        #Iterate over services.
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Service') ) {
            $xmlApplications = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("applications")
            $xmlRoot.appendChild($xmlApplications) | out-null
            foreach ( $svc in $service) {
                switch ($svc.objectTypeName) {
                    "application" { $xmlElementName = "application"}
                    "applicationgroup" { $xmlElementName = "applicationGroup"}
                $xmlApplicationsObject = $xmlDoc.CreateElement($xmlElementName)
                $xmlApplications.appendChild($xmlApplicationsObject) | out-null
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlApplicationsObject -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $svc.objectId

        #Just emit the resulting xml.
    end {}

function New-NsxSecurityPolicyNetworkIntrospectionSpec {
    Creates a Security Policy Network Introspection Rule spec approriate for use
    in New-NsxSecurityPolicy or Add-NsxSecurityPolicyRule.
    This cmdlet does not actually communicate with the NSX API, but merely
    constructs the appropriate XML element to define a single rule
    that can subsequently be used in the New-NsxSecurityPolicy and
    Add-NsxSecurityPolicyRule cmdlets.
    It can operate in one of two modes.
    Mode 1 will be familiar to typical NSX administrators that are familiar with
    the concept of 'Policies Security Group' and the role it plays when defining
    a Security Policy Firewall Rule. It requires specification of both source
    and destination of the rule, at least one of which (and potentially both)
    must be Policies Security Group. The other can be 'Any', or a specific
    Security Group.
    Mode 2 reflects the way the API represents the rule definition, and
    is arguably clearer than the way Security Policy Rules are modeled in the
    UI. It requires specification of a direction (inbound outbound or intra)
    and for inbound/outbound directions, a specific securitygroup may be
    specified. If no Security Group is specified, the source/destination is
    The two modes are equivalent in operation. Users familiar with the NSX UI
    and related concepts should use Mode 1.
    New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec -Name "Allow All" `
        -Description "Allow all inbound traffic" `
        -Action allow
    Defines an enabled rule allowing traffic sourced from "Any" to
    "Policies Security Group".
    $sg1 = Get-NsxSecurityGroup "SG App Servers"
    PS C:\> $http = Get-NsxService HTTP
    PS C:\> $https = Get-NsxService HTTPS
    PS C:\> New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec -Name "Allow Web to Demo VM" `
        -Description "Allow inbound web traffic" `
        -Service $http,$https -Source $sg1 -EnableLogging -Action allow
    Defines an enabled rule allowing traffic sourced from Security Group "SG App
    Servers" to "Policies Security Group" on port 80/443 with logging enabled.
    $sg1 = Get-NsxSecurityGroup "SG App Servers"
    PS C:\> $http = Get-NsxService HTTP
    PS C:\> $https = Get-NsxService HTTPS
    PS C:\> New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec -Name "Allow Web to Demo VM"
        -Description "Allow Inbound Web traffic"
        -Service $http,$https
        -securityGroup $sg1
        -Direction inbound -EnableLogging -Action allow
    Defines an enabled rule allowing traffic sourced from Security Group "SG App
    Servers" to "Policies Security Group" on port 80/443 with logging enabled.
    This results in an identical rule to Example 2
    New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec -Name "Allow All Intra Group Traffic" `
        -Description "Allow all traffic within PSG" `
        -Action allow
    Defines an enabled rule allowing traffic sourced from "Policies Security
    Group" to "Policies Security Group" with logging enabled. Source and
    Destination default to "Policies Security Group".
    New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec -Name "Allow All Intra Group Traffic" `
        -Description "Allow all traffic within PSG" `
        -Direction Intra -Action allow
    Defines an enabled rule allowing traffic sourced from "Policies Security
    Group" to "Policies Security Group" with logging enabled. Security Group
    defaults to 'Any'.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "SrcDest")]
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            # Name of the newly created network introspection rule
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Description of the newly created network introspection rule
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Specify -disabled to create a rule as disabled. Rules default to enabled.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Direction")]
            # Security Group that defines the source or destination of the rule (depending on -Direction). Security Group is mandatory if direction is Inbound or Outbound.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSecurityGroup $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Direction")]
            # Direction that dictates if the specified security group is the source or destination of the rule. Inbound : Security Group defines the source. Outbound : Security Group defines the destination.
            [ValidateSet("Inbound","Outbound", "Intra")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="SrcDest")]
            # Source of the rule. Can be 'Any', 'PoliciesSecurityGroup', or a valid PowerNSX securitygroup object. At least one of source or destination MUST be 'PoliciesSecurityGroup'. Defaults to 'PoliciesSecurityGroup'
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSPFirewallSrcDest $_ })]
            [object[]]$Source = "PoliciesSecurityGroup",
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="SrcDest")]
            # Destination of the rule. Can be 'Any', 'PoliciesSecurityGroup', or a valid PowerNSX securitygroup object. At least one of source or destination MUST be 'PoliciesSecurityGroup'. Defaults to 'PoliciesSecurityGroup'
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSPFirewallSrcDest $_ })]
            [object[]]$Destination = "PoliciesSecurityGroup",
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Service defined by the rule. Defaults to 'any'. Can be any valid PowerNSX Service object.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateService $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            # Service Profile object as retrieved using Get-NsxServiceProfile (as defined in Service Profile section of a specific Service Definition in the NSX UI).
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateServiceProfile $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Enable logging. Defaults to disabled.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Disable redirection for this rule. Defaults to $false (Rule is created with redirection enabled).

    begin {
        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            "SrcDest" {
                #Need some advanced input val here. Check user has specified PSG in at least one of Source or Dest.
                #Note : Checking for array size of one in ValidateScript is not possible due to each member being passed to validation sctript individually.
                if ( (($Source -contains "PoliciesSecurityGroup") -and ($source.count -ne 1)) -or (($Destination -contains "PoliciesSecurityGroup") -and ($Destination.count -ne 1)) ) {
                    Throw "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Cannot validate argument on parameters 'Source' and 'Destination'. If specifying 'PoliciesSecurityGroup' it must be the only value specified."

                if ( (($Source -contains "Any") -and ($source.count -ne 1)) -or (($Destination -contains "Any") -and ($Destination.count -ne 1)) ) {
                    Throw "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Cannot validate argument on parameters 'Source' and 'Destination'. If specifying 'Any' it must be the only value specified."

                if ( -not (( $Source[0] -eq "PoliciesSecurityGroup") -or ( $Destination[0] -eq "PoliciesSecurityGroup")) ) {
                    Throw "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Cannot validate argument on parameters 'Source' and 'Destination'. At least one must specify 'PoliciesSecurityGroup'. Supply a valid argument and try the command again."

                #Init SecurityGroup as an array - we need to iterate on it later, so at least need an empty array.
                $SecurityGroup = @()

                #Now we turn Source/Dest into direction based vars...
                if (( $Source[0] -eq "PoliciesSecurityGroup") -and ( $Destination[0] -eq "PoliciesSecurityGroup")) {
                    $direction = "Intra"
                elseif ( $Source[0] -eq "PoliciesSecurityGroup" ) {
                    $direction = "Outbound"

                    #User must have specified destination otherwise condition above would have hit...
                    if ( -not ( $Destination[0] -eq "Any")) {
                        $SecurityGroup = $Destination
                else {
                    $direction = "Inbound"

                    #User must have specified source otherwise conditions above would have hit...
                    if ( -not ( $Source[0] -eq "Any")) {
                        $SecurityGroup = $Source
            "Direction" {
                #Do nothing for now.

    process {

        #Create the doc and root elem. We are only defining the action elem and down.
        $xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        $xmlRoot = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("action")
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlRoot) | out-null
        $xmlRoot.SetAttribute("class", "trafficSteeringSecurityAction")

        #Basic elements
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "category" -xmlElementText "traffic_steering"
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "logged" -xmlElementText $EnableLogging.ToString().ToLower()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "direction" -xmlElementText $Direction.ToLower()
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot  -xmlElementName "isEnabled" -xmlElementText ( -not $Disabled )
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot  -xmlElementName "redirect" -xmlElementText ( -not $DisableRedirection )

        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("description")) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot  -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description

        $xmlServiceProfile = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("serviceProfile")
        $null = $xmlRoot.AppendChild($xmlServiceProfile)
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlServiceProfile -xmlElementName "objectId" $ServiceProfile.objectId

        #Iterate securitygroups. 'PoliciesSecurityGroups' and 'Any' are taken care of in begin block. SecurityGroups is only popoulated if we really do have some to walk.
        foreach ( $Group in $SecurityGroup) {
            $xmlSecurityGroup = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("secondarySecurityGroup")
            $xmlRoot.appendChild($xmlSecurityGroup) | out-null
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlSecurityGroup -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $group.objectId


        #Iterate over services.
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Service') ) {
            $xmlApplications = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("applications")
            $xmlRoot.appendChild($xmlApplications) | out-null
            foreach ( $svc in $service) {
                switch ($svc.objectTypeName) {
                    "application" { $xmlElementName = "application"}
                    "applicationgroup" { $xmlElementName = "applicationGroup"}
                $xmlApplicationsObject = $xmlDoc.CreateElement($xmlElementName)
                $xmlApplications.appendChild($xmlApplicationsObject) | out-null
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlApplicationsObject -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $svc.objectId

        #Just emit the resulting xml.
    end {}

function New-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionSpec {
    Creates a Security Policy Guest Introspection Rule spec approriate for use in
    New-NsxSecurityPolicy or Add-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionRule.
    This cmdlet does not actually communicate with the NSX API, but merely
    constructs the appropriate XML element to define a single guest
    introspection rule that can subsequently be used in the
    New-NsxSecurityPolicy and Add-NsxSecurityPolicyRule cmdlets.
    It can operate in one of two modes.
    Mode 1 (action apply) - Allows the creation of a guest introspection rule
    that applies a preconfigured Service Definition and optional Service Profile.
    Apply mode is typically used to apply guest introspection rules associated
    with third party solutions integrated with NSX.
    Mode 2 (action block) - Allows the creation of a guest introspection rule
    that blocks based on AV, Vulnerability Management, or File Integrity
    $gispec = New-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionSpec -ServiceType AntiVirus -description "AV GI Rule"
    Create a new Guest Introspection 'Block' AntiVirus rule.
    $gispec = New-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionSpec -ServiceType AntiVirus -description "AV GI Rule"
    Create a new Guest Introspection 'Block' AntiVirus rule.
    $sd = Get-NsxServiceDefinition "ServiceDefinition"
    PS C:\> $sp = $sd | Get-NsxServiceProfile "Profile1"
    PS C:\> $gispec = New-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionSpec -ServiceDefinition $sd -ServiceProfile $sp -name GIRule-Profile1 -description "Custom GI Rule"
    Create a new Guest Introspection 'Apply' rule based on a Service Definition called ServiceDefinition1, and Service Profile Profile1

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Name of the newly created GI rule.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Description of the newly created rule.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Create the rule as disabled.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Create the rule as Enforced (Rule is not enforced by default as per UI default)
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Block")]
            # Service Type of the Block rule. Accepts AntiVirus, VulnerabilityManagement or FileIntegrityMonitoring
            [ValidateSet("AntiVirus", "VulnerabilityManagement", "FileIntegrityMonitoring")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Apply")]
            # Service Definition object as retrieved using Get-NsxServiceDefinition (as defined in Service Definitions section of the NSX UI).
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateServiceDefinition $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Apply")]
            # Service Profile object as retrieved using Get-NsxServiceProfile (as defined in Service Profile section of a specific Service Definition in the NSX UI).
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateServiceProfile $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}

    process {

        #Create the doc and root elem. We are only defining the action elem and down.
        $xmlDoc = New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
        $xmlRoot = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("action")
        $xmlDoc.appendChild($xmlRoot) | out-null
        $xmlRoot.SetAttribute("class", "endpointSecurityAction")

        #Basic mandatory elements
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "category" -xmlElementText "endpoint"
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot  -xmlElementName "isEnabled" -xmlElementText ( -not $Disabled )
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "isActionEnforced" -xmlElementText $Enforced

        #Optional elements
        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("name")) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("description")) {
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot  -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $Description

        #Are we in 'apply' or block mode. If block, we specify the action type. If apply, we specifiy the service and optional service profile.
        switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {
            "Apply" {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "serviceId" -xmlElementText $ServiceDefinition.objectId
                if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ServiceProfile") ){
                    $xmlServiceProfile = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("serviceProfile")
                    $null = $xmlRoot.AppendChild($xmlServiceProfile)
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlServiceProfile -xmlElementName "objectId" $ServiceProfile.objectId

            "Block" {
                $actionType = ConvertTo-NsxApiActionType $ServiceType
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlRoot -xmlElementName "actionType" -xmlElementText $actionType

        #Just emit the resulting xml.


    end {}

function Get-NsxServiceDefinition {

    Retrieves Service Definitions from NSX.
    A Service Definition describes the integration of some default internal and
    registered thirdparty services such as load balancing or layer 7 firewalling.
    This cmdlet retrieves existing Service Definitions from NSX.
    Retrieve all Service Definitions.
    Get-NsxServiceDefinition -ObjectId service-7
    Retrieve the service definition with the specified objectId
    Get-NsxServiceDefinition -Name MyServiceDefinition
    Retrieve the service definition with the specified Name.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Name", Position=1)]
            # Name of the Service Definition to retrieve.
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="ObjectId")]
            # ObjectId of the Service Definition to retrieve.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # PowerNSX Connection object.

    switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {
        "ObjectId" {
            $URI = "/api/2.0/si/service/$objectId"

            try {
                $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method Get -Uri $URI  -connection $connection
                if ( $response ) {
                    [xml]$return = $response.content
            catch {
                Throw "An unknown error occured retrieving Service Definitions. $_"

        "Name" {
            $URI = "/api/2.0/si/services"

            try {
                $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method Get -Uri $URI -connection $connection
                if ( $response ) {
                    [xml]$return = $response.content
                    if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name")) {
                        $return.services.service | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $Name }
                    else {
            catch {
                Throw "An unknown error occured retrieving Service Definitions. $_"

function Get-NsxServiceProfile {

    Retrieves Service Profiles associated with Service Definitions.
    A Service Definition describes the integration of some default internal and
    registered thirdparty services such as load balancing or layer 7 firewalling.
    A Service Definition can have one or more Service Profiles defined that
    expose functionality that can be leveraged in a service instance when
    defining a Guest Introspection rule in a Security Policy.
    This cmdlet retrieves Service Profile objects.
    Get all Service Profiles defined.
    Get-NsxServiceDefinition "ThirdPartySi" | Get-NsxServiceDefinitionProfile
    Get all Service Profiles for the specified Service Definition.
    Get-NsxServiceDefinitionProfile -ObjectID "serviceprofile-3"
    Get the Service Profile with objectid serviceprofile-3
    Get-NsxServiceDefinitionProfile MyAvService
    Get the specified Service Profile by name

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="ServiceDefinition")]
            # Service Definition as returned by Get-NsxServiceDefinition.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateServiceDefinition $_ })]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Name", Position=1)]
            # Name of the Service Profile to retrieve.
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="ObjectId")]
            # ObjectId of the Service Profile to retrieve.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # PowerNSX Connection object.


    Process {
        switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {
            "ObjectId" {
                $URI = "/api/2.0/si/serviceprofile/$objectId"

                try {
                    $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method Get -Uri $URI  -connection $connection
                    if ( $response ) {
                        [xml]$return = $response.content
                catch {
                    Throw "An error occured retrieving Service Profiles. $_"
            Default {
                $URI = "/api/2.0/si/serviceprofiles"

                try {
                    $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method Get -Uri $URI -connection $connection
                    if ( $response ) {
                        [xml]$return = $response.content
                        if ( invoke-xpathquery -node $return -querymethod SelectSingleNode -query ("child::serviceProfiles/serviceProfile"))  {

                            if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name")) {
                                $return.serviceProfiles.serviceProfile | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $Name }
                            elseif ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ServiceDefinition") {
                                $return.serviceProfiles.serviceProfile | Where-Object { $_.service.objectId -eq $ServiceDefinition.objectId }
                            else {
                catch {
                    Throw "An error occured retrieving Service Definitions. $_"


function New-NsxSecurityPolicyAssignment   {

    Applies a Security Policy to the specified Security Group.
    A security policy is a policy construct that can define one or more rules in
    several different categories, that can then be applied to an arbitrary
    number of Security Groups in order to enforce the defined policy.
    The New-NsxSecurityPolicyAssignment cmdlet applies the specified Security
    Policy to the specified Security Group.
    $sg = Get-NsxSecurityGroup WebApp1WebServers
    PS C:\> Get-NsxSecurityPolicy WebServers | New-NsxSecurityPolicyAssignment -SecurityGroup $sg
    Applies the Security Policy WebServers to the Security Group WebApp1WebServers.
    $AllSecurityGroups = Get-NsxSecurityGroup
    PS C:\> Get-NsxSecurityPolicy Mandatory | New-NsxSecurityPolicyAssignment -SecurityGroup $AllSecurityGroups
    Applies the Security Policy Mandatory to all defined Security Groups.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
            # Security Policy to be applied.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSecurityPolicy $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Security Group to which to apply the specified policy. Can specify a collection of security groups to perform assignment of policy to multiple groups.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSecurityGroup $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}

    process {

        #Clone the existing SP so we dont modify the input object.
        $_SecurityPolicy = $SecurityPolicy.CloneNode($True)

        #Iterate SecurityGroup collection
        foreach ($Group in $SecurityGroup) {
            $BindingNode = $_SecurityPolicy.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("securityGroupBinding")
            $null = $_SecurityPolicy.AppendChild($BindingNode)
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $BindingNode -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $Group.objectId

        #Do the post
        $body = $_SecurityPolicy.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/2.0/services/policy/securitypolicy/$($_SecurityPolicy.objectId)"
        Write-Progress -activity "Updating SecurityGroup bindings for Security Policy $($SecurityPolicy.Name)"
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        Write-Progress -activity "Updating SecurityGroup bindings for Security Policy $($SecurityPolicy.Name)" -completed

        [xml]$return = $response.content

    end {}

function Remove-NsxSecurityPolicyAssignment   {

    Removes the applied Security Policy from specified Security Group(s).
    A security policy is a policy construct that can define one or more rules in
    several different categories, that can then be applied to an arbitrary
    number of Security Groups in order to enforce the defined policy.
    The Remove-NsxSecurityPolicyAssignment cmdlet removes the specified Security
    Policy from the specified Security Group.
    $sg = Get-NsxSecurityGroup WebApp1WebServers
    PS C:\>Get-NsxSecurityPolicy WebServers | Remove-NsxSecurityPolicyAssignment -SecurityGroup $sg
    Removes the Security Policy Webservers from the applied policies list of the WebApp1WebSevers Security Group.

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
            # Security Policy whose application will be removed from the specified Security Group
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSecurityPolicy $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            # Security Group to remove the specified Security Policy from its applied policies list.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSecurityGroup $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}

    process {

        #Track if we actually modify the SP - no point in going back to the API if we dont actually have anything to say.
        $ModifiedSP = $false

        #Check that the Sp we are processing is applied to at least one group.
        if (invoke-xpathquery -node $SecurityPolicy -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Query "child::securityGroupBinding") {

            #Clone the node to avoid modifying input object.
            $_SecurityPolicy = $SecurityPolicy.CloneNode($true)

            #Iterate SecurityGroups, find and remove the ones that match the current SecurityGroup
            foreach ($Group in $SecurityGroup){
                $CurrGroupBindingNode = invoke-xpathquery -node $_SecurityPolicy -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Query "child::securityGroupBinding[objectId=`'$($Group.objectId)`']"
                if ($CurrGroupBindingNode) {
                    $null = $_SecurityPolicy.RemoveChild($CurrGroupBindingNode)
                    $ModifiedSP = $true
                else {

                    #Let the user know there was nothing to do, but dont throw...want to make sure the pipeline continues.
                    write-warning "Security Policy $($SecurityPolicy.Name) ($($SecurityPolicy.objectId)) is not applied to Security Group $($Group.Name) ($($Group.objectId))"

            #Again, we dont throw, want to make sure the pipeline continues.
            write-warning "No SecurityGroups are assoicated with SecurityPolicy: $($SecurityPolicy.name)"

        #Do the post
        if ( $ModifiedSP ) {
            $body = $_SecurityPolicy.OuterXml
            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/policy/securitypolicy/$($_SecurityPolicy.objectId)"
            $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
            if ($response.StatusCode -eq "200"){
                [xml]$return = $response.content
    end {}

function Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule {

    Retrieves rules defined on the specified Security Policy.
    A security policy is a policy construct that can define one or more rules in
    several different categories, that can then be applied to an arbitrary
    number of Security Groups in order to enforce the defined policy.
    The three categories of rules that can be included in a Security Policy are:
    - Guest Introspection - data security, anti-virus, and vulnerability
      management and rules based on third party Guest Introspection capability.
    - Firewall rules - creates appropriate distributed firewall rules when
      the policy is applied to a security group.
    - Network introspection services - Thirdparty firewall, IPS/IDS etc.
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule retrieves firewall, guest introspection and
    network introspection rules defined on the specified policy.
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy SecPol01 | Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule
    Retrieves all defined rules from the security policy SecPol01
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy SecPol01 | Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -RuleType Firewall
    Retrieves all defined firewall rules from the security policy SecPol01
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy SecPol01 | Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -RuleType Network
    Retrieves all defined network introspection rules from the security policy SecPol01
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy SecPol01 | Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -RuleType Guest
    Retrieves all defined guest introspection rules from the security policy SecPol01
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy SecPol01 | Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -Name TestRule
    Retrieves the rule called TestRule from the security policy SecPol01
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy SecPol01 | Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -ObjectId firewallpolicyaction-10
    Retrieves the specified from the security policy SecPol01


    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine)]
            #Security Policy to retrieve rules from.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSecurityPolicy $_ })]
            #Type of rule to retrieve. Defaults to all.
            #Name of rule to retrieve.
            #Name of rule to retrieve.
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}

    process {

         #Define the XPATH search criteria based on RuleType.
         Switch($RuleType) {
            "All" { $Query = "actionsByCategory/action" }
            "Firewall" { $Query = "actionsByCategory/action[@class='firewallSecurityAction']" }
            "Network" { $Query = "actionsByCategory/action[@class='trafficSteeringSecurityAction']" }
            "Guest" { $Query = "actionsByCategory/action[@class='endpointSecurityAction']" }

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name"))  {
            $Query += "[name=`'$Name`']"

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ObjectId"))  {
            $Query += "[objectId=`'$ObjectId`']"
        write-debug "Using xpath query $Query"
        invoke-xpathquery -Node $SecurityPolicy -querymethod SelectNodes -query $Query

    end {}

function Move-NsxSecurityPolicyRule   {

    Moves the specified rule to a new location within its parent Security Policy.
    A security policy is a policy construct that can define one or more rules in
    several different categories, that can then be applied to an arbitrary
    number of Security Groups in order to enforce the defined policy.
    The three categories of rules that can be included in a Security Policy are:
    - Guest Introspection - data security, anti-virus, and vulnerability
      management and rules based on third party Guest Introspection capability.
    - Firewall rules - creates appropriate distributed firewall rules when
      the policy is applied to a security group.
    - Network introspection services - Thirdparty firewall, IPS/IDS etc.
    Move-NsxSecurityPolicyRule moves the specified rule to a new location within
    it's parent Security Policy. Allowed destinations are 'Top', 'Bottom' or
    'ToPosition', where -position must specified the desired location.
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy SecPol01 | Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -RuleType Firewall -Name AdminSsh | Move-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -Destination Top
    Moves the specified the firewall rule called AdminSsh to the top of the security policy SecPol01's configured firewall rules.
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy SecPol01 | Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -RuleType Firewall -Name AdminSsh | Move-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -Destination Bottom
    Moves the specified the firewall rule called AdminSsh to the bottom of the security policy SecPol01's configured firewall rules.
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy SecPol01 | Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -RuleType Firewall -Name AdminSsh | Move-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -Destination 3
    Moves the specified the firewall rule called AdminSsh to be the third of security policy SecPol01's configured firewall rules.
    $dodgyrule = Get-NsxSecurityPolicy SecPol01 | Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -RuleType Firewall -Name DodgyRule
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy SecPol01 | Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -RuleType Firewall -Name AdminSsh | Move-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -Destination $dodgyrule.executionOrder
    Moves the specified the firewall rule called AdminSsh to be above the rule called DodgyRule within security policy SecPol01's configured firewall rules.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
            # Security Policy Rule to reconfigure
            [ValidateScript( { ValidateSecPolRule $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            # Move the specified rule. Destination parameter must be used to specify the desired location.
            [ValidateScript( {
                switch -regex ($_) {
                    "^Top$" { $true; break }
                    "^Bottom$" { $true; break }
                    "^\d.*$" { $true; break }
                    default {throw "Specify position as 'Top', 'Bottom', or an integer to specify a new position. Use an existing rules property executionOrder to move relative to an existing rule." }
        [Parameter ()]
            # Disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {
        # We process all rule modifications offline as part of pipeline processing, then we put the updated policies to the api in the end{} block to avoid overwriting changes to different rules in the same policy..
        # Save modified policies in a hash table keyed by id
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Initialising Policy cache"
        $ModifiedPolicies = @{}
        $ModifiedRules = @()

    process {
        $ParentPolicyObjectId = $Rule.ParentNode.ParentNode.objectId

        #The Rule the user specified is only used the first time we edit a given policy. Otherwise, it is just a key to the cached copy - in which case, we modify the rule as it exists in the cached copy of the policy.
        if ( $ModifiedPolicies.ContainsKey($ParentPolicyObjectId )) {

            #Doesnt make sense to move multiple rules at the same time.
            throw "Moving multiple rules within a single policy at the same time is not supported. Ensure only a single rule is specified to be moved."
        else {
            # We havent touched the policy yet, so we have to get it. We clone to avoid modifying the original.
            $PolicyXml = $Rule.ParentNode.ParentNode.CloneNode($true)
            $ModifiedPolicies.Add($ParentPolicyObjectId, $PolicyXml)
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Specified rules parent policy not found in policy cache so it has been added."

        #Now get our xml from the cached policy.
        $_Rule = invoke-xpathquery -querymethod SelectSingleNode -Node $PolicyXml -query "actionsByCategory/action[objectId=`'$($Rule.objectId)`']"
        if ( -not $_Rule ) {
            #This should never happen
            throw "An unexpected error occured retrieving a rule from cache. Please report this as a bug at https://github.com/vmware/powernsx"
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Retrieved rule from cache: $( $_Rule | format-xml )"

        #And do our updates...
        $CurrentRuleClass = $_Rule.class

        #Get a ref node for the destination of the move.
        try {
            switch -regex ( $Destination ) {
                "Top" {
                    $refnode = invoke-xpathquery -node $PolicyXml -querymethod SelectSingleNode -Query "actionsByCategory/action[@class=`'$CurrentRuleClass`'][1]"

                "Bottom" {
                    $refnode = invoke-xpathquery -node $PolicyXml -querymethod SelectSingleNode -Query "actionsByCategory/action[@class=`'$CurrentRuleClass`'][last()]"

                "\d.*" {
                    $refnode = invoke-xpathquery -node $PolicyXml -querymethod SelectSingleNode -Query "actionsByCategory/action[@class=`'$CurrentRuleClass`'][$Destination]"
            if ( -not $refnode ) {
                throw "No existing rule found at number $Destination."
        catch {
            throw "Specified destination is invalid. Specify a valid destination and try again. $_"

        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Ref node for new destination is $($refnode.objectId) )"

        #Check user specified an actual move.
        if ( $_Rule.objectId -eq $refnode.objectId ) {
            throw "Rule $($_Rule.objectId) is already at the specified location."

        #This logic is predicated on the fact that the executionOrder text elem value reflects the xml ordering.
        #Move the node. If we are moving it down, then we insert after the refnode. If moving up, we insert before...
        $Parent = $_Rule.ParentNode
        if ( $_rule.executionOrder -lt $refnode.executionOrder) {
            $null = $Parent.InsertAfter($_Rule, $refnode)
        else {
            $null = $Parent.InsertBefore($_Rule, $refnode)

        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Rule processing complete. Updated policy xml is : $( $PolicyXML | format-xml )"
        $ModifiedRules += $_Rule.objectId

    end {
        foreach ( $policy in $ModifiedPolicies.Values ) {
            $UpdatedPolicy = Set-NsxSecurityPolicy -Policy $policy -NoConfirm:$NoConfirm
            if ( $UpdatedPolicy) {
                $AllPolicyRules = Invoke-XpathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $UpdatedPolicy -Query "actionsByCategory/action"
                $AllPolicyRules | Where-Object { $ModifiedRules -contains $_.objectId }

function Remove-NsxSecurityPolicyRule   {

    Removes the specified rule from its parent Security Policy.
    A security policy is a policy construct that can define one or more rules in
    several different categories, that can then be applied to an arbitrary
    number of Security Groups in order to enforce the defined policy.
    The three categories of rules that can be included in a Security Policy are:
    - Guest Introspection - data security, anti-virus, and vulnerability
      management and rules based on third party Guest Introspection capability.
    - Firewall rules - creates appropriate distributed firewall rules when
      the policy is applied to a security group.
    - Network introspection services - Thirdparty firewall, IPS/IDS etc.
    Remove-NsxSecurityPolicyRule removes the specified rule from its parent
    Security Policy.
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy SecPol01 | Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -RuleType Firewall -Name AdminSsh | Remove-NsxSecurityPolicyRule
    Remove the rule called AdminSsh from the Security Policy SecPol01
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy SecPol01 | Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -RuleType Firewall -Name AdminSsh | Remove-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -NoConfirm
    Remove the rule called AdminSsh from the Security Policy SecPol01 with no confirmation prompt.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
            # Security Policy Rule to reconfigure
            [ValidateScript( { ValidateSecPolRule $_ })]
            # Disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {
        # We process all rule modifications offline as part of pipeline processing, then we put the updated policies to the api in the end{} block to avoid overwriting changes to different rules in the same policy..
        # Save modified policies in a hash table keyed by id
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Initialising Policy cache"
        $ModifiedPolicies = @{}

    process {
        $ParentPolicyObjectId = $Rule.ParentNode.ParentNode.objectId

        #The Rule the user specified is only used the first time we edit a given policy. Otherwise, it is just a key to the cached copy - in which case, we modify the rule as it exists in the cached copy of the policy.
        if ( $ModifiedPolicies.ContainsKey($ParentPolicyObjectId )) {

            # Policy has already been updated in this pipeline, so we modify the already updated xml.
            $PolicyXml = $ModifiedPolicies[$ParentPolicyObjectId]
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Retrieved specified rules parent policy from the policy cache. Policy XML is : $($PolicyXML | format-xml)"
        else {
            # We havent touched the policy yet, so we have to get it. We clone to avoid modifying the original.
            $PolicyXml = $Rule.ParentNode.ParentNode.CloneNode($true)
            $ModifiedPolicies.Add($ParentPolicyObjectId, $PolicyXml)
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Specified rules parent policy not found in policy cache so it has been added."

        #Now get our xml from the cached policy.
        $_Rule = invoke-xpathquery -querymethod SelectSingleNode -Node $PolicyXml -query "actionsByCategory/action[objectId=`'$($Rule.objectId)`']"
        if ( -not $_Rule ) {
            #This should never happen
            throw "An unexpected error occured retrieving a rule from cache. Please report this as a bug at https://github.com/vmware/powernsx"
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Retrieved rule from cache: $( $_Rule | format-xml )"

        #And do our updates...
        $null = $_Rule.ParentNode.RemoveChild($_Rule)

        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Rule processing complete. Updated policy xml is : $( $PolicyXML | format-xml )"

    end {
        foreach ( $policy in $ModifiedPolicies.Values ) {
            $null = Set-NsxSecurityPolicy -Policy $policy -Noconfirm:$NoConfirm

function Add-NsxSecurityPolicyRule   {

    Adds a new NSX Security Policy Rule to an existing policy.
    A security policy is a policy construct that can define one or more rules in
    several different categories, that can then be applied to an arbitrary
    number of Security Groups in order to enforce the defined policy.
    The three categories of rules that can be included in a Security Policy are:
    - Guest Introspection - data security, anti-virus, and vulnerability
      management and rules based on third party Guest Introspection capability.
    - Firewall rules - creates appropriate distributed firewall rules when
      the policy is applied to a security group.
    - Network introspection services - Thirdparty firewall, IPS/IDS etc.
    Add-NsxSecurityPolicyRule allows the addition of a new rule to an existing
    security policy.
    For Network Introspection, and some Guest Introspection rules, the
    appropriate service defintion and service policies must already be defined
    within NSX to allow this.
    $sg1 = Get-NsxSecurityGroup "All Management Servers"
    PS C:\> $http = Get-NsxService -Localonly | Where { $_.name -eq 'HTTP' }
    PS C:\> $https = Get-NsxService -Localonly | Where { $_.name -eq 'HTTPS' }
    PS C:\> $ssh = Get-NsxService -Localonly | Where { $_.name -eq 'SSH' }
    PS C:\> $inboundwebrule = New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec -Name "Allow Inbound Web" `
        -Description "Allow inbound web traffic" `
        -Service $http,$https -Source Any -EnableLogging -Action allow
    PS C:\> $inboundsshrule = New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec -Name "Allow SSH from Management" `
        -Description "Allow inbound ssh traffic from management servers" `
        -Service $ssh -Source $sg1 -EnableLogging -Action allow
    PS C:\> Get-NsxSecurityPolicy -Name WebServers | Add-NsxSecurityPolicyRule `
        -FirewallRuleSpec $inboundwebrule, $inboundsshrule
    Gets a security policy called WebServers and addes two firewall rules to it.
    The specific steps to accomplish this are as follows:
    - Retrieves an existing security group that represents management servers
    from which SSH traffic will originate.
    - Retrieves existing NSX services defining HTTP, HTTPS and SSH and stores
    them in appropriate variables.
    - Creates two FirewallRule Specs that use the group and services collected
    above and stores them in appropriate variables.
    - Retrieves a Security Policy using its name and adds the two precreated
    firewall rules.
    $ServiceDefinition = Get-NsxServiceDefinition -Name "MyThirdPartyFirewall"
    PS C:\> $ServicePolicy = $ServiceDefinition | Get-NsxServiceProfile "FirewallProfile"
    PS C:\> $https = Get-NsxService -Localonly | Where { $_.name -eq 'HTTPS' }
    PS C:\> $RedirectRule = New-NsxSecurityPolicyNetworkIntrospectionSpec -Name "MyThirdPartyRedirectRule" `
       -ServiceProfile $ServicePolicy -Service $https -source Any
    PS C:\> Get-NsxSecurityPolicy -Name ThirdPartyRedirect | Add-NsxSecurityPolicyRule `
        -NetworkIntrospectionSpec $RedirectRule
    Retrieves a security policy called ThirdPartyRedirect and adds a single
    network introspection rule to redirect traffic to a thirdparty firewall
    The specific steps to accomplish this are as follows:
    - Retrieves an existing Service Policy that is defined as part of the third
    party firewall production integration with NSX.
    - Retrieves an existing NSX service defining HTTPS and stores it in an
    appropriate variable.
    - Creates a Network Introspection rule spec that uses the policy collected
    above, that matches HTTPS traffic from any source and stores it in an
    appropriate variable.
    - Retrieves a Security Policy using its name and adds the precreated network
    introspection rule.
    $ServiceDefinition = Get-NsxServiceDefinition -Name "MyThirdPartyEndpoint"
    PS C:\> $ServicePolicy = $ServiceDefinition | Get-NsxServiceProfile "Profile1"
    PS C:\> $Endpointrule = New-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionSpec -Name "MyThirdPartyEndpointRule" `
       -ServiceDefinition $ServiceDefinition -ServiceProfile $ServicePolicy
    PS C:\> Get-NsxSecurityPolicy -Name ThirdPartyEndpoint | Add-NsxSecurityPolicyRule `
        -GuestIntrospection $EndpointRule
    Retrieves a security policy called ThirdPartyEndpoint and adds a single
    guest introspection rule to it.
    The specific steps to accomplish this are as follows:
    - Retrieves an existing Service Policy that is defined as part of the third
    party endpoint integration with NSX.
    - Creates a Guest Introspection rule spec that uses the policy collected
    above and stores it in an appropriate variable.
    - Retrieves a Security Policy and adds the precreated guest introspection rule.
    $Endpointrule = New-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionSpec -Name "MyThirdPartyEndpointRule" `
       -Servicetype AntiVirus
    PS C:\> Get-NsxSecurityPolicy -Name AntiVirusEndpoint | Add-NsxSecurityPolicyRule `
        -GuestIntrospection $EndpointRule
    Retieves a security policy called AntiVirusEndpoint and adds a single
    AntiVirus guest introspection rule to it.
    The specific steps to accomplish this are as follows:
    - Creates a Guest Introspection AntiVirus rule spec and stores it in an
    appropriate variable.
    - Retrieves a Security Policy using its name and adds the precreated guest introspection rule.
    $Endpointrule = New-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionSpec -Name "MyThirdPartyEndpointRule" `
       -Servicetype FileIntegrityMonitoring
    PS C:\> Get-NsxSecurityPolicy -Name FileIntegrityEndpoint | Add-NsxSecurityPolicyRule `
        -GuestIntrospection $EndpointRule
    Retrieves a security policy called FileIntegrityEndpoint and adds a single
    FileIntegrity guest introspection rule to it.
    The specific steps to accomplish this are as follows:
    - Creates a Guest Introspection FileIntegrity rule spec and stores it in an
    appropriate variable.
    - Retrieves a Security Policy using its name and adds the guest introspection rule.
    $Endpointrule = New-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionSpec -Name "MyThirdPartyEndpointRule" `
       -Servicetype VulnerabilityManagement
    PS C:\> Get-NsxSecurityPolicy -Name VulnerabilityMgmtEndpoint | Add-NsxSecurityPolicyRule `
        -GuestIntrospection $EndpointRule
    Retrieves a security policy called VulnerabilityMgmtEndpoint and adds a single
    VulnerabilityManagement guest introspection rule to it.
    The specific steps to accomplish this are as follows:
    - Creates a Guest Introspection VulnerabilityManagement rule spec and stores it in an
    appropriate variable.
    - Retrieves a Security Policy using its name and adds the precreated guest introspection rule.

    param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine)]
            #Security Policy to retrieve rules from.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSecurityPolicy $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Security Policy Firewall Rule Spec as created by New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSecPolFwSpec $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Guest Introspection Rule Spec as created by New-NsxSecurityPolicyGuestIntrospectionSpec
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSecPolGiSpec $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            # Network Introspection Rule Spec as created by New-NsxSecurityPolicyNetworkIntrospectionSpec
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateSecPolNiSpec $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}

    process {

        #Creating the XML Document and root elem for Security Policy
        $_SecurityPolicy = $SecurityPolicy.CloneNode($true)
        $xmlDoc = $_SecurityPolicy.OwnerDocument

        #Create the firewall category actionsByCategory Elem if required
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("FirewallRuleSpec")) {
            $xmlFwActionsByCategory = invoke-xpathquery -node $_SecurityPolicy -querymethod SelectSingleNode -query "actionsByCategory[category='firewall']"
            if ( -not $xmlFwActionsByCategory ) {
                $xmlFwActionsByCategory = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("actionsByCategory")
                $null = $_SecurityPolicy.appendChild($xmlFwActionsByCategory)
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlFwActionsByCategory -xmlElementName "category" -xmlElementText "firewall"
            foreach ($rule in $FirewallRuleSpec){
                #Import the new fw node
                $null = $xmlFwActionsByCategory.AppendChild($xmlFwActionsByCategory.OwnerDocument.ImportNode($rule, $true))

        #Create the endpointSecurityAction actionsByCategory Elem if required.
        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("GuestIntrospectionSpec")) {
            $xmlEndpointActionsByCategory = invoke-xpathquery -node $_SecurityPolicy -querymethod SelectSingleNode -query "actionsByCategory[category='endpoint']"
            if ( -not $xmlEndpointActionsByCategory ) {
                $xmlEndpointActionsByCategory = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("actionsByCategory")
                $null = $_SecurityPolicy.appendChild($xmlEndpointActionsByCategory)
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlEndpointActionsByCategory -xmlElementName "category" -xmlElementText "endpoint"
            foreach ($rule in $GuestIntrospectionSpec){
                #Import the new GI node
                $null = $xmlEndpointActionsByCategory.AppendChild($xmlEndpointActionsByCategory.OwnerDocument.ImportNode($rule, $true))

        #Create the trafficSteeringSecurityAction actionsByCategory Elem if required.
        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("NetworkIntrospectionSpec")) {
            $xmlNetworkIntrospectionActionsByCategory = invoke-xpathquery -node $_SecurityPolicy -querymethod SelectSingleNode -query "actionsByCategory[category='traffic_steering']"
            if ( -not $xmlNetworkIntrospectionActionsByCategory ) {
                $xmlNetworkIntrospectionActionsByCategory = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("actionsByCategory")
                $null = $_SecurityPolicy.appendChild($xmlNetworkIntrospectionActionsByCategory)
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlNetworkIntrospectionActionsByCategory -xmlElementName "category" -xmlElementText "traffic_steering"
            foreach ($rule in $NetworkIntrospectionSpec){
                #Import the new NI node
                $null = $xmlNetworkIntrospectionActionsByCategory.AppendChild($xmlNetworkIntrospectionActionsByCategory.OwnerDocument.ImportNode($rule, $true))

        #Do the post
        $body = $_SecurityPolicy.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/2.0/services/policy/securitypolicy/$($_SecurityPolicy.objectId)"
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection

        if ($response.StatusCode -eq "200"){
            [xml]$xmldoc = $response.content
    end {}

# We are only doing set for Firewall rule for the moment. Will do GI and NI if rcustomers request.
function Set-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRule   {

    Modifies the configuration of an existing Security Policy Rule.
    A security policy is a policy construct that can define one or more rules in
    several different categories, that can then be applied to an arbitrary
    number of Security Groups in order to enforce the defined policy.
    The three categories of rules that can be included in a Security Policy are:
    - Guest Introspection - data security, anti-virus, and vulnerability
      management and rules based on third party Guest Introspection capability.
    - Firewall rules - creates appropriate distributed firewall rules when
      the policy is applied to a security group.
    - Network introspection services - Thirdparty firewall, IPS/IDS etc.
    Set-NsxSecurityPolicyRule modifies an existing firewall, guest introspection
    or network introspection rule as retrieved by Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule
    It is possible to use Set-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRule to modify the
    'direction' of a given rule. (From Policies SecurityGroup, To Policies
    SecurityGroup, or to and from Policies SecurityGroup )
    The concept of 'direction', reflects the way the API represents the firewall
    rule definition rather than the UI represendation of Policies Security Group
    but is functionality equivalent.
    It requires specification of a direction (inbound outbound or intra) and for
    inbound/outbound directions, specific securitygroups may be
    specified. If no Security Group is specified, the source/destination is
    Refer to Get-Help documentation in New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec for
    more information.
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy SecPol01 | Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -RuleType Firewall -Name AdminSsh | Set-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRule -Action Allow
    Sets the action to allow on the firewall rule called AdminSsh within the security policy SecPol01
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy SecPol01 | Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -RuleType Firewall -Name AdminSsh | Set-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRule -Logging Enabled
    Enables logging on the firewall rule called AdminSsh within the security policy SecPol01
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy SecPol01 | Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -RuleType Firewall -Name AdminSsh | Set-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRule

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
            # Security Policy Rule to reconfigure
            [ValidateScript( {
                ValidateSecPolRule $_
                if ( $_.class -ne "firewallSecurityAction" ) {
                    throw "Specified rule is not a firewall rule."
        [Parameter ()]
            # Set the name of the specified rule
        [Parameter ()]
            # Set the description of the specified rule
        [Parameter ()]
            # Set the Action of the specified rule
            [ValidateSet("Allow", "Block", "Reject")]
        [Parameter ()]
            # Configure logging behaviour for the specified rule
        [Parameter ()]
            # Enable or disable the specified rule.
        [Parameter ()]
            # Modify the 'direction' of the rule. Refer to mode '2' operation of New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec for more information.
            [Validateset("Inbound", "Outbound", "Intra")]
        [Parameter ()]
            # Disable confirmation prompt
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            # PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

        # We process all rule modifications offline as part of pipeline processing, then we put the updated policies to the api in the end{} block to avoid overwriting changes to different rules in the same policy..
        # Save modified policies in a hash table keyed by id
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Initialising Policy cache"
        $ModifiedPolicies = @{}
        $ModifiedRules = @()

    process {
        $ParentPolicyObjectId = $Rule.ParentNode.ParentNode.objectId

        #The Rule the user specified is only used the first time we edit a given policy. Otherwise, it is just a key to the cached copy - in which case, we modify the rule as it exists in the cached copy of the policy.
        if ( $ModifiedPolicies.ContainsKey($ParentPolicyObjectId )) {

            # Policy has already been updated in this pipeline, so we modify the already updated xml.
            $PolicyXml = $ModifiedPolicies[$ParentPolicyObjectId]
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Retrieved specified rules parent policy from the policy cache. Policy XML is : $($PolicyXML | format-xml)"
        else {
            # We havent touched the policy yet, so we have to get it. We clone to avoid modifying the original.
            $PolicyXml = $Rule.ParentNode.ParentNode.CloneNode($true)
            $ModifiedPolicies.Add($ParentPolicyObjectId, $PolicyXml)
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Specified rules parent policy not found in policy cache so it has been added."

        #Now get our xml from the cached policy.
        $_Rule = invoke-xpathquery -querymethod SelectSingleNode -Node $PolicyXml -query "actionsByCategory/action[objectId=`'$($Rule.objectId)`']"
        if ( -not $_Rule ) {
            #This should never happen
            throw "An unexpected error occured retrieving a rule from cache. Please report this as a bug at https://github.com/vmware/powernsx"
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Retrieved rule from cache: $( $_Rule | format-xml )"

        #And do our updates...

        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name")) {
            if ( -not ( invoke-xpathquery -querymethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_Rule -query "child::name" )) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_Rule -xmlElementName "name" -xmlElementText $Name
            else {
                $_Rule.name= $Name

        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Description")) {
            if ( -not ( invoke-xpathquery -querymethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_Rule -query "child::description" )) {
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_Rule -xmlElementName "description" -xmlElementText $description
            else {
                $_Rule.description = $description

        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Action")) {
            $_Rule.action = $Action.tolower()

        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("LoggingEnabled")) {
            $_Rule.logged = $LoggingEnabled.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Enabled")) {
            $_Rule.isEnabled = $Enabled.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Direction")) {
            if ( $_Rule.direction -ne $Direction.ToString().ToLower()) {
                # We dont expect that users will do this much as it's hard to concieve of an operational reason to do so
                # other than fat fingers. Still - its easy to implement, so we provide it, and just warn.
                if ( $Direction -eq "Intra" )  {
                    $SecondaryGroups = $null
                    $secondaryGroups = Invoke-XpathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $_Rule -Query "child::secondarySecurityGroup"
                    if ( $SecondaryGroups)  {
                        write-warning "Specified rule specifies an explicit source or destination group. Converting the rule to direction 'Intra' will REMOVE all existing source and destination groups."
                        foreach ( $groupnode in $SecondaryGroups ) {
                            $null = $_Rule.RemoveChild($groupnode)
                elseif ( $_Rule.direction -eq 'intra' ) {
                    if ( $Direction -eq 'inbound') { $SrcDest = "source" } else { $SrcDest = "destination" }
                    write-warning "Changing the direction of a rule from intra to $($Direction.toLower()) will set the $srcdest to 'any'."
                else {
                    write-warning "Changing the direction of a rule from $($_Rule.Direction) to $($Direction.toLower()) is equivalent to swapping it's source and destination."
            $_Rule.direction = $Direction.ToString().ToLower()

        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Rule processing complete. Updated rule xml is : $($_Rule.OuterXml)"
        $ModifiedRules += $_Rule.objectId

    end {
        foreach ( $policy in $ModifiedPolicies.Values ) {
            $UpdatedPolicy = Set-NsxSecurityPolicy -Policy $policy -NoConfirm:$NoConfirm
            if ( $UpdatedPolicy) {
                $AllPolicyRules = Invoke-XpathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $UpdatedPolicy -Query "actionsByCategory/action"
                $AllPolicyRules | Where-Object { $ModifiedRules -contains $_.objectId }

function Add-NsxSecurityPolicyRuleGroup   {

    Modifies the configuration of an existing Security Policy Firewall or
    Network Introspection Rule to add a source or destination group.
    A security policy is a policy construct that can define one or more rules in
    several different categories, that can then be applied to an arbitrary
    number of Security Groups in order to enforce the defined policy.
    The three categories of rules that can be included in a Security Policy are:
    - Guest Introspection - data security, anti-virus, and vulnerability
      management and rules based on third party Guest Introspection capability.
    - Firewall rules - creates appropriate distributed firewall rules when
      the policy is applied to a security group.
    - Network introspection services - Thirdparty firewall, IPS/IDS etc.
    Add-NsxSecurityPolicyRuleGroup modifies the configuration of an existing
    Security Policy Firewall or Network Introspection Rule to add a source or
    destination group.
    Whether the group is added to the source or destination of a rule is a
    function of its configured direction.
    It is only meaningful to modify the source groups of a rule whose direction
    is 'inbound' (Destination = 'Policies Security Group'), or the destination
    groups of a rule whose direction is 'outbound' (Source = 'Policies Security
    Group'), and it is never meaningful to modify the source or destination
    groups of a rule whose direction is 'intra' (Source and Destination =
    'Policies Security Group').
    You can use Set-NsxSecurityPolicyRule to change the direction of a rule if
    Refer to Get-Help documentation in New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec for
    more information on direction as it relates to 'Policies Security Group'.
    Adding a security group to an existing rule whose current source/destination
    is 'any' makes the rule MORE restrictive in what traffic it applies to than
    it currently is, but adding subsequent groups to a rule whose current source
    or destination already specifies a group makes it LESS restrictive.
    As Dale would say... 'Think about it Kohei!' :)
    $grp = New-NsxSecurityGroup MySpecialServers -IncludeMember (Get-VM specialvm*)
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy SecPol01 | Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -RuleType Firewall -Name AdminSsh | Add-NsxSecurityPolicyRuleGroup -Group $grp
    Creates a new group called MySpecialServers with static membership of any vm whose name starts with the string 'specialvm' and adds it to the source or destination of the Firewall rule AdminSsh within the Security Policy SecPol01

    param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
            # Security Policy Rule to reconfigure
            [ValidateScript( {
                ValidateSecPolRule $_
                if ( ($_.class -ne "firewallSecurityAction") -and ($_.class -ne "trafficSteeringSecurityAction") ) {
                    throw "Specified rule is not a firewall or network introspection rule"
            # Group(s) to be added to source or destination of specified rule. Depends on currently configured direction of the rule.
            [ValidateScript( { ValidateSecurityGroup $_ })]
            # Disable confirmation prompt
            # PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

        # We process all rule modifications offline as part of pipeline processing, then we put the updated policies to the api in the end{} block to avoid overwriting changes to different rules in the same policy..
        # Save modified policies in a hash table keyed by id
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Initialising Policy cache"
        $ModifiedPolicies = @{}
        $ModifiedRules = @()

    process {
        if ( $Rule.direction -eq "intra") {
            throw "Unable to add groups to rule $($_Rule.Name) ($($_Rule.objectId)) because it's source and destination are Policies Security Group (direction intra)"

        $ParentPolicyObjectId = $Rule.ParentNode.ParentNode.objectId

        #The Rule the user specified is only used the first time we edit a given policy. Otherwise, it is just a key to the cached copy - in which case, we modify the rule as it exists in the cached copy of the policy.
        if ( $ModifiedPolicies.ContainsKey($ParentPolicyObjectId )) {

            # Policy has already been updated in this pipeline, so we modify the already updated xml.
            $PolicyXml = $ModifiedPolicies[$ParentPolicyObjectId]
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Retrieved specified rules parent policy from the policy cache. Policy XML is : $($PolicyXML | format-xml)"
        else {
            # We havent touched the policy yet, so we have to get it. We clone to avoid modifying the original.
            $PolicyXml = $Rule.ParentNode.ParentNode.CloneNode($true)
            $ModifiedPolicies.Add($ParentPolicyObjectId, $PolicyXml)
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Specified rules parent policy not found in policy cache so it has been added."

        #Now get our xml from the cached policy.
        $_Rule = invoke-xpathquery -querymethod SelectSingleNode -Node $PolicyXml -query "actionsByCategory/action[objectId=`'$($Rule.objectId)`']"
        if ( -not $_Rule ) {
            #This should never happen
            throw "An unexpected error occured retrieving a rule from cache. Please report this as a bug at https://github.com/vmware/powernsx"
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Retrieved rule from cache: $( $_Rule | format-xml )"

        #Iterate securitygroups.
        foreach ( $Group in $SecurityGroup) {
            if ( invoke-xpathquery -node $_Rule -querymethod SelectSingleNode -query "child::secondarySecurityGroup[objectId=`'$($Group.objectId)`']" ) {
                write-warning "Group $($Group.name) ($($Group.objectId)) is already configured in rule $($_Rule.name) ($($_Rule.objectId))."
            else {
                $xmlSecurityGroup = $_Rule.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("secondarySecurityGroup")
                $_Rule.appendChild($xmlSecurityGroup) | out-null
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlSecurityGroup -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $group.objectId
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Added group $($group.objectId) to rule $($_Rule.Name)"
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Rule processing complete. Updated rule xml is : $($_Rule.OuterXml | format-xml)"
        $ModifiedRules += $_Rule.objectId


    end {
        foreach ( $policy in $ModifiedPolicies.Values ) {
            $UpdatedPolicy = Set-NsxSecurityPolicy -Policy $policy -NoConfirm:$NoConfirm
            if ( $UpdatedPolicy) {
                $AllPolicyRules = Invoke-XpathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $UpdatedPolicy -Query "actionsByCategory/action"
                $AllPolicyRules | Where-Object { $ModifiedRules -contains $_.objectId }

function Remove-NsxSecurityPolicyRuleGroup   {

    Modifies the configuration of an existing Security Policy Firewall or
    Network Introspection Rule to remove a source or destination group.
    Note: If the group to be removed is the last one defined, then the source or
    destination of the rule becomes ANY.
    A security policy is a policy construct that can define one or more rules in
    several different categories, that can then be applied to an arbitrary
    number of Security Groups in order to enforce the defined policy.
    The three categories of rules that can be included in a Security Policy are:
    - Guest Introspection - data security, anti-virus, and vulnerability
      management and rules based on third party Guest Introspection capability.
    - Firewall rules - creates appropriate distributed firewall rules when
      the policy is applied to a security group.
    - Network introspection services - Thirdparty firewall, IPS/IDS etc.
    Remove-NsxSecurityPolicyRuleGroup modifies the configuration of an existing
    Security Policy Firewall or Network Introspection Rule to add a source or
    destination group.
    Whether the group is removed from the source or destination of a rule is a
    function of its configured direction.
    It is only meaningful to modify the source groups of a rule whose direction
    is 'inbound' (Destination = 'Policies Security Group'), or the destination
    groups of a rule whose direction is 'outbound' (Source = 'Policies Security
    Group'), and it is never meaningful to modify the source or destination
    groups of a rule whose direction is 'intra' (Source and Destination =
    'Policies Security Group').
    You can use Set-NsxSecurityPolicyRule to change the direction of a rule if
    Refer to Get-Help documentation in New-NsxSecurityPolicyFirewallRuleSpec for
    more information on direction as it relates to 'Policies Security Group'.
    Adding a security group to an existing rule whose current source/destination
    is 'any' makes the rule MORE restrictive in what traffic it applies to than
    it currently is, but adding subsequent groups to a rule whose current source
    or destination already specifies a group makes it LESS restrictive.
    As Dale would say... 'Think about it Kohei!' :)
    $grp = New-NsxSecurityGroup MySpecialServers -IncludeMember (Get-VM specialvm*)
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy SecPol01 | Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -RuleType Firewall -Name AdminSsh | Add-NsxSecurityPolicyRuleGroup -Group $grp
    Creates a new group called MySpecialServers with static membership of any vm whose name starts with the string 'specialvm' and adds it to the source or destination of the Firewall rule AdminSsh within the Security Policy SecPol01

    param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
            # Security Policy Rule to reconfigure
            [ValidateScript( {
                ValidateSecPolRule $_
                if ( ($_.class -ne "firewallSecurityAction") -and ($_.class -ne "trafficSteeringSecurityAction") ) {
                    throw "Specified rule is not a firewall or network introspection rule"
            # Group(s) to be added to source or destination of specified rule. Depends on currently configured direction of the rule.
            [ValidateScript( { ValidateSecurityGroup $_ })]
            # Disable confirmation prompt
            # Disable confirmation prompt for removal of last group - effectively converting rule to match ANY in the configured source or destination.
            # PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

        # We process all rule modifications offline as part of pipeline processing, then we put the updated policies to the api in the end{} block to avoid overwriting changes to different rules in the same policy..
        # Save modified policies in a hash table keyed by id
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Initialising Policy cache"
        $ModifiedPolicies = @{}
        $ModifiedRules = @()

    process {

        if ( $Rule.direction -eq "intra") {
            # We don't throw to avoid killing pipeline processing, but we warn that we cant do diddly to this particular rule.
            write-warning "Unable to remove groups from rule $($_Rule.Name) ($($_Rule.objectId)) because it's source and destination are Policies Security Group (direction intra)"

        if ( -not (invoke-xpathquery -node $Rule -querymethod selectsinglenode -query "child::secondarySecurityGroup" )) {
            write-warning "Unable to remove groups from rule $($_Rule.Name) ($($_Rule.objectId)) because it is configured with source or destination of 'any'."
        $ParentPolicyObjectId = $Rule.ParentNode.ParentNode.objectId

        #The Rule the user specified is only used the first time we edit a given policy. Otherwise, it is just a key to the cached copy - in which case, we modify the rule as it exists in the cached copy of the policy.
        if ( $ModifiedPolicies.ContainsKey($ParentPolicyObjectId )) {

            # Policy has already been updated in this pipeline, so we modify the already updated xml.
            $PolicyXml = $ModifiedPolicies[$ParentPolicyObjectId]
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Retrieved specified rules parent policy from the policy cache. Policy XML is : $($PolicyXML | format-xml)"
        else {
            # We havent touched the policy yet, so we have to get it. We clone to avoid modifying the original.
            $PolicyXml = $Rule.ParentNode.ParentNode.CloneNode($true)
            $ModifiedPolicies.Add($ParentPolicyObjectId, $PolicyXml)
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Specified rules parent policy not found in policy cache so it has been added."

        #Now get our xml from the cached policy.
        $_Rule = invoke-xpathquery -querymethod SelectSingleNode -Node $PolicyXml -query "actionsByCategory/action[objectId=`'$($Rule.objectId)`']"
        if ( -not $_Rule ) {
            #This should never happen
            throw "An unexpected error occured retrieving a rule from cache. Please report this as a bug at https://github.com/vmware/powernsx"
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Retrieved rule from cache: $( $_Rule | format-xml )"

        #Iterate securitygroups.
        foreach ( $Group in $SecurityGroup) {

            #Catch the special case of removal of the last group - the makes the rule apply to ALL traffic - need to ensure its what we want.
            if (((invoke-xpathquery -node $_Rule -querymethod selectNodes -query "child::secondarySecurityGroup" ) | measure-object ).count -eq 1 ) {
                if ( -Not $NoConfirmOnLastGroupRemoval ) {
                    $message  = "The last security group configured on rule $($_Rule.Name) ($($_Rule.objectId)) in policy $ParentPolicyObjectId is being removed. This will result in the rules source or destination being configured as 'any'."
                    $question = "Are you sure this is what you want?"

                    $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                    $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                    $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                    $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
                else { $decision = 0 }
                if ($decision -ne 0) {
                    throw "Aborting on user request."
            $xmlSecurityGroup = invoke-xpathquery -node $_Rule -querymethod SelectSingleNode -query "child::secondarySecurityGroup[objectId=`'$($Group.objectId)`']"
            if ( -not $xmlSecurityGroup ) {
                write-warning "Group $($Group.name) ($($Group.objectId)) not configured in rule $($_Rule.name) ($($_Rule.objectId))."
            else {

                $_Rule.removeChild($xmlSecurityGroup) | out-null
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Removed group $($group.objectId) from rule $($_Rule.Name)"

        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Rule processing complete. Updated rule xml is : $($_Rule.OuterXml | format-xml)"
        $ModifiedRules += $_Rule.objectId


    end {
        foreach ( $policy in $ModifiedPolicies.Values ) {
            $UpdatedPolicy = Set-NsxSecurityPolicy -Policy $policy -NoConfirm:$NoConfirm
            if ( $UpdatedPolicy) {
                $AllPolicyRules = Invoke-XpathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $UpdatedPolicy -Query "actionsByCategory/action"
                $AllPolicyRules | Where-Object { $ModifiedRules -contains $_.objectId }

function Add-NsxSecurityPolicyRuleService   {

    Modifies the configuration of an existing Security Policy Firewall or
    Network Introspection Rule to add a service.
    A security policy is a policy construct that can define one or more rules in
    several different categories, that can then be applied to an arbitrary
    number of Security Groups in order to enforce the defined policy.
    The three categories of rules that can be included in a Security Policy are:
    - Guest Introspection - data security, anti-virus, and vulnerability
      management and rules based on third party Guest Introspection capability.
    - Firewall rules - creates appropriate distributed firewall rules when
      the policy is applied to a security group.
    - Network introspection services - Thirdparty firewall, IPS/IDS etc.
    Add-NsxSecurityPolicyRuleService modifies the configuration of an existing
    Security Policy Firewall or Network Introspection Rule to add a service.
    $svc = New-NsxService -Name AltSsh -Protocol TCP -port 2222
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy SecPol01 | Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -RuleType Firewall -Name AdminSsh | Add-NsxSecurityPolicyRuleservice -Service $svc
    Creates a new service called AltSsh and adds it to the Firewall rule AdminSsh within the Security Policy SecPol01

    param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
            # Security Policy Rule to reconfigure
            [ValidateScript( {
                ValidateSecPolRule $_
                if ( ($_.class -ne "firewallSecurityAction") -and ($_.class -ne "trafficSteeringSecurityAction") ) {
                    throw "Specified rule is not a firewall or network introspection rule"
            # Group(s) to be added to source or destination of specified rule. Depends on currently configured direction of the rule.
            [ValidateScript( { ValidateService $_ })]
            # Disable confirmation prompt
            # PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

        # We process all rule modifications offline as part of pipeline processing, then we put the updated policies to the api in the end{} block to avoid overwriting changes to different rules in the same policy..
        # Save modified policies in a hash table keyed by id
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Initialising Policy cache"
        $ModifiedPolicies = @{}
        $ModifiedRules = @()

    process {

        $ParentPolicyObjectId = $Rule.ParentNode.ParentNode.objectId

        #The Rule the user specified is only used the first time we edit a given policy. Otherwise, it is just a key to the cached copy - in which case, we modify the rule as it exists in the cached copy of the policy.
        if ( $ModifiedPolicies.ContainsKey($ParentPolicyObjectId )) {

            # Policy has already been updated in this pipeline, so we modify the already updated xml.
            $PolicyXml = $ModifiedPolicies[$ParentPolicyObjectId]
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Retrieved specified rules parent policy from the policy cache. Policy XML is : $($PolicyXML | format-xml)"
        else {
            # We havent touched the policy yet, so we have to get it. We clone to avoid modifying the original.
            $PolicyXml = $Rule.ParentNode.ParentNode.CloneNode($true)
            $ModifiedPolicies.Add($ParentPolicyObjectId, $PolicyXml)
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Specified rules parent policy not found in policy cache so it has been added."

        #Now get our xml from the cached policy.
        $_Rule = invoke-xpathquery -querymethod SelectSingleNode -Node $PolicyXml -query "actionsByCategory/action[objectId=`'$($Rule.objectId)`']"
        if ( -not $_Rule ) {
            #This should never happen
            throw "An unexpected error occured retrieving a rule from cache. Please report this as a bug at https://github.com/vmware/powernsx"
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Retrieved rule from cache: $( $_Rule | format-xml )"

        #Iterate services.
        foreach ( $Svc in $Service) {

            #Make sure we have the applications parent node.
            $ApplicationsNode = invoke-xpathquery -node $_Rule -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Query "child::applications"
            if ( -not ($applicationsNode)) {
                $ApplicationsNode = $_Rule.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("applications")
                $null = $_Rule.appendChild($ApplicationsNode)
            if ( invoke-xpathquery -node $_Rule -querymethod SelectSingleNode -query "child::applications/application[objectId=`'$($Svc.objectId)`']" ) {
                write-warning "Service $($Svc.name) ($($Svc.objectId)) is already configured in rule $($_Rule.name) ($($_Rule.objectId))."
            else {
                $Application = $_Rule.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("application")
                $null = $ApplicationsNode.appendChild($Application)
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $Application -xmlElementName "objectId" -xmlElementText $Svc.objectId
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Added service $($Svc.objectId) to rule $($_Rule.Name)"
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Rule processing complete. Updated rule xml is : $($_Rule.OuterXml | format-xml)"
        $ModifiedRules += $_Rule.objectId


    end {
        foreach ( $policy in $ModifiedPolicies.Values ) {
            $UpdatedPolicy = Set-NsxSecurityPolicy -Policy $policy -NoConfirm:$NoConfirm
            if ( $UpdatedPolicy) {
                $AllPolicyRules = Invoke-XpathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $UpdatedPolicy -Query "actionsByCategory/action"
                $AllPolicyRules | Where-Object { $ModifiedRules -contains $_.objectId }

function Remove-NsxSecurityPolicyRuleService   {

    Modifies the configuration of an existing Security Policy Firewall or
    Network Introspection Rule to remove a service.
    Note: If the service to be removed is the last one defined, then the
    matching service for the rule becomes ANY.
    A security policy is a policy construct that can define one or more rules in
    several different categories, that can then be applied to an arbitrary
    number of Security Groups in order to enforce the defined policy.
    The three categories of rules that can be included in a Security Policy are:
    - Guest Introspection - data security, anti-virus, and vulnerability
      management and rules based on third party Guest Introspection capability.
    - Firewall rules - creates appropriate distributed firewall rules when
      the policy is applied to a security group.
    - Network introspection services - Thirdparty firewall, IPS/IDS etc.
    Remove-NsxSecurityPolicyRuleService modifies the configuration of an existing
    Security Policy Firewall or Network Introspection Rule to remove a service.
    $svc = Get-NsxService -Name AltSsh
    Get-NsxSecurityPolicy SecPol01 | Get-NsxSecurityPolicyRule -RuleType Firewall -Name AdminSsh | Remove-NsxSecurityPolicyRuleservice -Service $svc
    Gets the service called AltSsh and removes it from the Firewall rule AdminSsh within the Security Policy SecPol01

    param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
            # Security Policy Rule to reconfigure
            [ValidateScript( {
                ValidateSecPolRule $_
                if ( ($_.class -ne "firewallSecurityAction") -and ($_.class -ne "trafficSteeringSecurityAction") ) {
                    throw "Specified rule is not a firewall or network introspection rule"
            # Services(s) to be removed from the specified rule. Depends on currently configured direction of the rule.
            [ValidateScript( { ValidateService $_ })]
            # Disable confirmation prompt
            # Disable confirmation prompt for removal of last service - effectively converting rule to match ANY service.
            # PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {

        # We process all rule modifications offline as part of pipeline processing, then we put the updated policies to the api in the end{} block to avoid overwriting changes to different rules in the same policy..
        # Save modified policies in a hash table keyed by id
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Initialising Policy cache"
        $ModifiedPolicies = @{}
        $ModifiedRules = @()

    process {

        if ( -not (invoke-xpathquery -node $Rule -querymethod selectsinglenode -query "child::applications" )) {
            write-warning "Unable to remove service from rule $($Rule.Name) ($($Rule.objectId)) because it is configured with service of 'any'."
        $ParentPolicyObjectId = $Rule.ParentNode.ParentNode.objectId

        #The Rule the user specified is only used the first time we edit a given policy. Otherwise, it is just a key to the cached copy - in which case, we modify the rule as it exists in the cached copy of the policy.
        if ( $ModifiedPolicies.ContainsKey($ParentPolicyObjectId )) {

            # Policy has already been updated in this pipeline, so we modify the already updated xml.
            $PolicyXml = $ModifiedPolicies[$ParentPolicyObjectId]
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Retrieved specified rules parent policy from the policy cache. Policy XML is : $($PolicyXML | format-xml)"
        else {
            # We havent touched the policy yet, so we have to get it. We clone to avoid modifying the original.
            $PolicyXml = $Rule.ParentNode.ParentNode.CloneNode($true)
            $ModifiedPolicies.Add($ParentPolicyObjectId, $PolicyXml)
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Specified rules parent policy not found in policy cache so it has been added."

        #Now get our xml from the cached policy.
        $_Rule = invoke-xpathquery -querymethod SelectSingleNode -Node $PolicyXml -query "actionsByCategory/action[objectId=`'$($Rule.objectId)`']"
        if ( -not $_Rule ) {
            #This should never happen
            throw "An unexpected error occured retrieving a rule from cache. Please report this as a bug at https://github.com/vmware/powernsx"
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Retrieved rule from cache: $( $_Rule | format-xml )"

        #Iterate securitygroups.
        foreach ( $Svc in $Service) {

            $ServiceXml = invoke-xpathquery -node $_Rule -querymethod SelectSingleNode -query "child::applications/application[objectId=`'$($Svc.objectId)`']"
            if ( -not $ServiceXml ) {
                write-warning "Service $($Svc.name) ($($Svc.objectId)) not configured in rule $($_Rule.name) ($($_Rule.objectId))."
            else {
                #Catch the special case of removal of the last service - the makes the rule apply to ALL traffic - need to ensure its what we want.
                if (((invoke-xpathquery -node $_Rule -querymethod selectNodes -query "child::applications/application" ) | measure-object ).count -eq 1 ) {
                    if ( -Not $NoConfirmOnLastServiceRemoval ) {
                        $message  = "The last service configured on rule $($_Rule.Name) ($($_Rule.objectId)) in policy $ParentPolicyObjectId is being removed. This will result in the rule matching 'any' service."
                        $question = "Are you sure this is what you want?"

                        $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                        $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Yes'))
                        $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                        $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
                    else { $decision = 0 }
                    if ($decision -ne 0) {
                        throw "Aborting on user request."
                $_Rule.applications.removeChild($ServiceXml) | out-null
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Removed service $($Svc.objectId) from rule $($_Rule.Name)"

        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Rule processing complete. Updated rule xml is : $($_Rule.OuterXml | format-xml)"
        $ModifiedRules += $_Rule.objectId


    end {
        foreach ( $policy in $ModifiedPolicies.Values ) {
            $UpdatedPolicy = Set-NsxSecurityPolicy -Policy $policy -NoConfirm:$NoConfirm
            if ( $UpdatedPolicy) {
                $AllPolicyRules = Invoke-XpathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $UpdatedPolicy -Query "actionsByCategory/action"
                $AllPolicyRules | Where-Object { $ModifiedRules -contains $_.objectId }

function Get-NsxApplicableSecurityAction {

    Retrieves Security Policy actions (rules) associated with NSX Security
    Groups, Security Policies, or Virtual Machines.
    A security policy is a policy construct that can define one or more rules in
    several different categories, that can then be applied to an arbitrary
    number of Security Groups in order to enforce the defined policy.
    The three categories of rules that can be included in a Security Policy are:
    - Guest Introspection - data security, anti-virus, and vulnerability
      management and rules based on third party Guest Introspection capability.
    - Firewall rules - creates appropriate distributed firewall rules when
      the policy is applied to a security group.
    - Network introspection services - Thirdparty firewall, IPS/IDS etc.
    Get-NsxApplicableFSecurityAction retrieves the security actions applicable
    to a given object. Actions may be firewall, traffic redirection or guest
    $SG_Test = Get-NsxSecurityGroup "SG_Test"
    PS C:\> $SG_Test | Get-NsxApplicableSecurityAction
    $VM_Test = Get-VM -name "VM_Test"
    PS C:\> $VM_Test | Get-NsxApplicableSecurityAction
    $SP_Test = Get-NsxSecurityPolicy -name "SP_Test"
    PS C:\> Get-NsxApplicableSecurityAction -SecurityPolicy $SP_Test

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            # Object(s) to retreive applicable rules for. Can be a SecurityGroup, Security Policy or Virtual Machine
            [ValidateScript( {
                $arg = $_
                try {
                    ValidateSecurityGroup $arg }
                catch {
                    try {
                        ValidateSecurityPolicy $arg
                    catch {
                        try {
                            ValidateVirtualMachine $arg
                        catch {
                            throw "Object specified is not a SecurityGroup, SecurityPolicy or Virtual Machine. $($arg.gettype())"
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}

    process {

        foreach ( $obj in $object ) {
            # Work out what type of object we have.
            if ( $obj -is [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.Inventory.VirtualMachineInterop] ) {
                $URI = "/api/2.0/services/policy/virtualmachine/$($obj.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value)/securityactions"
            else {
                if ( $obj.ObjectTypeName -eq "SecurityGroup" )  {
                    $URI = "/api/2.0/services/policy/securitygroup/$($obj.objectId)/securityactions"
                elseif ( $obj.ObjectTypeName -eq "Policy" ) {
                    $URI = "/api/2.0/services/policy/securitypolicy/$($obj.objectId)/securityactions"
                else {
                    throw "Unsupported objecttype specified."

            #Make the call
            try {
                $response = Invoke-NsxRestMethod -Uri $Uri -method Get -connection $connection
                $ApplicableActions = Invoke-XpathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $response -query "child::securityActionsByCategoryMap/actionsByCategory/action"
                if ( $ApplicableActions ){
            catch {
                throw "Failed retrieving applicable actions. $_"
    end {}

# Extra functions - here we try to extend on the capability of the base API, rather than just exposing it...

function Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveMember {

    Determines the effective memebership of a security group.
    An NSX SecurityGroup can contain members (VMs, IP Addresses, MAC Addresses
    or interfaces) by virtue of direct, or indirect membership (nested security
    groups), and either by static or dynamic inclusion.
    In addition, direct or indirect exclusions can also
    modify membership.
    This cmdlet uses the NSX 'Translation APIs' to determine the
    'Effective Membership' of a given security group. The membership output
    by Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveMember is determined by NSX itself.
    Note: In order for IPAddress membership to be accurate, IP Discovery
    of virtual machines must be operational (as it must for the dataplane to
    function as well.)
    If IPAddress membership is not accurately represented here, verify that
    an appropriate IP discovery mechanism is operational, and NSX 'detects'
    the ip addresses you are expecting. Using the Get-NsxSpoofguardNic cmdlet
    will allow visibility of the detection state of a given nic or VM.
    Note: Previous versions of this cmdlet included direct static inclusions
    (only) which is not useful in the context of determining 'effective
    membership' and has been removed.
    If you wish to know how a given SG is configured with respect to
    inclusions/exclusions, use the Get-NsxSecurityGroup cmdlet.
    Return properties have also been renamed to make their function clearer, and
    the cmdlet renamed to be consistent with PowerShell naming convention
    Note: In addition to this cmdlet, four individual wrapper cmdlets exist
    that allow a translation query for a specific object type (ie vms only)
    to be executed, and whose output is easier to parse for intelligent monkeys.
    Review Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveVirtualMachine,
    Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveVnic for more information.
    Get-NsxSecurityGroup TestSG | Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveMembers
    Retrieve the effective membership of the securitygroup testsg by passing
    the securitygroup object on the pipline.
    Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveMembers -SecurityGroupId securitygroup-1234
    Retrieve the effective membership of a securitygroup by passing
    the securitygroup objectid.
    $testSG | Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveMembers -ReturnTypes -ReturnTypes VirtualMachine, Vnic
    Retrieve just the VM and VNIC effective membership of the SecurityGroup stored
    in $testSG


    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="object")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, Position = 1, ParameterSetName="objectid" )]
            [ValidateScript ( { if ( -not $_ -match 'securitygroup-\d+') { throw "Specify a valid SecurityGroup id"} else { $true }})]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            [ValidateSet("All", "VirtualMachine", "IpAddress", "MacAddress", "Vnic")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {}

    process {

        $EffectiveVMNodes = $null
        $EffectiveIPNodes = $null
        $EffectiveMACNodes = $null
        $EffectiveVNICNodes = $null

        if ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "object" ) {
            $sgid = $SecurityGroup.ObjectId
        else {
            $sgid = $SecurityGroupId

        if ( ($ReturnTypes -eq "All") -or ($ReturnTypes -eq "VirtualMachine")) {
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Getting effective VM membership for Security Group $sgid"
            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/$sgid/translation/virtualmachines"
            $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection

            if ( $response.content -as [system.xml.xmldocument] ) {
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : got xml response from api"
                [system.xml.xmldocument]$body = $response.content
                if ( $body.GetElementsByTagName("vmnodes").haschildnodes) { $EffectiveVMNodes = $body.GetElementsByTagName("vmnodes")}

        if ( ($ReturnTypes -eq "All") -or ($ReturnTypes -eq "IpAddress")) {
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Getting effective ipaddress membership for Security Group $sgid"
            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/$sgid/translation/ipaddresses"
            $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            if ( $response.content -as [system.xml.xmldocument] ) {
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : got xml response from api"
                [system.xml.xmldocument]$body = $response.content
                if ( $body.GetElementsByTagName("ipNodes").haschildnodes) { $EffectiveIPNodes = $body.GetElementsByTagName("ipNodes") }

        if ( ($ReturnTypes -eq "All") -or ($ReturnTypes -eq "MacAddress")) {
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Getting effective macaddress membership for Security Group $sgid"
            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/$sgid/translation/macaddresses"
            $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            if ( $response.content -as [system.xml.xmldocument] ) {
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : got xml response from api"
                [system.xml.xmldocument]$body = $response.content
                if ( $body.GetElementsByTagName("macNodes").haschildnodes) { $EffectiveMACNodes = $body.GetElementsByTagName("macNodes")}

        if ( ($ReturnTypes -eq "All") -or ($ReturnTypes -eq "Vnic")) {
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Getting effective vnic membership for Security Group $sgid"
            $URI = "/api/2.0/services/securitygroup/$sgid/translation/vnics"
            $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "get" -uri $URI -connection $connection
            if ( $response.content -as [system.xml.xmldocument] ) {
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : got xml response from api"
                [system.xml.xmldocument]$body = $response.content
                if ( $body.GetElementsByTagName("vnicNodes").haschildnodes) { $EffectiveVNICNodes = $body.GetElementsByTagName("vnicNodes")}

            "VirtualMachine" = $EffectiveVMNodes
            "IpAddress" = $EffectiveIPNodes
            "MacAddress" = $EffectiveMACNodes
            "Vnic" = $EffectiveVNICNodes

    end {}


function Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveVirtualMachine {

    Determines the effective VM membership of a security group.
    An NSX SecurityGroup can contain members (VMs, IP Addresses, MAC Addresses
    or interfaces) by virtue of direct, or indirect membership (nested security
    groups), and either by static or dynamic inclusion.
    In addition, direct or indirect exclusions can also
    modify membership.
    This cmdlet uses the NSX 'Translation APIs' to determine the
    'Effective VM Membership' of a given security group. The membership output
    by this cmdlet is determined by NSX itself.
    Get-NsxSecurityGroup testSG | Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveVirtualMachine
    VmName VmId
    ------ ----
    Web01 vm-1270
    Determine the effective VM membership of testSG
    Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveVirtualMachine -SecurityGroupId securitygroup-1234
    VmName VmId
    ------ ----
    Web01 vm-1270
    Determine the effective VM membership of a security group by object id.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="object")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, Position = 1, ParameterSetName="objectid" )]
            [ValidateScript ( { if ( -not $_ -match 'securitygroup-\d+') { throw "Specify a valid SecurityGroup id"} else { $true }})]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {}

    process {

        Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveMember @PSBoundParameters -ReturnTypes VirtualMachine | select-object @{ "n" = "VmName"; "e" = { $_.virtualmachine.vmnode.vmname }}, @{ "n" = "VmId"; "e" = { $_.virtualmachine.vmnode.VmId }}

    end {}


function Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveIpAddress {

    Determines the effective VM membership of a security group.
    An NSX SecurityGroup can contain members (VMs, IP Addresses, MAC Addresses
    or interfaces) by virtue of direct, or indirect membership (nested security
    groups), and either by static or dynamic inclusion.
    In addition, direct or indirect exclusions can also
    modify membership.
    This cmdlet uses the NSX 'Translation APIs' to determine the
    'Effective VM Membership' of a given security group. The membership output
    by this cmdlet is determined by NSX itself.
    Note: In order for IPAddress membership to be accurate, IP Discovery
    of virtual machines must be operational (as it must for the dataplane to
    function as well.)
    If IPAddress membership is not accurately represented here, verify that
    an appropriate IP discovery mechanism is operational, and NSX 'detects'
    the ip addresses you are expecting. Using the Get-NsxSpoofguardNic cmdlet
    will allow visibility of the detection state of a given nic or VM.
    Get-NsxSecurityGroup TestSG | Get-Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveIpAddress
    Determine the effective ipaddress membership of securitygroup
    Get-NsxSecurityGroup TestSG | Get-Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveIpAddress
    Determine the effective ipaddress membership of a security group by objectid

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="object")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, Position = 1, ParameterSetName="objectid" )]
            [ValidateScript ( { if ( -not $_ -match 'securitygroup-\d+') { throw "Specify a valid SecurityGroup id"} else { $true }})]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {}

    process {

        Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveMember @PSBoundParameters -ReturnTypes IpAddress | select-object @{ "n" = "IpAddress"; "e" = { $_.ipaddress.ipnode.ipaddresses.string }}

    end {}


function Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveMacAddress {

    Determines the effective Mac Address membership of a security group.
    An NSX SecurityGroup can contain members (VMs, IP Addresses, MAC Addresses
    or interfaces) by virtue of direct, or indirect membership (nested security
    groups), and either by static or dynamic inclusion.
    In addition, direct or indirect exclusions can also
    modify membership.
    This cmdlet uses the NSX 'Translation APIs' to determine the
    'Effective MAC Address Membership' of a given security group.
    The membership output by this cmdlet is determined by NSX itself.
    Get-NsxSecurityGroup testSG | Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveMacAddress
    {00:50:56:80:3e:20, 00:50:56:80:5f:d0}
    Determine the effective MAC Address membership of testSG.
    Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveMacAddress -SecurityGroupId securitygroup-1234
    {00:50:56:80:3e:20, 00:50:56:80:5f:d0}
    Determine the effective Mac Address membership of a security group by object

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="object")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, Position = 1, ParameterSetName="objectid" )]
            [ValidateScript ( { if ( -not $_ -match 'securitygroup-\d+') { throw "Specify a valid SecurityGroup id"} else { $true }})]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {}

    process {

        Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveMember @PSBoundParameters -ReturnTypes MacAddress | select-object @{ "n" = "MacAddress"; "e" = { $_.macaddress.macnode.macaddress }}

    end {}


function Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveVnic {

    Determines the effective VNIC Address membership of a security group.
    An NSX SecurityGroup can contain members (VMs, IP Addresses, MAC Addresses
    or interfaces) by virtue of direct, or indirect membership (nested security
    groups), and either by static or dynamic inclusion.
    In addition, direct or indirect exclusions can also
    modify membership.
    This cmdlet uses the NSX 'Translation APIs' to determine the
    'Effective VNIC Address Membership' of a given security group.
    The membership output by this cmdlet is determined by NSX itself.
    Note: The IPAddress listed against a vnic via the VNIC translation API may
    NOT reflect true IPAddress membership of the group as exclusions are not
    taken into account.
    Use the Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveIpAddress cmdlet for accurate IP
    address determination.
    Get-NsxSecurityGroup testSG | Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveVnic
    Uuid IpAddresses MacAddress
    ---- ----------- ----------
    {50005aa9-a365-5d39-5e73-ab1239eb997e.000, 50004328-f0f5-1115-eb45-1de4261748a1.001} {fe80::250:56ff:fe80:3e20,} {00:50:56:80:3e:20, 00:50:56:80:5f:d0}
    Determine the effective VNIC membership of testSG.
    Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveVnic -SecurityGroupId securitygroup-1234
    Uuid IpAddresses MacAddress
    ---- ----------- ----------
    {50005aa9-a365-5d39-5e73-ab1239eb997e.000, 50004328-f0f5-1115-eb45-1de4261748a1.001} {fe80::250:56ff:fe80:3e20,} {00:50:56:80:3e:20, 00:50:56:80:5f:d0}
    Determine the effective VNIC membership of a security group by object id.

    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="object")]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, Position = 1, ParameterSetName="objectid" )]
            [ValidateScript ( { if ( -not $_ -match 'securitygroup-\d+') { throw "Specify a valid SecurityGroup id"} else { $true }})]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object


    begin {}

    process {

        Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveMember @PSBoundParameters -ReturnTypes Vnic | select-object @{ "n" = "Uuid"; "e" = { $_.Vnic.vnicnode.uuid }}, @{ "n" = "IpAddresses"; "e" = { $_.Vnic.vnicnode.IpAddresses.string }}, @{ "n" = "MacAddress"; "e" = { $_.Vnic.vnicnode.MacAddress }}

    end {}


function Find-NsxWhereVMUsed {

    Determines what what NSX Security Groups or Firewall Rules a given VM is
    defined in.
    Determining what NSX Security Groups or Firewall Rules a given VM is
    defined in is difficult from the UI.
    This cmdlet provides this simple functionality.
    PS C:\> Get-VM web01 | Where-NsxVMUsed


    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {


    process {

        #Get Firewall rules
        $L3FirewallRules = Get-nsxFirewallSection -connection $connection | Get-NsxFirewallRule -connection $connection
        $L2FirewallRules = Get-nsxFirewallSection -sectionType layer2sections -connection $connection  | Get-NsxFirewallRule -ruletype layer2sections -connection $connection

        #Get all SGs
        $securityGroups = Get-NsxSecuritygroup -connection $connection
        $MatchedSG = @()
        $MatchedFWL3 = @()
        $MatchedFWL2 = @()
        foreach ( $SecurityGroup in $securityGroups ) {

            $Members = $securityGroup | Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveMember -connection $connection -ReturnTypes VirtualMachine

            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Checking securitygroup $($securitygroup.name) for VM $($VM.name)"

            If ( $members.VirtualMachine ) {
                foreach ( $member in $members.VirtualMachine) {
                    if ( $member.vmnode.vmid -eq $VM.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value ) {
                        $MatchedSG += $SecurityGroup

        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Checking L3 FirewallRules for VM $($VM.name)"
        foreach ( $FirewallRule in $L3FirewallRules ) {

            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Checking rule $($FirewallRule.Id) for VM $($VM.name)"

            If ( $FirewallRule | Get-Member -MemberType Properties -Name Sources) {
                foreach ( $Source in $FirewallRule.Sources.Source) {
                    if ( $Source.value -eq $VM.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value ) {
                        $MatchedFWL3 += $FirewallRule
            If ( $FirewallRule| Get-Member -MemberType Properties -Name Destinations ) {
                foreach ( $Dest in $FirewallRule.Destinations.Destination) {
                    if ( $Dest.value -eq $VM.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value ) {
                        $MatchedFWL3 += $FirewallRule
            If ( $FirewallRule | Get-Member -MemberType Properties -Name AppliedToList) {
                foreach ( $AppliedTo in $FirewallRule.AppliedToList.AppliedTo) {
                    if ( $AppliedTo.value -eq $VM.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value ) {
                        $MatchedFWL3 += $FirewallRule

        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Checking L2 FirewallRules for VM $($VM.name)"
        foreach ( $FirewallRule in $L2FirewallRules ) {

            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Checking rule $($FirewallRule.Id) for VM $($VM.name)"

            If ( $FirewallRule | Get-Member -MemberType Properties -Name Sources) {
                foreach ( $Source in $FirewallRule.Sources.Source) {
                    if ( $Source.value -eq $VM.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value ) {
                        $MatchedFWL2 += $FirewallRule
            If ( $FirewallRule | Get-Member -MemberType Properties -Name Destinations ) {
                foreach ( $Dest in $FirewallRule.Destinations.Destination) {
                    if ( $Dest.value -eq $VM.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value ) {
                        $MatchedFWL2 += $FirewallRule
            If ( $FirewallRule | Get-Member -MemberType Properties -Name AppliedToList) {
                foreach ( $AppliedTo in $FirewallRule.AppliedToList.AppliedTo) {
                    if ( $AppliedTo.value -eq $VM.ExtensionData.MoRef.Value ) {
                        $MatchedFWL2 += $FirewallRule

        $return = new-object psobject
        $return | add-member -memberType NoteProperty -Name "MatchedSecurityGroups" -value $MatchedSG
        $return | add-member -memberType NoteProperty -Name "MatchedL3FirewallRules" -value $MatchedFWL3
        $return | add-member -memberType NoteProperty -Name "MatchedL2FirewallRules" -value $MatchedFWL2



    end {}


function Get-NsxBackingPortGroup{

    Gets the PortGroups backing an NSX Logical Switch.
    NSX Logical switches are backed by one or more Virtual Distributed Switch
    portgroups that are the connection point in vCenter for VMs that connect to
    the logical switch.
    In simpler environments, a logical switch may only be backed by a single
    portgroup on a single Virtual Distributed Switch, but the scope of a logical
    switch is governed by the transport zone it is created in. The transport
    zone may span multiple vSphere clusters that have hosts that belong to
    multiple different Virtual Distributed Switches and in this situation, a
    logical switch would be backed by a unique portgroup on each Virtual
    Distributed Switch.
    This cmdlet requires an active and correct PowerCLI connection to the
    vCenter server that is registered to NSX. It returns PowerCLI VDPortgroup
    objects for each backing portgroup.

     param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ValidateLogicalSwitch $_ })]

    begin {

        if ( -not ( $global:DefaultVIServer.IsConnected )) {
            throw "This cmdlet requires a valid PowerCLI connection. Use Connect-VIServer to connect to vCenter and try again."

    process {

        $BackingVDS = $_.vdsContextWithBacking
        foreach ( $vDS in $BackingVDS ) {

            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Backing portgroup id $($vDS.backingValue)"

            try {
                Get-VDPortgroup -Id "DistributedVirtualPortgroup-$($vDS.backingValue)"
            catch {
                throw "VDPortgroup not found on connected vCenter $($global:DefaultVIServer.Name). $_"

    end {}


function Get-NsxBackingDVSwitch{

    Gets the Virtual Distributed Switches backing an NSX Logical Switch.
    NSX Logical switches are backed by one or more Virtual Distributed Switch
    portgroups that are the connection point in vCenter for VMs that connect to
    the logical switch.
    In simpler environments, a logical switch may only be backed by a single
    portgroup on a single Virtual Distributed Switch, but the scope of a logical
    switch is governed by the transport zone it is created in. The transport
    zone may span multiple vSphere clusters that have hosts that belong to
    multiple different Virtual Distributed Switches and in this situation, a
    logical switch would be backed by a unique portgroup on each Virtual
    Distributed Switch.
    This cmdlet requires an active and correct PowerCLI connection to the
    vCenter server that is registered to NSX. It returns PowerCLI VDSwitch
    objects for each backing VDSwitch.

     param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            [ValidateScript({ValidateLogicalSwitch $_ })]

    begin {

        if ( -not ( $global:DefaultVIServer.IsConnected )) {
            throw "This cmdlet requires a valid PowerCLI connection. Use Connect-VIServer to connect to vCenter and try again."

    process {

        $BackingVDS = $_.vdsContextWithBacking
        foreach ( $vDS in $BackingVDS ) {

            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Backing vDS id $($vDS.switch.objectId)"

            try {
                Get-VDSwitch -Id "VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch-$($vDS.switch.objectId)"
            catch {
                throw "VDSwitch not found on connected vCenter $($global:DefaultVIServer.Name). $_"

    end {}


function Copy-NsxEdge{

    Creates a new NSX Edge Services Gateway based on the configuration of an
    existing one.
    An NSX Edge Service Gateway provides all NSX Edge services such as firewall,
    NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. Each NSX Edge virtual
    appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces and
    up to 200 subinterfaces. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured
    for load balancer, site‐to‐site VPN, and NAT services.
    This cmdlet creates a new Nsx Edge Services Gateway based on the
    configuration of an existing one.
    There are numerous properties that are not possible to clone, and must be
    either configured in the call to Copy-NsxEdge (such as interface IPs), or
    will need to be manually configured on the new NSX Edge after the fact
    (such as external certificate configuration).
    Note that this operation does not strictly clone the Edge, internal object
    identifiers such as NAT and FW rule ids etc. will not be consistent between
    source and duplicated Edges. This is a limitation imposed by the NSX API.
    An attempt is made to make sensible 'fixups' to the duplicated edge to allow
    it to function as expected. Most of these fixups can be disabled with param
    switches to Copy-NsxEdge, but in some cases, this will prevent the
    duplication of certain features (for instance, disabling local object fixups
    will prevent user defined firewall rules from being configured on the
    duplicate edge.)
    Fixups for the following are currently in place and enabled by default:
        - Any Self Signed certificates are 'regenerated' on the duplicated edge
          Note: Externally signed certificates cannot be migrated and must be
          manually configured on the duplicated edge if required. Regenerated
          Self Signed certificates will have the fqdn of the edge as their CN.
          Alternatively, the user can specify a CN explicitly via parameter to
          Copy-NsxEdge. All certificates will have the same CN currently.
        - Any services using certificates that have been regenerated will be
          configured to use the corresponding regenerated cert.
        - Any listening services (LB VIPs, SSL VPN, IPSec VPN etc) bound to
          interface addresses will be updated to use the corresponding address
          on the duplicated edge.
        - Any NAT rules that specify a local interface address in either the
          Original Address or Translated Address field will be updated to
          specify the corresponding replacement interface address on the
          duplicated edge.
        - Any locally defined grouping objects (IPSets, Services or Service
          Groups) will be recreated on the duplicated edge. This includes
          fixups for any service groups that contain other local services or
          service groups to be updated to include their corresponding recreated
          local object on the duplicated edge.
        - Any User defined local firewall rules that reference local objects in
          source, destination or service fields are updated to reference the
          corresponding recreated local object on the duplicated edge.
        - Any IPSec Pre Shared Keys defined will be randomised. These can be
          manually updated after the fact as required.
        - If a router ID is configured on the source edge, and references an
          interface address, it is updated to reference the corresponding
          address on the duplicated edge.
    This is an experimental function for now and involves a lot of heavy lifting.
    Please report any limitations or issues using it via the project github page
    so it can be improved.
    Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Copy-NsxEdge -name Edge02 -Password VMware1!VMware1!
    Creates a duplicated edge based on the source-edge Edge01. Any interface addresses found on Edge01 will be interactively prompted for replacement. Note that the subnet (network and mask) of each primary or secondary adderess specified must match that of the source edge, and all addresses found on the source must be updated.
    $uplink = New-NsxEdgeInterfaceSpec -Index 0 -Name Uplink -Type uplink -ConnectedTo (get-vdportgroup internal) -PrimaryAddress -SubnetPrefixLength 24 -SecondaryAddresses,,
    PS C:\>$transit = New-NsxEdgeInterfaceSpec -Index 1 -Name Transit -Type internal -ConnectedTo (Get-NsxLogicalSwitch transit) -PrimaryAddress -SubnetPrefixLength 24 -SecondaryAddresses
    PS C:\>Get-NsxEdge Edge01 | Copy-NsxEdge -name Edge02 -Password VMware1!VMware1! -Interface $Uplink,$Transit
    Creates two interface specs and creates a duplicated edge based on the source-edge Edge01. Note that the subnet (network and mask) of each primary or secondary adderess specified in each spec, as well as the number of addresses, and the interface indexes specified, must match that of the source edge.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword","")] # Unable to remove without breaking backward compatibilty. Alternate credential parameter exists.
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingUserNameAndPassWordParams", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")] # Unable to remove without breaking backward compatibilty.
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter","")] # Cant remove without breaking backward compatibility
    param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            #PowerNSX Edge Object as retrieved with Get-NsxEdge representing the source edge to duplicate.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdge $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Duplicated Edge Name (base of appliance name and default for fqdn)
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="ResourcePool")]
            #PowerCLI Resource Pool object representing vSphere Resource Pool to which duplicated edge appliances are deployed. If Resource Pool and Cluster are not specified, Copy-NsxEdge places the duplicated edge appliances in the same location as the source edge.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Cluster")]
            #PowerCLI Cluster object representing vSphere Cluster to which duplicated edge appliances are deployed. If Resource Pool and Cluster are not specified, Copy-NsxEdge places the duplicated edge appliances in the same location as the source edge.
                if ( $_ -eq $null ) { throw "Must specify Cluster."}
                if ( -not $_.DrsEnabled ) { throw "Cluster is not DRS enabled."}
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #PowerCLI Datastore object representing vSphere datastore to which the primary duplicated edge appliance is deployed. Defaults to the same location as the source edge.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Edge CLI user name. Defaults to 'admin'
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
            #Edge CLI password
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #PowerCLI Datastore object representing vSphere datastore to which the secondary edge appliance is deployed (requires HA). Defaults to the same location as the source edge.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Edge Appliance Form Factor. See NSX Documentation for appliance form factor details and recommendations. Defaults to the source edge form factor.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #PowerCLI Folder object representing the vSphere VM inventory folder in which the appliances should be deployed. Defaults to the source edge location.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Tenant name used in appliance naming and API references. Defaults to the source edge tenant.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #FQDN of Edge. Defaults to $name (undotted).
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Enable SSH on the duplicated Edge. Defaults to source edge setting.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Enable autogenerated firewall rules on the duplicated Edge. Defaults to source edge setting.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Enable firewall on the duplicated Edge. Defaults to source edge setting.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Configure default firewall policy on the duplicated Edge. Defaults to source edge setting.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Configure default firewall action logging on the duplicated Edge. Defaults to source edge setting.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Configure HA on the duplicated Edge. Defaults to source edge setting.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Configure HA dead time on the duplicated Edge. Defaults to source edge setting.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Configure HA vNIC on the duplicated Edge. Defaults to source edge setting.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Configure syslog on the duplicated Edge. Defaults to source edge setting.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Configure syslog server(s) on the duplicated Edge. Defaults to source edge setting. If specified, overrides source edge settings (not merged).
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Configure syslog protocol on the duplicated Edge. Defaults to source edge setting.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Interface definitions. Specified as Interface Specs as returned by New-NsxEdgeInterfaceSpec. Must contain the SAME number of interfaces with the same interface indexes, addressgroups per interface, and primary and secondary addresses per addressgroup as the source edge interface.
            #Netmasks and the CIDR network defined in each addressgroup must match that of the source edge.
            #In summary, the only thing that can (must) change from the source edge is the primary and any secondary IP Addresses for every addressgroup on every interface, and potentially, the connected network.
            #If not specified, the user is interactively prompted for replacement addresses on each primary and secondary address on each addressgroup on each enabled VNIC on the source edge.
            [ValidateScript({ ValidateEdgeInterfaceSpec $_ })]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Any self signed certificates found on the source edge will be regenerated on the destination edge as new certificates with the fqdn as the cn (all other details duplicated), and services configured to use the regenerated certificate. Set this to $false to disable autogeneration of certificates (services will have to be manually reconfigured to use a different certificate)
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Any self signed certificates generated on the new edge will have the fqdn as the cn. Set -SelfSignedCertificateCN to change the CN used (for all Self Signed certificates)
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Any NAT rules found on the source edge that specify any 'local' ip (defined on any interface), will be regenerated on the destination edge with the ip updated to the eqivalent IP on the new edge. Set this to $false to disable automatic fixups of NAT rules. Any rules referencing edge local ip addresses will need to be manually updated.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #If routerId is defined and matches any 'local' ip (defined on any interface), it will be updated to match the equivalent IP on the new edge. Set to $false to disable automatic fixup. RouterID will need to be manually updated in this case.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Any user defined local firewall rules with locally scoped objects (ipsets, services, servicegroups) referenced will be updated to match the equivalent object on the new edge. Set to $false to disable automatic fixup. User defined firewall rules will not be duplicated and will need to be manually recreated in this case.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Any locally scoped objects (ipsets, services, servicegroups and servicegroup membership) defined within the edges local scope will be recreated on the new edge. This is required for FirewallFixups.
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false)]
            #Number of days any regenerated certificates are valid for. Defaults to 365
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
            #PowerNSX Connection object

    begin {}
    process {

        #Clone the Edge Element so we can modify without barfing up the source object.
        $_Edge = $Edge.CloneNode($true)
        [System.XML.XMLDocument]$xmlDoc = $_Edge.OwnerDocument

        #Basic Cleanup and reconfig required to remove internal ids and certain exported config
        #that is not relevant to the new edge before initial post.

        #Remove EdgeSummary...
        $edgeSummary = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_Edge -Query 'descendant::edgeSummary')
        if ( $edgeSummary ) {
            $_Edge.RemoveChild($edgeSummary) | out-null

        $_Edge.name = $Name
        $_Edge.fqdn = $Hostname

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Tenant')) {
            $_Edge.tenant = $Tenant

        #Appliances element
        $FirstAppliance = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_Edge -Query "descendant::appliances/appliance") | where-object { $_.highAvailabilityIndex -eq "0" }
        switch ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName){
            "Default"  {
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Invoked with Default ParameterSet"
                if ( $FirstAppliance ) {
                    $resPoolId = $FirstAppliance.resourcePoolId
                if ( -not $resPoolId ) { throw "Unable to determine existing edges resource pool. Try again and specify appliance resource pool." }
            "Cluster"  {
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Invoked with Cluster ParameterSet"
                $ResPoolId = $($cluster | get-resourcepool | where-object { $_.parent.id -eq $cluster.id }).extensiondata.moref.value
            "ResourcePool"  {
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Invoked with ResourcePool ParameterSet"
                $ResPoolId = $ResourcePool.extensiondata.moref.value

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Datastore')) {
            $datastoreId = $datastore.extensiondata.moref.value
        else {
            $datastoreId = $FirstAppliance.datastoreId
            if ( -not $datastoreId ) { throw "Unable to determine existing edges resource pool. Try again and specify appliance resource pool." }

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('VMFolder')) {
            $VMFolderId = $VMFolder.extensiondata.moref.value
        else {
            $VMFolderId = $FirstAppliance.vmFolderId
            if ( -not $VMFolderId ) { throw "Unable to determine existing edges resource pool. Try again and specify appliance resource pool." }

        #Ditch the old appliances nodes completely and rebuild.
        [system.xml.xmlElement]$xmlAppliances = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_Edge -Query "descendant::appliances")
        $oldAppliancesNodes = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $xmlAppliances -Query "child::appliance")
        foreach ( $node in $oldAppliancesNodes) {

            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Removing appliance node from Edge XML with moref $($node.vmId)"
            $null = $xmlAppliances.RemoveChild($node)

        #If user has overridden appliance size...
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Formfactor")) {
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Setting formfactor to $formfactor"
            $xmlAppliances.applianceSize = $FormFactor

        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Creating new primary appliance node with ResourcePool moref: $ResPoolId, Datastore moref: $datastoreid, Folder moref: $VMFolderId."

        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlAppliance = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("appliance")
        $xmlAppliances.appendChild($xmlAppliance) | out-null
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliance -xmlElementName "resourcePoolId" -xmlElementText $ResPoolId
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliance -xmlElementName "datastoreId" -xmlElementText $datastoreId
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliance -xmlElementName "vmFolderId" -xmlElementText $VmFolderId

        #Kill the version props on edge and all features
        $VersionNodes = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $_Edge -Query "descendant::version")
        foreach ($node in $VersionNodes) {
            $null = $node.ParentNode.RemoveChild($Node)

        #Kill any NAT Rule IDs/Tags (must be regenerated by API)
        $NATRuleIds = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $_Edge -Query "child::features/nat/natRules/natRule/ruleId")
        foreach ($node in $NATRuleIds) {
            $null = $node.ParentNode.RemoveChild($Node)
        $NATRuleTags = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $_Edge -Query "child::features/nat/natRules/natRule/ruleTag")
        foreach ($node in $NATRuleTags) {
            $null = $node.ParentNode.RemoveChild($Node)

        #check for bgp neighbour credentials (cant be retrieved using API)
        $peerPasswords = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $_Edge -Query "child::features/routing/bgp/bgpNeighbours/bgpNeighbour/password")
        foreach ($node in $peerPasswords) {
            write-warning "BGP peer password defined for peer $($node.ParentNode.ipAddress). Password will be cleared on duplicated edge and must be manually reconfigured."
            $null = $node.ParentNode.RemoveChild($node)

        #Check if IPSec is enabled - if so, warn about the removal of the global PSK
        if ( $_Edge.features.ipsec.enabled -eq 'true') {
            write-warning "The IPSec feature is enabled. The global and any site specific Pre Shared Keys will be set to a random value on the duplicated edge and must be manually reconfigured."
        $pskNodes = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $_Edge.features.ipsec -Query "descendant::psk")
        foreach ($node in $pskNodes) {

            #just invent a random 8 char (lower/upper/int) string and set the PSK to it.
            $randomString = -join ((48..57) + (65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 8 | foreach-object {[char]$_})
            $node."#text" = $randomString
            Write-Warning "IPSec PSK for site $($node.ParentNode.tostring()) set to $randomString. Please update manually as required."

        #Check for self signed certificates.
        #For the moment, the idea is that SS certs will be regenerated on the destination appliance, and services that use them reconfigured appropriately.
        #The fqdn is used as the cert CN, unless overridden. Certs cannot be actually created until the edge is deployed, so we have to wait until later to generate them and update services...
        #Any external certs (or if the user disables the SS cert regeneration) that cause services to have an invalid config will result in warning,
        #but we will still attempt to provision the edge (dont know yet if invalid certs in config cause edge API to throw, but initial testing indicates it doesnt... Will rethink if this proves inaccurate...)
        if ( $certfixups ) {
            $SSCertificates = @()
            $Certificates = $edge | Get-NsxEdgeCertificate -connection $Connection
            foreach ( $cert in $Certificates ) {
                if ( $cert.certificateType -eq 'certificate_self_signed') {
                    if ( $CertFixUps ) {
                        write-warning "Found self signed certificate $($cert.name) on source edge. Certificate will be regenerated on duplicated edge."
                        #Store the certificate for later use once the edge is created with the replacement certificate.
                        $SSCertificates += $cert
                    else {
                        write-warning "Found self signed certificate $($cert.name) on source edge. Any service using this certificate will have an invalid configuration on the duplicated edge and must be manually corrected."
                else {
                    write-warning "Found certificate $($cert.name) on source edge which is signed by an external CA. This certificate cannot be exported and must be manually reimported/generated on the destination edge. Any service using this certificate will have an invalid configuration on the duplicated edge and must be manually corrected."

        #Get the features element.
        [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlFeatures = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_Edge -Query "child::features")

        if ( $EnableHA -or ( $_Edge.features.highAvailability.enabled -eq "true" )) {

            #Generate the HA Appliance node if user enabled HA, or if the source edge had it enabled.
            #If user specced HADatastore then use that val rather than val of source edge...
            If ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("HAdatastore")) {
                $HADatastoreId = $HAdatastore.extensiondata.moref.value
            #Else if the source edge has a HA appliance, use that appliances datastore
            elseif ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $xmlAppliances -Query "appliance[highAvailabilityIndex=1]") ) {
                $HADatastoreId = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $xmlAppliances -Query "appliance[highAvailabilityIndex=1]").datastoreId
            #Else, use the first appliances datastore
            else {
                $HAdatastoreId = $datastoreId

            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Source edge is HA or user requested HA. Generating secondary appliance node with Datastore moref: $HAdatastoreId "

            #Define the HA appliance node
            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlAppliance = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("appliance")
            $null = $xmlAppliances.appendChild($xmlAppliance)
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliance -xmlElementName "resourcePoolId" -xmlElementText $ResPoolId
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliance -xmlElementName "datastoreId" -xmlElementText $HAdatastoreid
            Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlAppliance -xmlElementName "vmFolderId" -xmlElementText $VMFolderid

            #configure HA if not already enabled. HaDeadtime node exists even on non HA edges...
            $_Edge.features.highAvailability.enabled = "true"

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.containsKey('HaDeadTime')) {
                $_Edge.features.highAvailability.declareDeadTime = $HaDeadTime.ToString()

            #Node is not guaranteed to exist, have to test first. Love the consistency
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.containsKey('HaVnic')) {
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_Edge -Query "features/highAvailability/vnic"))  {
                    $_Edge.features.highAvailability.vnic = $HAvnic.ToString()
                else {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_Edge.features.highAvailability -xmlElementName "vnic" -xmlElementText $HaVnic.ToString()

        #Configure the syslog element
        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("EnableSyslog")) {

            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Enabling Syslog"
            $_Edge.features.syslog.enabled = $EnableSyslog.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.containsKey('SyslogProtocol')) {

            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Configuring Syslog Protocol"
            $_Edge.features.syslog.protocol = $SyslogProtocol.ToString()

        #If user specified syslog server address, then we have to kill any existing config.
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.containsKey('SyslogServer')) {
            $ExistingSyslogServerAddress = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_Edge.features.syslog -Query "serverAddresses")
            if ( $ExistingSyslogServerAddress )  {
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Removing Existing Syslog servers (overidden by user)"

            [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlServerAddresses = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("serverAddresses")
            $_Edge.features.syslog.appendChild($xmlServerAddresses) | out-null
            foreach ( $server in $SyslogServer ) {
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Adding syslog server element for $server"
                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $xmlServerAddresses -xmlElementName "ipAddress" -xmlElementText $server.ToString()

        #Enable/Disable FW
        if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("FwEnabled")) {
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Setting Firewall to $FwEnabled"
            $_Edge.features.firewall.enabled = $FwEnabled.ToString().ToLower()

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("FwLoggingEnabled")) {
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Setting Firewall Logging to $FwLoggingEnabled"
            $_Edge.features.firewall.loggingEnabled = $FwLoggingEnabled.ToString().ToLower()

        #Override fw default policy if user specifies...
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("FwDefaultPolicyAllow")) {
            if ( $FwDefaultPolicyAllow ) {
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Setting default firewall policy to accept"
                $_Edge.features.firewwall.defaultPolicy.action = "accept"
            else {
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Setting default firewall policy to deny"
                $_Edge.features.firewwall.defaultPolicy.action = "deny"

        #Override Rule Autoconfiguration if user specifies
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("AutoGenerateRules")) {
            if ( $AutoGenerateRules ) {
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Configuring rule autoconfiguration as $AutoGenerateRules"
                $_Edge.autoConfiguration.enabled = $AutoGenerateRules.ToString().ToLower()
        #Credential Settings
        $_Edge.cliSettings.userName = $UserName
        Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_Edge.cliSettings -xmlElementName "password" -xmlElementText $Password

        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EnableSSH') ) {
            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Configuring SSH to be $EnableSssh"
            $_Edge.cliSettings.remoteAccess = $EnableSsh.ToString().ToLower()

        #DNS Settings
        if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PrimaryDnsServer') -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SecondaryDNSServer') -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DNSDomainName') ) {

            if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_Edge -Query "child::dnsClient")) {
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Generating dnsClient element"
                [System.XML.XMLElement]$xmlDnsClient = $XMLDoc.CreateElement("dnsClient")
                $null = $_Edge.appendChild($xmlDnsClient)

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PrimaryDnsServer') ) {
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Setting Primary DNS to $PrimaryDnsServer"
                if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_Edge.dnsClient -Query "primaryDNS")) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_Edge.dnsClient -xmlElementName "primaryDns" -xmlElementText $PrimaryDnsServer
                else {
                    $_Edge.dnsClient.primaryDNS = $PrimaryDnsServer

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SecondaryDNSServer') ) {
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Setting Secondary DNS to $SecondaryDnsServer"
                if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_Edge.dnsClient -Query "secondaryDNS")) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_Edge.dnsClient -xmlElementName "secondaryDNS" -xmlElementText $SecondaryDNSServer
                else {
                    $_Edge.dnsClient.secondaryDNS = $SecondaryDNSServer

            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DNSDomainName') ) {
                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Setting DNS domain name to $DNSDomainName"
                if ( -not (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_Edge.dnsClient -Query "domainName")) {
                    Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $_Edge.dnsClient -xmlElementName "domainName" -xmlElementText $DNSDomainName
                else {
                    $_Edge.dnsClient.domainName = $DNSDomainName

        #Nics...These are either:
        # a) Specified as Interface Spec as per normal edge creation (for scripting)
        # b) Taken from source Edge, and primary/secondary address prompted for.

        #Setup hashtable to store source/dest replacement IPs.
        $updatedIps = @{}

        #Get all existing IPs on the source edge so we check for conflicts. Much easier with strict off...
        Set-StrictMode -Off
        $AllExistingAddresses = $_Edge.vnics.vnic.addressGroups.addressGroup.primaryAddress + $_Edge.vnics.vnic.addressGroups.addressGroup.secondaryAddresses.ipAddress
        Set-StrictMode -Version latest

        foreach ( $Vnic in $_Edge.vnics.vnic ) {

            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Processing VNIC $($Vnic.name)"

            #First check if user has specified any interface specs:
            $UserVnic = $false
            if ( $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Interface")) {

                #have they specified one for this specific vnic?
                $UserVnic = $Interface | where-object { $_.index -eq $Vnic.Index }
                If ( $UserVnic ) {

                    #If so, we have to validate to ensure its valid.
                    [System.Array]$UserVnicAddressGroups = $UserVnic.Addressgroups.AddressGroup
                    [System.Array]$VnicAddressGroups = $Vnic.Addressgroups.AddressGroup

                    #Check the right number of addressgroups. If different number, we cant guarantee that we can modify any service configuration for new listener addresses, or that the default route is still valid.
                    if ( $UserVnicAddressGroups.count -ne  $VnicAddressGroups.count ) {
                        Throw "Source Vnic '$($vnic.Name)' has different number of addressgroups ($($VnicAddressGroups.count)) to specified Vnic '$($UserVnic.Name)' ($($UserVnicAddressGroups.count)) "

                    for ( $i=0; ($i -le ($VnicAddressGroups.count -1)); $i++ ) {
                        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Validating AddressGroup $i specified for Vnic $($vnic.name)"
                        $addressGroup = $VnicAddressGroups[$i]
                        $ExistingPrimaryAddress = $addressGroup.primaryAddress
                        $AddressGroupNetMask = $addressGroup.subnetMask
                        $AddressGroupNetwork = Get-NetworkFromHostAddress -Address $ExistingPrimaryAddress -SubnetMask $addressGroupNetmask

                        $NewPrimaryAddress = $UserVnicAddressGroups[$i].PrimaryAddress
                        $NewAddressGroupNetMask = ConvertFrom-Bitmask -bitmask ($UserVnicAddressGroups[$i].subnetPrefixLength)

                        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Existing Primary Address: $ExistingPrimaryAddress, AddressGroup Mask: $AddressGroupNetMask, AddressGroup Network: $AddressGroupNetwork, New Primary Address: $newPrimaryAddress, New AddressGroup NetMask: $NewAddressGroupNetMask"

                        if ( ( -not (Test-AddressInNetwork -Network $AddressGroupNetwork -SubnetMask $AddressGroupNetMask -Address $NewPrimaryAddress)) -or ($AllExistingAddresses.contains($NewPrimaryAddress)) -or ($updatedIps.containsvalue($NewPrimaryAddress)) -or ( $NewAddressGroupNetMask -ne $AddressGroupNetMask ) -or (( -not ( [ipaddress]::TryParse($NewPrimaryAddress, [ref][ipaddress]$null))))) {
                            Throw "New Vnic '$($UserVnic.Name)', addressgroup $i Primary address ($NewPrimaryAddress/$NewAddressGroupNetMask) is not valid, not in same subnet as the original address, has different netmask, or conflicts with an interface address on the source edge."

                        #IP is valid, add it to the updated ips hash
                        $updatedIps.Add($ExistingPrimaryAddress, $NewPrimaryAddress)

                        #Check secondary addresses
                        if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $addressGroup -Query "secondaryAddresses")) {
                            #If we have them, check they are the right number.
                            [System.Array]$VnicSecondaryAddresses = $addressGroup.secondaryAddresses.ipAddress
                            [System.Array]$UserVnicSecondaryAddresses = $UserVnicAddressGroups[$i].secondaryAddresses.ipAddress

                            #Check the right number of secondary addresses. If different number, we cant guarantee that we can modify any service configuration for new listener addresses, or that the default route is still valid.
                            if ( $UserVnicSecondaryAddresses.count -ne  $VnicSecondaryAddresses.count ) {
                                Throw "Source Vnic '$($vnic.Name)', addressgroup $i has different number of secondary addresses ($($VnicSecondaryAddresses.count) to specified Vnic '$($UserVnic.Name)', addressgroup $i ($($UserVnicSecondaryAddresses.count)) "

                            for ($j=0; ($j -le ($VnicSecondaryAddresses.Count -1)); $j++) {
                                $ExistingSecondaryAddress = $VnicSecondaryAddresses[$j]
                                $NewSecondaryAddress = $UserVnicSecondaryAddresses[$j]

                                while ( ( -not (Test-AddressInNetwork -Network $AddressGroupNetwork -SubnetMask $AddressGroupNetMask -Address $NewSecondaryAddress)) -or ($AllExistingAddresses.contains($NewSecondaryAddress)) -or ($updatedIps.containsvalue($NewSecondaryAddress)) -or ( -not ( [ipaddress]::TryParse($NewSecondaryAddress, [ref][ipaddress]$null)))) {
                                    Throw "New Vnic '$($UserVnic.Name)', addressgroup $i secondary address ($NewSecondaryAddress) is not valid, not in same subnet as the original address, or conflicts with an interface address on the source edge."

                                #Keep source/dest ip replacement, so that we can reconfigure services listening on them to use new address...
                                $updatedIps.Add($ExistingsecondaryAddress, $NewSecondaryAddress)

                                #No need to 'update' anything. We just have to do validation in this loop, and track the whole egde old to new ip mapping. Assuming we validate, we simply replace $addressgroup.secondaryAddresses.ipaddress

                            #Have to do this and first with selectsingle node otherwise PoSH can return a string object if we reference after we remove all child nodes. This ensures we get an XmlElement back
                            [system.xml.xmlelement]$SecondaryAddressesXml = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $addressgroup -Query "child::secondaryAddresses")

                            #secondary addresses are valid. Replace the array in the addressgroup xml
                            foreach ( $address in  $UserVnicAddressGroups[$i].secondaryAddresses.ipAddress ) {
                                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $SecondaryAddressesXml -xmlElementName "ipAddress" -xmlElementText $address

                    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : User defined vnic spec for this vnic has been specified by user. Importing spec."
                    $null = $_Edge.vnics.RemoveChild($vnic)
                    $import = $xmlDoc.ImportNode(($UserVnic), $true)
                    $null = $_Edge.vnics.AppendChild($import)
            if ( -not $userVnic ) {
                #User has not specified interface information on the command line.
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $Vnic -Query "addressGroups/addressGroup")) {

                    #Only process if there is already addressing information...
                    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : No user defined vnic spec for this vnic has been specified. Prompting user for details"
                    foreach ( $addressGroup in $Vnic.addressGroups.addressGroup ) {
                        if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $addressGroup -Query "primaryAddress")) {
                            $ExistingPrimaryAddress = $addressGroup.primaryAddress
                            $AddressGroupNetMask = $addressGroup.subnetMask
                            $AddressGroupNetwork = Get-NetworkFromHostAddress -Address $ExistingPrimaryAddress -SubnetMask $addressGroupNetMask

                            write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Existing Primary Address: $ExistingPrimaryAddress, AddressGroup Mask: $AddressGroupNetMask, AddressGroup Network: $AddressGroupNetwork"
                            $NewPrimaryAddress = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter new primary address for source edge addressgroup with existing IP $($addressGroup.PrimaryAddress) on vnic $($vnic.index)"

                            while ( ( -not (Test-AddressInNetwork -Network $AddressGroupNetwork -SubnetMask $AddressGroupNetMask -Address $NewPrimaryAddress)) -or ($AllExistingAddresses.contains($NewPrimaryAddress)) -or ($updatedIps.containsvalue($NewPrimaryAddress)) -or ( -not ( [ipaddress]::TryParse($NewPrimaryAddress, [ref][ipaddress]$null)))) {
                                write-warning "New Primary address is not valid, not in same subnet as the original address, or conflicts with an interface address on the source edge."
                                $NewPrimaryAddress = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter new primary address for source edge addressgroup with existing IP $($addressGroup.PrimaryAddress) on vnic $($vnic.index)"

                            #Keep source/dest ip replacement, so that we can reconfigure services listening on them to use new address...
                            $updatedIps.Add($ExistingPrimaryAddress, $NewPrimaryAddress)

                            #Update element...
                            $addressGroup.PrimaryAddress = $newPrimaryAddress.ToString()

                        if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $addressGroup -Query "secondaryAddresses")) {

                            $NewSecondaryAddresses = @()
                            #Have to iterate through a node collection here, so if the user 'blanks' the secondary ip, we have a node (not a string) to remove...
                            foreach ($secondaryAddress in (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $addressGroup.secondaryAddresses -Query '*')) {

                                $NewSecondaryAddress = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter new secondary address for source edge addressgroup with existing secondary IP $($secondaryAddress."#text") on vnic $($vnic.index)"
                                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Existing Secondary Address: $secondaryAddress, AddressGroup Mask: $AddressGroupNetMask, AddressGroup Network: $AddressGroupNetwork"

                                while ( ( -not (Test-AddressInNetwork -Network $AddressGroupNetwork -SubnetMask $AddressGroupNetMask -Address $NewSecondaryAddress)) -or ($AllExistingAddresses.contains($NewSecondaryAddress))  -or ($updatedIps.containsvalue($NewSecondaryAddress)) -or ( -not ( [ipaddress]::TryParse($NewSecondaryAddress, [ref][ipaddress]$null)))) {
                                    write-warning "New Secondary address is not valid, not in same subnet as the original address, or conflicts with an interface address on the source edge."
                                    $NewSecondaryAddress = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter new secondary address for source edge addressgroup with existing secondary IP $($secondaryAddress."#text") on vnic $($vnic.index)"

                                #Keep source/dest ip replacement, so that we can reconfigure services listening on them to use new address...
                                $updatedIps.Add($secondaryAddress."#text" , $NewSecondaryAddress)

                                #Collect the validated ip in an array
                                $NewSecondaryAddresses += $NewSecondaryAddress

                            #Have to do this and first with selectsingle node otherwise PoSH can return a string object if we reference after we remove all child nodes. This ensures we get an XmlElement back
                            [system.xml.xmlelement]$SecondaryAddressesXml = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $addressgroup -Query "child::secondaryAddresses")

                            #secondary addresses are valid. Replace the array in the addressgroup xml
                            foreach ( $address in  $NewSecondaryAddresses ) {
                                Add-XmlElement -xmlRoot $SecondaryAddressesXml -xmlElementName "ipAddress" -xmlElementText $address

        #Update any listening services that bind to IPs that have been replaced...
        $ipsecSiteNodes = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $_Edge -Query "descendant::features/ipsec/sites/site")
        foreach ( $node in $ipsecSiteNodes ) {

            if ( -not $updatedIps.Contains($node.localIp )) {
                throw "Unable to determine new Local Ip Address for IPSec site $($node.name). This should not happen."
            else {
                write-warning "Updating listener address for IpSec service $($node.name). Previous Address : $($node.localIp), Updated Address $($updatedIps.item($($node.localIp)))"
                #Update the ipsec listener with the IP that replaced the original listen ip
                $node.localIp = $updatedIps.($node.localIp).ToString()

        $LBVips = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $_Edge -Query "descendant::features/loadBalancer/virtualServer")
        foreach ( $node in $LBVips ) {

            if ( -not $updatedIps.Contains($node.ipAddress )) {
                throw "Unable to determine new Local Ip Address for LoadBalancer VIP $($node.name) with ip address $($node.ipAddress). This should not happen."
            else {
                write-warning "Updating listener address for LoadBalancer VIP $($node.name). Previous Address : $($node.ipAddress), Updated Address $($updatedIps.item($($node.ipAddress)))"
                #Update the LB listener with the IP that replaced the original listen ip
                $node.ipAddress = $updatedIps.item($node.ipAddress).ToString()

        [System.Xml.XmlElement]$SSLVpnListeners = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_Edge -Query "descendant::features/sslvpnConfig/serverSettings/serverAddresses")
        if ( $SSLVpnListeners ) {

                #Not sure if the API will allow and empty serverAddresses element, but just in case.. testing for it here.
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $SSLVpnListeners -Query "child::ipAddress") ) {
                foreach ( $node in $SSLVpnListeners ) {

                    if ( -not $updatedIps.Contains($node.ipAddress )) {
                        throw "Unable to determine new listener address for SSL VPN Server with existing ip address $($node.ipAddress). This should not happen."
                    else {
                        write-warning "Updating listener address for SSL VPN Server . Previous Address : $($node.ipAddress), Updated Address $($updatedIps.item($($node.ipAddress)))"
                        #Update the LB listener with the IP that replaced the original listen ip
                        $node.ipAddress = $updatedIps.item($node.ipAddress).ToString()

        #RouterId Fixup.
        If ( $RouterIdFixup ) {
            [System.Xml.XmlElement]$RoutingConfig = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_Edge -Query "descendant::features/routing/routingGlobalConfig")
            if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $RoutingConfig -Query "child::routerId")) {
                #RouterId is defined. Update it.
                if ( -not $updatedIps.Contains($RoutingConfig.routerId )) {
                    write-warning "Unable to update Router Id as existing ID does not belong to any interface address of the original edge. RouterId for the new edge will need to be manually updated."
                else {
                    write-warning "Updating Router ID. Previous ID : $($RoutingConfig.routerId), Updated ID : $($updatedIps.item($($RoutingConfig.routerId)))"
                    #Update the LB listener with the IP that replaced the original listen ip
                    $RoutingConfig.routerId = $($updatedIps.item($($RoutingConfig.routerId))).ToString()

        If ( $NatRuleFixups ) {
            $UserRules = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $_Edge -Query "descendant::features/nat/natRules/natRule[ruleType=`'user`']")
            if ( $UserRules ) {
                #There are User defined NAT rules on the Edge.
                foreach ( $Rule in $UserRules ) {
                    if ( $updatedIps.Contains($Rule.originalAddress )) {

                        write-warning "Updating user defined NAT Rule with source edge interface address found as original address. Previous Address : $($Rule.originalAddress), Updated address : $($($updatedIps.item($($Rule.originalAddress))))"
                        #Update the LB listener with the IP that replaced the original listen ip
                        $Rule.originalAddress = $($updatedIps.item($($Rule.originalAddress))).ToString()
                    if ( $updatedIps.Contains($Rule.translatedAddress )) {

                        write-warning "Updating user defined NAT Rule with source edge interface address found as translated address. Previous Address : $($Rule.translatedAddress), Updated address : $($($updatedIps.item($($Rule.translatedAddress))))"
                        #Update the LB listener with the IP that replaced the original listen ip
                        $Rule.translatedAddress = $($updatedIps.item($($Rule.translatedAddress))).ToString()

        #FW/Local Object stuff. Dealing with these complicates things, but general approach is as follows:
        # - Get any Locally scoped Services and save for recreation later. Remove from edge xml
        # - get fw config(user rules only). Remove from edge xml
        # - initial create of the edge
        # - create objects in new scope
        # - update firewall xml with new objects
        # - push firewall changes to new edge.

        #Firewall Fixups
        #The FW can potentially contain grouping objects or service objects that exist only in the edge scope. API wont let us push invalid FW config, so get user rules here and remove them:
        $UserFWRules = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $_Edge -Query "descendant::features/firewall/firewallRules/firewallRule[ruleType=`'user`']")
        if ( $UserFWRules ) {
            foreach ($rule in $UserFwRules ) {
                $null = $_Edge.features.firewall.firewallRules.RemoveChild($rule)

        # Intial Deployment
        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Performing initial creation post of new Edge XML to NSX API"

        $body = $_Edge.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges"
        Write-Progress -activity "Creating Edge Services Gateway $Name"
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        Write-progress -activity "Creating Edge Services Gateway $Name" -completed
        $edgeId = $response.Headers.Location.split("/")[$response.Headers.Location.split("/").GetUpperBound(0)]

        write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Created Edge $edgeid"

        # Post Initial Deployment fixup
        #Now we have any post deployment fixup. Things like local object (services/groups/ipsets), certificates and local object creation have to be done after the edge is created.
        #First - object creation. We use hashtables to track old -> new id mappings.

        if ( -not $LocalObjectFixups ) {
            write-warning "Local object recreation is disabled. Any edge scoped user defined firewall rules will also not be duplicated as a result."
        else {
            #Local Object fixups
            #Locally scoped objects like ipsets and services/servicegroups can exist on the edge. If FW rules and other (LB only?) config are using them, they have to be recreated.
            $LocalServices = Get-NsxService -scopeId $_Edge.id -connection $Connection | where-object { $_.scope.id -eq $_Edge.id } #getting by scope id includes inherited services from globalscope-0, we need to filter for services explicitly defined on this edge too :(
            $LocalServiceGroups = Get-NsxServiceGroup -scopeId $_Edge.id -connection $Connection | where-object { $_.scope.id -eq $_Edge.id }
            $LocalIpSets = Get-NsxIpSet -scopeId $_Edge.id -connection $Connection | where-object { $_.scope.id -eq $_Edge.id }

            $UpdatedServices = @{}
            foreach ( $Service in $LocalServices ) {

                write-warning "Recreating local service $($Service.name) on new edge."
                $NewServiceId = Invoke-NsxRestMethod -method Post -URI "/api/2.0/services/application/$edgeId" -body $Service.OuterXml -connection $Connection
                $UpdatedServices.Add($Service.objectId, $NewServiceId)

            $UpdatedServiceGroups = @{}
            foreach ( $ServiceGroup in $LocalServiceGroups ) {
                #Need to create without membership as they may contain other servicegroups not yet created, so first we create the servicegroups, then update their membership...

                #Clone the xmlelement so we can modify it
                $_ServiceGroup = $ServiceGroup.CloneNode($true)
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $_ServiceGroup -Query 'child::member') ) {
                    #If it has a membership, then remove it.
                    foreach ( $node in (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $_ServiceGroup -Query 'child::member')) {
                        $null = $_ServiceGroup.RemoveChild($node)
                write-warning "Recreating local ServiceGroup $($ServiceGroup.name) on new edge."

                $NewServiceGroupId = Invoke-NsxRestMethod -method Post -URI "/api/2.0/services/applicationgroup/$edgeId" -body $_ServiceGroup.OuterXml -connection $Connection
                $UpdatedServiceGroups.Add($_ServiceGroup.objectId, $NewServiceGroupId)

            #ServiceGroup membership
            foreach ( $ServiceGroup in $LocalServiceGroups ) {

                $SGMembers = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $ServiceGroup -Query 'child::member')
                foreach ( $member in $SGMembers ) {
                    $UpdatedMemberId = $null
                    switch ($member.objectTypeName) {
                        "ApplicationGroup" {
                            #Member is a servicegroup... lookup updated value
                            $UpdatedMemberId = $UpdatedServiceGroups.Item($member.objectId)
                        "Application" {
                            #Member is a service... lookup updated value
                            $UpdatedMemberId = $UpdatedServices.Item($member.objectId)
                        default { throw "Unknown member type for ServiceGroup: $ServiceGroup.objectId, Member : $($member.objectId), objectType : $_"}

                    #Member may not be local and so update may not be required.
                    if ( $UpdatedMemberId )    {
                        $UpdatedServiceGroupId = $($UpdatedServiceGroups.Item($($ServiceGroup.objectId)))
                        write-warning "Updating local ServiceGroup membership for ServiceGroup: $UpdatedServiceGroupId, member: $UpdatedMemberId."
                        $null = Invoke-NsxRestMethod -method put -URI "/api/2.0/services/applicationgroup/$UpdatedServiceGroupId/members/$UpdatedMemberId" -connection $Connection

            $UpdatedIpSets = @{}
            foreach ( $IpSet in $LocalIpSets ) {

                write-warning "Recreating local ipset $($ipset.name) on new edge."
                $NewIpSetId = Invoke-NsxRestMethod -method Post -URI "/api/2.0/services/ipset/$edgeId" -body $IpSet.OuterXml -connection $Connection
                $UpdatedIpSets.Add($ipSet.objectId, $NewIpSetId)


        #Now we have everything we need to readd the firewall rules with any updated local object references.
        if ( $LocalObjectFixups -and $FirewallFixups) {
            write-warning "Performing firewall fixups for any user based rules that contained local object references on $edgeid."

            if ( @($UserFwRules).count -ne 0 ) {
                #If there are userrules to process
                $UserFWXml = @($UserFWRules)[0].OwnerDocument.CreateElement("firewallRules")

                foreach ( $rule in $UserFWRules ) {
                    #For each rule - perform any local object updates required, then append it to the new edge fw rules...
                    #IPSets first.
                    $RuleGroupingObjects = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $rule -Query "child::source/groupingObjectId | child::destination/groupingObjectId")
                    foreach ($GroupingObject in $RuleGroupingObjects) {
                        if ($updatedIpSets.Item($GroupingObject."#text")) {

                            write-warning "Processing FW Rule $($rule.Name), Updating reference to local ipset $($GroupingObject."#text") to $($updatedIpSets.Item($GroupingObject."#text"))."
                            #Ipset was local and was recreated on the new edge...update the rule.
                            $GroupingObject."#text" = $updatedIpSets.Item($GroupingObject."#text")
                    #Now Services
                    $RuleServices = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $rule -Query "child::application/applicationId")
                    foreach ($Service in $RuleServices) {

                        #Might be a service...
                        if ($updatedServices.Item($Service."#text")) {

                            write-warning "Processing FW Rule $($rule.Name), Updating reference to local service $($Service."#text") to $($updatedServices.Item($Service."#text"))."
                            #Service was local service and was recreated on the new edge...update the rule.
                            $Service."#text" = $updatedServices.Item($Service."#text")

                        #... Or a Service Group
                        if ($updatedServiceGroups.Item($Service."#text")) {

                            write-warning "Processing FW Rule $($rule.Name), Updating reference to local service $($Service."#text") to $($updatedServiceGroups.Item($Service."#text"))."
                            #Service was local service group and was recreated on the new edge...update the rule.
                            $Service."#text" = $updatedServiceGroups.Item($Service."#text")

                    #In theory - the rule doesnt contain any invalid local objects now, and we can add the modified xmlnode to the element we need to send to the api for a bulk update. NEED TO TEST ORDERING!
                    $null = $UserFWXml.AppendChild($rule)

                # Rules can now be pushed at the new ege...
                write-warning "Posting updated user firewall ruleset to Edge $edgeid."
                $null = Invoke-NsxRestMethod -method post -URI "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeId/firewall/config/rules" -body $UserFWXml.OuterXml -connection $Connection

        #Re-get the edge so we can perform further fixups.

        $NewEdge = Get-NsxEdge -objectID $edgeId -connection $connection
        #Clone the NewEdge Element so we can modify without barfing up the original object (we need it for new-csr...).
        $_NewEdge = $NewEdge.CloneNode($true)

        #And Remove EdgeSummary from newedge XML...
        $edgeSummary = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_NewEdge -Query 'descendant::edgeSummary')
        if ( $edgeSummary ) {
            $null = $_NewEdge.RemoveChild($edgeSummary)

        if ( $CertFixUps ) {
            #Check for any certificates that need to be created on the new edge.
            if (($SSCertificates.count -ge 1 ) -and ( $CertFixUps ) ) {

                write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Self signed Certificates found on source Edge. Re-generating them."

                #Need an appropriate CN - either fqdn or user defined. Defaults to hostname.
                if ( $SelfSignedCertificateCN ) {
                    $CertCN = $SelfSignedCertificateCN
                else {
                    $CertCN = $HostName

                #Hashtable to store old to new mapping of cert ids.
                $UpdatedSSCerts = @{}
                foreach ( $cert in $SSCertificates ) {
                    #Recreate SS Certs on destination edge.
                    $subject = $cert.x509Certificate.subject -split ","
                    $org = ($subject | where-object { $_ -match 'O='}) -replace '^O=',''
                    $ou = ($subject | where-object { $_ -match 'OU='}) -replace '^OU=',''
                    $c = ($subject | where-object { $_ -match 'C='}) -replace '^C=',''
                    if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $cert -Query "child::description") ) {
                        $desc = $cert.description
                    else {
                        $desc = "PowerNSX Regenerated Self Signed certificate"

                    write-warning "Creating cert on new edge with CN : $CertCN, C : $c, O : $org, OU : $ou, Keysize : $($cert.x509Certificate.publicKeyLength), Algo : $($cert.x509Certificate.publicKeyAlgo), Desc : $desc, Name : $CertCN"

                    $NewCSR = $NewEdge | New-NsxEdgeCsr -CommonName $CertCN -Country $c -Organisation $org -OrganisationalUnit $ou -Keysize $cert.x509Certificate.publicKeyLength -Algorithm $cert.x509Certificate.publicKeyAlgo -Description $desc -Name $CertCN -Connection $Connection
                    $NewCert = $NewCSR | New-NsxEdgeSelfSignedCertificate -NumberOfDays $CertValidNumberOfDays -Connection $Connection
                    $UpdatedSSCerts.add($cert.objectId, $newCert.objectId)
                    write-debug "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) : Add cert mapping - Old Cert : $($cert.objectId), New Cert : $($newCert.objectId)"


                #Fixup cert references in IPSec VPN...
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_NewEdge.features.ipsec.global -Query "child::serviceCertificate") ) {
                    if ( $UpdatedSSCerts.item($_NewEdge.features.ipsec.global.serviceCertificate) ) {
                        write-warning "Fixing up cert for IpSec listener : Old Cert : $($_NewEdge.features.ipsec.global.serviceCertificate), New Cert : $($UpdatedSSCerts.item($_NewEdge.features.ipsec.global.serviceCertificate))"
                        $_NewEdge.features.ipsec.global.serviceCertificate = $UpdatedSSCerts.item($_NewEdge.features.ipsec.global.serviceCertificate)
                    else {
                        write-warning "Unable to configure valid cert for IPSec VPN Server with current invalid cert $($_NewEdge.features.ipsec.global.serviceCertificate). This may be due to the use of an externally signed certificate on the source Edge. The service will have to be manually updated."

                #LB cert Fixup
                $appProfileCerts = (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectNodes -Node $_NewEdge.features.loadBalancer.applicationProfile -Query "descendant::serviceCertificate")
                foreach ( $cert in $appProfileCerts ) {
                    $AppProfile = $cert.ParentNode.ParentNode.name
                    if ( $cert.ParentNode.ToString() -eq 'clientSsl' ) {
                        $certType = "Virtual Server Certificate"
                    else {
                        $certType = "Pool Certificate"
                    if ( $UpdatedSSCerts.item($cert."#text") ) {
                        write-warning "Fixing up cert for Load Balancer application profile $AppProfile $certType : Old Cert : $($cert."#text"), New Cert : $($UpdatedSSCerts.item($cert."#text"))"
                        $cert."#text" = $UpdatedSSCerts.item($cert."#text")
                    else {
                        write-warning "Unable to configure valid cert for Load Balancer Application Profile $AppProfile $certType with current invalid cert $($cert."#text"). This may be due to the use of an externally signed certificate on the source Edge. The application Profile will have to be manually updated."

                #SSLVPN cert Fixup
                if ( (Invoke-XPathQuery -QueryMethod SelectSingleNode -Node $_NewEdge.features.sslvpnConfig.serverSettings -Query "child::certificateId") ) {
                    if ( $UpdatedSSCerts.item($_NewEdge.features.sslvpnConfig.serverSettings.certificateId) ) {
                        write-warning "Fixing up cert for SSLVPN server : Old Cert : $($_NewEdge.features.sslvpnConfig.serverSettings.certificateId), New Cert : $($UpdatedSSCerts.item($_NewEdge.features.sslvpnConfig.serverSettings.certificateId))"
                        $_NewEdge.features.sslvpnConfig.serverSettings.certificateId = $UpdatedSSCerts.item($_NewEdge.features.sslvpnConfig.serverSettings.certificateId)
                    else {
                        write-warning "Unable to configure valid cert for SSL VPN Server with current invalid cert $($_NewEdge.features.sslvpnConfig.serverSettings.certificateId). This may be due to the use of an externally signed certificate on the source Edge. The service will have to be manually updated."

        #final update of edge config including cert fixups etc.

        $body = $_NewEdge.OuterXml
        $URI = "/api/4.0/edges/$edgeid"
        Write-Progress -activity "Updating Edge Services Gateway $Name"
        $response = invoke-nsxwebrequest -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -connection $connection
        Write-progress -activity "Updating Edge Services Gateway $Name" -completed

        #Get final updated Edge object and return to user.
        Get-NsxEdge -objectID $edgeId -connection $connection

    end {}

#Call Init function