
function Get-NixLog
        Gets log information from journalctl or syslog formatted logs.
        Gets log via journalctl produced by the journald service which is standard on all distros that use systemd.
        If the -LogFilePath parameter is used then the command uses regex to parse in the Syslog format.
        # returns all logs unfiltered from journald

        CURSOR : s=1032b59ef7f247819e0500ebe21424d3;i=19ac95;b=cab0af3b917244288fe2a15fc3b01
        REALTIME_TIMESTAMP : 1625428591945830
        MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP : 1608401821292
        BOOT_ID : <someBootID>
        MACHINE_ID : <someGuid>
        HOSTNAME : ubuntu
        SELINUX_CONTEXT : unconfined

        SYSTEMD_SLICE : system.slice
        TRANSPORT : journal
        PRIORITY : 4
        CODE_FILE : ../src/resolve/resolved-dns-transaction.c
        CODE_LINE : 1047
        CODE_FUNC : dns_transaction_process_reply
        SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER : systemd-resolved
        MESSAGE : Server returned error NXDOMAIN, mitigating potential DNS violation
                                    DVE-2018-0001, retrying transaction with reduced feature level UDP.
        PID : 899
        UID : 101
        GID : 103
        COMM : systemd-resolve
        EXE : /lib/systemd/systemd-resolved
        CMDLINE : /lib/systemd/systemd-resolved
        CAP_EFFECTIVE : 0
        SYSTEMD_CGROUP : /system.slice/systemd-resolved.service
        SYSTEMD_UNIT : systemd-resolved.service
        SYSTEMD_INVOCATION_ID : <someSystemD_ID>
        SOURCE_REALTIME_TIMESTAMP : 1625428591945762

        # Returns logs from the /var/log/syslog in the following format
        Get-NixLog -LogFilePath /var/log/syslog

        DATE : Jun 20 19:56:14
        HOSTNAME : ubuntu
        PROCESS : powershell
        PID : 16195
        MESSAGE : {(7.1.3:1:80)
                [Perftrack_ConsoleStartupStart:PowershellConsoleStartup.WinStart.Informational] PowerShell
                console is starting up, }
        # Uses native journalctl filtering to limit logs to a specifc time and priority
        # Like other PowerShell commands filtering on the cmdlet is faster than filtering later in the pipeline
        Get-NixLog -After "2021-06-21 00:00:00" -Priority err,warning | select -first 10

        # Group all logs in the current syslog file by minute
        Get-NixLog -LogFilePath '/var/log/syslog' | Group-Object {$}


    [OutputType([Nullable], [string])]
    # The path to the logfile read by.
            #Faster method for Resolve-Path
            $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath($PSItem) -as [bool]

    # A Time based filter for logs before a date. Example timestamp is "2020-04-08 17:12:00"
    # Could also be yesterday, today, tomorrow
    # [datetime]::now.ToString('s').Replace('T',' ')

    # A Time based filter for logs after a date. Example timestamp is "2020-04-08 17:12:00"
    # Could also be yesterday, today, tomorrow
    # [datetime]::now.ToString('s').Replace('T',' ')

    # Explicitly require logs in UTC

    # Request only kernel logs like dmesg

    # Offset number of the boot logs to look at. 0 is current boot, -1 is previous, etc.

    # Number of lines to show

    # The specific syslog identifier you are looking at filtering. Can provided multiple identifiers

    # The specific Systemd unit you are looking at filtering. Can provided multiple units

    # The priority of the logs you want to retrieve.
    # "emerg" (0), "alert" (1), "crit" (2), "err" (3), "warning" (4), "notice" (5), "info" (6), "debug" (7).

        # Contains patterns to identify the logging type
        # Name captures will be declared as variables
        # for example (?<hostname>\w+) will populate hostname
        $logPatterns = [ordered]@{
            Syslog = '(?<date>^\w.+:\d{2})\s(?<hostname>[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s(?<process>.+?:)\s(?<message>.*)'
        # Contains the script blocks to handle a given log type
        $logReaders = [ordered]@{
            Syslog = {  #Match a pid for the format [<number>] and assign it to the group process_pid
                        $process_pid = if($process -match '(?<process_pid>(?<=\[)(?>.+\d)(?=\]))' ){$matches.process_pid -as [int]} else{$null}
                        #Match a process until a [ or :
                        $process_name = if($process -match '(?<process_name>^.+\w(?=\[|:))'){$matches.process_name}
                            PsTypeName = "PowerNix.Log.Syslog"
                            DATE =  [datetime]::ParseExact($date, "MMM dd HH:mm:ss", [CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)
                            HOSTNAME = $hostname
                            PROCESS = $process_name
                            PID = $process_pid
                            MESSAGE = $message
    process {
        if($LogFilePath) {
            $isfirstline = $true
            $logReader = ''
            $LogFileContent = Get-Content -Path $LogFilePath
            $LogFileContent |
            & { process {
                if($isfirstline) {
                    $isfirstline = $false
                    # look through each log file pattern
                    foreach ($kv in $logPatterns.GetEnumerator()){
                        # if the pattern matches select the log type
                        if( $PSItem -match $kv.Value ) {
                            $logReader = $kv.Key
                    if (-not $logReader) {
                        Write-Error -Message "Unable to parse log" -TargetObject $LogFilePath

                if (-not $logPatterns[$logReader] -or -not $logReaders[$logReader]){

                foreach ($match in [regex]::Matches($PSItem, $logPatterns[$logReader]) ){
                    foreach ($group in $match.groups){
                        $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Set($, $group.value)
                    & $logReaders[$logReader]
            } }
        } else {
            # check that the system is using systemd
            if (-not (pidof systemd)) {
                Write-Error "Systemd not detected must use -LogFilePath" -ErrorId File.Missing
            $journalArgs = @('-r','-o','json'
            if($Identifier){foreach($i in $Identifier){"-t","$i"}}
            if($Unit){foreach($u in $Unit){"-u","$u"}}
                if ($Priority.Count -gt 1)
                } else
            )#end of the array
            # Invoking journalctl with arguements from parameters.
            $results = journalctl @journalArgs
            convertfrom-json -InputObject $results |
            & {
                process {
                    $journalcltLogs = [Ordered]@{PSTypeName='PowerNix.Logs'} # create a dictionary to hold logs.
                    foreach($v in $ {
                        $name = $($ -replace '^_{1,2}') # Removing all leading underscores
                        $value = $v.value
                        $journalcltLogs[$name] = $value