
function Resolve-PanTagColor {
   Resolve PAN-OS tag friendly and raw color values
   Resolve PAN-OS tag friendly and raw color values
   String or System.Collections.Hashtable
   PS> Resolve-PanTagColor "green","color3"
   Will return an two strings, the first "color2" and the second "blue"
   PS> Resolve-PanTagColor
   When called with no arguments, returns the entire internal hashtable for mapping friendly names to API values and reverse.
   Hashtable is returned without modification, reflecting how it is retrieved from memory (NOT sorted alphanumerically).

         HelpMessage='Color(s) to resolve')]
      [String[]] $Name

   Begin {
      # Propagate -Debug and -Verbose to this module function,
      if($PSBoundParameters.Debug) { $DebugPreference = 'Continue' }
      if($PSBoundParameters.Verbose) { $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' }
      # Announce
      Write-Debug ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name + ':')

      # Initialize PanDeviceDb

      # Using basic array index would be nice, but since the final intent is to convert back and forth for use with PAN-OS API,
      # being able to resolve string literals back and forth is required
      $PanTagColorMap = @{
         'color1' = 'red'; 'red' = 'color1';
         'color2' = 'green'; 'green' = 'color2';
         'color3' = 'blue'; 'blue' = 'color3';
         'color4' = 'yellow'; 'yellow' = 'color4';
         'color5' = 'copper'; 'copper' = 'color5';
         'color6' = 'orange'; 'orange' = 'color6';
         'color7' = 'purple'; 'purple' = 'color7';
         'color8' = 'gray'; 'gray' = 'color8';
         'color9' = 'light-green'; 'light-green' = 'color9';
         'color10' = 'cyan'; 'cyan' = 'color10';
         'color11' = 'light-gray'; 'light-gray' = 'color11';
         'color12' = 'blue-gray'; 'blue-gray' = 'color12';
         'color13' = 'lime'; 'lime' = 'color13';
         'color14' = 'black'; 'black' = 'color14';
         'color15' = 'gold'; 'gold' = 'color15';
         'color16' = 'brown'; 'brown' = 'color16';
         'color17' = 'olive'; 'olive' = 'color17';
         # color18 is not valid keyword
         'color19' = 'maroon'; 'maroon' = 'color19';
         'color20' = 'red-orange'; 'red-orange' = 'color20';
         'color21' = 'yellow-orange'; 'yellow-orange' = 'color21';
         'color22' = 'forest-green'; 'forest-green' = 'color22';
         'color23' = 'turquoise-blue'; 'turquoise-blue' = 'color23';
         'color24' = 'azure-blue'; 'azure-blue' = 'color24';
         'color25' = 'cerulean-blue'; 'cerulean-blue' = 'color25';
         'color26' = 'midnight-blue'; 'midnight-blue' = 'color26';
         'color27' = 'medium-blue'; 'medium-blue' = 'color27';
         'color28' = 'cobalt-blue'; 'cobalt-blue' = 'color28';
         'color29' = 'violet-blue'; 'violet-blue' = 'color29';
         'color30' = 'blue-violet'; 'blue-violet' = 'color30';
         'color31' = 'medium-violet'; 'medium-violet' = 'color31';
         'color32' = 'medium-rose'; 'medium-rose' = 'color32';
         'color33' = 'lavender'; 'lavender' = 'color33';
         'color34' = 'orchid'; 'orchid' = 'color34';
         'color35' = 'thistle'; 'thistle' = 'color35';
         'color36' = 'peach'; 'peach' = 'color36';
         'color37' = 'salmon'; 'salmon' = 'color37';
         'color38' = 'magenta'; 'magenta' = 'color38';
         'color39' = 'red-violet'; 'red-violet' = 'color39';
         'color40' = 'mahogany'; 'mahogany' = 'color40';
         'color41' = 'burnt-sienna'; 'burnt-sienna' = 'color41';
         'color42' = 'chestnut'; 'chestnut' = 'color42'
   } # Begin Block

   Process {
      if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Empty') {
         return $PanTagColorMap
      elseif($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Filter') {
         foreach($NameCur in $PSBoundParameters['Name']) {
            if($PanTagColorMap.Contains($NameCur)) {
   } # Process block
   End {
   } # End block
} # Function